gdc_hil.exe (599 kB) GDC Basis Software Rel.0294.7 for SPEA Graphiti HiLite Series (exc. HiLite MCA) (from Superdisk 0294.7). SFX file: Enter "GDC_HIL". Note created README for further installation information.
mon_hil.exe (45 kB) HiLite monitor files (rel.0793) (incl.GDM-2063 MS). SFX file: Enter "MON_HIL". Note README !
fonts.exe (72 kB) Font files (rel.0293) for all SPEA Graphiti boards. SFX file: Enter "FONTS". Copy created files to \SPEA\GDC\FONTS!
fontedit.exe (113 kB) Font Editor (rel.0590) for all SPEA Graphiti boards. Self-extracting file: Enter "FONTEDIT". Copy files to \SPEA\GDC. Note README!
himcagdc.exe (525 kB) HiLite MCA GDC Basis Software Rel. 0293.5. Self-extracting file: Enter "HIMCAGDC". Copy created files to \SPEA\GDC! Note README!
gdc486.exe (109 kB) Nur auf Hotline-Empfehlung (also NUR bei mit der Hotline besprochenen Problemen!), GDCINST fuer FIRE/HiLite/FGA.. , bei Problemen mit schnellen 486ern. SFX file. - Only when recommanded by our hotline. When problems occure with fast 486 P

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