mst5x237.exe (803 kB) MicroStation 5.0x: BigMicro v2.37 (rel.0595.3) for all V7 S3 boards and FIRE / FGA860-GX (i860 boards). Incl.3D Viewer v1.60 for i860. SFX file: Extract to floppy. Type INSTALL! Note README!
mst4x222.exe (1,0 MB) MicroStation 4.x: BigMicro v2.22 (rel.0794.3) for all boards (exc.V7-VEGA Series and V7-MERCURY Lite PCI). SFX file: Extract to floppy "MST4X222 A:". Type INSTALL! Note README!
3D Studio:
adi_860.exe (1,0 MB) 3D Studio 2.0/3.0, AutoSHADE, AutoSKETCH: ADIREND Driver v3.13 (rel.0694) & AniPreview v2.0 (rel.1293) for SPEA FIRE and FGA860-GX. SFX file: Enter "ADI_860". Note README! Necessary when using the Vibrant driver v1.01.P5.
3dspatch.com (< 1 kB) 3D Studio only: Patching utility for use with Compaq M-series & any program that contains the Phar Lap 386|DOS-Extender v2.6.
3dspatch.doc (1 kB) 3D Studio only: README file for Compaq / Phar Lap patch utility.
spfocfir.exe (833 kB) SPIRIT 4.5: SPfocus driver (rel. 0593.3) for FIRE. SFX file. Enter: "SPFOCFIR". Copy files to floppy disk, type INSTALL. Note README!
anip_fir.exe (227 kB) Animator Pro 1.0: Driver v4.02 (rel.0293). Self-extracting file: Enter "ANIP_FIR". Copy files to \SPEA\GDC. Note README!
cfoc_fir.exe (371 kB) CADdy 8.0: Cfocus Display List Driver v3.09 (rel.0393). SFX file: Enter "CFOC_FIR". Note README!
sp_caddy.exe (232 kB) CADdy 9.0/10.0: Driver modul SPDRIVER v2.14 (rel.0893). SFX file: Enter "SP_CADDY". Note README.BBS!
spdriv.exe (251 kB) Driver Modul SPDRIVER v2.1 (rel.0193) for FIRE board. SFX file: Enter "SPDRIV". Copy files to \SPEA\GDC !
gif2s860.exe (191 kB) For ACAD-Bau-Visuell only: Modul GIF2SPEA for FIRE. SFX file: Enter "GIF2S860". Copy files to \SPEA\GDC !
acad.com (< 1 kB) AutoCAD 11 only: Patching utility for use with Compaq M-series & any program that contains the Phar Lap 386|DOS-Extender v2.6.
acad.doc (< 1 kB) AutoCAD 11 only: README file for Compaq / Phar Lap patch utility.
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