Last changed: 07/14/2018 18:22:31
Drivers & Tools for: VIPER VLB
Drivers for Windows 95:
vpr95201.exe (136 kB) Viper VLB Windows 95 Accelerated ALPHA drivers v2.01. These drivers currently support the VLB version only. Please view VPR95201.txt for important information.
vpr95201.txt (6 kB) Readme file for VPR95201.exe
vpr95215.exe (143 kB) Viper Series Windows 95 Accelerated BETA drivers v2.15, rel.1096.beta Please note created README.WRI. Drivers are not released yet.
Drivers for Windows 3.1x, Windows NT, Others:
vprvlb.exe (1,1 MB) VIPER VLB: Disk "Install/Utilities/DOS/Win 3.1x/Win NT 3.5x" v2.04. SFX file.
vvl210.exe (705 kB) VIPER VLB: Win 3.1x BETA Drivers v2.10i. SFX file. Note README.doc.
p9nt14.exe (87 kB) VIPER VLB: Win NT 3.5x drivers v1.40. SFX file.
Drivers for OS/2:
vprvlos2.exe (895 kB) VIPER VLB: Disk "OS/2 2.1 Drivers" v1.01. SFX file. Call INSTALL.
vmod204.exe (74 kB) VIPER VLB: VPRMODE Utility v2.04. SFX file.
vprpm.exe (108 kB) VIPER VLB: Disk "MicroStation 4.0/5.0 Drivers" v1.00. SFX file. Note README.NOW.
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