
  The self-extracting archive in this subdirectory contains the current con-
 troller software. Please copy the file onto your computer and execute it.

 Please execute the selfextracting archive. The installation program for the 
 controller software will be started automatically and the update begins. The 
 files of the self-extracting archive are copied automatically to the subdirectory
 \programs\AVM_update\<controller name> ... on your hard disk. 
 If you want to regain space on your hard disk, delete the archive and the 
 subdirectory after the installation.

 The archive contains controller software for

 Controller:        AVM ISDN-Controller B1, B1 PCI, B1 PCI v4.0, B1 PCMCIA, B1 USB
 Operating system:  Windows 98 / Me
 Version:           03.11.03
 Build:             04.03.29
 New Features:      - Bugfix for 1TR6