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I would appreciate it even. I'm only putting the pieces together. It's our scene! let's make things happen... First of all i must apologise to some people who have sent me e-mails that i now can't find... Maybe i forgot to save them to disk before deleting the e-mail. I remember a very specific e-mail from byter/blasphemy that i seem to have lost. I also recall another one with some corrections on the finnish scene for the demoscener list which i also cannot find. I don't know what happened! I had some troubles copying the files since the computer i was in didn't had the a: drive operational... Maybe i didn't copied all files. I am confused and ashamed! I hate this... While still 'pissed' over those 2 e-mails i lost, i must write i am glad that i am receiving more each week! Thank you very much to all who keep on voting and correcting some mistakes and generally helping out. Really. You all know who you are... Thank you deeply! I still have some more good and bad news... Good news is that gandalf/pulse was kind enough to send me the intro of the week text. Bad news is that Assign/TDR forgot about little newsletter once again... I make an announcement: Anyone who would want to review their favourite intros or mods is welcome to do it. Just write something on the content of the production you are reviewing and sent it over. Thank you in advance for your time! I do believe this was the biggest editorial ever! Final remark: as you might have noticed already, demojournal now has an ascii logo! :) Courtesy of garfield. Thank you garfield! One final thing.. You'll notice this issue is missing a section. Apologies in advance! (Darn, looks like those aliens got control of my brain after all... ARGH!) Quote from demo - 'nuff said - unquote. -------------- ------| 2.Demonews |----------------------------------------------------------- -------------- Fleur#2 is coming soon, please support Fleur by writing articles!!! Szum/Cryogen -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Cyber-Phest / Extreme Weirdness has announced that a new demo-event in belgium will take place next year somewhere around the second weekend of July. Since we have seen the last of wired, this party will be the only main demo event in belgium next year. It's still a bit early for details, but you can bookmark these URL's for now. The pages will show more content & news later-on. http://Inscene99.home.ml.org http://users.turboline.be/inscene/ Please send all questions to Inscene99@hotmail.com Andr0meda - Green -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= md / fm - appelsap - http://www.fm.org/appelsap/ (mp3 / realaudio / qt3 album) distance -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= - Cache '98 is over, and there was nice atmosphere. The compo stuffs are not the best ones, but all worth to watch! Well the organisers are having now problems, because a projector (!) was stolen. Or not? There are a lot of rumors now in Hungary as always. =) Btw. Exceed people didn't vote (as a protest, and d-lee, shaman and deansdale got free tickets =)) but yet ranked 1st in new-wave music and photoshop gfx competition... So, i hope this is an answer for DemoJournal#3 NEWS about Exceed... - Rhyme released Epos, debut of the team in the "professional league". =) (democompo) They made it in big hurry, 2 weeks from 0! This Picard guy, is doing his 3d-s very fast, and correct! They will make something again for TP8, - as Xtro told me - or not. - Chrome's Moon demonstration delayed! (Again.) Maybe they will give it out at Jumper '98, or next year. Btw. Jumper is the next Hungarian Station for the real sceners, it will be held in Debrecen, 18-20 December. More infos at: http://scene-hu.com/~jumper - Haujobb haven't entered their 64kb intro at Cache too. Later Folks... - If ya want all Cache'98 releases and more, click to: ftp.demo.dyn.ml.org - Myrel changed from Contract to Astroidea, he is tracer and keyframer. He ranked 6th in the compo with his picture. Btw. he is still unbeatable because he won EVERY trace compos in Hungary from Jumper 1997 to Antiq 1998. d-lee/exceed -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= I would like to take this little corner to write about myself for a change... Evolve is a group of demosceners and above all friends who mainly code. We will present you demos with guest artists and musicians. Our first one is bubbling already! Stay tunned. Memberlist follows: -Idiotboy (Washington DC - USA) -Psychic Symphony (Portugal) -Shock (Australia) -Nephoo (Poland) Further more, i would like to write about ActiveFuel. New portuguese demogroup. We are already working hard on our first demo. Expect it finished soon! Memberlist is far too big for my memory. Only recall the guys i actually worked/talked with so i am not writing any names! There. I feel much better! Time for humanitary section: Fleur #2 and Hugi #13 are waiting for your articles. Write about anything! Don't be shy... I bet my life ezah, szum and adok will be very happy to hear from you... For fleur mail them to any of the following 2 mails: ezah@scene-hu.com szum@amber.bti.pl And for Hugi please direct them to: hugi@netway.at Still about magazines, Shine#3 is also 'probably' beeing released soon. Although rumour has it, it will 'probably' also be the final issue! Let's hope for the best! It's our scene... Let's make things happen! Psychic Symphony ------------------------- ------| 3.Thought of the week |------------------------------------------------ ------------------------- Oh shit! I forgot to get an interview! --------------- ------| 4.Party on! |---------------------------------------------------------- --------------- Starts: Ends: Country: Name: Contact: Oct 02 - Oct 05, 1998 Norway The Convention 1998 www.convention.com Oct 09 - Oct 11, 1998 Hungary CaCHe II '98 www.datanet.hu/cache98 Oct 09 - Oct 11, 1998 Sweden evroparti '98 http://come.to/evroparti (x) What could this sign possibly mean? Life after death? Oct 28 - Oct 31, 1998 Sweden Compusphere X http://www.compusphere.org Oct 29 - Nov 01, 1998 Sweden DreamHack '98 http://www.dreamhack.org Oct 30 - Nov 01, 1998 Sweden ACG-Hack X http://hack.amiga-cg.se < ? canceled ? > Hungary ReFLeX '98 http://www.nexus.hu/slsp Nov 1998 Slovenia Abort '98 Nov 07 - Nov 08, 1998 Poland Satellite '98 madbart@jormas.com Nov 13 - Nov 15, 1998 Germany Dialogos '98 http://www.kassablanca.de/dialogos98 Dec 1998 Israel Movement '98 Dec 18 - Dec 20, 1998 Hungary JuMPer '98 http://scene-hu.com/~jumper Dec 19 - Dec 20, 1998 Romania Dracula '98 Dec 25 - Dec 27, 1998 Argentina The Flash '98 theflashparty.home.ml.org Dec 27 - Dec 29, 1998 Denmark The Party 1998 http://www.theparty.dk Mar 1999 Italy Trip 99 Mar 31 - Apr 04, 1999 Norway The Gathering '99 Apr 02 - Apr 05, 1999 Germany Mekka & Symp. 2k-1 http://ms.demo.org May 29 - May 30, 1999 Germany Komso/Neithernor'99 http://neithernor.demo.org Jun 17 - Jun 20, 1999 Sweden Remedy '99 http://www.remedy.nu Jul 1999 Belgium Inscene '99 http://Inscene99.home.ml.org --------------------------- ------| 5.Interview of the week |---------------------------------------------- --------------------------- Er... I forgot all about the interview! I was home sick for 3 days when i finally got back to university, still with a running nose, to find myself with 38 new e-mails, constant splits at ircnet/efnet and a bad a: drive! I finished the emails and waited for a vacant computer, which only came 5 minutes before closing time, while talking on #trax at irc.scene.org and with some friends at ptnet... Time went by and before i knew it i was on 2 computers at the same time, re-checking last minute mail (4 new mails), copying stuff between computer temp, account and a: drive... Hey, at least i met maelcom/KFMF! I just hanged around on #trax talking about music... It was ok! :) Anyways... As distance told me 1 week ago when i told him i was desperatly seeking someone for an interview: 'I guess your little project will have to survive without an interview.' Back then i just changed server to get a faster connection with sol but now... It doesn't make sense! I guess i better go find some sort of interview on some diskmag and post it here... Yeah... I should do that! I also tought of interviewing myself but nah! Don't feel like it... I'm listening to old Hunz tunes. The ones from 'The Heretics' period of his. Only time i met him at irc he was surprised i knew him as Hunz/Heretics and not as Hunz/FM... To tell you all the truth, i don't like his new musics that much. I liked the ones on Stage#9 music-disk but that's about it. But hey, as distance once pointed out: 'So you don't even track? Shutup you piece of pastry!' Weird relation i have with distance. :P But he's a nice guy! =) Off i go finding some interview... I'm back. I started looking for interviews, read some, took the time of reading some articles aswell and completly lost track of time. Before i knew it i had been 3 hours switching between mags reading stuff... Then i had to re-boot because of one of the mags crashed and took that time to look at the time, 4:37! ICK! Better go to bed... I woke up with the sound of the telephone... After the whole afternoon it's saturday 21:54 exactly! I still don't have an interview... I had this idea while reading some old ones though... Just write about the interviews i read! :P Seems easy... First up i picked up an old portuguese diskmag entitled 'Infinity #2' and started reading an interview with Miss Saigon... Still studying spanish to become a teacher... Last time i talked with her she told me the wedding was schedule for august 2000! I asked her: 'why august 200?' She told me August because of Assembly being held on August and she wanted to have an extra reason for her american friends to come to finland. And 2000 because things take time! Next up it's Miss Saigon again... This time on Imphobia, one year later. Not many changes since the last interview... Following that is Unreal. Talking about why did he and some friends formed Pulse if most people we're already in Surprise! Productions... I believe it was darkness the interviewer. After that i just flipped around imphobia reading whatever article that seemed interesting or unreaded. Actually i was looking for the small text which was supposed to be at the end of all those articles telling the user how to change tune and SAVE FILE TO DISK! I was trying to get unreal's interview since it was very interesting indeed. Well, i couldn't find it. I tried pushing all possible keys. Only been able to find the hidden xmas chip-tune. :P Bummer! Oh well... Guess this little project of mine will just have to survive without an interview. ---------------------- ------| 6.Demo of the week |--------------------------------------------------- ---------------------- 'Johnny Weasel' by Dawn3 Code: Brainpower and Firehawk Gfx: Rents Guest performers: .float and MC-Viper What the gang did was pick up this awesomely cool Rap/hiphop music with some really wicked lyrics. Get themselves a cam. Go outside and shoot some bad-ass look scenes. Get some help from Virne/COMA to get the video thing working top-notch. Get some Prometheus True Color thang going on. Some 3D. Couple of - and i quote: 'blazingly-fast (ahem)' unquote - asm coded effects. Some tweaked distortions and zoomers. Half-dozen of graffitis. Put them on the blender. Sync them with lyrics of the tune. Take it to Assembly'98. Jack a bunch of disks on organizers face and hope for the best. Shit hit the fan when their demo didn't got selected for the compo. Apparently fingers point to organizers and some lack of reboots. VBE 2.0 required. Go get scitech's display doctor at Anyways, see it for yourself. 6 well-worth megs of one kick-ass 'tired of techno' demo that da homiez from Dawn3 throw at'cha. Peace! Psychic Symphony ----------------------- ------| 7.Intro of the week |-------------------------------------------------- ----------------------- 'OUTSOLE' by FUSE code-gfx-design: Bloo music: Blaze came #2 at QUAST98 this polish party was almost unknown (at least from me) but it has really some nice prods like this intro from Fuse. Nothing very new in the effects, but the whole intro is very speedy and the synchros are almost perfect, which is usually a garanty to have a succesfull design. palettes are mostly dark, but are fitting the high contrast with flares. in conclusion, a must-see intro that I really liked, and I still don't understand how it didn't win the intro competition. gandalf.pulse --------------------- ------| 8.MOD of the week |---------------------------------------------------- --------------------- 'Bravenex' by Xerxes Oh well... I'm not good at describing music... I just like this one for a VERY long time now and since i met xerxes the other day, quite a nice guy i might add, and since i don't have any 'professionaly' described mod for this week... I decided for this one! It's xerxes style all the way, nice strings, good enviroment, a little piano ( it sounds like a piano ) melody aswell in there. This one is a softy; portraits one of those moments when you arive tired at the end of the day to your home and just sit down and gaze at something not thinking about absolutely nothing... Brilliantly tracked. Psychic Symphony ----------------------- ------| 9.Commercial break! |-------------------------------------------------- ----------------------- ._______________________________________ | ______ | ________|__ \ / | __________\ _ / o ______( )_ o | ____ _/ \\// /_ - _\ \ / - | \__ \\ \/_______/----------\______\ /-------------' (__\\ \ _ \__//\ \____________\ "¯"¾x. ,¾%%x: ,,__ /__\ h7 _ __ ___ ,¾¾l l¾¾· :¾¾l ___ __ _ \\(( \--------------------,x¾×'---- ¾¾¾ l¾¾: -----------------/ ))// \_ ,x¾×' .¾¾l ¾¾¾. _/ : ,%¾×' ¾¾ :¾¾: ¾¾¾ . ¾¾X...___i¾l l¾¾ :¾¾¾ m o n o 2 1 1 """'''''^^^: """ l¾¾l [.mono211.eklektikelektronikmusik.] [....http://www.scene.org/mono....] ²ÛÛÛ ²ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÝßßßß ²ÛÛÛÝ° ²ÛÛÛÝ° ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛݲÛÛÛÝÛÛÛÛÝ ²ÛÛÛÛÜÛÛÛÛÝ ²ÝÛÛÛÝßÞÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛݲÛÛÛÝ²Ý ²ÛÛÛÝ ²ÛÛÛÛÝ http://milk.sgic.fi ßßß ÞÛÛÝ Ü ÛÛÛ ÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜ ÞÛÛÝ ß ÜÜÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÜÜ Ûßßßß ÛÛÛ ÜÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÜ Ü ÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÛÜÜ ° °²²ÛÛÛ ÞÛÛÝ ß ÜÜ ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ²Û²²²°° ° ßÛÛÜ ßÛÛÜ ßßßÛÛÛßßß Üß ÛÛÛÛ ÛÛÜ ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ ÜÛÛÛÝ ts ÞÛÛ ÞÛÛÝ ÜÛß ÞÛÛÛ ÞÛßß ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛß ßÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÝ ÜÛÛÛÛß ÜÜÜÛÛÝ ÜÛßßßÛÜ ÛÛÛÜßßÛÜ ßÛÛÜ ÞÛÛÝßß ßÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÝ ÛÛÛ ÞÛÝ ÞÛÝ ÞÛÛÝ ßÛÜ ßßÛÜÜÜÜÜÛÛÛÜ ßßßÛÛ ² ÛÛÛ ° ß²ÜÜÜÛß ° ÛÛÛ ß ÜÛÛß ÛÜÛß Ü² ² ÞÛÛÝ ß ÞÛÛ t o k y o ² ÛÛÜ ÜÛ ÛÛÛ ß ßßßßß² d a w n ùùÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ° Ä ßßÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛßß Ä ÞÛÛÝ ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ßÜÜ ° Ä ° r e c o r d s ÄÄÄÄÄùù ÛÛ²°° ° ßß² ÞÛÛÝ Ü ÛÛÛ ÞÛÛÝ http://tdr.scene.org ÛÛÛ $$$$$ $$$$$ $$$$$ $$$$$ $$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$ $$$$$$$ $$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$ $$$$ $$$$ $$$$ $$$$$ $$$$$ $$$$ $$$$$ $$$$$ $$$$$ $$$ $$$$ $$$$ $$$$$ $$$$$ $$$$ $$$$$ $$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$ $$$$$ $$$$ $$$$$ $$$$$ $$$$$ $$$$$ $$$$ $$$$ $$$$ $$$$$ $$$$$ we love tpolm. $$$$$ $$$$ $$$$ $$$$ http://www.tpolm.scene.org "UPDATED HOMEPAGES" http://geecs.org/~nico <--- for a complete mental experience < - - - - - - - -> ./ P@lS3C@M msx group da music : post_industrial da sounds : ambient_experimental da noise : avant_garde ...palsecam /. Mhz(Bartez) + Z-z (Zenial) + Tees no words just pure minimal.SOON !!! Wait for our addy & stuff. ÜÜÜ ßß ßß ßßßßÛ ÜÜÛÛÜ ÜÜÛÛÜ ÜÜÛÜ ÜÜÛÛßß ßÛÛÜ Ü ÛÛÛß ÛÛÛß ÛÛÛß þ ÞÛÛÛ ÛÛÛ ÜÛÜ ÜÜÛÛÜÜ ÞÛÛÛ ÞÛÛÛ ÞÛÛÛ Ü ßß ÛÛÛÝ ßß ß ÛÛÛ ßßßßÛ ÞÛÛÝß ßÛÛÛ ÞÛÛÛ ÞÛÛÛ ÞÛÛÛ ÜÛÝ Û ÛÛÛÝþ ÞÛÛ Ü ßÛß ß ÛÛÛÝÛÛÛÝ ÛÛÛÝ ÛÛÛÝ ÛÛÛ Û ÛÛÛÝ ßÜÜÜßßßÞÜÜ ß ÜÛÜ °°° °ÜÜßßßÜ Û²²ÝÛ²ÛÝ° Û²²Ý° ²²ÛÝÞ²²Û ° °° ÞÛ²Û °° Ü²Ü Û²²ßßþÞ²²Ý °°° ÛÛÝ Ü þÞÛÛÛÞÛÛÝ ÛÛÛÝ ÛÛÛÝÛÛÛÝþßßßÛÜÜßÛÛÜ ÜÞÛÛÝÞÛÛÝ ßÛß ÛÛÛ Û ÞÛÛÛ ßßÛ ßßÛ ßßÛÞÛÛ Ü ÞÛÛÝßßßßß ßÛßÞÛÛÝ Û ÛÛÛ ßß ÞÛÛÛ Û ^grf ÛÛÛ Ü ÛÛÛ ÛÛÛ ßßß ßß ßßß ß ßÛÛÜÜ ÜÜÛßß ÜÜÜÜÜÜ ÜÜÜ ÜÜÜ ÞÛÛÝ ÜÜÛ ÛÛÛ ÛÛÛ ßßß ßßÛÜÜ ÜÜÛÛß ÞÛÛÝ ftp://amber.bti.pl ßßß Ûßß DeMoSùInTrOsùMaGsùMuSicùGrApHiCsùPaRtIeS StUffùDiStRoSùAnd OtHeRz.. ùNo PoRnOùNo illeGAl WaReZùNo GaMezùNo UnkNowN LogiNzùNo CraP UploaDzù úúúùùùùSite Admin Radi/InterroR radi@irc.plùùùúúú ÄØÄ Ü ÛÜÜÜÜ Ü ÛÜÜÜÜ Ü ÛÜÜ Ü ÛÜÜÜÜ Ü ÛÜÜÜÜ Ü ÛÜÜÜÜ Ü ÛÜÜÜÜ À¿ Û ÛÛÛÛ Û Û²ÛÛ Û ÛÛÛÛ Û ÛÛÛÛ Û Û²ÛÛ Û ÛÛÛÛ Û ÛÛÛÛ ³ Û ßßßß Û ÛÛÛÛ Û Û²ÛÛ Û ÛÛÛÛ Û ßßßß Û ßßßß Û ÛÛÛÛ ³ Ä Û ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Û ßßßßßß ß ßßßßßßÛ Û ÄÄ ÛÛ²Û Û ßßßßßÜ Û ßßßßßßß Û ÄÄ ÛÛÛÛ ÄÙ ³ Û ÛÛÛÛ Û ßÛÛÛÜ ÛÛÛÛ Û ÛÛÛÛ Û ÛÛÛÛ Û ÛÛÛÛ Û ÛÛ²Û ³ À¿ ß ÛÜÛ²Ûß ßÜ ÛÛÛÛ ßÜÜÜ ÛÛÛÛ ßÜÜÜ ÛÛÛÛ ßÜÜÜ ÛÛÛÛ ßÜÜÜ ÛÛ²Û ßÜ ÛÛÛÛ ³ ÀÄ¿ sK!/cAZ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ÄÄÄÄÄÄ ÄÄÄÄ ÄÄÄ ÄÄ Ä ÄÄÄÙ we are always looking for our destiny, if you think that you are good enough to join cryogen, then mail us! da onanizator of cryogen crew - szum/cryogen reach me at: szum@amber.bti.pl or szum@kki.net.pl also: jerzy szumski, na ost. groszu 106/25, 54-207 wroclaw, poland we are looking for good object makers in 3ds r4, interested? contact us!!! ° ÜÜÜܲÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÜÜÜ ° ° ܲÛÛÛÛßßßßßßßßßß²ÛÛ² ° ÞÛÛß ßÛÛ ÜܲÛÛÛÜ ²ÛÝÞÛ² ÜÛÛÛÛÛÜÜ For pure demoswapping ²ÛÜ ° ²Ûß ßÛÛÝ ÞÛÛ ÛÛÝ ²Û ²ßßÛÛ ßÛÛÛÛ²ÜÜÜÜÜÜÜ ÜÜÜÛ²ß ²ÛÝ °ÞÛÛ ÞÛÝ Û ÞÛÝ For joining Cryogen ßßßßßßß²ÛÛÛÛÜÜ ÞÛÛß ÜÜÛßÞÛÛ ÜÜÛÛÝ ÛÛ Û² ° ° ßÛÛ² ßÛÛÛ²ßß ßÛÛÛ²ßß ÞÛÝ°ÞÛÝ ÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÞÛÛÝÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜ ÜÜÜÜ ÜÜ Ü For Fleur da beauty ÜÛÛßß [alpha] ²ÛÝ flower of international ÞÛÛÝ ° ÛÛÛ ° Szum/Cryogen diskmags support. ²ÛÛÜÜ ÜÜÛÛÛÛß Jerzy Szumski ßÛÛÛÛÛÜÜܲÛÛÛÛ²ß Na Ostatnim Groszu 106/25 Write to me. ° ßß²ÛÛÛÛÛßß ° 54-207 Wroclaw ° email: szum@kki.net.pl PþOþLþAþNþD ÜÜÄÜÜ ÜÄÄÜÜ ÜÄÄ¿ÜÜ ÜÄÄ¿ÜÜ Ü ÜÜ ÛÛ ÛÛ ÛÛ ÛÛ ³ÛÛ ÛÛ ³ÛÛ ÛÛ ÛÛ Tommy/Cryogen ÛÛ ÛÛ ÛÛ ÛÛ ³ÛÛ ÛÛ ³ÛÛ ÛÛ ÛÛ Tomasz Czurak ÛÛ ÛÛ ÛÛ ÛÛ ³ÛÛ ÛÛ ³ÛÛ ÛÛ ÛÛ ul.Saturna 28a ÛÛ ÛÛ ÛÛ ÛÛ ÛÛ ÛÛ ÛÛ ßßÄÛÛ 15-680 Bialystok ÛÛ ÛÛ ÛÛ ÛÛ ÛÛ ÛÛ ÛÛ dg ÛÛ Poland ßß ßßÄßß ßß ßß ßß ßß ßßÄßß .sssssss .ssssssssssssssss. s$$$$$$$$ .ssssssssssssssssss. .$$$$------------$ $$$$$$ --- --- --------- $. $$$$/ ____/ _/_ $$$$$$$ _/ / / _/_/ _ _/$$$ $$$/ __--'$ |$$$$$$$| /_/ ._\ \$$$$ $$/__/$$$$$/_____/ $$$$$ |_____________|$$\___|$$$ `$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ ý$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$' `$$$$' `ýýýýýýý `$áïç' Fleur - da new flower of international diskmagscene is waiting for your support!!! english articles are really needed!!! contact: ezah@scene-hu.com, szum@amber.bti.pl haven't you seen Fleur#1 yet? check it out: ftp://d-eyes.jpte.hu/pub/scene/diskmags/fleur/fleur#1.zip ------------------------ ------| 10.Quote of the week |------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ "Life is cool, even if e-mail suxx! ;)" Marcin Antas Garfield/Pengo^IPC^LO 2+7 garfield@friko.onet.pl ------------- ------| 11.Charts |------------------------------------------------------------ ------------- Vote for the latest kickass production! Stuff you have just seen or heard that is really cool! Some people keep on voting for the best ever even if there are new awesome productions! Just answer back something like: pulse/shad/paper/unreal/falcon/made Thank you in advance! Group: Pulse.................................. (11) = Purple................................. (3) = CNCD................................... (3) > Doomsday............................... (2) < Blasphemy.............................. (2) = Quad................................... (1) = Complex................................ (1) = Orange................................. (1) = Halcyon................................ (1) = FiT.................................... (1) = Knights................................ (1) = Nerve Axis............................. (1) = Cocoon................................. (1) = Green.................................. (1) N Realtech VR............................ (1) N Mandula................................ (1) N KFMF................................... (1) N Demo: Shad....................Cocoon^Syndrome (5) = Hyperventilation.............Byterapers (3) > The Fulcrum......................Matrix (3) > Sexadelic....................Byterapers (2) < Stigma.........................Doomsday (2) = Boost: vivid part 2............Doomsday (2) = Dis.............................Mandula (2) = Tribes............................Pulse (1) < Saint...........................Halcyon (1) = Automaton Flavour..............Hellcore (1) = Tour..............................Pulse (1) = Styler 2............................... (1) = Anataus 5 (linux)...................FiT (1) = Rise...................TRSI^Mellowchips (1) = Squeeed...........................Pulse (1) N Stars: Wonders of the world.......NoooN (1) N 73ms..............................Pulse (1) N Louis Lane....................Blasphemy (1) N Intro: Paper........................statix+vic (5) = Pager 11..........................Fudge (5) = Sin(x)...........................Dawn 3 (3) = Stash...................The Black Lotus (2) > Mesha.............................Rhyme (2) > Clone meets clone..................ACME (1) < Jizz....................The Black Lotus (1) < Deesbab..........................Orange (1) < Wolfenstein 3D.................Pointman (1) < Go pete go............................. (1) N Sea robot of love................Orange (1) N Kill the clone....................Fudge (1) N Typhoid................................ (1) N Code: Unreal....................,..CNCD^Pulse (7) > Mr.Sex.......................Byterapers (6) < Mrock..........................Hellcore (3) = Statix.........................Lionhead (3) = Buckshag...................Superstition (2) > Virne..............................COMA (2) > Plash.....................Nothing^Azure (2) > Rod.............................Mandula (2) N Echo..............................Fudge (1) < Skal...............................Bomb (1) < Marq................................FiT (1) < Picard............................Rhyme (1) < Music: Falcon............................Pulse (6) = Dune (BrothomStates).............Orange (4) > Mindwalker.....................Suburban (2) < Groo...............................CNCD (2) < CareBear...............Orange & Komplex (2) < Revisq............................Monar (2) = Bartesek............................... (1) = Shad................................... (1) = Smash................Beam^Noise^Nothing (1) = Xafax.................................. (1) = Croaker...........................TPOLM (1) = Radix............................Groove (1) N md................................TPOLM (1) N Zenial........................Hypnotize (1) N Keith303.................Radical Rythms (1) N Vic................................ACME (1) N Xerxes.........................Night 55 (1) N Graphics: Made...............................Bomb (7) = Lazur.............................Pulse (4) = Ra................................NoooN (4) = Louie.................................. (3) > Sunday..........................Nothing (2) > Kobold................................. (2) < Pike................................... (1) < Iceball................................ (1) < Acryl...........................Scoopex (1) < Grass.................................. (1) < Peachy..........................Haujobb (1) < Cereal........................Ooze labs (1) < Vizualize.........................Pulse (1) N Orbital................................ (1) N Cougar................................. (1) N Wain..............................Jello (1) N ----------------- ------| 12.Demoscener |-------------------------------------------------------- ----------------- This is supposed to be a list of all currently active demosceners! Warn if there is something wrong or missing! Name: Country: What: Group: 216..............fi...........Code...............MFX Aap..............nl...........Gfx................ACME Abyss............fi..............................Future Crew Access...........be..............................Pulpe Acryl............de...........Gfx^Music..........Scoopex Action........................Code...............Virtual Visions Adok.............at...........Editor.............Hugi aGi..............pl...........Gfx................INTerror Andr0meda........be...........Code^Music.........Green Angel............pl...........Gfx................Tatanka Antony...........fr...........Gfx................Pulse Aragorn.......................Code...............Chalice Asphyx...........fr...........Gfx................ Assassin.........fi...........Swapper............Trauma Assign...........de...........Music..............Ethos9^Tokyo Dawn Atom.............pl...........Swapper............Platoon Aurelius.........de...........Code...............Matrix Azure............sl...........Gfx................Dilemma^Byteway A-Move...........de...........Music..............Amable^Tokyo Dawn Baloo............sw...........Gfx................Blocc Balrog........................Music..............KFMF Banshik..........pl...........Code...............Byteway Barbatron........sw...........Code...............Syntax Terror Barbecue.........dk...........Code...............Purple Barog............................................ Baxter...........be...........Editor^Code^Music..Green Binar............pl...........Swapper^Ascii......Korozone^Chloride^VP Bitcoder.........pt...........Code...............Radioactive Design Blade............sp..............................The Utopians^Los Centoros Bonnie...........fr...........Gfx................HCL Borlot...........pl...........Code...............Majorca Team Brain Power......pt...........Code...............Dawn 3 Brainsaw.........nl..............................SuccesS Brix.............hu...........Code...............Dilemma Byter............dn..............................Blasphemy Carebear.........fi...........Music..............Orange Carlos...........hu...........Music..............Breeze^Mandula Case.............pl...........Swapper............Revelation Cheetah..........................................Ephidrena Clef.............au...........Music.............. Clifford M.......pl...........Gfx................ExMortis^MFX Core-nick........pl...........Music..............Tatanka Corona...........be...........Code...............Green CpC..............gr...........Code...............Demaniacs Cremax...........pt...........Code...............Nothing Croaker..........fi...........Code^Music.........TPOLM Crossbone........de...........Code...............Suburban Creations !Cube............fi...........Music^Gfx^Code.....Trauma Cyberfish........no...........Code...............The Lost Souls Cyclops..........be...........Gfx................Fuel^Quad Cyg..............fr...........Code...............BlaBla Dake.............ch...........Code...............Calodox Damaq............fi...........Gfx................Doomsday Damien...........be..............................Imphobia Danube...........fr...........Gfx................HCL Darkflare........pt...........Gfx................ActiveFuel Darkness.........be...........Editor.............Imphobia Dave.............sp...........Code...............Phymosys Dave.............pl...........Music..............Haujobb Deansdale........hu...........Music..............Exceed Delirium.........pt...........Music..............ActiveFuel Deyi.............be...........Code...............Itsari Diabolo..........fr...........Code...............HCL Digisnap.........de...........Code...............Matrix Distance.........fi...........Music..............TPOLM^monotonik^lackluster Dixan............fi...........Music..............Chalice Dizzy............ch...........Music.............. Djamm............fr...........Music..............Nomad^Bomb^Ribbon D-lee............hu..............................Exceed DreamDancer......de...........Gfx^Swapper........Nwo Wolfpack^Role Dreamer..........fi...........Music..............Sublogic Dune.............fi...........Music..............Orange Echo.............dk...........Code...............Fudge Echo.............pl...........Music..............Diffusion Eclipse..........fr...........Code^Editor........Knights^Lichty's Concept Ellyn............pl...........Code...............Ex-Mortis^MFX Euphoria.........au...........Gfx................f00d Excel............fi...........Gfx................Trauma Ez...............it...........Music..............Deathstar Ezah.............hu...........Gfx^Editor.........Dilemma Fear.............fi...........Code...............The Black Lotus Filozof..........pl...........Ascii..............Konzept Fitzroy..........pl...........Ascii..............IPC^Enenzi Flan.............fr...........Gfx................ Flex.............sw...........Code...............Blocc Fndr.............sw...........Gfx^Code........... Frame............sw...........Gfx................C-lous Fred.............ch...........Editor.............Calodox Fred.............pl...........Gfx................INTerror Gandalf..........fr..............................Pulse Ganja Man........uk...........Music..............LoK Garfield.........pl...........Editor.............Pengo^IPC^LO 2+7 Garfield.........pt...........Music^Code.........Radioactive Design G-day............nl...........Music..............Quad Goblin...........au...........Code...............Xtatic Gongo............be...........Code...............Green Goofy............sw...........Editor.............Replay Gooroo...........ca...........Code...............KFMF Graff............pl...........Music..............Tatanka Greenpix7........ru...........Gfx................Universe gTg..............pl...........Code...............Tatanka Guille...........fr...........Code...............Cocoon Gyr..............au...........Code...............f00d Hager............hu...........Swapper............Profuse Harlequin........nl...........Gfx^Music..........SuccesS Hate.............pl...........Swapper^Editor.....Prism^Core^Scream HeY..............pl...........Code^Editor........Tatanka Hoplite..........fi...........Code...............Orange Hunz.............au...........Music..............Five Musicians Hyp-X............hu...........Code...............Mandula Idiotboy.........us...........Code...............Plastik Productions^Evolve Incubus..........pl...........Code...............Prism Infinite Reboot..be...........Code...............Fuel Imode............hawaii.......Music..............Exceed^Sound Devotion Inopia...........................................Quad Jace.............nl...........Code...............The Black Lotus Java.............sw...........Gfx................Cryonics Jax..............pl...........Music..............Korozone Jim Goer.........pl...........Code...............Grinders Kal..............hu...........Gfx................Astroidea Kal-Min-Do.......fr...........Music..............HCL Keith303.........de...........Code...............Radical Rhythms^Tokyo Dawn KeyG.............pl...........Music..............Pulse Kidlove..........de...........Gfx................Haujobb Kneebitter.......us...........Code...............Threesome Koan.............pl...........Code...............Giraffe Kombat...........il...........Code...............Immortals Kravitz..........fi...........Code...............Sublogic Kurt.............be...........Code...............Green Lando............pl...........Swapper............Konzept Lazur............pl...........Gfx................Pulse Lebeau/Legend....fi...........Music..............CNCD Legend...........au...........Music..............The Vault Lexus............pl...........Editor.............Enenzi Liam The Lemming.uk...........Music..............KFMF Lucky............pl...........Gfx................Pulse^Poison Luk..............pl...........Music..............Procreation Made.............fr...........Gfx................Bomb Maelcom..........us...........Music..............KFMF Magnesium........au...........Code^Music.........LaTeX Mandrixx.........fr...........Code............... Marq..........................Code...............FiT Marquis..........de...........Music^Swapper......Platoon Marvel...........fi...........Gfx................Future Crew Masterboy........il...........Code............... Max..............pl...........Gfx................Defect^Cryogen Melcom...........de...........Music^Code......... Mellow-D.........be^fi........Music..............TPOLM^Five Musicians Melwyn...........fi...........Music..............Acid Rain Mentz............de...........Music..............LoK^Tokyo Dawn Mercure..........fr.............................. Micron...........fi..............................Byterapers Inc. Mike.............fi...........Gfx................Byterapers Inc. Mindwalker.......pt...........Music..............Suburban Creations Misha............pl...........Gfx^Editor.........Tatanka^Defect^Nothing Miss Saigon......us^fi........Music..............Threesome Mosh.............fi...........Music..............Forsaken Morphine.........dn...........Music..............Blasphemy Mov..............fi..............................Radio MRI..............fi...........Code...............Doomsday Mr.Sex...........fi...........Code...............Byterapers Inc. Mr.Z.............hu...........Code...............Astroidea Myrel............hu...........Gfx................Astroidea Mystical......................Music..............Purple MZ...............au.............................. NamNam...........sw...........Gfx................Blocc Nap..............hu...........Code...............Dilemma Neek.............gr...........Code...............Demaniacs Nemesis1......................Music.............. Nemesulku........fi...........Gfx................Acid Rain Nephoo...........pl...........Code...............Samar PC^Evolve Nero.............de...........Gfx................Matrix Nik..............be...........Gfx................Green Nitro............fi...........Music..............Trauma Nix...........................Code...............The Black Lotus Nns..............hu...........Code...............Exceed Nobody...........fi...........Music..............Wild Light Nytrik...........fr...........Gfx................Cocoon Optic............no...........Music..............Tokyo Dawn^TRSI orOme............no...........Gfx................Astroidea Pancho...........pl...........Gfx................Platoon^IPC Paniq............de...........Music..............Tokyo Dawn Particle......................Gfx................ Patapom..........fr...........Code...............Bomb Peachy........................Gfx................Haujobb Pearl Hunter.....................................The Utopians Picard...........hu...........Code...............Rhyme Pitbull..........de...........Code...............Imphobia Pixel............fi...........Gfx................Future Crew PL...............be...........Gfx................Imphobia Plash.........................Code...............Nothing^Azure Programmed.......pt...........Code...............ActiveFuel Programmer.......ru...........Code^Editor........Universe Psychic Symphony.pt...........Code...............Evolve^The Utopians^ActiveFuel Pyshtoff.........pl...........Code...............Tatanka Quartz...........fi...........Code...............Chalice Quasar...........be...........Code...............Green Raiden...........pl...........Music..............Aural Planet Radi.............pl...........Music^FTP..........INTerror Radix.........................Music..............Groove Rascy............hu...........Modeller...........Dilemma React............hu...........Code...............Exceed Rents............pt...........Gfx................Dawn 3 Reptile..........hu...........Music..............Astroidea Rod..............hu...........Code...............Mandula Rodex............fi...........Code............... Rommel...........no...........Swapper............Revelation Sagacity.........nl...........Code...............Quad Salami...........de...........Code...............Nothing SamSam...........................................Quad Sandworm.........pl...........Code...............Giraffe Sarix............nl..............................Quad Scorpio..........pt...........Code............... Scorpik..........pl...........Music..............Pulse Screamager.......lu^uk........Music..............KFMF Sed..............hu...........Music..............Dilemma Shade............hu...........Music..............Dilemma Sharon...........de...........Code...............Matrix Shaman...........hu...........Music^Ansi.........Exceed Shiva............de...........Code...............Kolor Shock............au...........Code...............Xtatic^Dimension^Ramjam^Evolve Shodan...........fr..............................Skytech Crew^Arf!Studios Skal.............fr...........Code...............Bomb Skin.............................................Quad Skrig............dk...........Gfx................Prone Skyphos..........de...........Music..............Matrix Simon King!......pl...........Ascii..............Procreation^Fuse Sly Spy..........hu...........Music..............United Force^Capan¤a Slyde............dk...........Code...............Blasphemy Snowman..........us..............................Hornet Smash............uk...........Music..............Nothing Sol..............fi...........Code...............Trauma Soulless.........pl...........Gfx................Norferin Spansh...........uk.............................. Spector..........fi...........Code...............Trauma Spectre..........tu...........Code...............Flare Steffo...........sw...........Music..............Cryonics Stein............us..............................Night 55 Sub-Seru.........pl...........Code...............Giraffe Sulphurik........pt...........Code............... Sunday........................Gfx................Nothing Szum.............pl...........Editor.............Cryogen Tapeworm.........fi...........Code...............Acid Rain Tbf..............fr...........Swapper............HCL Teque............fi...........Music..............Trauma Thor.............sw...........Gfx................TPOLM Thorin...........fr..............................Melon Dezign Thorsten.........dk...........Gfx^Music..........Purple TJ...............sw..............................Cryonics Tmk..............nw^jp........Gfx^Code...........INF^Dolphin Tonic............fi...........Gfx^Code...........Trauma Traymuss.........pl...........Music..............Giraffe Tremor...........fi...........Code...............Trauma Tristan..........il...........Music.............. Trixter..........us...........Code...............Hornet Ts...............hawaii.......Gfx^Ansi...........Exceed TSC..............hu...........Code...............Astroidea Tudor.........................Gfx................The Black Lotus TuO..............fr...........Code...............Skytech Team Ubbe.............sw...........Code...............Cryonics Ultra Brain......be...........Code...............Green Unreal...........pl...........Code...............Pulse^CNCD Vain.............sw...........Code...............Cryonics Vastator.........us...........Code...............NetGeneration Vector...........us...........Code...............Vertigo Vic..............nl...........Music..............ACME Vim!.............uk...........Music..............Mono Vipa.............dk...........Code...............Purple Virne............fi...........Code...............COMA Void.............fi...........Code...............Trauma Warpig...........hu...........Gfx^Modeller.......Exceed Wave.............nl...........Music..............Maniacs of Noise Wawa.............pt...........Code^Gfx...........Nothing Willbe...........fr...........Music^Gfx..........Theralite Wizard...........be...........Code...............Imphobia Workbench........ch...........Music..............Calodox^Level-D Xerxes...........no...........Music..............Night 55 Xorbit...........be...........Code...............Green Y................be...........Gfx^Code...........Green Yolque...........fi...........Music..............CNCD Z................fr...........Code...............Nomad Zenial...........pl...........Swapper^Music......Hypnotize^Palsecam Zeno.............be...........3dgfx..............Green Zippy............no...........Code^Editor........Utopia Zoltar...........pt...........Code............... Zorlim...........fi...........Code...............NetGeneration Zsacul...........pl...........Code...............Norferin Last count: 286 Thanks to Barbatron/sT3 once again. Apologies to salami^Nothing. Forgot all about you mate! --------------- ------| 13.Articles |---------------------------------------------------------- --------------- Demojournal compo #1 information About: Coding Objective: To make a small executable file that does the following: 1. Loads a chosen demojournal text file (number 7 or higher) 2. Scans the file until it comes to the demosceners list 3. Counts number of sceners 4. Makes all statistical remarks anyone can imagine on that list. 5. Saves all statistics to a txt file (80*50 MAX) Limitations: Final ascii file must be within 80*50 format! Observations: Source code not required. :) Size of the executable is not an issue. Size of output file is! The bigger number of statistical remarks the better. Don't forget to have a small remark on who coded it on the output file Judging: All entries will be tested and then the output file will be judged based on the following: -size/content -statistical information -Layout Prize: World recognition! Plus you help me have a nice statistical output on future issues of demojournal with your name on it. =) Deadline: 30 October 1998 Results: Results will be posted on 1st demojournal of November! -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Old times I miss not having old times. Everyone has old scene memories... Old parties. Old friends. Swapping. Diskmags. Amiga. I don't have any of those. I miss them... Others can talk with old time friends about the good old days. I can't. All i can do is talk how i don't have old time friends. It sucks! Good old days when people used to drive all the way from south africa for a party in europe. Flying all the way from america. Meeting other sceners for the first time ever. Licking a million stamps on swapping. Opening up disks so they could fit in a letter and then glue them back together and they would work. Calling long distance BBS's. 0.1k/s bandwidth. Now it's all IRC and internet. There are parties everywhere. Few are the sceners who still do demos regularly. New groups are founded all the time. There is no more the 'one big happy family' feeling to it. Just lots of 'small happy-in-there-own-weird-way family'. FTP's are taking over BBS's. BAH! Who cares... ---------- ------| 14.END |--------------------------------------------------------------- ---------- Never know what to write in here... I guess i'll just babble about how the newsletter needs help from the people who still haven't contributes in some way. And something about more votes. Not forgetting to promise for better next issue. Oh! And the spreading... We can't forget to ask people to spread the thing. And not to be shy to ask me to get subscribed. Nah! I guess people always forsee those things... ... Farewell then, don't forget to write and stuff... ... Yeah... Farewell... See you all next week! If i don't kill myself of boredom in the meantime... ... So long... Psychic Symphony - ec97104@crazy.fe.up.pt