AdapterID 06B95h AdapterName "CORE ESDI Fixed Disk Controller" NumBytes 2 fixedresources pos[0]=0XXXXXXXb pos[1]=00XXXXXXb nameditem Prompt "Adapter Memory Location" Choice "Segment C800" pos[1]=XXXX0010b mem 0c8000h-0cbfffh Choice "Segment CC00" pos[1]=XXXX0011b mem 0cc000h-0cffffh Choice "Segment D000" pos[1]=XXXX0100b mem 0d0000h-0d3fffh Choice "Segment D400" pos[1]=XXXX0101b mem 0d4000h-0d7fffh Choice "Segment D800" pos[1]=XXXX0110b mem 0d8000h-0dbfffh Choice "Segment DC00, Int 19 load" pos[1]=XXXX0111b mem 0dc000h-0dffffh Choice "ROM Disabled" pos[1]=XXXX0000b Help "Select the ROM segment for the CORE MCA adapter. If you have more than one MCA adapter installed, be sure to disable the ROM on all adapters except the first." nameditem Prompt "DMA Arbitration Level" Choice "Level 5" pos[0]=XX0101XXb arb 5 Choice "Level 6" pos[0]=XX0110XXb arb 6 Choice "Level 7" pos[0]=XX0111XXb arb 7 Choice "Level 0" pos[0]=XX0000XXb arb 0 Choice "Level 1" pos[0]=XX0001XXb arb 1 Choice "Level 3" pos[0]=XX0011XXb arb 3 Choice "Level 4" pos[0]=XX0100XXb arb 4 Choice "Level 8" pos[0]=XX1000XXb arb 8 Choice "Level 9" pos[0]=XX1001XXb arb 9 Choice "Level 0A" pos[0]=XX1010XXb arb 0ah Choice "Level 0B" pos[0]=XX1011XXb arb 0bh Choice "Level 0C" pos[0]=XX1100XXb arb 0ch Choice "Level 0D" pos[0]=XX1101XXb arb 0dh Choice "Level 0E" pos[0]=XX1110XXb arb 0eh Help "This selects the Arbitration level that the controller will use when competing for the channel." nameditem Prompt "DMA Burst Length" Choice "32 Word Burst" pos[1]=XX11XXXXb Choice " 4 Word Burst" pos[1]=XX00XXXXb Choice " 8 Word Burst" pos[1]=XX01XXXXb Choice "16 Word Burst" pos[1]=XX10XXXXb Help "This is the maximum number of words that the controller will transfer per Bus Request." nameditem Prompt "IO Address" Choice "2510-251F" pos[0]=XXXXXX0Xb io 02510h-0251fh Choice "2520-252F" pos[0]=XXXXXX1Xb io 02520h-0252fh Help "The controller may be located in one of the following I/O address locations: 2510-251Fh or 2520-252Fh" nameditem Prompt "Fairness On/Off" Choice "On" pos[0]=X1XXXXXXb Choice "Off" pos[0]=X0XXXXXXb Help "Bus Arbitration Fairness. This controls whether the adapter will release control of the bus when other adapters ask for the bus."