; ; (C)Copyright Distributed Processing Technology, 1989-1992 ; All Rights Reserved. ; ; DPT PM2012A/90 EISA to SCSI Host Bus Adapter Configuration File ; ; Date = 7/13/92 ; Version = (See version at end of this file.) ; Filename = !DPT2402.CFG ; BOARD ID = "DPT2402" NAME = "DPT SCSI Host Bus Adapter (PM2012A/9X)" MFR = "DPT" CATEGORY = "MSD" SLOT = EISA LENGTH = 341 SKIRT = NO READID = YES BUSMASTER = 999 AMPERAGE = 2900 IOCHECK = INVALID DISABLE = SUPPORTED COMMENTS = "\nThe Distributed Processing Technology PM2012A/9X is a high performance SCSI Host Bus Adapter with an EISA host interface.\n Key features of the adapter are:\n\n \t* 33MB/sec EISA transfer\n \t* EISA bus mastering\n \t* SCSI-2 and CCS compliant\n \t* 4MB/sec SCSI sync transfer\n \t* WD1003 hardware emulation\n \t* CAM-compliant EATA interface\n \t* Overlapped commands\n \t* Scatter/gather\n \t* Automatic request sense." HELP = "For additional information, contact:\n\n \tDistributed Processing Technology\n \t140 Candace Drive\n \tMaitland, Florida 32751\n \t(407) 830-5522" IOPORT(1) = 0zC90h IOPORT(2) = 0zC84h IOPORT(3) = 0zC88h SIZE = WORD IOPORT(4) = 0zC89h IOPORT(5) = 0zC8Ah IOPORT(6) = 0zC8Bh IOPORT(7) = 0zC8Ch IOPORT(8) = 0zC8Dh IOPORT(9) = 0zC8Eh IOPORT(10) = 0zC8Fh ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; JUMPER(1) = 1 NAME = "Floppy Disable" JTYPE = PAIRED LABEL = LOC(1) "Y20" FACTORY = LOC(1) 0 VERTICAL = YES REVERSE = NO COMMENTS = "Install jumper to DISABLE floppy." HELP = "The Floppy Disable jumper is shipped from the factory removed, allowing floppy access." JUMPER(2) = 1 NAME = "Option ROM Enable" JTYPE = PAIRED LABEL = LOC(1) "Y7" FACTORY = LOC(1) 0 VERTICAL = YES REVERSE = NO COMMENTS = "Install jumper to enable Option ROM." HELP = "The Option ROM Enable jumper is shipped from the factory installed, allowing ROM address decoding. This ROM is normally the BR401X SmartROM, an INT13 replacement BIOS." JUMPER(3) = 1 NAME = "Option ROM Address" JTYPE = PAIRED LABEL = LOC(1) "Y19" FACTORY = LOC(1) 0 VERTICAL = YES REVERSE = NO COMMENTS = "Install jumper for alternate address." HELP = "The Option ROM Address jumper is shipped from the factory removed, allowing the ROM to be decoded at address C8000h. Installed, the ROM is decoded at D8000h." JUMPER(4) = 2 NAME = "RS-232 Connector" JTYPE = INLINE LABEL = LOC(1^2) "Y4" FACTORY = LOC(1 2) 00 VERTICAL = NO REVERSE = NO COMMENTS = "Do not jumper these pins!" HELP = "These pins are used for an RS-232 connector for factory debug of the PM2012. Do not put jumpers on these pins." ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; GROUP = "Hard Drive & SCSI Device" TYPE = "MSD,DSKCTL" FUNCTION = "SCSI and EISA Bus" COMMENTS = "Always enable this function." HELP = "This function must be enabled to allow access to the SCSI bus and EISA Bus Master transfers. Always enable this function." CHOICE = "Enabled" FREE INIT = IOPORT(2) LOC(0) 1 CHOICE = "Disabled" DISABLE = YES FREE INIT = IOPORT(2) LOC(0) 0 FUNCTION = "I/O Ports" COMMENTS = "Select Primary to boot in WD1003 mode.\n Select Secondary to disable." HELP = "This function allows the controller I/O ports to be used at the Primary location, which is bootable with a standard BIOS, or the Secondary location, which is commonly used as a DISABLE location with slot-specific addressing." CONNECTION = "Int SCSI J10\nExt SCSI J11" CHOICE = "Primary (Bootable)" FREE PORT = 1F0h SIZE = WORD PORT = 1F1h-1F7h INIT = IOPORT(1) LOC(1) 0 INIT = IOPORT(4) LOC(7) 0 CHOICE = "Secondary/Disabled" FREE PORT = 170h SIZE = WORD SHARE = YES PORT = 171h-177h SHARE = YES INIT = IOPORT(1) LOC(1) 1 INIT = IOPORT(4) LOC(7) 1 FUNCTION = "Interrupt Number" COMMENTS = "Select 14-Edge to boot in WD1003 mode.\n Select 12-Level or 15-Level to share interrupts." HELP = "This function allows the controller interrupt number to be selected either at IRQ 14H, which is bootable with a standard BIOS, or IRQ 12H or 15H. These interrupts may also be chosen as Edge (non-sharable) or Level (sharable)." CHOICE = "14 - Edge (Bootable)" FREE IRQ = 14 TRIGGER = EDGE INIT = IOPORT(1) LOC(5 4 3) 100 INIT = IOPORT(1) LOC(0) 0 INIT = IOPORT(4) LOC(6) 0 INIT = IOPORT(5) LOC(6) 0 INIT = IOPORT(6) LOC(6) 1 INIT = IOPORT(7) LOC(6) 1 INIT = IOPORT(8) LOC(6) 1 CHOICE = "14 - Level" FREE IRQ = 14 TRIGGER = LEVEL SHARE = YES INIT = IOPORT(1) LOC(5 4 3) 100 INIT = IOPORT(1) LOC(0) 1 INIT = IOPORT(4) LOC(6) 1 INIT = IOPORT(5) LOC(6) 0 INIT = IOPORT(6) LOC(6) 1 INIT = IOPORT(7) LOC(6) 1 INIT = IOPORT(8) LOC(6) 1 CHOICE = "15 - Edge" FREE IRQ = 15 TRIGGER = EDGE INIT = IOPORT(1) LOC(5 4 3) 010 INIT = IOPORT(1) LOC(0) 0 INIT = IOPORT(4) LOC(6) 0 INIT = IOPORT(5) LOC(6) 1 INIT = IOPORT(6) LOC(6) 1 INIT = IOPORT(7) LOC(6) 1 INIT = IOPORT(8) LOC(6) 1 CHOICE = "15 - Level" FREE IRQ = 15 TRIGGER = LEVEL SHARE = YES INIT = IOPORT(1) LOC(5 4 3) 010 INIT = IOPORT(1) LOC(0) 1 INIT = IOPORT(4) LOC(6) 1 INIT = IOPORT(5) LOC(6) 1 INIT = IOPORT(6) LOC(6) 1 INIT = IOPORT(7) LOC(6) 1 INIT = IOPORT(8) LOC(6) 1 CHOICE = "12 - Edge" FREE IRQ = 12 TRIGGER = EDGE INIT = IOPORT(1) LOC(5 4 3) 001 INIT = IOPORT(1) LOC(0) 0 INIT = IOPORT(4) LOC(6) 0 INIT = IOPORT(5) LOC(6) 0 INIT = IOPORT(6) LOC(6) 0 INIT = IOPORT(7) LOC(6) 1 INIT = IOPORT(8) LOC(6) 1 CHOICE = "12 - Level" FREE IRQ = 12 TRIGGER = LEVEL SHARE = YES INIT = IOPORT(1) LOC(5 4 3) 001 INIT = IOPORT(1) LOC(0) 1 INIT = IOPORT(4) LOC(6) 1 INIT = IOPORT(5) LOC(6) 0 INIT = IOPORT(6) LOC(6) 0 INIT = IOPORT(7) LOC(6) 1 INIT = IOPORT(8) LOC(6) 1 CHOICE = "Disabled" DISABLE = YES FREE INIT = IOPORT(1) LOC(5 4 3) 000 ENDGROUP ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; GROUP = "Floppy Drive" TYPE = "MSD,FPYCTL" FUNCTION = "I/O Ports" COMMENTS = "Select Primary to boot in WD1003 mode.\n Install jumper Y20 to disable." HELP = "The Primary and Secondary locations are automatically selected during boot, but the Disable function is accomplished with jumper Y20." CONNECTION = "Floppy Connector, J8, Top Middle" CHOICE = "Disabled" DISABLE = YES FREE INIT = JUMPER(1) LOC(1) 1 CHOICE = "Primary" FREE PORT = 3F0h-3F7h INIT = IOPORT(1) LOC(2) 0 INIT = JUMPER(1) LOC(1) 0 CHOICE = "Secondary" FREE PORT = 370h-377h SHARE = YES INIT = IOPORT(1) LOC(2) 1 INIT = JUMPER(1) LOC(1) 0 ENDGROUP ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; GROUP = "Option ROM" TYPE = "OTH" FUNCTION = "Address" COMMENTS = "Install jumper Y7 to enable the ROM.\n Install jumper Y19 to select the alternate D8000h address." HELP = "This ROM is normally the BR401X SmartROM, an INT13 replacement BIOS." CHOICE = "Enabled @ C8000h" FREE INIT = JUMPER(3) LOC(1) 0 INIT = JUMPER(2) LOC(1) 1 MEMORY = 8K ADDRESS = 0C8000h WRITABLE = NO MEMTYPE = OTH SIZE = BYTE CACHE = YES CHOICE = "Disabled" DISABLE = YES FREE INIT = JUMPER(2) LOC(1) 0 CHOICE = "Enabled @ D8000h" FREE INIT = JUMPER(3) LOC(1) 1 INIT = JUMPER(2) LOC(1) 1 MEMORY = 8K ADDRESS = 0D8000h WRITABLE = NO MEMTYPE = OTH SIZE = BYTE CACHE = YES ENDGROUP ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; GROUP = "Host Bus Adapter" FUNCTION = "SCSI ID" COMMENTS = "Select a SCSI ID for the host bus adapter which is not currently used by any other SCSI device." HELP = "The controller must have a unique SCSI ID if more than one adapter or SCSI device is attached." CHOICE = "7" FREE INIT = IOPORT(4) LOC(5-3) 111 CHOICE = "0" FREE INIT = IOPORT(4) LOC(5-3) 000 CHOICE = "1" FREE INIT = IOPORT(4) LOC(5-3) 001 CHOICE = "2" FREE INIT = IOPORT(4) LOC(5-3) 010 CHOICE = "3" FREE INIT = IOPORT(4) LOC(5-3) 011 CHOICE = "4" FREE INIT = IOPORT(4) LOC(5-3) 100 CHOICE = "5" FREE INIT = IOPORT(4) LOC(5-3) 101 CHOICE = "6" FREE INIT = IOPORT(4) LOC(5-3) 110 ENDGROUP ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; GROUP = "WD1003 Emulation Mappings" FUNCTION = "Drive 0" COMMENTS = "Select the SCSI ID and LUN of the hard drive to be emulated as WD1003 drive 0 (C:).\n Select Disabled for no drive 0 emulation." HELP = "The SCSI ID should be unique and the LUN is normally set to 0 on SCSI drives, but may be set to other than 0 on SCSI bridge controllers." SUBFUNCTION = "SCSI ID" COMMENTS = "Select the SCSI ID of the hard drive to be emulated as WD1003 drive 0 (C:).\n Select Disabled for no drive 0 emulation." HELP = "The SCSI ID should be unique." CHOICE = "0" FREE INIT = IOPORT(5) LOC(5-3) 000 CHOICE = "1" FREE INIT = IOPORT(5) LOC(5-3) 001 CHOICE = "2" FREE INIT = IOPORT(5) LOC(5-3) 010 CHOICE = "3" FREE INIT = IOPORT(5) LOC(5-3) 011 CHOICE = "4" FREE INIT = IOPORT(5) LOC(5-3) 100 CHOICE = "5" FREE INIT = IOPORT(5) LOC(5-3) 101 CHOICE = "6" FREE INIT = IOPORT(5) LOC(5-3) 110 CHOICE = "7" FREE INIT = IOPORT(5) LOC(5-3) 111 CHOICE = "Disabled" FREE INIT = IOPORT(5) LOC(7) 1 SUBFUNCTION = "SCSI LUN" COMMENTS = "Select the LUN on the hard drive to be emulated as WD1003 drive 0 (C:).\n If the ID is disabled, this selection is ignored." HELP = "The LUN is normally set to 0 on SCSI drives, but may be set to other than 0 on SCSI bridge controllers." CHOICE = "0" FREE INIT = IOPORT(5) LOC(2-0) 000 CHOICE = "1" FREE INIT = IOPORT(5) LOC(2-0) 001 CHOICE = "2" FREE INIT = IOPORT(5) LOC(2-0) 010 CHOICE = "3" FREE INIT = IOPORT(5) LOC(2-0) 011 CHOICE = "4" FREE INIT = IOPORT(5) LOC(2-0) 100 CHOICE = "5" FREE INIT = IOPORT(5) LOC(2-0) 101 CHOICE = "6" FREE INIT = IOPORT(5) LOC(2-0) 110 CHOICE = "7" FREE INIT = IOPORT(5) LOC(2-0) 111 FUNCTION = "Drive 1" COMMENTS = "Select the SCSI ID and LUN of the hard drive to be emulated as WD1003 drive 1 (D:).\n Select Disabled for no drive 1 emulation." HELP = "The SCSI ID should be unique and the LUN is normally set to 0 on SCSI drives, but may be other than 0 on SCSI bridge controllers." SUBFUNCTION = "SCSI ID" COMMENTS = "Select the SCSI ID of the hard drive to be emulated as WD1003 drive 1 (D:).\n Select Disabled for no drive 1 emulation." HELP = "The SCSI ID should be unique." CHOICE = "Disabled" FREE INIT = IOPORT(6) LOC(7) 1 CHOICE = "1" FREE INIT = IOPORT(6) LOC(5-3) 001 CHOICE = "0" FREE INIT = IOPORT(6) LOC(5-3) 000 CHOICE = "2" FREE INIT = IOPORT(6) LOC(5-3) 010 CHOICE = "3" FREE INIT = IOPORT(6) LOC(5-3) 011 CHOICE = "4" FREE INIT = IOPORT(6) LOC(5-3) 100 CHOICE = "5" FREE INIT = IOPORT(6) LOC(5-3) 101 CHOICE = "6" FREE INIT = IOPORT(6) LOC(5-3) 110 CHOICE = "7" FREE INIT = IOPORT(6) LOC(5-3) 111 SUBFUNCTION = "SCSI LUN" COMMENTS = "Select the LUN on the hard drive to be emulated as WD1003 drive 1 (D:).\n If the ID is disabled, this selection is ignored." HELP = "The LUN is normally set to 0 on SCSI drives, but may be set to other than 0 on SCSI bridge controllers." CHOICE = "0" FREE INIT = IOPORT(6) LOC(2-0) 000 CHOICE = "1" FREE INIT = IOPORT(6) LOC(2-0) 001 CHOICE = "2" FREE INIT = IOPORT(6) LOC(2-0) 010 CHOICE = "3" FREE INIT = IOPORT(6) LOC(2-0) 011 CHOICE = "4" FREE INIT = IOPORT(6) LOC(2-0) 100 CHOICE = "5" FREE INIT = IOPORT(6) LOC(2-0) 101 CHOICE = "6" FREE INIT = IOPORT(6) LOC(2-0) 110 CHOICE = "7" FREE INIT = IOPORT(6) LOC(2-0) 111 ENDGROUP ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; GROUP = "Synchronous Transfer" FUNCTION = "Negotiation" COMMENTS = "Select Disabled only for testing purposes or if a device does not correctly handle synchronous negotiations." HELP = "Normally, leave synchronous transfers enabled." SUBFUNCTION = "SCSI ID 0" COMMENTS = "Select Disabled only for testing purposes or if a device does not correctly handle synchronous negotiations." HELP = "Normally, leave synchronous transfers enabled." CHOICE = "Enabled" FREE INIT = IOPORT(9) LOC(0) 1 CHOICE = "Disabled" FREE INIT = IOPORT(9) LOC(0) 0 SUBFUNCTION = "SCSI ID 1" HELP = "Normally, leave synchronous transfers enabled." CHOICE = "Enabled" FREE INIT = IOPORT(9) LOC(1) 1 CHOICE = "Disabled" FREE INIT = IOPORT(9) LOC(1) 0 SUBFUNCTION = "SCSI ID 2" HELP = "Normally, leave synchronous transfers enabled." CHOICE = "Enabled" FREE INIT = IOPORT(9) LOC(2) 1 CHOICE = "Disabled" FREE INIT = IOPORT(9) LOC(2) 0 SUBFUNCTION = "SCSI ID 3" HELP = "Normally, leave synchronous transfers enabled." CHOICE = "Enabled" FREE INIT = IOPORT(9) LOC(3) 1 CHOICE = "Disabled" FREE INIT = IOPORT(9) LOC(3) 0 SUBFUNCTION = "SCSI ID 4" HELP = "Normally, leave synchronous transfers enabled." CHOICE = "Enabled" FREE INIT = IOPORT(9) LOC(4) 1 CHOICE = "Disabled" FREE INIT = IOPORT(9) LOC(4) 0 SUBFUNCTION = "SCSI ID 5" HELP = "Normally, leave synchronous transfers enabled." CHOICE = "Enabled" FREE INIT = IOPORT(9) LOC(5) 1 CHOICE = "Disabled" FREE INIT = IOPORT(9) LOC(5) 0 SUBFUNCTION = "SCSI ID 6" HELP = "Normally, leave synchronous transfers enabled." CHOICE = "Enabled" FREE INIT = IOPORT(9) LOC(6) 1 CHOICE = "Disabled" FREE INIT = IOPORT(9) LOC(6) 0 SUBFUNCTION = "SCSI ID 7" HELP = "Normally, leave synchronous transfers enabled." CHOICE = "Enabled" FREE INIT = IOPORT(9) LOC(7) 1 CHOICE = "Disabled" FREE INIT = IOPORT(9) LOC(7) 0 ENDGROUP ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; FUNCTION = "!DPT2402.CFG Version" CHOICE = "005D" FREE ; THESE STATEMENTS DISABLE EXTENDED WD1003 DRIVES INIT = IOPORT(7) LOC(7) 1 INIT = IOPORT(8) LOC(7) 1 ; THIS STATEMENT ENABLES THE LUNMAP INIT = IOPORT(10) LOC(7-0) 11111000