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Best Polish magazines - short review. II. Official results from Sattelite'98 + visitors list! III. Kindergarden'98 - official results! IV. Dialogos'98 - official results! V. Astrosyn'99 - preinvitation. 16.End --------------- ------| 1.Editorial |---------------------------------------------------------- --------------- Howdy! I dunno what to write in here:), maybe only that i'm sorry that this issue is worst than previous, but remember i'm here temporary, Psychic will be back at the moment in issue #16!!! Charts were fucked up by me, don't even look at them ;->. Next thing that i want to thank new subscribers, people who helped me a little in updating sceners list, send news, and so on;))) Best Regards szum.cryogen -------------- ------| 2.Demonews |----------------------------------------------------------- -------------- Szum: In Demo Journal #13 in music charts at 20th place was Jam/Korozone, but there should be Jax/Korozone, sorry for mistake! Stuff from Dialogos'98 is on ftp.scene.org/incoming/DIALOGOS98 There will be party in Wroclaw - Poland, check in "Party ON" Fleur#2 is cooming really soon (in two-four weeks i guess..), it's last chance to submit your articles - ezah@scene-hu.com !!! Some Polish guys are going to make new worlds magazine, loads of articles, gfx from Lucky, and so ... Announce of this project called "AMBER" will be available soon on ftp://amber.bti.pl (incoming, or mags, or somewhere!) I can only say that under this project are working now: Radi, dj Regal, and Mancer! logging off... -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Adok^Hugi: Title: Hugi #13 in 2 weeks - Last chance to submit your articles! Hi friends! Hugi #13 will be released in 2-3 weeks. If you want to contribute to it, please hurry up. We now have about 900 kbyte of text, which was the same with Hugi #12 two weeks before its release, and I'm sure that with your help we will manage to create another fine issue. --------------------------------------------------------------- adok/hugi - hugi main editor - hugi size coding compo organizer HUGI #12 is available at: http://home.pages.de/~hugidownload/ The world's most popular active diskmag. Freeware. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Misha: 26.XI.98. - TotalDisaster #Black was relased. This brand-new mag contains: - a lot of interesting, ilustrated articles (cliparts) - great music in background (4 tunes + one hidden chip-tune) - good gfx - all in 640x480x16bit - animated background - userfriendly interface - hyper-txt links - windows98 / dos compatybile - it tooks only 2 disks (!) - interviews with: Aborygen, Adok, Antony, Danny, Deckard, Falcon, Haplo, Jogeir Lijedahl, KeyG, Made, MRK, Peachy, Radix, Scorpik, Shodan, Skal, Unreal, Visualize... and much more u can respect :) download it from: ftp://amber.bti.pl/scene/mags/td_black.arj (first disk) ftp://amber.bti.pl/scene/mags/td_black.a01 (second disk) or: ftp://ftp.scene.org/incoming/td_black.arj ftp://ftp.scene.org/incoming/td_black.a01 Enjoy and don't forget to support us. If u can - upload those archives to your locals ftps - thx(!). ------------------------- ------| 3.Thought of the week |------------------------------------------------ ------------------------- "scene is about friendship!" Aries/Black Rainbow --------------- ------| 4.Party on! |---------------------------------------------------------- --------------- Starts: Ends: Country: Name: Contact: Nov 13 - Nov 15, 1998 Germany Dialogos '98 http://www.kassablanca.de/dialogos98 Nov 13 - Nov 15, 1998 Norway Kindergarten '98 http://kg.portveien.to/ Nov 20 - Nov 22, 1998 Slovakia Demobit '98 http://demobit.sk (X) <-- You are here! Dec 1998 Israel Movement '98 Dec 12 - Dec 13, 1998 Slovenia Abort '98 http://gw2.s-gimb.lj.edus.si/~abort98/ Dec 18 - Dec 20, 1998 Hungary JuMPer '98 http://scene-hu.com/~jumper Dec 18 - Dec 20, 1998 Poland Freeside'98 http://freeside.dr.pl Dec 19 - Dec 20, 1998 Romania Dracula '98 Dec 25 - Dec 27, 1998 Argentina The Flash '98 theflashparty.home.ml.org Dec 27 - Dec 29, 1998 Denmark The Party 1998 http://www.theparty.dk Mar 1999 Italy Trip 99 Mar 1999 Poland Astrosyn'99 Mar 31 - Apr 04, 1999 Norway The Gathering '99 Apr 02 - Apr 05, 1999 Germany Mekka & Symp. 2k-1 http://ms.demo.org May 29 - May 30, 1999 Germany Komso/Neithernor'99 http://neithernor.demo.org Jun 17 - Jun 20, 1999 Sweden Remedy '99 http://www.remedy.nu Jul 09 - Jul 11, 1999 Belgium Inscene '99 www.analogica.com/inscene -------------------------------- ------| 5.Two interviews of the week |---------------------------------------------- -------------------------------- This time i wanted to interview one of the most explosive guys on Polish Scene, da "lance sergeant Atom".. So here it comes... Atom wanted to put uncorrected interview, so there are many language mistakes, have a fun with them!;) > 1. Hello there Atom!!! Hmm... How should i start... Could you > describe a little yourself, your group, your... grilfriend, cat, > dog, even brother?;) Ok mr. Szum! My name is Pawel Kopinski. I live in Wroclaw. I'm almost 20 years old, I have brown hair and eyes. I'm not as tall as I would like to be. I study "National Economy". I am on the scene since 1996. For now I'm organizer and swapper in Platoon group and co-editor of Measure zin. I don't have any animal at home. I had fishes few years ago, but unfortunatley they have boiled... My group isn't well-known on the international demoscene, but it's quite known in Poland. Who doesn't know here who Pinias is? ;) (show me someone, who is better raytracer than he... ) I don't know what do You mean by 'grilfriend' (my friend on the grill?) ;) but if You ask about "my woman"... She is black-haired beauty with a deep, green eyes and I love her. :)) I don't want to write about my brother, because he plays games only... ;) (Is he a lamer???) > 2. I think everybody knows, that you are Measure editor, can you > tell us something more about that what, and why are doing > anything in this team? It was very unexpected to become co-editor. I've always liked Measure, so I wanted to make it better and better. First I was writting articles, then I met Garfield (hi pal!) and I offered him cooperation. I said that I can spread and count votes and guide charts. Now I still care about charts, make correction of some articles etc. Why am I doing this? I love our scene and I want to do something useful. It is not enough for me to be a swapper only, write letters and watch the scene... I can't paint, I don't know how to make music etc. so I try to do something different and I try to do my best. > 3. In my, and so others (!) you are one of the best swappers in > Poland, how are you carying about that? Aren't you bored of > writing letters, copying stuff, sticking stamps and so things > wich are rather unmodern when we have internet? You sure know > that i was the one too, but i quitted that bussiness, but i hope > you won't do that! Am I one of the best?! Wow! Thanx ;) We were swapping by snail-mail, so You know that I love to writte letters and I think that I do it quite good. ;) Swap can't be boring because every letter is different. There is sometimes cool bonus-stuff inside (Hi Fremen! Thanx for cool pages from "Extasy" magazine (; ) For example I always send covers with scene gfx. I don't know how to explain it, but snail-swap is really great! I don't care that that this is unmodern. As You know Szum, I swap even with Falcon/T.D.Rec. Why is it so strange? Because I live about 1 km from his house and we see or call each other almost every week. This is the power of snail-mail! > 4. Your group is called Platoon, and your nick is Atom, from > when do you have such ideas for names? I guess Chemistry? But why? Chemistry??? No way! I hate chemistry!!! My nickname is Atom, because I'm small, explosive and this nick is easy to keep in mind. ;) I don't know why do You connect Platoon with chemistry? I think that You made a mistake... Platoon is not the Plutonium! ;) (in polish there is the same word for both things - "Pluton") Platoon is the part of the army. You can call me lance sergeant Atom ;) > 5. Why, and how did you became swapper, mageditor, and so??? How did I become a swapper? Hmm... At the very beginning I wanted to be a coder. Unfortunatley I was (and I still am) lazy and I didn't learn asm or C/C++ (I know Pascal a little bit, but who carez...). I wrote letters to few people to get faq's, utilities, informations about coding etc. When I had circa 20 contacts then other people started to write to me. I love to write a letters so I have always answered them... I don't know when I got 40 then 50, 60 ctx and I because of answering letters I had no time for code learning... People started to vote me as a swapper, so... you understand... ;) > 6. I know that you are a teacher in one of Polish basic schools, > tell us something more about your job? It must be really > exciting to do a classtests:>, how many students are you > teaching, and what? Yup! I'm a teacher ;) It's funny because few months ago I was only a school-boy an other people taught me. I didn't like it... Now I teach girls and boys which are only 5-6 years younger than me. There is about 160 pupils in 10 groups. They have to learn basic things like attendance of DOS, Norton Commander, I show them how to use Fast Tracker, Deluxe Paint... I don't like to give them bad notes, but sometimes I have to. It's great to teach beautiful, young girls and show them who is the most important in the class... ;) The worst thing is, that I have veeery slow and old computers there. Last time I brought there my P100 and I showned them Sunflower, Panoramix, Stash, Drain and other demos and intros... They like it! :) Maybe in the next month I will bring them K6-2 333 and show Fulcrum and Gateways?! ;) > 7. You are on the vision! Say something stupid to your auditory > behind monitors in the whole world! I'm crazy, so It would be difficult to say something wise ;) Let me tell You the most intelligent words of my idol - Al Bundy. "Blabla bla bla blabla...". (If You does'n know who Al Bundy is, then You don't know anything about real life of simple shoes-seller) ;) > 8. Thanx for an interview!!! No problem dude! :) BTW. I want to say hallo to all my snail and e-mail ctx. HALLO!!! Thank You for reading... ;) Atom/Platoon (e-mail: atom@pertus.com.pl) Pawel Kopinski ul. Swistackiego 10/15 50-430 Wroclaw Poland -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- And here comes big suprise!!! Another interview, this time i'd like to interview for you Fremen/Hypnotize, guy who is trying to express himself in his demos... >1. Hi Fremen! How are you today?;) Hmm... maybe you should introduce >yourself to the guys who are just reading this Demojournal:) Hi Szum. I am fine, thank you (typical). Oke, so I am 19 years old, i am working, i am studying, and i am sitting on scene a lot of time. >2. I know, that you are writting sometimes fantasy stories, lirics etc. >It's rather unusual on the scene. Can you say something about your >favourite writers, books? What, or who inspirates you to writing stories? Well... when i was younger, i used to write some fantasy. I win two competitions. Anyway, then i didn't write anything, because i didn't feel that i have to give something to the people. Right now i am writting sci-fi stories, some kinds of horrors, and of course psychological stories. >3. Tell me something about your family... ;) Nah, there is nothing to say. They do not understand me. Right now i am going to remove into my own house, at any cost. I hope that i will success next year. >4. Can you say us something more about your coding experiences, demos wich >you released and so other stuffz. You've coded few demos, two issues of >Measure. Do you really enjoy coding? Welll... there is not much to say. Very long time, i was standing on scene as a swapper. I just didn't show my productions because of low quality. I was moving from group to group. Then i realised that everything what i am doing is for me, not for prizes or something, but only for me. We released intro Audiotele (rather low), then demo called Hologram. I took 6th. Not too complicated, but with a little bit climax ;) Then at Rush Hours we released demo called Signal. It was very typical demo. Objects, tunels etc. Then i have decided, that there is no target writting something what you don't like. I said ENOUGHT - drik my finger vision ;) I made music for La Communication, and then i started to coding a demo. It was really psyched, and right now it is my favourite production, throught there is so more to be done (gfx, design). I enjoyed, because of people at party place, which were looking on screen with surprised faces, and...'o fuck, what is that? they are crazy man, really psycho'. Hah, at least something in my style ;) Then we released People. Demo took 2nd at Sattelite'98. Not too complicated - just nice text and soft animations. About Measure - yes, but many people said that it doesn't working. Well, i am a little bit dissapointed, because a lot of people didn't knew that they have to load univbe when something wrong etc. Yes, i am satisfied ;) ( i know my english bad, but i like this style ;0 ) Anyway - i am trying to express myself not to write new 3d effect. That's the point of scene - expression, not impression. I think so. >5. How do you feel in Hypnotize? It's really one of the best polish demo >groups, is it cool to work with such guys as Zenial, Bartes, and so? Well... i feel good. Lsd^Grass^Neon^Zenial^Ghenesis are really cool artists. They are looking for something deep on scene. As me ;) I know that Hypnotize is very good group, and I hope that people will understand our future demos - we are looking for something new, fresh, not typical new methods of shading/rendering etc. The target is message from us to you, scene people ;) >6. Your last demo was "People", i saw this demo, and i must to say that >it is really different from the demos you coded before. Why did you change >your style? I remember Signal, it is really different!:) Can you something >more about the meaning of "design" for you? You are right, i am going to another style. You should attend i.e. on WRO in Wroclaw, to see other artist which are using computers in their arts. This is really fascinating. I am working on message, i want to surprise you, show you many feeling. I just want to express myself, not to show how 'good i am because i did xxx,xxx faces per frame'... that is wrong. >7. And as i asked Atom, say something stupid to your auditory!!!;) Er.. I don't know what to say ;) Is that stupid enought ? :) >8. Thanx for an interview!!! No prob. contact: _fremen_@friko2.onet.pl (Fremen/Hypnotize^Pengo) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- PS. HOPE (tm) you've enjoyed this two interviews! ---------------------- ------| 6.Demo of the week |--------------------------------------------------- ---------------------- ,sssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss, :: d$$$$$$ ,ssssss ssssssss sssssss, ù ,ssss, sss ssssss, ssssssss $$$$$$b ù: : d$$ $$$ d$$ ..... $$$$ . $$$ ù $$$ d$$ $$b sss $$$ $$b $$$ ùùùù $$$ $$b : : $$$ss$$$ ýSSSsss, : $$$$ : $$$sss$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$sssss $$$ss$$$ : : $$$ $$$ ùùùù $$B : $$$$ : $$$ . $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ ùùùù $$$ $$$ : : $$$ $$$ d$$$$$$ý : $$$$ : $$$ : $$$ `?$$$$Pý $$$ $$$$$$Pý $$$$$$$$ $$$ $$$ : :. ?$ :............::......:.....:....::......;............:.............. $P.:: ` ' :: s p i c e l e s s :: b y :: a s t r o i d e a :: f o r :: a n t i q 9 7 ::: . % . . . % . . % . code . tsc genesis reptile mrz . % . . % . . . % . .%. . . .%. . .% . music . tsc . %. . .%. . . .%. . . % . . . % . . % . graphics . rendall beast . % . . % . . . % . .%. . . .%. . .% . textures . tsc o-man . %. . .%. . . .%. . ::::::::::::::::: h a r d w a r e :: r e q u i r e m e n t s ::::::::::::::::: pentium 100 % 16 megabytes of ram % fast videocard % sound blaster or gus 1mb ::::::::::::::::: s o m e :: w o r d s :: o f :: w i s d o m ::::::::::::::::: this demo took us five full days to create - no big deal. anyways, our next demo will be released at the party ninetyseven at denmark. there we will show what we can do. you may have already noticed, that we really don't care about people with slow computers. you're right. look, we can't optimize too much when we don't have enough time... and usually we don't have... moreover, all of us have pentium processors in this poor country (i mean at least p133), so i think you can buy it too. if you still have doubts about our coding abilities ;) then write your opinion in a letter and address it to we@dontcare.about.you the demo was made at the astroidea whq (tm) - thanks to paladine for the place hellos to the people who were actually present at the whq: kriszta, periwinkle reptile, mrz, rene, o-man, tdmr, genesis, tsc... actually there are no hidden parts in the demo -not! ;) katasztr¢fa by genesis ::::::::::::::::::::::::: c o d e r s :: i n f o :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: the demo internally runs in 24 bit truecolor, except some parts which you will notice easily. the demo uses linear framebuffer and univbe if available. the optimal palette mode is a fail-safe mode which you would never use except if you have only 64k graphics memory ;) , this mode uses a fixed optimalpalette like windows does in 256 color modes, so no long precalculations are needed for each scene. the vectorsystem is a full featured 3ds player but in this de- mo we didn't use it too much... signed by tsc / astroidea ----------------------- ------| 7.Intro of the week |-------------------------------------------------- ----------------------- Front Page by Suspend somewhere on ftp://amber.bti.pl (scene/party/1998/sattelite.98 or sth..) --------------------- ------| 8.MOD of the week |---------------------------------------------------- --------------------- Genocide by Bartes probably the longest module ever ... 22.17 minutes!!! 1337 seconds!!! to get from .. ee .. somebody :) ----------------------- ------| 9.Commercial break! |-------------------------------------------------- ----------------------- .sssssss .ssssssssssssssss. s$$$$$$$$ .ssssssssssssssssss. .$$$$------------$ $$$$$$ --- --- --------- $. $$$$/ ____/ _/_ $$$$$$$ _/ / / _/_/ _ _/$$$ $$$/ __--'$ |$$$$$$$| /_/ ._\ \$$$$ $$/__/$$$$$/_____/ $$$$$ |_____________|$$\___|$$$ `$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ ý$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$' `$$$$' `ýýýýýýý `$áïç' Fleur - da new flower of international diskmagscene is waiting for your support!!! english articles are really needed!!! contact: ezah@scene-hu.com, szum@amber.bti.pl haven't you seen Fleur#1 yet? check it out: ftp://d-eyes.jpte.hu/pub/scene/diskmags/fleur/fleur#1.zip ÜÜÜ ßß ßß ßßßßÛ ÜÜÛÛÜ ÜÜÛÛÜ ÜÜÛÜ ÜÜÛÛßß ßÛÛÜ Ü ÛÛÛß ÛÛÛß ÛÛÛß þ ÞÛÛÛ ÛÛÛ ÜÛÜ ÜÜÛÛÜÜ ÞÛÛÛ ÞÛÛÛ ÞÛÛÛ Ü ßß ÛÛÛÝ ßß ß ÛÛÛ ßßßßÛ ÞÛÛÝß ßÛÛÛ ÞÛÛÛ ÞÛÛÛ ÞÛÛÛ ÜÛÝ Û ÛÛÛÝþ ÞÛÛ Ü ßÛß ß ÛÛÛÝÛÛÛÝ ÛÛÛÝ ÛÛÛÝ ÛÛÛ Û ÛÛÛÝ ßÜÜÜßßßÞÜÜ ß ÜÛÜ °°° °ÜÜßßßÜ Û²²ÝÛ²ÛÝ° Û²²Ý° ²²ÛÝÞ²²Û ° °° ÞÛ²Û °° Ü²Ü Û²²ßßþÞ²²Ý °°° ÛÛÝ Ü þÞÛÛÛÞÛÛÝ ÛÛÛÝ ÛÛÛÝÛÛÛÝþßßßÛÜÜßÛÛÜ ÜÞÛÛÝÞÛÛÝ ßÛß ÛÛÛ Û ÞÛÛÛ ßßÛ ßßÛ ßßÛÞÛÛ Ü ÞÛÛÝßßßßß ßÛßÞÛÛÝ Û ÛÛÛ ßß ÞÛÛÛ Û ^grf ÛÛÛ Ü ÛÛÛ ÛÛÛ ßßß ßß ßßß ß ßÛÛÜÜ ÜÜÛßß ÜÜÜÜÜÜ ÜÜÜ ÜÜÜ ÞÛÛÝ ÜÜÛ ÛÛÛ ÛÛÛ ßßß ßßÛÜÜ ÜÜÛÛß ÞÛÛÝ ftp://amber.bti.pl ßßß Ûßß DeMoSùInTrOsùMaGsùMuSicùGrApHiCsùPaRtIeS StUffùDiStRoSùAnd OtHeRz.. ùNo PoRnOùNo illeGAl WaReZùNo GaMezùNo UnkNowN LogiNzùNo CraP UploaDzù úúúùùùùSite Admin Radi/InterroR radi@irc.plùùùúúú ÄØÄ Ü ÛÜÜÜÜ Ü ÛÜÜÜÜ Ü ÛÜÜ Ü ÛÜÜÜÜ Ü ÛÜÜÜÜ Ü ÛÜÜÜÜ Ü ÛÜÜÜÜ À¿ Û ÛÛÛÛ Û Û²ÛÛ Û ÛÛÛÛ Û ÛÛÛÛ Û Û²ÛÛ Û ÛÛÛÛ Û ÛÛÛÛ ³ Û ßßßß Û ÛÛÛÛ Û Û²ÛÛ Û ÛÛÛÛ Û ßßßß Û ßßßß Û ÛÛÛÛ ³ Ä Û ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Û ßßßßßß ß ßßßßßßÛ Û ÄÄ ÛÛ²Û Û ßßßßßÜ Û ßßßßßßß Û ÄÄ ÛÛÛÛ ÄÙ ³ Û ÛÛÛÛ Û ßÛÛÛÜ ÛÛÛÛ Û ÛÛÛÛ Û ÛÛÛÛ Û ÛÛÛÛ Û ÛÛ²Û ³ À¿ ß ÛÜÛ²Ûß ßÜ ÛÛÛÛ ßÜÜÜ ÛÛÛÛ ßÜÜÜ ÛÛÛÛ ßÜÜÜ ÛÛÛÛ ßÜÜÜ ÛÛ²Û ßÜ ÛÛÛÛ ³ ÀÄ¿ sK!/cAZ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ÄÄÄÄÄÄ ÄÄÄÄ ÄÄÄ ÄÄ Ä ÄÄÄÙ we are always looking for our destiny, if you think that you are good enough to join cryogen, then mail us! da onanizator of cryogen crew - szum/cryogen reach me at: szum@amber.bti.pl or szum@kki.net.pl also: jerzy szumski, na ost. groszu 106/25, 54-207 wroclaw, poland we are looking for good object makers in 3ds r4, interested? contact us!!! $S@g·, g@S$$$ $$$$$$+-ù ú. `@g, .ú- -+g@ ½üýø^_ +-Ä- - $$$$$$-- -Ä-$b,`$-- --- y '-- Ä- -$$ g@S$$$-Ä- ---+ «¬¬«¬ $$$$$$ ¬¬«« $$l $ ¬¬«¬« $ «¬«¬¬«¬ $$ $$$$$$ «¬«¬¬« ¬¬«¬« $$$$$$ ¬«¬¬ $$$ l «¬«¬« $ ¬«¬¬«¬« $$ $(dt)$ ¬«¬¬«¬ +-- Ä -l$$ü$$-Ä-- -$$$ $Ä- --- $`+,._ _,$l $$$$$$-- Ä- -+ $$$y$$ Sü',$ ü $$,øý½SQ$ ½üýø^~ ,g@$$ ,g@S@, $$$l dentoe/sdi `ýÓ*S,_ _`*S$$b._ ,SSü' HUGI #13 wants YOUR articles! Support this great zine and contact Adok at: hugi@netway.at For more information, check out http://home.pages.de/~hugidownload/ Estimated RELEASEDATE of HUGI #13: November or December 1998 The exact releasedate depends on how many articles we will get within a short time, so if you want Hugi to come out soon, you know what to do! ° ÜÜÜܲÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÜÜÜ ° ° ܲÛÛÛÛßßßßßßßßßß²ÛÛ² ° ÞÛÛß ßÛÛ ÜܲÛÛÛÜ ²ÛÝÞÛ² ÜÛÛÛÛÛÜÜ For pure demoswapping ²ÛÜ ° ²Ûß ßÛÛÝ ÞÛÛ ÛÛÝ ²Û ²ßßÛÛ ßÛÛÛÛ²ÜÜÜÜÜÜÜ ÜÜÜÛ²ß ²ÛÝ °ÞÛÛ ÞÛÝ Û ÞÛÝ For joining Cryogen ßßßßßßß²ÛÛÛÛÜÜ ÞÛÛß ÜÜÛßÞÛÛ ÜÜÛÛÝ ÛÛ Û² ° ° ßÛÛ² ßÛÛÛ²ßß ßÛÛÛ²ßß ÞÛÝ°ÞÛÝ ÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÞÛÛÝÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜ ÜÜÜÜ ÜÜ Ü For Fleur da beauty ÜÛÛßß [alpha] ²ÛÝ flower of international ÞÛÛÝ ° ÛÛÛ ° Szum/Cryogen diskmags support. ²ÛÛÜÜ ÜÜÛÛÛÛß Jerzy Szumski ßÛÛÛÛÛÜÜܲÛÛÛÛ²ß Na Ostatnim Groszu 106/25 Write to me. ° ßß²ÛÛÛÛÛßß ° 54-207 Wroclaw ° email: szum@amber.bti.pl PþOþLþAþNþD ( always good for ..... ) a laugh!! _ : o_o : ( n_______n (_| = / ___ \ = = ---- |________ }_____ ( (_u_) ) ((O) \\. / \_______/ \ =(_O) | / \ sT(_O)|___ [ P A i N ] . da swiss diskmag is looking for your articles ! . send everything to : pain@space.ch . check it out on the www ! . http://www.space.ch/scene/pain ÜÜÄÜÜ ÜÄÄÜÜ ÜÄÄ¿ÜÜ ÜÄÄ¿ÜÜ Ü ÜÜ ÛÛ ÛÛ ÛÛ ÛÛ ³ÛÛ ÛÛ ³ÛÛ ÛÛ ÛÛ Tommy/Cryogen ÛÛ ÛÛ ÛÛ ÛÛ ³ÛÛ ÛÛ ³ÛÛ ÛÛ ÛÛ Tomasz Czurak ÛÛ ÛÛ ÛÛ ÛÛ ³ÛÛ ÛÛ ³ÛÛ ÛÛ ÛÛ ul.Saturna 28a ÛÛ ÛÛ ÛÛ ÛÛ ÛÛ ÛÛ ÛÛ ßßÄÛÛ 15-680 Bialystok ÛÛ ÛÛ ÛÛ ÛÛ ÛÛ ÛÛ ÛÛ dg ÛÛ Poland ßß ßßÄßß ßß ßß ßß ßß ßßÄßß ---------------- ------| 10.Homepages |--------------------------------------------------------- ---------------- Astroidea........................http://astroidea.scene-hu.com Blasphemy..............................http://www.blasphemy.dk Byteway...............ftp://amber.bti.pl/scene/distro/byteway/ Byterapers....................http://www.byterapers.scene.org/ DC-1.....................................demo.dyn.ml.org/scene Exceed...........................http://www.inf.bme.hu/~exceed HP..................................http://www.klte.hu/~hamzap Hugi.......................http://home.pages.de/~hugidownload/ Milk.......................................http://milk.sgic.fi Mandula.........................http://www.inf.bme.hu/~mandula Melcom....................http://www.center-nebula.com/melcom/ Melcom (mirror)......................http://www.melcom.cjb.net Mono211..............................http://www.scene.org/mono Nico....................................http://geecs.org/~nico Pain............................http://www.space.ch/scene/pain Quad.....................................http://www.quad98.net Rhyme................................http://rhyme.scene-hu.com The Black Lotus.............................http://www.tbl.org Tokyo Dawn Records........................http://tdr.scene.org TPOLM...............................http://www.tpolm.scene.org ------------------------ ------| 11.Quote of the week |------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ * Psychic_S sings: ur loosing your mind again... tu tu tu tu tu tu TU TU tu means you in portuguese! ------------- ------| 12.Charts |------------------------------------------------------------ ------------- Please vote on reply to the mailing list newsletter release! Just send back something like pulse/rip rap/paper/unreal/falcon/visualize. Ooops! I got really too less votes to do actual, and nice charts:( anyway here are they.. counted! Overall i got only TEN votes. I can't force on you as many votes as Psychic forced on you last time, sorry!!! Blame me - Szum - for these charts! Anyway i HOPE (tm) that you will forgive me, or just VOTE, please!!! I'm not good in votes counting, i need to say that this part was the hardest thing for me to do in whole Demojournal, sorry!!! Group: Pulse.................................. (3) = CNCD................................... (2) = Blasphemy.............................. (1) > Hellcore............................... (1) > Exceed................................. (1) > Rhyme.................................. (1) N Norferin............................... (1) N Demo: Rip Rap..........................Exceed (2) > Louis Lane....................Blasphemy (2) N 73ms..............................Pulse (1) = Dis.............................Mandula (1) = The Fulcrum......................Matrix (1) = Automaton Flavour..............Hellcore (1) > Killer..............................??? (1) N Rain................................??? (1) N Intro: Paper........................statix+vic (2) = Mesha.............................Rhyme (2) > Huge Crowd.......................Orange (1) > Spark...........................Cryogen (1) N Front Page......................Suspend (1) N Sink..............................Pulse (1) N Daze................................??? (1) N Code: Unreal.............................CNCD (3) = Mrock..........................Hellcore (1) > Statix.........................Lionhead (1) > Picard............................Rhyme (1) > Rod.............................Mandula (1) > Barti.............................NoooN (1) > Zsacul.........................Norferin (1) N Music: Falcon.......................Tokyo Dawn (3) = Dune (BrothomStates).............Orange (1) = Shad..............................Pulse (1) > Groo...............................CNCD (1) > Smash...........................Nothing (1) > Necros...................Five Musicians (1) > Yolk................................??? (1) N Scorpik...........................Pulse (1) N Graphics: Vizualize..................Pulse^Jamm R (3) > Lazur........................ (1) = Ra................................NoooN (1) = Louie...................The Black Lotus (1) = Kobold.........................Metaphor (1) > Destop..............................??? (1) > Acryl...........................Scoopex (1) > --------------- ------| 13.Messages |---------------------------------------------------------- --------------- From: D-Lee/Exceed To: Picard/Rhyme Content: Me message flooder? Watch Behemot/ByteWay. But my messages are more funnyer. His suck. ;) From: D-Lee/Exceed To: Adok/Hugi Content: Wo bleibt denn Hugi 13? From: D-Lee/Exceed To: Baste/Exceed Content: Zdrastvujtye! =) [ Ha, he will only read this when i'll send this him via snail mail. But who cares? ] From: JaM/Korozone To: all my ctx Content: Hi guys ! From: JaM/Korozone To: Traymuss/Giraffe Content: Life is brutal and full of viruses :) I hope you recover all data. From: JaM/Korozone To: Borlot/MCT Content: Informatic Olympiad rulez :) To: nephoo/evolve From: distance Content: i'm sorry i haven't mailed. the thing is that i haven't been able to track anything, anything at all. nothing that would fit into a production. seems the 1month pause from music didn't help either. To: Psychic Symphony From: szum.cryogen Content: ee... yy.. i fucked that, blame only me 8-E ----------------- ------| 14.Demoscener |-------------------------------------------------------- ----------------- This is supposed to be a list of all currently active demosceners! Warn if there is something wrong or missing! PLEASE! Don't hesitate for one second to send me listings of people who are active and not in here... This list is far from complete! Let's get one thing straight: I don't want to be told to go to some url and get all names!!! I want ppl to send me small listings of friends who aren't here. Got it? Good! Name: Country: What: Group: 216..............fi...........Code...............MFX Aap..............nl...........Gfx................ACME Abyss............fi..............................Future Crew Access...........be..............................Pulpe Acryl............de...........Gfx^Music..........Scoopex Action........................Code...............Virtual Visions Adok.............at...........Editor.............Hugi Adiktor..........de..............................Expulsion aGi..............pl...........Gfx................INTerror Alex.............fr...........Gfx................Melon Alpha............pl...........Ascii^Coder........ByteWay Andr0meda........be...........Code^Music.........Green Andromeda........sw...........Music..............Noice Angel............pl...........Gfx................Tatanka Antony...........fr...........Gfx................Pulse Apatia...........fi...........Gfx................COMA Aquafresh........uk...........Music..............Dolphin Aragorn..........it...........Code...............Chalice Aries............hu...........Swapper^Ascii......Black Rainbow^Castrum Doloris Arn..............hu...........Gfx................Area51 Aron.............hu...........Code...............Contract Arson............pl...........Music..............ByteWay^Cryogen^Anxiety Asphyx...........fr...........Gfx................Vision Assassin.........fi...........Swapper............Trauma Assign...........de...........Music..............Ethos9^Tokyo Dawn Astute...........fi...........Code...............Flo^Radio Atom.............pl...........Swapper............Platoon Atx..............hu...........Music..............Chrome^LabelZero Aurelius.........de...........Code...............Matrix Azure............sl...........Gfx................Dilemma^Byteway Axl..............sw...........Code...............TPOLM^DC5^TEA A-Move...........de...........Music..............Amable^Tokyo Dawn Bakedfred........fi...........Music..............Orange Baloo............sw...........Gfx................Blocc Balrog...........sw...........Music..............KFMF^TPOLM Banshik..........pl...........Code^Gfx...........ByteWay Barbatron........sw...........Code...............Syntax Terror Barbecue.........dk...........Code...............Purple Barog............uk...........Music..............Nothing Bartesek.........pl...........Music.............. Baste............ru...........Gfx................Exceed Baxter...........be...........Editor^Code^Music..Green Beast............hu...........Gfx................Astroidea Behemot..........pl...........Organizer..........ByteWay Bejrutt..........sw...........Gfx^Music..........Syntax Terror Belfegor.........hu...........Music^Swapper......Profuse Big Bear.........ch...........Music..............Fake That Binar............pl...........Swapper^Ascii......Korozone^Chloride^VP Bitcoder.........pt...........Code...............Radioactive Design Bivanbi..........hu...........Web................ABC Blade............sp..............................The Utopians^Los Centoros Bonnie...........fr...........Gfx................HCL Borlot...........pl...........Code...............Majorca Team Brainpower.......pt...........Code...............Dawn 3 Brainsaw.........nl..............................SuccesS Brix.............hu...........Code...............Dilemma Byter............dn...........3D^Gfx.............Blasphemy Carebear.........fi...........Music..............Orange^Komplex Carlos...........hu...........Music..............Breeze^Mandula Caveman..........fi..............................Coma Case.............pl...........Swapper............Revelation^Fuse Cheetah.......................Gfx................Ephidrena Chronos..........hu...........Gfx................Dinasty Clef.............au...........Music.............. Cliffhanger...................Code............... Clifford M.......pl...........Gfx................ExMortis^MFX Codeorgo.........hu...........Code...............Black Rainbow Core-nick........pl...........Music..............Tatanka Corona...........be...........Code...............Green Corpse...........hu...........Gfx................Dinasty Cortez...........pl...........Swapper............Omnicolour CpC..............gr...........Code...............Demaniacs Cranx............hu...........Code...............Rhyme Cremax...........pt...........Code...............Nothing Croaker..........fi...........Code^Music^Gfx.....Halcyon^TPOLM Crossbone........de...........Code...............Suburban Creations !Cube............fi...........Music^Gfx^Code.....Trauma Cyberfish........no...........Code...............The Lost Souls Cyclone..........de...........Gfx................Abyss Cyclops..........be...........Gfx................Fuel^Quad Cyg..............fr...........Code...............BlaBla Da C.C.Songwrita.de...........Music^Gfx..........CoPro Dake.............ch...........Code...............Calodox Damaq............fi...........Gfx................Doomsday Damien...........be..............................Imphobia Danube...........fr...........Gfx................HCL Darkflare........pt...........Gfx................ActiveFuel Darkness.........be...........Editor.............Imphobia Dave.............sp...........Code...............Phymosys Dave.............pl...........Music..............Haujobb DC-1.............hu...........Swapper............ Deansdale........hu...........Music..............Exceed Delirium.........pt...........Music..............ActiveFuel Der Piipo........fi...........Gfx................Orange Der Punkt........si...........Gfx................Dolphin Deyi.............be...........Code...............Itsari Dfj..............hu...........Music^Editor.......Dinasty Dharma...........fi...........Music..............Mono211 Diabolo..........fr...........Code...............HCL Digisnap.........de...........Code...............Matrix Digital pain.....hu...........Music..............Dinasty Dildo............hu...........Code............... Distance.........fi...........Music..............TPOLM^monotonik^lackluster Dixan............it...........Music..............Chalice Dizzy............ch...........Music.............. Djamm............fr...........Music..............Nomad^Bomb^Ribbon D-lee............hu...........Editor.............Exceed Doctor_Q.........pl...........Swapper............ByteWay^DRB^TPB Dominei..........no...........Music..............Dolphin^INF DreamDancer......de...........Gfx^Swapper........Nwo Wolfpack^Role Dreamer..........fi...........Music..............Sublogic Dreyer...........dk...........Music..............Blasphemy Droid............fi...........Code...............Haujobb Duet.............fi...........Code...............Embassy Duncan...........fi..............................Damones Dune.............fi...........Music..............Orange Echo.............dk...........Code...............Fudge Echo.............pl...........Music..............Diffusion Eclipse..........fr...........Code^Editor........Knights^Lichty's Concept Eggbird..........nl..............................Green Ellyn............pl...........Gfx................ExMortis^MFX Enok.............hu...........Gfx................Chrome Euphoria.........au...........Gfx................f00d Excel............fi...........Gfx................Trauma Ez...............it...........Music..............Deathstar Ezah.............hu...........Gfx^Editor.........Dilemma Falcon...........pl...........Music..............Tokyo Dawn Fatality.........fi...........Music..............Flo Fear.............fi...........Code...............The Black Lotus^Dolphin Feather..........fi...........Gfx................TPOLM Filozof..........pl...........Ascii..............Konzept Fitzroy..........pl...........Ascii..............Enenzi^The Loop Flan.............fr...........Gfx................ Flex.............sw...........Code...............Blocc Fndr.............sw...........Gfx^Code........... Frame............sw...........Gfx................C-lous Fred.............ch...........Gfx................Calodox Fred.............pl...........Gfx................INTerror Fred.............pl...........Swapper............Exodus^Samar Fremen...........pl...........Coder..............Pengo^Hypnotize Fugaz............pl...........Coder^Music........ByteWay Fustic...........pl...........Coder..............Platoon Gandalf..........fr...........SysOp..............Pulse Ganja Man........uk...........Music..............LoK Gardner..........pl...........Swapper............Flow Garfield.........pl...........Editor.............Pengo^IPC^LO 2+7 Garfield.........pt...........Music^Code.........Radioactive Design Garvin...........fi...........Code...............COMA G-day............nl...........Music..............Quad Generic..........hu...........Music..............Exact Genesis..........hu...........Code...............Astroidea Goblin...........au...........Code...............Xtatic Gongo............be...........Code...............Green Goofy............sw...........Editor.............Replay Gooroo...........ca...........Code...............KFMF Graff............pl...........Music..............Tatanka Greenpix7........ru...........Gfx................Universe Gtg..............pl...........Code...............Tatanka Guille...........fr...........Code...............Cocoon Gurdan...........fi...........Code...............Byterapers Gyr..............au...........Code...............f00d Hager............hu...........Code^Swapper.......Profuse Hanx.............hu...........Music..............LabelZero Harlequin........nl...........Gfx^Music..........SuccesS Hate.............pl...........Swapper^Editor.....Prism^Core^Scream HeY..............pl...........Code^Editor........Tatanka Hoplite..........fi...........Code...............Orange HP...............hu...........Music..............MicroPyle^PHB^Zsir Htom.............hu..............................Dinasty Hunz.............au...........Music..............Five Musicians Hyde.............pl...........Music..............ByteWay Hyp-X............hu...........Code...............Mandula Idiotboy.........us...........Code...............Evolve Illusion.........fi...........Music..............Doomsday^DCS Incubus..........pl...........Code...............Prism Infinite Reboot..be...........Code...............Fuel Insane...........pl...........Gfx................Metaphor Immortal.........pl...........Music..............Platoon Immortal Rat.....hu...........Gfx................Profuse Imode............hawaii.......Music..............Exceed^Sound Devotion Impexus..........pl...........Code...............Diffusion Inopia........................Code...............Quad Ionic............hu...........Code...............Astroidea Ior..............us..............................TPOLM Jabberwock.......hu...........Music^3D...........Dinasty Jace.............nl...........Code...............The Black Lotus J.Coburn v B.Lee.fi...........Code...............TPOLM Jam..............................................Therapy Jate.............fi...........Gfx................Orange^Byterapers Java.............sw...........Gfx................Cryonics Jaws.............no...........Code...............Proxima^TPOLM Jax..............pl...........Music..............Korozone Jim Goer.........pl...........Code...............Grinders Jlt..............pl...........Code...............Omnicolour Jmagic...........fi...........Code...............Complex Judge Brad.......hu...........Music..............Black Rainbow Jugi.............fi...........Music^Gfx..........Complex K................sw...........Music..............TPOLM Kakka............fi..............................Damones Kal..............hu...........Gfx................Astroidea Kal-Min-Do.......fr...........Music..............HCL Kat..............pl...........Swapper............Metaphor Kci..............hu...........3D.................Chrome Keith303.........de...........Music..............Radical Rhythms^Tokyo Dawn KeyG.............pl...........Music..............Calodox Khamoon..........pl...........Code...............ByteWay^Tube27 Kidlove..........fi...........Gfx................Haujobb Kneebitter.......us...........Code...............Threesome Knowtow..........fi...........Gfx................Orange Knuddel..........ch...........Music.............. Koan.............pl...........Code...............Giraffe Kobold...........pl...........Gfx................Metaphor Kombat...........il...........Code...............Immortals Kravitz..........fi...........Code...............Sublogic Kurt.............be...........Code...............Green Kvazar...........hu...........Music..............Euthanasia Laban............fi...........Code...............The Black Lotus Lando............pl...........Swapper............Konzept Laud.............hu...........Code...............Area51^Contract Lazur............pl...........Gfx................ LeaderC..........hu...........Music..............Castrum Doloris Lebeau/Legend....fi...........Music..............CNCD Leffinen.........hu...........Music^Gfx..........Profuse Legend...........au...........Music..............The Vault Lemming..........fi...........Editor.............Orange Leo..............hu...........3D.................Euthanasia Leto.............ch...........Code...............Calodox Lexus............pl...........Editor.............Enenzi Liam The Lemming.uk...........Music..............KFMF Loke.............fi...........Music..............Radio Loonie...........sw...........Music..............Analogue Louie............sw...........Gfx................The Black Lotus Lucky............pl...........Gfx................ Ludwig...........hu...........Gfx................Dinasty Luk..............pl...........Music..............Procreation Lunat............hu..............................Supreme Made.............fr...........Gfx................Bomb Maelcom..........us...........Music..............KFMF Magnesium........au...........Code^Music.........LaTeX Mandrixx.........fr...........Code............... Manka............hu...........Music..............Pathos^Autopsy Mantra...........fi...........3D^Ascii...........Flow Marq..........................Code...............FiT Marquis..........de...........Music^Swapper......Platoon Marvel...........fi...........Gfx................Future Crew Mash.............pl...........Code...............ByteWay Masterboy........il...........Code...............Lynx^Wij Max..............pl...........Gfx................Defect^Cryogen McGurk...........fi..............................COMA Melan............hu...........Organiser..........Astroidea Melcom...........de...........Music^Code......... MD...............be^fi........Music..............TPOLM^Five Musicians Melwyn...........fi...........Music..............Acid Rain Mentz............nl...........Music..............LoK^Tokyo Dawn Mercure..........fr...........Music.............. Micron...........fi..............................Byterapers Mike.............fi...........Gfx................Byterapers Mindwalker.......pt...........Music..............Suburban Creations MirekCz..........pl...........Code...............Platoon Misha............pl...........Gfx^Editor.........Tatanka^Defect^Nothing Miss Saigon......us^fi........Music..............Threesome Mistral..........fi...........Gfx................Byterapers Mordicus.........fi...........Music..............Jamm R. Morhith..........hu...........Music..............Castrum Doloris Mosh.............fi...........Music..............Forsaken Mov..............fi..............................Radio MRI..............fi...........Code...............Doomsday Mr.Sex...........fi...........Code...............Byterapers Mrz..............hu...........Code...............Astroidea Muffler..........fi...........Music..............DCS Murphy...........hu...........Code...............Exact Myrel............hu...........Gfx................Astroidea Mystical......................Music..............Purple MZ...............au...........Code............... NamNam...........sw...........Gfx................Blocc Nap..............hu...........Code...............Dilemma Neek.............gr...........Code...............Demaniacs Nemesis1......................Music.............. Nemesulku........fi...........Gfx................Acid Rain Nephoo...........pl...........Code...............Samar PC^Evolve Nero.............de...........Gfx................Matrix Net..............hu...........Coder..............Chrome Nik..............be...........Gfx................Green Nitro............fi...........Music..............Trauma Nix...........................Code...............The Black Lotus Nns..............hu...........Code...............Exceed Nobody...........fi...........Music..............Wild Light Nucleon..........................................Pyo Nytrik...........fr...........Gfx................ByteWay^Fuel^Cocoon O-Man............hu...........3D.................Astroidea Oc...............hu...........3D.................Profuse Onyx.............us...........Code...............Dolphin Optic............no...........Music..............Tokyo Dawn^TRSI^TPOLM Orome............no...........Gfx................Astroidea Paavi............fi..............................iSO Paco.............hu...........Music..............Dinasty Pahladin.........no...........Gfx................TPOLM^Sublogic Pancho...........pl...........Gfx................Platoon^IPC Paniq............de...........Music..............Tokyo Dawn Parrot...........hu...........Code...............Black Rainbow Particle......................Gfx................ Patapom..........fr...........Code...............Bomb Pazur............pl...........Gfx................Metaphor Pe3..............hu...........3D.................Castrum Doloris Peachy...........de...........Gfx................Haujobb Pearl Hunter.....................................The Utopians Phobia...........fi...........Ascii..............Puma Picard...........hu...........Code...............Rhyme Pinias...........pl...........3D.................Platoon Pitbull..........de...........Code...............Imphobia Pixel............fi...........Gfx................Future Crew PL...............be...........Gfx................Imphobia Plash.........................Code...............Nothing^Azure Poskgubbe........fi...........Ascii..............Puma Primon...........fi..............................Radio Prob.............fi...........Music..............Mono211 Probe............sw...........Music..............The Black Lotus^VD Programmed.......pt...........Code...............ActiveFuel Programmer.......ru...........Code^Editor........Universe Psychic Symphony.pt...........Code...............Evolve^The Utopians^ActiveFuel Pukmaxi..........dn...........3D^Music...........Blasphemy Pyshtoff.........pl...........Code...............Tatanka Quartz/Wally.....fi...........Code...............Chalice Quasar...........be...........Code...............Green Quaz.............fi...........Music..............Flo^pWp Quicksilver......................................Image!^Insight Raiden...........pl...........Music..............Aural Planet Radi.............pl...........Music^FTP..........INTerror Radix............sw...........Music..............Groove^TPOLM^Pulse Rascy............hu...........3D.................Dilemma Rastan...........pl...........Code...............ByteWay^Amnesty Razorback........fi...........Gfx................Doomsday^Byterapers React............hu...........Code...............Exceed Rents............pt...........Gfx................Dawn 3 Repanse..........fi...........Music..............Flow Reptile..........hu...........Music..............Astroidea Rimo.............hu...........Code...............Euthanasia Riven............pl...........Ascii..............IPC Rod..............hu...........Code...............Mandula Rodex............fi...........Code............... Rodney...........sw...........Gfx................The Black Lotus Rommel...........no...........Swapper............Revelation Rzuck............pl...........3D.................Metaphor Saffron..........fi...........Gfx................The Black Lotus^Dolphin Sagacity.........nl...........Code...............Quad Salami...........de...........Code...............Nothing SamSam...........................................Quad Sandworm.........pl...........Code...............Giraffe Sarix............nl..............................Quad Scorpio..........pt...........Code............... Scorpik..........pl...........Music.............. Screamager.......lu^uk........Music..............KFMF Sed..............hu...........Music..............Dilemma Sharon...........de...........Code...............Matrix Shaman...........hu...........Music^Ascii........Exceed Shameless........dk...........Code...............Blasphemy Shiva............de...........Code...............Kolor Shock............au...........Code...............Xtatic^Dimension^Ramjam^Evolve Shodan...........fr...........Music..............Skytech Crew^Arf!Studios Shr..............hu..............................Mnemonic Skal.............fr...........Code...............Bomb Sketch...........pl...........Gfx................ Skin.............................................Quad Skrig............dk...........Gfx................Prone Sky..............de...........Gfx................Dolphin^Ethos9 Skyphos..........de...........Music..............Matrix Sidha............hu...........Gfx................Dinasty^Exact Simon King!......pl...........Ascii..............Procreation^Fuse Sivu.............fi...........Code...............Byterapers Sleve............pl...........Code...............Metaphor Sly Spy..........hu...........Music..............United Force^Capan¤a Slyde............dk...........Code...............Blasphemy Snowman..........us..............................Hornet Smash............uk...........Music..............Nothing Sol..............fi...........Code...............Trauma SolarC...........fi...........Music..............Refinition Soulless.........pl...........Gfx................Norferin Spansh...........uk.............................. Spector..........fi...........Code...............Trauma Spectre..........tu...........Code...............Flare Spk..............pl...........Gfx^3D.............Omnicolour Spy..............pl...........Code...............Poison Stallion.........de...........Gfx................Absence^Dolphin Steffo...........sw...........Music..............Cryonics Stein............us..............................Night 55 Sub-Seru.........pl...........Code...............Giraffe Sulphurik........pt...........Code...............ActiveFuel Sulphur..........fi...........Music..............Orange Sunday...........sw...........Gfx................Proxima^TPOLM Sumaleth.........au...........Gfx................ Swan.............pl...........Music..............Platoon Szoke............hu...........Code...............Atomik Szum.............pl...........Editor.............Cryogen Tapeworm.........fi...........Code...............Acid Rain Tbf..............fr...........Swapper............HCL Teque............fi...........Music..............Trauma The Update.......de...........Code...............CoPro Thor.............sw...........Gfx................TPOLM^Dolphin Thorax...........be...........Music..............Cryogenic Thorin...........fr..............................Melon Dezign Thorsten.........dk...........Gfx^Music..........Purple Tiyo.............fi...........Music^Ascii........Flow TJ...............sw...........Code...............Cryonics Tmk..............nw^jp........Gfx^Code...........INF^Dolphin Tonic............fi...........Gfx^Code...........Trauma Tomac............de...........3D.................Suburban Tomika...........hu...........Code...............Dinasty Trajic...........hu...........Music..............Rhyme Traymuss.........pl...........Music..............Giraffe Tremens..........pl...........3D.................ByteWay Tremor...........fi...........Code...............Trauma Tristan..........il...........Music.............. Trixter..........us...........Code...............Hornet Trueman..........hu...........Code...............Exact Ts...............hawaii.......Gfx^Ascii..........Exceed TSC..............hu...........Code...............Astroidea Tudor.........................Gfx................The Black Lotus TuO..............fr...........Code...............Skytech Team Ubbe.............sw...........Code...............Cryonics Ultra Brain......be...........Code...............Green Unreal...........pl...........Code...............CNCD Vain.............sw...........Code...............Cryonics Vampire..........dk..............................Blasphemy Vastator.........us...........Code...............NetGeneration Vector...........us...........Code...............Vertigo Vic..............nl...........Music..............ACME Vim!.............uk...........Music..............Mono211 Vipa.............dk...........Code...............Purple Virne............fi...........Code...............COMA^Jamm R. Visual...........pl...........Gfx................Omnicolour Viznut...........fi...........Code^Music^Gfx.....pWp Visualize........fi...........Gfx................Pulse^Jamm R. Void.............fi...........Code...............Trauma WAD..............hu...........3D.................Black Rainbow^CLS Ward.............hu...........Gfx................Astroidea Warpig...........hu...........Gfx^3D.............Exceed Wave.............nl...........Music..............Maniacs of Noise Wawa.............pt...........Code^Gfx...........Nothing Weed.............fi...........Code...............Dolphin^Coral Whizzter.........sw...........Code...............Woorlic Willbe...........fr...........Music^Gfx..........Theralite Wizard...........be...........Code...............Imphobia Workbench........ch...........Music..............Calodox^Level-D Wox..............sw...........Code...............The Black Lotus Xerxes...........no...........Music..............Night 55 Xhyp.............fi...........Music..............Omnicolour Xorbit...........be...........Code...............Green Xtro.............hu...........Gfx................Rhyme Y................be...........Gfx^Code...........Green Yez..............pl...........Music..............Omnicolour Yoghurt..........pl...........Code...............Poison Yolque...........fi...........Music..............CNCD Yuda.............pl...........Code...............Antidothum Z................fr...........Code...............Nomad Zalt.............sw...........Sysop..............ACME Zeb..............fr...........Gfx................Orange^Pulse Zenial...........pl...........Swapper^Music......Hypnotize^Palsecam Zeno.............be...........3D.................Green Zinn.............fi...........Code...............Flow Zippy............no...........Code^Editor........Utopia Zodiak...........sw...........Music..............Cascada Zoltar...........pt...........Code............... Zorlim...........fi...........Code...............NetGeneration Zpider...........ch...........Code...............Calodox Zsacul...........pl...........Code...............Norferin Zyad.............fi...........Music..............Monotonik Thanx for updates to: Aries, Arn, Belfegor, D-lee, Distance, DFJ, Jam, Nap... ,g$$$$$$$$$g, ,g$$$$$$g, ::::::',g$$$$$$$$$$$«$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$g, ,g$$$$$g, $$P" `$' "q$$ :::::: $$P" `$' "Q$$ $$ country ! #/% $$ :::::' $$ random scener of the week ! `$$ $$""""""""""".""""""""$$ ::' ,d$$"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""."""""""$$ $$ australia 10/02 $$ _,gU""d$ name Mercure $$ $$ austria 1/00 $$.d""P'. $P nationality France $$ 3$ belgium 21/04 $$' d' : $: function(s) Music $$ $$ canada 1/00 $$ ,g' :: $b group(s) $$ $$ denmark 9/01 $$b" .::',$$, ,$$ $3 finland 89/19 $$'.:::: d`$$$ggggggggggggggggggm, .ggg, ,ggggf$$' $$ france 26/05 $$ ::::' P "$"""""q$$$P"""$"""""s, ,d"""""$"""""" . $$ germany 25/05 $$ ::' .d' :: ! ... $$$' ...!..... "b, ,$' ....!......::: $$ greece 2/00 `$,__,d" .::' P ::',$$$ ::::.' ,dg d' . ' $3 hawaii 2/00 $$P"" .::' _d' :: $$$' ' :',g$$$$$$' `$$$$$$$g$$$$$$$g, #$ hungary 75/16 '$$ '::' ,d" .::' $$$,s"g, .$$P" "q$$ $$ israel 3/00 ,$$$, ,d_,.,_ ' $$$' ,P"b.$$ demosceners starting `$$ $$ italy 3/00 ,$P$$$,s$f'"""`b,,$$$_,g' .`$$$ with letter 'l' $$ $$ japan 1/00 $$'`$$$P ..... "$$$P"" .::. $P""""""""""""""""""""""""$$ $$ luxemburg 1/00 $$ `$$$, ::::: ,$$$ ..:::' d$$, 20 ,$$ #P netherlands 11/02 $$ : `$$$, :::: $$$'.:::' ,$$"$$$gggggm, ,gggggggg$$' $: norway 9/01 $$ ::.`$$$, ::',$$$ ::' ,$$' . """"""""! ,,d"""""""""" . $b poland 84/18 $$ :::.`$$$, ,$$$g, ,$$' .:::...... ,; ,d"...........:: $$ portugal 14/03 $$ ::::.`$$$g$"" ""$g$$'.::::::::::',$ ,d':::::::::::::: $$ russia 3/00 $$ ::::' `$" `b, ::::' _,g" $b, ' $$ spain 2/00 $$ ::' _d$' demoscener `! ' ,g$$$$$" `$$$$$$$$$$$$$$g, $# sweden 28/06 $$m,_,d" $ ----\%\----- $$m, $$P" "q$$ $$ switzerland 8/01 $$ ""7 . $, statistics ,$$$$$$$ largest group top-3 $$ $$ turk 1/00 $$ . b _,%$, ,$' ""Q$"""""""""""""""""""""""""$$ $$ uk. 8/01 $$ :."d" ,$$g,_ _,g$' .::.`b 1st TPOLM (15) $$ $$ u.s.a. 11/02 $$ :: `b $$$'"$""$$$, ::::: $: 2nd ByteWay (12) $$ $$ outer space 22/04 $P ::: l ,$$$ .!.. `$$$,'::: $b 3rd Green (12) $$ $$____________________$: :::.`.$$$'.:::::.`$$$, ': $$, ,$$ $$ total 467 $b :::: ,$$$ ::.:::' $`$$$ `.`$$$gggggggggggm, ,ggg$$$' $$, ,$$ :::' $$$' :::::',d' $$$, . """""""""""""`b ,$"""" . `$$$ggggggm,_ ,gg$$$'.::' ;$$$ ::' _,g' :. "$$$ ............. ,$ $'....::: """"""""""$g, g"""" ,dP"$b, ,,g$"" .::'' `$$$, `' ,$" d, ' "b, "bg$$$$$$$$' `$$$$$$$g,`:: ,g$$$$$$$$$$$$g,,g$$$$' "$$$$$$g, `$ "q$$ :: $$P" "" "q$$ acid rain $b function #/% $$ $$ status #/% $$ production $$""""""""""""""""""""""`$b,,d$"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""$$ 1 9 9 8 $$ coders 155/33 "" in many groups 89/19 $$ $$ musicians 123/26 ,g, ,gg, in one group 361/77 $$ code....mw $$ graphics 95/20 $b"g$'$$ in no group/unknown 16/03 $$ ascii...n( $$ swappers 18/03 $$ $$, ,$$ $$ misc 81/17 $$ :: `$$$ggg, ,ggggggggggg$$$' -we ruin $$ lazy 31/06 $$ :::. """""$,_ ,dP" ,g$""" . umbrellas. $$, ,$$ :::::::.... `'bgggg$" .:'_,d" ...::: `$$ggggggggg$ggggggggg$$$'.:::::::::::::.. """b,__,d" .:::::::: """""""""""""""""""" ..;:::::::::::::::::.. """ .::::::::::: --------------- ------| 15.Articles |---------------------------------------------------------- --------------- I. Best Polish magazines - short review. szum.cryogen No preludium this time, sorry:] Dragon #0 presented really pityfull, pure textmode, few articles. #1 was little better, still pascal code, but now gfxmode, quite buggy issue. Between #1, and #2 Dragon has released "Announce" it was kind of preview of upcoming Dragon#2, and it successed, beautyful gfx, nice music. After Announce, Dragon#2 was released after Gravity'97, marvellous gfx, loads of kewl articles, almost bugfree asm-code. After #2 Dragon got on the polish diskmag charts, placed 2-4th. #3 has a new, "better" engine. New engine supported really amazing scroll, but it was really buggy. Good gfx, wonderfull gallery, cool music, over 2 megz of fresh articles, actual polish charts etc... #4 was released after Gravity'98, quite nice issue except some editoring bugs, containing some pityfull articles etc. Good english corner, but nothing is perfect:). My own opinion: 6.3/10 ps. I heard that Aborygen (maineditor of Dragon) leave the scene, and Kenji will take care about the group and The Mag so! Happy editoring Kenji! Measure First three issues was textonly files, next ones finally were coded in some way. #4 and #5 were coded in asm with graphic interface, really beautyfull!!! But the last #6 issue was coded in ansi textmode, quite nice outfit, but like more graphic interface:))). Always nice music was included, kewl and really FRESH articles, the most actual polish charts. And there is only about two months between two other releases of that zine. Just a MEASURE! Hot parties results, reports always included. My own opinion: 8.9/10 Tankard Quite old magazine on polish scene. Only three issues has been released yet. But as i heard #4 is coming really soon, we hope that! i have always little problems with run this diskmag: vesa problems, music bugs, but when i run it, then it looked quite nice. Kewl panels, usually nice music etc. Not too much amount of articles included, but everybody can find there something interesting. My own opinion: 7.2/10 Wrotki Oh, it's really grandpa between mentioned magazines, first issue was released in 1994. Per every issue Byteland team (now Byteway) were improving code, gfx, msx, and as well amount of articles was growing up, and up. Last issue #6 included really impressive code, 5 ways of changing pages, wonderfull interface, gfx, nice music etc. About 2 megz of articles, but not so fresh as everybody should expect from such team as Byteland! My own opinion: 5.8/10 Budyn, Bad News This two zines are probably dead now:(, anyway here is my own opinion about them: Budyn - 8.9/10, Bad News - 10/10 that's all folks! szum.cryogen -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= II. Official results from Sattelite'98 + visitors list. _ _____ _____ ___ _ |_| ___ | | |--------/. | | | | |_| __ _ | | | | | . . .¯| | | |___| _ _____\ |_| |___| |_____| | . . . | |_____| /_____________ _\ _ __ _________ _________|__ . __|_______________ ____ ___ _ / _____\ \\\ \\ \\ . . . . . . . . . . . // // /// /_ _______.\\\\_\\________\\__________ . _________________//___//__////. / / _____/______________________ /| . . ._|____________ ________ /_____ /· _ \·___ \| . . .\ ____ ·/ \ /____________ \-----\ ·/\\ _ ·\ . . . \\/ ____/---/ /] [=====/_________/==\-------/_______\. . . |\____________/\· \ ·/=] [==================| . . . |=]__ _ [=======\______\--------/==] [- s a t e l l i t e -] | . . . | \/ /______________ ____ ___ _ ________ 1 9 9 8 ____|___ . ___|__________ // // /// \ /_________________\_____. . . . . . //_______//___//__////. / /\_________/---/ ___________/________ az0!/l124 [===\· \ ·/· ·\ . |===\ ____ ·/ ___ _ [====\______\--------/\-----------/____\ . |====\\/ ____/---/=] | | |_| [================| . . . |=====\____________/==] |___| | . . . | satellite party by appendix and |_. . . | pic saint loup, szczecin/poland /--------| o f f i c i a l r e s u l t s [--------------------------oO amiga demo compo Oo---------------------------] 01. title Video Meliora ......... author VENTURE ............... 02. title Drowned Offshore ...... author VENUS ART&MAWI ........ 03. title Organic ............... author PHASE TRUCE ........... [------------------------oO amiga 64k intro compo Oo------------------------] 01. title Redox ................. author VENUS ART ............. 02. title Proklive .............. author NETWORK^OZONE ......... 03. title Flying Minds .......... author FLOPPY ................ [------------------------oO amiga 4k intro compo Oo-------------------------] 01. title Oaid .................. author MAWI .................. 02. title Pacou ................. author MAWI .................. [----------------------------oO pc demo compo Oo----------------------------] 01. title Cystic Fibrosis ....... author NEUROGEN .............. 02. title People ................ author PENGO ................. 03. title Drill ................. author ....................... [-------------------------oO pc 64k intro compo Oo--------------------------] 01. title Front Page ............ author SUSPEND ............... 02. title Transformation ........ author DIMENSION ............. 03. title Overflow .............. author KOROZONE .............. [--------------------------oO pc 4k intro compo Oo--------------------------] 01. title Trace Your Mind 2 ..... author SUSPEND ............... 02. title Global Warming ........ author VERDIN ................ 03. title Emaphsis .............. author TOXIC KARROTZ ......... [---------------------------oO c64 demo compo Oo----------------------------] 01. title Onslaught.............. author Onslaught.............. [---------------------------oO c64 gfx compo Oo-----------------------------] 01. title ....................... author KATON ................. 02. title ....................... author SEBALOZ ............... 03. title ...................... author REBEL ................. [---------------------------oO c64 msx compo Oo-----------------------------] 01. title ....................... author BZYK .................. 02. title ....................... author BIZET ................. 03. title ...................... author SHAPIE ................ [---------------------------oO graphics compo Oo----------------------------] 01. title Professor Virago ...... author CARO .................. 02. title Marta X ............... author GOSU .................. 03. title The Field Where I Died author SPARK ................. [--------------------------oO raytracing compo Oo---------------------------] 01. title Kontakt ............... author TRAITOR ............... 02. title TheDrying Of Your Tears author BONZAJ ................ 03. title Encounter ............. author VODNIK ................ [------------------------oO 4 channel music compo Oo------------------------] 01. title Mechanicus ............ author MARFI ................. 02. title Drop Of Fuel .......... author NORM .................. 03. title Neon's Mind ........... author FITZROY ............... [----------------------oO multichannel music compo Oo-----------------------] 01. title Gothic10 .............. author YESUS ................. 02. title Half Power Of Me ...... author GROGON ................ 03. title Mirrors ............... author SINGER ................ [--------------------------oO crazy demo compo Oo---------------------------] 01. title Fuck Lame 2 ........... author FED. ZWALCZANIA LAMERSTWA 02. title Prowokacja3-Demaskator author PRZYJACIELE STEFANA B . 03. title Kociokwik ............. author PRZYJACIELE STEFANA B . [--------------------------oO wild demo compo Oo----------------------------] 01. title Astrosyn'2 ............ author AGRAVEDICT&MAWI ....... 02. title Wielka Potrzeba Sztuki author AGRAVEDICT&PSB ........ 03. title PSB TV................. author PRZYJACIELE STEFANA B . [---------------------------------------------------------------------------] thanks for visiting us and see you next year! signed - satellite`98 organizing staff _________________________________ [designed by azzaro/mawi+link124] [minimal service company 11/1998] S A T E L L I T E '98 ------------------------------------------------ !!! Visitor List !!! Nr. Nick Group Platform ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ 0 Enter Appendix Amiga 1 Madbart Appendix Amiga 3 Adamsoft PicSaintLoup Amiga 4 Pike ex.Appendix Amiga 5 Prefix Appendix Amiga 6 VIP ex.Appendix Amiga 7 Popcorn Appendix Amiga 8 Banan IND Amiga 9 AKM-Maya IND Amiga 10 Superfml PicSaintLoup Amiga 11 Nick IND Amiga 12 Informer ex.Appendix Amiga 13 Carson Appendix Amiga 14 Rappid Appendix Amiga 15 Voice Appendix Amiga 16 Cerber Appendix Amiga 17 ALN! Appendix Amiga 18 Juma Appendix Amiga 19 Elban Arise C64 20 Sebaros Depside C64 21 Wacek Arise C64 22 Bimber Arise C64 23 Slimak IND PC 24 Darek IND Amiga 25 Rumcajs IND Amiga 26 Gospos IND PC 27 Alex IND Amiga 28 Mit IND Amiga 29 Stary IND Amiga 30 Primek NeonDesign Amiga 31 Snake IND Amiga 32 Lala Denaverine Amiga 33 Deixas Embora Amiga 34 Drf Luzik Dezajn Amiga 35 Zomo Denaverine Amiga 36 Borys Denaverine Amiga 37 Def Floppy Amiga 38 Dosia IND PC 39 Lulu AstrosynStuff PC 40 Cro IPC PC 41 Sleever Pengo PC 42 Fiszy Grinders PC 43 Mac IND PC 44 Deekay Grinders PC 45 Wetypeas IND PC 46 Browar Arise C64 47 AcidBrian IND PC 48 Kordiaukis Arise C64 49 Katon Arise C64 50 Poitman Suspend PC 51 Fremen Hypnotize PC 42 Ksiu IND Amiga 43 Ameba IND PC 44 Agi Interror PC 45 Magda IND Amiga 46 Budgie Absurd+Mantra Amiga 47 Krasnal IND PC 48 Pr.Krasnala IND :) PC 49 Buddha IND Amiga 50 Andrzej IND PC 51 CyberKill IND PC 52 Gumis IND GameBoy(wow!) 53 Anka IND None 54 kol.Anki IND PC 55 Arczak IND None 56 Spider IND PSX 57 Eryk IND PC 58 Dziulas DreamWEB Amiga 59 kol.Dziulasa IND None 60 Karol IND PC 61 Andy Anadune Amiga 62 Yaal IND Amiga 63 Tuka IND PC 64 MadMarta IND Amiga 65 Silent Riot Amiga 66 Ash! Decree Amiga 67 Dzordz Gothic Amiga 68 Nazgul Anxiety PC 69 Xymer Gothic Amiga 70 Bloodman Wet Other 71 Avatar Gothic Amiga 72 Cd-Beavis Wet Other 73 Grogon CDS^Picco Amiga 74 Sweet IND Amiga 75 Woocash IND PC 76 Kose Ethernals PC 77 Pojpoj Ethernals PC 78 Bonzai Endzeit Amiga 79 Mop IND Amiga 80 SteAD IND Amiga 81 Soder IND Other 82 IVO IND Amiga 83 Opi Plastic Amiga 84 UZI Jump PC 85 Levis Aids Atari ST 86 Vasco IND Atari ST 87 Warp Aids Atari ST 88 Mateoos Aids Atari ST 89 Grzechu Aids Atari ST 90 Lenin Freezers Amiga 91 Benny Thefect Amiga 92 Plotka IND Amiga 93 Sensej IND Amiga 94 Mokry IND Amiga 95 Gandalf IND C64 96 Verdi IND PC 97 Thorr WhelpZ Amiga 98 DrOczkins WhelpZ Amiga 99 Eros WhelpZ Amiga 100 Fenek Kreciki C64 101 Raven Quazimodos Atari ST 102 Kenji Monolith PC 103 Vader Monolith PC 104 Singer Grinders PC 105 Packman GrandZero PC 106 Jaro Grand Zero PC 107 Ubik Dreamweb Amiga 108 GFK IND PC 109 Diabl0 Defect Amiga 110 Xor Defect PC 111 Momat IND PC 112 Lonisz Quazimodos Atari ST 113 Boss Medium C64 114 Led Neurogen Amiga 115 Smoke Neurogen Amiga 116 Pasp Neurogen PC 117 PM Neurogen PC 118 Plug Neurogen PC 119 Madd Mystic Amiga 120 Mustafa Mystic Amiga 121 Atom Suspect Amiga 122 Jok DreamWeb Amiga 123 Guru IND Amiga 124 Miko IND Amiga 125 Snip Dreamweb Amiga 126 Revir IND Amiga 127 Gosu Defect Amiga 128 Gluten Mystic Amiga 129 Siwy NTCC C64^Amiga 130 Kobat IND PC 131 Zoile IND Amiga 132 Shandor RelaxITC Amiga 133 Vodnik IND PC 134 Klod Nah-Kolor Amiga 135 Jacko Mawi Amiga 136 Lizzi IND PC 137 Sator Potion Amiga 138 Melson Potion Amiga 139 Error APC PC 140 Yuda Antidothum PC 141 Delphin Dreamland Amiga 142 Underman IND Amiga 143 Dziq LuzikDezajn Amiga 144 Marcin IND Amiga 145 Yasn Neurogen PC 146 Thief IND Amiga 147 Marcin IND Amiga 148 Robert IND Amiga 149 Sambor IND Amiga 150 Arson Cryogen PC 151 Max Cryogen^Defect PC 152 Radi Interror^Monar PC 153 Mancer Cryogen PC 154 Visual Floppy Amiga 155 Protas Nah-kolor^Mawi Amiga 156 Diabel IND PC 157 Nixodus Fordon Amiga 158 Seeger Alctraz PC 159 Bogi Royal Amiga 160 Naphalm Onslought C64 161 Komar ALC Amiga 162 Seti ALC Amiga 163 Elzi ALC Amiga 164 Denethor LazyArtists Amiga 165 Kylo Coolgangst Amiga 166 Laku IND Amiga 167 Decruz Coolgangst Amiga 168 Bushman IND Amiga 169 Proca IND Amiga 170 Tree Fortress PC 171 Akira IND PC 172 Kamikaze Airi Amiga 173 Cienix DSPAED PC 174 Celt IND PC 175 Korbeo IND PC 176 Polonus Padua Mac 177 Qix Nah-Kolo^PSL Amiga 178 Niko ARTUR PC 179 Marinero IND Amiga 180 Qlman Boolsman PC 181 Kopernik AOD PC 182 Matek AOD PC 183 Jackard TNF PC 184 Bax Venture Amiga 185 Gelerth IND Amiga 186 Zyrek IND Amiga 187 Deejay IND Amiga 188 Verbung Buthers Amiga 189 Maurycy Galopiha PC 190 X-men IND Amiga 191 Michau IND Amiga 192 Ilona IND Amiga 193 Iwona IND Amiga 194 Kot IND Amiga 195 Lukasz IND Amiga 196 Soho IND Amiga 197 Fokka IND PC 198 RT Venture Amiga 199 Wierza Venture PC 200 Agnieszka IND Amiga 201 Majkel Venture Amiga 202 Gregor Inormalidy Amiga 203 Shu IND Amiga 204 Uhu IND Amiga 205 Anka IND Amiga 206 Piter IND Amiga 207 ESC ex.Appendix Amiga 208 Jowita IND Amiga 209 Azzaro MAwi Amiga 210 Corrozya Altair PC 211 Malfunction Altair PC 212 Godai-san Altair PC 213 Dzozef Altair PC 214 Blueshade Altair PC 215 Axis Altair PC 216 Fuzzy Altair PC 217 Moa Altair PC 218 Jane Altair PC 219 X-Files IND None 220 Killer Fraction C64 221 Pasthor Fraction C64 222 KRS Linear Amiga 223 Kempy Veezy Amiga 224 MDW TNG Amiga 225 Caro Mystic^Nah^PHT Amiga 226 Spark Nah-Kolor^ABS Amiga 227 Thor IND Amiga 228 Acid Core Amiga 229 Traitor TNG Amiga 230 Ziomal PT Amiga 231 Voicer PhaseTruce Amiga 232 Kazik Anadune Amiga^PC 233 SOL Anadune PC 234 Crusoe Anadune PC 235 Zabora OldBulls Amiga 236 MAQ Floppy Amiga 237 Insect Suspemd PC 238 Lett Fortress PC 239 Slipper Bora PC 240 CoolPhone Defect PC 241 Vito IND PC 242 Dzony Agravedict Amiga 243 Tomeq Agravedict Amiga 244 Gorzyga DCR Amiga 245 Rorg DCR Amiga 246 Boull FLU PC 247 Lukass Flow Pc 248 Corwin Fraction C64 249 NeuroUP Agravedict Amiga 250 Szmo IND Amiga 251 Zero IPC PC 252 Aghan Dimencion PC 253 Kulik IND PC 254 NOP IND Amiga 255 Zeebrp IND PC 256 Barts IND PC 257 Infoludek IND Amiga 258 Semen FLU PC 259 Vandal Potion Amiga 260 Tomba Potion Amiga 261 K44 IND PC 262 SMS Gre2enLight C64 263 Zyta IND None 264 Bj.Sebo VenusART Amiga 265 NOE VenusART Amiga [Thanx to Azarro & Silent Riot] -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= III. Kindergarden'98 - official results! ____: _______ : | ___________/\ :____ ________ _______ :_________ _________ | ||| |/ / _/ \| | ._ \_ ___/___| ._ /// | | | / /. | \ | |/ / __/ / |/ _/__ | : |____\_____|____|___\ |________/__ \ /___/ / : ¬\____| ¬\_____/ ¬\_____/ ________:________: __________:________ _______ /\ :____ : / . | _ || ._ /| ._ \_ ___/____ \| | : | / |_ | _ | |/ _/__ |/ / __/ / \ | | |_____\\\_____/ |___/ |___/ /________/__ \ /___\ |||______| ¬\______| ¬\_____| ¬\______/ ·zS!^lP· ¬\_____/ ¬\____| ..(( k i n d e r g a r d e n ' 9 8 )).. This is the _official_ results from Kindergarden'98. Please note that we do not have the results from the multichannel competition yet, these will be announced later at our WWW site. Also, we would like to apologise to Triumph and especially Duckhunter for a few errors during the prizecermony... Tired organizers have a tendency not to spot ties... :-P All releases will be available shortly on our FTP: ftp://ftp.kg.portveien.to/kg/ Place Entry Group/Handle Name Points Demo ==== 1 6 Contraz Retrospectacular 100 2 1 Spaceballs The Family Robot 70 3 5 Ephidrena Norsktoppen 3 Intro 28 4 4 Depth OnaNina 21 5 2 Apathy Baad Bwoy 5 6 3 Apathy Very Best Demo 4 Intro ===== 1 3 Spaceballs N2O 64 2 5 Contraz BrainBox 61 2 1 Triumph Kindergarden Intro 61 Hate ==== 1 1 Planet Jazz 48 Game ==== 1 1 Ludde & Co Race 38 2 2 Team Karbis Flur-S 30 4 Chn ===== 1 11 Cobolt69 C9H13N_PT.2 35 2 20 Pinocchio Jutta 29 3 5 Muffin D-flight 23 3 6 Duckhunter Golden Shackles 23 5 8 Frequent Purple Ajah 21 6 21 Timmy Just like that 16 7 3 Zixaq Grandma goes Goa 14 7 12 Isaac Environment Mirrors 14 9 9 Tentacle En fin gitar og et rått p. 13 10 19 Team Karbis Pissemaur 9 11 4 Tecon Global Trash'98 8 11 17 Surreal Jizendu 8 13 1 Dj Hasj Green Triangle 7 13 15 Kure4Kancer&TFT Aromator 7 15 13 Cheetah Aladdins Lommelykt 6 16 18 Dr.Sound Hypnotic 5 17 2 Rebb & Punisher Traffic Jam 4 18 7 Stoney Popeye Punk 3 19 16 Filuu Wo Bist Dum 2 20 10 Dj.Monthy X-Pand 0 20 14 Optic Delerium 0 Multichannel ============ 1 3 Frequent Radiumhospitalet 29 2 9 Gainx Save the rainforest 26 3 15 18 4 11 Optic Fluidity 16 5 6 14 6 5 Loaderror Beret-Løpet 10 6 14 10 8 10 7 9 2 6 9 12 6 11 13 5 12 1 3 12 4 3 14 8 2 15 7 0 16 16 0 Gabber ====== 1 1 Frequent Formater hardisken 31 2 3 Stoney Ond gravemaskin 21 3 2 Dj. Snag Dexters Gabboratory 18 4 6 Pinocchio 15 5 5 Tecon Garaber 8 6 4 Team Karbis Gun.Smoke 7 Graphics Animation ================== 1 1 Isaac Mbafa-Giraffen 36 Graphics Handdrawn ================== 1 6 Cheetah Brainlights? 62 2 5 Optic It came from Planet Jazz 47 3 7 Enok (@)-what 34 4 1 Stoney Gla'ku 8 4 3 Tech Mon-Go Delux Edition 8 4 4 Veslepus Garfield 8 7 2 Matarazzo Moonlights 4 8 8 Dran The Bridge to Nowhere 3 9 9 Stoney Some cows are pink 2 Graphics Raytraced ================== 1 1 Ford Fairline Wood George 37 2 3 Flash Gordon Lego 27 3 2 Flash Gordon Superteddy 17 Ascii ===== 1 3 Cyberstarr SASCII 28 2 2 Speed Devil Contraz 26 3 1 Aztec Myriad 22 Wild ==== 1 2 Isaac Utekveld på Kvalmen 48 2 3 Flash Gordon Wildcompo 23 3 1 Team Karbis Ikke Bare Rabarbra 19 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= IV. Dialogos'98 - official results pc demo 1. "mirror children" by numb - 43 pts. 2. "grillfest" by kolor - 26 pts. 3. "gloom!" by TUM - 16 pts 4. "poppen mit f" by blamable - 15 pts. pc intro 64k 1. "eyestrain" by crossbone&ambient move - 45 pts. 2. "der knaller" by digisnap - 37 pts. multichannel music 1. "hello organizer ;)" by tristan/deranged - 27 pts. 2. "simple feelings" by sound-runner/sdi/sr? - 20 pts. 3. "monolism" by dermona=e605/sdi/sr?/tojs!x - 18 pts. 4. "pulp" by mindflower/freestyle - 17 pts. 5. "attack" by thunderboy/tum - 5 pts. raytrace graphics 1. "rendevouz" by hawke/obnoxious - 40 pts. 2. "sunflower" by ben-jam/tum - 35 pts. 3. "underwater love" by diver/tum - 21 pts. pixel graphics 1. "nancy" by shad fourchannel music 1. "tag der offenen tuer" by sound-runner/sdi/sr? surprise handdrawn 1. shad - 33 pts. 2. vudu - 18 pts. 3. bombjack - 12 pts. 4. mindflower - 8 pts. 5. carlos - 6 pts. 6. thunderboy - 5 pts 6. ? - 5 pts. 7. diver - 0 pts. 7. ? - 0 pts. [thanx to Adok^Hugi!] -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= V. Astrosyn'99 - preinvitation. -[ a s t r o s y n d r o m e c o n t i n u e s ]- . .: ................:. .:................ :. . ..: . .. :. .. . . .. ..: .. . :.. : _ __:__ : ______ _ : _:__ ____ _ /__ _____ _____ ____: _\ _ :_____ _____\_ /__) /____\ ___/_____\_ /____\_ /__) /:____) \ /___:\_ /_ \ __/ / \___ / \| / _/ / / / / \___ / \___ / / / /___\|___\___|/___\____\___\___\____\________\___|/___\___|/___\___/____\ «-dKS!: :-----------------------------: :-----» : ..:.. [÷] .ASTROSYN`99. [÷] ..:.. : .:............::: : : :::............:. · :...:.. . . ..:...: · : : . . -[ a s t r o s y n 2 p r e - i n v i t a t i o n ]- -[ d a t e : 1 7 / s e p / 1 9 9 8 ]- introduction ------------ so, here we go again with this stuff =) as you all know astrosyn`97 was an really successfull party which was visited by at least 400 scene ppl and we want to organise the sequel of it. this file is only small pre-invitation. if you want to know more details - read forthcomming versions of it (always watch the release date, please). READ THE RULES CAREFULLY and support this event again... when and where? --------------- ASTROSYN 2 will be held in koszalin, poland on second or third weekend of march 1999. final date will be published in the official invitation at the beginning of january`99. partyplace will be a student club named "kreslarnia" (property of technical uniwersity of koszalin, too). general rules ------------- - entrance fee don`t grow up = 25 plz (~8 usd or ~14 dem). foreigners and girls comes for free as always. - no drugs are allowed at partyplace! it`s scene plague (mainly polish) and we don`t accept it, so use your weed or speed out of the party, please... - alcohol is ALLOWED at the partyplace. you can drink everything and everywhere, but you can womit only at signed places =) - we take no responsibility for any unregistered, uncensored or illegal software or hardware at the partyplce. - if you crash something you`ll buy for it... - we don`t accept selling anything without our permission at the partyplace. there`s no obiections - just please ask us for it before, ok? - no dance/disco music listeners environment are allowed at the partyplace. it`s not the discotheque! if we find someone who wear adibas dress we will kick his stupid ass and throw him up from the club. no respect for puny people like them... competitions ------------ - we will continue the good idea - all the foreigners who want to contribute any compo mustn`t be present at the partyplace. if you want to show something and compete with others but you can`t arrive here - just send it to us by snailmail or e-mail. addresses should be published in official invitation file. also www service will be available from the january`99. - selection will be done only in music competitions. there`s no reason to do it in other kind of compos, so all the stuff sended to us will be shown on the bigscreen. the only shame for shitty productions must go to the authors... - iformations about the compo machines will be published in official invitation. - the competitions are: amiga (68k or ppc) / pc demo compo: - not bigger than 10mb on hdd in uncompressed form (10,485,760 bytes); - not longer than 8-10 minutes please; - one production for one coder; - shits will be shown in wild demo; - if you want - deliver your demo in quarterbackup or diavolo backuped form (amiga) or multidisk archivized form (rar for pc); amiga 500 (ecs) demo compo: - yes! back to the roots again! show your real skills! - productions will be shown on standard a500 os 1.3 with 1mb of chipram, no hdd - we`ve got machine like this =) - not bigger than 1 disk (file of trackmo version); - not longer than 5 minutes please; - one production for one coder; amiga / pc 64kb intro compo: - not bigger than 64kb in one file (65,536 bytes); - not longer than 5 minutes please; - one intro for one coder; amiga / pc 4kb intro compo: - not bigger than 4kb in one file (4,096 bytes); - not longer than 5 minutes please; - one intro for one coder; 4 channel music compo: - not bigger than 880kb (901,120 bytes!). biggest tunes will be disqualified; - if you want - crunch your files by using xpk, lha, lzx, rar or zip; - one module for one author; - just first 3 minutes of tune will be played; - protracker mod format only!; - no conversions of known hits!; - max. 20 tunes will be played to the audience; - tunes will be played by using newest version of hippoplayer (amiga); multichannel music compo: - not bigger than 880kb (901,120 bytes!). biggest tunes will be disqualified; - max. 16 channels tunes - try to work on optimization. entries with more channels used will be disqualified!; - if you want - crunch your files by using xpk, lha, lzx, rar or zip; - one module for one author; - just first 3 minutes of tune will be played; - mod, dbm, xm or s3m format only!; - no conversions of known hits!; - max. 20 tunes will be played to the audience; 8 bit graphics compo: - really new compo! no more than 256 colors used (pixeldrawing only); - one picture for one author; - max. resolution is 640x512. please do not use med-resolutions like 640x256 and 320x512; - formats: iff, gif, png - others will be disqualified; - if you want - crunch your files by using xpk, lha, lzx, rar or zip; - absolutely no selection - every entries which fullfill the compo rules will be shown to the audience; 24 bit image processing compo: - all other pictures, image processings and scans of naked girls. we separate the real art (pixeldrawing) from 24 bit image processing... - one picture for one author; - max. resolution is 800x600. please do not use med-resolutions like 640x256 and 320x512; - formats: iff, png, jpg - others will be disqualified (absolutely NO pcx, tiff and targa!); - if you want - crunch your files by using lha, lzx, rar or zip; - absolutely no selection - every asskicking and shittyfull entries will be shown and onky party attenders judge the best ones; raytracing compo: - one picyure for one author; - max. resolution is 800x600. please do not use med-resolutions like - formats: iff, png, jpg - others will be disqualified; - if you want - crunch your files by using lha, lzx, rar or zip; - absolutely no selection - every entries which fullfill the compo rules will be shown to the audience; video demo compo: - all the rendering masterpieces, video animations or similar stuff; - format: vhs video tape only, no anim-files or other media; - joke production will be moved to wild compo; - it`s possible to deliver more than one entry from one author; wild compo: - no rules - deliver your entry as amiga demo, pc demo (no anim!), joke video demo or happening; - there will be a little selection - no more than 20 entries will be shown to the audience; - show your REAL skills =); endpart ------- please spread this note around your scene friends and support one of the most impotant polish and whole scene parties. if you won something we will deliver your money prize by post office (ask noname/haujobb for it - we don`t lie!). of course all of you who comes here will se an eccence of polish party atmosphere =) bye bye - asstrosyn staff. watch the space for more infos! ---------- ------| 16.END |--------------------------------------------------------------- ---------- So that's all ... What else to say? What else to ask? Don't even mind:))) greetings!!! Szum/Cryogen szum@amber.bti.pl demojournal@hotmail.com