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We are in need for the following people: * Incharge of groups relations - keeping contact with the groups we represent in Europe & Israel and contacting new groups. IRC access is mandatory. * Internet Devision - responsible of the MUSIC scene. For more information please contact civax on the bbs or email at civax@kinneret.com == Editor's Introduction: New System!! ====================================== Yo Sceners! We're happly marking 2 events this time: # a totaly NEW hardware running the bbs # the anniversery issue of CFX NEWS... Yea, we've reached issue 10 of this little weekly newsletter. Expect a mailing list soon available for everyone with email... Some words on the new system... As most of you noticed, the bbs was offline for 3 days (monday to wednesday) and was only up at 24th in the afternoon. A little info - In the first 24 hours it was reopend, * 53 * calls were listed! :) Lets have a look at what changed.. ---------------------------------- BBS splited on 2 servers BBS centered on 1 server 2 nodes on 28.8K 2nd line 33.6, 1st line soon Main server is a 486sx33 Main server is a Pentium100 Speed for each line: 15Mhz Speed for each line: 50Mhz BBS capacity: 3.2 Gb BBS Capacity: 4.6 Gb Future plans are: # 3rd line was ordered from bezeq # Upgrading all lines to 33.6 (USRobotics) In the process we have changed alot of the 'inside' structure of the bbs. In the comming weeks we're going to work alot on our internet connectivity as we're getting the bbs ready to be a telnet site. ALOT OF THANKS: Turk182 / CFX Team GoodByte / Moon Hunters Ice / CFX Team Enjoy the new system, report any bugs to me. Civax / moon hunters coders f/x bbs, sysop [ civax@kinneret.com ] == Parties =================================================================== (*) All releases from The Gathering '97 are online. (*) Available online releases from: X'97 and Proba Generalna 3. (*) Comming week will feature produts from: X'97, SiliConvetion, Scenest, Spring Break, The Trip, Scenery and Proba Generalna 3. (*) Ritual'97 is still in preparetions in Kfar-Saba. it is planed for the ??.07.97 and we all hope its going to be a big one. Invitation intro suppose to be released soon, coded and designed by SYNC, along with the Information on the party. (*) Just to keep you updated about the rest of this month and the next (April), here is a short list of nearest parties around the world: Simple (Portugal, 01/05) Invasion (Finland, 02/05) Abduction (Finland, 06/06) In case you didn't noticed, RITUAL is due in about 2 months! Movement'97 is due in about 7 months. Any help is brining files from the parties into the bbs will be accepted happly. This week we wish to thank Amit Moskovich and Sepul/Independus (poland). == File Base Changes ========================================================= (*) SOURCES area will be devided to MUSIC & SOUND, 3D Modelling, GAME Engines, Plasma, Fire, 2D effects, Intros/Demos Sources, Tutors, Communication and probably few more. DISKMAGS area gonna split to Diskmag (graphic) and Other Mags (text) some other changes expected. (*) We've done a 'passover cleaning' on the bbs and deleted alot of the usless old stuff in all directories. (*) The CFX Team is now constructing a complete bbs area dedicated to NEW AGE and WORLD MUSIC styles. We will supply you files and info about artists like Vangelis, J.M. Jarre, Mike Oldfield, Enigma, Deep Forest ect. Updates will be made according to the official web sites of these artists. If you have any information or related files, or you've got any requests about this project, please contact civax. (*) New file area is open - SMALL AND CUTE GAMES. We will not hold any warez or any commercial game there, only small games like VENGENCE, BAMBA, AVODA ect. You are welcome to contribute to this new area. == Online Features Changes =================================================== (*) Voting door is now available again from Fun & Utils menu. Go and vote on whatever you want. You can add new questions anytime! (*) Converse with sceners is now back online as an option from the Fun & Utils menu. Yea, the same door so many of you liked! :) (*) You can read the latest CFXNEWS online from the news menu, press 5. == Supported Groups ========================================================== + Moon Hunters WHQ + Centari WHQ + Embryo WHQ + Esteem WHQ + TTOM WHQ + Immortals WHQ + Escape IHQ + Arkham IHQ + Orange IHQ + Keen Like Frogs IHQ + Substance IHQ + Camorra IHQ + Fatal Justice IHQ + Just For Fun IHQ + Emerge Dist + Vertigo IHQ + Exotic!Designs Dist + TRiP Dist + BNC Dist + KFMF Dist + Absence Dist + SYNC Dist + Bottom Dist (*) We are now an official WHQ of IMMORTALS. == Happy Birthday!!! ========================================================= Handle Age Birthday ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Criminal 18 Sun 27th April Borzom 18 Sun 27th April Livne Berebi 13 Mon 28th April Sticky Baboon 19 Tue 29th April Hipnotik 13 Wed 30th April Sabrewulf 17 Wed 30th April Big Bang 20 Wed 30th April Rew Kick 16 Wed 30th April Terminator 17 Thu 1st May Sysop Cracky 22 Fri 2nd May Ziv 26 Fri 2nd May Haven's Boy 18 Sat 3rd May Crunch 18 Sun 4th May Jacko 18 Mon 5th May Lifshits Pavel 14 Tue 6th May Jaxon Sapakos 22 Wed 7th May Force 19 Wed 7th May Giga Boy 14 Fri 9th May Happy birthday to you all! Special congrats goes to ** Borzom ** (the one and only in our scene!), Sticky Baboon (what would we do without you, man?) and Hipnotik. We also sends worm greetings to Sysop Cracky, aka Ronen Hertzog, the sysop of SOA bbs! Keep up the great work, man!! == New Files Summry - civax choises ========================================== * Some files I must point out on: 303 demo - best demo I've seen from the last parties. actually, this is the first 'clip-demo' ! It contains video-parts + music and vocals and designed as an MTV clip. DON'T MISS IT FOR ANYTHING! - (don't forget the FIX !) [parties|x'97|demo|acme_303.zip + a303_fix.zip] SPOTLIGHT 64k - realy one of the best 64k intros released. new style, new effects - music fits like a glove. a must see! [parties|x'97|64k|spotlite.zip] OMNISCENT 4k - amaizing 4k from Mekka&Symposium 97. whole decent 3d engine + midi in a 4K intro. [parties|x'97|4k|snc-omni.zip] == New Files Summry for 19.4 - 26.4 ========================================== * as the bbs is constantly changes, I advise you to check for new files while online. I have shortn all describtions into 1 line for space reasons. * Note the bbs was offline for 3.5 days this week.. Not alot of new files like last time... :) TEXT FILES: Guides & Mags =================================== SCENIAL2.ZIP 545046 Scenial Issue #2: The injection, by Beans & Pulse Israeli intros =================================== TTINTRO.ZIP 8851 Tiny Toon Land Intro Communication (BBSes/Internet) =================================== THEEDIT.ZIP 62714 The Editor v0.7b, by Yuval Luzon. CODE: Source Codes =================================== IMS05.ZIP 284792 Indoor music system 0.5, cubic player's int. system LASSESRC.ZIP 132782 Full code for Lasse Reinboeng 64k. Req. IMS, WC, Tasm COMM: Ultinet & Ring_C Support =================================== MICHAL&I.ZIP 916297 Shlomo Y. and his beloved Michal! TEXT: Demo News support ======================= DN#145.ZIP 25975 DemoNews issue 145 from Hornet (released 19.04) CODERS F/X BBS Files =================================== CFX#09.ZIP 15821 CFX news 009 (19.4.97) + Israeli scene groups list CFX#08.ZIP 16394 CFX news 008 (12.4.97) + Israeli scene groups list SUPPORT: BNC Dist. =================================== BNCANS5.ZIP 44141 BNC's ansi pack #5 by Coax MMM&ACE4.ZIP 273439 Hypnotic Sound's 97 (.IT) by MMM & Ace Mix BNC4CFX.ZIP 5766 Ansi for coders f/x bbs by Coax ANSI: Art Packs (general) =================================== ELP-0497.ZIP 768658 Elysium Power Pack #2 (04/97) FUEL12.ZIP 251647 Fuel Pack #12 SURGE13.ZIP 526442 Surge Pruductions #13 (04/97) MILLENIUM - Products =================================== OSHO.ZIP 1369140 Osho by Immortals, Final version 1.2 (2nd) SHEEVA.ZIP 88763 Sheeva by Immortals, 101K intro (1st, Mill) X'97: Best of... =================================== A303_FIX.ZIP 191758 acme's 303 demo-fix ACME_303.ZIP 3233006 A demo by acme called 303 (1st, demo) MONOLIFE.ZIP 64425 MonoLife by Hatha (3rd, 64k) NOEFFECT.ZIP 7542 No Effect by The Watcher/Tahb (3rd, 4k) SNS_SDAY.ZIP 2857811 Saturday by Spirit New Style (3rd, demo) SNS_TDRM.ZIP 7788 The Dream by hugo/spirit new style (1st, 4k) VAL_BTC.ZIP 66534 Brighten the corners by Valhalla (1st, 64k) X97RES.ZIP 6826 Official Results of X97 takeover PG3 - 64k intros =================================== ABYSS_V1.ZIP 67685 Abyss 1 by Necroboisis ABYSS_V2.ZIP 64706 Abyss 2 by Necroboisis AUN_BORN.ZIP 58699 BORNTRO 64kb intro by Autumn FSE_DEMO.ZIP 62020 Demonstration by Fuse GP3_ALBA.ZIP 72645 Alba by Albatros GP3_BEEM.ZIP 62773 beem bam by Tojt1997 GP3_BP.ZIP 71829 Broken Pipe by Pulse GP3_FALL.ZIP 55501 Falling by Hellcore GP3_IMPL.ZIP 65290 Implant by MN GP3_MINU.ZIP 202014 Minute by Stones GP3_TOWR.ZIP 66826 Tower by Hypnotize GP3_TRVL.ZIP 47670 Travel by ?? GP3_XAS2.ZIP 66997 Xaos2 by Mist SWL_BOF.ZIP 67526 Swirl by Baptism of fire VALENTIN.ZIP 26025 Valentine by Stones SUPPORT: Immortals WHQ =================================== OSHO.ZIP 1369140 Osho by Immortals, Final version 1.2 (2nd) SHEEVA.ZIP 88763 Sheeva by Immortals, 101K intro (1st, Mill) == CFX Team Status =========================================================== Sysop.............................................CiVAX / Moon Hunters Cosysops................................................Turk 182 # Ice Internet Devision.....................Calidor # Sysrack # Phantom Lord == How to contact the CFX Team =============================================== Handle Real Name Home Voice # Email address ÄÄÄÄÄÄ ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Civax . Ohad Barzilay . 07-675-3758 . civax@kinneret.com Turk 182 . Yossi Revah . 07-673-1675 . turk.182@kinneret.com Ice . Yosi Taguri . 07-675-2549 . ice@kinneret.com Ice is available only at weekends!! Civax and Turk182 are available mostly at evenings during weekdays. However, You can always leave us a msg on the bbs in the local area, or send us email. ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ [o] End of CODERS F/X BBS publication [o] ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ