ÉÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ» º SPEA BigFocus 13/WIN Driver º º Display List Driver for AutoCAD 13 Windows º º º º BF13W v2.2 º º º º For all Windows accelerator boards º º º º SPEA Software AG Release 1295 º ÈÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍͼ Table of Contents ================= 1 Introduction 1.1 BigFocus 13/Win General Information 1.2 System Requirements 1.3 Software Registration (2 Installation) (3 Release Notes) (3.1 GDIByPass) (4 Troubleshooting) For this section please note the BIGFOCUS.* text files that will be created when decompressing. 1 Introduction ================= 1.1 BigFocus 13/Win General Information ---------------------------------------- Welcome to BigFocus 13/Win, SPEA's acceleration driver for AutoCAD 13 for Windows and Windows NT! This software is simple to use and offers a number of attractive features: - performance boost up to factor 10 of the standard AutoCAD display drivers - a new SPEA Toolbar which contains the main features of the driver: + Bird's-Eye View + Zoom All function + Spyglass Lense + Redraw function + Zoom Window function + SPEA Hotkeys configuration + BigFocus 13/Win online help - effective mouse-controlled zoom and pan actions via the Bird's-Eye View - Spyglass window enabling close-up views of the drawing and transfer back to AutoCAD Note that the driver does not contain any 3D functionality. This can be purchased with the 3D-World package (which contains '3D-Win', a hardware-independant 3D-Viewer for Windows). 1.2 System Requirements ----------------------- (a) Boards The BigFocus 13/Win driver is hardware independant - it can therefore be used with any Windows accelerator! It is also optimized for use with graphics boards which incorporate an S3 or Weitek P9100 graphics processor. (b) PC + Memory To use AutoCAD and BigFocus effectively you will need a large amount of memory and a large Windows swap file. Special information on this topic is described in the AutoCAD 13 for Windows documentation and in the corresponding Autodesk forum in CompuServe. (c) Windows The current version of this software is for Windows 3.1x, Windows for Workgroups and Windows NT 3.5 only. 1.3 Software Registration -------------------------- This software need not be registered for use with one of the following SPEA graphic boards: V7-MERCURY series board, FIRE, HiLite and FGA860GX and V7-STORM PRO. It can also be used with other SPEA boards and any other Windows accelerator (independant of the manufacturer) AFTER REGISTRATION and entering the registration code key. Registration information is automatically shown on the screen. It fills out the enclosed form REGISTER.TXT which can then be used to register the software (please refer to that file for details). eof