BOARD ID="ALR0001" NAME="Power/Business VEISA System Board" MFR="ALR" CATEGORY="SYS" SLOT=EMB(0) LENGTH=341 READID = yes COMMENTS="The Power/Business VEISA System board provides one asynchronous communication port, one parallel port and up to 49 megabytes of memory. It also provides on board hard disk and floppy controllers which support up to 2 Embedded AT hard drives, and up to 2 floppy drives. Both controllers can be disabled by the Setup program or the EISA configuration utility. " SYSTEM NONVOLATILE=4096 ;Bytes of nonvolatile memory AMPERAGE=20000 ;Total +5V current (mA) available from power supply SLOT(1)= ISA16 LENGTH=341 SKIRT = NO BUSMASTER = YES SLOT(2)= EISA LENGTH=341 SKIRT = NO BUSMASTER = YES SLOT(3)= EISA LENGTH=341 SKIRT = NO BUSMASTER = YES SLOT(4)= EISA LENGTH=341 SKIRT = NO BUSMASTER = YES SLOT(5)= EISA LENGTH=341 SKIRT = NO BUSMASTER = YES SLOT(6)= ISA16 LENGTH=341 SKIRT = NO BUSMASTER = YES MEMORY=640K ADDRESS=0 CACHE=YES STEP=1K MEMORY=49408K ADDRESS=1M CACHE=YES STEP=1K IOPORT(1) = 0c02h IOPORT(2) = 0c03h FUNCTION = "System Board Mouse" TYPE = "SER,SYS" CHOICE = "Enabled" FREE IRQ = 12 SHARE = YES TRIGGER = LEVEL INCLUDE = "ALR0001.OVL"