/powergraph.isa POWERGRAPH VGA [ET4000]

Root Directory [DIR]/isa Directory For Windows 95, Windows NT 3.51, or Windows NT 4.0 use the Tseng Labs ET4000 drivers provided PGWIN31.ZIP 970434 92-06-17 Windows 3.0/3.1 drvs for P/G, P/V, & ERGO. FULL SET of drivers including ALL resolutions (6-17-92) PGEUTIL.ZIP 40373 91-10-25 Utilities (setmode, demo, etc) for the ERGO. PVWIN31.ZIP 572076 92-11-11 Windows 3.1 Drivers for PowerView and 512k PowerGraph. CENTRE7.ZIP 43772 91-11-27 Centering utility for ET4000 cards.