CFX Viewer 1.0 - "The readme file" ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ I. Why? Simple. This is a replacement for Goodbyte's good-but-not-awesome CFXNEWS reader. Apparently he whipped his in a hurry and didn't have much time to improve it, so we (Holograph and Protopad of BSP) sat down and wrote this peace of work. II. What? This little proggy is a viewer for CFXNEWS issues. It was successfuly tested with issues 12 through 31, and will hopefully work on other past/ future issues. It is far more comfortable than reading the issues in a regular text viewer, because it divides the file into sections according to the file structure set by Civax, and then allows the user to view each of these sections individually using a (hopefully) innovative and eye- appealing interface. III. How? Using this reader is easy. Simply run READER.EXE with the issue's number or actual file name. The viewer will display a splash screen with the issue header and publication info, and will then proceed to the section- selector. Select a section, and you will be introduced into the actual scrolling viewer. Use the arrow keys to move within the article, then press Escape to re-enter the section-selector. Press Escape again to quit the viewer. The viewer requires a 100%-compatible VGA graphics adapter and probably around half a meg for a medium-size issue. A Pentium with 2 or more megs is highly recommended. IV. Who? The editor was written by two people, i.e. Holograph and Protopad / BSP. The font was created in Font Mania by Rexxcom systems, and is based on Pooter2, a font found in the same package. We used AcidDraw to create the interface. Intro is compressed with PMWLITE by Tran. Credit is also due to Future Crew for producing YO!, the best text mode demo we have ever seen. It inspired us in the making of this reader (which is also in VGA text mode). The entire reader is (naturally) written in Watcom C++ with very, very little Assembler. The VGA routines were also mostly written in Assembler. Since the reader uses VGA registers and special tweaking heavily, it is highly recommended that you do not run it under a non-100% VGA compatible adapter. V. Final words We hope you'll enjoy this. Since I'm not a humble person, I'll just say that we've managed to produce the smoothest reader I've ever seen :) Just so you'd know, this reader contains 4 different easter eggs, so feel free to either find them yourself or send me a message on the subject. I may feel inclined to submit some of the secret access codes :) - Tomer Gabel Holograph / BSP Main reader programmer A very obnoxious person If you hadn't noticed :)