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We are in need for the following people: * Incharge of groups relations - keeping contact with the groups we represent in Europe & Israel and contacting new groups. IRC access is mandatory. * Internet Devision - responsible of the MUSIC scene. For more information please contact civax on the bbs or email at civax@kinneret.com == Editor's Introduction: Special Weeks ===================================== Hi people. We again present you another issue of CFX News. This weekly newsletter is evolving pritty fast and we notice a raise in the number of people taking it. I'd like to hear your comments, read your ideas and even post small reports you'll write in this. We'll also permit groups to PUBLISH notes, news or anything not- too-long here, so contact me at will. I'll try to do a summery of the new items on this issue: TG'97 files are ALL online, some of Mekka&Symposium'97 too. We also have some of the winners in X'97 and you better check 'em out. We've added 2 new options online - VOTE door n' SCENE CONVERSE available at Fun & Utils menu (F from main menu). We're still under construction of 2 forums for the groups TTOM n' VERTIGO. We're getting our new BBS computer on sunday, 20.04.97, with a new 3.2 Gb Hdd, what will increase the bbs size limits to 4.64 Gb (we lose one of our 1.2Gb Hdds) and another line is being fixed these days by Bezeq. We assume it'll only be available at the end of the holiday. The new line will work on USR 33.6K. We've been into some troubles latly since some of you people thinks you can dissconect with ALT H. Well, you shouldn't. Whenever you dissconect with ALT H instead of !, you have a 50% of 'stucking' the board. In other words, if you're on the bbs and suddenly you're disconnected without a reason - your friend at the other line just did an ALT H... We decided to wait with the strict rules until the new machine, but if this will continue, we'll have to LOCK OUT problematic users. Don't say we didn't worn you. Ok guys, I think thats about it, just remember - its 3 months to RITUAL and 6 months to MOV'97 - you better move your ass and DO something cool! See'ya all there! Civax / moon hunters coders f/x bbs, sysop [ civax@kinneret.com ] == Parties =================================================================== (*) We officialy announce here that ALL the official releases from The Gathering 97 (Norway) DemoParty are now online. This includes 4k, 64k, demo, FastDemo, TextDemo, Music and Graphics. There are some AMAIZING stuff in there - be sure to have a look. (*) Productions from Mekka&Symposium '97 available on the bbs. The rest of the products will be available within a week. (*) Due to size limits, we're gonna bring only the first 3 places from each compo of the following parties: SiliConvention, X97 Scenest, Spring Break, Scenery and The Trip. This will take several days before we'll get them all online. (*) Ritual'97 is still in preparetions in Kfar-Saba. it is planed for the ??.07.97 and we all hope its going to be a big one. Invitation intro suppose to be released soon, coded and designed by SYNC, along with the Information on the party. (*) Movement'97 is planned for 2?.12.97 during the Hannu'ka holyday. we'll release an article about whats going on inside the organizing team on the next week issue of CFX NEWS. (*) Just to keep you updated about the rest of this month and the next (April), here is a short list of nearest parties around the world: Simple (Portugal, 01/05) Invasion (Finland, 02/05) Abduction (Finland, 06/06) The comming weeks going to be full with new products and you're all very welcome to aid the internet devision in bringing the new releases into coders f/x. == File Base Changes ========================================================= (*) File base is going to change alot the next days, as we get a new HDD of 3.2 GB and moves the whole bbs to a pentium based machine. Several treditional areas are going to be splited. Here are some of the ideas we might (or not) implement: SOURCES area will be devided to MUSIC & SOUND, 3D Modelling, GAME Engines, Plasma, Fire, 2D effects, Intros/Demos Sources, Tutors, Communication and probably few more. DISKMAGS area gonna split to Diskmag (graphic) and Other Mags (text) some other changes expected. (*) While fixing new areas on the bbs we'll also do a 'passover cleaning' and delete alot of the usless old stuff in all directories. (*) New areas to be open: X97 and SCENEST. (*) A new filearea is open for the group VERTIGO. You'll find all thier files there, along with some updated information. We'll soon have thier forum online, updated according to thier web page. (*) We have re-opened a file area dedicated to Fantasy and Myth pictures, called on the bbs FANTASY AND MYTH PICTURES II, since we already have such an area online. This area, like the first one, will focus on the artwork of Boris Vallejo. Still, we won't limit ourselves to this artist alone and will supply any other qulity picture related to that subject. (*) The CFX Team is now constructing a complete bbs area dedicated to NEW AGE and WORLD MUSIC styles. We will supply you files and info about artists like Vangelis, J.M. Jarre, Mike Oldfield, Enigma, Deep Forest ect. Updates will be made according to the official web sites of these artists. If you have any information or related files, or you've got any requests about this project, please contact civax. (*) As we started bringing Mekka&Symposium 97 files we had opened 4 new areas: MEK97 - 4k intro ==> 4k intros MEK97 - 64k intro ==> 64k intros MEK97 - pc demo ==> demos MEK97 - graphics ==> graphics & art More areas will be opened as soon as we'll post more files online, such as 2 areas for music (4/multi) and pictures from the partyplace. (*) New file area is open - SMALL AND CUTE GAMES. We will not hold any warez or any commercial game there, only small games like VENGENCE, BAMBA, AVODA ect. You are welcome to contribute to this new area. == Online Features Changes =================================================== (*) Voting door is now available again from Fun & Utils menu. Go and vote on whatever you want. You can add new questions anytime! (*) Converse with sceners is now back online as an option from the Fun & Utils menu. Yea, the same door so many of you liked! :) (*) You can read the latest CFXNEWS online from the news menu, press 5. == Supported Groups ========================================================== # Moon Hunters WHQ Centari WHQ # # Embryo WHQ Esteem WHQ # # TTOM WHQ Arkham IHQ # # Escape IHQ Keen Like Frogs IHQ # # Orange IHQ Camorra IHQ # # Substance IHQ Just For Fun IHQ # # Fatal Justice IHQ Vertigo IHQ # # Emerge Main Dist. Bottom Dist # # TRiP Dist Exotic!Designs Dist # # KFMF Dist BNC Dist # # SYNC Dist Absence Dist # (*) We are now official IHQ of VERTIGO. Verigo is a coding group and you can find thier latest files online. Expect a forum online soon. == Happy Birthday!!! ========================================================= Handle Age Birthday ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Henry 19 Wed 23rd April Orange 18 Thu 24th April Nighthawk 17 Fri 25th April Criminal 18 Sun 27th April Borzom 18 Sun 27th April Livne Berebi 13 Mon 28th April Sticky Baboon 19 Tue 29th April Hipnotik 13 Wed 30th April Big Bang 20 Wed 30th April Sabrewulf 17 Wed 30th April Big Al 20 Wed 30th April Rew Kick 16 Wed 30th April Terminator 17 Thu 1st May Ziv 26 Fri 2nd May Sysop Cracky 22 Fri 2nd May Happy birthday to you all! Special congrats goes to NightHawk, Borzom (the one and only in our scene!), Sticky Baboon (what would we do without you, man?) and Hipnotik. We also sends worm greetings to Sysop Cracky, aka Ronen Hertzog, the sysop of SOA bbs! Keep up the great work, man!! == New Files Summry - civax choises ========================================== * Some files I must point out on: ROBOTNIK demo - one of the BEST demos I've seen lately. it won 2nd at TG97 and has some new effects I haven't seen on other demos. This *awsome* production was made by a group named RAGE. ROBOTNIK.ZIP SPOTLIGHT 64k - realy one of the best 64k intros released. new style, new effects - music fits like a glove. a must see. SPOTLIGHT.ZIP OMNISCENT 4k - amaizing 4k from Mekka&Symposium 97. whole 3d engine in a tiny 3.9K intro. Take it. SCN-OMNI.ZIP THE DREAM 4k - A realy good 4k intro by spirit new style, won 1st place at X'97. SNS-TDRM.ZIP == New Files Summry for 12.4 - 18.4 ========================================== * as the bbs is constantly changes, I advise you to check for new files while online. I have shortn all describtions into 1 line for space reasons. TEXT FILES: Programming & Scene Info. ===================================== BUMPTUT.ZIP 72134 2d-bump mapping tutor by ollie/kalvados C-TUT.ZIP 12705 C tutorial for beginers on borland compilers D00FORM.ZIP 8034 D00 format (JCH's EdLib) explained DOS32VBE.ZIP 12026 Using SVGA with DOS32, by carebear/comedy ASMVGA1.ZIP 8340 Assembler graphics tutorial by slippy/bomb squad TEXT FILES: Guides & Mags ========================= PAIN0497.ZIP 379889 Pain swiss e-mag, april edition (04/97) RST1VOTE.ZIP 4948 Voteform for restless diskmag issue 1 BSR-0010.ZIP 23417 Belgian scene report issue 10 (X'97 issue) ART: Original Pictures ====================== PLS_30.ZIP 231940 30 - Lazur's new slideshow advert, a pulse release GEN: Users Uploads ================== X97RES .ZIP 6,826 X'97 Takeover official results file NOEFFECT.ZIP 7,542 No Effect by The watcher/Tuhb (X97, 4k, 3rd) MONOLIFE.ZIP 64,425 MonoLife by Hatha (X97, 64k, 3rd) VAL_BTC .ZIP 66,534 Brighten the corners by Valhalla (X97, 64k, 1st) SNS_TDRM.ZIP 7,788 The Dream by Spirit New Style (X97, 4k, 1st) MUSIC: Modules (S3M) (N) ========================= SEASONFX.ZIP 446412 Seasons of mist by Edge/EMF (asm96) PANICS3M.ZIP 429398 Panic-The forgotten song by Orthodox/Red Power MUSIC: Modules (IT) =================== TRUEW.ZIP 226398 True woods by Free Jack SS.ZIP 260821 Second Sunrise by Jacko F&F.ZIP 192583 Fire & Forget Remix by Jacko VYNN.ZIP 164821 Vynnel Goddess from mars by Jacko, israel SP.ZIP 178712 Saturation Point by Jacko, israel DEMOS: Fatal Justice IHQ ======================== VELVET4.ZIP 66606 Velvet 4, 64k intro from Mekka&Symposium '97 Israeli intros ============== INTROS.ZIP 23126 2 intros of setup bbs by gili nahum GDP-1.ZIP 143390 collection of effects by gili nahum ABC-DRAW.ZIP 20594 a drawing program + non-full source by gili nahum DEMOS: ESCAPE IHQ ================= BBSCL_25.ZIP 52937 BBS adverts cleaner v2.5 BIN2DB23.ZIP 16825 Binary 2 DB Converter v2.3á BIN2DB24.ZIP 16191 Binary 2 DB Converter v2.4 Communication (BBSes/Internet) ============================== XRD-D12C.ZIP 1164976 The DESIRE boardsystem Version 1.2c (BBS Software) VCOM_02B.ZIP 630686 VCom 0.2b IQA26T.ZIP 1098676 Iniquity A26 (test release), both DOS & OS/2 COMM: Ra Utils & Doors ====================== IBANK105.ZIP 138234 IceBank v1.05 * Deluxe Time/Kbyte Bank Source Codes (N) ================= FLCFLI.ZIP 33027 FLC viewer simple example source (wc/bc) E_OS303.ZIP 1228742 Dos Extender for Watcom Tasm & Masm 4BBSTRO.ZIP 245576 4 Wicked bbstro's 100% asm code by Earwax (asm) ASMFIRE1.ZIP 6340 fire code with assembly source by legend AST_TPU.ZIP 271943 Play AST tpu 1.00 by patrice bounchand (ast tracker) AZR_BUMP.ZIP 115304 3 examples of 2D bump mapping by Slash/Azure (c++/asm) BCA_TNL.ZIP 24064 Texture mapped tunnel effects by bca/karva^fate (pas) CE-WIN95.ZIP 23251 Win95 & demos starter CuteElf CHAOSSRC.ZIP 34673 Chaos bbs intro sources by Hellcore (asm) CSB_CSRC.ZIP 28438 Chaos 4k intro by Con$ub (asm) DECODE.ZIP 7340 Decoder for GusDrive 2 by QuoVadis (asm) DK-MOD10.ZIP 9352 MOD - Changes text mode under dos by dake (asm) DVT-LBMV.ZIP 182314 IFF, ILBM/PBM viewer (S/VGA) by Ash/Devotion (c/asm) 3DSRDR13.ZIP 10891 3DStudio reader v1.3 by MRI/Doomsday SCRNSVR1.ZIP 8217 Screen Saver1: 1st try by gili nahum (pas) SCRNSVR2.ZIP 6477 Screen Saver2: simple by gili nahum (pas) SCRNSVR3.ZIP 7762 Screen Saver3: green sun by gili nahum (pas) SCRNSVR4.ZIP 6907 Screen Saver4: eyes trick by gili nahum (pas) SCRNSVR5.ZIP 9234 Screen Saver5: a tv demo by gili nahum (pas) 3DBAR.ZIP 7471 Round bars going up& down by gili nahum (pas) TETRIS!.ZIP 33497 Tetris, 256col, SB by gili nahum (pas) 1ON1.ZIP 90778 'squosh' for 2 players by gili nahum. (pas) STARSDMO.ZIP 25826 starfiled by gili nahum (pas) GRASSDMO.ZIP 8855 moving grass effect by gili nahum (pas) GILIPLZM.ZIP 12484 plazma by gili nahum (pas) C_NET & Ultinet support ======================= MICHAL&I ZIP 916,297 Shlomo Yona and Michal (jpg) COMM: General Utils ==================== THEEDIT ZIP 62,714 Hebrew english mail editor by yuval luzon CODERS F/X BBS Files ==================== CFX#8.ZIP 16394 CFX news 008 (12.4.97) + Israeli scene groups list CFX#07.ZIP 18799 CFX news 007 (05.4.97) + Israeli scene groups list SUPPORT: BNC Distro ==================== KNOW_ME.ZIP 181773 Who knows me by Coax/Bnc (trance) BNC-HELL.ZIP 34547 Hell with that by Coax/Bnc. 3 ansi screens. ANSI: Art Packs (general) ========================== WOE0497.ZIP 1086342 WOE chronicles iii, april pack - 04/97 RCA0497A.ZIP 199516 RCA april pack, 04/97 - Ansi + Ascii (1/2) RCA0497B.ZIP 2481996 RCA april pack, 04/97 - High Rez. (2/2) OPX-0497.ZIP 1715828 OPIUM graphics, april pack, 04/97 FIRE0497.ZIP 2699641 Fire Productions comBUSTion pack 04/97 AIF-9703.ZIP 226336 AIF (Art in Fuck) #3, march pack 03/97 GBLOGOS.ZIP 780329 GB (Gangster Brothers) colly - 04/97 SERIAL02.ZIP 85454 Serial pack #2 SERIAL03.ZIP 104239 Serial pack #3 FLIP-18.ZIP 1438130 Flip productions release #18 [03/96] FL-PACK8.ZIP 146555 Fuel pack #8 [12/96] FL-PACK6.ZIP 121439 Fuel pack #6 [10/96] FL-PACK4.ZIP 114962 Fuel pack #4 [08/96] TOXIC-01.ZIP 107035 Toxic premier pack 05/96 MORTAL05.ZIP 329181 Mortal pack #5 MORTAL01.ZIP 150481 Mortal pack #1 Group: VERTIGO IHQ ================== VERTIGO2.JPG 22504 Vertigo logo, from the webpage. 1997 FAITH.ZIP 18489 Faith by Vector/Vertigo - 4K intro VGOPHONG.ZIP 10838 Document about phong shading, all aspects. by TimJ VGOBE20.ZIP 27908 VESA2.0 tutorial, asm, obj & C sources Mek'97: 64K Intros ================== SPOTLITE.ZIP 67720 Spotlite by ?? D4Z_RES.ZIP 69350 Reset by D4Z E9-ASTRL.ZIP 68422 Astral Dream by Ethos-9 P_WARPF.ZIP 67733 Warp act 2 by Pulpe PRG-T209.ZIP 60543 Totram 209 by Purge, includes source code QUICKIE.ZIP 57406 Quickie by Ash TONCA.ZIP 69942 Tonca by Real TORTURE.ZIP 64496 Turture by Finix VELVET4.ZIP 242 Velvet 4 by Fatal Justice MEK'97: 4K intros ================= SNC_OMNI.ZIP 16722 Omniscent by Sanction (1st) DI-LUZTL.ZIP 7177 Luztloz by Dies.Irae DNA_SEVN.ZIP 7694 Seven by Dawn of a New Age (DNA) E9-DIOH.ZIP 6381 Dioh by Ethos-9 E9-HIAS.ZIP 10951 Hias by Ethos-9 FIERKA.ZIP 6974 Fierka by Hirntod MEYER2.ZIP 6857 Meyer 2 by Funk RELIQ.ZIP 30465 Reliq by Sli == CFX Team Status =========================================================== Sysop.............................................CiVAX / Moon Hunters Cosysops................................................Turk 182 # Ice Internet Devision.....................Calidor # Sysrack # Phantom Lord == How to contact the CFX Team =============================================== Handle Real Name Home Voice # Email address ÄÄÄÄÄÄ ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Civax . Ohad Barzilay . 07-675-3758 . civax@kinneret.com Turk 182 . Yossi Revah . 07-673-1675 . turk.182@kinneret.com Ice . Yosi Taguri . 07-675-2549 . ice@kinneret.com Ice is available only at weekends!! Civax and Turk182 are available mostly at evenings during weekdays. However, You can always leave us a msg on the bbs in the local area, or send us email. ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ [o] End of CODERS F/X BBS publication [o] ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ