[LM8634] Type = NDIS_MULT Title = "ShineNet LCS-8634 series Ethernet Adapter" Version = 1.24 DriverName = LM8634$ XPORTS = NETBEUI LANDD [File] Name = LM8634.DOS Path = c:\IBMCOM\MACS [IOAddress] display = "Adapter Base I/O address" type = hexadecimal Default = 300 set = 300, 320, 340, 360, 200, 220, 240, 260, 280, 2a0, 2c0, 2e0, 380, 3a0, 3c0, 3e0 Optional = Yes Editable = Yes Virtual = No Help = "This parameter specifies the adapter Base I/O address that will be used by the device driver to access the adapter registers. The value entered must not conflict with any other system component. The default is 300." [Interrupt] display = "Interrupt level" type = decimal default = 3 set = 3, 4, 5, 9, 10, 11, 12, 15 optional = No editable = Yes virtual = No help = "This parameter specifies the interrupt level used for adapter. Ensure that no interrupt level conflict exists with any other system component. The value entered must be one of 3, 4, 5, 9, 10, 11, 12 or 15. The default value is 3." [NetAddress] display = "Network adapter address" type = HexString StrLength = 12 Range = 000000000000 - FFFFFFFFFFFF Optional = Yes Editable = Yes Virtual = No help = "DO NOT MODIFY THIS PARAMETER UNLESS YOU WISH TO OVERRIDE THE ADAPTER/NETWORK ADDRESS ASSIGNED THIS ADAPTER AT THE TIME OF MANUFACTURE. The preassigned address is UNIQUE to this adapter. Any overriding address also be unique among all other network adapter addresses on the network. The value of this parameter is a string of 12 hexadecimal digits in canonical format.