The file "*recover-image.exe" in this directory contains a recovery 
 program for the stated FRITZ!Box. The program is for the exclusive purpose of 
 recovering the type of FRITZ!Box product variation indicated in the file name. 
 It may under no circumstances be run with a FRITZ!Box of another type. 
 Recover is not necessary for normal operation and should only be used when 
 explicitly recommended by AVM Support!

 © AVM GmbH 2021. All rights reserved. 

 This firmware package consists of files which are distributed under different 
 license terms, in particular under AVM proprietary license or under any Open 
 Source License (namely GNU General Public License, GNU Lesser General Public 
 License or FreeBSD License). For further details see file "license.txt" 
 ( The source
 code of those files distributed as Open Source are available on written request 

 Under all AVM intellectual property rights, AVM grants the non-exclusive right 
 to personally use this AVM firmware package which is delivered in object code 
 format only. Licensee shall olny be entitled to make a copy exclusively reserved 
 for personal backup purposes (backup copy). AVM reserves all intellectual 
 property rights except as expressly granted herein. Without the prior written 
 approval of AVM and except to the extent as may be expressly authorised under 
 mandatory law, this AVM firmware package in particular

 - shall not be copied, distributed or otherwise made publicly available
 - shall not be modified, disassembled, reverse engineered, decompiled or 
   otherwise "be opened" in whole or in part, and insofar shall not be copied, 
   distributed or otherwise made publicly available.