Demojournal issue: #4 date: 11/september/1998 subscribers: 29 special tribute to the danish demoscene! 1.Editorial - i 2.Demonews - wonder 3.Thought of the week - why 4.Party on! - do 5.Interview of the week - i 6.Demo of the week - always 7.Intro of the week - write 8.MOD of the week - some 9.Commercial break - worthless 10.Charts - stuff 11.Demosceners (A-Z) - in 12.Articles: - here. Another night - No Gravity 98 report - one 13.Credits - reads 14.END - anyway! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.Editorial This is a .txt file supposed to be read with the aid of some musical output while offline so if you're online or at the work or something similar... STOP READING! TAKE THIS FILE HOME, PUT ON A CD OR SOME MOD's PLAYING AND RESTART READING! I'm getting tired of having to do all stuff by myself! If you like what i'm doing (and i know most people do!) please help me! I can only do so many things right now because i haven't started university yet! In about 2 weeks i'll have classes and i won't have so much time to go around and ask everybody to please vote and if you want to subscribe or stuff like that... And the news and releases should be delivered to me, not me searching whole irc for them! Cammon people... Help me out here! Thank you to all people who already said they would email me with the latest news and stuff on thursday! That's all i ask. Ran out of gossip to post so i turned section 3 into the thought of the week! BTW: I'm looking for a volunteer on sending me each week the INTRO of the week text since i'm more into demos then intros and am not that much interested on new intro releases! This is a special tribute to danish demoscene because: 1. I got 2 purple guys interviewed at once 2. SE98 releases ruled! 3. Demo of the week is winner of SE98 I was wondering if i should post the article i wrote 'another night' But since it's my demojournal i decided to post what i felt like writing! If you don't like it, sue me! Or even better, send your own article to me! New releases section disapeared! I didn't got in touch with any ftp supervisor and of about 7 emails i sent out to some musical labels only 1 did reply and it was for telling me that things are a little slow nowdays on their label! :( If i get some more time and effort to get things going i'll restart the section, until then, read the demonews part! Just one last thing... I see that more portuguese guys are subscribing to demojournal... I hardly distributed demojournal on portugal! I hardly KNOW portuguese demosceners! There hardly ARE portuguese demosceners! Anyway... Just want to say hello to the 5 portuguese guys who have subscribed! Bigger, better, more! Read on! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.Demonews Psychic: topic on #pixel on monday afternoon: 'Thor cut his hair!' *No comments* Portuguese demoscene report: #coders on ptnet is moving to a more stable url on soon! Small gathering on mid-december is being better planed. Maybe we'll get the 1st .pt demoparty on summer 1999! Label is dead! I made the selfish decision of killing label. It was the group i founded... I don't care... I am sorry: Razer, is out of computer for a while! Programmed formed a new group and is planning some big moves soon! Best of luck to you! Majestic Dawning still doesn't know it's over but i guess he'll form that group with mc-viper they were planning to! Iceball was delighted to finaly get away from the group... Sulphurik was dragged by me into 'evolve' since i kind of felt responsible for him! Superior won't notice the group is dead until about 4 months from now. He never gets in touch anyway! Psychofox asked me to organize the demoscene section of his group so what i did was merge this idea with my other group 'Evolve' (shock+idiotboy) And know we are all happy! I think... I don't feel happy but... WTF! Nephoo asked me to join so... We are now one big happy family of coders and wannabe coders releasing demos with an extra file (psychofox's) attached! :) Hugi#12 is out! Go get it! ( Evoke'98 and X'98 are being held as i write this stuff down! -/- Dave: First, I'll start with the nice and interesting part: the PhyMosys Magazine issue 8. This is an emag that me and the other members of PhyMosys are making. We hope this will be released on the middle of september. The only bad point you will find in this emag is that the 99% of the articles are written in plain Spanish ( now, I see a lot of people complained with me :((( ) but don't worry at all... coz, at least, you can take a look at the code we put with almost every article. I promise HERE that every article I write now, I'll translate to english. :) Contents: coding(asm,c,pascal), optimizations, effects in demoscene, virus section, image processing, opinion, Internet (recopilation and full descriptions of the best sites) ... About Euskal Party? heck! Hugi #12 will include the results of the party so you can take a look in. What was there? well, Pc Demo, Amiga demo, Windows-Demo, 64kb intro & 4kb intro (both on PC and Amiga), GFX (2d & 3d), Mods( 4chn & multichannel), Fast 2d, Fast Music, the Human Demo (really one of da cool things there... ;) ), Animations... ... and also some weird & wild compos breaking disks !!! ;D Also, my friend Aktiv is organizing a game compo, you can visit his page for rules if you're interested in making games: Well, that was all from Spain... :D -/- Binar: -Adek has joined Kuznia Prods as swapper. -Adek has left Krotkie Zwarcie Staff -Insect has joined Scream! and Suspend as swapper -Snap/Ind. ansi/azki maker is looking for a group to join -Nemus has left Melancholy -Rec changed his nickname to Crash -Banshik/Byteway has joined Apatya as coder -New art group called CHLORIDE was founded. We looking for musicians, graphicians, raytracers and ascii makers. We don't need coder, because we want to realesed art packs (pure art=no code). If you are interested in joined write to BINAR@KKI.NET.PL Everyone is welcome! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.Thought of the week Life sukz and then you die! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4.Party on! Name: Starts: Finishes: Country: ....................................................... . Evoke 98 11/sep 13/sep Germany . . site: . ....................................................... . X98 11/sep 13/sep Netherlands . ....................................................... . * <-- YOU ARE HERE! . ....................................................... . Compusphere X 28/oct 31/oct Sweden . . site: . ....................................................... . Dreamhack 98 29/oct 01/nov Sweden . . site: . ....................................................... . Satellite 98 07/nov 09/nov Poland . . Madbart/Apx . . SuperFML/Apx . ....................................................... . Dracula 98 19/dec 20/dec Romania . ....................................................... . 98 19/dec 20/dec Portugal . . (more of a small gathering!) . ....................................................... THE DEMOPARTYS LISTED IN HERE DID NOT COME TO MY KNOWLEDGE BY THEIR ORGANIZERS HANDS! IT'S STUPID! IF YOU ARE ORGANIZING A DEMOPARTY, AT LEAST LET OTHERS KNOW! Organizers: Hope you got the message i wanted to give out! Thanks to steffo/cryonics, nephoo and magnesium for the information they shared with me. The rest i read about it on Hugi#11. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5.Interview of the week (Psychic) OK! So this is what happened... I wanted to interview thorsten to start with, only he was busy. I saw barbecue exiting #coders and talked with him asking for an interview! He says: 'sure! But by email please!' So i email him the questions... Later on that day thorsten comes to me and states that he has some free time so... Here we go! I almost asked the very same questions to both so you might call it: thorsten vs barbecue: purple to the bone first up: introduce yourself to us all common mortals ok. My real name is Thorsten иrts, i live in хrhus, the second biggest city in Denmark. I am 21 years old. should i write more? whatever you feel like we should know ok. alien origins... (i wonder why do i always ask about aliens...) shoe size... shoe size is 43 :) 43? I am definetely no alien arent you a little oversized? or am i just confusing measurements in here? hmm.. don't know what that is in european standards.. but there are like 10 different european standards anyway :) the size of my feet is pretty average :) oh well... cant all be good life... what do you do on the scene? I do graphics, and a some music every now and then and some music, even is that good? i guess it's good.. do you mean good quality, or if i feel good doing it? er... both... but since you won se98 demo with 'plastik' i guess the first is answered! :) ok.. well, i like doing it, ofcause. About the quality i don't know. I'll leave the judging of my works to others, but i like it myself. lol, are you a little shy to say you rule or something? :P i am kinda shy yes. what about the future? what do you have in mind? well, we're working with blasphemy on a demo for tp8, and i'm saving up to buy some music equipment, so i can do some more trance, with a decent soundquality. hum... thats good! are you planning to win tp98 then? hmm.. i think the competition at tp8 will be real tough, and i really hope so too. The stuff from assembly was really dissapointing in my opinion. and i never plan to win anything, but i often hope to :) what about your own life? what do you do for a living? Right now i do webdesign, but i'd like to do some videographics later on. i work in a small company, slyde/blasphemy works as a javacoder in the same company ah! tell me more on the danish demoscene the danish scene is really cozy, and we know eachother rather well, at least the bigger groups do for instance i live with vipa/purple and craft/fudge, echo used to live here too, but he moved in with his girlfriend hum... what about the new scurge? is there any? you mean new groups? yes at summer encounter, alien prophets did a fairly ok demo, other groups are showing up too. there are a few groups like blasm and mango that have been around for a while, and they are really improving. they might very well do some cool productions soon. thats good! :) well... im out of questions to ask... want to talk about some weird topic or smtg? hmm.. sure (* crazy talk on some weird topic! actually, no! just one big missunderstanding that i dont want to see published :) *) think fast: first demo our first demo was 'skumle planer' it won the first summer encounter, to much surprise, as xtacy competed with thair killer demo 'mighty' but 'skumle planer' featured an irresistebly charming, singing goldfish. apparently people loved it :) best demo well, our latest demo was plastik. we've gotten absoluty amazing response on it, though imho it has a lot of flaws, but i guess that's because i know what i wanted it to be like. others see it more objectively. lol well... want to say hi to some ppl so i can close this interview? well, there are so many people i've talked with, and we always forget half of them in the greetings. sorry, we love you all equally :) thats a very simple way to wrap things up! thx for your time! :) np -/- > 1.tell us a little on yourself... who are you, what do you do, your alien > origins, whats your favorite fruit... stuff like that! I'm Henrik Thygesen, im 22, studying computer science at Roskilde University dk. I've coded demos for the last 6 years, 5 years in purple... or so... > 2.i see purple won se98 with 'plastik' and some guys are saying it's one > of the best demos ever... how do you plea? Im quite surprised it turned out that well... I think some of the success is because of the choice of using hires instead of the usual 320x200. It improved picture quality alot. I'd like to use the oportunity to shout out: Please do code Win32 versions of your demo's! Thats the way you get newcommers to the scene .. I think.. :) > 3.tell us a little on the danish scene! hows it going? It's going better than ever.. Many good groups .. the problem is lack of newcomers.. But thats a general problem with the scene I think. > 4.what about future purple plans? We hope to release a new demo at The Party 98.. a cooperation with Blasphemy.. > 5.time for quick thinking: > first demo A cracker - intro for a game .. cronologia by cascada .. etc.. > best demo Tribes and Square > computers I am gonna get a dual celeron 450Mhz !!! :) > 3d Voodoo2 rocks. > aliens Great movies. > scene hmmm.. > dirty socks dislikes. > 6. cant think of any decent questions to pose so just say whatever you > feel like saying and lets all live happy! :) Vote at doose-chart! ( > 7. wanna say hi to mom and dad and the rest? shoot! Hi! > 8. thats it! thx for your time and sorry if i dont feel like posing lots > of questions... im shitty today! hmm.. nothing else to do right now... --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6.Demo of the week (Psychic) 'Plastik' by Purple Code: vipa and barbecue Graphics: thorsten and mads Music: mystical Winner of Summer Encounter '98 demoparty! Very nice SVGA graphics, excellent design, nice music you even start chanting at the end of the demo! 'System overide!' You really have to see it to understand! Mention to second place 'Louis Lane' by Blasphemy which was also very good! Nice battle for first position between those two! Size is 2.410kb which is acceptable nowdays! IMHO this demo has the best tunnel effect ever made; The texture and the flow of it are just awesome! If you don't know what design is, go download some summer encounter releases! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7.Intro of the week (Psychic) 'Shale' by Chalice Quartz, Aragorn and DiXen are responsible! Very good feeling around it! Nice effects, keeping it clean with a nice tune playing... Very good splines and kaleidoscope effects! The whole intro is just very nice! ( go get it! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8.MOD of the week (Psychic) 'Chiba City Lights 96' by Chuck Biscuits and Basehead Assign didn't do his homework this week! ;) Maybe he was busy with evoke98... Either way: This is one of my favourite tunes of all times! A house remix of basehead's 'chiba city lights'. The leads in there are awesome! I specially love the break it takes on the middle of the tune, the whole drums wrap up and you just get blown away by those brilliant leads while the background mood is just overwhelming! This was one of the first tunes i ever heard and i still love it! Just put this one playing, turn off your monitor, grab some beverage and some cookies and wonder on your life! :) Don't forget to check the unreleased extra remix at the later patterns! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9.Commercial break! Post your site here! Send the addy to: ._______________________________________ | ______ | ________|__ \ / | __________\ _ / o ______( )_ o | ____ _/ \\// /_ - _\ \ / - | \__ \\ \/_______/----------\______\ /-------------' (__\\ \ _ \__//\ \____________\ "Џ"Оx. ,О%%x: ,,__ /__\ h7 _ __ ___ ,ООl lООЗ :ООl ___ __ _ \\(( \--------------------,xОз'---- ООО lОО: -----------------/ ))// \_ ,xОз' .ООl ООО. _/ : ,%Оз' ОО :ОО: ООО . ООX...___iОl lОО :ООО m o n o 2 1 1 """'''''^^^: """ lООl [.mono211.eklektikelektronikmusik.] [....] Вллл Вллллллллнпппп ВлллнА ВлллнА лллллллллнВлллнллллн Вллллмллллн ВнлллнполллллллллллллллллллллнВлллнВн Влллн Вллллн ппп оллн м ллл мммммммммм оллн п ммллллллллллллллмм лпппп ллл мллллллллллллллллллллм м мммммммммммлмм А АВВллл оллн п мм лллллллллллллллллллВлВВВАА А пллм пллм ппплллппп мп лллл ллм лллллллллллллллллллллл млллн ts олл оллн млп оллл олпп ллллллллп пллллллллллн мллллп мммллн млппплм лллмпплм пллм оллнпп плллллллн ллл олн олн оллн плм пплмммммлллм ппплл В ллл А пВмммлп А ллл п мллп лмлп мВ В оллн п олл t o k y o В ллм мл ллл п пппппВ d a w n љљФФФФФФФФФФФ А Ф ппллллллллпп Ф оллн ФФФФФФФФФ пмм А Ф А r e c o r d s ФФФФФљљ ллВАА А ппВ оллн м ллл оллн ллл $$$$$ $$$$$ $$$$$ $$$$$ $$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$ $$$$$$$ $$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$ $$$$ $$$$ $$$$ $$$$$ $$$$$ $$$$ $$$$$ $$$$$ $$$$$ $$$ $$$$ $$$$ $$$$$ $$$$$ $$$$ $$$$$ $$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$ $$$$$ $$$$ $$$$$ $$$$$ $$$$$ $$$$$ $$$$ $$$$ $$$$ $$$$$ $$$$$ we love tpolm. $$$$$ $$$$ $$$$ $$$$ <--- for a complete mental experience --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10.Charts I add up all votes i got around and only at the end of the month do i deduct 1 point from each votee! That should help the charts rise up a little for starters! What i'm trying to do is to get fresh work on the charts. Please vote! But vote according to what you have seen lately! Intro's votes are also appreciated since i forgot about them on issue#1 and kind of never occured i was missing a category on the charts! :( There are also diskmags but i don't believe diskmags should be on this chart simply because there aren't many of them out! I'll make a remark on the latest diskmags as they are released. Check out the demonews section! Group: COMA (1) Purple (1) Pulse (1) Demo: 'Sexadelic' by Byterapers (1) 'Plastik' by Purple (1) Intro: 'Clone Meets Clone' by ACME (1) 'Pager 11' by Fudge (1) Code: Echo/Fudge (2) Statix (1) Music: Lebeau (1) Jax/Korozone (1) Mindwalker/Suburban (1) Graphics: Made (1) Acryl (1) Ra (1) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11.Demoscener See anything missing or wrong? Warn me! Name: Country: What: Group: Killers Acryl...........................Gfx.............Scoopex Action..........................Code............Virtual Visions Aragorn.........................Code............Chalice Asavarius.......................................^Tokyo Dawn^Byteway^Tokyo Dawn Baloo............sw.............Gfx.............Blocc^Ascii...Korozone^Chloride^VP Blade............sp............................. Brain 3 Carlos..........................Music...........Breeze Clifford M......................Gfx.............ExMortis^MFX Creations !^Gfx^Code..Trauma Lost Souls Cyclops.........................Gfx.............Fuel Dave.............sp.............Code............Phymosys^monotonik^lackluster^Swapper.....Nwo Wolfpack^Role^Lichty's Concept Ellyn...........................Code............Ex-Mortis^MFX^Editor......Dilemma Black Lotus^Enenzi Flex.............sw.............Code............Blocc Fndr.............sw.............Gfx^Code........ Frame............sw.............Gfx.............C-lous Ganja of Kaos Goofy............sw.............Editor..........^Music.......SuccesS^Editor..Prism^Core^Scream Musicians Hyp-X...........................Code............Mandula Productions Infinite Reboot.................Code............Fuel Jace............................Code............The Black Lotus Java.............sw.............Gfx.............Cryonics Jim Rhythms^Tokyo Dawn Lebeau/ Vault Liam The Mellow-D........................Music...........TPOLM Rain Inc. Inc. Creations Miss Saigon.....................Music...........Threesome Inc.^Swapper...Platoon NamNam...........sw.............Gfx.............Blocc Rain Nix.............................Code............The Black Lotus Dawn Orome...........................Gfx.............Astroidea^IPC Paniq...........................Music...........Tokyo Dawn^Editor.....Universe Psychic Utopians^Evolve Quartz..........................Code............Chalice 3 Sagacity........................................Quad SamSam..........................................Quad Sarix...........................................Quad Screamager......................Music...........KFMF Shiva...........................Code............Kolor^Dimension^Ramjam Simon King!^Fuse SlyЄa Spectre..........turkey.........Code............Flare Steffo...........sw.............Music...........Cryonics Rain Thor.............sw.............Gfx.............TPOLM^Music.......Purple TJ...............sw.............................Cryonics Tmk..............nw^jp..........Gfx^Code........INF^Dolphin^Code........Trauma Ubbe.............sw.............Code............Cryonics^CNCD Vain.............sw.............Code............Cryonics Vic.............................Music...........ACME Vim! of Noise^Gfx.......^Level-D Zippy...........................Code............Utopia Thanks to the following people for some gaps filled out since last issue: Adok, distace, nephoo, tmk, binar and melwyn. Also: I apologise to cute-nick because i'm not sure that's his nick! :P I read his email 2 seconds before i left university! I recall the group name is tatanka but i'm not sure on the handle, i know it's something with nick and that it has a - but... --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12.Articles Another night by Psychic Symphony Here we go again... 2am, can't sleep, eating some chocolate thingies and drinking coke! Playing Underworld at the lowest earing level possible and looking at the full moon, the stars and those bloody old buildings. 'Born slippy' ends! I like 'Rez' better so... What the hell to do? I could test that crossfading... Nah! I don't feel like coding... Need some music at normal level! Damn, already finished whole 6 chocolate thingies. Coke is almost ending too... Damn, what the hell am i supposed to do? I finished 'shining in the darkness' yesterday at 4am! Seinfled... Shit. It was at 1am... I could go over the demojournal... Nah! And then again... Nah! What the hell to do... Better go code those tweaked crossfadings... I would have to draw 2 pics with the same pal. Too much trouble! I'm lazy! I should try to make putpixel work on C. It compiles... It goes to mode13h, why the hell won't it pixel? It always crashes! And i would have to reboot. I don't want to reboot... Why the hell am i writing this shit? Oh yeah... i recall... Nothing to do! TumTiTum... Blip Blip Bleep Blip Blip... 'Rez' rules! I better go and do something now... 'Rez' is over anyways... Changing CD... Let me see... We got FSOL's 'Dead Cities'... Nah! I would have to higher the volume! We got @440... The new single really rocks! But i don't feel like it! We got Trainspotting's soundtracks... NAH! We got Prodigy... We got old music... Hey! Mike and the mechanics! 'Over my shoulder' is cool... Looking back... Over my shoulder... I can see that look in your eyes... ( Better get a girlfriend fast! :( ) What else is here while 'Over my shoulder' plays? Er... Pulp Fiction! Hey! I got some tapes aswell! 7, saw it last week. Pulp Fiction, already know it by heart... Trainspotting, the tape was a rent-a-video copy and looks shit! I got some old clips and Monthy Python aswell! But i taped that one 3 days ago! 'The knights that say NI!' LOL. Why did i wrote LOL? Hum... 'Over my shoulder' is ending... Quick... Something... Er... Orblivion NO, Wipeout NO, Savage Garden? Whats this thing doing here? Must have been in a very low level at the record store! ICK! I got some CD's with some actual lyrics on the leaflet! My first CD... '100% Dance' good old days with nothing better to do... WTF is that i am hearing? Changing CD... Ah! Nothing like sweet Chemical Brothers music... What's this track? Let me check... 'One too many mornings' This tune rules! Those lyrics are just drifting... 'NA NI NAIA...' Hum... :) I like this... This is good! I feel better already! I think i'm gonna code a little... I'm back! I was right... The crossfading is slow like hell! It takes near 10 seconds to update just 1 screen! But we must think positive: I'm not using any assembly which would speed up major and i'm not using the ytable so... Who knows... Oh goodie! I love it when i know how to make those weird effects and can't apply them! :( I feel so much better now! Let me just pass straigt into the last music: 'Alive alone' OH GOODIE! The story of my life on a 5 minutes music! Hopefully it's already 3:30... maybe i can fall asleep straight away and not wonder on stupid things like on why am i in the second year of civil engeneering! Or why is the only girl who says she loves me living in australia! Fuck it! Life sukz and then you die! Whatever is in between is just a bonus... Guess i didn't hit the jackpot... I hate these nights! Psyinshit Symphony -/- Nephoos's Gravity 3 short report. Hi! Nephoo here. I want to write a few words about another scene meeting in Poland which was held on the last 3 days of August in Turawa near Opole. Party was called Gravity'98 or Gravity 3. I said "another", because this was the third party on that month (after Quast'98 and Intel Outside 5). When I was planning to go there I hoped that this party would be cool and that the organizers wouldnt disapoint me. After such shitty parties like Quast and IO there finally was good scene atmosphere. The Party place was in a small tourist village near a beautyfull lake, on one of those tourist building complexs. Ticket prizes were low comparing to other parties. (only 20PLN) The party organizers thought that there would be less people coming so the main hall could only take around 200 people. But there was more than one room. In another room, there was TECHNO being played 24h/per day. Some more rooms were reserved by organizers, there was a MANGA and two sleeping rooms. Although the rooms were still very small for the around 500 ppl that arrived! But who cares? Weather was good and everyone was outside the party buildings. On the first day there werent any serious competitions, only a few crazy compos, like volleyball tournament (I only saw two teams, but they were the best, especially Lenin ;)). In the evening there was a camp fire, but I dont remember too much from this evening... ;). Next day: Arghh... some ppl said to me that on the previous evening they were showing on the big screen a film from Pamela Anderson's honeymoon.;) Uhh... why was i so drunk? :( Whole normal competitions where held on the second day. Music compo (4chn and multi on the same category) was fine, there were some good and some bad modules. I was happy that selectors didn't chose pure TECHNO musics only. In 4k intros started age of sound, more than 3 amiga and pc intros had sound support. But only a few intros were cool. A great shock for all was this amiga intro (I dont remember the title) which was playing on 4k intro compo but it was 64k big. Before organizers found out, ppl had already enjoyed themselves... ;). On 64k competitions there was nothing special. Only a few productions on both platforms. VHS competition was the best ;). Especially the two last videos. Generally this competition in Poland reachs very high standards. You have to get some of this videos. Main show: demo compo. On amiga - one demo needed PPC (Power PC) but wasnt so cool as I thought it would be before seeing it. It was boring, no design, only complex scenes with thousands of faces. Blah. Rise/TRSI^MellowChips didnt need PPC and was much more better. PC demos. Chmm... I was very dissapointed that Yoghurt and SPy from Pulse didnt release anything on the last minute but another Pulse demo by Unreal was cool. Some other prods were very good too. Generally, ray-tracing dominated the most of these demos. PPL voted very strange and Pulse demo was 5th. Ending words: Gravity was a good party, in next year I'll try not to miss-out this meeting. There werent so much Quake maniacs (like on Quast) and the party atmosphere wasnt so ANTI-PC (like on IO5). PPL were happy after this party and this is the best reward for us sceners after so boring and lame summer parties like QUAST and IO5. Great thanks to Anadune and Amnesty. Good work. Bye. ( psychic - i had to rephrase almost half of the text so apologies to nephoo if i missunderstood something and rephrased it wrong! ) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13.Credits (in order of appearance!) Psychic Symphony - bad ass editor - Magnesium - ideas n help - Distace - moral support - Assign - #trax contact - Nephoo - .pl demonews - Dave - .sp demonews - Binar - .pl demonews - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 14.END Please send in your votes, articles, party invitations, party reports, and general news to me until thursday night if you want it on the next issue! If you don't want it on the next issue, send them in anyways! Even if you don't have anything to send, email anyway! Just email me! I get around 10 mails od workl fwaonics intrt emai/ on'tBcanave eNsome badbest uiews roundews