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Happy birthday list [ 11 ] ... New Israeli releases list [ 12 ] ... New files summery - civax choices [ 13 ] ... New files summery - 27.03.98 to 23.04.98 (+23 days) [ 14 ] ... CFX Team status [ 15 ] ... Contact the CFX Team ÍÍ Editorial ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ[01]ÍÍ Editorial by Civax / Moon Hunters You guys are causing me lots of headaches with CFX News. First, you keep bugging me when the next issue is going out. Still, at the same time, you just don't write articles! Imphobia, Bad news, Flash and even our own israeli diskmag LUNA died cause of that, and you don't get it, do you?! So, just for that, I have devided my next article into 3 parts. I'll present you here with the 1st one, and the in the next issue with the second (and so on). You won't be able to read the other parts if I won't release the next issues, n' I won't release them if I won't have enough articles. See how it comes back to you? ;) -- You guys on CFX BBS write TOO MUCH MAIL! I've been away for 3 days only just to come back and see 85 new msgs on the local mail, 21 of them addressed to me!! Hey guys, chill out... :) -- Also, I've been getting some feedback on CFX News from sceners in Europe, lately. Still, since CFX News serves the Israeli scene first, I'll keep the same profile for now. However, if I'll see an increasing intrest from other countries, I might make the news and articles sections bigger n' cut down abit on the BBS specific sections. I'd like to know what you, readers, think about it, so mail me on the bbs or to civax@beit-eli.gov.il. -- I have merged 2 smalls sections in the CFX News this issue and it will stay like this from now; The FileBase Changes n' the On-line features changes are now the same section, called Filebase and On line changes. -- *** Special Note *** Due to a minor technical problem we couldn't list and process the new files for the last 10 days. This means all the entries from The Gathering '98, All the 3DFX fileareas (41mb of files) and all the new files in the last 10 days are off the list. I'm talking about 140 - 150 new files in about 90 - 100 MB. The BBS works ok, the problem is with our offline program that lists the files for CFX News. We will add the missing files in the next issue, ASAP. Have fun reading, and don't forget to call... :) Civax / Moon Hunters +---------------------- [civax@beit-eli.gov.il] ÍÍ Waking up towards a new Tommorow ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ[02]ÍÍ Waking up towards a new tommorow --------------------------------------------------------------- by X-Rabbit / Quasars Hello, I guess we all have noticed lately that the activity in our scene is not as much active as we want it to be. At least as I would. I can give a simple example taken from Movement 97. I personally WASN'T in the demo compo, cause I couldn't be there at that time, but my fellow members of Quasars (the demo group I'm in) were in it, and told me that there were only 4 demos in the compo. One was ours, a new group making it's FIRST EVER demo, another one belonged to a "NEW" group, and 2 other demos that were by Y.O.E and Immortals (who else...). The first question that poped in my mind is : 4!?!?, only 4 demos!? why? Well, I can't really find specific reasons, cause I don't really know what other groups were planning. I guess some groups worked on a demo, but did not finish it. I could be mistaken too... Still, the facts are there, and we can't deny them, so what should WE do? In order to make more demos, we need more groups, the same facts are still talking: 2 out of four groups who made a demo were totally new. I myself, can say that at first, we thought - "Hmmmm.... Let's make a group, make a demo (that is, if we can) and this group can break up if we are not getting along - but at least let's do something..." Every now and then I look at the booths at Coders F/X, and there is a booth there saying - How many members does your group contains? If I'm not mistaken over 75 people (35%) say they are not in a group! Yes! more than 75, in a very inaccurate calculation, considering a group averege is about 6 people, this means we could have something like 12 more groups!!! Could that be the reason for the small amount of demos in our Scene? From my personal knowledge and experience, I can say that being in a group is one of the more enjoying periods in my "Scene Life". It's true that most of us (Quasars) knew each other personally, n' knew each other's skills and talents before, but in order to make a demo we had to take for ourselves another coder, and we did. I didn't know the guy till much later after he joined us, and not so long ago we took another coder we didn't really know, only to came up with a better group. If you want to stay right where you are - don't take a chance and stay alone (that is not! MY seggestion), but if you want to sum up your talent a little more than what you did till now - SEARCH!!! I think we have lots of incredibly talented people. If you'll find the right guys for you you could have a great deal of fun and enjoyment - and out of 75 people that shouldn't be so hard... Another thing I know everybody wants to achieve is progress. Everyone wants it, everyone needs it - so how can we achieve it? Two important ways to do so: 1st, alot of effort, and I'm sure you all know what I mean. The second way is someone to talk with, compare thoughts etc. And who's better to talk with than friends and people you know and work with (the group you belong to)?? Personally I can tell that being in a group encoureged me, and brought me to a great deal of progress. Until you try it, it's hard to understand what I'm talking about. Have it ever happened to you that you introduce yourself in a Demo-Party and no one have really heard of you? My first Demo Party felt like that (except Oded Raz who knew who I was..). Do you want your name to be heard? It is much easier if you are in a group. Everybody knows groups, cause one of the most exciting events in a Demo-Party is the DEMO-COMPO... Before I was part of Quasars not many people have ever heard of me, but now I'm not anonymous anymore (though, not "FAMOUS"). I talk to people more often. I enjoy doing so, as I like to hear what other people think of me, and so should YOU. This story is not coming to tell "my history". It's coming to tell what could be YOUR future. Search for new / anonymous guys, or even people you know. Talk with them, see what is their talent, eventually you will be able to decide if you would like to start a group with them or not. Try to become more involved - don't be shy, don't close yourself up in your room only doing what you do, and that's it... Try to become more active, you'll only benefit from it... BTW: People (Cycat, Small Brain... and maybe you?) are still working on the new projcet that will allow to every scener to write some details about himself, say what he thinks of other people's products etc. The program should make it easier for you to search - that is one of the main reasons this idea came up. However, till it comes out, don't sit down in that chair of your's - SEEK and you shall find! So long... X-Rabbit/Quasars If u're searching for it - the carrot is out there... ÍÍ Linux vs Win32 ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ[03]ÍÍ Linux vs. Win32 by Basilisk / Quasars ---------------------------------------------------------------------- DOS is dead. And it's been dead for quite some time. It isn't dying. It is already dead. The Scene is the only DOS user left on the face of the earth. It has been decided that now is the time to choose another OS. This is quite a new idea, which never happened before in the Scene. The DOS Scene has always stood next to the Amiga Scene. And there's also the Commodore Scene. The basic idea behind the decision to pick a new OS for the PC-Scene, is to keep the DOS Scene a single Scene, on some other OS. I do not believe that there has to be just one OS for the whole Scene. Unfortunately, there aren't enough people in the Israeli Scene for two OS. If the only demo-oriented competition that actually has enough products is the Demos (Just look at Mov97). And even there, only 4 products, and not of very good quality (Just look at Funky Mechanizm :). So, unfortunately, we HAVE to choose one OS, even if it's not right. DOS : Good old DOS. We've been using this OS ever since. When we first started using a computer, it was there. It isn't a modern OS. It's outdated. That's what all those Microsoft fans say. For a change, they're right. But outdated in what way? Multitasking? Sure. User-friendliness? Ofcourse. But why do demos need Multitasking. If demos run while another program is simulating a nuclear explosion, the demos won't look that good, now would it? And demos might need to be user-friendly in the setup, that's it. The only reason this OS is not good, is that it was NEVER a good OS. AFFEED : The ultimate solution. Not only will this project solve our Scene's little problem, it will also save the game-industry lots of money, it will help with the Microsoft problem, and it will end world hunger :). But. Yes, that nasty BUT. The DemOS project failed. It was too big a project. While I do not know all the info on the AFFEED project, this project also looks to be aiming rather high. It did manage to gather the support of all those 40 year old, 20 years of experience game programmer, but I do not see it been done. Not anytime soon, however. Because it's not here, we can't switch to it, now can we? We can help this project. But someone in Hornet decided we have to switch NOW. Oh well... WIN32 : Win32 is a Microsoft product. After working so hard for 15 years blaming Microsoft with all the world problems, after convincing all the non-sceners that Microsoft is bad, and that Windows sux, do we not have an obligation to continue this nobal cause? Or do we just declare to the world (Which doesn't really give a damn) the the demo scene has been leading a false campain all along. This last paragraph is not very serious (Though it does touch a difficult problem we have been ignoring ever since). Windows is not that bad. It sure isn't good. While I am not an expert on this subject (to say the least), DirectX did prove itself. And you can (almost) shutdown that annoying multitasking. Gamerz tell us that programming for it is even easier (If you can still call it programming). Chosing this OS can help bring Demos to the computers of every computer idiot. It will make demos run on every computer (in theory). It is also a bad OS. And it's future is worst. Microsoft is trying to make Window NT it's main OS, and Win95 and Win98 are just steps towards that goal. It takes 4 Pentium II 233mhz processors, working in parallel, about 24 hours to compile Windows NT 5.0. If you thought 80M of disk space for Win95, try to install WinNT. We in the demo scene like (or atleast, liked) compact programs. Why else do we have 4kb intros and 64kb intros. Choosing this OS will kill these two demo types ( Which isn't that big a loss here, coz we never really had any compos with those two). Our demos will be large. Guess this OS is ok for demos. People say IXalance makes demos run just as good as on DOS. I simply do not like it. Linux : Unarguably, the best OS from this list. Why shouldn't we choose this one, it's uncommon. While dry numbers will tell you that it isn't uncommon, cold reality tells us it is. This must not be a problem. We have to choose the OS that's best for the scene, what every one else thinks should not be taken into consideration. At the next compo I will bring my Red-Hat CD, and will personally install Linux on every computer yerning for it. Thecnically, it is the best OS on our choice list. And if people say there aren't any good programs for it, it doesn't make it so. When it comes to programming, there is no doubt that Linux has some of the best tools. And only coding depends on the OS. Last time I checked, the Linux version of Netscape could read gifs and wavs just as good as the Win95 version. Who says you have to actually make the art on Linux (I am certantly not saying coding isn't an art :). How much grafix do you really make on dos? Linux runs perfectly with Win95. Win95 does not run perfectly with another OS (This means, first install Win95, then Linux, OS/2, whatever. This will save you lots of problems). This OS problem is mostly a coder's problem. And when it comes to coding, Linux is commonly called "A Coder's OS". No OS in the list is better then Linux. No sane major game company would even consider developing a new game on Windows. All the big companies are devloping games on STABLE OS, ones that won't crash in the middle. So while OS/2 is commonly used, somehow this OS got itself kicked out of the list. But Quake I / II was developed on a Unix system, like Linux. Shall we not learn from Michal Abrash, who moved from Watcom C++ to Gnu C++ ? The game industry past us somewhere between 1993-1994, and now it's a LONG way ahead of us. We must learn from them, like they learned from us 5 years ago, and that means developing demos on Linux. Unfortunatly, I haven't the slightest doubt that my beloved Linux will lose to the imperialistical forces of Bill Hates. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Comments welcome at: Basilisk / Quasars aka Gilad Naor _basilisk_@geocities.com 'Basilisk' at Coders FX :) 04-8260654 ÍÍ Lore's art pack review ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ[04]ÍÍ Lore's art pack Review by Doc Holiday ------------------------ filename: gfxlr.rar ------------------------ Being a 2d artist i think i can give some serious criticism and some tips and suggestions for l0re and all other aspiring grafix artists, so, after looking at l0re's graphix pack, I'll write each individual picture a quick review, after which a summation and suggestions. Ok, the first picture I've looked at was LR-APPLE.GIF, which was at a very low resolution but showed some good skill. Basically, It is an apple on a leaf with a worm coming out of it. There is some good work in terms of shadowing on the stem, and good technique in the outlining of the leaf. L0re used a nice broad outline in a color slightly darker than the color of the actual leaf. There seems to be, however, a thin vale of white smudge around some of the objects, which doesn't look good. The apple is fine, could be in a more apple shape, and the coloring (appears to be a line-gradiant) could have been done better. I like the worm, though. A problem I can see in most of l0re's drawing is over blurring. It seems like he's using autodesk animator pro's soften tool too much. I know it is pretty tempting, I used it alot myself. Second pic: LR-EMB.GIF. A good concept, a good execution, only one problem: Too much of that blurring again. The bubble could stand looking better. Third: LR-HUNT.GIF. Pretty kewl if it wasn't so overblurred dammit! It took me a while to realise those were wings and it could have been improved if there was a body. BTW: whats with the green cloud? Fourth: LR-LORE.GIF. This one is pretty good. I don't get those blue balls but it clearly shows l0re has a good potential in the 2d scene with a little guidance. Mine. :) Fifth: LR-PUNK.GIF. Really good. All l0re needs is a little refinement and he'll be doing much better. The last one - LR-WORM.GIF. A cute one. A worm facing a hook. what is that thing on it's head, however? summary_ It's ALWAYS good to see someone else's work, and I have enjoyed seeing l0re's. Thing is, stop that damned blurring and get rid of the white stuff around objects. Also, in the name of all that is good and holy, why not switch to hi-res?! God wants you to! Try using deluxe paint enhanched II, d/l it from cfx and see if you like it. A warning: Takes some time getting used to it. Also, for everyone in the 2d bussiness: Get your hands on photoshop 4 and a good dullop of plugins. I, personnaly, recommends Alienskin, which has some useful filters. Hoping to see some reviews on my stuff, Doc Holiday ÍÍ How to make the best demos p.I ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ[05]ÍÍ How to make the best demos < < <<--------------------------------->> > > by Civax / Moon Hunters Part I What makes one demo good and another a total shit? What makes one intro to a legend n' make another die in forgetness? What's wrong with the demo YOU did and thought to be the best ever, n' why did it end up only 8th in the party you submitted it to? In the following issues I'll show you how to do the perfect, or atleast ALMOST perfect, demo/intro. As Coders F/X BBS sysop for the last 4.5 years I've seen almost every demo that reached my board. All the parties, all the demos since 1992 to 1998. I can only say that after seeing so many demos, I think I can handle the task of writing such a document. You can read this set of articles and still not agree with me, it is perfectly accepted. But if that is the case - I want to hear from you. Either on the bbs or to civax@beit-eli.gov.il Ok, this first article talks about DESIGN. -------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Design ------ Design is what makes the code, music and art a real demo. If you have no design, its just a bunch of routines, pics and tune in the background. Thats all. But, unlike what most of you think, design is not the issue or the theme of the demo. Design is HOW it looks. The following things makes a design: *** COLORS *** Choosing the right palette is the most important thing in the design. I repeat: THE MOST IMPORTANT! The colors reflect what type of demo you're doing. Bright colors gives a happy feeling and draw attantion. White is a bit different color as a white screen gives a feeling of emptyness much like a black screen. Also note how colors affects the voters in demo parties. Demo compos are usually being held at night, in the end of parties. This means people are tierd, sleepy and sometimes bored from waiting the compo. A Bright-colores demo might be the thing to wake them up a bit and will be rank higher then a gloomy dark one. Comics style demos/intros usually have bright colors too, but unlike the 'summer' demos we just mantioned, comics demos (or 'spring' demos) counts on clear borders, clean colors and matching colors. While on the 'summer' demos you could use a different set of the same colors (shades), 'spring' demos need a clean, no shades, colors. Let me direct you to the old works of ACME for examples. Good use of Color schemes you can also find in Future Crew's demos, though they tend to mix 'summer' style with the 'automn' one. The 'automn' style is using a set of dark colors, having scenes usually placed in space or void, but still using somewhat bright colors like blue, red or gold for the effect. Camorra's demos are a good example of 'automn' demos and usually, this is the winning style in demo parties. The last style is the 'Winter' color scemes, featuring gloomy, dark colors, best used with a realy new amazing effect. The colors makes the background fades out of the eyes of whoever watchs and highlight the amaizing effect. Thought, if this color scemes is applied on used up effects - it makes the demo looks sleepy and boring. A special note: The projectors in demo parties tend to make dark colors disappear, bright colors too big and similar colors looks like the same one. This means a dark background will usually won't be noticed, a spot of white will look bigger and will 'eat' all colors around it, n' anti-aliasing will look even MORE anti-aliased. This could be either good or bad - depends on how you use these changes. Good colors scemes also makes your effects looks better. With vectors you need a sceme that will 'hide' the vectors' edges, causing it to look smoother. Textures also needs a nice sceme to make the object look realistic and to hide the adges of the poligons. *** SPEED *** Basicly, it should be devided like this: 'Summer' demos should be either slow, relaxed or very fast, hyperactive. 'Spring' demos, originaly being comics oriented, should be fast but not TOO fast. They should NEVER be slow, thought. 'Automn' demos should be rythmic which means they fit with fast/medium speed, but not too slow or fast. 'Winter' demos should be really slow or medium speed only. Having a fast paced 'winter' type demo is just like yelling 'what, the hell, is design!?'. Ofcourse, speed was always affected with the third element of design: *** MUSIC *** Music is the third aspect of good design. Yes, THIRD, not the first or even second. That is, unless you're doing a videoclip or a trackmo. On a trackmo (which is basicly a computerized version of the videoclip) you build your code around the music instead of having the music only a part of the whole product. If you want to see trackmos, take Kosmic's KTV intros or Panic By Future Crew. Ok, if you know what style of demos you're doing, you know what colors scemes to use. Therefore, you know what speed the demo should be, so you also know what style of music will fit in. Now, doesn't all the pieces just fit inside like a perfect plan?:) The musician still got his part in the job, as he still have to do a good tune, one that will be fun listening to even without the demo. The more intresting the tune is - the more it will draw attantion and make the effects look better and impressive. Still, the most important rule in a good demo, is having the music perfectly syncronized! Use sound effects if you have to, recode parts of the demo, change parts of the music - just make it PERFECTLY sycronized. That's what makes the difference between a good demo and an excellent one. Or for you, party-dudes, between a 3rd place and the 1st place in the compo. *** INTERMISSIONS *** Don't run to the dictionary... It just means the effects that moves you from one part of the demo to the other one. N' those effects are what makes a 'lame' demo from a 'proffesional' one. Fade in - Fade out, morphing, camera moves - and alot of other effects - are used to move from one part to another. They all follows some basic rules, again: 1. Same colors. When you fade out to a color and then fade in from that color - you used that color in both parts as the linking subject. 2. Smoothness. The effect was almost part of the old part and IS a part of the new one. This makes it looks like one demo instead of several effects one after the other. 3. Music continues. You can't tell by the music it is another part - it sounds like they continue the same part. Some good examples for intermissions you can find in the demo Second Reality by Future Crew. So, just keep those 3 rules of intermissions and you'll be able to give a high qulity feeling to your demo. Yea, I know - I wasn't talking about effects you should use; thats in the CODE section. This is the DESIGN one. *** THEMES *** Alot of people think they need a theme in their demo for it to be successful. That depends on what you call 'theme'. If you think 'theme' is a design - you're totaly wrong. If you think 'theme' means a storyline - you're being romantic, thats all. A good demo doesn't have a theme. Its not focused on one issue alone. HOWEVER, if you think 'theme' means having the demo on one virtual place - you're right. If you say 'my theme is the forest' or 'my theme is space' - you're in the right way. Have a look at the remarkable demo Sunflower by Pulse. It all goes around some garden somewhere. It got a pool, it got grass, it got animals living in the garden - there is no 'space' scene, if you noticed... Another thing - Having a storyline may looks like a nice idea, but won't go well no matter how good your code is. Stories are good for a scene or two in the demo, like a fight scene or a driving scene, but not for the whole demo. Look around you - who are the winners in parties? Demos which demonstrates effects or demos with a story? The best demo with a story seen lately is Kolme Piente Pukkia (3 little goats) by Moppi productions, ranked 4th a The Party'97. A somewhat good storyline demo is also The quest of Khan by Immortals, won 1st at Ritual, though I find it hard to belive this demo would've reached a high rank in an international demo party. Conclusion - make the demo take place in the same virtul area. Forget about storylines, forget about going only around one issue. It won't work! -------------------------------------------------------------------- Next article is going to be about the CODE aspect of the demos. Be sure to catch it on CFX News #30. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Civax / Moon Hunters - CFX BBS sysop - civax@beit-eli.gov.il ------------------------------------------------------------------ ÍÍ The Preacher ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ[06]ÍÍ The Preacher by SiK April 19th, 1998 ---------------- Ha! That is not frightning! It's boring! Gees, you can't even compare them. Obviously it doesn't even reach the second one's toes. Aaah, what is the matter with them today? Spoiled, I tell ya... That's what they are, spoiled. A simple game is just not enough, eh? They have to add all those AVI's and FLIC'ees and M-PEG'ies and that.... I played today DOOM ][. Yeah, you remember that, right? The monsters and all that. I'm telling ya, I was seriously scared! I'm not kiddin' ya, some places really gave me the creeps. Now THAT'S frightning! So, after I finished with them monsters bastards, I went to play DUKE 3D. Gees, you can't even compare them. That is not frightning! It's boring! Where did it all go? Nice graphics and stuff, and new weapons and all that, but the GAME, kid, the GAME is just GONE! Spoiled, I tell ya.. That's what they are, spoiled. Damn technology. Only thing it gave us is games that die like a pigeon in a mine field. Quests. Ever heard of Monkey Island? No... Now THAT was a quest! No 3D, no 6D or whatever, just plain beautiful drawings. It had a PLOT, you know what I mean? Hey, kid, are you listening to me? PLOT, I tell ya! Eeeh... You "new generation", you don't know what's FUN. Only thing ya care is graphics. Why doesn't it have a movie? Why are the drawings hand-made? Why does the 3D engine suck? Gees, loosen up, buddy! 3D engines aren't all in life. You want an engine - I'll buy ya a new car, what's the big deal? Damn CD-Roms. Only thing they gave us is a 2MB game with 8GB movies. What's the matter, a good game can't be less then 640MB?! Spoiled, I tell ya... Yeah, yeah, I know I said it before, listen to me, kid, I'm tryin' to teach ya a lesson here! Aaah, forget it.. I don't know why I bother anyway, you as hard as an over-cooked turky. Damn Windows. Good old DOS wasn't enough, eh? They had to make that pathetic excuse for a program. Try to run a demo there, and ka-pow, crashing like a fat sumo-wrestler on a skinny chicken. God, I hate that program. That Billy Gates, or whatever, he's a millionaire now, but I'm tellin' ya, he killed the game industry.. He can't force us to use that thing, we'll form a human wall and rebel against him like real men! We will demand old DOS back! I don't wanna hear about no Direct-X, or Office'99, or Paintbrush or whatever! Sit down, boy, I haven't finished yet! Oh alright, you can go now. Yeah, Santa loves you... Yeah, you can have a Pentium 500... Marry Christmas ho ho ho NEXT! Marry Christmas, little girl. What would you like this year? What's that? "The Attack of the Blood Sucking Vampires"? Ha! That is not frightning! It's boring! You can't even compare them... SiK 1998 ÍÍ Parties ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ[07]ÍÍ (*) Just to keep you updated about the rest of this month and the next ones, here is a short list of nearest parties around the world: Ambiance (Holland, 06/03/98) (** OVER **) Mekka & Symposium (Germany, ??/03/98) (** OVER **) LTP 2 (France, 11/04/98) (** OVER **) Inter Jam '98 (Germany, 30/03/98) (** OVER **) Mad Cat '98 (France, 10/04/98) (** OVER **) we're here> --------------------------------------------------- Remedy '98 (Sweden, 11/05/98) Wired 98 (Belgium, 10/05/98) Scenest'98 (??, 03/06/98) Myth'98 (Israel, ??/08/98) (*) Any help is bringing files from the parties into the BBS will be Accepted happily. Credits will be given. ÍÍ News & Romours: ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ[08]ÍÍ (*) This section is dedicated to news and romours YOU have to pass us. Since the bbs serves as the 'cafe' of the scene, we can 'dig out' some news items, but we still need your help. Please send us news and romours to civax@beit-eli.giv.il or on the bbs. (*) We collect news from the local mail on the bbs, irc chats and the following web sites: Hornet archive ---> http://www.hornet.org Orange Juice ---> http://ojuice.citeweb.net/ojuice/e/ (*) We take no responsibility on the stuff written here. It may or may not be true. Also, we do NOT limit this section to Israel only. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ## CFX Team is going to Relist all the groups in Israel. If you are in a group, please email us about which group and whether your group is active or not. email to civax@beit-eli.gov.il or leave a local msg on the BBS. ## Brother I Can See the light, Immortals' demo from Movement'97, was counted last month as one of the 10 top downloads on Hornet. Now isn't that great? :) Way to go, Immortals. ## There are talks about setting a new IRC channel for the Israeli scene on EFnet. If you wanna help - contact Civax. ## JFF are about to release a new diskmag called TOTEM. They only wait to collect enough votes for the first issue, so take the file JFFTOTEM.ZIP from the bbs or hornet.org, fill is and send it! ## Kosmic Archives II CD-ROM is soon available. More news on KFMF website: www.kosmic.org ## Maelcum / Kosmic released this msg on April 6th: "Thanks to support from listeners like you (think PBS ;) we continue to release loads of great music which you can freely download, digitally. If you don't like the idea of music for free, you must be the RIAA. MP3 files are as illegal as DAT tape or a blank CD-R, which is to say not at all; copyright violation is entirely a separate and unrelated matter. I'd like to ask anyone involved in legitimate MP3-related business to contact me if you are interested in joining in a possible lawsuit regarding RIAA's campaign of misinformation which is damaging legitimate MP3 ventures." ## Well, seems records companies consider MP3's illegal. Watch out, dark spirit - they might be on YOUR door next! :) ## X-Rabbit / Quasars is working on a new musicdisk! ## DNA-Groove / MNH & Embryo is working on a new musicdisk gathering different trackers from all over Israel. ## Phantom Lord is now officialy an adult. ## Chronic is trying to arrange a lit. group.. Well, what do you know, the art scene awakes again in Israel... Leave him a msg on the bbs if you're intrested. ## Immortals are working on a new demo for wierd'98. They look for a graphician to work with them on the demo for objects and textures, and some new musicians as Dark Spirit is in the army. Note, that Kombat / Immortals sais the musicians and the gfx dude are going to use new progams he had developed specially for this project. ## New rules for Assembly'98 : All entries in all compos (Demos, 64kb, 4kb ect.) MUST work inside Windows95/NT DOS Box! Seems Windows is finally taking over our scene! ## Statistics gems... (we only list the TOP SELECTION from the voting booths) 88% would like Coders F/X to produce a set of scene CDs. 77% got internet access. 68% sais mIRC is the best IRC client. 67% never miss CFX News issues. 66% are against having midi allowed in music compos. 31% rank Immortals as the best Israeli demo group. 30% sais Mov'97 was the best israeli party ever. 28% thinks Sticky Baboon is the best 2d artist. 15% believes Sound Blaster AWE64 is the best soundcard. ## Don't forget to send us news and romours!!! ÍÍ Filebase and On-Line changes ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ[09]ÍÍ (*) New areas: TG'98: Demos TG'98: 64kb intros TG'98: 4kb intros TG'98: Music - MultiChannel TG'98: Music - 4 Channel TG'98: Music - Fast TG'98: Graphics TG'98: Ray-Tracing Graphics TG'98: Misc. 3DFX: Developing and Codes 3DFX: Demos 3DFX: Pc Unix 3DFX: Misc. Utils Support: Lore's ART (*) CFX Archive was duplicated to a new 8 GB Harddisk as backup, and to preper a set of CDs for burnings. We'll have to work on a better cataloging system then what we use on the bbs n' then make the CDs ready for distrobution. (*) We want to make the board more active and we would like to hear if you got any new ideas for us. Leave a msg to any of the sysops. (*) You can read the latest CFXNEWS online from the news menu, press 5. ÍÍ Happy Birthday!!! ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ[10]ÍÍ Handle Age Birthday ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Henry 20 Thu 23rd April Some One 25 Thu 23rd April Drenline 17 Fri 24th April Borzom 19 Mon 27th April The Undead 18 Tue 28th April Sticky Baboon 20 Wed 29th April Trendkiller 15 Thu 30th April Penoman 16 Fri 1st May Diffuse 18 Fri 1st May Regengade 18 Fri 1st May Sysop Cracky 23 Sat 2nd May Sb16 19 Sun 3rd May Shuy Pnini 19 Sun 3rd May Crunch 19 Mon 4th May Yoyo 16 Tue 5th May Kicker 16 Wed 6th May Happy Birthday!!! Special greets goes to Drenline, Borzom, Sticky Baboon, Sysop Cracky and Crunch / YOE. HAVE a WONDERFUL YEAR, guys (and girls... Happy birthday, Lior!) ÍÍ New Israeli Releases List ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ[11]ÍÍ Releases will NOT be rated anymore for lake of time and manpower. We'll list here the new releases in Israel. + We will list only ISRAELI products here + We will list releases that will reach the BBS. + We will list ART products as well. + List of releases between: 27.03.1998 to 17.04.1998 (21 days) + This issue we had a technical problem listing new files from the last 10 days, so local releases (like 42 by Immortals) are not listed here, and will be listed next issue. Product name ³Artist/Group ³Category ³Filename(s) ³Release place ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍØÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍØÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍØÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍØÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ 14 pictures from ³Scanned by ³Art: People³MOV97????.JPG³ Coders F/X BBS Movement'97³ Civax³ ³ ³ ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ "Dream in motion" ³PVL / SGT ³Music: IT ³DREAM-IN.ZIP ³ Coders F/X BBS ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ St.Peterburg Nights³Iguana / SGT ³Music: IT ³RMXNIGHT.ZIP ³ Coders F/X BBS ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Land of confusion ³Iguana / SGT ³Music: IT ³LNDCNF.ZIP ³ Coders F/X BBS ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Yossi Buskila ³Iguana / SGT ³Music: IT ³SGTBSKL.ZIP ³ Coders F/X BBS ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Last time around...³Velocity ³Music: IT ³VEL-LAST.ZIP ³ Coders F/X BBS ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Strange Feeling... ³Velocity ³Music: IT ³VLCTSTRG.ZIP ³ Coders F/X BBS ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ The raining horizon³Trashy / QSR ³Music: IT ³HORIZON.ZIP ³ Coders F/X BBS ³ & Bactor³ ³ ³ ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ "Killing me softly ³Iguana / SGT ³Music: ³RMXKILL.ZIP ³ Coders F/X BBS remix"³ ³ Known³ ³ ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Hebrew for Dos ³Tal Kirzhner ³Dos Util ³HEB4DOS.ZIP ³ TopStar BBS ³ ³ ³ ³ ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Digger ³Weezle ³Music: IT ³DIGGER.IT ³ Coders F/X BBS ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Infused ³Doc Holiday ³ArtPack ³DOC!INFS.ZIP ³ Coders F/X BBS ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ CFX News #28 ³Civax & CFX ³NewsLetter ³CFX#28.ZIP ³ Coders F/X BBS ³ Team³ ³ ³ ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ House Operation ³Mutant/Xtigma³Music: IT ³XT!MTHOP.ZIP ³ Coders F/X BBS ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ 2D Pic for Xtigma ³Coax / Xtigma³2D Pic ³XTG-ART1.ZIP ³ Coders F/X BBS ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Kintaroz ³Mutant/Xtigma³Music: IT ³XT!MTKNT.ZIP ³ Coders F/X BBS ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ Total Releases: 16 Categories: 7 Release Places: 2 ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ ÍÍ New Files Summary - civax choices ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ[12]Í Epidemic musicpack - Unlike my regular choises list - I reccomand a music pack. And not one, TWO! This is the first - a colly of music from groups like Ice, Ren, Future Crew, EMF and others. Take it - its worth it. [EPIDEMIC.ZIP (4,264k) Music: MusicDisks] Stage 9 - If I would have to choose a musicdisk or a musicpack from 1998 - it would have to be this one. 7mb zipped of music from artists like Purple Motion, Basehead, Hunz, Scirocco, Xerxes, Nemesis, Keith303, Mystical, Laxity, Radix, Tito and others. [STAGE9.ZIP (6,984k) Music: MusicDisks] Moo Skin - A Cow-like skin for winamp - its my favorite! [MOOSKIN.ZIP (27k) Music: Trackers & Players] MultiRipper - The best Ripper I've seen in the last year. Over 100 of file formats, 21 libraries of demo groups, *lots* of options and realy great to work with! This is version 2.30 [MRIP230.ZIP (358k) General: General Utils] ÍÍ New Files Summary for 27.03 - 17.04 ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ[13]ÍÍ *** Special Note *** Due to a minor technical problem we couldn't list and process the new files for the last 10 days. This means all the entries from The Gathering '98, All the 3DFX fileareas (41mb of files) and all the new files in the last 10 days are off the list. I'm talking about 140 - 150 new files in about 90 - 100 MB. The BBS works ok, the problem is with our offline program that lists the files for CFX News. We will add the missing files in the next issue, ASAP. * As the BBS is constantly changes, I advise you to check for new files while online. I have shorten all descriptions into 1 line for space reasons. * Number of new files listed .......... 146 Number of days since last review .... 21 TEXT FILES: Programming & Scene Info. ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ MAGS_FAQ.ZIP 15532 Diskmags FAQ by Hugi v1.0 AWE32P10.ZIP 17441 The Un-official Sound Blaster AWE32 Programming Guide ³ TEXT FILES: General ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ BOOK014B.ZIP 52408 The Tracker's Handbook v0.14b By Cools/Hertz ART: Original Pictures ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ GB-VIK.ZIP 296798 "Antica - Vikings Failure" Artpack by Stacy Gova/GB ³ ART: Scene People ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ MOV97-2.JPG 121397 MOV'97: Picture of the main hall with people. MOV97-3.JPG 127541 MOV'97: Krembo & Master Card / Emerge MOV97-4.JPG 102238 MOV'97: Holograph / BSP + manager of Barnea center MOV97-5.JPG 141098 MOV'97: The main hall and the big screen MOV97-6.JPG 105102 MOV'97: Network tables + people MOV97-8.JPG 67586 MOV'97: Civax & Ice (2nd day) looks happy MOV97-9.JPG 78371 MOV'97: DNA-Groove & TLM / Falcore notices a crush! MOV971.JPG 148202 MOV'97: The members of the Org. Team, except Turk182 MOV97-10.JPG 91795 MOV'97: Ice / CFX Team in the usuall loook on mov'97 MOV97-11.JPG 135442 MOV'97: Immortals reaching the future! MOV97-12.JPG 123989 MOV'97: Dna-Groove / Moon Hunters & Embryo angry MOV97-13.JPG 133954 MOV'97: Civax and Nyc-Kid / Moon hunters on surprise MOV97-14.JPG 103718 MOV'97: The board Bezeq placed on the entrance XLS!.JPG 52206 MOV'97: Xls (Civax's friend) n' his girlfriend Marie. MUSIC: Modules (S3M) ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ M5V-DUET.ZIP 336261 "Duet" by Leviathan / Renaissance (MC5 V) MUSIC: Modules (IT) ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ D-RETAKI.ZIP 1000717 "Retaking Moonlight" from Dragonite. DREAM-IN.ZIP 100725 "Dream In Motion" by PVL / SGT (Dream music) RMXNIGHT.ZIP 129116 "St. Peterburg Nights" Remix by Iguana / SGT LNDCNF.ZIP 312025 "Land Of Confusion" by Iguana / SGT SGTBSKL.ZIP 166671 "Yossi Buskila" by Iguana / SGT DHV_NM2.ZIP 701288 "Je t'ai à l'oeil" by Nino / DHV (SynthPop) ANEMMA.ZIP 160367 "...and Emma Smiled" by mekka / tec M5V-DBRK.ZIP 511151 "Day Break" by DareDevil / Renaissance (MC5 V) HORIZON.ZIP 532380 "The Raining Horizon" by Trashey/Quasars & Bacter VEL-LAST.ZIP 122893 "Last Time Around..." by Velocity CC-PARA.ZIP 2706946 C.C.Catch's First Tune In 3 Years. 1998 VLCTSTRG.ZIP 486738 "Strange Feeling..." by Velocity SM1-1B.ZIP 375315 "Super Mario 1-1" by Beek / Shadow MUSIC: Modules (XM) ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ MAKGTM.ZIP 258553 "Makke goes to Mekka" by Makke / The Einstein Crew ORIGO.ZIP 861373 "Origo" by t.smedback, aka Tobe GR_GUITP.ZIP 1038319 "Guitar Piano Solo" by Garlick / MBC AQUALOG.ZIP 491086 "Aqualog" by Kombo music section BRK_RAV.ZIP 595045 "Here We Go" by Breakthru MUSIC: Modules (Known) ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ RMXKILL.ZIP 120746 "Killing Me Softly Remix" by Igana / SGT (Dream) MUSIC: Modules (Any Other Format) ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ CCMODERN.ZIP 224656 "Modern Society" by C.C.Catch / Reinassance (MC5 V) MUSIC: Music Disks & Packs ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ EPIDEMIC.ZIP 4264033 Epidemic - Multigroup music pack: ice, ren, FC, Ect. STAGE9.ZIP 6983944 Stage 9 Musicdisk, Pmotion, hunz and lots of others. DIZZY12.ZIP 1681467 A pack of modules by Dizzy / CNCD [1/2] DIZZY22.ZIP 2651373 A pack of modules by Dizzy / CNCD [2/2] MUSIC: Players & Trackers ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ MPT100A6.ZIP 312698 MODplug tracker Alpha 6 patch #1 MP3EDIT.ZIP 63345 Mpeg 3 Lyrics editor (ID3 Tag, file_id.diz ect.) EYE2.ZIP 68389 The Eye of God v2.0 WinAMP Plug-In BACKAMP.ZIP 279626 BackAMP 2.00 (WinAMP 1.73 Remake) by Fli7e / Backlash DSP_DIAB.ZIP 49328 Diablo DJ Winamp Plug-in 1.01 MOOSKIN.ZIP 27497 MooAMP - Winamp 1.8+ Skins Set v1.3 REDSTONE.ZIP 68893 RedStone v1.2 - Winamp Skin WAMP181.ZIP 297802 WinAmp 1.81 Full Version, 1998 FT208.ZIP 294507 FastTracker II 2.08 by Triton SHNKXM11.ZIP 18262 The OBSESSiON XM optimizer, ver 1.1 SEQ303.ZIP 735373 303 Seq. for Scene Musicians from 31.03.1998 BUZZA14A.ZIP 547607 Buzz 14a - 1998 version XM2AST.ZIP 44965 XM2AST v1.1 by Vaclav Kulakovsky DQLM AXS201D.ZIP 349015 AXS - Another Xperimental Synth - v2.01 Official Rel. WAV2XI12.ZIP 20342 WAV_2_XI v1.2 - 8/16 bit WAV to XI converter NEWMMX.ZIP 55300 Cubic Player 2alfa++ MMX Drivers Update (April '98) WDAC133.ZIP 318596 DigitalAudioCopy (Win32) V1.33 by Christoph Schmelnik RB15UP.ZIP 2237089 ReBIRTH RB338 v1.5 - an update for V1.0 WINAMP19.ZIP 420149 WinAMP 1.90 UPLOAD: General Uploads ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ K-SDD6T.ZIP 167774 Scitech Display Doctor 6.0 Trial GEN: General Utils ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ HEB4DOS.ZIP 6076 HebKey v1.00 By Tal Kirzhner MRIP230.ZIP 358274 Multi Ripper 2.30 - over 100 formats, 21 libraries RAR202.ZIP 278119 RAR 2.02 for DOS WRAR202.ZIP 480468 RAR 2.02 for Windows JAR102X.ZIP 510752 JAR v1.02 DOS/WIN32 GEN: SoftWere ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ FP300.ZIP 1645076 F-Prot 3.00 pre-release Anti Virus package PARTIES: Info, Results ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ TG98INF1.ZIP 11991 The Gathering 1998 Information file rev1.01 AMB98RES.ZIP 8109 Ambience'98 - Official party results INTRO: 4K ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ TRAUMA4K.ZIP 8616 Trauma 4kb intro by Dr.Pitch / Savage TRUHLA.ZIP 7124 TRUHLA (coffin) 4kb intro by Twinsen/PEON (TP'97) INTRO: 64K ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ TIMEZONE.ZIP 70787 TIME ZONE Party Version by BlaBla (Vol4, 1st place) PIOVE.ZIP 68072 "E se domani piove?" by Friol the Oil INTRO: Other ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ FG_1200.ZIP 79701 1200 by Firg! 1STMARCH.ZIP 289411 1st march wishtro by the Sands and Universe FI_INTRO.ZIP 387147 Intro by Fusion industries. F_LOOPY.ZIP 242804 stupikeffy loopy by fac of delabu alama 15BYTES.ZIP 4776 15 bytes intro by GraX / Kupchins COMM: Ra Utils & Doors ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ ND-UWALL.ZIP 27190 UNF Wall by natedogg PBR-400.ZIP 264401 Project BookRead/Librarian Modules TLORD19.ZIP 76751 TeamLord v1.9 LORD IGM EVENT16.ZIP 35350 LordEvent v1.6! For L.O.R.D. v3.25+ LORDBU17.ZIP 19551 LordBull v1.7! For L.O.R.D. v3.20+ LORDCO15.ZIP 26727 LordCops v1.5! For L.O.R.D. v3.20+ NOW10.ZIP 8812 NOW v1.0! For L.O.R.D. v3.20+ SANDSRC.ZIP 78553 Full Source Code To SandBar v1.02 SLOTTO10.ZIP 91119 Seth's Lotto - LORD IGM TRUE200.ZIP 144971 Truenews v2.00 20/08/96 STUDS!15.ZIP 222362 Studs! v1.5 -- Adult action door game ANARCH.ZIP 27741 The Anarchist 1.1 Beta LORD IGM SUB17A.ZIP 80609 LORD Suburbia v1.7a -- a LORD IGM. GRIZ10.ZIP 85495 Grizelda's Place 1.0 V5MED150.ZIP 199117 The Medieval Tournament of Vanadia TM 1.50 LORD IGM V3FOR150.ZIP 293618 The Haunted Forests of Vanadia TM 1.10 LORD IGM COMM: Internet ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ C30N95.ZIP 1091827 Cressando - advance MIDI player plug-in for NetScape RP32_50.ZIP 1412947 Real Audio 32 for Win'95 Version 5.0 MIRC53T.ZIP 837179 mIRC 5.3 T - IRC Client for Win95 PARTIES: Invitations ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ TG98JAV1.ZIP 72229 The Gathering '98 - Java Invitation Intro! TG98INT1.ZIP 29898 The Gathering '98 - Little invtro by Digital nightmare CODE: General Sources ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ FONTOG10.ZIP 157677 Fontography 1.0 by Adam Keher (TTF to BMP) Win32 MKXP10.ZIP 123005 MKXP File Archiver - Mke libraries for your demos ART: 3D Studio Support ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ BUTTON.ZIP 51217 Buttons - Addobe PhotoShop Plug-In GFO2.ZIP 276913 Greg's Factory Output filters, vol. II (Photoshop) GFO1.ZIP 276386 Greg's Factory Output filters, vol. I (Photoshop) GB-WOM.ZIP 59852 Woman Models in .3DS (Stacy Gova / GB) CODERS F/X BBS Files ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ CFX#28.ZIP 79501 Coders F/X News, Issue #28 DEMO: 1997 ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ CTA-AD2.ZIP 1420691 Angeldust2 - the heaven's gate by CTA, Hungary CODE: Effects - Voxel ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ GB-VOXEL.ZIP 17536 VOXEL LANDSCAPE by Fulgore / GB + Bonus programs CODE: Effects - Textmode ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ ANSMN12.ZIP 36397 ANSI MANDELBROT version 1.2 by Jeff Robertson ARTIME11.ZIP 84768 Aragorn's Timer v1.1 IGM pascal source CODE: Graphic Viewers ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ MDG_FLC.ZIP 118355 Autodesk Animator Pro Files Format & Viewer in C MDG_BMP.ZIP 72488 BMP Loading Routines By MaLi/MaLixa CODE: 3D Engines ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ 3DICA221.ZIP 426772 3DICA: An introduction into 3D coding by Ica/Hubris CODE: Music ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ AWECTRL.ZIP 67301 AWE 32 CONTROL PACK v1.0 by Lada Kopecky IWEEPR1.ZIP 57972 Programming your GUS PnP's XSS InterWave EEPROM. CODE: Communications ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ TKIT110.ZIP 137612 Planets: TEOS IGM KIT V1.10 (pascal) CODE: Tutorials ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ MDG_COMP.ZIP 12464 DATA COMPRESSION by Matjaz Trtnik aka maLi/MaLixa Anti MisroSOFT League ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ BILLY.ZIP 253893 Anti Microsoft Demo coded by Vip-Man UPLOAD: New Music ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ DIGGER.IT 1391639 Digger by Weezle SUPPORT: Doc Holiday Graphics ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ DOC!INFS.ZIP 641729 INFUSED art pack by Doc Holiday The Party'97: Graphics ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ GTNAPTIT.ZIP 34280 'guten apetit' by stynger/PeOn DEMOS: 1998 ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ PLNTPNBL.ZIP 1656779 PLANET CORNBALL - new 3DFX demo (under windows95/NT) LDREAM.ZIP 209940 LIKE A DREAM by Mingo MUSIC: X-Tigma ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ XTG-ART1.ZIP 17169 VGA 2D GFX FOR X-TiGMA by CoaX Cable XT!MTHOP.ZIP 484361 House Operation by Mutant/XTiGMA XT!MTKNT.ZIP 726861 Kintaroz by Mutant/XTiGMA AMB'98: Ray-Tracing Graphics ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ LVD-RATP.ZIP 52533 Rat Poision by Greenpix7 / Universe & Level-D Volcanic4 (1998) & Cache'98 files ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ EXD-TRIB.ZIP 99398 The Lost Tribes by Warpig SZAKACS.ZIP 9057 legjobb by Iddqd & Losi of RsR DMA_ZBOO.ZIP 10824 zeboo by dilema TEMPLLOM.ZIP 120116 Templom bt Elvont prods C98_DMO3.ZIP 47912 Demo, Cache'98 demo competitor AMOBA.ZIP 8648 arc bameg amoba 4k UF_MISCE.ZIP 56994 Missing Screens by Unirterfd Forcee PR_MINO.ZIP 504020 Mino:seg by Power Rangers C98_64K5.ZIP 37552 64k intro, Cache'98 64k competitor C98-TCOL.ZIP 4889304 All the truecolor graphics contibutions from Cache'98 C98-RAYT.ZIP 3008099 All the Raytrace graphics contributions from Cache'98 C98-PIXE.ZIP 1465686 All the pixel gfx contributions from Cache'98 KMU_FPCS.ZIP 57986 Fapapucs by Kamu AMB'98: Misc. Files ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ CKO-AMB.ZIP 9665 Ascii: Madhouse Logoff by Cuckoo / Rare! BREAKOUT.ZIP 9514 4kB BREAK-OUT by NuCLear (Wild Compo) AVK-ALIE.ZIP 8627 Rare Alien by Alvak / Rare!Ascii (Ansi Compo) DB-AMB.ZIP 11783 Style Wars by Dirt bag / BMP ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ Archive size: 3.171 Gb Files number: 9971 ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ ÍÍ CFX Team Status ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ[14]ÍÍ Sysop.............................................CiVAX / Moon Hunters Cosysops.................................................Turk182 & Ice Internet support.................................................Conex CCO Linux Patron..........................................Fulgore / GB ÍÍ How to contact the CFX Team ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ[15]ÍÍ Handle Real Name Home Voice # Email address ÄÄÄÄÄÄ ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Civax . Ohad Barzilay . 07-675-3758 . civax@beit-eli.gov.il . . 050-980-626 . Turk182 . Yossi Revah . 07-673-1675 . turk182@beit-eli.gov.il Ice . Yosi Taguri . 07-675-2549 . milazall@netvision.co.il Ice & Turk182 are available on weekends only. Turk182 can also be found on Thusdays evenings. Civax is mostly available at evenings during week days. You can write us emails or leave us a local msg on the bbs. Currently Ice is still serving his military service (Officer in Keva), while Turk182 & Civax are both students, thus having limited free time. ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ [o] End of CODERS F/X BBS publication [o] ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ