Last changed: 07/14/2018 18:13:42

Drivers & Tools for: SPEA SHOWTIME PLUS TV


stvcap22.exe (67 kB) SHOWTIME PLUS TV: Updated Capture driver v2.2 (0296). SFX file. Note created README.

Complete Superdisk:

stv03961.exe (955 kB) SPEA SHOWTIME PLUS TV: Release 0396 (= Release on SuperCD II/96). File 1/3. SFX file. Start created SETUP, note README!
stv03962.exe (730 kB) SPEA SHOWTIME PLUS TV: Release 0396 (= Release on SuperCD II/96). File 2/3. SFX file. Start created SETUP, note README!
stv03963.exe (1,0 MB) SPEA SHOWTIME PLUS TV: Release 0396 (= Release on SuperCD II/96). File 3/3. SFX file. Start created SETUP, note README!
stvwin_1.exe (1,0 MB) SPEA SHOWTIME PLUS TV: Release 0396 (= Release on SuperCD II/96). Disk 'Windows drivers'. SFX file. Required when installing the board under Windows.

Additional graphics drivers:

stvnt351.exe (92 kB) SHOWTIME PLUS TV: Win NT 3.51 drivers rel.05/95. Graphics drivers only - no hardware video support. SFX file.
stvos2_1.exe (192 kB) SHOWTIME PLUS TV: OS/2 3.0 drivers rel.06/95. Graphics drivers only - no hardware video support. SFX file.

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Copyright: © 1997 SPEA a DIAMOND Multimedia Company, Moosstraße 18 b, D-82319 Starnberg, Germany
All rights reserved.