-- Copyright 1996 by Allied Telesyn International, Inc. -- -- Name : ATSWITCH.MIB -- Version : 2.8 -- Description : Private MIB for ATI Switch (AT4016, AT3690, ATTS95). -- : This MIB will be used in Windows and UNIX Environment. -- History : -- -- 01-19-96 - Create. ATSWITCH-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS enterprises,Counter,IpAddress FROM RFC1155-SMI DisplayString FROM RFC1213-MIB TRAP-TYPE FROM RFC-1215 OBJECT-TYPE FROM RFC-1212; -- -- General Definitions -- MacAddress ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE (6)) -- a 6 octet address -- group OBJECT IDENTIFIERs -- atiproduct is the branch for SNMP OID purpose. alliedTelesyn OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { enterprises 207 } atiProduct OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { alliedTelesyn 1 } mibObject OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { alliedTelesyn 8 } switchHub OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { atiProduct 4 } switchMib OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mibObject 5 } -- Each Group supported by this mib. swtchSysGroup OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { switchMib 1} swtchCfgGroup OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { switchMib 2} swtchPortConfigGroup OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { switchMib 3} swtchElanConfigGroup OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { switchMib 4} swtchEthernetStatsGroup OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { switchMib 5} swtchEthPortStatsGroup OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { switchMib 6} swtchAtmMonStatsGroup OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { switchMib 7} swtchAtmErrStatsGroup OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { switchMib 8} swtchVciGroup OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { switchMib 9} swtchFwdElanGroup OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { switchMib 11} -- swtchTrapsGroup OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { switchMib 9} swtchAtmAddrGroup OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { switchMib 12} -- -- swtchSysGroup Entry -- -- This Group is mandatory for all ATI Switches. -- Different groups are defined like Reset,Type (8 port,16 port,24 ports), -- H/W,S/W,IP,SNMP. swtchProductType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { atmPort(1), fastEthernet-2Ports(2) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION " The switch product type based on whether the switch has one of the following uplinks ports: 1. ATM Uplink 2. 2 Fast Ethernet Ports. This Object will differenciate between TS90 with two fast Ethernet Ports and AT-TS95/AT-4016 which has ATM Uplink Port. " ::= { swtchSysGroup 1 } swtchEthernetPortCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { ports-8(1), ports-16(2), ports-24(3) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION " This object will return the number of 10 Mbps Ethernet ports on the switch. " ::= { swtchSysGroup 2 } swtchReset OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { switch-no-reset (1), switch-reset (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION " Setting this object to 'switch-reset' will cause the switch to perform a hardware reset within approximately 4-6 seconds. Setting this object to 'switch-no-reset will have no effect. The value 'no-reset' will be returned whenever this object is retrieved. " ::= { swtchSysGroup 3 } swtchHwGroup OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {swtchSysGroup 4} swtchSwGroup OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {swtchSysGroup 5} swtchIpGroup OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {swtchSysGroup 6} swtchNMGroup OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {swtchSysGroup 7} -- swtchHwGroup object deals with different HW parameters like ROM size, RAM size -- size of the code etc. swtchHwProduct OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE(0..255)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "String containing the hardware product information. " ::= { swtchHwGroup 1 } swtchRAMSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Amount of DRAM in KBytes present on the switch hardware. " ::= { swtchHwGroup 2 } swtchNVRAMSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Amount of Non-Volatile RAM in KBytes present on the switch hardware. " ::= { swtchHwGroup 3 } swtchROMSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Amount of EPROM/FLASH ROM in KBytes present on the switch hardware. " ::= { swtchHwGroup 4 } swtchPROMRev OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE(0..255)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "String containing the revision information about boot-strap program in the PROM. " ::= { swtchHwGroup 5 } --The software infomation group provides details about the size --of the image software and , the release and version of the present --software. --swtchSwGroup OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { swtchSysGroup 4 } swtchSwProduct OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE(0..255)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Identifies the software product the device is running. (i.e. AT-S6)." ::= { swtchSwGroup 1 } swtchSwVersion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE(0..255)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION " Identifies the version number of the present release. " ::= { swtchSwGroup 2 } -- The Ip Group -- -- The Ip Sys group contains IP Address which is current and configured IP -- address which gets effective when reset. Also, subnet mask and Default -- Gateway address. -- swtchCurrentIpAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION " The Current IP address is the one which is currently used and is present in the non-volatile memory.If a new IP address is configured through SNMP or menu, it becomes effect only after a reset. " ::= { swtchIpGroup 1 } swtchConfiguredIpAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION " The Configured IP address of the device which becomes effective only after a reset." ::= { swtchIpGroup 2 } swtchConfiguredSubnetMask OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION " The Configured Subnet Mask of the device which becomes effective only after a reset." ::= { swtchIpGroup 3 } swtchConfiguredRouter OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION " The Configured Gateway/Router address of the device which becomes effective only after a reset." ::= { swtchIpGroup 4 } -- -- SNMP NetManagemnt related MIB object -- swtchNwMgrTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SwtchNwMgrEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION " A list of SNMP Trap Manager stations Entries. The number of entries is given by the switchNwMgrTotal mib object. " ::= { swtchNMGroup 1 } swtchNwMgrEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SwtchNwMgrEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION " An Trap receipt Manager Entry containing ipaddress of the configured NMS's to which Traps are sent. " INDEX { swtchNwMgrIndex } ::= { swtchNwMgrTable 1 } SwtchNwMgrEntry ::= SEQUENCE { swtchNwMgrIndex INTEGER, swtchNwMgrIpAddr IpAddress } swtchNwMgrIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..4) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION " The Index of the Managers Ip address. " ::= { swtchNwMgrEntry 1 } swtchNwMgrIpAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION " The IP Address of the NMS host configured. " ::= { swtchNwMgrEntry 2 } -- Switch config Group is just for the Ethernet and ATM part of Switch config. -- The Port Config and Elan Config comes next. -- swtchCfgGroup OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { swtchMib 2} swtchEthernetConfig OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { swtchCfgGroup 1 } swtchAtmConfig OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { swtchCfgGroup 2 } -- -- atiEthernetConfig: -- This subgroup contains ethernet related configurable parameters -- swtchSwitchingType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { store-and-forward(1), cut-through(2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This attribute describes whether the unit uses store-and-forward bridging for locally switched Ethernet packets or cut-through." ::= { swtchEthernetConfig 1 } swtchLedConfig OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { collisions(1), transmission(2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This object is used to configure amber LED, whether it represents collisions or transmit packets." ::= { swtchEthernetConfig 2 } -- -- swtchAtmConfig: -- This subgroup contains ATM related configurable parameters -- swtchSignalling OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { uni3dot0(1), uni3dot1(2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This Object is specific to the product with ATM Uplink Port. This attribute determines which version of UNI Signalling to use." ::= { swtchAtmConfig 1 } swtchAtmFraming OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { sonet(1), sdh(2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION " This Object is specific to the product with ATM Uplink Port. This attribute determines which framing type to use for the ATM fiber connection." ::= { swtchAtmConfig 2 } swtchClockType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { internal(1), external(2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This attribute determines the type of clocking. If internal, the switch will use its own oscillator to provide clocking for transmitted data. For external clocking, the clock is derived from the other device." ::= { swtchAtmConfig 3 } swtchTransmitterIdle OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unassignedCells(1), idleCells(2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION " This Object is specific to the product with ATM Uplink Port. This attribute determines whether unassigned cells or idle cells are used in idle frames." ::= { swtchAtmConfig 4 } swtchAtmAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..20)) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION " This Object is specific to the product with ATM Uplink Port. This attribute is used for PVC configuration only. This 20 digit string is used to identify the unit in the PVC mesh environment. This parameter is unused in SVC environment as the ATM address is derived through the use of ILMI." ::= { swtchAtmConfig 5 } swtchVpiUsed OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..65535) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION " This Object is specific to the product with ATM Uplink Port. This attribute specifies the VPI used in this unit. This option is only used in the PVC configuration as the VPI is determined via ILMI in the SVC configuration." ::= { swtchAtmConfig 6 } -- -- SwitchPortConfigGroup: -- This subgroup contains basic port configurable parameters -- swtchPortTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SwtchPortEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Table of basic port configuration information." ::= { swtchPortConfigGroup 1 } swtchPortEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SwtchPortEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "An entry in the port config table." INDEX { swtchPortNumber } ::= { swtchPortTable 1 } SwtchPortEntry ::= SEQUENCE { swtchPortNumber INTEGER, swtchPortName DisplayString, swtchPortInterfaceAutosense INTEGER, swtchPortLinkState INTEGER, swtchPortPolarity INTEGER, swtchPortDisable INTEGER, swtchPortSTPConfig INTEGER, swtchPortBridgeid INTEGER, swtchPortSTPCost INTEGER, swtchPortSTPPriority INTEGER } swtchPortNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..17) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This object identifies the port of the switch." ::= { swtchPortEntry 1 } swtchPortName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..20)) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This attribute associates a user defined string name with the port." ::= { swtchPortEntry 2 } swtchPortInterfaceAutosense OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { frontPanel(1), backplane(2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This attribute allows an administrative request to configure whether this port uses front panel interface (if link online) or backplane interface (if slot occupied)." ::= { swtchPortEntry 3 } swtchPortLinkState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { online(1), offline(2) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This attribute allows an administrative request to read the status of link state on this port." ::= { swtchPortEntry 4 } swtchPortPolarity OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { normal(1), reversed(2) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This attribute allows an administrative request to read the polarity status on this port." ::= { swtchPortEntry 5 } swtchPortDisable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { enabled(1), disabled(2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This attribute allows an administrative request to disable or enable communications on this port." ::= { swtchPortEntry 6 } swtchPortSTPConfig OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { enable (1), disable (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This attribute allows a bridging Mode to be configured with either Spanning Tree enabled or disabled. When Spanning tree is enabled, make sure that this port is belonging to a valid Bridge_id. Spanning Tree is enabled only when a valid Bridge_id is set. " ::= { swtchPortEntry 7} swtchPortBridgeid OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..64) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION " The Bridge to which this port belongs to . " ::= { swtchPortEntry 8 } swtchPortSTPCost OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..65535) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION " The Cost of the Spanning Tree Protocol.This object is valid only when STP is enabled. " ::= { swtchPortEntry 9 } swtchPortSTPPriority OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..255) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION " The Priority of the spanning Tree Protocol. This object is valid when STP is enabled. " ::= { swtchPortEntry 10 } swtchPortAConnector OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { use-mii(1), use-100base-tx(2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This object only applies to Port A. This attribute allows an administrative request to to configure which connector to use on port A." ::= { swtchPortConfigGroup 2 } swtchPortADuplexMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { fullDuplex(1), halfDuplex(2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This attribute allows an administrative request to configure the Duplex mode for port A." ::= { swtchPortConfigGroup 3 } swtchPortBDuplexMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { fullDuplex(1), halfDuplex(2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This attribute allows an administrative request to configure the Duplex mode for port B." ::= { swtchPortConfigGroup 4 } -- SwitchElanConfigGroup: -- This subgroup contains ELAN configurable parameters -- swtchElanConfigGroup OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { switchMib 4} -- swtchBasicElanTable: -- This table defines the valid Emulated LANs. -- Only for AT-S6 and AT-S7. swtchBasicElanTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SwtchBasicElanEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Table of Emulated LAN configured." ::= { swtchElanConfigGroup 1 } swtchBasicElanEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SwtchBasicElanEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "An entry in the table, containing ELAN information." INDEX { swtchBeElanId } ::= { swtchBasicElanTable 1 } SwtchBasicElanEntry ::= SEQUENCE { swtchBeElanId INTEGER, swtchBeElanName DisplayString, swtchBeElanStatus INTEGER } swtchBeElanId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..64) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This object identifies the ELAN." ::= { swtchBasicElanEntry 1 } swtchBeElanName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..20)) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This attribute associates a user defined string with the Emulated LAN. To configure a new ELAN, do 'set' operation on this object with the ELAN name. To delete an ELAN, do 'set' operation with string '*'." ::= { swtchBasicElanEntry 2 } swtchBeElanStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { idle(1), configSetup(2), configure(3), lesSetup(4), joining(5), joining1(6), setupBus(7), leArpBus(8), setupBus1(9), operationalLec(10), other(11) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This object identifies the ELAN Status as defined in the LE Spec." ::= { swtchBasicElanEntry 3 } --swtchBeElanLECSATMAddress OBJECT-TYPE -- SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (20)) -- ACCESS read-only -- STATUS mandatory -- DESCRIPTION -- " The ATM Address of the LECS . -- " -- ::= { swtchBasicElanEntry 4 } -- --swtchBeElanLESATMAddress OBJECT-TYPE -- SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (20)) -- ACCESS read-only -- STATUS mandatory -- DESCRIPTION -- " The ATM Address of the LES for which this Elan belongs to. -- " -- ::= { swtchBasicElanEntry 5 } -- -- swtchBeElanBUSATMAddress OBJECT-TYPE -- SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (20)) -- ACCESS read-only -- STATUS mandatory -- DESCRIPTION -- " The ATM Address of the BUS for Broadcasting through LECS. -- " -- ::= { swtchBasicElanEntry 6 } -- --swtchBeElanLESOutBoundVci OBJECT-TYPE -- SYNTAX INTEGER (1..1024) -- ACCESS read-only -- STATUS mandatory -- DESCRIPTION -- "This object identifies the OutBound Vci from LEC to LES." -- ::= { swtchBasicElanEntry 7 } --swtchBeElanLESInBoundVci OBJECT-TYPE -- SYNTAX INTEGER (1..1024) -- ACCESS read-only -- STATUS mandatory -- DESCRIPTION -- "This object identifies the InBound Vci from LES to LEC." -- ::= { swtchBasicElanEntry 8 } --swtchBeElanBUSOutBoundVci OBJECT-TYPE -- SYNTAX INTEGER (1..1024) -- ACCESS read-only -- STATUS mandatory -- DESCRIPTION -- "This object identifies the OutBound Vci from LEC to BUS." -- ::= { swtchBasicElanEntry 9 } --swtchBeElanBUSInBoundVci OBJECT-TYPE -- SYNTAX INTEGER (1..1024) -- ACCESS read-only -- STATUS mandatory -- DESCRIPTION -- "This object identifies the InBound Vci from BUS to LEC." -- ::= { swtchBasicElanEntry 10 } -- swtchPortElanTable: -- This table defines which ports belong to which Elan swtchPort2ElanTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SwtchPort2ElanEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Table of per port Emulated LAN configuration." ::= { swtchElanConfigGroup 2 } swtchPort2ElanEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SwtchPort2ElanEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "An entry in the table, containing per port ELAN information." INDEX { swtchPePortNumber } ::= { swtchPort2ElanTable 1 } SwtchPort2ElanEntry ::= SEQUENCE { swtchPePortNumber INTEGER, swtchPeElanId INTEGER, swtchPeElanName DisplayString, swtchPeMembershipType INTEGER } swtchPePortNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..17) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This object identifies the port on the switch." ::= { swtchPort2ElanEntry 1 } swtchPeElanId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..64) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This object identifies the ELAN. This is the same as the swtchElanId in the swtchBasicElanTable." ::= { swtchPort2ElanEntry 2 } swtchPeElanName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..20)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This attribute associates a user defined string with the Emulated LAN." ::= { swtchPort2ElanEntry 3 } swtchPeMembershipType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { fixedElan(1), macAddr(2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This object configures how the port determines MAC address to ELAN resolution, whether it is 'Hard'/fixed port to ELAN, or based on MAC address database lookup." ::= { swtchPort2ElanEntry 4 } -- swtchMAC2ElanTable: -- This table displays information about MAC Addresses in -- an ELAN. Only for AT-S6 and AT-S7. swtchMAC2ElanTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SwtchMAC2ElanEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Table of MAC addresses and their associated ELANs." ::= { swtchElanConfigGroup 3 } swtchMAC2ElanEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SwtchMAC2ElanEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "An entry in the table, containing MAC Addr information." INDEX { swtchMeMACAddress } ::= { swtchMAC2ElanTable 1 } SwtchMAC2ElanEntry ::= SEQUENCE { swtchMeMACAddress MacAddress, swtchMeElanId INTEGER } swtchMeMACAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MacAddress ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This object identifies the MAC Address associated with this entry." ::= { swtchMAC2ElanEntry 1 } swtchMeElanId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..64) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This object identifies the ELAN number associated with the swtchMeMACAddress. To delete an entry in the table, set this object to 0. A valid ELAN number is between 1 - 64." ::= { swtchMAC2ElanEntry 2 } -- Ethernet Monitor Group. -- -- The Monitor group contains statistics measured by the -- concentator for each port. These statistics take the form -- of free running counters that start from zero. -- -- swtchEthStatsGroup OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { switchMib 5} -- swtchEthMonStats OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { swtchEthernetStatsGroup 1} swtchEthErrorStats OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { swtchEthernetStatsGroup 2} swtchEthMonRxGoodBytes OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION " The total number of Bytes from good packets received on this port. " ::= { swtchEthMonStats 1 } --swtchEthMonRxTotalBytes OBJECT-TYPE ---SYNTAX Counter -- ACCESS read-only ---STATUS mandatory -- DESCRIPTION " -- The total number of Bytes received on this port. --- " ---::= { swtchEthMonStats 2 } */ swtchEthMonRxBytesFiltered OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION " The total number of Bytes received that were filtered by the switch. " ::= { swtchEthMonStats 2 } swtchEthMonRxBytesForward OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION " The total number of Bytes received from the port that were forwarded by the switch. " ::= { swtchEthMonStats 3 } swtchEthMonRxBytesBroadcast OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION " The total number of bytes received from the port that were in broadcast packets. " ::= { swtchEthMonStats 4 } swtchEthMonTxTotalBytes OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION " The total number of Bytes transmited to this port. " ::= { swtchEthMonStats 5 } swtchEthMonTxDeferred OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION " The total number of frames transfered to the port that were defered. " ::= { swtchEthMonStats 6 } swtchEthMonTxCollisions OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION " The total number of collisions when the switch try to transfer frames to the port. " ::= { swtchEthMonStats 7 } swtchFrames64to127bytes OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The sum total number of readable frames received on all ports, where the frame length was in the range 64 through 127 octets." ::= { swtchEthMonStats 8 } swtchFrames128to255bytes OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The sum total number of readable frames received on all ports, where the frame length was in the range 128 through 255 octets." ::= { swtchEthMonStats 9 } swtchFrames256to511bytes OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The sum total number of readable frames received on all ports, where the frame length was in the range 256 through 511 octets." ::= { swtchEthMonStats 10 } swtchFrames512to1023bytes OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The sum total number of readable frames received on all ports, where the frame length was in the range 512 through 1023 octets." ::= { swtchEthMonStats 11 } swtchFrames1024to1518bytes OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The sum total number of readable frames received on all ports, where the frame length was in the range 1024 through 1518 octets." ::= { swtchEthMonStats 12 } -- -- The Ethernet Error Statistics -- -- The Ethernet Error Statistics group contains certain errors -- measured by the switch. These statistics take the form of -- free running counters that start from zero. -- swtchEthErrorCRC OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION " The total number of CRC errors on received packets. " ::= { swtchEthErrorStats 1 } swtchEthErrorAlignment OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION " The total number of packets received that has alignment errors " ::= { swtchEthErrorStats 2 } swtchEthErrorRxBuffer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION " The counter is incremented when a buffer error is detected on this port. The buffer error indicates that the switch can not allocate a buffer for the packet, or there is read/write error from/into the buffer. " ::= { swtchEthErrorStats 3 } swtchEthErrorRxBadFrames OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION " The counter is incremented when a bad frame was received. " ::= { swtchEthErrorStats 4 } swtchEthErrorLateCollisions OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION " This object counts the number of times the collison was detected in the port. " ::= { swtchEthErrorStats 5 } swtchEthErrorTxAborts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION " This object counts the number of times the send operation was aborted in the port. " ::= { swtchEthErrorStats 6 } swtchEthErrorTxCRLost OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION " This object counts the number of times the carrier sense had been lost in the port. " ::= { swtchEthErrorStats 7 } swtchEthErrorTxBuffer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION " This object counts the number of times that there were buffer error during send operations. " ::= { swtchEthErrorStats 8 } swtchEthErrorTxTotal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION " Total number of error resulted from transfer operations. " ::= { swtchEthErrorStats 9 } -- swtchEthPortStatsGroup OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { switchMib 6} swtchEthPortMonStats OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { swtchEthPortStatsGroup 1} swtchEthPortError OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { swtchEthPortStatsGroup 2} -- Ethernet Port Monitor Group. -- -- The Monitor Port group contains statistics measured by the -- concentator for each port. These statistics take the form -- of free running counters that start from zero. -- -- swtchEthPortMonTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SwtchEthPortMonEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION " A list of statistics entries." ::= { swtchEthPortMonStats 1 } swtchEthPortMonEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SwtchEthPortMonEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION " A collection of statistics kept for a particular port. " INDEX {swtchEthPortMonId } ::= { swtchEthPortMonTable 1 } SwtchEthPortMonEntry ::= SEQUENCE { swtchEthPortMonId INTEGER (1..16), swtchEthPortMonRxGoodBytes Counter, swtchEthPortMonRxBytesFiltered Counter, swtchEthPortMonRxBytesForward Counter, swtchEthPortMonRxBytesBroadcast Counter, swtchEthPortMonTxTotalBytes Counter, swtchPortFrames64to127bytes Counter, swtchPortFrames128to255bytes Counter, swtchPortFrames256to511bytes Counter, swtchPortFrames512to1023bytes Counter, swtchPortFrames1024to1518bytes Counter } swtchEthPortMonId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..16) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION " The relative position of a port within a switch starting with 1. " ::= { swtchEthPortMonEntry 1 } swtchEthPortMonRxGoodBytes OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION " The total number of bytes received by the port that were in good frames ( error free ). " ::= { swtchEthPortMonEntry 2 } swtchEthPortMonRxBytesFiltered OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION " The total number of bytes received from the port that were filtered by the switch. " ::= { swtchEthPortMonEntry 3 } swtchEthPortMonRxBytesForward OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION " The total number of bytes received from the port that were forwarded by the switch. " ::= { swtchEthPortMonEntry 4 } swtchEthPortMonRxBytesBroadcast OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION " The total number of bytes received from the port that were in broadcast packets. " ::= { swtchEthPortMonEntry 5 } swtchEthPortMonTxTotalBytes OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION " The total number of Bytes transmited to this port. " ::= { swtchEthPortMonEntry 6 } swtchPortFrames64to127bytes OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of readable frames received on this port where the frame length was in the range 64 through 127 octets." ::= { swtchEthPortMonEntry 7 } swtchPortFrames128to255bytes OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of readable frames received on this port where the frame length was in the range 128 through 255 octets." ::= { swtchEthPortMonEntry 8 } swtchPortFrames256to511bytes OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of readable frames received on this port where the frame length was in the range 256 through 511 octets." ::= { swtchEthPortMonEntry 9 } swtchPortFrames512to1023bytes OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of readable frames received on this port where the frame length was in the range 512 through 1023 octets." ::= { swtchEthPortMonEntry 10 } swtchPortFrames1024to1518bytes OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of readable frames received on this port where the frame length was in the range 1024 through 1518 octets." ::= { swtchEthPortMonEntry 11 } -- Ethernet Port Error Group. -- -- The Error Port Error group contains statistics -- measured by the concentator for each port. These statistics -- take the form of free running counters that start from zero. -- -- swtchEthPortErrorTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SwtchEthPortErrorEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION " A list of statistics entries." ::= { swtchEthPortError 1 } swtchEthPortErrorEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SwtchEthPortErrorEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION " A collection of statistics kept for a particular port. " INDEX {swtchEthPortErrorId } ::= { swtchEthPortErrorTable 1 } SwtchEthPortErrorEntry ::= SEQUENCE { swtchEthPortErrorId INTEGER (1..16), swtchEthPortErrorRxBuffer Counter, swtchEthPortErrorRxBadFrames Counter, swtchEthPortErrorTxAborts Counter, swtchEthPortErrorTxBuffer Counter, swtchEthPortErrorTxTotal Counter } swtchEthPortErrorId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..16) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION " The relative position of a port within a switch starting with 1. " ::= { swtchEthPortErrorEntry 1 } swtchEthPortErrorRxBuffer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION " The counter is incremented when a buffer error is detected on this port. The buffer error indicates that the switch can not allocate a buffer for the packet, or there is read/write error from/into the buffer. " ::= { swtchEthPortErrorEntry 2 } swtchEthPortErrorRxBadFrames OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION " The counter is incremented when a bad frame was received on this port. " ::= { swtchEthPortErrorEntry 3 } swtchEthPortErrorTxAborts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION " This object counts the number of times the send operation was aborted in the port. " ::= { swtchEthPortErrorEntry 4 } swtchEthPortErrorTxBuffer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION " This object counts the number of times that there were buffer error during send operations on this port. " ::= { swtchEthPortErrorEntry 5 } swtchEthPortErrorTxTotal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION " Total number of error resulted from transmit operations on this port. " ::= { swtchEthPortErrorEntry 6 } -- Atm Monitor Statistics Group. This has right now only two stats supported -- which might not be sufficient in future. -- swtchAtmMonStatsGroup OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { switchMib 7} swtchTxAtmCells OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION " This Object is specific to the product with ATM Uplink Port. Number of ATM cells transmitted through the ATM port (port-18). " ::= { swtchAtmMonStatsGroup 1 } swtchRxAtmCells OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION " This Object is specific to the product with ATM Uplink Port. Number of ATM cells received through the ATM port (port-18)." ::= { swtchAtmMonStatsGroup 2 } -- Atm Error Statistics Group. -- swtchAtmErrStatsGroup OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { switchMib 8} swtchLossOfFrameEvents OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION " This Object is specific to the product with ATM Uplink Port. Number of LossOfFrameEvents on port-18. " ::= { swtchAtmErrStatsGroup 1 } swtchLossOfSyncEvents OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION " This Object is specific to the product with ATM Uplink Port. Number of LossOfSyncEvents on port-18. " ::= { swtchAtmErrStatsGroup 2 } -- swtchVciGroup This Group is about Information per VCI. -- swtchVciGroup OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { switchMib 9} swtchVciTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SwtchVciEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION " Table specific to AT-4016 flavours only. This table gives information pertaining to each VCI. " ::= { swtchVciGroup 1 } swtchVciEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SwtchVciEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION " Entry in the swtchVciTable. " INDEX { swtchVeVciNumber } ::= { swtchVciTable 1 } SwtchVciEntry ::= SEQUENCE { swtchVeVciNumber INTEGER, swtchVeVciType INTEGER, swtchVeElanNumber INTEGER, swtchVeATMAddress OCTET STRING, swtchVeRxAal5Frames INTEGER, swtchVeRxFrameErr INTEGER, swtchVeRxBytes INTEGER, swtchVeTxAal5Frames INTEGER, swtchVeTxFrameErr INTEGER, swtchVeTxBytes INTEGER } swtchVeVciNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(1..1024) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION " The Vci number of the ATM connection. Also the Index of the table. " ::= { swtchVciEntry 1 } swtchVeVciType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { data (1), control (2), broadcast (3) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION " The Vci Type of the ATM connection. The type represents the circuit type whether it is a Data-Direct VCI or a Control VCI to LECS/LES or Signalling VCI (VCI = 5 ) which is again Control VCI or a BroadCast VCI to the BUS. " ::= { swtchVciEntry 2 } swtchVeElanNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..64) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION " The Elan to which ATM Circuit denoted by swtchVciNumber belongs. " ::= { swtchVciEntry 3 } swtchVeATMAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (20)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION " The ATM Address denoted by swtchVciNumber belongs. " ::= { swtchVciEntry 4 } swtchVeRxAal5Frames OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION " The number of Received AAL5 Frames on swtchVeVciNumber. " ::= { swtchVciEntry 5 } swtchVeRxFrameErr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION " The number of Received Frame Errors on swtchVeVciNumber. " ::= { swtchVciEntry 6 } swtchVeRxBytes OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION " The number of Received Bytes on swtchVeVciNumber. " ::= { swtchVciEntry 7 } swtchVeTxAal5Frames OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION " The number of Transmitted AAL5 Frames on swtchVeVciNumber. " ::= { swtchVciEntry 8 } swtchVeTxFrameErr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION " The number of Transmitted Frame Errors on swtchVeVciNumber. " ::= { swtchVciEntry 9 } swtchVeTxBytes OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION " The number of Transmitted Bytes on swtchVeVciNumber. " ::= { swtchVciEntry 10 } -- swtchElanMacGroup This Group is Mac addresses on ELANs. -- swtchElanMacGroup OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { switchMib 10} -- swtchFwdElanTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SwtchFwdElanEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION " This tables lists Mac Addresses lexicographically from the forwarding table and also the information about the Elan/Vlan which this MAC address belongs to. " ::= { swtchFwdElanGroup 1 } swtchFwdElanEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SwtchFwdElanEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION " Entry in the swtchFwdElanTable. " INDEX { swtchFwdElanMACAddr } ::= { swtchFwdElanTable 1 } SwtchFwdElanEntry ::= SEQUENCE { swtchFwdElanMACAddr MacAddress, swtchFwdElanElanId INTEGER, swtchFwdElanAge INTEGER, swtchFwdElanVci INTEGER, swtchFwdElanStatus INTEGER, swtchFwdElanPort INTEGER } swtchFwdElanMACAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MacAddress ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This object identifies the MAC Address associated with this entry." ::= { swtchFwdElanEntry 1 } swtchFwdElanElanId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This object identifies the Elan/Vlan which MAC Address defined by the swtchFwdMACAddr is associated with. " ::= { swtchFwdElanEntry 2 } swtchFwdElanAge OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Current Age of the MACAddr in the Forwarding Table.It Starts with 0 and if not heard it increments to some value until it hears from it and if not heard before reaching Max value, it will purge this entry. " ::= { swtchFwdElanEntry 3 } swtchFwdElanVci OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION " The Virtual Lan to which this Entry in the table belongs. " ::= { swtchFwdElanEntry 4 } swtchFwdElanStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { inactive(1), le-arp-pending(2), vcc-setup-pending (3), vlan-resolve-pending (4), join-pending (5), active (6), other (7) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The status of this entry. please note, some of the status is specific for At4016 and At3695. The meanings of the values are: inactive(1) : this entry is not longer valid (e.g., it was learned but has since aged-out), but has not yet been flushed from the table. le-arp-pending(2):Waiting for the le-arp to be resolved. This is only for AT4016/3695. vcc-setup-pending (3) : Waiting for VCC to be setup. This is only for AT4016/3695. vlan-resolve-pending(4) : Waiting for the Vlan to be resolved by communicating with the LECS. This is only for AT4016/3695. join-pending(5) : LEC in te stage of joining to the ELans. This is only for AT4016/3695. active(6) : the value of the corresponding instance of swtchFwdElanPort was active, and is being used. other(7) : none of the following. " ::= { swtchFwdElanEntry 5 } swtchFwdElanPort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Either the value '0', or the port number of the port on which a frame having a source address equal to the value of the corresponding instance of swtchFwdElanMACAddr has been seen. A value of '0' indicates that the port number has not been learned but that the bridge does have some forwarding/filtering information about this address. Implementors are encouraged to assign the port value to this object whenever it is learned even for addresses for which the corresponding value of swtchFwdElanStatus is not learned(3). " ::= { swtchFwdElanEntry 6 } -- swtchAtmAddrGroup This group gives the addresses of different ATM -- servers and the Vci numer outbound to and from LEC to BUS and LECS. -- swtchAtmAddrGroup OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { switchMib 12} swtchAtmAddrTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SwtchAtmAddrEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION " This table gives the addresses of different ATM servers and the Vci numer outbound to and from LEC to BUS and LECS. " ::= { swtchAtmAddrGroup 1 } swtchAtmAddrEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SwtchAtmAddrEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION " Entry in the swtchAtmAddrEntry. " INDEX { swtchAtmElanId } ::= { swtchAtmAddrTable 1 } SwtchAtmAddrEntry ::= SEQUENCE { swtchAtmElanId INTEGER, swtchAtmAddrLECSATMAddress OCTET STRING (SIZE (20)), swtchAtmAddrLESATMAddress OCTET STRING (SIZE (20)), swtchAtmAddrBUSATMAddress OCTET STRING (SIZE (20)), swtchAtmAddrLESOutBoundVci INTEGER, swtchAtmAddrLESInBoundVci INTEGER, swtchAtmAddrBUSOutBoundVci INTEGER, swtchAtmAddrBUSInBoundVci INTEGER } swtchAtmElanId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION " The ELanId for which the Atm addresses for LE servers are shown in this table. Also this is the Index of the table . " ::= { swtchAtmAddrEntry 1 } swtchAtmAddrLECSATMAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (20)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION " The ATM Address of the LECS . " ::= { swtchAtmAddrEntry 2 } swtchAtmAddrLESATMAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (20)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION " The ATM Address of the LES for which this Elan belongs to. " ::= { swtchAtmAddrEntry 3 } swtchAtmAddrBUSATMAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (20)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION " The ATM Address of the BUS for Broadcasting through LECS. " ::= { swtchAtmAddrEntry 4 } swtchAtmAddrLESOutBoundVci OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..1024) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This object identifies the OutBound Vci from LEC to LES." ::= { swtchAtmAddrEntry 5 } swtchAtmAddrLESInBoundVci OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..1024) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This object identifies the InBound Vci from LES to LEC." ::= { swtchAtmAddrEntry 6 } swtchAtmAddrBUSOutBoundVci OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..1024) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This object identifies the OutBound Vci from LEC to BUS." ::= { swtchAtmAddrEntry 7 } swtchAtmAddrBUSInBoundVci OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..1024) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This object identifies the InBound Vci from BUS to LEC." ::= { swtchAtmAddrEntry 8 } END