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FileBase and On-Line changes [ 10 ] ... Happy birthday list [ 11 ] ... New Israeli releases list [ 12 ] ... New files summery - Special choices [ 13 ] ... New files summery - 25.08.98 to 28.09.98 (+33 days) [ 14 ] ... CFX Team status [ 15 ] ... Contact the CFX Team ÍÍ Editorial ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ[01]ÍÍ Editorial by Civax / Moon Hunters This issue of CFX News carries a wrong date. Why? Because the whole file, except this paragraph, was ready at the 30/9/98. 8 days ago. And why was it only released today? Because there were NO ARTICLES except mine! You want to read CFX News? WRITE ARTICLES. --- Movement'98 Web site is up. Go visit www.mov98.movement.org! --- Originaly I had planty to write but the lake of cooperation from you guys just made me lose the mood. I hope next issue would be a happier one. Civax / Moon Hunters +---------------------- [civax@beit-eli.gov.il] ÍÍ Hornet Archive death ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ[02]ÍÍ The death of Hornet.org ------------------------------------------------------------------------- by civax / moon hunters I think the title says it all. Hornet.org was the scene home at the internet. If what you were looking for was anything to do with the demo scene - it was either on Hornet as a file or as a link. Whenever you wanted to update, to see what's new demos were released, to hear new music, to grab invitations to parties or just generally take some new sources and docs, Hornet was the place to go. The ftp was usually so crowded the download was extremely slow, but if was released - it was on hornet first. People were showing off with the ranks their products got on the archive. "Yo, Our demo rated 4 stars at hornet, we rule!" was something you could have seen on #coders during a chat at your local scene bbs. And indeed it was something to be proud of. Things got a bit suspicious when Demonews, the newsletter produced by the hornet members, was stopped. In the last issue (150) snowman article was so gloomy that sceners around the world started to email him about 'why do you say the scene is dead?" or "why do you leave the scene". He had to publish a special not on hornet explaining what he really meant, and also announced the future of demos is in windows, thus making hornet archive accepting also WINMOS as uploded demos. However, the truth was that snowman was already quite tired of the scene. Giving it one more chance didn't change alot. The scene was not as fun as it was for him at first. So he decided to do what any of us does will do at the same situation - he decided to quite the scene. Now, while any of us can do so n' shake nothing on the way, it was not the case for the guy that practically administrate hornet.org. Reality is here and hornet.org is closing. Before closing the members of hornet will catalog all the upload directories and will burn the archive. Every hornet member will get a copy. There won't be any copies on sale to anyone else. The archive is dead. The place that was the home of the scene for years is closing his doors right now without any intentions to comeback. Ever. All we got left to do is to thank the people that made hornet to be what it was, invested hard work and time for all of us here at the demo scene. Trixter, Snowman, Pheonix, JD and the rest of the guys that assisted them in their quest for the ultimate scene archive. Thank you, guys. This could have been a totally sad story, but no. It got a chance to end with a little smile. A hope. Snowman is giving one copy of the archive to the guys at Scene.org. Scene.org started as fm.org, Five Musicians FTP site. It was expanded, n' is now an FTP site, Web hosting site, News and IRC server. It hosts some of the known music and demo groups in the scene, as well as some parties. scene.org staff announced they *WON'T* be the continue of hornet archive. They will take the files, catalog them from the start and add then to their own archive. They will also make a more organized site, with users' profiles, a magazine and a searching engine. We all wish them good luck. I don't know what about you, but this is quite a change in our scene. I, personally, am going to offer my help to the guys at scene.org. There is still a demo scene and its not getting weaker. It is just getting older. The time has come. You can now continue to read hornet archive official announcement, following by scene.org staff one. I will go now to change the 'home' option at my netscape. Bye bye www.hornet.org. It was great. Hello, www.scene.org. --------------------- Ohad Barzilay, Civax / Moon Hunters civax@beit-eli.gov.il Hornet official annoucement: --------------------------- Greetings PC Demo Scene, Since 1992, you have enjoyed the vast collection of scene-related files located at The Hornet Archive. For years, we have struggled to provide the best user interface and highest level of organization possible. With over 300 gigs of files downloaded per month, all of us have been kept very busy. Our archive is undeniably the single most active demo scene location in existence. On 04 Feb 1998, the final issue of DemoNews was released. From that point forward, the energy of those who maintained the archive decreased steadily. Finally it seemed obvious that we were no longer willing to give _enough_ energy. Many aspects of the archive have been completely automated (/incoming/music being one example). If it hadn't been for this, the archive would not have lasted this long. Hornet is disbanding. Although not all of our group members directly assisted with the maintenance of the archive, they were all driving forces keeping our organization together. Our group, in its final state, consisted of 5 members: Andy Voss (Phoenix), Brett Neely (GD), Pim van Mun (Stony), Jim Leonard (Trixter), and myself (Snowman). Andy (maintainer of everything that was "demo" on the archive) plans to retire from the scene by the end of this year, but not without one final scene project, a CDROM filled with memorabilia from NAID '95 and '96. You can contact him at vossa@rpi.edu or xproject@erols.com Brett (columnist for DemoNews and co-organizer for Music Contest) has retired from Hornet but plans to remain in the music scene; you can reach him now at gd@scene.org Jim (coder for our single large-scale demo Explicit and several other smaller intros) has already left our group and retired from the scene to work on his new project oldskool.org, a tribute/nostalgia site dedicated to games of the early 1980's. Jim's new email address is trixter@oldskool.org Pim (graphics artist for the Escape and Freedom CDs, as well as a contributor to several intros and web images) will go inactive at the same time as the archive. His plans are to release his never before released work on a scene CDROM project. He will finish up his Computer Science degree at the University of Nijmegen in The Netherlands next year, and will continue with his small company. You can reach Pim at mun@wxs.nl Personally, I plan to complete my new faster-than-light warp drive and sail to the third moon of Zenthrax on the outer fringes of the Pangalaxian Empire, where I will be reunited with my r3 brethren. On approximately 01 Nov 1998 according to your primitive Julian Earth calander, I will reachable through terrestrial email at r3cgm@rworld.org As a result, the archive will be dismantled as soon as possible. All html pages will be deleted. The search engine will cease to function. The /incoming directory will be cataloged, emptied, and removed. All sites being web-hosted under /info will find new homes. Our mirror sites will no longer be resolvable by (country-code).hornet.org. In the near future, there will be a "final" version of the archive. At this point, there will be no web interface. We can not shut down the archive quickly. We are the primary host for several large online documentation projects and must give the maintainers of them a chance to move somewhere else. We also can not, in good conscience, end the archive with a full upload directory. For the first time in perhaps 5 years we will have every file moved out of /incoming. Those of you who know me personally realize that I do not like loose ends. I like closure. I feel an obligation to shut down the archive properly. No, the end of The Hornet Archive will be a grueling, painful, extended process (just kidding!). Ironically, we have not been able to sell off all of our Hornet Underground and Hornet MODs CDROMs. They will outlive the archive itself. There are still at least a couple hundred of each left. See http://www.cdrom.com under "Games and Entertainment" for more details. When the archive has reached its final state, I will put a copy of our MASTER.SDD database file online. To all those would-be flat ascii file hackerz, do with it as you please. After backups of the archive have been made, the files will officially be transfered over to the folks at scene.org. What they will call the new archive I couldn't guess. Provided this new host keeps the data, they are allowed to do with it as they wish. After this transfer is complete, I will rm -rf * /pub/demos. Hopefully, the scene.org maintainers will set up a new archive quickly. After that, I will mirror this archive back to our server on ftp.cdrom.com (we might as well take advantage of our bandwidth as long as no work is required). Hornet Archive mirror sites will then become scene.org mirror sites. I notified several people at least a month ago about the end of the archive. Fortunately, the "PC Demos Explained", "PC Demo Fan Club", "Zen of Tracking", "GFX Zone", and Future Crew pages have all found new homes. The URLs to the new locations will be posted on the main page of our archive as they become available. Update your bookmarks as soon as possible since there won't be a "main page" of the archive much longer. The "Music Contest" and "Hornet Archive Memories" pages will be moving to a new domain called rworld.org. I am setting up this new domain with a friend of mine from University (r3mdh). After the new machine is up, I will remap the DNS entry for www.hornet.org to point to rworld.org, and set up a virtual host so that you get to the correct location. This will happen in about 2 months. Music Contest may or may not be over. It is the single scene activity I have not necessarily given up. Right now, I would estimate about a 60% chance of MC7 happening. Just wait 8 months and find out. And now as an added bonus for having read this far, you will uncover the answer to the longest-held secret about The Hornet Archive. : > Date: Tue, 15 Sep 1998 11:08:23 -0400 : > From: Eric Johnson : > To: r3cgm@cdrom.com : > Subject: Re: Fwd: hornet question : > : > Several years ago, we decided to officially name our archive "The Hornet : > Archive" as a direct result of the machine name hornet.eng.ufl.edu. For : > years after that, the genesis of "hornet" remained a mystery. Frankly, : > I was content to leave it that way. For the next half decade, : > references to The Hornet Archive surfaced as we attended scene : > gatherings and received press coverage (Wired mentioned us twice if you : > can believe it). However, we (the friendly folks who have been : > maintaining the archive all these years) are now in the twilight of our : > demo scene activities, and will be shutting down the archive within 2 : > months. As such, it seemed appropriate to finally unlock the mystery : > behind the name. : > : > I would personally be indebted if you, or a coworker, could locate : > the individual who originally named the machine hornet.eng.ufl.edu, : > and enlighten us as to why that particular name was chosen. : > : > Yours respectfully... : > : > -- : > Christopher G. Mann - r3cgm@cdrom.com : > : > Technical Supervisor, Webmaster : > Walnut Creek CDROM - http://www.cdrom.com : > : Well, I am afraid you may not find the story as exciting as you wish. : When UF Engineering Computer Services was founded we were given a block : of 20 or 30 IP addresses on the campus backbone network (128) this was : about 1990ish. At the time we didn't manage the reverse pointers and : putting names to IP addresses was kind of a "claim" on them back then. : So one afternoon we (That being Me, Brad, Phil and Andy) brainstormed up : some names. We didn't really have a theme, other then that the names : were mostly un-vulgar. (Frenulum slipped in there somehow ;) Many were : named after our cats, Another theme that came and went quickly was : insects. We came up with the names, and as equipment came in it got : assigned to the next available named IP address. : : As time progressed we moved to new locations. We got our own subnet and : control of the DNS for it. But the names moved with the machines, and : the theme of "no theme" stuck with us until I left ECS in 1992ish... : : That is how hornet came to be hornet. : : E Before I sign off, I'd like to give sincere thanks to the countless people who have helped with the archive over the years. I would have preferred to thank people individually, but the list was growing too quickly and would surely have been missing important names. To all those brave souls who authored web pages for the archive, assisted in the drudgery of moving uploads out of /incoming, typed their fingers to the nub with email feedback, and reviewed new songs, demos, code, and graphics, I thank you whole-heartedly. Your efforts were successful in bringing together the best place to get scene files. I'd like to repeat something that Dan Wright said in the final issue of DemoNews: "Oh yeah, one last thing. If you find that you are the last one left please close the door on your way out." From my interview in that same issue; "I like closure, not loose ends. I'd much rather say something like 'OK folks, it's a wrap.' instead of 'See you next week!'... with that next week never arriving." OK folks, it's a wrap. Christopher G. Mann Snowman / Hornet 22 Sep 1998 Scene.org official announcement: -------------------------------- THE HORNET ARCHIVE AND SCENE.ORG The Hornet Archive is coming to an end. For years, Hornet offered the scene a vast and fast site where a lot of productions found their homes. The scene.org staff send their warmest regards to the Hornet staff, and wishes them the best of luck in their future endeavours (yes, we will close the door when we leave). :) If you would like to know more about the reasons behind Hornet being closed down, please see their official announcement. A while ago, Hornet contacted scene.org and asked us, if we would host the files on the Hornet Archive. We said yes. Scene.org is taking each and every file on the Hornet Archive, recataloguing them, reorganizing them, and making them a part of the scene.org archive. We are not, however, becoming a continuation of Hornet (in good or bad). Scene.org staff are currently designing concepts for our database which will be built on top of SQL. Future services include personalisation (your own login, scene.org will tell you about what interests you), a search engine, a web magazine etc. More information on each service will be available as we implement them - we are also non-profit and we all have day jobs, so please don't push us :). Scene.org started out as a small Five Musicians FTP site in 1996, then located in Brussels, Belgium. Since then, it has steadily grown by first offering other groups space for their music, then by offering demo groups a similar space, to offering and hosting a variety of scene-related services and productions. Scene.org was actually known as fm.org (for Five Musicians) for a long time, but we decided to expand. :P Today, scene.org is located in Helsinki, Finland, connected to the Internet with a 10Mbps link to a 155Mbps backbone. Scene.org is an FTP archive, a web hosting site, a news server, an IRC network, to name a few. Scene.org is and was built for YOU to enjoy. Have a nice day, Jaakko Manninen md / tpolm / fm On behalf of staff@scene.org ÍÍ Review: Faith musicdisk by X-Rabbit ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ[03]ÍÍ Faith by X-Rabbit / DNA-Groove Review After reading Velocity's inconclusive review about X-Rabbit's new music disk "Faith", I decided to put in a little effort and do "justice" to that piece of work. The long trained art of harsh critics has my very own recipe to it, yet it is still art in the making. critics can't be just plain harsh, because then it gets that lame flavor, just like the last review. It seems as if Velocity did good by writing that review, but the review itself wasn't good at all. It lacked a punch line and there were hardly any constructive remarks, which are the backbones for a good review. X-Rabbit sure did a fine job with this music disk of his, as in any other collective piece of work, there were the better pieces, and the less better pieces. :) It is most certainly noted that a great deal of investment was put in to this collection, since the improvement in the author's technique and selection of samples is quite noticeable. My personal favorite was the "Sweet kitty's lullaby", it featured a very melodic variety of chord progressions, and the lead parts weren't all that bad, as this is X-Rabbit's main and most terrible fault. Specific track review (in filename alphabetic order): Name: Alone... (98 Remix) Review: Since this one was the first track i listened to from this musicdisk, I must admit i wasn't too impressed, since i already know X-Rabbit's work and style. i was a little disappointed to see that nothing really changed since the last time i heard anything from the X man. This tune is nicely tracked and the samples are pretty good (except for the drums section, which they all reek pretty bad). There isn't much to improve on this one since it's main fault is actually the original composition. Finalize: X-Rabbit can certainly do better than that when it comes to pure composition. And a serious work should be put in the drumming part. Even if the samples are utterly cool, they must be used properly to have that convincing sound. :) Name: Faith Theme Review: It is a very dry tune that has no theme nor any parts which are even mediocre. This entire ditty is a 48 seconds long track. It uses samples from Metallica's "One" song, which can not be reused without immediate recognition. The chord progression X-Rabbit has chosen for his track are as dull as they come. The way the guitar was played had something of the revolt factor. It sounded very unprofessional. Finalize: Wanna make more guitar based tracks? great... just work a bit on that realism part and the chord progression of the guitar and you'll do just fine. Name: Heartless Mindgames Review: The tune is a definite wonderful piece. It would have a so much better one with a better sample selection. The quality of the samples is good indeed (especially mine, kiddin :)), though out of place. For instance, the selection of that overpowered crash cymbal kinda wrecked the relaxation effect. There were these wonderful chords and soft piano lead parts and then breaks in that destructive crash! The use of the hihats is a bit annoying for two reasons, the part they played is impossible to perform in reality and they sounded too metallic for that kinda tune. They should have been softer and be played with better care and tenderness. Finalize: A good track, great chords. The flute should have had a much more interesting solo, it sounded as if it didn't fulfill it's goal. Name: Sweet Kitty's Lullaby Review: A wonderful all round track. Well tracked and features a great feel to it, plus a very versatile chord selection, which keeps the interest going almost till the end. The thing that strikes you in the end is the feeling that nothing actually happened. hmmm... oh well. Finalize: A great tune... almost no cons at all... :) Name: Legion of the Damned Review: I personally really don't like heavy metal tracks. Especially when the author uses 10 year old samples. The sad thing with this song is that i'm not kidding. The power guitar chord sample X-Rabbit used here is (c) 1988 and was originally recorded by Dr. Awesome on the well buried Amiga. The chords are ok and so is the structure. There are two little tips for you X man... when using an echoed guitar, don't ever use porta's (Exx, Fxx effects). And when assembling a drum sequence, try not to over do it with the retrigger (Qxx effect). Finalize: A good attempt for a heavy metal track. bad bad bad samples. Name: Metal Tears Review: This track had a very dull and unconvincing start. It also had one element that an experienced tracker and a musician like X-rabbit should've known a while ago, and it's never to use the retrigger effect with bassdrum samples unless it's some kind of effect you intended on putting. The overall tune was pretty much ok, the mellow pianoish part the tune ends with is quite good. Finalize: A nice piece of work, just work a little on that drum sequence bit you crammed in there. Name: Sands of Sadness Review: There it is... the best track on the music disk. Interesting vocals, a very nice piano lead, the chords are crisp and delicious. :) BUT, of course, good ol' X wrecked the nice feel of this wonderful track with his destructive lead parts with that overused guitar sample, so what if it's mine. :) The drum sequence is quite good, for a change. The echoing has improved a great deal since Mov97, so did some of the sample quality. I actually thought of making a remix out of this track. too bad it's that short, can't get enough of the good stuff. :) Finalize: A great, great piece of work!!! loved it... :) Name: The Search of Innocence Review: It is already well known that X-R's weak side is those leads of his. At times it seems that the track is much better if the lead sample's volume is lowered to 0. This tune is a good example of it. Take that damn flute off to hell, and there you go... a great tune! The precessions are mediocre. the chord progression is actually very very good, it's original and very melodic. it's that flute crap that wrecked the entire idea. Finalize: This track had the potential of being the best track the israeli scene had released this year... but... it's that flute again. :) Name: The Zipper Accident Review: Rabbit Rabbit Rabbit... indeed we all like to do silly stuff, but not all of us share that... Finalize: It looks as if you dared yourself for reaching a total of 9 tracks with this musicdisk, and that piece was the very ugly hood ornament on your beautiful car. a sad track indeed. Conclusion: 9 songs which most are very short. X-Rabbit has indeed presented us with some personal breakthroughs. He practiced his tracking experience quite well with some of the songs (to name, Sands of Sadness). His talent wasn't hiding as well and songs like Sweet Kitty's Lullaby sure have delivered. A fine collection indeed... if you haven't downloaded it yet, do so. you might be surprised, like I was. Comments - DNA-Groove ben-ishai@infomall.co.il ICQ: 16684694 ÍÍ Kaktusim'98 project ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ[04]ÍÍ >>> Kaktusim 98 <<< * The No.1 Archive for Israely Trackers * Hello Sceners! I guess that some of you have already d/l the file "Kaktusim.zip" from Coders FX, but for those of you who didn't and donno a THING about That new exciting project, this is the article for you! (Please note that the full information is attached to this edition of cfx-news to your convenience!). And here is the story of how it all began... (Fade to flashback) I was swimming in my bath, when a thought poped in my head: "Marde, There are so many great modules created in Israel, so many good old trackers and new promising one, but it seem that they don't get the right exposure. What can I do to solve this out?". Think for a second. Most of us have no time to get ourself updated with the scene these days. The old trackers are now in the army. The new ones have no idea about what was there b4 their time. No one will d/l new Israeli music for hours while he can get new demos, and we all use the same old samples since the days the Turkish army held our holy-land. What can be done in order to fix this? How can we regain out knoledge? How can all the trackers know EVERYTHING there is to know about the marvelouse work of their colleges, today and in the past? How can new beginners be heard right? How can we remember again the amazing tracks that was released years ago? WHAT SHOULD BE DONE IN ORDER TO MAKE THE MUSIC SCENE A FAMILY AGAIN? and then - URIKKA!!! I jumped naked from my bath, screaming "Kaktusim! Kaktusim!!!" (and then the Abarbanel staff came over, but that is another story...). 'Kaktusim 98' is a CD, packing ALL the Israeli music EVER made (!), and many other Goodies. It is created By Israeli trackers (means YOU) For Israeli Trackers (YOU as well). The full details are in the attached "Kaktusim.zip" file, but there is a short brief of what you'll find there: 1. Music, composed by Israeli Trackers 2. Israeli Music that took part in Demo-Parties (held in Israel and Abroad!) 3. Israeli Music Disks 4. LOADS of Samples!!! 5. *All* important Tracking Programs (IT, FT2, ST3) 6. *MANY* Leading Music Programs (Cool Edit, Win-Amp, Players) 7. Israeli Demos/Intros of all times 8. a vivid KakTustorial demo by 'Immortals' 9. Scaned Photo Pictures of Israeli Trackers 10. Information Files about Israeli Groups/Trackers 11. No.1 Internet Sites / IRC Channels for Sceners/Trackers 12. Information, Tutorials, Tips and other Music Related Documents. 13. Coders FX News - All Volumes! 14. Trax Weekly - All Volumes! 15. Scene Accessories (UniVBE, DOS4GW, HIMEM) 16. More Candies, Surprises, Riddles and Dead Puppies! NOTE: Please remember that the most important thing in this CD pack is the Modules created by US, the Israeli Trackers! The rest is just for fun! WE are the main theme of the CD! The modules for the CD will be d/led from YOU! Every Israeli tracker who take part in the project will give his modules independently, and his work will be palced in a PRIVET DIRECTORY baring his (Your!) name. I MUST HAVE YOUR COOPERATION IN ORDER TO CREATE "KAKTUSIM98"! Read the full information (I remind you again). All Updates, changes, messages etc' will be published widely under CFX BBS. 'Kaktusim 98' is a serious project which can be excellent if you will just give some of yourself into it. Please try to be cooperative! This project CAN NOT be executed without you! Lets support each other! Lets make the scene Better! Lets go home and watch Dudu Topaz. Yours always, Dark Spirit (Main Kaktus) ÍÍ Why Java isn't ready for demos ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ[05]ÍÍ Why Java is not ready for demos? by Miki Gabel (A.K.A Protopad / BSP) ------------------------------------------------------------------- --- Introduction There have been a LOT of discussions about the value of Java for the demo scene. Civax and I had a long chat about it too and we decided to make a co-article. You can read his article, titled "BLABLALBA" in this issue. Here is a quote taken from Trixter's quote list in Demonews issue no. 146: [------------------------------BEGIN QUOTE------------------------] "in JAVA, using even basic OOP features costs some performace, and even non OOP code will be slower then compared C code, because JAVA: - does not allow pointers - if you emulate pointers by using arrays, java will perform an index check for most array accesses. this disqualifies java as a high-performace-language (and qualifies it as high level language). JAVA was designed for applications that DON'T push hardware limits. I think demos should." -- dierk "chaos" ohlerich, on whether or not Java is worth coding demos in (it's not) [-------------------------------END QUOTE-------------------------] Here is another one, taken from 3NO's article "The Future of Demos" which appeared in Demonews issue no. 136: [------------------------------BEGIN QUOTE------------------------] Thus far, the personal computer industry has been dominated by proprietary platforms. The same CPUs, the same operating systems, often stifling better technology. Java was designed to eliminate this, by providing a standard for all computers to run programs without the need to provide source code. [-------------------------------END QUOTE-------------------------] And lastly, a quote taken from 3NO's article "Java and Demos" in Demonews no. 137: [------------------------------BEGIN QUOTE------------------------] A Java tracker could also be interesting - portability is assured, and would be a step towards more direct, on-line co-op composition. Makes me think of that little blurb on the Kosmic web-page. :) The last thing I want to mention is the whole issue of Windows 95 and DirectX demos. Part of the reason I want to start exploring Java as a demo platform is because of Windows 95 and DirectX. I feel DOS is gradually losing it's relevance, and I also think it would be horrible if we all started making Win95 and DirectX demos. [-------------------------------END QUOTE-------------------------] In my opinion, Java demos are just not a viable option right now. --- Why? So far I have seen two Javademos. One is Super by Da Getto Broz which won Assembly'97, and Forward by Complex which won The Gatehering '98. I've also seen small Java applets from various sources, which feature some demo effects. First let me say that although I don't know Getto Broz, I bet they are cool people and fine demomakers. You have to be in order to take on the challenge of making a Javademo. Complex, of course, need no introductions. "Rebel? (as perceived)" is still one of my favourite demos of all times. Now to business. Both Javademos sucked. I have a P166, and Netscape 4.05. Super was horrible. It contained horrendous MIDI music, corny bitmap effects ( zoom, feedback, water dynamics) and was generally slow, repetative and boring. I still shiver when I hear its name. I can't even watch Lois & Clark! I think even Civax would agree that Super represents the dark side of the scene. If Super won ASM97, then its competitors must have been disgusting. Forward is a different matter. I couldn't get it to run on my computer no matter what I tried. I wen't to my friend, which has a P200MMX and Netscape 4.05. We saw the demo. The graphics was beautiful, some nice design and proper XM music. But this just wasn't it. Becuase that all Forward has to offer - some precalculated graphics (the rotating gears), some nice yet simple demo effects and a 8Khz music player (because of Netscape or something). And it wasn't fast. Basically, Complex could have made Forward a 64K intro, instead of a >4MB demo. And not a good demo. Since a lot of it is precalc, they had to re-use material. The rotating gears appear about 5 times during the demo. And it's not very interesting that way. Complex could have made that in 64K with actual real time rendered gears instead of pre-rendered animation. I know they can. They are extremely capable people. Forward is a good example to prove my point. Civax told me that what Complex did in Forward is considered amazing for the Java platform. Well, maybe so, but it is considered dated for the PC platform, which is what I use. And it doesn't even run on my computer, which is the whole point behind Java. Forward, which is considered on of the best, if not THE best javademo, is inferior to almost any slightly above average PC demo. It is inferior to some 64KB intros. --- You can't compare apples and oranges? Civax told me that my problem is that I am comparing Javademos to PC demos. He said that if I compared 4K to 64K I'd say: "What is this puny piece of code? Adlib music, no scenes, no graphics?". True, but this is not the same. 4Ks push the programmer to his limits. And it's small and still does something. Java is big, bloated and right now, does mostly nothing (demowise). Maybe when there are REAL Java platform available, which run on native Java byte-code, we can start making demos. But right now, Java is still not ripe for demos, games, and other intensive applications. That's my point. Running a Javademo on the PC is like running an Amiga demo on an emulator. You'd need a Pentium II 333 MHz or above to properly run an Amiga demo with sound and everything enabled. And it would be technologically inferior to new PC demos. It's just not a viable option. Either buy an Amiga or forget about it. The same with Java - get something that runs native Java or just forget about it, otherwise Javademos will ALWAYS be technologically inferior to PC demos, and I think that a technologically inferior (I love that expression!) demo just can't be a good demo. So my point is that when Java is ripe we should make use of it on a REAL Java platform. Not an emulator. Not right now. And if you want demos to support Win32 just write them that way dammit. I am told DirectX is not THAT difficult. Use PTC and Midas. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Also: check out www.lynnemusic.com if you are curious about what's up with Dr. Awesome. ------------------------------------------------------------------- ÍÍ Raging Ocean ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ[06]ÍÍ Raging Ocean By SiK September 21st, 1998 -------------------- When you sit there, the walls are closing. But there is no reason to feel claustrophobic, this is the place of cleansing. The purgatory of the modern man. Everyone may use it for his own needs, whenever they need. It forms the religion of the modern life style. If you do not follow the others, you might find others disgusted by your perversive actions. Hence, you may cleanse yourself only in that holy place. No one disagrees the use of such a facility. For it is the glue that unites us together, no mattar the race, skin or sex. No sub-religion was born from it, all these years, and none will be born, for years to come. When you sit there, your soul is naked. But since the ritual is private, it doesn't matter. However, is someone were to disturb you in the course of actions, he will be banished away from the place, unable to clean himself. Not until the embarrassment and shame leaves his face. Time passes slower there. Whoever is waiting for his turn, knows that he cannot interrupt the rite held inside. Indeed, it is holy. There comes a time, when you feel your inner-self twisting and turning. You are merely paying for what you have done, several hours before. But do not worry! The moments of suffering will shortly stop, as the evil filth leaves your body in a burst of joy. An innocent smile will appear on your face, for now you know that you are pure again. But the ceremony hasn't ended yet, the worst moment is now to come. You must wrap yourself in white. If the sacred white is not in its place, you might find yourself leaving the room in the middle of the ritual, seeking for the white, taking your anger out on the people you love. Still, they know that you do not mean to harm them. After all, you are in the middle of the ceremony, and your feelings are mixed. They will forgive you. When the last part of the honorable rite is done, it is time to close the altar, to wash away the evil. You touch the tool, lowering it slowly, then you can hear the voice... Like a raging ocean, playing with a ship, it swirls down, threatening to deafen the outsiders. Behold, as the sins of your body are led to their doom, joining the others in the filthy cesspool of society's survival habits. Indeed, it is inspiring. The ritaul is over. Silence overtakes the room. Echoes of dismay still resonate around you. As you arrange your appearence, the gate to the altar opens, you step outside, bringing the tidings to the rest of the tribe. "Ok, you can use the bathroom now." SiK 1998 ÍÍ Parties ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ[07]ÍÍ (*) Once, this section only showed parties in the last and next month of the current issue released. However, we already exceeded that long time ago, and this is probably as updated as it can get at the moment. I think that having more then 38 parties a year is making us a world movement or something :) Ambiance (Holland, 06/03/98) (** OVER **) Mekka & Symposium (Germany, ??/03/98) (** OVER **) LTP 2 (France, 11/04/98) (** OVER **) Inter Jam '98 (Germany, 30/03/98) (** OVER **) Mad Cat '98 (France, 10/04/98) (** OVER **) SoundStorm '98 (Russia, 26/04/98) (** OVER **) Takeover '98 (Netherlands, 17/05/98) (** OVER **) Yalp '98 (Yoguslavia, 24/05/98) (** OVER **) Distance '98 (Norway, 29/05/98) (** OVER **) Inter Jam '98 (Germany, 30/05/98) (** OVER **) Scenest '98 (??, 03/06/98) (** OVER **) Abduction '98 (Finland, 05/06/98) (** OVER **) Party Remedy '98 (Sweden, 11/06/98) (** OVER **) Bush Party 5 (Norway, 25-28/06/98) (** OVER **) JFF Convention (France, 26-27/6/98) (** OVER **) Plutonium '98 (Finland, 03-05/07/98) (** OVER **) Revelation '98 (England, 04-05/07/98) (** OVER **) Coven '98 (Australia, 08-11/07/98) (** OVER **) Wired '98 (Belgium, 17-19/07/98) (** OVER **) Summer Encounter '98 (Denmark, 22-25/07/98) (** OVER **) Byte '98 (France, 31/07-02/08/98) (** OVER **) Gigafun '98 (JEM'98) (France, 06-09/08/98) (** OVER **) Assembly '98 (Finland, 07-09/08/98) (** OVER **) BSE '98 (Belgium, 07-09/08/98) (** OVER **) Buenzli '98 (Switzerland, 07-09/08/98) (** OVER **) AntIQ (Hungary, 21-23/08/98) (** OVER **) Slach Party '98 (France, 21-24/08/98) (** OVER **) Myth '98 (Israel, 26-28/08/98) (** CANCELED **) Bizarre '98 (Netherlands, 28-30/08/98) (** OVER **) Niethernor '98 (Germany, ??-??/08/98) (** CANCELED **) Bytefall '98 (Russia, ??-??/08/98) (** OVER **) RTS Party (France, 05-07/09/98) (** OVER **) Evoke '98 (Germany, 11-13/09/98) (** OVER **) X'98 (Netherlands, 11-13/09/98) (** OVER **) we're here> ---------------------------------------------------------- Compusphere X (Sweden, 28-31/10/98) DreamHack '98 (Sweden, 29/10--1/11/98) Dracula '98 (Romania, 19-20/12/98) Movement '98 (Israel, 15-17/12/98) The Gathering '99 (Norway, 31/03-04/04/99) (*) Any help is bringing files from the parties into the BBS will be Accepted happily. Credits will be given. ÍÍ News & Romours: ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ[08]ÍÍ (*) This section is dedicated to news and romours YOU have to pass us. Since the bbs serves as the 'cafe' of the scene, we can 'dig out' some news items, but we still need your help. Please send us news and romours to civax@beit-eli.giv.il or on the bbs. (*) We also get news from scene WebMags. Here are some intresting links in that matter: Orange Juice ---> http://ojuice.citeweb.net/ojuice/ Network News ---> http://www.scene-central.com/ Linux SceneZone ---> http://alumina.universation.net/ (*) We take no responsibility on the stuff written here. It may or may not be true. Also, we do NOT limit this section to Israel only. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ## DNA Groove is working on his Next Music Disk. ## "This music disk is probably the last I'll ever do." he said. ## A new music Group in Israel - TEI. It stands for "Trance Empire Israel". ## Another new group is Wij. Seems the Israeli scene start to get lots of new groups again, how cool! :) ## And the last new group for this time is ETM - Electronic Tracking Machine. One of its members is Efekt, a known CFXer. ## Movement'98 English web site is available at www.mov98.movement.org Be sure to have a fairly new browser (not netscape 3 or explorer 3) to see it correctly. ## Tonic / Comic Pirates, the guys running "NETWORK" Magazine on the internet (the best scene ezine!) is working on an alternative to www.scene.org archive. The new web site will probably be called www.demonews.org, but its all in the planning. If you wish to be a part of this new challanging project contact tonic's email: abk@lazy.accessus.net ## TP organizing is looking for people to help in the organizing. The Party is one of the 3 biggest demo parties in the world. Go check it out on ## Protopad / BSP, CFX News is joining the army this week! ## Goodbyte / Moon Hunters is joining the Army soon, too! ## Do you want to take part in coding the best DemoParty system in the world? ZEPO is a system in use for all the big parties around the world: Assembly, The Party, The Gathering, DreamHack, Summer Encounter (and this year even Movement'98!). The system was coded by Flemming Frendsen (Dion / SWAMP), in Delphi. He now looks for new coders to help him continue the project as he got a new job and got very busy lately. Contact him at ff@writeme.com! ## DreamHack demo party in Sweden already got more then 700 pre-order tickets already! ## The T-Shirt design compo of DreamHack is close. ## Have you noticed there is no demo party scheduled to 1999 in Israel? Movement'98 is supposed to be the last, There was no summer party this year. Hmm.. wonder who will take it upon itself to organize the next major party? If you're interested in being that guy, and your absolutely serious - contact Movement Organizing. ## Have you downloaded HUGI diskmag already? Have you took part in one of HUGI compos? Are you active in the demo scene or what?! ## BeOS porting operation begins now. If you have written a demo, a soundtracker, a modplayer, etc. then contact BrainLex, as They'll try to port it to BeOS. ## Don't forget to send us news and romours!!! ÍÍ Filebase and On-Line changes ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ[09]ÍÍ (*) CFX BBS will be off for 2 days at the end of the week. We are fixing bugs, adding new hardware, changing software and basicly, trying to make you enjoy a better home :) (*) CFX Team needs the following people: CCO - Win95 demo scene patron KFMF site maintainer ART - Plugins filearea founder (*) You can read the latest CFXNEWS online from the news menu, press 5. ÍÍ Happy Birthday!!! ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ[10]ÍÍ Handle Age Birthday ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Bacter 15 Thu 8th October Danik 18 Sat 17th October L0RE 17 Sat 17th October Trashey 15 Sat 17th October Satan 15 Sun 18th October Lord Necro 16 Thu 22nd October Happy Birthday!!! Special greetings to Lore and Trashey, 2 of the more known sceners in the list - Happy birthday! Lots of wishs goes also to Bacter! Have a great birthday guys! ÍÍ New Israeli Releases List ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ[11]ÍÍ Releases will NOT be rated anymore for lake of time and manpower. We'll list here the new releases in Israel. + We will list only ISRAELI products here + We will list releases that will reach the BBS. + We will list ART products as well. + List of releases between: 25.08.1998 to 28.09.1998 (33 days) Product name ³Artist/Group ³Category ³Filename(s) ³Release place ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍØÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍØÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍØÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍØÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ Sik photograph ³Scanned ³Sceners Pic³SIK.JPG ³ Coders F/X BBS ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ CFX News #33 ³CFX Team ³Scene News ³CFX#33.ZIP ³ Coders F/X BBS ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Space Extazy ³The Fox ³Music: IT ³FOX!SLOW.ZIP ³ Coders F/X BBS ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Shai!ac ³Shai ³Music: IT ³SHAI!AC.ZIP ³ Coders F/X BBS ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Mailen Louzden ³D.J Tznonke ³Music: IT ³MAILEN.ZIP ³ Coders F/X BBS Megamix³ ³ ³ ³ ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ CDR Label v2 ³ ³Utils: Gen.³CDRLBL20.ZIP ³ CNET/UltiNET ³ ³ ³ ³ ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ MicroSucks '98 ³TDC ³Intro ³MSUCKS98.ZIP ³ Coders F/X BBS ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Projected Rays 1 ³Gamover ³Intro ³PROJRAY1.ZIP ³ Coders F/X BBS ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Cyber Chat ³Coax / Xtigma³Music: IT ³XTGCXCYB.ZIP ³ Coders F/X BBS ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ The Hunter ³Lore ³Art: Orig. ³LR-HUNTE.ZIP ³ Coders F/X BBS ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÁÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÁÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÁÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÁÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ Total Releases: 10 Categories: 6 Release Places: 2 ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ ÍÍ New Files Summary - Special choices ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ[12]Í Civax Choices ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ Pain 08/98 - This issue is a MAJOR change as they have a new design. It no longer gots the cute little ansi interface (though they kept the layout) - it is now a VESA 2 supported Dmag interface. Cool articles, Cool Layout. (I liked it better when it was ansi, but they had to grow up sometime...) :) [PAIN0898.ZIP (522k) Text: Mags] Ketchup Killers - A Norton Commander clone only looks better, faster Commander and with lots more option. It supports 190 file (by Ketchup killers) formats including music and HTML. [KKC120.ZIP (397k) Gen: General Utils] Project X sources - All sources and exe files of one of the greatest (by Pope-X) RemotAccess doors coders. Full pascal sources. It's a must for every RA sysop and every RA coder. [PROJECTX.ZIP (1,835k) Code: Communication] Gateways - Winner of Assembly'98 democompo. Trauma did a great (by Trauma) demo and it's well deserve it's place. It got some nice looking scenes and some new effects (not many of those, though). The demo runs on almost all machines and with most configurations, which already worth allot. Go ahead, you cannot afford to miss it. :) [GATEWAYS.ZIP (3,655k) Parties: Asm98: Demo] Anette - I don't usually write about pictures or graphics in (by Ward/Astroidea) this section (mainly since I can't go over all the graphics reaching the BBS) but this pic is great. I've setted up as my wallpaper. It's far better then the picture that won 1st place, probably a screw up in the Assembly'98 graphics compo. Got 2nd place. [ANETTE_B.ZIP (643k) Parties: Asm98: Graphics] Protopad Choices ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ Riprap - The new trend of demos is upon us: polished, well (by Exceed) designed, meaningful or at least emotional - artistic. Not in the patronizing, artsy manner, but real art, made by real artist, featuring good code, music, graphics, style and design. At last, we have demos we can show everyone - not only sceners. Anyone can admire these new demos, as true creations of art. I am talking about demos such as Plastik, Elektroniks, Fulcrum, V2 Boost and 303 (which were ahead of their time). 1998 was indeed a good year for demos (and its not over yet: Future Crews's demo might be released at The Party 8). And with poetic demos, you get arspoetic demos (demos about the art and creations of demos). Riprap is a demo about originality, and the creation of demos. It is about copying, duplicating style, code, music and graphics. And its good. It is solid and polished, and represents the new trend very well. It criticizes demos the same way Headache (by Statix) criticized '95 and early '96 demos when it came out in '96. It's doing a good job. This demo is a MUST! [RIPFINAL.ZIP (4034k) DEMOS: 1998] 73 Million Seconds - Pulse is quickly taking the lead in demos. They have (by Pulse) been making demos for years, and it shows. Their demos are always inventive, original and well coded. 73MS is perhaps one of the most polished demos I have ever seen. New effects, impressive visuals and sleek transitions. Although this demo may not be the most interesting in terms of length and variety, it is still very impressive. [PLS-73MS.ZIP (3638k) DEMOS: 1998] ÍÍ New Files Summary for 25.08 - 28.09 ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ[13]ÍÍ * As the BBS is constantly changes, I advise you to check for new files while online. I have shorten all descriptions into 1 line for space reasons. * Number of new files listed .......... 74 Number of days since last review .... 33 TEXT FILES: Guides & Mags ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ STUFF2.ZIP 13443 A newsletter about hugi diskmag #12 (17/08/98) HUGI12N.ZIP 1777349 Hugi diskmag Issue 12 ART: Original Pictures ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ KANON.ZIP 60645 "kanon" by pyroo / spantobi ART: Scene People ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ SIK.JPG 99504 A picture of SIK MUSIC: Modules (IT) ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ FOX!SLOW.ZIP 149030 "Space Extazy" by The Fox SHAI!AC.ZIP 362999 Shai!ac by shai MAILEN.ZIP 1564650 Mailen louzden Mega mix by D.J Tznonke MUSIC: Music Disks & Packs ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ TGCC1.ZIP 1460075 The Great Chiptunes Collection [1/7] TGCC2.ZIP 1460089 The Great Chiptunes Collection [2/7] TGCC3.ZIP 1460067 The Great Chiptunes Collection [3/7] TGCC4.ZIP 1460097 The Great Chiptunes Collection [4/7] TGCC5.ZIP 1460100 The Great Chiptunes Collection [5/7] TGCC6.ZIP 1460095 The Great Chiptunes Collection [6/7] TGCC7.ZIP 154004 The Great Chiptunes Collection [7/7] GFX_MATE.ZIP 4829052 MATE by The GreatFox - a vocal musicdisk in .XM MUSIC: Samples (Sam/Voc/Wav) ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ SIMP243.ZIP 1063738 Simpsons Wav's MUSIC: Players & Trackers ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ XM-EXE15.ZIP 218456 XM-EXE v1.5 by Ian Luck / 3Ware (Win9x/NT) MP9511CD.ZIP 84300 Midas Player V1.1cd by Abyss (Win95/NT) NS!PLUGS.ZIP 252831 Plug-Ins For WiNAmP WINAMP20.ZIP 507712 WinAMP 2.00 - MP1/2/3 S3M/MOD/XM etc. AWAVE43.ZIP 461980 Awave v4.3 - convert & play audio & wavetable formats TRX-OR11.ZIP 316979 Orangator 1.1 for W95 by Agent Orange - synthesizer XMPLAY11.ZIP 78990 XMPlay v1.1 XM/MOD player by Ian Luck (Win95/NT) MI3_10.ZIP 318196 Miladin's Mini MIDAS Mod Player (Win32) OCP25BIN.ZIP 980175 Cubic Player:openCP v.2.5.0 Binaries (exe files) OCP25DOC.ZIP 896468 Cubic Player:openCP v.2.5.0 Docs UPLOAD: General Uploads ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ SKYMAP.ARJ 1761875 SkyMap 3.2 - astonomical and sky mapper (Win3.11/95) GETCOD.ZIP 4908 GetRight v3.20 and 3.22 reg code! GETRT322.ZIP 1012277 GetRight v3.22 WEBSTL1.ZIP 1003225 Xara WebStyle V1.0 [1/3] - creat web graphics WEBSTL2.ZIP 1003225 Xara WebStyle V1.0 [2/3] - creat web graphics WEBSTL3.ZIP 211638 Xara WebStyle V1.0 [3/3] - creat web graphics GEN: General Utils ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ CDRLBL20.ZIP 167051 Cdr Label v2.0 - CD labeling program GEN: SoftWere ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ TOP_13.ZIP 1352407 Top 10 Player 32 by Peter Chana - alot of formats CODE: Scene Utils ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ ALAB13B1.ZIP 325054 ASSEMBLER LABORATORY v1.3 beta 1 (ASM/WC++) 2ASM_WC.ZIP 100457 2asm v1.2 - generate ASM files for Watcom C COMMODORE 64 Scene ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ 2REALITY.ZIP 224443 Second Reality by Smash Designs Winner of TP97 (d64) LEGOLAND.ZIP 131056 Legoland by Fairlight (d64) LEGO2.ZIP 156751 Legoland 2 by Fairlight (d64) CCS64DOS.ZIP 261087 CCS64 V2.0 Commodore C64 emulator runs .PRG .T64 .D64 SUPPORT: Kosmic (KFMF) ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ K_POWER.ZIP 584465 "The Power of Two" by Lemm (rock ballad)(IT) INTRO: 4K ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ CHS_REST.ZIP 13145 RESTRICTION by Chrysalis. RAGE/SCEneST'98 MParty LI-DREAM.ZIP 22758 Dream by Lisc - 4k Intro for Coven. Placed 3rd INTRO: Other ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ TUNN1K.ZIP 4149 "tunnel" by Fefe/Breeze - a ScenestVsRage98 256 byte DMA_256.ZIP 3167 a ragest'98 256 byte by nap/dilemma MSUCKS98.ZIP 96577 MicroSucks 98 - a new demo/intro/whatever from TDC. PROJRAY1.ZIP 33101 Raytraced Balls in BC3.1 by Gamover CODE: General Sources ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ FLOX.ZIP 12502 Snow simulator v1.0.1Beta by Flemming Frandsen (PAS) MKEXPL.ZIP 58215 Make Explosion by Lennart Steinke - make bitmaps WRITEXEC.ZIP 6387 WritExec - write CFG file intro an EXE file (PAS) CODERS F/X BBS Files ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ CFX#33.ZIP 119869 Coders F/X News issue #33, released at 31/08/98 CODE: Graphic Viewers ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ BOW5SRC.ZIP 112537 BOW E-mag Engine C Sources by Septic Productions CODE: 3D Engines ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ IDEGAS.ZIP 89154 Ideal Gas Model by Roman Viskin (BC++,VESA) CODE: Music ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ OCP25SRC.ZIP 173966 Cubic Player:openCP v.2.5.0 Sources CODE: Intros & Demos ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ H2_FIREW.ZIP 8291 Fireworks 256b intro by Picard / Hydroge w. source CODE: Libraries & OS ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ WTCVBE.ZIP 65332 Malice Vesa Library v 1.0 by Malice / WitchCraft (C) PTCWIN20.ZIP 73017 Prometeus True Color Enegine API Ver 2.0.7 for Win32 Anti MisroSOFT League ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ MSHATXT1.ZIP 17284 Texts about what Microsoft is adding in its programs. UPLOAD: New Code & Tutorials ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ HIEW591.ZIP 327555 Hacker's View V5.91 for DOS and OS/2 RHT.RAR 212739 Hacker's utils pacage (for proffesionals) TR202.ZIP 98901 The SUPER TRACER Version 2.02 by LiuTaoTao SUPPORT: Doc Holiday Graphics ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ DOC!146.ZIP 54539 "146" by Doc Holiday DEMOS: 1998 ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ EU_SPIRI.ZIP 1849353 Euthanasia by Spirit - SCENEST vs RAGE'98 winner! ABYSS.ZIP 2510288 Captain Future - Startrail to Glory (50%) by Abyss FLUSHFIX.ZIP 27637 FLUSH - fix: a replacement exe for the FLUSH! demo JX_REP.ZIP 1426727 Repertoire by Jinx 1st Place at Coven'98 RIPFINAL.ZIP 4034148 Riprap by Exceed. Antiq'98. Final. PLS-73MS.ZIP 3638871 73 Million Seconds by Pulse MUSIC: X-Tigma ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ XTGCXCYB.ZIP 290754 "Cyber Chat" by CoaX Cable/XTiGMA (dance/dream/house) SUPPORT: Lore Art ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ LR-HUNTE.ZIP 127196 "The Hunter" by Lore - high res color pic Wired'98: Demos ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ SHAD-FIN.ZIP 9053600 SHAD [Hardcore2] by Cocoon and Syndrome. Winner! Wired'98: 64Kb Intros ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ ADB-FISH.ZIP 50171 Fish by Aardbei ASM98: Demos ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ RB_HOW.ZIP 305195 How can you get yours by Reality Benders. Final. ASM98: Windows Demo ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ BLEAM.ZIP 5793182 Bleam by Statix & Vic. (Req: 3Dfx/DX6,Win95,P2-300) ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ Archive size: 3.903 Gb Files number: 12,097 ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ ÍÍ CFX Team Status ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ[14]ÍÍ __________________________CFX BBS Status______________________________ Sysop.............................................Civax / Moon Hunters Cosysops.................................................Turk182 & Ice Internet support.......................................Conex, Protopad CCO Linux Patron..........................................Fulgore / GB __________________________CFX News status_____________________________ Editor............................................Civax / Moon Hunters Maintaince Help.........................................Protopad / BSP Stories............................................................Sik Viewer......................................Holograph & Protopad / BSP ___________________CFX News writers for issue #34_____________________ Civax / Moon Hunters..........................Editing, Editorial, News Protopad / BSP..............................New files, Choices section Articles.............................................................. DNA Groove / Embryo, Moon Hunters #### Dark Spirit / TTOM, Immortals Sik ### Protopad / BSP ### Civax / Moon Hunters ### Not you! ## ÍÍ How to contact the CFX Team ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ[15]ÍÍ Handle Real Name Home Voice # Email address ÄÄÄÄÄÄ ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Civax . Ohad Barzilay . 07-675-3758 . civax@beit-eli.gov.il Turk182 . Yossi Revah . 07-673-1675 . turk182@beit-eli.gov.il Ice . Yosi Taguri . 07-675-2549 . yosit@hotmail.com Ice & Turk182 are available on weekends only. Turk182 can also be found on Thusdays evenings. Civax is mostly available at evenings during week days. You can write us emails or leave us a local msg on the bbs. Currently Ice is still serving his military service (Officer in Keva), while Turk182 is a student in the Ben-Gurion University. Civax is working and organizing Movement98 so he's available mainly at the cellular phone. ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ [o] End of CODERS F/X BBS publication [o] ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ