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The Accelerated Graphics Port (AGP)
- A Diamond Multimedia White Paper

The PC bus has gone through many changes as the demands placed on it have increased. The original PC expansion bus was the Industry Standard Architecture (ISA) which despite its limitations is still used for predominantly low-bandwidth peripherals such as Sound Blaster audio. The Peripherals Connection Interface (PCI) standard replaced the VESA VL bus specification, and has been the standard system bus for high-performance peripherals such as disk controllers and graphics boards. However, the emergence of 3D graphics threatened to overload the PCI bus.

The accelerated graphics port (AGP) is an extension of the PCI bus which addresses the limitations of PCI for handling large amounts of 3D graphics data. Intel developed AGP to address two problems facing 3D graphics on PCI. Firstly, 3D graphics requires as much memory as possible for texture maps and z-buffer information. The more texture maps available to a 3D application, the better looking the final results. Under normal circumstances the z-buffer, which provides information relating to the depth of a scene, uses the same memory as textures. This conflict creates a number of trade-offs for 3D developers as they grapple with the high cost of texture and z-buffer memory, and the results have an impact on the quality of the final image.

Designers of PCs have in the past suggested system memory be used for the storage of texture and z-buffer information, but the limitation on such a solution has been the transfer of such information across the PCI bus. The graphics subsystem and system memory are constrained by the physical limitations of the PCI bus. In addition, the bandwidth, or capacity, of PCI is not sufficient for real-time graphics. To help address these problems Intel has developed AGP.

AGP versus PCI AGP is, in very simple terms, a direct connection between the graphics subsystem and system memory. It provides much higher data transfer rates than PCI, and was expressly designed to meet the demands of real-time 3D. AGP allows for efficient use of frame buffer memory, thereby helping 2D graphics performance as well, while increasing the flow of 3D data through the system.

The definition of AGP, as a seemingly direct connection between graphics subsystem and system memory, is referred to as a point-to-point connection. In reality, AGP connects the graphics subsystem to the electronic logic of system memory, a position shared by the CPU.

AGP has only one upgrade path as a result, the graphics board. Motherboard graphics solutions using AGP will not be upgradeable.

Texture Mapping Performance

Intel's determination to ensure that AGP becomes a standard results from the realization that without such a solution, optimal 3D performance is difficult to achieve on the PC. Real-time 3D graphics requires a large amount of data to flow through the graphics subsystem. Without AGP solutions exotic memory devices, which are expensive to implement, would be required. In AGP designs texture memory and z-buffer data can be stored in system memory. With more effective use of system memory, AGP graphics boards do not require local texture memory, and can be provided at much lower costs.

In theory PCI would have been able to perform the same functions of AGP, but the performance would have been insufficient for most applications. Intel designed AGP for 133 MHz data rates, and manages memory in a complete different way than PCI. In PCI, any information stored in system memory is not physically continuous. This means there is a performance lag as information is gathered from its physical residence in system memory, and delivered in an orderly way to the graphics subsystem. With AGP, Intel has created a mechanism whereby the physical address of information in system memory is immaterial to the graphics subsystem. This is a key issue when an application is also using system memory to store and retrieve information. In the AGP design, no matter how texture data is scattered, the graphics subsystem can retrieve it seamlessly.

Intel expects AGP penetration will reach 90% of all systems by the end of the century. The computer graphics industry, both hardware and software development communities, have adopted the AGP specification. Unlike PCI, where many devices vie for control of the bus, in AGP the only device is a graphics subsystem. Initially, in the middle of 1997, Intel will ship AGP motherboards for Pentium Pro systems. Within a matter months, the Pentium AGP motherboards will also be available, and by the end of 1997 AGP will proliferate on many of the PCs being sold.

Diamond's AGP Strategy

AGP is a bus design which overcomes the limitations of the PCI bus to transfer data in and out of system memory. AGP improves on the physical speed of transfer by operating at 133 MHz, compared with the 66 MHz of PCI, and AGP provides a coherent memory management design which allows scattered data in system memory to be read in rapid bursts. AGP helps not only increase the performance of real-time 3D by delivering high-performance textures, but it reduces the overall cost of creating high-end graphics subsystems by using existing system memory architectures.

Diamond will provide AGP products designed to take full advantage of this exciting new bus for 3D graphics. Diamond is ideally suited to take advantage of the benefits of AGP because of the company's rich set of 3D and 2D graphics controllers, high-performance drivers designed for AGP, and a complete understanding of the benefits AGP provides to the consumer.



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