AdapterID 0708h AdapterName "BusTek BT-640A Micro Channel to SCSI Host Adapter (v1.10)" NumBytes 4 fixedResources pos[0]=xxxxxxx1b pos[1]=000000xxb pos[2]=xxx0x0xxb pos[3]=110xxxxxb nameditem Prompt "BIOS Address" Choice "DC000h" pos[0]=111xxxxxb mem 0dc000h-0dffffh Choice "Disable" pos[0]=000xxxxxb Choice "D8000h" pos[0]=110xxxxxb mem 0d8000h-0dbfffh Choice "D4000h" pos[0]=101xxxxxb mem 0d4000h-0d7fffh Choice "D0000h" pos[0]=100xxxxxb mem 0d0000h-0d3fffh Choice "CC000h" pos[0]=011xxxxxb mem 0cc000h-0cffffh Choice "C8000h" pos[0]=010xxxxxb mem 0c8000h-0cbfffh Choice "C4000h" pos[0]=001xxxxxb mem 0c4000h-0c7fffh Help "This selects the memory location of the host adapter's BIOS PROM. Conflicting assignments will be marked with an asterick and must be changed to use the host adapter. To disable the host adapter's BIOS PROM, choose the 'Disable' option. Note, if two BT-640 host adapters reside in the system one of them must have its BIOS PROM disabled. The default setting is DC000h." nameditem Prompt "I/O Port Address" Choice "330h" pos[0]=xxx0xxxxb pos[1]=00000011b io 0330h-0333h Choice "334h" pos[0]=xxx1xxxxb pos[1]=00000011b io 0334h-0337h Choice "234h" pos[0]=xxx1xxxxb pos[1]=00000010b io 0234h-0237h Choice "134h" pos[0]=xxx1xxxxb pos[1]=00000001b io 0134h-0137h Choice "230h" pos[0]=xxx0xxxxb pos[1]=00000010b io 0230h-0233h Choice "130h" pos[0]=xxx0xxxxb pos[1]=00000001b io 0130h-0133h Help "This option selects the I/O Port of the host adapter. Conflicting assignments are marked with an asterisk and must be changed to use the host adapter. Default I/O address is 330h." nameditem Prompt "Arbitration Level" Choice "Level_5" pos[3]=xxxx0101b arb 5 Choice "Level_6" pos[3]=xxxx0110b arb 6 Choice "Level_7" pos[3]=xxxx0111b arb 7 Choice "Level_4" pos[3]=xxxx0100b arb 4 Choice "Level_3" pos[3]=xxxx0011b arb 3 Choice "Level_1" pos[3]=xxxx0001b arb 1 Choice "Level_0" pos[3]=xxxx0000b arb 0 Help "This selectes the DMA channel the host adapter will use to transfer data. Conflicting assignments will be marked with an asterick and must be changed to use the host adapter. The default level is 5." nameditem Prompt "Arbitration Fairness" Choice "On" pos[3]=xxx0xxxxb Choice "Off" pos[3]=xxx1xxxxb Help "Bus Arbitration Fairness controls whether the host adapter implements the fairness alorigthm after it is preempted from the Micro Channel. Default is fairness enabled." nameditem Prompt "Interrupt Request" Choice "Int_15" pos[0]=xxxx111xb int 15d Choice "Int_14" pos[0]=xxxx110xb int 14d Choice "Int_12" pos[0]=xxxx100xb int 12d Choice "Int_11" pos[0]=xxxx011xb int 11d Choice "Int_10" pos[0]=xxxx010xb int 10d Choice "Int_9" pos[0]=xxxx001xb int 9d Help "This selects the interrupt channel the host adapter will use to report status. Conflicting assignments will be marked with an asterick and must be changed to use the host adapter. The default is interrupt 15." nameditem Prompt "Slot Data Width" Choice "16" pos[2]=xxxxxxx0b Choice "32" pos[2]=xxxxxxx1b Help "The BT-640A can be inserted into a 16 or 32 bit slot on the motherboard. This option controls the data transfer size of 16 or 32 bits. The default data size 16." nameditem Prompt "Adapter SCSI Bus ID" Choice "Id_7" pos[2]=111xxxxxb Choice "Id_6" pos[2]=110xxxxxb Choice "Id_5" pos[2]=101xxxxxb Choice "Id_4" pos[2]=100xxxxxb Choice "Id_3" pos[2]=011xxxxxb Choice "Id_2" pos[2]=010xxxxxb Choice "Id_1" pos[2]=001xxxxxb Choice "Id_0" pos[2]=000xxxxxb Help "This is the SCSI ID of the host adapter. The default setting is SCSI ID 7." nameditem Prompt "Adapter Initiate Sync Negotiation" Choice "On" pos[2]=xxxxxx1xb Choice "Off" pos[2]=xxxxxx0xb Help "Synchronous transfer on the SCSI bus will be initiated by the host adapter if 'On'. The default setting is On." nameditem Prompt "Adapter SCSI Parity Checking" Choice "On" pos[2]=xxxx1xxxb Choice "Off" pos[2]=xxxx0xxxb Help "The host adapter will check SCSI Parity if 'On'. The default setting is On."