/powergraphx24.isa POWERGRAPH X-24 [S3-801]
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For Windows 95 use the STB Systems STB Powergraph VL-24 (S3) drivers provided.
STBNT351.ZIP 89714 95-08-28 BETA STB S3 Windows NT 3.51 Drivers
S3NT4010.ZIP 65012 96-11-26 STB (S3 Non-ViRGE) Windows NT 4.0 Drivers release 1.0
X24WIN31.ZIP 991317 94-04-20 PowerGraph X-24 Windows 3.1 Drivers Release 1.7
(cosmetic release from 1.6)
X24UTL17.ZIP 257337 94-04-21 PowerGraph X-24 Utils/Drivers Disk Release 1.7
CLOCKIO.ZIP 80868 93-01-06 Routines to talk to 2061; for UNIX types
TIME.ZIP 99410 93-08-25 Timing for all modes with the PowerGraph X-24,
VL-24 and the Pegasus cards