
 The self-extracting archive in this subdirectory contains the current con-
 troller software. Please copy the file onto your computer and execute it.

 The subdirectory .\DISK will be created.  It contains all files required for
 the installation.  Please install the controller software using the instal-
 lation procedure provided by your specific operating system and refer to
 the readme file. If you want to regain space on your hard disk, delete
 the archive and the subdirectory after the installation.

 The archive contains controller software for

 Controller:             AVM ISDN-Controller B1
 Operating system:       Windows 3.xx
 Version        :        03.09.10
 Build          :        01.04.20

 This software for MS-DOS / Windows 3.x has reached the "End of
 maitenance state (EOM) and will be not longer supported by AVM (End
 of support state - EOS).