мм мммм мммм ммммм мммм ммлл лл плм лл плм лл плм лл плм млп лл лл лл лл ллол лл лл лл лл лл лл олн лл олнл олн лл олн олн пп пп лл пп лло лл лл пп лл АА АА лл АА олн лл лл АА лл ББ ББ олн ББ олн лл лл ББ олн ВВ ВВ лл ВВ лл лл олн ВВ лл лл лл млп лл лл лл лл лл плм лл ллпп лл лл лл плм лл пппп ппппп пп пп пп пппп мм мммм мм мм мммм мммм мм лл лл плм лл лл лл плм лл плм лл лл лл лл лл лл лл лл лл лл лл лл лл олн лл лл лл олн лл олн лл пп лл пп лл пп пп лл пп лл лл лл АА лл АА лл АА АА лл АА олн лл АА лл ББ лл ББ лл ББ ББ олн ББ олн лл ББ олн ВВ олн ВВ олн ВВ ВВ лл ВВ лл олн ВВ лл лл лл лл лл лл лл млп лл лл лл лл плм лл плм лл плм лл ллпп плм пл лл плм лл пппп пппп пппп пп лл п пп пппп олн^grf пп ------- --------------- -------| #12 |-------------------------------------------| 09 Nov 1998 |------- ------- --------------- Subscribers: 73 and 4 group mailing lists on university account around 20 on hotmail account (hotmail only soon!) 1.Editorial 2.Demonews 3.Thought of the week 4.Party on! 5.Interview of the week 6.Demo of the week 7.Intro of the week 8.MOD of the week 9.Commercial break 10.Homepages 11.Quote of the week 12.Charts 13.Messages 14.Demoscener (A-Z) 15.Articles: Textmode Democompo 3 Open Music Contests Rage.vs.Scenest'98 results 16.End --------------- ------| 1.Editorial |---------------------------------------------------------- --------------- This newsletter is public property, that means anyone is free to send articles, news and others for posting! I would appreciate it even. I'm only putting the pieces together. It's our scene! let's make things happen... I was going to write a small article about the scene dying on this one but i lacked the proper inspiration, guess i delayed it too long! Oh well! Good news is shine#3 is out!!! You might get fed up by seeing my name on the articles list in there :P What can i say: I'm guilty! Had little to do between February and June '98! Also back on it's feet is dear scene.org after a couple of weeks of offline the guys are back in buisness! Once again i hail for help on the demo/intro/tune and graphics of the week! Yes, graphics! I don't check out new pictures regularly and that is why there never is a picture of the week. It does indead deserve it's place, i just don't feel up to it, the same way i don't feel like i can review musics or intros! I am constantly asking people to send me their reviews but few are the ones who do. Please send them in! READ ABOVE!!! IT'S IMPORTANT!!! On a more lighter note, finish your textmode demos for the compo and win shitloads of scene prizes! See below for details, deadline is only 2 days away! Hurry! Oh, yeah! Almost forgot, demojournal is now part of the TEN project! And the crowd goes wild! Whee! Psychic Symphony -------------- ------| 2.Demonews |----------------------------------------------------------- -------------- Psychic Symphony: Shine#3 is out! shine.scene.org Check out this url. Trust me, you won't be disapointed! demo.dyn.ml.org -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Distance: EMISSIONS#4 ftp:pigforce.ml.org/pub/music/groups/tokyo_dawn_records/E9-EMSN4.ZIP scene.org back on buisness! -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Adok: Makke has joined the Hugi Crew. He is a musician in the group Comic Pirates. The music of Hugi #12 comes from him. Moreover, he has already written many articles. Of course you will also find texts by him in Hugi #13. Makke's homepage is located at http://members.xoom.com/Makke/. Welcome! --- Cremax/Nothing's e-mail address has changed. If you want to contact him, write to: np26dh@mail.telepac.pt -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Misha: Total Disaster issue #Black has been released :) ftp: amber.bti.pl/scene/distro/tatanka/td_black.arj ftp: amber.bti.pl/scene/distro/tatanka/td_black.a01 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Gardner: -Repanse joined Flow as musician -Gardner joined Flow as swapper ------------------------- ------| 3.Thought of the week |------------------------------------------------ ------------------------- Snow --------------- ------| 4.Party on! |---------------------------------------------------------- --------------- Starts: Ends: Country: Name: Contact: Oct 28 - Oct 31, 1998 Sweden Compusphere X http://www.compusphere.org Oct 29 - Nov 01, 1998 Sweden DreamHack '98 http://www.dreamhack.org Oct 30 - Nov 01, 1998 Sweden ACG-Hack X http://hack.amiga-cg.se Nov 07 - Nov 08, 1998 Poland Satellite '98 madbart@jormas.com (X) <-- You are here! Nov 13 - Nov 15, 1998 Germany Dialogos '98 http://www.kassablanca.de/dialogos98 Nov 13 - Nov 15, 1998 Norway Kindergarten '98 http://kg.portveien.to/ Nov 20 - Nov 22, 1998 Slovakia Demobit '98 http://demobit.sk Dec 1998 Israel Movement '98 Dec 12 - Dec 13, 1998 Slovenia Abort '98 http://gw2.s-gimb.lj.edus.si/~abort98/ Dec 18 - Dec 20, 1998 Hungary JuMPer '98 http://scene-hu.com/~jumper Dec 19 - Dec 20, 1998 Romania Dracula '98 Dec 25 - Dec 27, 1998 Argentina The Flash '98 theflashparty.home.ml.org Dec 27 - Dec 29, 1998 Denmark The Party 1998 http://www.theparty.dk Mar 1999 Italy Trip 99 Mar 31 - Apr 04, 1999 Norway The Gathering '99 Apr 02 - Apr 05, 1999 Germany Mekka & Symp. 2k-1 http://ms.demo.org May 29 - May 30, 1999 Germany Komso/Neithernor'99 http://neithernor.demo.org Jun 17 - Jun 20, 1999 Sweden Remedy '99 http://www.remedy.nu Jul 09 - Jul 11, 1999 Belgium Inscene '99 www.analogica.com/inscene --------------------------- ------| 5.Interview of the week |---------------------------------------------- --------------------------- This time a more though-through interview with my dear hungarian friend and inspiration rod/mandula! Most people might know him as one of the coders of 'dis', winner of rage.vs.scenest'98 but there is more then meets the eye! ;) 1. introduce yourself to the world then! :) name, date of birth, shoe size, favourite icecream flavour, alien origins... that stuff! i'm a 24 years old computer science major at the technical university of budapest in hungary. i'm a coder in a demogroup called mandula. 2. what is it you do on the scene? the scene means to me trying to make quality productions or at least original ones. i enjoy meeting friends from other groups, other cities or countries. it's good to e-mail with sceners from all around the world like you psychic symphony :). 3. tell us about your older days... couple intros from mandula... how did it all got started? i started to code in the beginning of 1994. mandula released some intros at scenest'95 and '96. they're not bad but they don't reach the quality of intros nowadays. our first 'success' was 'out of blue' a 64k intro for the flag'96 party. unfortunatelly there wasn't a big competition between the intros, because there was only one more joke-intro which included some cga effects. so i was a bit disappointed despite the 1st place. the situation was completely different at scenest/rage'98 when we came out with 'dis'. the quality of demos was really high and i didn't dream about 1st prize. 4. give us a little report on rage vs scenest will ya? :) 'spirit' by euthanasia and 'necrophobia' by exhumers had much better design then we had, those demos are really nice, i have to mention the horses in the fog part in 'spirit', which is very original and kick-ass in my opinion. 'necrophobia' brings a kind of feeling which makes this demo one of the best so called feeling-demo. the dilemma demo 'deep somewhereover' has excellent textures. i can't write more about this party because we coded our demo like hell to finish the demo for the deadline and when we succeeded in time i was too sleepy. :) 5. what now? what has happened recently? after dis got out i mean... :) i wanted to do a fix for 'dis', but other members said no. i was not satisfied with the overall look of the demo, so i'm searching for artists. i take my time to fill out interview forms :). not really. things slowed down a bit because of school and work. i had some notices about 'dis', i have received some e-mails inquiring about the effects. and i have heard criticism that 'dis' has nothing new in it, probably they like 3d demos. 6. what about future projects? what do you have in mind? we would like to make another jazz demo, probably with a bit more 3d effects and better design. 7. i also heard there were some changes to the mandula member list, care to let us know on the current line up? there are no really big changes. carlos has joined after our little success with 'dis'. so we have 3 more or less active members now: hyp-x, carlos and me. we are looking for talented graphic artists and designers, maybe modellers as well. 8. i guess that is it! thx for your time rod! want to say hi to anyone? thanks for the great scene guys producing wonderful demos. i always enjoy watching new, well designed productions and effects. ---------------------- ------| 6.Demo of the week |--------------------------------------------------- ---------------------- off/doomsday (winning demo at dreamhack 98) this is the last demo of doomsday, they quit the scene (lack of time and motivation). music is from Muffler, code from Mri.. this demo looks a bit like Stigma, their previous production. it features nice and strange effects (like this scene with envmapped balls and alpha blending), some z-buffered 3D and a scene in space... colors are good even if the design could have been better (for logos and pictures) but they said that the demo was quite unfinished. dake / calodox (aka. Kevin Drapel) dake@omedia.ch http://www.space.ch/scene/calodox -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Yes, sadly enough doomsday have quitted the scene! Happy marriage for MRI and 'real life' for the rest! Hope you guys keep in touch from time to time. Well, at least they did one final demo! *off* Psychic Symphony ----------------------- ------| 7.Intro of the week |-------------------------------------------------- ----------------------- 'Birdcage' by Jamm R. Vizualize, Virne and Mordicus get 3rd place at dreamhack'98 with this one. Hi-res graphics (640*400), LOADS of quality pictures compressed a-la-virne are featured. Besides some really weird effects and some design clitches, the whole intro tells us a story on how a man killed a bird taking it out of his missery, then later joining a flock of crows ending by beeing stripped of feathers by a bunch of sick seagulls! Every-day life thing! Go and check it out on an ftp near you soon! Psychic Symphony --------------------- ------| 8.MOD of the week |---------------------------------------------------- --------------------- 'Emmisions #4 musicdisk' by Ethos9 Long awaited chip-tune musicdisk hits the underground market with a grand total of 116 tunes! Featuring loads and loads of artists i'm not going to mention not to forget about someone important! Organized by that nice guy at tdr assign. Mention to a very good, graphical and design wise, interface putten together by the guys of exceed stephen and warpig! That has got to be the weirdest 'n' i have ever seen on my life! Extra graphics by acryl and trc. Ofcourse people don't really care much on the interface on such musicdisks but still, it's very nice! Too bad there is no information corner, just the title of the tune. It would have brought an extra reason to use it! The quality of the tunes really impressed me. I was thinking of getting a lot worse quality! I think this one definitly proves that size does not matter! It's what you do with it that counts! ;) Can't help to mention a few of my favorites i came to enjoy within the small 3 hour browsing session, so here it goes: Thor's magic bathtub by Distance/lackluster. This one reminds me of sin(x) which is a very nice intro by Dawn 3. It was also released within paletes ep under mono. Snowdust by Screamager/KFMF. What can i say? i love the guy! Every tune has that certain something that distinguishes his music from everyone else's... 7 times a day by Vim!/mono. 1 sample only! Brilliant tune none the less! Vim!'s a genious! Elevator by The Unconciousness/RR. Just good mood. Mention to around 10 tunes this guy contributed to emissions#4. Armani showers II by Edge/EMF. Very nice! Just perfect. Absolutely nothing wrong with it! Just a nice tune; intro, messing around and wrap-up! Life is too fast by Loolarge/RR. Nice groovy sounds! I specially like the breakdown halfway through... ftp:pigforce.ml.org/pub/music/groups/tokyo_dawn_records/E9-EMSN4.ZIP Psychic Symphony ----------------------- ------| 9.Commercial break! |-------------------------------------------------- ----------------------- ммм пп пп ппппл ммллм ммллм ммлм ммллпп пллм м лллп лллп лллп ў оллл ллл млм ммллмм оллл оллл оллл м пп лллн пп п ллл ппппл оллнп пллл оллл оллл оллл млн л лллнў олл м плп п лллнлллн лллн лллн ллл л лллн пмммпппомм п млм ААА Аммпппм лВВнлВлнА лВВнА ВВлноВВл А АА олВл АА мВм лВВппўоВВн ААА ллн м ўолллоллн лллн лллнлллнўппплммпллм моллноллн плп ллл л оллл ппл ппл пплолл м оллнппппп плполлн л ллл пп оллл л ^grf ллл м ллл ллл ппп пп ппп п пллмм ммлпп мммммм ммм ммм оллн ммл ллл ллл ппп пплмм ммллп оллн ftp://amber.bti.pl ппп лпп DeMoSљInTrOsљMaGsљMuSicљGrApHiCsљPaRtIeS StUffљDiStRoSљAnd OtHeRz.. љNo PoRnOљNo illeGAl WaReZљNo GaMezљNo UnkNowN LogiNzљNo CraP UploaDzљ њњњљљљљSite Admin Radi/InterroR radi@irc.plљљљњњњ ФиФ м лмммм м лмммм м лмм м лмммм м лмммм м лмммм м лмммм РП л лллл л лВлл л лллл л лллл л лВлл л лллл л лллл Г л пппп л лллл л лВлл л лллл л пппп л пппп л лллл Г Ф л ФФФФФФФ л пппппп п ппппппл л ФФ ллВл л пппппм л ппппппп л ФФ лллл Фй Г л лллл л плллм лллл л лллл л лллл л лллл л ллВл Г РП п лмлВлп пм лллл пммм лллл пммм лллл пммм лллл пммм ллВл пм лллл Г РФП sK!/cAZ Г РФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФ ФФФФФФ ФФФФ ФФФ ФФ Ф ФФФй we are always looking for our destiny, if you think that you are good enough to join cryogen, then mail us! da onanizator of cryogen crew - szum/cryogen reach me at: szum@amber.bti.pl or szum@kki.net.pl also: jerzy szumski, na ost. groszu 106/25, 54-207 wroclaw, poland we are looking for good object makers in 3ds r4, interested? contact us!!! А ммммВлллллллммм А А мВллллппппппппппВллВ А оллп плл ммВлллм ВлнолВ млллллмм For pure demoswapping Влм А Влп пллн олл ллн Вл Впплл пллллВммммммм мммлВп Влн Аолл олн л олн For joining Cryogen пппппппВллллмм оллп ммлполл ммллн лл лВ А А пллВ плллВпп плллВпп олнАолн мммммммммммммоллнммммммммммммммммм мммм мм м For Fleur da beauty мллпп [alpha] Влн flower of international оллн А ллл А Szum/Cryogen diskmags support. Вллмм ммллллп Jerzy Szumski плллллмммВллллВп Na Ostatnim Groszu 106/25 Write to me. А ппВлллллпп А 54-207 Wroclaw А email: szum@kki.net.pl PўOўLўAўNўD ммФмм мФФмм мФФПмм мФФПмм м мм лл лл лл лл Глл лл Глл лл лл Tommy/Cryogen лл лл лл лл Глл лл Глл лл лл Tomasz Czurak лл лл лл лл Глл лл Глл лл лл ul.Saturna 28a лл лл лл лл лл лл лл ппФлл 15-680 Bialystok лл лл лл лл лл лл лл dg лл Poland пп ппФпп пп пп пп пп ппФпп .sssssss .ssssssssssssssss. s$$$$$$$$ .ssssssssssssssssss. .$$$$------------$ $$$$$$ --- --- --------- $. $$$$/ ____/ _/_ $$$$$$$ _/ / / _/_/ _ _/$$$ $$$/ __--'$ |$$$$$$$| /_/ ._\ \$$$$ $$/__/$$$$$/_____/ $$$$$ |_____________|$$\___|$$$ `$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ §$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$' `$$$$' `§§§§§§§ `$сяч' Fleur - da new flower of international diskmagscene is waiting for your support!!! english articles are really needed!!! contact: ezah@scene-hu.com, szum@amber.bti.pl haven't you seen Fleur#1 yet? check it out: ftp://d-eyes.jpte.hu/pub/scene/diskmags/fleur/fleur#1.zip $S@gЗ, g@S$$$ $$$$$$+-љ њ. `@g, .њ- -+g@ Нќ§ј^_ +-Ф- - $$$$$$-- -Ф-$b,`$-- --- y '-- Ф- -$$ g@S$$$-Ф- ---+ ЋЌЌЋЌ $$$$$$ ЌЌЋЋ $$l $ ЌЌЋЌЋ $ ЋЌЋЌЌЋЌ $$ $$$$$$ ЋЌЋЌЌЋ ЌЌЋЌЋ $$$$$$ ЌЋЌЌ $$$ l ЋЌЋЌЋ $ ЌЋЌЌЋЌЋ $$ $(dt)$ ЌЋЌЌЋЌ +-- Ф -l$$ќ$$-Ф-- -$$$ $Ф- --- $`+,._ _,$l $$$$$$-- Ф- -+ $$$y$$ Sќ',$ ќ $$,ј§НSQ$ Нќ§ј^~ ,g@$$ ,g@S@, $$$l dentoe/sdi `§г*S,_ _`*S$$b._ ,SSќ' HUGI #13 wants YOUR articles! Support this great zine and contact Adok at: hugi@netway.at For more information, check out http://home.pages.de/~hugidownload/ Estimated RELEASEDATE of HUGI #13: November or December 1998 The exact releasedate depends on how many articles we will get within a short time, so if you want Hugi to come out soon, you know what to do! ( always good for ..... ) a laugh!! _ : o_o : ( n_______n (_| = / ___ \ = = ---- |________ }_____ ( (_u_) ) ((O) \\. / \_______/ \ =(_O) | / \ sT(_O)|___ [ P A i N ] . da swiss diskmag is looking for your articles ! . send everything to : pain@space.ch . check it out on the www ! . http://www.space.ch/scene/pain ---------------- ------| 10.Homepages |--------------------------------------------------------- ---------------- Astroidea...............................astroidea.scene-hu.com Blasphemy..............................http://www.blasphemy.dk Exceed...........................http://www.inf.bme.hu/~exceed Hugi.......................http://home.pages.de/~hugidownload/ Milk.......................................http://milk.sgic.fi Mandula.........................http://www.inf.bme.hu/~mandula Mono211..............................http://www.scene.org/mono Nico....................................http://geecs.org/~nico Pain............................http://www.space.ch/scene/pain Quad............................................www.quad98.net Rhyme.......................................rhyme.scene-hu.com The Black Lotus.............................http://www.tbl.org Tokyo Dawn Records........................http://tdr.scene.org TPOLM...............................http://www.tpolm.scene.org ------------------------ ------| 11.Quote of the week |------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ 'My coke is bubbling... I think a fly has fallen inside!' Barbatron^st3 ------------- ------| 12.Charts |------------------------------------------------------------ ------------- Please vote on reply to the mailing list newsletter release! Just send back something like pulse/shad/paper/unreal/falcon/made. The markers on the side are comparing to last week's position. Whenever the list gets too big i will discount 1 point from each votee! Until the day comes, keep those votes rolling in... Group: Pulse.................................. (16) = CNCD................................... (6) = Purple................................. (3) = Doomsday............................... (3) > Orange................................. (2) < Blasphemy.............................. (2) = Hellcore............................... (1) = Exceed................................. (1) = Halcyon................................ (1) N Quad................................... (1) N Komplex................................ (1) N Fudge.................................. (1) N The Black Lotus........................ (1) N ACME................................... (1) N Demo: Shad....................Cocoon^Syndrome (6) = 73ms..............................Pulse (5) = Dis.............................Mandula (5) = Hyperventilation.............Byterapers (3) = The Fulcrum......................Matrix (3) = Off............................Doomsday (2) N Sexadelic....................Byterapers (1) < Stigma.........................Doomsday (1) < Boost: vivid part 2............Doomsday (1) < Second Reality..............Future Crew (1) < Automaton Flavour..............Hellcore (1) < Rip Rap..........................Exceed (1) < Stars: Wonders of the world.......NoooN (1) < Forward.........................Komplex (1) N 303................................ACME (1) N Tribes............................Pulse (1) N Intro: Paper........................statix+vic (9) = Pager 11..........................Fudge (5) = Mesha.............................Rhyme (4) = Deesbab..........................Orange (4) = Clone meets clone..................ACME (3) = Stash...................The Black Lotus (3) > Sin(x)...........................Dawn 3 (2) < Birdcage.........................Jamm R (2) N Kill the clone....................Fudge (1) < transmogrification II.............Blocc (1) < Huge Crowd.......................Orange (1) N Code: Unreal.............................CNCD (8) = Mr.Sex.......................Byterapers (5) = Echo..............................Fudge (4) = Mrock..........................Hellcore (4) = Statix.........................Lionhead (4) = Virne..............................COMA (4) = Picard............................Rhyme (3) = Rod.............................Mandula (2) > Barti.............................NoooN (2) > Buckshag...................Superstition (1) < Plash.....................Nothing^Azure (1) < Dune.............................Orange (1) < Hellfire........................Haujobb (1) N Galvados.........................Orange (1) N Nix.....................The Black Lotus (1) N Whizzter........................Woorlic (1) N Music: Falcon.......................Tokyo Dawn (7) = Dune (BrothomStates).............Orange (6) = Muffler.............................DCS (3) > Mindwalker.....................Suburban (2) < Revisq............................Monar (2) < Shad..............................Pulse (2) < Groo...............................CNCD (2) < Croaker...................TPOLM^Halcyon (2) > CareBear...............Orange & Komplex (1) < Radix............................Groove (1) < Smash...........................Nothing (1) < Necros...................Five Musicians (1) < Stereoman.........................Noise (1) = Steffo.........................Cryonics (1) = Zodiak................................. (1) = Hunz.....................Five Musicians (1) = Vim!...............................Mono (1) = Graphics: Made...............................Bomb (10) = Lazur........................<no group> (6) = Ra................................NoooN (6) = Vizualize..................Pulse^Jamm R (6) > Louie...................The Black Lotus (3) < Cereal........................Ooze labs (2) = Sunday..........................Nothing (2) = Beast.........................Astroidea (2) > Hellfire........................Haujobb (2) > Kobold................................. (1) < Rappid................................. (1) < Haplo.............................Pulse (1) < Jugi............................Komplex (1) N --------------- ------| 13.Messages |---------------------------------------------------------- --------------- From: Psychic Symphony To: Shine staff Content: Too bad number 3 is last! Well! It is very good none the less! Nothing to do with the fact i contributed. Too bad you guys lost interest! :( From: Psychic Symphony To: Fleur staff Content: fleur#2 where you at? From: Psychic Symphony To: Cremax Content: You and Salami gonna code a demo or just watch the snow fall down this winter? From: Psychic Symphony To: Barbatron and Whizzter Content: Thanks! You guys know why! Really... big thanks! :~) From: a0a / green To: Psychic Symphony Content: Don't worry, I'm not dead yet :) Just buzy.. From: a0a / green To: other greenies Content: Jongens, krijgen jullie dit nu aan of niet ? :) From: adok^hugi To: all Content: Support diskmags! From: D-Lee/Exceed To: All Content: Hey people! In some weeks Christmas time! Send me some nice post- cards or surprises. =) Really. Here is my adress: Peter Vamosi, 9700 Szombathely, Kodaly Zoltan u. 12./9/39. Hungary. Thanks. From: Psychic Symphony To: D-lee/exceed Content: Only if you send me a birthday card! 19 december! Filipe Cruz. Praceta Colegio de Gaia 140 3E. 4400 VN Gaia. Portugal. No birthday card for me... no xmas card for you! Eye for an eye! From: D-Lee/Exceed To: Ts/Exceed Content: Hey mate! Do more pixelart, ascii/ansi, rip or whatewer! We really miss your unique style! Let that can's, fat and tiny caps a little! From: D-Lee/Exceed To: Aliens Content: 0110001101011! 01111 01110 01111 01110? 01111100001010001001010001. (This was an advertisment to the best alien coder, he should join Exceed, and make some never seen effects.) From: D-Lee/Exceed To: Spicces Girls Content: Hi Girls! =) Ildi greets ya! I hope we will meet at Jumper'98! From: D-Lee/Exceed To: ExDoomsday and Pulse.PL dudez Content: Bye! I hope you will find your ways in the "real" life. Or you broke up just with the name? Well we see your works in another productions? From: D-Lee/Exceed To: Sceners of Slovenia, Austria, Slovakia, Ukraine, Romania, Serbia and Croatia Content: Hey people! Come and visit partys of hungary! We ever miss ya, and well we got a lot of party here. (Sometimes too lot.) If ya want to know the next date: www.scene-hu.com. We are waiting for other country people too! From: D-Lee/Exceed To: Assign/TDR Content: Where is da Gravis? =) From: D-Lee/Exceed To: All Content: Phonehead: Syrinx - this is what i want in MP3, or better the whole videoclip in AVI or MPG. Anyone got it? From: D-Lee/Exceed To: All Content: Sorry that only pictures now avaiable at our homepage. We will do it later. But i hope the pictures fell you. =) From: D-Lee/Exceed To: Ezah/Dilemma Content: I hope you are now out of the hospital. Do that fuckin' Fleur or you become problems. =) From: Melwyn To: HiRMU at Dreamhack '98 Content: Miksei funkki soi? From: Psychic Symphony To: all Content: THOR IS THINKING OF CUTTING HIS HAIR AGAIN! HIDE! From: Psychic Symphony To: Feather/TPOLM Content: I'm gonna get another interview out of you! Prepare them pidgeons! ----------------- ------| 14.Demoscener |-------------------------------------------------------- ----------------- This is supposed to be a list of all currently active demosceners! Warn if there is something wrong or missing! PLEASE! Don't hesitate for one second to send me listings of people who are active and not in here... This list is far from complete! Name: Country: What: Group: 216..............fi...........Code...............MFX Aap..............nl...........Gfx................ACME Abyss............fi..............................Future Crew Access...........be..............................Pulpe Acryl............de...........Gfx^Music..........Scoopex Action........................Code...............Virtual Visions Adok.............at...........Editor.............Hugi aGi..............pl...........Gfx................INTerror Alpha............pl...........Ascii^Coder........ByteWay Andr0meda........be...........Code^Music.........Green Angel............pl...........Gfx................Tatanka Antony...........fr...........Gfx................Pulse Apatia...........fi...........Gfx................COMA Aquafresh........uk...........Music..............Dolphin Aragorn..........it...........Code...............Chalice Arson............pl...........Music..............ByteWay^Cryogen^Anxiety Asphyx...........fr...........Gfx................Vision Assassin.........fi...........Swapper............Trauma Assign...........de...........Music..............Ethos9^Tokyo Dawn Astute...........fi...........Code...............Flo^Radio Atom.............pl...........Swapper............Platoon Aurelius.........de...........Code...............Matrix Azure............sl...........Gfx................Dilemma^Byteway A-Move...........de...........Music..............Amable^Tokyo Dawn Baloo............sw...........Gfx................Blocc Balrog...........sw...........Music..............KFMF^TPOLM Banshik..........pl...........Code^Gfx...........ByteWay Barbatron........sw...........Code...............Syntax Terror Barbecue.........dk...........Code...............Purple Barog............uk...........Music..............Nothing Bartesek.........pl...........Music..............<no group> Baxter...........be...........Editor^Code^Music..Green Behemot..........pl...........Organizer..........ByteWay Binar............pl...........Swapper^Ascii......Korozone^Chloride^VP Bitcoder.........pt...........Code...............Radioactive Design Blade............sp..............................The Utopians^Los Centoros Bonnie...........fr...........Gfx................HCL Borlot...........pl...........Code...............Majorca Team Brain Power......pt...........Code...............Dawn 3 Brainsaw.........nl..............................SuccesS Brix.............hu...........Code...............Dilemma Byter............dn...........3D^Gfx.............Blasphemy Carebear.........fi...........Music..............Orange Carlos...........hu...........Music..............Breeze^Mandula Case.............pl...........Swapper............Revelation^Fuse Cheetah.......................Gfx................Ephidrena Clef.............au...........Music.............. Cliffhanger...................Code............... Clifford M.......pl...........Gfx................ExMortis^MFX Core-nick........pl...........Music..............Tatanka Corona...........be...........Code...............Green Cortez...........pl...........Swapper............Omnicolour CpC..............gr...........Code...............Demaniacs Cranx............hu...........Code...............Rhyme Cremax...........pt...........Code...............Nothing Croaker..........fi...........Code^Music.........TPOLM Crossbone........de...........Code...............Suburban Creations !Cube............fi...........Music^Gfx^Code.....Trauma Cyberfish........no...........Code...............The Lost Souls Cyclops..........be...........Gfx................Fuel^Quad Cyg..............fr...........Code...............BlaBla Da C.C.Songwrita.de...........Music^Gfx..........CoPro Dake.............ch...........Code...............Calodox Damaq............fi...........Gfx................Doomsday Damien...........be..............................Imphobia Danube...........fr...........Gfx................HCL Darkflare........pt...........Gfx................ActiveFuel Darkness.........be...........Editor.............Imphobia Dave.............sp...........Code...............Phymosys Dave.............pl...........Music..............Haujobb DC-1.............hu...........Swapper............<no group> Deansdale........hu...........Music..............Exceed Delirium.........pt...........Music..............ActiveFuel Der Punkt........sk...........Gfx................Dolphin Deyi.............be...........Code...............Itsari Diabolo..........fr...........Code...............HCL Digisnap.........de...........Code...............Matrix Distance.........fi...........Music..............TPOLM^monotonik^lackluster Dixan............it...........Music..............Chalice Dizzy............ch...........Music.............. Djamm............fr...........Music..............Nomad^Bomb^Ribbon D-lee............hu...........Editor.............Exceed Doctor_Q.........pl...........Swapper............ByteWay^DRB^TPB Dominei..........no...........Music..............Dolphin^INF DreamDancer......de...........Gfx^Swapper........Nwo Wolfpack^Role Dreamer..........fi...........Music..............Sublogic Dreyer...........dk...........Music..............Blasphemy Droid............fi...........Code...............Haujobb Duet.............fi...........Code...............Embassy Duncan...........fi..............................Damones Dune.............fi...........Music..............Orange Echo.............dk...........Code...............Fudge Echo.............pl...........Music..............Diffusion Eclipse..........fr...........Code^Editor........Knights^Lichty's Concept Ellyn............pl...........Gfx................ExMortis^MFX Euphoria.........au...........Gfx................f00d Excel............fi...........Gfx................Trauma Ez...............it...........Music..............Deathstar Ezah.............hu...........Gfx^Editor.........Dilemma Falcon...........pl...........Music..............Tokyo Dawn Fatality.........fi...........Music..............Flo Fear.............fi...........Code...............The Black Lotus^Dolphin Filozof..........pl...........Ascii..............Konzept Fitzroy..........pl...........Ascii..............Enenzi^The Loop Flan.............fr...........Gfx................ Flex.............sw...........Code...............Blocc Fndr.............sw...........Gfx^Code........... Frame............sw...........Gfx................C-lous Fred.............ch...........Gfx................Calodox Fred.............pl...........Gfx................INTerror Fred.............pl...........Swapper............Exodus^Samar Fremen...........pl...........Coder..............Pengo Fugaz............pl...........Coder^Music........ByteWay Fustic...........pl...........Coder..............Platoon Gandalf..........fr..............................Pulse Ganja Man........uk...........Music..............LoK Gardner..........fi...........Swapper............Flow Garfield.........pl...........Editor.............Pengo^IPC^LO 2+7 Garfield.........pt...........Music^Code.........Radioactive Design Garvin...........fi...........Code...............COMA G-day............nl...........Music..............Quad Generic..........hu...........Music..............Exact Goblin...........au...........Code...............Xtatic Gongo............be...........Code...............Green Goofy............sw...........Editor.............Replay Gooroo...........ca...........Code...............KFMF Graff............pl...........Music..............Tatanka Greenpix7........ru...........Gfx................Universe Gtg..............pl...........Code...............Tatanka Guille...........fr...........Code...............Cocoon Gurdan...........fi...........Code...............Byterapers Gyr..............au...........Code...............f00d Hager............hu...........Swapper............Profuse Harlequin........nl...........Gfx^Music..........SuccesS Hate.............pl...........Swapper^Editor.....Prism^Core^Scream HeY..............pl...........Code^Editor........Tatanka Hoplite..........fi...........Code...............Orange Hunz.............au...........Music..............Five Musicians Hyde.............pl...........Music..............ByteWay Hyp-X............hu...........Code...............Mandula Idiotboy.........us...........Code...............Evolve Illusion.........fi...........Music..............Doomsday^DCS Incubus..........pl...........Code...............Prism Infinite Reboot..be...........Code...............Fuel Immortal.........pl...........Music..............Platoon Imode............hawaii.......Music..............Exceed^Sound Devotion Impexus..........pl...........Code...............Diffusion Inopia........................Code...............Quad Jace.............nl...........Code...............The Black Lotus Java.............sw...........Gfx................Cryonics Jax..............pl...........Music..............Korozone Jim Goer.........pl...........Code...............Grinders Jlt..............pl...........Code...............Omnicolour Kakka............fi..............................Damones Kal..............hu...........Gfx................Astroidea Kal-Min-Do.......fr...........Music..............HCL Keith303.........de...........Code...............Radical Rhythms^Tokyo Dawn KeyG.............pl...........Music..............Calodox Khamoon..........pl...........Code...............ByteWay^Tube27 Kidlove..........de...........Gfx................Haujobb Kneebitter.......us...........Code...............Threesome Knuddel..........ch...........Music.............. Koan.............pl...........Code...............Giraffe Kombat...........il...........Code...............Immortals Kravitz..........fi...........Code...............Sublogic Kurt.............be...........Code...............Green Kvazar...........hu...........Music..............Euthanasia Lando............pl...........Swapper............Konzept Lazur............pl...........Gfx................<no group> Lebeau/Legend....fi...........Music..............CNCD Legend...........au...........Music..............The Vault Lemming..........fi...........Editor.............Orange Leo..............hu...........3D.................Euthanasia Leto.............ch...........Code...............Calodox Lexus............pl...........Editor.............Enenzi Liam The Lemming.uk...........Music..............KFMF Loke.............fi...........Music..............Radio Lucky............pl...........Gfx................<no group> Luk..............pl...........Music..............Procreation Made.............fr...........Gfx................Bomb Maelcom..........us...........Music..............KFMF Magnesium........au...........Code^Music.........LaTeX Mandrixx.........fr...........Code............... Mantra...........fi...........3D^Ascii...........Flow Marq..........................Code...............FiT Marquis..........de...........Music^Swapper......Platoon Marvel...........fi...........Gfx................Future Crew Mash.............pl...........Code...............ByteWay Masterboy........il...........Code............... Max..............pl...........Gfx................Defect^Cryogen McGurk...........fi..............................COMA Melcom...........de...........Music^Code.........<no group> Mellow-D.........be^fi........Music..............TPOLM^Five Musicians Melwyn...........fi...........Music..............Acid Rain Mentz............de...........Music..............LoK^Tokyo Dawn Mercure..........fr...........Music.............. Micron...........fi..............................Byterapers Mike.............fi...........Gfx................Byterapers Mindwalker.......pt...........Music..............Suburban Creations MirekCz..........pl...........Code...............Platoon Misha............pl...........Gfx^Editor.........Tatanka^Defect^Nothing Miss Saigon......us^fi........Music..............Threesome Mistral..........fi...........Gfx................Byterapers Mordicus.........fi...........Music..............Jamm R. Mosh.............fi...........Music..............Forsaken Mov..............fi..............................Radio MRI..............fi...........Code...............Doomsday Mr.Sex...........fi...........Code...............Byterapers Mrz..............hu...........Code...............Astroidea Muffler..........fi...........Music..............DCS Murphy...........hu...........Code...............Exact Myrel............hu...........Gfx................Astroidea Mystical......................Music..............Purple MZ...............au...........Code............... NamNam...........sw...........Gfx................Blocc Nap..............hu...........Code...............Dilemma Neek.............gr...........Code...............Demaniacs Nemesis1......................Music.............. Nemesulku........fi...........Gfx................Acid Rain Nephoo...........pl...........Code...............Samar PC^Evolve Nero.............de...........Gfx................Matrix Nik..............be...........Gfx................Green Nitro............fi...........Music..............Trauma Nix...........................Code...............The Black Lotus Nns..............hu...........Code...............Exceed Nobody...........fi...........Music..............Wild Light Nytrik...........fr...........Gfx................ByteWay^Fuel^Cocoon Onyx.............us...........Code...............Dolphin Optic............no...........Music..............Tokyo Dawn^TRSI Orome............no...........Gfx................Astroidea Paavi............fi..............................iSO Pancho...........pl...........Gfx................Platoon^IPC Paniq............de...........Music..............Tokyo Dawn Particle......................Gfx................ Patapom..........fr...........Code...............Bomb Peachy...........de...........Gfx................Haujobb Pearl Hunter.....................................The Utopians Picard...........hu...........Code...............Rhyme Pinias...........pl...........3D.................Platoon Pitbull..........de...........Code...............Imphobia Pixel............fi...........Gfx................Future Crew PL...............be...........Gfx................Imphobia Plash.........................Code...............Nothing^Azure Primon...........fi..............................Radio Probe............sw...........Music..............The Black Lotus^VD Programmed.......pt...........Code...............ActiveFuel Programmer.......ru...........Code^Editor........Universe Psychic Symphony.pt...........Code...............Evolve^The Utopians^ActiveFuel Pukmaxi..........dn...........3D^Music...........Blasphemy Pyshtoff.........pl...........Code...............Tatanka Quartz/Wally.....fi...........Code...............Chalice Quasar...........be...........Code...............Green Quaz.............fi...........Music..............Flo^pWp Raiden...........pl...........Music..............Aural Planet Radi.............pl...........Music^FTP..........INTerror Radix............sw...........Music..............Groove Rascy............hu...........3D.................Dilemma Rastan...........pl...........Code...............ByteWay^Amnesty Razorback........fi...........Gfx................Doomsday React............hu...........Code...............Exceed Rents............pt...........Gfx................Dawn 3 Repanse..........fi...........Music..............Flow Reptile..........hu...........Music..............Astroidea Rimo.............hu...........Code...............Euthanasia Rod..............hu...........Code...............Mandula Rodex............fi...........Code............... Rommel...........no...........Swapper............Revelation Saffron..........fi...........Gfx................The Black Lotus^Dolphin Sagacity.........nl...........Code...............Quad Salami...........de...........Code...............Nothing SamSam...........................................Quad Sandworm.........pl...........Code...............Giraffe Sarix............nl..............................Quad Scorpio..........pt...........Code............... Scorpik..........pl...........Music..............<no group> Screamager.......lu^uk........Music..............KFMF Sed..............hu...........Music..............Dilemma Shade............hu...........Music..............Dilemma Sharon...........de...........Code...............Matrix Shaman...........hu...........Music^Ascii........Exceed Shameless........dk...........Code...............Blasphemy Shiva............de...........Code...............Kolor Shock............au...........Code...............Xtatic^Dimension^Ramjam^Evolve Shodan...........fr...........Music..............Skytech Crew^Arf!Studios Sidha............hu...........Gfx................Exact Skal.............fr...........Code...............Bomb Sketch...........pl...........Gfx................<no group> Skin.............................................Quad Skrig............dk...........Gfx................Prone Sky..............de...........Gfx................Dolphin^Ethos9 Skyphos..........de...........Music..............Matrix Simon King!......pl...........Ascii..............Procreation^Fuse Sivu.............fi...........Code...............Byterapers Sly Spy..........hu...........Music..............United Force^CapanЄa Slyde............dk...........Code...............Blasphemy Snowman..........us..............................Hornet Smash............uk...........Music..............Nothing Sol..............fi...........Code...............Trauma SolarC...........fi...........Music..............Refinition Soulless.........pl...........Gfx................Norferin Spansh...........uk.............................. Spector..........fi...........Code...............Trauma Spectre..........tu...........Code...............Flare Spk..............pl...........Gfx^3D.............Omnicolour Spy..............pl...........Code...............Poison Stallion.........de...........Gfx................Absence^Dolphin Steffo...........sw...........Music..............Cryonics Stein............us..............................Night 55 Sub-Seru.........pl...........Code...............Giraffe Sulphurik........pt...........Code...............ActiveFuel Sunday........................Gfx................Nothing Sumaleth......................Gfx................ Swan.............pl...........Music..............Platoon Szum.............pl...........Editor.............Cryogen Tapeworm.........fi...........Code...............Acid Rain Tbf..............fr...........Swapper............HCL Teque............fi...........Music..............Trauma The Update.......de...........Code...............CoPro Thor.............sw...........Gfx................TPOLM^Dolphin Thorax...........be...........Music..............Cryogenic Thorin...........fr..............................Melon Dezign Thorsten.........dk...........Gfx^Music..........Purple Tiyo.............fi...........Music^Ascii........Flow TJ...............sw...........Code...............Cryonics Tmk..............nw^jp........Gfx^Code...........INF^Dolphin Tonic............fi...........Gfx^Code...........Trauma Tomac............de...........3D.................Suburban Trajic...........hu...........Music..............Rhyme Traymuss.........pl...........Music..............Giraffe Tremens..........pl...........3D.................ByteWay Tremor...........fi...........Code...............Trauma Tristan..........il...........Music.............. Trixter..........us...........Code...............Hornet Trueman..........hu...........Code...............Exact Ts...............hawaii.......Gfx^Ascii..........Exceed TSC..............hu...........Code...............Astroidea Tudor.........................Gfx................The Black Lotus TuO..............fr...........Code...............Skytech Team Ubbe.............sw...........Code...............Cryonics Ultra Brain......be...........Code...............Green Unreal...........pl...........Code...............CNCD Vain.............sw...........Code...............Cryonics Vampire..........dk..............................Blasphemy Vastator.........us...........Code...............NetGeneration Vector...........us...........Code...............Vertigo Vic..............nl...........Music..............ACME Vim!.............uk...........Music..............Mono Vipa.............dk...........Code...............Purple Virne............fi...........Code...............COMA^Jamm R. Visual...........pl...........Gfx................Omnicolour Viznut...........fi...........Code^Music^Gfx.....pWp Vizualize.....................Gfx................Pulse^Jamm R. Void.............fi...........Code...............Trauma Warpig...........hu...........Gfx^3D.............Exceed Wave.............nl...........Music..............Maniacs of Noise Wawa.............pt...........Code^Gfx...........Nothing Weed.............fi...........Code...............Dolphin^Coral Whizzter.........sw...........Code...............Woorlic Willbe...........fr...........Music^Gfx..........Theralite Wizard...........be...........Code...............Imphobia Workbench........ch...........Music..............Calodox^Level-D Xerxes...........no...........Music..............Night 55 Xhyp.............fi...........Music..............Omnicolour Xorbit...........be...........Code...............Green Xtro.............hu...........Gfx................Rhyme Y................be...........Gfx^Code...........Green Yez..............pl...........Music..............Omnicolour Yoghurt..........pl...........Code...............Poison Yolque...........fi...........Music..............CNCD Yuda.............pl...........Code...............Antidothum Z................fr...........Code...............Nomad Zenial...........pl...........Swapper^Music......Hypnotize^Palsecam Zeno.............be...........3D.................Green Zinn.............fi...........Code...............Flow Zippy............no...........Code^Editor........Utopia Zoltar...........pt...........Code...............<no group> Zorlim...........fi...........Code...............NetGeneration Zpider...........ch...........Code...............Calodox Zsacul...........pl...........Code...............Norferin Thanks fly to: -Gardner of flow^crazy pinheads -Atom/Platoon -Cortez/Omnicolor -Dake/Calodox -The Update/CoPro Special thanks to Picard/Rhyme for using the same numenclature as in demojournal! It helped ALOT! Sorry to Da Carribean Country Songwrita/CoPro! But for crying out loud man! How the hell am i going to fit that huge nick into my little 18 liner?!?!? I had to chop it down! ,g$$$$$$$$$g, ,g$$$$$$g, ::::::',g$$$$$$$$$$$Ћ$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$g, ,g$$$$$g, $$P" `$' "q$$ :::::: $$P" `$' "Q$$ $$ country ! #/% $$ :::::' $$ random scener of the week ! `$$ $$""""""""""".""""""""$$ ::' ,d$$"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""."""""""$$ $$ australia 9/02 $$ _,gU""d$ name Ezah $$ $$ austria 1/00 $$.d""P'. $P nationality Hungary $$ 3$ belgium 21/05 $$' d' : $: function(s) Gfx^Editor $$ $$ canada 1/00 $$ ,g' :: $b group(s) Dilemma $$ $$ denmark 9/02 $$b" .::',$$, ,$$ $3 finland 72/18 $$'.:::: d`$$$ggggggggggggggggggm, .ggg, ,ggggf$$' $$ france 24/06 $$ ::::' P "$"""""q$$$P"""$"""""s, ,d"""""$"""""" . $$ germany 25/06 $$ ::' .d' :: ! ... $$$' ...!..... "b, ,$' ....!......::: $$ greece 2/00 `$,__,d" .::' P ::',$$$ ::::.' ,dg d' . ' $3 hawaii 2/00 $$P"" .::' _d' :: $$$' ' :',g$$$$$$' `$$$$$$$g$$$$$$$g, #$ hungary 34/08 '$$ '::' ,d" .::' $$$,s"g, .$$P" "q$$ $$ israel 3/00 ,$$$, ,d_,.,_ ' $$$' ,P"b.$$ demosceners starting `$$ $$ italy 3/00 ,$P$$$,s$f'"""`b,,$$$_,g' .`$$$ with letter 'e' $$ $$ japan 1/00 $$'`$$$P ..... "$$$P"" .::. $P""""""""""""""""""""""""$$ $$ luxemburg 1/00 $$ `$$$, ::::: ,$$$ ..:::' d$$, 8 ,$$ #P netherlands 9/02 $$ : `$$$, :::: $$$'.:::' ,$$"$$$gggggm, ,gggggggg$$' $: norway 7/01 $$ ::.`$$$, ::',$$$ ::' ,$$' . """"""""! ,,d"""""""""" . $b poland 76/20 $$ :::.`$$$, ,$$$g, ,$$' .:::...... ,; ,d"...........:: $$ portugal 14/03 $$ ::::.`$$$g$"" ""$g$$'.::::::::::',$ ,d':::::::::::::: $$ russia 2/00 $$ ::::' `$" `b, ::::' _,g" $b, ' $$ spain 2/00 $$ ::' _d$' demoscener `! ' ,g$$$$$" `$$$$$$$$$$$$$$g, $# sweden 17/04 $$m,_,d" $ ----\%\----- $$m, $$P" "q$$ $$ switzerland 7/01 $$ ""7 . $, statistics ,$$$$$$$ largest group top-3 $$ $$ turk 1/00 $$ . b _,%$, ,$' ""Q$"""""""""""""""""""""""""$$ $$ uk. 8/02 $$ :."d" ,$$g,_ _,g$' .::.`b 1st ByteWay (12) $$ $$ u.s.a. 10/02 $$ :: `b $$$'"$""$$$, ::::: $: 2nd Green (11) $$ $$ outer space 22/05 $P ::: l ,$$$ .!.. `$$$,'::: $b 3rd Dolphin (11) $$ $$____________________$: :::.`.$$$'.:::::.`$$$, ': $$, ,$$ $$ total 380 $b :::: ,$$$ ::.:::' $`$$$ `.`$$$gggggggggggm, ,ggg$$$' $$, ,$$ :::' $$$' :::::',d' $$$, . """""""""""""`b ,$"""" . `$$$ggggggm,_ ,gg$$$'.::' ;$$$ ::' _,g' :. "$$$ ............. ,$ $'....::: """"""""""$g, g"""" ,dP"$b, ,,g$"" .::'' `$$$, `' ,$" d, ' "b, "bg$$$$$$$$' `$$$$$$$g,`:: ,g$$$$$$$$$$$$g,,g$$$$' "$$$$$$g, `$ "q$$ :: $$P" "" "q$$ acid rain $b function #/% $$ $$ status #/% $$ production $$""""""""""""""""""""""`$b,,d$"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""$$ 1 9 9 8 $$ coders 138/36 "" in many groups 67/17 $$ $$ musicians 100/26 ,g, ,gg, in one group 295/77 $$ code....mw $$ graphics 72/18 $b"g$'$$ in no group/unknown 17/04 $$ ascii...n( $$ swappers 15/03 $$ $$, ,$$ $$ misc 61/16 $$ :: `$$$ggg, ,ggggggggggg$$$' -we ruin $$ lazy 22/05 $$ :::. """""$,_ ,dP" ,g$""" . umbrellas. $$, ,$$ :::::::.... `'bgggg$" .:'_,d" ...::: `$$ggggggggg$ggggggggg$$$'.:::::::::::::.. """b,__,d" .:::::::: """""""""""""""""""" ..;:::::::::::::::::.. """ .::::::::::: --------------- ------| 15.Articles |---------------------------------------------------------- --------------- Textmode Democompo 3 It's quite hard to set some idea into people's heads after they have chosen to be against it. 'you can't do anything decent in textmode' turns into 'it's just another gfx mode' after seeing a decent demo in textmode. Thus I don't see any point (anymore) to try to change people's heads. Keep your eyes closed, see if I care.. =) My view about textmode is that it's - really - just another mode, but one that hasn't been used to its full extent. And this with the tweaking limits I've set in TMDC. TMDC has - and has always had - perhaps too good prizes compared to the level and number of demos attending. TMDC3 will probably be the last tmdc if nothing special pops up (like java or win NT console ideas). In TMDC1 you had to throw your entries by email; TMDC2 had a ftp site (that almost worked), TMDC3 has a web site and ftp site (with _much_ more bandwidth). (the web upload does not work as I write this but we're looking into it). So, in short; deadline 11.11.98 web site http://sauna.net/tmdc3/ ftp site ftp://ftp.fishpool.com/ email solar@compart.fi prizes SHITloads of scene cds, tshirts and other stuff sponsored by Imphobia, A.C.E, The Gathering and Trakked Records. webspace sponsored by Fishpool Creations. Demo limits in short (please read the rules for complete specs) - must run in textmode (80x50 max) - no tweaking over blink attribute disabling - 1.4 megs in a zip - gus & sb support required - win95/98 dos box compatibility required (without 'suggest ms-dos mode when neccessary' option checked) - must run on a Pentium 150 with 16 megs of RAM (compo machine will probably be a pII300 tho) Sol/Trauma -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Open Music Contests ------------------- Once upon a time, there was an irc channel called #demoscene on IRCnet, where famous and less famous (hungarian scene) people gathered every night.... Some of them thought: enough of talking, let's do something more creative! And, because these people were mainly musicians, they came up with the idea of an IRC-wide music competition! They named it TDSMC (The #DemoScene Music Contest). Time passed, the contributions were in, although there were only a few competitors (7). The winner was announced, and everything went back to normal............ .........until those restless guys said: "Hey! The first one was fun, let's have another one , but this time, make it harder! Let it be a REAL challange!" So they decided: it's time for the first hungarian CHIPmusic compo! One of the organizers put the samplepack together, uploaded it to an ftp-site (demo.dyn.ml.org), and the contest had begun! There were 14+1 contributions (one was disqualified because of using other samples than the pack), and i can say, most of them are just COOOOOOOL!!!!!! Most importantly, this time there were three foreign contributors (Optic/TRSI, dixan/RamJam and Imode/Exceed), and i think it shows that people DO need these kind of "just for fun" competitions! In my opinion, music competitions with restrictions are more challenging and interesting than normal ones, so we're going to organize another one in the near future.... If you're interested, or just want to share your opinion, send a letter to reptile@scene-hu.com! I'm also looking forward to getting any recommendations for the next compo. You can reach us at the address mentioned above, or on IRCnet, #demoscene, after 10pm CET. reptile / astroidea p.s.: these contests are NON PROFIT! There are no prizes, we made our tunes for each other to share. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Rage '98 alias: S C E n e S T - R a g e ' 9 8 "The EvenT" The biggest hungarian sceneparty held so far with 1120 attendants. Held in Hungary/Budapest on the 3-5th of July in the year of 1998. ================================ B U G F I X E D R E S U L T S ================================ Results generated : 1998-7-5 4:38:54 DC-1 has bugfixed : 1998-x-x category 1 : demo place score #n author title 1 620 7 Mandula DIS 2 577 6 Euthanasia Spirit 3 380 2 Exhumers Necrophobia 4 190 3 United force Subception 5 177 10 Dilemma Deep somewhereover 6 81 8 Astral Conduction 7 70 1 Lame Over Xdemo 7 8 65 5 Rg42 Initialization 9 25 4 Firg Paraszt 303 10 14 9 Branch Garfield category 2 : 64k intro place score #n author title 1 508 4 Contract Supermarket 2 376 7 CLS (code & light sorcerers) LSD 3 358 6 Mortal Compact Last drop 4 252 5 Breeze Aquarium 5 201 3 Newcomers Warning 6 a 122 8 Reserve Ozone 7 75 1 CapanЯa 0x43a5 8 71 2 Firg Hinta category 3 : 4k intro place score #n author title 1 571 3 Chrysalis Restriction 2 475 5 Autopsy Oldskull 3 399 7 Fefe /Breeze Arcade Volleyball 4 128 6 Wiklo /Robur Intro 5 66 2 Bivanbi /ABC^ARC Szar4k 6 63 4 Ice /Newcomers Engine 7 58 1 Merlin & Rau /Phantom Image Chicken gel 8 16 8 Oak /Black Rainbow Nostalgia balls category 4 : 256 byte intro place score #n author title 1 534 6 Picard /Hydrogen Fireworks 2 247 11 Fefe /Breeze Tunnel 3 235 9 Remage /Fresh Spline 4 164 15 Nap /Dilemma 256 byte 5 147 12 Dangbird /SpARTas Fractal mirez 6 118 2 Thomas Carrot /BC-Div Twisted 7 102 10 EplP j /Breeze Unspecific 8 83 8 Aron /Contract Lava 9 81 7 Morgan /Contract Flame 10 53 1 Hager /Profuse Desolate 11 49 4 Han Solo /Mindescape Phong baby 12 47 5 KSL /TSS Hungecek 13 29 13 Blala /Byteam^Elvont Elvont 14 26 14 Runstop /Restore Leaf 15 24 3 Buzz Armpit /BC-Div Bumpgeci category 5 : c=64 demo place score #n author title 1 861 1 Replay PC-fun 2 620 2 Singular Shudder category 6 : wild demo place score #n author title 1 393 3 Exhumers Pullover 3 2 358 5 Ukr n kurv k Te vagy az 'letem 3 204 7 The Doominator GALF UPROS 2 4 146 6 Immortal Rat Trombosis 5 142 4 Dinasty Antiq'98 - eg'r a marson? 6 90 2 Maczi & Wiktor Toll-vaj 7 56 1 Lippenyi Tam s Rep?l" Show category 7 : lamer demo place score #n author title 1 695 8 Extasy S?letlens'g napja 2 418 5 Immortal Rat /Profuse^B.R. G'za 's a medve 3 367 3 CapanЯa Who the fun is bill gates 3 4 221 4 Tafundekli design Winetoo! 5 132 2 Fatalyteam Dreams 6 71 1 Punk Internet je 3.14 ca 7 44 7 Lupus /n.a. Sz jzene 8 32 9 DZS Ig'nytelens'g 9 20 6 Oak /Black Rainbow Macrohard category 8 : gfx place score #n author title 1 359 21 Warpig /Exceed Under Sea 2 240 11 X-tro /Rhyme Dreamdust 3 228 8 Orome /Talent Trapped 4 182 1 Enok Vaxine 5 172 33 Blackhand /Hooligans Crew The Griff 6 128 28 Kvazar /Euthanasia Alien 7 84 19 Unreal /Faculty Tattoo 8 78 35 Azure /Dilemma All about Eve 9 71 12 Narn /Enlightenment Troll 10 61 6 Lazur /Pulse Rreporter 11 54 32 Blala /Byteam^Elvont Why should those little dark flowers eat my girlfriend? 12 53 31 Inferno /Astral^CLS The mirror of my soul 13 47 30 Edo /Astral Command 14 40 3 Cyclops /Fuel^Quad Katie 15 39 16 Sidha /Dinasty Waiting for 16 36 10 Immortal Rat /Profuse^B.R. Interactivity 16 36 5 Kirk /Fuel Warlord 18 33 27 Tresh /Euthanasia Ariel 19 18 37 zsir! Az rtatlan es igaz ember 20 17 23 SE Cybress 21 14 4 Deone Zenith 22 13 2 FcR /Hypnosis SCEneST vs. Rage '98 23 11 15 Griffin /303 Inferno 24 10 38 Blaise /Savage Tribal 25 9 20 Nyunya & Gabriel /United Force Evil goblin 25 9 7 Necro Fuel Wild 27 8 26 SzНthisz Renewal 27 8 24 T"ki teve Future 29 6 34 z_the_xtz Winfos 29 6 29 Kyle /Autopsy Viper 29 6 25 Pubi teve no#1 29 6 17 Oak /Black Rainbow Honor 33 5 18 Misha /Tatanka^Defect Just 34 3 36 Valami linuxos Sceneheads 34 3 22 Stynger/PeOn Don't bother me cause.. 34 3 14 Grass & dark /CDI Women's lie 34 3 9 tmk /INF^Dolphin Ramen no yume 38 2 13 Jarlaxle /HT Corp. Take me to the sea category 9 : trace place score #n author title 1 586 24 Myrel /Contract^Rhyme Cave 2 259 11 Zoom Lego 07 3 150 15 Triton /Triphase Galery 4 130 2 Flyer /CyberPeas Luftwaffe 5 102 14 Molinari /4k Recycled Bin 5 102 13 Florez /N0P Weeping Woods 7 101 17 Leo Creation 8 95 16 Dan /Breeze Starwars 9 72 23 Solo Submarine 10 60 1 Narn /Enlightenment Ship 11 47 18 Wad /CLS Orion 12 35 8 Strawi /TSS Dark Passion 13 31 4 Gere D niel K"z'pkori Utcak'p 14 29 7 Bali /ProPeller Temple Of Darkness 14 29 6 Bivanbi /Abc^Arc Vasalo Strikes Back 16 26 9 Mokia /Rg42 Hellfire 17 25 27 Laza /Branch H tt'r 18 21 3 Oak /Black Rainbow Base 19 17 10 Vapro /4k A Falra Hirdetest Ragasztani tilos 20 16 12 Walter /Voxel Team Partytime 21 10 26 The Dminator .Mnemonic^MX Darts 22 8 21 Laa-Yosh X-Wing 22 8 19 Z_The_Xtz Lokd Ide A Sort 22 8 5 Lolka /Abc Fire In The Sky 25 6 20 Beb /?VH P"tty"ske 26 4 25 Varg Ferenc Szil rd Raw Truck 27 3 22 H?vely Bal zs /Huvi team Huvi'98 category 10 : c=64 gfx place score #n author title 1 631 3 AMN /Anarchy T-800 2 559 1 Poison /Singular Road runner 3 187 4 Gerync /Different Robot 4 114 2 TGM /Singular Manga rewlz category 11 : multichannel music place score #n author title 1 202 4 Trajic /Rhyme Passport To Heaven 2 193 6 Carlos /Breeze A Vesztes 3 187 11 Imode /Exceed Flashtique 4 181 3 Sly Spy & Fisher /United Force Germ Warfare 5 128 5 Illegal /Contract Pain 6 94 1 Thomas Am Besten 7 85 8 HP /Future sound of Hajdb"sz. Miskolc005 8 75 2 Mr.Suxx /Waterfall Creatures In Da Lake 9 54 9 Fodor M riusz /Rhyme Razor 10 42 7 Styx /Underwear Downtown Dream 11 33 12 Johnko /Mist Picinko N5 Is Alive! 12 31 10 Witchcraft /LD What Iz That...? category 12 : 4ch music place score #n author title 1 207 1 Sly Spy /United Force Plunge 2 197 4 Carlos /Breeze Majus Elseje 3 190 8 Deansdale /Exceed Planetarium 4 189 2 Trajic /Rhyme Ballbouncing 5 119 6 AP /TSS Dark Impressions 6 111 3 Mr.Suxx /Waterfall Fjazz 7 95 7 Dreamer /Inquisition Waking Up 8 79 5 Tower X /Astral Vertigo 9 33 10 Nagz Infected Bootsector 10 24 12 Therion /TSS Quakeworld 11 12 13 Johnko /Mist Karkulka 12 8 9 Ob-Scene Professional Musician 13 0 11 Dangbird /Spartas Blues of suxx category 13 : 8k music place score #n author title 1 269 6 Generic /Exact Sonic Virii 2 155 1 Brain Rain 8k brain 3 150 4 Trajic /Rhyme Mosaic 2 4 148 9 Paco /Dinasty Baroque Lullaby 5 144 3 Sly Spy /United Force ?des lmok 6 143 7 Imode /Exceed 8000 years ago 7 130 2 Beatmaster /CLS^BRS re C64 8 115 5 Abaddon /INRI tanc 9 97 8 Vuk /Breeze 303 in 8k category 14 : c=64 music place score #n author title 1 268 3 CreamD Gonna make you sweep 2 243 4 Carlos /Breeze I got rhytm 3 191 5 Lunatic Front side 4 153 6 Cargo Heat 5 111 1 Flash H-Trance 6 100 2 Da Blondie Weedrunner 7 99 7 Greatrix Zevraj Dobra category 15 : fun compo place score group 1 8 pina 2 6 hc & mc 3 4 halhatatlan cserebogarak category 16 : Winner group of party place score group 1 11 Exhumers 2 10 Contract 2 10 Replay 2 10 Mandula 3 9 Singular 4 7 Euthanasia 4 7 Breeze 5 6 Extasy category 17 : Free for all - Quake I. place score name/group 1 191 gab /rc 2 172 victory /core 3 149 The Dminator /Maxeline & pjl 3 149 James Bond /pjl 4 129 Ex Moris /YNGB 5 128 Nicke /SB 6 123 Tiss /Danube 6 123 Balagee /Sect category 18 : Face to face - Quake I. place name/group 1 Gabr /core 2 Keaton /core ---------- ------| 16.END |--------------------------------------------------------------- ---------- I'm still trying to move list from my account to the hotmail, just haven't had the proper time to do it! I'll probably get to it this week. This means new subscriptions email hotmail and data-input email fe.up. Just a message for all hotmail account demojournal subscribers: Sorry i didn't reply checking your request, little time! I'll try and answer all mails in the future! Just don't think i have ignored you guys! Psychic Symphony ec97104@crazy.fe.up.pt demojournal@hotmail.com