мм мммм мммм ммммм мммм ммлл лл плм лл плм лл плм лл плм млп лл лл лл лл ллол лл лл лл лл лл лл олн лл олнл олн лл олн олн пп пп лл пп лло лл лл пп лл АА АА лл АА олн лл лл АА лл ББ ББ олн ББ олн лл лл ББ олн ВВ ВВ лл ВВ лл лл олн ВВ лл лл лл млп лл лл лл лл лл плм лл ллпп лл лл лл плм лл пппп ппппп пп пп пп пппп мм мммм мм мм мммм мммм мм лл лл плм лл лл лл плм лл плм лл лл лл лл лл лл лл лл лл лл лл лл лл олн лл лл лл олн лл олн лл пп лл пп лл пп пп лл пп лл лл лл АА лл АА лл АА АА лл АА олн лл АА лл ББ лл ББ лл ББ ББ олн ББ олн лл ББ олн ВВ олн ВВ олн ВВ ВВ лл ВВ лл олн ВВ лл лл лл лл лл лл лл млп лл лл лл лл плм лл плм лл плм лл ллпп плм пл лл плм лл пппп пппп пппп пп лл п пп пппп олн^grf пп ------- --------------- -------| #11 |-------------------------------------------| 02 Nov 1998 |------- ------- --------------- Subscribers: 68 plus 4 group mailing lists. 1.Editorial 2.Demonews 3.Thought of the week 4.Party on! 5.Interview of the week 6.Demo of the week 7.Intro of the week 8.MOD of the week 9.Commercial break 10.Homepages 11.Quote of the week 12.Charts 13.Messages 14.Demoscener (A-Z) 15.Articles: Demojournal compo #1 results Small article from Steffo/Cryonics Textmode democompo 3 16.End --------------- ------| 1.Editorial |---------------------------------------------------------- --------------- This newsletter is public property, that means anyone is free to send articles, news and others for posting! I would appreciate it even. I'm only putting the pieces together. It's our scene! let's make things happen... Got mail from Melwyn/Acid Rain 'Like it would matter: Azazel made the music for the Astral Blur, Jizz was released at Wired'97 and Stash at The Party 97.' It does matter! I forgot about azazel and swapped the parties of the intros! Sorry to The Black Lotus guys! Two new sections open: the homepages section which will cut back some ascii on the commercial break section; and the messages section. From now on ascii's with only a name and an url will be chopped down! If your looking for links to explore, check out the homepages section and pick one out! Also, along with a big review of the demoscener's list, the compo winner ascii with the statistics is added to the end from now on... Ideas for statistical miscellanea are appreciated. Argh! Up stuff was written on thursday night! On friday i got the interview and went out at night, bought myself a 'magic: the gathering' card-pack and a couple new CD's: squarepusher and orb! Saturday morning bought a modem! (there goes the last penny of summer spending cash!) and played magic whoole afternoon! When i tried to connect bloody modem lots of errors emerged! First with the modem itself, then with the internet service provider. I gave up trying! Did bloody essay of material resistance (nice disciple! i shall write and article one of these days for you all to be blown away on what we calculate within 2 hours!) Anyways, few time i have left of sunday i'm finishing demojournal, counting votes, writing demos, intros and tune of the week and the rest... The point is, i didn't had much time for this issue although it came out pretty cool! I already have some concrete ideas for compo#2 but i need to talk to some people for approval! As for the results of number #1 you will have to go down to know about that yourself! I'm starting to love editorials and hate interviews! ONCE AGAIN, if anyone at all could minimally contribute with an occasional interview, article or review for the demo/intro/mod of the week. IT WOULD BE GREAT! Also, do send in some messages occasionally for someone you know that might be reading this newsletter. Oh yeah! I'm trying to move the list from my e-mail to an hotmail mail so it will be easier for access in the future! Psychic Symphony -------------- ------| 2.Demonews |----------------------------------------------------------- -------------- Adok/Hugi: News for demojournal I have just got a news item by Majic Mushroom / Tesko: Smash has left Tesko and quit the demo scene due to university. He will still release in the music scene, but he is not sure when that will be. Mordred has released a new Game: OVERRULED - pure 3D arcade. Requires DX2 processor, 2MB RAM and VGA. Runs under DOS/Win95. http://members.tripod.com/~mordreds/ Redhound told me that GD/Hornet joined the scene.org staff. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Byter/Blasphemy: morphine changed handle to pukmaxi. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Kombat/Immortals: Just wanted to mention that Immortals are working on the Movement 98 invtro. It will be out in the following week, will be released at yoe.ml.org/immortals/invtro Till' then you can check out some awesome screenshots on that page. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Distance: EMISSIONS#4 ftp:pigforce.ml.org/pub/music/groups/tokyo_dawn_records/E9-EMSN4.ZIP ------------------------- ------| 3.Thought of the week |------------------------------------------------ ------------------------- Dreamhack'98! --------------- ------| 4.Party on! |---------------------------------------------------------- --------------- Starts: Ends: Country: Name: Contact: Oct 02 - Oct 05, 1998 Norway The Convention 1998 www.convention.com Oct 09 - Oct 11, 1998 Hungary CaCHe II '98 www.datanet.hu/cache98 Oct 09 - Oct 11, 1998 Sweden evroparti '98 http://come.to/evroparti Oct 28 - Oct 31, 1998 Sweden Compusphere X http://www.compusphere.org Oct 29 - Nov 01, 1998 Sweden DreamHack '98 http://www.dreamhack.org Oct 30 - Nov 01, 1998 Sweden ACG-Hack X http://hack.amiga-cg.se (X) <-- You are here! Nov 07 - Nov 08, 1998 Poland Satellite '98 madbart@jormas.com Nov 13 - Nov 15, 1998 Germany Dialogos '98 http://www.kassablanca.de/dialogos98 Nov 13 - Nov 15, 1998 Norway Kindergarten '98 http://kg.portveien.to/ Dec 1998 Israel Movement '98 Dec 12 - Dec 13, 1998 Slovenia Abort '98 http://gw2.s-gimb.lj.edus.si/~abort98/ Dec 18 - Dec 20, 1998 Hungary JuMPer '98 http://scene-hu.com/~jumper Dec 19 - Dec 20, 1998 Romania Dracula '98 Dec 25 - Dec 27, 1998 Argentina The Flash '98 theflashparty.home.ml.org Dec 27 - Dec 29, 1998 Denmark The Party 1998 http://www.theparty.dk Mar 1999 Italy Trip 99 Mar 31 - Apr 04, 1999 Norway The Gathering '99 Apr 02 - Apr 05, 1999 Germany Mekka & Symp. 2k-1 http://ms.demo.org May 29 - May 30, 1999 Germany Komso/Neithernor'99 http://neithernor.demo.org Jun 17 - Jun 20, 1999 Sweden Remedy '99 http://www.remedy.nu Jul 09 - Jul 11, 1999 Belgium Inscene '99 www.analogica.com/inscene --------------------------- ------| 5.Interview of the week |---------------------------------------------- --------------------------- Short interview with that nice guy mov/radio. My computer crashed a couple of times. That is why i didn't finish this one proper (mov mailed it afterwards) and also why there aren't any other interviews instead (i tried a couple more with more guys!) <Psychic_S> please state name, date of birth and current occupation! <mov> Jouni Miikki, 01.08.1978 : 08:05 at morning, programmer at adat engineering inc. <Psychic_S> and scene wise? what do you do? <mov> little graphics and mainly coding, lately haven't done anything .. cause work takes almost every little bit of my coding power .. and when I come to home I make little graphics into paper.. <mov> And I have been in scene almost 5 years.. starting from intermania - group.. and posse of intermania was primon .. like now in radio too. <Psychic_S> so you have not much time to do anything for radio then? :( <mov> lately I'm not sure what radio is doing, but sometimes primon asks little graphics from me. <mov> I'm now coding one demo.. <mov> and that comes when it comes :).. its about 30% done.. graphics are not ready at all.. and there is still minor bugs in code. <Psychic_S> and for which party is that one going? you aiming yet? <mov> I have been thinking about that.. <mov> I'm not sure if I'm going to release that on some party. <mov> I like to release that free from parties. <mov> like olddays in amiga!! <Psychic_S> why not? <mov> I don't want to people measure that with voting on it.. and someone cheats on parties .. getting voting disc.. codes. etc. to make their intro/demo etc. to win.. so I want to release that as party-free-demo. <Psychic_S> cool! <mov> there should be party-free productions more!! that could incourage people to code more demos.. etc <Psychic_S> no other recent future projects? <mov> well.. not sure.. no comments.. :) <Psychic_S> lol <Psychic_S> what was the first party you attended? <mov> that was asm92 or 93.. I think it was 93. cause 94 was in helsinki. <Psychic_S> tell us about it... <mov> well.. it was odd.. I just did get pc at 93.. and I was 100% amiga fellow then.. starting on coding with amiga etc. and my amiga friends did take me along to asm93.. oh it was FUN!! <mov> nowadays party isn't anything like that .. but its fun nowadays too! <mov> everything was new.. and I was little bit confused.. I was really a nerd.. I wouldn't talk to anyone and I was quiet almost all time.. <mov> and I was just exploring what it is.. and I did like that very much! <mov> .. like that.. want to know more.. just ask :) <Psychic_S> pls send me the interview! <Psychic_S> my keyb jammed and i had 2 reboot <mov> ok. <mov> could we continue this by mail or something like that? just make whole alot of questions.. and I will answer on those.. <mov> mov@stabilator.pp.iwn.fi [editor: look out for 'mov: the man behind the legend - part II' coming to a newsletter near you soon!] ---------------------- ------| 6.Demo of the week |--------------------------------------------------- ---------------------- 'Rip Rap' by Exceed Code by React Music by Shaman Graphics by Warpig and Thor/TPOLM I was going to write that this one was the winner of AntIQ'98 democompo but i am not sure and since i don't have results anywhere... I'll just say it was released at AntIQ'98! Another hi-res demo, seems like we are entering an era of hi-res, with the 320*200 hi-color starting to be the standard! No more mode13h! Anyways... Nice hi-color demo. With lots of graphics and design. Although the graphics seem not to have been given the final touch. But that's just my opinion! The music player is a bit buggy but it does it's job well by playing a very nice tune from shaman. It's almost all the time synced with code and it has a very nice flow on the flying pyramids section! First time i saw it i was predicting a fade down and then straight into the wicked drum n bass, to my surprise the drum n bass started fading in instead... Weird! Oh well... It went unnoticed on the second time i saw the demo! As for the code. It's nothing really new. But it's not just basic skills either!!! It just doens't bring anything new, takes some previously seen effects and puts them together. Special mention are the shadows from some music clips from here and there! Specially cool is the fat guy from will smith 'getting jiggy wit it' doing his thing in the middle of the 'inside' box! Notice the shadow of the feet! The feeling and the message are definitly the higher marks of this beauty... Message is about the ripping debate that has been going for about 5 years or so... That coders just cut and paste stuff from the internet. That musicians only replay the same patterns with small variants. And the artists only scan and re-touch!. Hurray for our trusty little scanner! :P The title becomes clear: Rap of the rippers! :) 4 megs, himem.sys boot with univbe 2.0 and your off. Enjoy! Psychic Symphony ----------------------- ------| 7.Intro of the week |-------------------------------------------------- ----------------------- 'Mesha' by Picard/Rhyme Finally got the damn thing from the man himself and as i was predicting it was awesome! All that in 4k! It looks more like a 64k! Huge 3D fonts. Lots of textures and different palettes, using different 3D effects with 3D objects calculated using an innovative 3D object-designer (so says the infofile!) this one deserved all it's glory at Assembly 1998! I still can't believe it's a 4k! I though i had seen the maximum one can squeeze into 4k after omniscient. I was wrong! The infofile also says this one could play music but that it was not used so that they weren't disqualified! :P Hail to all size coders... You guys rule! Psychic Symphony --------------------- ------| 8.MOD of the week |---------------------------------------------------- --------------------- 'It's Universal' by Croaker/TPOLM^Halcyon After beeing bombarded by Distance with constant publicity about the damn tune i had to listen to it at least a couple of times... To my surprise it was quite good! :) Oh well... I can't review music... It's little more then 8 minutes long. Nice ambient sounds to start with on that .it module! Oh yeah. It's a mono release! Starts picking up some nifty drum n bass and then wraps the patterns around each other with those sort of whistles that echo like hell! Keeps the beat going nice and healthy though. Some vocals with 'its uniserval' are also scattered around. Just something nice to listen to while writing down demojournal! :) Psychic Symphony ----------------------- ------| 9.Commercial break! |-------------------------------------------------- ----------------------- ммм пп пп ппппл ммллм ммллм ммлм ммллпп пллм м лллп лллп лллп ў оллл ллл млм ммллмм оллл оллл оллл м пп лллн пп п ллл ппппл оллнп пллл оллл оллл оллл млн л лллнў олл м плп п лллнлллн лллн лллн ллл л лллн пмммпппомм п млм ААА Аммпппм лВВнлВлнА лВВнА ВВлноВВл А АА олВл АА мВм лВВппўоВВн ААА ллн м ўолллоллн лллн лллнлллнўппплммпллм моллноллн плп ллл л оллл ппл ппл пплолл м оллнппппп плполлн л ллл пп оллл л ^grf ллл м ллл ллл ппп пп ппп п пллмм ммлпп мммммм ммм ммм оллн ммл ллл ллл ппп пплмм ммллп оллн ftp://amber.bti.pl ппп лпп DeMoSљInTrOsљMaGsљMuSicљGrApHiCsљPaRtIeS StUffљDiStRoSљAnd OtHeRz.. љNo PoRnOљNo illeGAl WaReZљNo GaMezљNo UnkNowN LogiNzљNo CraP UploaDzљ њњњљљљљSite Admin Radi/InterroR radi@irc.plљљљњњњ ФиФ м лмммм м лмммм м лмм м лмммм м лмммм м лмммм м лмммм РП л лллл л лВлл л лллл л лллл л лВлл л лллл л лллл Г л пппп л лллл л лВлл л лллл л пппп л пппп л лллл Г Ф л ФФФФФФФ л пппппп п ппппппл л ФФ ллВл л пппппм л ппппппп л ФФ лллл Фй Г л лллл л плллм лллл л лллл л лллл л лллл л ллВл Г РП п лмлВлп пм лллл пммм лллл пммм лллл пммм лллл пммм ллВл пм лллл Г РФП sK!/cAZ Г РФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФ ФФФФФФ ФФФФ ФФФ ФФ Ф ФФФй we are always looking for our destiny, if you think that you are good enough to join cryogen, then mail us! da onanizator of cryogen crew - szum/cryogen reach me at: szum@amber.bti.pl or szum@kki.net.pl also: jerzy szumski, na ost. groszu 106/25, 54-207 wroclaw, poland we are looking for good object makers in 3ds r4, interested? contact us!!! А ммммВлллллллммм А А мВллллппппппппппВллВ А оллп плл ммВлллм ВлнолВ млллллмм For pure demoswapping Влм А Влп пллн олл ллн Вл Впплл пллллВммммммм мммлВп Влн Аолл олн л олн For joining Cryogen пппппппВллллмм оллп ммлполл ммллн лл лВ А А пллВ плллВпп плллВпп олнАолн мммммммммммммоллнммммммммммммммммм мммм мм м For Fleur da beauty мллпп [alpha] Влн flower of international оллн А ллл А Szum/Cryogen diskmags support. Вллмм ммллллп Jerzy Szumski плллллмммВллллВп Na Ostatnim Groszu 106/25 Write to me. А ппВлллллпп А 54-207 Wroclaw А email: szum@kki.net.pl PўOўLўAўNўD ммФмм мФФмм мФФПмм мФФПмм м мм лл лл лл лл Глл лл Глл лл лл Tommy/Cryogen лл лл лл лл Глл лл Глл лл лл Tomasz Czurak лл лл лл лл Глл лл Глл лл лл ul.Saturna 28a лл лл лл лл лл лл лл ппФлл 15-680 Bialystok лл лл лл лл лл лл лл dg лл Poland пп ппФпп пп пп пп пп ппФпп .sssssss .ssssssssssssssss. s$$$$$$$$ .ssssssssssssssssss. .$$$$------------$ $$$$$$ --- --- --------- $. $$$$/ ____/ _/_ $$$$$$$ _/ / / _/_/ _ _/$$$ $$$/ __--'$ |$$$$$$$| /_/ ._\ \$$$$ $$/__/$$$$$/_____/ $$$$$ |_____________|$$\___|$$$ `$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ §$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$' `$$$$' `§§§§§§§ `$сяч' Fleur - da new flower of international diskmagscene is waiting for your support!!! english articles are really needed!!! contact: ezah@scene-hu.com, szum@amber.bti.pl haven't you seen Fleur#1 yet? check it out: ftp://d-eyes.jpte.hu/pub/scene/diskmags/fleur/fleur#1.zip $S@gЗ, g@S$$$ $$$$$$+-љ њ. `@g, .њ- -+g@ Нќ§ј^_ +-Ф- - $$$$$$-- -Ф-$b,`$-- --- y '-- Ф- -$$ g@S$$$-Ф- ---+ ЋЌЌЋЌ $$$$$$ ЌЌЋЋ $$l $ ЌЌЋЌЋ $ ЋЌЋЌЌЋЌ $$ $$$$$$ ЋЌЋЌЌЋ ЌЌЋЌЋ $$$$$$ ЌЋЌЌ $$$ l ЋЌЋЌЋ $ ЌЋЌЌЋЌЋ $$ $(dt)$ ЌЋЌЌЋЌ +-- Ф -l$$ќ$$-Ф-- -$$$ $Ф- --- $`+,._ _,$l $$$$$$-- Ф- -+ $$$y$$ Sќ',$ ќ $$,ј§НSQ$ Нќ§ј^~ ,g@$$ ,g@S@, $$$l dentoe/sdi `§г*S,_ _`*S$$b._ ,SSќ' HUGI #13 wants YOUR articles! Support this great zine and contact Adok at: hugi@netway.at For more information, check out http://home.pages.de/~hugidownload/ Estimated RELEASEDATE of HUGI #13: November or December 1998 The exact releasedate depends on how many articles we will get within a short time, so if you want Hugi to come out soon, you know what to do! ( always good for ..... ) a laugh!! _ : o_o : ( n_______n (_| = / ___ \ = = ---- |________ }_____ ( (_u_) ) ((O) \\. / \_______/ \ =(_O) | / \ sT(_O)|___ [ P A i N ] . da swiss diskmag is looking for your articles ! . send everything to : pain@space.ch . check it out on the www ! . http://www.space.ch/scene/pain ---------------- ------| 10.Homepages |--------------------------------------------------------- ---------------- Blasphemy..............................http://www.blasphemy.dk Exceed...........................http://www.inf.bme.hu/~exceed Hugi.......................http://home.pages.de/~hugidownload/ Milk.......................................http://milk.sgic.fi Mono211..............................http://www.scene.org/mono Nico....................................http://geecs.org/~nico Pain............................http://www.space.ch/scene/pain Quad............................................www.quad98.net The Black Lotus.............................http://www.tbl.org Tokyo Dawn Records........................http://tdr.scene.org TPOLM...............................http://www.tpolm.scene.org ------------------------ ------| 11.Quote of the week |------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ 'Smoke me a kipper! I'll be back for breakfast.' Ace Rimmer / Red Dwarf ------------- ------| 12.Charts |------------------------------------------------------------ ------------- Please vote on reply to the mailing list newsletter release! Just send back something like pulse/shad/paper/unreal/falcon/made. The markers on the side are comparing to last week's position. Whenever the list gets too big i will discount 1 point from each votee! Until the day comes, keep those votes rolling in... Group: Pulse.................................. (16) = CNCD................................... (6) = Purple................................. (3) = Orange................................. (2) > Doomsday............................... (1) < Blasphemy.............................. (1) < Hellcore............................... (1) N Exceed................................. (1) N Demo: Shad....................Cocoon^Syndrome (6) = 73ms..............................Pulse (5) > Dis.............................Mandula (3) > Hyperventilation.............Byterapers (2) < The Fulcrum......................Matrix (2) < Sexadelic....................Byterapers (1) = Stigma.........................Doomsday (1) = Boost: vivid part 2............Doomsday (1) = Second Reality..............Future Crew (1) N Automaton Flavour..............Hellcore (1) N Rip Rap..........................Exceed (1) N Stars: Wonders of the world.......NoooN (1) N Intro: Paper........................statix+vic (9) = Pager 11..........................Fudge (5) = Mesha.............................Rhyme (3) > Deesbab..........................Orange (3) > Clone meets clone..................ACME (2) > Sin(x)...........................Dawn 3 (2) < Stash...................The Black Lotus (1) < Kill the clone....................Fudge (1) = transmogrification II.............Blocc (1) N Code: Unreal.............................CNCD (8) = Mr.Sex.......................Byterapers (5) = Echo..............................Fudge (4) = Mrock..........................Hellcore (4) = Statix.........................Lionhead (3) = Virne..............................COMA (3) = Picard............................Rhyme (3) > Buckshag...................Superstition (1) < Plash.....................Nothing^Azure (1) < Rod.............................Mandula (1) < Dune.............................Orange (1) N Music: Falcon.......................Tokyo Dawn (7) = Dune (BrothomStates).............Orange (6) = Mindwalker.....................Suburban (2) = Revisq............................Monar (2) > Shad..............................Pulse (2) N Groo...............................CNCD (1) < CareBear...............Orange & Komplex (1) < Radix............................Groove (1) < Muffler.........................Haujobb (1) N Smash...........................Nothing (1) N Croaker...................TPOLM^Halcyon (1) N Necros...................Five Musicians (1) N Graphics: Made...............................Bomb (9) = Lazur........................<no group> (6) = Ra................................NoooN (5) = Louie...................The Black Lotus (3) = Vizualize.........................Pulse (3) = Cereal........................Ooze labs (2) = Sunday..........................Nothing (1) = Kobold................................. (1) = Beast.........................Astroidea (1) N Rappid................................. (1) N Hellfire........................Haujobb (1) N Haplo.............................Pulse (1) N --------------- ------| 13.Messages |---------------------------------------------------------- --------------- From: Psychic Symphony Too: All Content: Corner is open! Use it! From: Psychic Symphony Too: All Content: Check out bel_wazo 64k intro released at Dreamhack'98. Music by DJamm. Graphics by Iceball. Putten together by yours truly Psychic Symphony. From: Psychic Symphony Too: Quartz aka Wally Content: I'm going to slaughter you on hugi#13! I want a re-match, you name the place and the text! From: Psychic Symphony Too: Melwyn Content: Thx mate! 4 everything! From: Psychic Symphony Too: Asphyx Content: I though you said something about an interview... So? From: Psychic Symphony Too: Distance Content: OK, so squarepusher doesn't suck! So what? From: Psychic Symphony Too: Adok Content: Whee! Another month has passed! Damn... Only November! :( Xmas takes like hell coming. I want Hugi#13!!! ;) From: Psychic Symphony Too: Nephoo Content: I still want to see that intro of yours first hand! You promised... Finish it soon! I wanna see those damn tunnels you we're always babbling about! From: Psychic Symphony Too: Shine staff Content: You guys waiting for the year 2000 to release Shine#3? From: Psychic Symphony Too: Fleur staff Content: So? Where is number#2? Need a hand with anything? From: Psychic Symphony Too: Cremax Content: You and Salami gonna code a demo or just watch the snow fall down? From: Psychic Symphony Too: a0a Content: Don't hear from you in 15 days! Where are you? ----------------- ------| 14.Demoscener |-------------------------------------------------------- ----------------- This is supposed to be a list of all currently active demosceners! Warn if there is something wrong or missing! PLEASE! Don't hesitate for one second to send me listings of people who are active and not in here... This list is far from complete! Name: Country: What: Group: 216..............fi...........Code...............MFX Aap..............nl...........Gfx................ACME Abyss............fi..............................Future Crew Access...........be..............................Pulpe Acryl............de...........Gfx^Music..........Scoopex Action........................Code...............Virtual Visions Adok.............at...........Editor.............Hugi aGi..............pl...........Gfx................INTerror Alpha............pl...........Ascii^Coder........ByteWay Andr0meda........be...........Code^Music.........Green Angel............pl...........Gfx................Tatanka Antony...........fr...........Gfx................Pulse Apatia...........fi...........Gfx................COMA Aquafresh........uk...........Music..............Dolphin Aragorn..........it...........Code...............Chalice Arson............pl...........Music..............ByteWay^Cryogen^Anxiety Asphyx...........fr...........Gfx................Vision Assassin.........fi...........Swapper............Trauma Assign...........de...........Music..............Ethos9^Tokyo Dawn Astute...........fi...........Code...............Flo^Radio Atom.............pl...........Swapper............Platoon Aurelius.........de...........Code...............Matrix Azure............sl...........Gfx................Dilemma^Byteway A-Move...........de...........Music..............Amable^Tokyo Dawn Baloo............sw...........Gfx................Blocc Balrog...........sw...........Music..............KFMF^TPOLM Banshik..........pl...........Code^Gfx...........ByteWay Barbatron........sw...........Code...............Syntax Terror Barbecue.........dk...........Code...............Purple Barog............uk...........Music..............Nothing Bartesek.........pl...........Music..............<no group> Baxter...........be...........Editor^Code^Music..Green Behemot..........pl...........Organizer..........ByteWay Binar............pl...........Swapper^Ascii......Korozone^Chloride^VP Bitcoder.........pt...........Code...............Radioactive Design Blade............sp..............................The Utopians^Los Centoros Bonnie...........fr...........Gfx................HCL Borlot...........pl...........Code...............Majorca Team Brain Power......pt...........Code...............Dawn 3 Brainsaw.........nl..............................SuccesS Brix.............hu...........Code...............Dilemma Byter............dn...........3D^Gfx.............Blasphemy Carebear.........fi...........Music..............Orange Carlos...........hu...........Music..............Breeze^Mandula Case.............pl...........Swapper............Revelation^Fuse Cheetah.......................Gfx................Ephidrena Clef.............au...........Music.............. Cliffhanger...................Code............... Clifford M.......pl...........Gfx................ExMortis^MFX Core-nick........pl...........Music..............Tatanka Corona...........be...........Code...............Green CpC..............gr...........Code...............Demaniacs Cremax...........pt...........Code...............Nothing Croaker..........fi...........Code^Music.........TPOLM Crossbone........de...........Code...............Suburban Creations !Cube............fi...........Music^Gfx^Code.....Trauma Cyberfish........no...........Code...............The Lost Souls Cyclops..........be...........Gfx................Fuel^Quad Cyg..............fr...........Code...............BlaBla Dake.............ch...........Code...............Calodox Damaq............fi...........Gfx................Doomsday Damien...........be..............................Imphobia Danube...........fr...........Gfx................HCL Darkflare........pt...........Gfx................ActiveFuel Darkness.........be...........Editor.............Imphobia Dave.............sp...........Code...............Phymosys Dave.............pl...........Music..............Haujobb Deansdale........hu...........Music..............Exceed Delirium.........pt...........Music..............ActiveFuel Der Punkt........sk...........Gfx................Dolphin Deyi.............be...........Code...............Itsari Diabolo..........fr...........Code...............HCL Digisnap.........de...........Code...............Matrix Distance.........fi...........Music..............TPOLM^monotonik^lackluster Dixan............it...........Music..............Chalice Dizzy............ch...........Music.............. Djamm............fr...........Music..............Nomad^Bomb^Ribbon D-lee............hu...........Editor.............Exceed Doctor_Q.........pl...........Swapper............ByteWay^DRB^TPB Dominei..........no...........Music..............Dolphin^INF DreamDancer......de...........Gfx^Swapper........Nwo Wolfpack^Role Dreamer..........fi...........Music..............Sublogic Dreyer...........dk...........Music..............Blasphemy Droid............fi...........Code...............Haujobb Duet.............fi...........Code...............Embassy Duncan...........fi..............................Damones Dune.............fi...........Music..............Orange Echo.............dk...........Code...............Fudge Echo.............pl...........Music..............Diffusion Eclipse..........fr...........Code^Editor........Knights^Lichty's Concept Ellyn............pl...........Gfx................ExMortis^MFX Euphoria.........au...........Gfx................f00d Excel............fi...........Gfx................Trauma Ez...............it...........Music..............Deathstar Ezah.............hu...........Gfx^Editor.........Dilemma Fatality.........fi...........Music..............Flo Fear.............fi...........Code...............The Black Lotus^Dolphin Filozof..........pl...........Ascii..............Konzept Fitzroy..........pl...........Ascii..............Enenzi^The Loop Flan.............fr...........Gfx................ Flex.............sw...........Code...............Blocc Fndr.............sw...........Gfx^Code........... Frame............sw...........Gfx................C-lous Fred.............ch...........Editor.............Calodox Fred.............pl...........Gfx................INTerror Fred.............pl...........Swapper............Exodus^Samar Fugaz............pl...........Coder^Music........ByteWay Gandalf..........fr..............................Pulse Ganja Man........uk...........Music..............LoK Garfield.........pl...........Editor.............Pengo^IPC^LO 2+7 Garfield.........pt...........Music^Code.........Radioactive Design Garvin...........fi...........Code...............COMA G-day............nl...........Music..............Quad Goblin...........au...........Code...............Xtatic Gongo............be...........Code...............Green Goofy............sw...........Editor.............Replay Gooroo...........ca...........Code...............KFMF Graff............pl...........Music..............Tatanka Greenpix7........ru...........Gfx................Universe Gtg..............pl...........Code...............Tatanka Guille...........fr...........Code...............Cocoon Gurdan...........fi...........Code...............Byterapers Gyr..............au...........Code...............f00d Hager............hu...........Swapper............Profuse Harlequin........nl...........Gfx^Music..........SuccesS Hate.............pl...........Swapper^Editor.....Prism^Core^Scream HeY..............pl...........Code^Editor........Tatanka Hoplite..........fi...........Code...............Orange Hunz.............au...........Music..............Five Musicians Hyde.............pl...........Music..............ByteWay Hyp-X............hu...........Code...............Mandula Idiotboy.........us...........Code...............Evolve Illusion.........fi...........Music..............Doomsday^DCS Incubus..........pl...........Code...............Prism Infinite Reboot..be...........Code...............Fuel Imode............hawaii.......Music..............Exceed^Sound Devotion Inopia........................Code...............Quad Jace.............nl...........Code...............The Black Lotus Java.............sw...........Gfx................Cryonics Jax..............pl...........Music..............Korozone Jim Goer.........pl...........Code...............Grinders Kakka............fi..............................Damones Kal..............hu...........Gfx................Astroidea Kal-Min-Do.......fr...........Music..............HCL Keith303.........de...........Code...............Radical Rhythms^Tokyo Dawn KeyG.............pl...........Music..............<no group> Khamoon..........pl...........Code...............ByteWay^Tube27 Kidlove..........de...........Gfx................Haujobb Kneebitter.......us...........Code...............Threesome Knuddel..........ch...........Music.............. Koan.............pl...........Code...............Giraffe Kombat...........il...........Code...............Immortals Kravitz..........fi...........Code...............Sublogic Kurt.............be...........Code...............Green Lando............pl...........Swapper............Konzept Lazur............pl...........Gfx................<no group> Lebeau/Legend....fi...........Music..............CNCD Legend...........au...........Music..............The Vault Lemming..........fi...........Editor.............Orange Lexus............pl...........Editor.............Enenzi Liam The Lemming.uk...........Music..............KFMF Loke.............fi...........Music..............Radio Lucky............pl...........Gfx................<no group> Luk..............pl...........Music..............Procreation Made.............fr...........Gfx................Bomb Maelcom..........us...........Music..............KFMF Magnesium........au...........Code^Music.........LaTeX Mandrixx.........fr...........Code............... Marq..........................Code...............FiT Marquis..........de...........Music^Swapper......Platoon Marvel...........fi...........Gfx................Future Crew Mash.............pl...........Code...............ByteWay Masterboy........il...........Code............... Max..............pl...........Gfx................Defect^Cryogen McGurk...........fi..............................COMA Melcom...........de...........Music^Code.........<no group> Mellow-D.........be^fi........Music..............TPOLM^Five Musicians Melwyn...........fi...........Music..............Acid Rain Mentz............de...........Music..............LoK^Tokyo Dawn Mercure..........fr...........Music.............. Micron...........fi..............................Byterapers Mike.............fi...........Gfx................Byterapers Mindwalker.......pt...........Music..............Suburban Creations Misha............pl...........Gfx^Editor.........Tatanka^Defect^Nothing Miss Saigon......us^fi........Music..............Threesome Mistral..........fi...........Gfx................Byterapers Mosh.............fi...........Music..............Forsaken Mov..............fi..............................Radio MRI..............fi...........Code...............Doomsday Mr.Sex...........fi...........Code...............Byterapers Mr.Z.............hu...........Code...............Astroidea Muffler..........fi...........Music..............Haujobb Myrel............hu...........Gfx................Astroidea Mystical......................Music..............Purple MZ...............au...........Code............... NamNam...........sw...........Gfx................Blocc Nap..............hu...........Code...............Dilemma Neek.............gr...........Code...............Demaniacs Nemesis1......................Music.............. Nemesulku........fi...........Gfx................Acid Rain Nephoo...........pl...........Code...............Samar PC^Evolve Nero.............de...........Gfx................Matrix Nik..............be...........Gfx................Green Nitro............fi...........Music..............Trauma Nix...........................Code...............The Black Lotus Nns..............hu...........Code...............Exceed Nobody...........fi...........Music..............Wild Light Nytrik...........fr...........Gfx................ByteWay^Fuel^Cocoon Onyx.............us...........Code...............Dolphin Optic............no...........Music..............Tokyo Dawn^TRSI Orome............no...........Gfx................Astroidea Paavi............fi..............................iSO Pancho...........pl...........Gfx................Platoon^IPC Paniq............de...........Music..............Tokyo Dawn Particle......................Gfx................ Patapom..........fr...........Code...............Bomb Peachy...........de...........Gfx................Haujobb Pearl Hunter.....................................The Utopians Picard...........hu...........Code...............Rhyme Pitbull..........de...........Code...............Imphobia Pixel............fi...........Gfx................Future Crew PL...............be...........Gfx................Imphobia Plash.........................Code...............Nothing^Azure Primon...........fi..............................Radio Probe............sw...........Music..............The Black Lotus^VD Programmed.......pt...........Code...............ActiveFuel Programmer.......ru...........Code^Editor........Universe Psychic Symphony.pt...........Code...............Evolve^The Utopians^ActiveFuel Pukmaxi..........dn...........3D^Music...........Blasphemy Pyshtoff.........pl...........Code...............Tatanka Quartz/Wally.....fi...........Code...............Chalice Quasar...........be...........Code...............Green Quaz.............fi...........Music..............Flo^pWp Raiden...........pl...........Music..............Aural Planet Radi.............pl...........Music^FTP..........INTerror Radix............sw...........Music..............Groove Rascy............hu...........3D.................Dilemma Rastan...........pl...........Code...............ByteWay^Amnesty Razorback........fi...........Gfx................Doomsday React............hu...........Code...............Exceed Rents............pt...........Gfx................Dawn 3 Reptile..........hu...........Music..............Astroidea Rod..............hu...........Code...............Mandula Rodex............fi...........Code............... Rommel...........no...........Swapper............Revelation Saffron..........fi...........Gfx................The Black Lotus^Dolphin Sagacity.........nl...........Code...............Quad Salami...........de...........Code...............Nothing SamSam...........................................Quad Sandworm.........pl...........Code...............Giraffe Sarix............nl..............................Quad Scorpio..........pt...........Code............... Scorpik..........pl...........Music..............<no group> Screamager.......lu^uk........Music..............KFMF Sed..............hu...........Music..............Dilemma Shade............hu...........Music..............Dilemma Sharon...........de...........Code...............Matrix Shaman...........hu...........Music^Ascii........Exceed Shameless........dk...........Code...............Blasphemy Shiva............de...........Code...............Kolor Shock............au...........Code...............Xtatic^Dimension^Ramjam^Evolve Shodan...........fr..............................Skytech Crew^Arf!Studios Skal.............fr...........Code...............Bomb Sketch...........pl...........Gfx................<no group> Skin.............................................Quad Skrig............dk...........Gfx................Prone Sky..............de...........Gfx................Dolphin^Ethos9 Skyphos..........de...........Music..............Matrix Simon King!......pl...........Ascii..............Procreation^Fuse Sivu.............fi...........Code...............Byterapers Sly Spy..........hu...........Music..............United Force^CapanЄa Slyde............dk...........Code...............Blasphemy Snowman..........us..............................Hornet Smash............uk...........Music..............Nothing Sol..............fi...........Code...............Trauma SolarC...........fi...........Music..............Refinition Soulless.........pl...........Gfx................Norferin Spansh...........uk.............................. Spector..........fi...........Code...............Trauma Spectre..........tu...........Code...............Flare Stallion.........de...........Gfx................Absence^Dolphin Steffo...........sw...........Music..............Cryonics Stein............us..............................Night 55 Sub-Seru.........pl...........Code...............Giraffe Sulphurik........pt...........Code...............ActiveFuel Sunday........................Gfx................Nothing Sumaleth......................Gfx................ Szum.............pl...........Editor.............Cryogen Tapeworm.........fi...........Code...............Acid Rain Tbf..............fr...........Swapper............HCL Teque............fi...........Music..............Trauma Thor.............sw...........Gfx................TPOLM^Dolphin Thorax...........be...........Music..............Cryogenic Thorin...........fr..............................Melon Dezign Thorsten.........dk...........Gfx^Music..........Purple TJ...............sw...........Code...............Cryonics Tmk..............nw^jp........Gfx^Code...........INF^Dolphin Tonic............fi...........Gfx^Code...........Trauma Tomac............de...........3D.................Suburban Traymuss.........pl...........Music..............Giraffe Tremens..........pl...........Raytracer..........ByteWay Tremor...........fi...........Code...............Trauma Tristan..........il...........Music.............. Trixter..........us...........Code...............Hornet Ts...............hawaii.......Gfx^Ascii..........Exceed TSC..............hu...........Code...............Astroidea Tudor.........................Gfx................The Black Lotus TuO..............fr...........Code...............Skytech Team Ubbe.............sw...........Code...............Cryonics Ultra Brain......be...........Code...............Green Unreal...........pl...........Code...............CNCD Vain.............sw...........Code...............Cryonics Vampire..........dk..............................Blasphemy Vastator.........us...........Code...............NetGeneration Vector...........us...........Code...............Vertigo Vic..............nl...........Music..............ACME Vim!.............uk...........Music..............Mono Vipa.............dk...........Code...............Purple Virne............fi...........Code...............COMA Viznut...........fi...........Code^Music^Gfx.....pWp Void.............fi...........Code...............Trauma Warpig...........hu...........Gfx^3D.............Exceed Wave.............nl...........Music..............Maniacs of Noise Wawa.............pt...........Code^Gfx...........Nothing Weed.............fi...........Code...............Dolphin^Coral Willbe...........fr...........Music^Gfx..........Theralite Wizard...........be...........Code...............Imphobia Workbench........ch...........Music..............Calodox^Level-D Xerxes...........no...........Music..............Night 55 Xorbit...........be...........Code...............Green Y................be...........Gfx^Code...........Green Yolque...........fi...........Music..............CNCD Z................fr...........Code...............Nomad Zenial...........pl...........Swapper^Music......Hypnotize^Palsecam Zeno.............be...........3D.................Green Zippy............no...........Code^Editor........Utopia Zoltar...........pt...........Code...............<no group> Zorlim...........fi...........Code...............NetGeneration Zsacul...........pl...........Code...............Norferin ,g$$$$$$$$$g, ,g$$$$$$g, ::::::',g$$$$$$$$$$$Ћ$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$g, ,g$$$$$g, $$P" `$' "q$$ :::::: $$P" `$' "Q$$ $$ country ! #/% $$ :::::' $$ random scener of the week ! `$$ $$""""""""""".""""""""$$ ::' ,d$$"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""."""""""$$ $$ australia 9/02 $$ _,gU""d$ name PL $$ $$ austria 1/00 $$.d""P'. $P nationality Belgium $$ 3$ belgium 21/06 $$' d' : $: function(s) Gfx $$ $$ canada 1/00 $$ ,g' :: $b group(s) Imphobia $$ $$ denmark 9/02 $$b" .::',$$, ,$$ $3 finland 65/19 $$'.:::: d`$$$ggggggggggggggggggm, .ggg, ,ggggf$$' $$ france 24/07 $$ ::::' P "$"""""q$$$P"""$"""""s, ,d"""""$"""""" . $$ germany 23/06 $$ ::' .d' :: ! ... $$$' ...!..... "b, ,$' ....!......::: $$ greece 2/00 `$,__,d" .::' P ::',$$$ ::::.' ,dg d' . ' $3 hawaii 2/00 $$P"" .::' _d' :: $$$' ' :',g$$$$$$' `$$$$$$$g$$$$$$$g, #$ hungary 23/06 '$$ '::' ,d" .::' $$$,s"g, .$$P" "q$$ $$ israel 3/00 ,$$$, ,d_,.,_ ' $$$' ,P"b.$$ demosceners starting `$$ $$ italy 3/00 ,$P$$$,s$f'"""`b,,$$$_,g' .`$$$ with letter 'h' $$ $$ japan 1/00 $$'`$$$P ..... "$$$P"" .::. $P""""""""""""""""""""""""$$ $$ luxemburg 1/00 $$ `$$$, ::::: ,$$$ ..:::' d$$, 8 ,$$ #P netherlands 9/02 $$ : `$$$, :::: $$$'.:::' ,$$"$$$gggggm, ,gggggggg$$' $: norway 7/02 $$ ::.`$$$, ::',$$$ ::' ,$$' . """"""""! ,,d"""""""""" . $b poland 60/17 $$ :::.`$$$, ,$$$g, ,$$' .:::...... ,; ,d"...........:: $$ portugal 14/04 $$ ::::.`$$$g$"" ""$g$$'.::::::::::',$ ,d':::::::::::::: $$ russia 2/00 $$ ::::' `$" `b, ::::' _,g" $b, ' $$ spain 2/00 $$ ::' _d$' demoscener `! ' ,g$$$$$" `$$$$$$$$$$$$$$g, $# sweden 16/04 $$m,_,d" $ ----\%\----- $$m, $$P" "q$$ $$ switzerland 5/01 $$ ""7 . $, statistics ,$$$$$$$ largest group top-3 $$ $$ turkey 1/00 $$ . b _,%$, ,$' ""Q$"""""""""""""""""""""""""$$ $$ uk 8/02 $$ :."d" ,$$g,_ _,g$' .::.`b 1st ByteWay (12) $$ $$ u.s.a. 10/02 $$ :: `b $$$'"$""$$$, ::::: $: 2nd Green (11) $$ $$ outer space 21/06 $P ::: l ,$$$ .!.. `$$$,'::: $b 3rd Dolphin (11) $$ $$____________________$: :::.`.$$$'.:::::.`$$$, ': $$, ,$$ $$ total 340 $b :::: ,$$$ ::.:::' $`$$$ `.`$$$gggggggggggm, ,ggg$$$' $$, ,$$ :::' $$$' :::::',d' $$$, . """""""""""""`b ,$"""" . `$$$ggggggm,_ ,gg$$$'.::' ;$$$ ::' _,g' :. "$$$ ............. ,$ $'....::: """"""""""$g, g"""" ,dP"$b, ,,g$"" .::'' `$$$, `' ,$" d, ' "b, "bg$$$$$$$$' `$$$$$$$g,`:: ,g$$$$$$$$$$$$g,,g$$$$' "$$$$$$g, `$ "q$$ :: $$P" "" "q$$ acid rain $b function #/% $$ $$ status #/% $$ production $$""""""""""""""""""""""`$b,,d$"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""$$ 1 9 9 8 $$ coders 122/35 "" in many groups 65/19 $$ $$ musicians 87/25 ,g, ,gg, in one group 257/75 $$ code....mw $$ graphics 67/19 $b"g$'$$ in no group/unknown 17/05 $$ ascii...n( $$ swappers 12/03 $$ $$, ,$$ $$ misc 56/16 $$ :: `$$$ggg, ,ggggggggggg$$$' -we ruin $$ lazy 23/06 $$ :::. """""$,_ ,dP" ,g$""" . umbrellas. $$, ,$$ :::::::.... `'bgggg$" .:'_,d" ...::: `$$ggggggggg$ggggggggg$$$'.:::::::::::::.. """b,__,d" .:::::::: """""""""""""""""""" ..;:::::::::::::::::.. """ .::::::::::: --------------- ------| 15.Articles |---------------------------------------------------------- --------------- Demojournal #1 compo results Glad to announce Melwyn and Nemesulku of Acid Rain as winners of demojournal #1 compo! Melwyn on the keys and Nemesulku on the ascii! Nice touches like demoscener of the week! Plus the normal statistics like the number of sceners, sceners per country, type of sceners. Very nicely presented! Congratulations indeed on a job well done! Although there are small flaws i had to correct manually which i'm going to discuss with melwyn to see if we can get an even better program. Remark to Sol/Trauma which also assembled a very nice ascii output. And with some rather wicked statistics like average nick size! Very wicked and original statistics indeed... Although not as many as in Acid Rain's contribution. Also mention to Picard which offered to do a small program within 4 days if i hadn't received any entrys (he joined our mailing list this week!) Thank you Melwyn, Nemesulku, Sol and Picard indeed. If not for anything else, for letting me know someone cares on demojournal besides myself! :~) Compo #2 will be announced possibly next issue so stay tunned folks! Psychic Symphony -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Noticed one thing in the demos recently.. In the ones I like I mean. The focus is not on any stupid storytelling or any plot any longer. And it isn't about great code any longer. It's about design and awesome LOOKING effects. That's all I ever wanted anyways. The same thing is almost happening in the world of 64k intros. At least when we're talking about clones :) Where starting to see a new kind of "pureness" in the demos now. All I'm missing now is the told competive feelings. People got to start working harder to beat the crap out of the other groups out there :) Then the prods will be totally askicking. And that IS what we want, is it not? Ok. short stupid article. meet me on Dreamhack or on #swedescene. Steffo / Cryonics -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Textmode Democompo 3 It's quite hard to set some idea into people's heads after they have chosen to be against it. 'you can't do anything decent in textmode' turns into 'it's just another gfx mode' after seeing a decent demo in textmode. Thus I don't see any point (anymore) to try to change people's heads. Keep your eyes closed, see if I care.. =) My view about textmode is that it's - really - just another mode, but one that hasn't been used to its full extent. And this with the tweaking limits I've set in TMDC. TMDC has - and has always had - perhaps too good prizes compared to the level and number of demos attending. TMDC3 will probably be the last tmdc if nothing special pops up (like java or win NT console ideas). In TMDC1 you had to throw your entries by email; TMDC2 had a ftp site (that almost worked), TMDC3 has a web site and ftp site (with _much_ more bandwidth). (the web upload does not work as I write this but we're looking into it). So, in short; deadline 11.11.98 web site http://sauna.net/tmdc3/ ftp site ftp://ftp.fishpool.com/ email solar@compart.fi prizes SHITloads of scene cds, tshirts and other stuff sponsored by Imphobia, A.C.E, The Gathering and Trakked Records. webspace sponsored by Fishpool Creations. Demo limits in short (please read the rules for complete specs) - must run in textmode (80x50 max) - no tweaking over blink attribute disabling - 1.4 megs in a zip - gus & sb support required - win95/98 dos box compatibility required (without 'suggest ms-dos mode when neccessary' option checked) - must run on a Pentium 150 with 16 megs of RAM (compo machine will probably be a pII300 tho) Sol/Trauma ---------- ------| 16.END |--------------------------------------------------------------- ---------- I like this issue a lot more then i liked the previous one! I'm moving the mailing list from my university e-mail account to an hotmail account! That should be finished in a couple more issues! Stay sharp, if you eventually stopped receiving demojournal each monday afternoon please e-mail me on any one of the mails for a resubscribing! I hope i don't loose anyone though! ec97104@crazy.fe.up.pt demojournal@hotmail.com