C O D E R S F / X ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ [o] CFX BBS official NEWS and UPDATES publication [o] ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ[ 19 ]ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Node 1 # +972-7-675-3224 (local 07-6753224) 28.8K V.FC 24Hrs FREE Node 2 # +972-7-675-8537 (local 07-6758537) 33.6K 24Hrs FREE ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Publication 019 Date 11/07/1997 (+9) ÍÍ Index ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ [ 01 ] ... Editor's introduction: The Demo Dark Ages / Kaz [ 02 ] ... CFX Team announcement [ 03 ] ... Parties releted information [ 04 ] ... File Base changes [ 05 ] ... On-Line Features changes [ 06 ] ... Supported groups list [ 07 ] ... Voting Statistics Summery [ 08 ] ... Happy birthday! list [ 09 ] ... New israeli releases list [ 10 ] ... New files summery - civax choices [ 11 ] ... New files summery - 02.07.97 to 11.07.97 (+9 days) [ 12 ] ... CFX Team status [ 13 ] ... Contact the CFX Team ÍÍ Editor's Introduction: The Demo Dark Ages / Kaz ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ[01]ÍÍ There are some kickass demo groups out there. Coma, Realtech, Orange, and many others. We get to see some amazing demos. Demo quality keeps rising every month of the year. From a technical point of view, the coders out there today are better than in the past. But are demos today ground breaking? Hardly. There seems to be a lack of innovation in new demos, and only a rare few really stand out and give us something that we haven't seen before that keeps us amazed. Future Crew, the spiritual fathers of all the demo scene today still should be credited for inventing more than any other group had, after years without releasing. The demo music had only began to change from the Skaven/Purple Motion wannabe style (largely due to talented musicians, much less due to the coders). The basic structure of most demos remains the same. That leads us to a question: What happened to the scene's innovation? Well, I don't believe that todays coders aren't as talented as the FC's (even though Second Reality still has the best plasma effect, in my opinion). The musicians aren't as good as the amazing Skaven and Purple Motion, but they're catching up. The VGA and 3D artists today are one level above what used to be the standard. So is it the design which is the weak point of most demos? Probably. New demos have amazing 3D engines, powerfull effects, and do things that weren't imaginable 3 years back. From a technical point of view, todays demos are amazing. How can this problem be solved? Maybe people should stop looking at other demos for ideas. It's time that demo groups start from scratch and work themselves from bottom up once more. The talent is there, and I don't believe that todays sceners aren't capable of innovation and creativity. I don't want to wait for the evolution of the demo scene. It's time for a demo revolution! * * * *** The text written by kaz was originaly submited to MOO Diskmag. *** *** Since MOO merged to LUNA II, and LUNA II will not be out soon, *** *** I thought it will be a waste to miss this _very good_ article. *** ÍÍ CFX Team Announces ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ[02]ÍÍ IMPORTANT! ************************************************* IMPORTANT! I, civax, am going on 2 months trip to scandinavia and europe. In that time, Turk182 will do his best to keep the bbs running as usuall, but since he studies at a university away from here, he might be avilable only at weekends. Now we need _YOUR_ help. Turk182 will take care of the 'dirty' sysop works, still, you can assist by UPLOADING new products to the right directories. We also look for several trustable users that'll get a cosysop access foor doing several maintaing works. If you're intrested, please phone me voice (Ohad Barzilay). !!! I will be away from 15/7 untill 14/9 !!! IMPORTANT! ************************************************* IMPORTANT! ÍÍ Parties ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ[03]ÍÍ (*) Most of Icing'97 and Remedy'97 demo-parties files are online. We expect to have ALL of them within a week. (*) Next weeks will features stuff from Scream demoparty (canada). (*) Ritual'97 had a DATE CHANGE!!! Party is due on the last week of August! More info to come. (*) Movement'97 is currently schedualed for 28.12 to 30.12, all of which are HANUKA holyday. Party will be 53hours totaly. (*) Just to keep you updated about the rest of this month and the next ones, here is a short list of nearest parties around the world: IT (Norway, 25/07) Z (Brazil, 11/07) Coven (Australia, ??/07) Wierd (Belgium, 18/07) Ritual (Israel, ??/08) * Date change Assembly (Finland, 08/08) Crash (Canada, 22/08) AntIQ (Hungary, 22/08) (*) Any help is bringing files from the parties into the bbs will be accepted happly. Cradits will be given. ÍÍ File Base Changes ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ[04]ÍÍ (*) Since the comming week we'll set the upload process to feature more flexibilty. This means you'll U/L normaly then catagorize your upload as Code/Module/Picture/player/demo/intro/ect... This will make th upload area cleaner for your service. (*) New area dedicated to Anti MicroSOFT are now available. The area is called "the Anti-MiscroSOFT League" and will feature pictures, games and other stuff in the field. (*) X-Rabbit filebase is online. (*) YOE filebase is now available. Expect a forum soon, too. (*) Sympathy file area will soon be open as we're now thier IHQ. ÍÍ Online Features Changes ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ[05]ÍÍ (*) Ritual'97 is ahead and the following areas were open for it: MISC - Misc. IN4K - 4k intros DEMO - Demos I64K - 64k intros MMUL - Multi-channel music M4CH - 4 channel music ANSI - Ansi ASCI - Ascii FCOD - Fast-Code FGFX - Fast-Graphics FMUS - Fast-Music GRFX - Graphics RAYT - Ray-Tracing graphics ANIM - Animation (*) We are ending our work on our NEW AGE MUSIC area. If you want to sontribute to this forum and filebase please ontact us asap. (*) New booths on the Voting door on the bbs. Come vote! (*) You can read the latest CFXNEWS online from the news menu, press 5. ÍÍ Supported Groups ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ[06]ÍÍ + Moon Hunters WHQ + Emerge WHQ + Embryo WHQ + Esteem WHQ + TTOM WHQ + Immortals WHQ + YOE WHQ + A-Day WHQ + Sfumato WHQ + Fatal Justice IHQ + Vertigo IHQ + Escape IHQ + Arkham IHQ + Orange IHQ + Keen Like Frogs IHQ + Substance IHQ + Camorra IHQ + Just For Fun IHQ + Sympathy IHQ + Bottom Dist + SYNC Dist + Exotic!Designs Dist + TRiP Dist + BNC Dist + KFMF Dist + Absence Dist + Cubic Player Official Support Site + Classic Module Player Support Site + Ritual'97 OFFICIAL WHQ + Movement'97 OFFICIAL WHQ + Abduction'97 OFFICIAL support site ÍÍ Voting Statistics Summery ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ[07]ÍÍ (*) This is based onthe bbs voting door. We cannot be responsible for all votings. <*> Best coder is ... Borzom (33) 36% Civax (24) 26% <*> Best tracker is ... Dna Groove (33) 43% Paso (07) 9% Mental Trip (07) 9% ---------------------------------------------------------------- <*> Best 2D artist is ... Sticky Baboon (30) 45% Vlad (13) 19% <*> Best 3D artist is ... Vlad (27) 42% Night Daemon (22) 34% ---------------------------------------------------------------- <*> Best ansi artist is ... Sticky Baboon (33) 52% No one (10) 16% <*> Best ascii artist is ... Firestorm (15) 24% Phanatik (12) 19% ---------------------------------------------------------------- <*> Best israeli product ... Pray (54) 18% Chinko (50) 17% <*> Best trip music packs ... I don't take them (32) 54% Tripout #4 (08) 14% ---------------------------------------------------------------- <*> Most known scener is ... Civax (91) 25% DNA Groove (56) 15% <*> Best irc channel is ... #coders (44) 19% #972 (40) 17% ---------------------------------------------------------------- <*> Best party was ... Movement'96 (37) 61% Never been to any (15) 25% <*> Best bbs is ... Coders f/x (38) 63% Spirit of art (07) 12% ---------------------------------------------------------------- <*> Goodbyte is ... Who cares (11) 19% Bill Gates (07) 12% one of the better coders(07) 12% <*> File type most wanted ... Sources (67) 19% Demos (42) 12% ---------------------------------------------------------------- <*> The scene is ... Improoving (16) 30% We're stuck in a slump (08) 15% <*> Best music group ... Embryo (82) 39% TTOM (48) 23% ---------------------------------------------------------------- <*> File transfers success is ... 100% - 80% (22) 38% 80% - 60% (11) 19% <*> Prittiest handle ... Purple Motion (15) 22% Dna Groove (13) 19% ---------------------------------------------------------------- <*> Best OS is ... Windows95 (10) 22% Linux (09) 20% ---------------------------------------------------------------- <*> Give phanatik a sticklight? No! keep it sticky! (10) 25% Stick it in his ass (06) 15% <*> Kill phanatik's cat? Kill phanatik instead (07) 18% Yeah! (06) 15% ---------------------------------------------------------------- <*> Best 64k intro ... Paper (14) 35% Who Cares (08) 20% <*> Favorite CFX NEWS part ... Voting Stats (38) 21% Article (34) 18% ---------------------------------------------------------------- <*> The scene is ... Improoving (16) 30% We're stuck in a slump (08) 15% <*> Best music group ... Embryo (82) 39% TTOM (48) 23% ---------------------------------------------------------------- <*> Best art group ... ICE Advertisements (09) 26% Don't care of ART Scene (08) 25% <*> Best world ansi artist ... WHO CARES ?! (16) 43% Shadow/ice (06) 16% ---------------------------------------------------------------- <*> Best ascii group ... Ascii sucks big time (22) 63% Serial (03) 9% <*> Silliest voting booth ... This booth (19) 51% Phanatik's cat booth (10) 27% ---------------------------------------------------------------- <*> Add game developers to mov97 Sure, I'll find a job (32) 37% Yea, bigger prizes (26) 30% <*> What compos MUST be at mov97 Multi-channel music (29) 17% Demo compo (25) 14% ---------------------------------------------------------------- <*> Will you compete at Ritual ? No (15) 52% Donno yet (08) 28% <*> You'll compete on ritual in .. I/we will not compete (12) 44% Demos (06) 225 ---------------------------------------------------------------- <*> Will you buy scene CD ... Yea, only if cheap (14) 48% Yea, sure (12) 41% <*> Will you do Audio Cd ... Depends on modules (11) 41% No (09) 33% ---------------------------------------------------------------- <*> Want ritual lectures on ... The scene + israel (21) 33% What lecture, go Party! (14) 22% <*> Oldest group in the scene ... Moon Hunters (11) 52% We all know its not 'em (05) 24% ---------------------------------------------------------------- <*> Ritual best party ? ... Maybe, donno (05) 24% Hope so (04) 19% <*> Had fun at millenium ? ... Worst thing ever been in (05) 38% Hadn't been there (02) 15% ---------------------------------------------------------------- <*> Stay in scene\move to serius? Scene=hobby. not a prof. (04) 40% Sure (02) 20% Accurate to the 11.07.97 After-noon. Changes are made in minutes, since users keep voting. ÍÍ Happy Birthday!!! ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ[08]ÍÍ Handle Age Birthday ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Boolean Music 20 Fri 11th July Metal Militia 15 Sat 12th July Goooro 21 Sat 12th July Efi Solomon 18 Sun 13th July Dr modem 17 Sun 13th July Santa Clause 18 Tue 15th July F0x 17 Thu 17th July Friendly Doctor 17 Sat 19th July Sysreck 20 Sat 19th July Yaniv Zager 14 Sun 20th July Dani Reinzler 21 Mon 21st July Fire-Bird 17 Wed 23rd July Nyarlothotep 18 Wed 23rd July skin raid 19 Wed 23rd July Fdi 14 Thu 24th July Happy birthday to all of you, and speicaly to Santa Clause, one of the first users of cfx bbs, to Nyarlothotep and to Sysreck!! Have a happy b-day! Also blessings to Metal Melitia and Fox. BTW, I've noticed Santa got his birthday RIGHT on my flight day.. Do I smell a conspiracy??? ;) ÍÍ New Israeli Releases List ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ[09]ÍÍ Releases will NOT be rated anymore or lake of time and manpower. We'll list here the new releases in israel. + We will list only ISRAELI products + We will list releases WE know of. If you release anything and what the rest of the scene to know it - please leave us mail about it. + Yea, we'll list ART products as well. + List of releases between: 02.07 to 11.07 Product name Artist/Group Catagory Filename(s) Where to find it ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Warcraft -the X-Rabbit Module XR-WAR2.ZIP Coders F/X BBS orc revange -na- ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Polarity -na- Musicpack EMB-POL1.ZIP Coders F/X BBS (Whq) EMBRYO EMB-POL2.ZIP ftp.cdrom.com ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Pascal gfx Cyber Brain Sources CB_PAS.ZIP Coders F/X BBS effects -na- ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ SPline v1.3 Adept Source SPLINE_3.ZIP Coders F/X BBS (Whq) Esteem ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Ansi pack #17 -na-/BNC Ansi-pack BNCANS17.ZIP Coders F/X BBS (Ihq) ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Outern Love Coax Cable Module CXC_OUT.ZIP Coders F/X BBS (Ihq) BNC ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ God son makes Coax Cable Module CXC_GODS.ZIP Coders F/X BBS (Ihq) BNC ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Trivia game Cyber Brain Source TRIVIA.ZIP Coders F/X BBS -na- ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Mini gunner Cyber Brain Source MINI_GUN.ZIP Coders F/X BBS game -na- ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Tetris game Cyber Brain Source CBTETRIS.ZIP Coders F/X BBS -na- ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ÍÍ New Files Summry - civax choises ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ[10]ÍÍ Polarity Musicpack - One of the best music collections I've heard lately. As usuall, DNA Groove, Mental Trip, Nyarlothotep and Paso produce great music. Viewer could be better. ;) [EMB-POL1.ZIP (1699k) Support: Embryo EMB-POL2.ZIP (2730k) Support: Embryo] Indoor Music system - A new release of CUBIC PLAYER's music system. This version is also supporting IT including NNA and all the rest. WC, ASM sources included fully. [IMS06.ZIP (317k) Code: Music] Power Render 2.31 - Fully functional 3D programming API for WC++ under DOS or Win95. Supports Vesa 1.2, Vesa 2.0 with LFB and isn't too complicated. [PRV2_31.ZIP (4606k) Code: 3D engines] ModPlay Plugin - Get tierd of those midis on the internet? How about some REAL music? This is a plugin to Netscape (why, someone uses microshit's explorer?!) n' it can play MOD, S3M, XM files in a CD Qulity. Made by a scener from europe. [MPP112.ZIP (190K) Comm: Internet] Spline V1.3 - Our Adept released a new version of his 3DS SPLINE routines in this file. Very well coded. [SPLINE_3.ZIP (13K) Code: 3D engines] Prometheus TColor - Prometheus True-Color is a free true color engine coded for the public use of the scene. Its only in its beta4 version now but it features alot of good stuff. Keep an eye on this system. Maybe its not too long before it will be what MIDAS is now for demos. [PTC040.ZIP (390k) Code: Libs] Esperflow - A demo by Miracle, from the Spring Break'97 party. Very colorfull, very nice designed. A bit short, But realy a nice demo to watch when lately demos released with very little to offer. [MIR_EFLO.ZIP (1311k) Demo: 1997] ÍÍ New Files Summry for 02.7 - 11.7 ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ[11]ÍÍ * as the bbs is constantly changes, I advise you to check for new files while online. I have shorten all describtions into 1 line for space reasons. * Number of new files listed .......... 107 Number of days since last review .... 9 TEXT FILES: Guides & Mags ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ MC5NEWS1.ZIP 7661 Music Contest 5 Update 1 - 29 Jun 1997 ART: Scene People ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ INK.GIF 4006 Ink / Kosmic (KFMF) SCN-PICS.ZIP 1229130 Scenery'97 Pictures (Australian Demo party) MUSIC: Modules (XM) ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ DCY_BRAB.ZIP 172038 Brabbel-Sabbel by Ray [Happy techno] HZ-WHIPL.ZIP 548702 Whiplash by hunz [happy jungle] MUSIC: Music Disks & Packs ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ DMA97APR.ZIP 3309855 1997 DEMOMUSIC AWARDS September Nominations by SDC DMA97MAY.ZIP 3295526 1997 DEMOMUSIC AWARDS May Nominations by SDC MUZAKZ1.ZIP 1321874 Muzak by ??? BS4MUSIC.ZIP 2546085 BS4 music collection by BS4 MUSIC: Samples (Sam/Voc/Wav) ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ SCATVOIC.ZIP 566832 KFMF : Voice samples JD990_1.ZIP 609304 KFMF : JD900 Samples ! [1/6] JD990_2.ZIP 455445 KFMF : JD900 Samples ! [2/6] JD990_3.ZIP 521368 KFMF : JD900 Samples ! [3/6] JD990_4.ZIP 625441 KFMF : JD900 Samples ! [4/6] JD990_5.ZIP 609646 KFMF : JD900 Samples ! [5/6] JD990_6.ZIP 498232 KFMF : JD900 Samples ! [6/6] K2K_PRPH.ZIP 936247 Prophet samples from a Kurzweil K2000 by LaLa K2K_BASS.ZIP 929809 Kurzweil K2000 ROM Bank Basses by LaLa K2KDRUMS.ZIP 968023 Kurzweil K2000 ROM Bank drums by LaLa SW-PAD1.ZIP 1702041 Soundwave colly: set 1, Korg X5- Pads & effects SW-DRUMS.ZIP 1091217 Soundwave colly: set 3, Korg X5- 114 drums samples SW-PIAGT.ZIP 2063936 Soundwave colly: set 4, Korg X5- Piano, Guitar, Organ SW-BRWBL.ZIP 2297410 Soundwave colly: set 5, Korg X5- Brass, woodwinds, pads USER: New Uploads ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ RAWC.EXE 33324 Convert GIF/PCX/LBM...> RAW+PAL (BEWARE Wi ARAFAT.WAV 36900 Arafat of the hartzufim wav BARAK.WAV 36736 barak of the hartufim wav RAFUL1.WAV 35748 raful of the hartufim wav XR-WAR2.ARJ 1254759 "warcraft - the orc revange" by X-Rabbit [fun, IT] PARTIES: Info, Results ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ CRASH.ZIP 14553 CRASH 1997 info file ver 2 PP97V10.ZIP 7084 Pool Position - Party information AI_RES55.ZIP 335728 Party Previews, Results, Charts, Lists v5.5 RC-RCH97.ZIP 1086749 Roaching'97 Partyreport by Rectum Cauda Stavanger CODE: Scene Utils ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ PCX2RAW.ZIP 10430 PCX 2 RAW v1.5 by Raphius / Anubis FEDIT12.ZIP 52010 The Font Editor v1.2 + TP routines for code PALRIP10.ZIP 15082 Palette Ripper 1.0, Grabs 256c palettes from PCXs SETMODE.ZIP 52101 Use 320x200 nonstandard resolutions by Post Mortem SUPPORT: Kosmic (KFMF) ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ KFMFGFX.ZIP 373086 4 pictures by KFMF artists K_ACCUM.ZIP 177610 "Accumulator" by the Hacker [IDM, Techno, XM] K_CONFRN.ZIP 600413 "The Confrontation" by Daedalus [electronic, IT] K_NORTH.ZIP 439427 "Northern Sky" by CJtrack [mello piano/synth, IT] K_SERIOU.ZIP 187672 "Serious Club" by Bert [club house, S3M] K_INCAN.ZIP 795526 "Incantation" by Maelcum [maelcumtrance, XM] K_KICK.ZIP 459021 "Kickin Mad Flow Till I'm Done" by IV [hip-hop/rap, IT] K_ASMIX.ZIP 389785 "Aerosol ('97 houz mix)" by Oona/Screamager [house, XM] K_RUINS.ZIP 283254 "Ruines of the Black Smithery" by Jazztiz [ambient, XM] K_SCLUB.ZIP 466294 "Saxy Club" by Bert [club/house, IT] INTRO: 4K ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ SOAKED.ZIP 5675 "Soaked" by Cap'n Boog INTRO: 64K ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ HERO.ZIP 70541 SpaceHero 64k by Demaniacs RC-HIPPI.ZIP 65036 Hippieness by Rectum Cauda Stavanger MEDDOCK.ZIP 26141 Planet Meddock by ?? INTRO: Other ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ DEPP.ZIP 136990 "deeper meaning of a tunnel" tpolm lecture by mr Qrwx DST-GEN.ZIP 22766 Genesis BBS intro by Distorsion TOOBAD.ZIP 12693 Too bad this is not a democracy by Distorsion 4k UNV-NLND.ZIP 14159 Neverland Board Intro by UniVerse Group UNV-SCHA.ZIP 15823 SCHACHT Invitation Intro by UniVerse Group CPS_KIWI.ZIP 99075 "limstiftet interactive multimedia adventure" by cp CPSRULEZ.ZIP 113103 "limstiftet interactive multimedia adventure 2.0" by cp COMM: Internet ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ GR13A.ZIP 998747 Get Right 13a - resume download throu browser. VTIP45.ZIP 5153385 VocalTec's IPhone 4.5 Unreg. UNMOZIF.ZIP 406565 UnMozify 0.6 - Cache browser (offline browsing) MPP112.ZIP 190575 ModPlug Player Plug-in - hear mod/s3m/xm on the net. PARTIES: Invitations ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ IMPWIR97.ZIP 928961 Wierd'97 invitation intro 1 by Imphobia SE97INV2.ZIP 118827 Summer Encounter'97 invitation intro (bugfixed) CODE: General Sources ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ CB_PAS.ZIP 123573 All kinds of graphical effects by Cyber Brain [TP] ART: 3D Studio Support ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ 3DVISION.ZIP 46780 3D Vision VideoPost Filter v1.0 (3DSMax v1.xx) BLURIF.ZIP 9805 Blur Image Filter v1.0b1 (3DSMax v1.2 or better) BOMB2A.ZIP 20982 Chunky Bomb Modifier v1.0b1 (3DSMax v1.2 or better) TEXT: DemoNews Issues ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ DN#147.ZIP 34187 DemoNews Issue #147 - Jun. 29, 1997 CODERS F/X BBS Files ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ CFX#18.ZIP 11345 CFX News #18 by CFX Team - 02.07.1997 DEMO: 1997 ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ ETERNAL.ZIP 142405 Eternal C64 by Peon Productions N_ATTI.ZIP 397030 Nocturnal Attitude from Bush Party 4 (1997) NOC_DEMO.ZIP 1654494 A Noice release for SCC'97 RC-SMAXW.ZIP 427543 Supermaxwel by Rectum Cauda Stavanger LOSTLOVE.ZIP 346641 Lost Love V1.2 by Spell MIR_EFLO.ZIP 1311773 Esperflow by Miracle, from Spring Break 1997 SL_NODUT.ZIP 920609 Nodutgang by Sublogic, from Bush Party 4 (1997) POP-INFE.ZIP 2053580 Infected by Prisoners of Poison SUPPORT: Embryo WHQ ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ EMB-POL1.ZIP 1699509 Polarity musicpack by EMBRYO [ 1/2 ] EMB-POL2.ZIP 2730414 Polarity musicpack by EMBRYO [ 2/2 ] SUPPORT: BNC Dist. ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ BNC!NEW2.ZIP 22075 News PPE v2.0 by Lazzy Legs & Coax Cable BNC!LAST.ZIP 25339 Last Callers PPE v1.0 by Lazzy Legs & Coax Cable CXC_OUT.ZIP 146809 Outern Love by CXC [ambient/trance, S3M] BNCANS17.ZIP 40423 BNC Ansi Pack 17 BNC!MAIL.ZIP 7773 Read Mail PPE by Lazzy Legs & Coax Cable CXC_GODS.ZIP 229975 God son makes by CXC [goa hard trance, S3M] ANSI: Maiden Brazil Packs ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ MDN-9707.ZIP 119195 Maiden Brazil Artpack 10, July 1997 ANSI: Art Packs (general) ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ FIRE0697.ZIP 1744019 Fire ArtPack - 06/97 SUPPORT: VERTIGO IHQ ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ VGOSHADO.ZIP 14371 vgoshado 0.70b by Vector/VERTIGO (RT Shodow FAQ) CODE: Effects - Fire ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ PFIRE.ZIP 4662 Purple fire source by Karl/Nooon. Compiles to 47 bytes CODE: Graphic Viewers ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ LBM_PAS.ZIP 17511 Quick & dirty 256col LBM reader for Pascal by xcene CODE: 3D Engines ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ PRV2_31.ZIP 4606761 POWER RENDER 3.1 by Egerter SW (source) RTMZ30SR.ZIP 112793 RotoZoomer v3.0: Z-buffering, Lightening ect. P3DVE.ZIP 269679 P3D vector engine: Full asm source by maLi/DarkSiDe SPLINE_3.ZIP 13051 Interpolating 3DS spline v1.3 by Adept/Esteem CODE: Music ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ GDMKIT10.ZIP 186013 GDM Kit Player V1.0 by Raphius / Anubis IMS06.ZIP 317655 Indoor Music Sys. 0.6 (cubic player's) - plays IT!!! NMS22SRC.ZIP 857789 Noice Music System 2.1 Alpha CODE: Games ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ TRIVIA.ZIP 130508 Trivia using TP7 by Cyber Brain MINI_GUN.ZIP 38411 Simple Pascal game by Cyber Brain CBTETRIS.ZIP 62657 Tetris by Cyber Brain (Pascal) CODE: Libraries & OS ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ PTC040.ZIP 390486 Prometheus truecolor beta4: a truecolor system. IFRM32.ZIP 56279 iFRM32 v1.0 - 32bit flat real mode dos extender PM_STUB.ZIP 7075 Protected mode stub and extender for WC++. 4k long. CODE: Tutorials ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ PXDTUT1.ZIP 76887 PXD trainer#1 - Doom walls : The technique and tricks PXDTUT2.ZIP 14074 PXD trainer#2 - EMS-HANDLING : The way to do it! PXDTUT4.ZIP 30758 PXD trainer#4 - 3D VECTOR ENGINE - PART 2 : The Fills! SBA_3DCM.ZIP 17473 Secrets of 3D Cameras by Diabolic Force / B42 ÍÍ CFX Team Status ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ[12]ÍÍ Sysop.............................................CiVAX / Moon Hunters Cosysops.................................................Turk182 # Ice Internet Devision.....................................Phantom Lord/rCA ÍÍ How to contact the CFX Team ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ[13]ÍÍ Handle Real Name Home Voice # Email address ÄÄÄÄÄÄ ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Civax . Ohad Barzilay . 07-675-3758 . civax@kinneret.com Turk182 . Yossi Revah . 07-673-1675 . turk.182@kinneret.com Ice . Yosi Taguri . 07-675-2549 . ice@kinneret.com Ice is available only at weekends!! Civax and Turk182 are available mostly at evenings during weekdays. However, You can always leave us a msg on the bbs in the local area, or send us email. ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ [o] End of CODERS F/X BBS publication [o] ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ