
The self-extracting archive in this subdirectory contains the current con-
troller software. Please copy the file onto your computer and execute it.

The subdirectory .\DISK will be created.  It contains all files required for
the installation.  Please install the controller software using the instal-
lation procedure provided by your specific operating system and refer to
the readme file. If you want to regain space on your hard disk, delete
the archive and the subdirectory after the installation.

The archive contains controller software for

Controller:	AVM Mobile ISDN-Controller M1
Operating System:	MS-DOS
Version:		03.07-01 (GSM S10)
			03.02-06e (GSM S4)
Build:		99.05.31

Please check further references to product and installation in the manual or in the 
online help (Readme.txt) on the CD.

References to the driver-version:

Changes respect to earlier versions:

1. GSM S10: New CRC mechanism in ISO3309. This allows Internet access via 
protocol PPP over ISDN. An Internet access to e.g. Cisco oder Ascend Routers
is possible if the protocol V.110 is supported. Remote Access Clients like 
AVM NetWAYS/ISDN based on Mobile ISDN driver software are now able to 
communicate via PPP oder ISDN.
2. GSM S10: fax transfer down to 2400 Baud 
3. ISDN: New CRC mechanism in ISO3309. Data reception with CAPI applications,
that fall back on the protocols X.75 or HDLC transparent with automatic CRC 
recognition and transmission with configurable CRC.
4. ISDN: Extension of the protocol stack because of the call number length,
automatic overlapped sending at numbers > 25 length. New telephone provider 
possibly generate longer numbers because of the net code.
5. ISDN: Special protocol 'FritzServer' autodetection X.25/X.75 inserted 
(for IDTrans/EFT server mode). Supports new FRITZ!data funktions 
at server mode.
6. ISDN: In case of outgoing data-calls to GSM (M1, M2 or FRITZ!GSM) with 
CAPI-aplications that fall back upon the protocols X.75 or HDLC transparent 
(e.g. FRITZ!data) a `m` or `M` has to be added to the call string.

