Olicom Release Note for OC-6151, OC-6152 - ATM Configuration Program Version 1.0 Beta A February 1997 Table of Contents 1. Introduction ....................................................2 2. Installation ....................................................2 3. Supported Operating Systems .....................................2 4. Documentation ...................................................2 Note: To ensure correct page numbers when printing this file, use the PRINT command in DOS or copy the file to a printer device, eg. "PRINT README.TXT" or "COPY README.TXT LPT1". Alternatively you may format and print the file from Microsoft Word. Olicom Page 1/2 ATM Configuration Program Release 1.0 Beta A February 1997 1. Introduction In many situations no configuration of the OC-615X ATM driver is necessary, since the driver will - by default - attempt to get configuration information from an LECS (either at the Well-known address or at an address provided by the switch via ILMI). However for advanced setups a local configuration file ("OC- 615X.CFG"), located in the same directory as the driver, may be required. The ATM Configuration Program (in the following termed "ATMCFG") can assist in creating and editting such a configuration file by providing a graphical user interface to the configuration parameters. When ATMCFG is installed some additional short-cuts will be created in the program group "Olicom Applications": New OC-615x Configuration OC-615x Configuration The first short-cut will allow you to create a new configuration file, whereas the second short-cut will read-in the existing configuration file (if any) and let you view and edit it. ATMCFG can read-in existing configuration files (created manually by use of a text editor) as if these files were created using ATMCFG. This includes reading any of the example configuration files, provided in \EXAMPLES.CFG on disk 1. 2. Installation To install ATMCFG execute SETUP.EXE and follow the instructions. 3. Supported Operating Systems ATMCFG runs under the following operating systems: * Window 95 * Windows NT 3.51 * Windows NT 4.0 Note: ATMCFG does NOT run under Windows for Workgroups. 4. Documentation Please refer to the built-in context sensitive help. Olicom Page 2/2