hil_cam.exe (150 kB) SPEAcamera (rel.1092) for HiLite series (exc. HiLite Pro). Self-extracting file: Enter "HIL_CAM". Copy all created files to \SPEA\GDC!
hil_ime.exe (157 kB) SPEAime v1.3 (rel.1092) for HiLite series (exc. HiLite Pro). Self-extracting file: Enter "HIL_IME". Copy all created files to \SPEA\GDC!
hil_ipro.exe (326 kB) SPEAimagePro (rel.0992) for HiLite series (exc. HiLite Pro). Self-extracting file: Enter "HIL_IPRO". Copy all created files to \SPEA\GDC!
hil_play.exe (194 kB) PEAplay (rel.0992) for HiLite series (exc. HiLite Pro). SFX file: Enter "HIL_PLAY". Copy all created files to \SPEA\GDC!

hil_cam2.exe (254 kB) Pre-Release Version: SPEAcamera v3.1 (rel. 0393) for FGA/HiLite (ALSO HiLite Pro!). SFX file: Enter "HIL_CAM2". Copy files to \SPEA\GDC!
hil_ipr2.exe (348 kB) Pre-Release Version: SPEAimagePro v3.10 (rel. 0393) for FGA/HiLite (ALSO HiLite Pro!). SFX file: Enter "HIL_IPR2". Copy files to \SPEA\GDC!

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Copyright: © 1997 SPEA a DIAMOND Multimedia Company, Moosstraße 18 b, D-82319 Starnberg, Germany
All rights reserved.