; 06/01/93 v1.0 ; For EISA 32-Bit Bus Master Ethernet Adapter BOARD ID = "LSC8734" ; EISA Adapter Product ID. NAME = "LCS-8734 EISA 32-Bit Ethernet Controller" MFR = "LONGSHINE" ; Manufacture Name. CATEGORY = "NET" ; Category, i.e. Network Board. SLOT = EISA ; Uses EISA Slot. LENGTH = 216 ; Length of Board in Millimeters. READID = yes ; Board ID can be read BUSMASTER = 23 ; Bus latency time allowed AMPERAGE = 1000 ; Needs to be measured. IOCHECK = INVALID ; Card will not respond to reads of ; it's IOCHKERR bit. DISABLE = SUPPORTED ; The card can be disabled by clearing ; the control register ENABLE bit. COMMENTS = " The LCS-8734 Board is a 32 bit SONIC Ethernet Adaptor for the EISA bus. The board is a bus master design that uses the host system main memory directly. When receiving or transmitting packet data or during buffer management, the SONIC requests the bus from the host system. " HELP = "No help available." IOPORT(1) = 0zc88h INITVAL = 01xxxxxx ;slave size=16, master size=32 IOPORT(2) = 0zc89h IOPORT(3) = 0zc8Ah IOPORT(4) = 0zc8Fh SOFTWARE(1) = "The LCS-8734 Board can be tested with the FTP8734 Exectuter Program called eisonic.exe. A Novell driver allows the board to be used in a server or workstation. And NDIS Drivers for LAN Mangement." FUNCTION = "I/O Address" CHOICE = "Auto-Selection" FREE INIT = IOPORT(2) LOC(7-4) 0000 FUNCTION = "Boot ROM" CHOICE = "Disabled" FREE INIT = IOPORT(4) LOC(2) 0 INIT = IOPORT(1) LOC(5) 0 INIT = IOPORT(3) LOC(7-6) 00 INIT = IOPORT(3) LOC(0) 1 CHOICE = "Boot ROM from 0C8000H to 0E0000H" LINK MEMORY = 32K ADDRESS = 0C8000H-0E0000H step=32K WRITABLE = NO MEMTYPE = OTHER SIZE = BYTE DECODE = 24 CACHE = YES FREE INIT = IOPORT(4) LOC(2) 0 INIT = IOPORT(1) LOC(5) 0 INIT = IOPORT(2) LOC(5-4) 00 | 01 | 10 | 11 INIT = IOPORT(3) LOC(5-2) 0100 INIT = IOPORT(3) LOC(7-6) 11 CHOICE = "Boot ROM from 0D0000H to 0E8000H" LINK MEMORY = 32K ADDRESS = 0D0000H-0E8000H step=32K WRITABLE = NO MEMTYPE = OTHER SIZE = BYTE DECODE = 24 CACHE = YES FREE INIT = IOPORT(4) LOC(2) 0 INIT = IOPORT(1) LOC(5) 0 INIT = IOPORT(2) LOC(5-4) 00 | 01 | 10 | 11 INIT = IOPORT(3) LOC(5-2) 1000 INIT = IOPORT(3) LOC(7-6) 11 CHOICE = "Boot ROM from 0D8000H to 0F0000H" LINK MEMORY = 32K ADDRESS = 0D8000H-0F0000H step=32K WRITABLE = NO MEMTYPE = OTHER SIZE = BYTE DECODE = 24 CACHE = YES FREE INIT = IOPORT(4) LOC(2) 0 INIT = IOPORT(1) LOC(5) 0 INIT = IOPORT(2) LOC(5-4) 00 | 01 | 10 | 11 INIT = IOPORT(3) loc(5-2) 1100 INIT = IOPORT(3) LOC(7-6) 11 FUNCTION = "IRQ" CHOICE = "IRQ 5" FREE INIT = IOPORT(1) LOC(3-0) 0001 CHOICE = "IRQ 9" FREE INIT = IOPORT(1) LOC(3-0) 0011 CHOICE = "IRQ 10" FREE INIT = IOPORT(1) LOC(3-0) 0101 CHOICE = "IRQ 11" FREE INIT = IOPORT(1) LOC(3-0) 0111 FUNCTION = "Packet Reception Mode" CHOICE = "Receive Its Own Packets" FREE INIT = IOPORT(2) LOC(0) 1 CHOICE = "Not To Receive Its Own Packets" FREE INIT = IOPORT(2) LOC(0) 0 FUNCTION = "Media" CHOICE = "UTP (10Base-T RJ45)" LINK INIT = IOPORT(2) LOC(1) 0 INIT = IOPORT(2) LOC(2) 0 CHOICE = "Thin Ethernet (10Base2 BNC)" LINK INIT = IOPORT(2) LOC(1) 1 INIT = IOPORT(2) LOC(2) 1 CHOICE = "Standard Ethernet (10Base5 AUI)" LINK INIT = IOPORT(2) LOC(1) 1 INIT = IOPORT(2) LOC(2) 0 CHOICE = "AT&T 7220A Support normal length (A version)" LINK INIT = IOPORT(2) LOC(3-1) 000 CHOICE = "AT&T 7220A Support longer length (A version)" LINK INIT = IOPORT(2) LOC(3-1) 100