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As this is the 2nd version and I have not yet got any real updates, I remind you to update me on coders f/x bbs or civax@kinneret.com. == Parties =================================================================== (*) Ritual'97 is still in preparetions in Kfar-Saba. it is planed for the ??.07.97 and we all hope its going to be a big one. Invitation intro suppose to be released soon, coded and designed by SYNC, along with the Information on the party. (*) Movement'97 is planned for 2?.12.97 during the Hannu'ka holyday. It is supposed to be bigger then last time, but since its a long time till then I rather not publish anything right now. (*) Millenium had ended in Givata'im. Compos were small but people enjoyed anyway :). Releases not yet officialy available, but you can take the winning demo (Chinko/E!D) in the party version. (*) The Gathering in Norway had ended. We're expecting to bring the releases as soon as they'll be released. (*) Two parties are now taking place in Germany: Mekka & Symposium (they have united to one big party) and SiliConvention. Both parties started at the 28.3.97. (*) Just to keep you updated about the rest of this month and the next (April), here is a short list of nearest parties around the world: Scenery (Australia, 31/03) X Takeover (Holland, 04/04) Scenest (Hungary, 04/04) Spring Break (California - USA, 05/04) The Trip (Italy, 11/04) so, the comming weeks going to be full with new products and you all are very wolcome to aid the internet devision in bringing the new releases into coders f/x. == File Base Changes ========================================================= (*) MILLENIUM filearea is open and will contain all releases from the party. Since there isn't alot of relases we will have only 2 file areas here: Millenium products - Demos/intros/ansi/ascii/general files Millenium music - All the music compo entries (21) (*) MUSIC: S3M (N) area moved to the bigger harddisk due to size. We're installing a new 3.5Gb or 4.1Gb new harddisk soon, hopefully it will end our capacity problem for atleast half a year. (*) An error was dicovered in the MOV'96: Multi-Chnl filearea, as is seems some modules just didn't appear on the files list. This was fixed as soon as found. Tnx to Dark Spirit for pointing on it (hmm.. he though he was joking... I took him seriusly and found the error... what a guy! ;) (*) New file area is open - SMALL AND CUTE GAMES. We will not hold any warez or any commercial game there, only small games like VENGENCE, BAMBA, AVODA ect. You are welcome to contribute to this new area. == Online Features Changes =================================================== (*) Changing the design of the bbs completly, coders f/x is now more in a game style. The menus and other program have been changed to give the feeling of moving in a forest. (*) New NEWS items have be added to the ONLINE NEWS. The online news are available from the news menu. == Supported Groups ========================================================== # Moon Hunters WHQ Centari WHQ # # Embryo WHQ Esteem WHQ # # Escape IHQ Arkham IHQ # # Orange IHQ Keen Like Frogs IHQ # # Substance IHQ Camorra IHQ # # Fatal Justice IHQ Just For Fun IHQ # # Emerge Main Dist. Absence Dist # # TRiP Dist Bottom Dist # # KFMF Dist Exotics!Designs Dist # # SYNC Dist BNC Dist # == Happy Birthday!!! ========================================================= Handle Age Birthday ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Jony 21 Sat 29th March Chasseur 17 Sun 30th March Code Code 17 Tue 1st April Headbanger 16 Wed 2nd April Mental Trip 16 Fri 4th April Skyer 19 Sat 5th April Phantom Lord 14 Sun 6th April Hico 21 Sun 6th April Yo! 16 Mon 7th April Oyd 20 Mon 7th April Wingnut 17 Wed 9th April Bacterium 13 Sat 12th April Boby Brown 18 Sat 12th April Special Happy Birthday to Mental Trip/Embryo, Skyer/Esteem and our dear Phantom Lord/RCA (and Inet Devision!) Have a nice birthday guys! Also, as you see, even BOBY BROWN will be 18 soon!! What a singer! ;) == New Files Summry - civax choises ========================================== * Some files I must point out on: PLASTIC ans-emag #1 - a very serius work of phanatik, great code from borzom & vg music by mental trip. the emag is light, intresting & nicly designed with beautiful ansis by phanatik. TAKE IT! CHINKO (muna 2) demo - an awsome work from exotic!designs, showin they realy were the talents in late tatoo. chinko is also considerd as MUNA 2, and we suggest you'll watch MUNA before lookin at this winning demo in millenium. JOHLA'97 inv. intro - a diffrent invitation intro to johla'97 by doomsday and byterapers. featurin pictures of sceners from last johla party. nice. :) Israel GROUPS LIST - a full list of all scene groups in israel. includes several details. list maintaince done by civax/moon hunters. this is v1.10. == New Files Summry for 19.3 - 29.3 ========================================== * as the bbs is constantly changes, I advise you to check for new files while online. I have shortn all describtions into 1 line for space reasons. DEMO: Older than 1992 ====================== DUNNO.ZIP 12641 Dunno by BCG/Sourcerers, From 1990 SHOLIDAY.ZIP 60029 Summer Holiday by Sourcerers, From 1989 RAX.ZIP 12793 RAX, 3D on EGA, From 1987 USER: New Uploads ================= RITUAL.FRM 1881 Form for Ritual'96 - Fill & Upload! CARMEL4A.ZIP 803131 CARMEL ANTIVIRUS VER 4.00 (1/2) CARMEL4B.ZIP 573125 CARMEL ANTIVIRUS VER 4.00 (2/2) XFGUM2.ZIP 54999 GUM 0.91 RAYTRACING for WINDOWS 95 Crack MP3MK320.ZIP 2457684 Team Keso's MP3 PlayList Maker V3.20 256VPC.ZIP 420667 a c learn about graphics on vga ... TWST0397.ZIP 122078 TWISTED 03/97 Art Pack USER: General Files ==================== PSYCH26.ZIP 285244 PSYCHEDELIC SCREEN SAVER COL. Ver 2.6 USR33DRV.ZIP 14554 Sportster USRobotics Drivers for Win95 GEN: General Utils ================== SCN-300E.ZIP 648440 VirusScan for DOS (McAfee) v3.0.0 20/2/97 PARTIES: Info, Results ======================= MEKSYM97.ZIP 13988 Invitation text to Mekka-Symposium '97 ABD97INF.ZIP 8767 InfoText for Abduction'97 v1.00 GP97RES.ZIP 5143 Resultes of Generala Proba'97 ABD97PRE.ZIP 285766 Abduction'97 preinvitation text by mass AI_SN97I.ZIP 36662 SCEneST'97 invitation text v1.0 General Utils ============= VGB-DOS.ZIP 96468 Portable Nintendo GameBoy Emulator v0.6 Communication (BBSes/Internet) ============================== ALIST279.ZIP 113881 A-List v279 Israeli BBSes list (15/2/97) COMM: Ra Utils & Doors ====================== SRVIEW11.ZIP 110419 Views IBBS SRGAMES while others play UULOGIN2.ZIP 179339 uuLogin v2.10 - uucp login manager FD53DOS.ZIP 156884 FILEDUDE 5.3 (DOS) RG file manager SS-108.ZIP 306971 SysOp stat. v1.08 for RA 2.0x/2.5 FOOLP210.ZIP 1483282 FoolPOINT v2.1o - All a point needs. FOOLPDOC.ZIP 263771 FoolPOINT v2.oo - Documantation. LISTV10.ZIP 16279 RA-Lister v1.0 - BBS listing (RA 2.0x/2.5) FMLX_122.ZIP 628193 FMail 1.22 DOS-DPMI 16/32 bit versions PARTIES: Invitations ===================== J97INVI.ZIP 1424907 Juhla'97 inv. intro by Doomsday & Byterapers MEET97.ZIP 316985 MEETING'97 inv. intro by heaven s. Source Codes (N) ================= CDA101.ZIP 25705 CDAUDIO.PAS 1.01 *BUGFIXED!!!* WATRXYZZ.ZIP 265045 water-bump source and explanation BWDEV300.ZIP 58246 The Blue Wave Developer's Kit Version 3. TEXT: DemoNews Issues ====================== DN#144.ZIP 27503 DemoNews Issue #144 - Mar. 19, 1997 MOVEMENT'96: General Files =========================== MOV96RES.ZIP 9755 Resultes & Sponsers of MOV96 MOVEMENT'96: Music Multi-Chnls =============================== FIRERIDE.ZIP 90984 "Fire Riders" by Kaz / Grill RHYTHM!.ZIP 339310 "Rhythm" by Kombat / Immortals MINE!.ZIP 483565 "Mine!" by PsychoMorphic / Cyborg THEMAKER.ZIP 82287 " The Maker " by FireBird / BSP SHAKEIT.ZIP 287644 "Shake it baby" by High Dive/Centari CODERS F/X BBS Files ==================== SGL001.ZIP 8742 Israeli scene groups list, v1.10 CFX#05.ZIP 9039 Coders f/x bbs weekly news, ver 5.00 DEMO: 1997 ========== GG_FIX.ZIP 177723 Patch for 'Another 1 Glides the Dust' demo GG_A1GTD.ZIP 1515235 "Another one Glides the Dust" demo SUPPORT: BNC Distro ==================== ANV3.ZIP 24159 ANV3 - ANSI - TEXT VIEWER VER 3 ANSI: ASCII ART ================ ASCTUTOR.ZIP 16096 Ascii Tutor: FreeStyle, Ami/x, Block ANSI: Art Packs (general) ========================== DKREW-04.ZIP 1319148 Dead Krew (c) Pack #04 [02/02/97] AILE02-A.ZIP 1231679 Aile Productions 1st pack (1/2) AILE02-B.ZIP 1671651 Aile Productions 1st pack (2/2) BLNDR014.ZIP 170429 blender fourteen 1110 #14 HRG-03.ZIP 647982 HellRaiser 3rd pack (Mar.97) TLY-0397.ZIP 891900 Triloxy march exposition ANSI: E-Mags ============= PLASTIC1.ZIP 689745 Plastic ansemag issue #1, by phanatik GAMES: Small & Cute ==================== ACIDBOX.ZIP 52466 ACiDBOX Game by Rocket Scientist/ACiD MILLENIUM - Products ==================== ND_ASLT.JPG 170966 Night Assault by Night Deamon (1st GFX) CHINKO.ZIP 2261073 Chinko by exotic!designs (1st demo, party version) == CFX Team Status =========================================================== Sysop.............................................CiVAX / Moon Hunters Cosysops................................................Turk 182 # Ice Internet Devision.....................Calidor # Sysrack # Phantom Lord == How to contact the CFX Team =============================================== Handle Real Name Home Voice # Email address ÄÄÄÄÄÄ ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Civax . Ohad Barzilay . 07-675-3758 . civax@kinneret.com Turk 182 . Yossi Revah . 07-673-1675 . turk.182@kinneret.com Ice . Yosi Taguri . 07-675-2549 . ice@kinneret.com Ice is available only at weekends!! Civax and Turk182 are available only at evening hours during weekdays. You can always leave us a msg on the bbs in the local area, or send email. ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ [o] End of CODERS F/X BBS publication [o] ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ