.љњ. љ. јБлппм мммм мммммм мммм ;лВ мммм мм мм мм ммм мм мм мммм лБ : Вл Вл Вл Вл Вл Вл Вл Вл Вл њј лл лВ лВ лВ лВ ллп ллп лВ мммлВ лВ љ АлВААлВАлВпппААлВАлВАлВАлВААллААААВлАВлААВлАВлААВлАВлАААААВлААВлАлВААллАВлАААА ллммп пппп пп пп пп пппп Вммп пппп пппп пп јњљ.пп пп пппп пммВ ј (pnx) ?------------------------------------------------------------------- -- - - !====:] #17 [:=========================================:] 12 dec 1998 [:======= :---------------------------------------------------------------- -- - - editorial Choose life. Choose a job. Choose a career. demonews Choose a fucking big television. party on! Choose washing-machines, cars, compact-disc players and electrical tin-openers... weekly Choose DIY and wondering who the fuck you are on interview - a sunday morning. Choose sitting on that couch demo - watching mind-numbing, spirit-crushing game-shows, intro - stuffing fucking junk-food into your mouth. Choose mod - rotting away, at the end of it all, pissing your last quote - in a miserable home, nothing more than an embarrassment to the selfish, fucked-up brats you commercial break spawned to replace yourself. homepages messages Choose your future. articles Choose life. Textmode democompo 3 revisited - I chose not to choose life! Total Disaster Competition - I chose something else... end subscribers in, "Trainspotting" by Irvine Welsh round 160 - ?------------------------------------------------------------------- -- - - !====:] editorial [:=========================================================== :---------------------------------------------------------------- -- - - I'm back, so start trembling! Don't worry! I don't have much to say this time. Life sux and then u die! Psychic Symphony ?------------------------------------------------------------------- -- - - !====:] demonews [:============================================================ :---------------------------------------------------------------- -- - - Anakata group: - Jessika joined as 2d graphician Member status: BiZaRRe........Coder.........Norway Dethar.........Coder.........Poland Felix..........Musician......Norway Gardner........Organiz^swapp.Poland Jessica........Gfx...........USA Lodlun.........Coder^3d......France Nuttah.........Coder.........Norway Storm Riders: - issue 2 of the Miracle diskmagazine will be soon, i`m waiting for all support, specialy msx. gardner@friko6.onet.pl Flow: - Lukass joined as coder - Grifter joined as swapper^azki maker - Baca joined as 3d_gfx - Frey joined as swapper^coder - Beeper joined as musician - Ufo joined as coder Member status: Tiyo - organizer, musician, ascii maker Zinn - coder Mantra - 3d_gfx, ascii maker Gardner - swapper, coder Repanse - musician Lukass - coder Grifter - swapper, ascii maker Baca - 3d_gfx Frey - swapper^coder Beeper - musician Ufo - coder Gardner/Anakata^Flow^SR - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Freeside'98 no more! Problems with sponsors! (Szum+Provee) Hugi Size Coding Compo #5 has ended today (Dec. 12th). Final results and source-pack are now available at: http://home.pages.de/~hugi-compo/ (Adok) Diffusion: - we're looking for good graphician - our first intro (borntro) will be released as soon as it's possible - EChO's ballad music-disk will be released soon... (echo) Level-D: - xmas music-disk with ambient/ballad/new-age modules of all Level-D members will be released a week before Christmas. (echo) pt.scene: - DemoPorto'99 WILL be held september 99 - XMAS compo organized by .pt #coders is waiting for your entry! <insert url of .pt #coders homepage here!> Diskmags: - Hugi#13 released! http://home.pages.de/~hugidownload/ - Pain#12 '98 released! http://www.space.ch/scene/pain Movement'98 cybervisitor!!! http://scene-central.com/partyspecial/mov98/info.html Psychic Symphony ?------------------------------------------------------------------- -- - - !====:] party on! [:=========================================================== :---------------------------------------------------------------- -- - - starts !=! ends !===! location !===! name !=========! contact !================ Nov 07 - Nov 08, 1998 Poland Satellite '98 madbart@jormas.com Nov 13 - Nov 15, 1998 Germany Dialogos '98 http://www.kassablanca.de/dialogos98 Nov 13 - Nov 15, 1998 Norway Kindergarten '98 http://kg.portveien.to/ Dec 12 - Dec 13, 1998 Slovenia Abort '98 http://gw2.s-gimb.lj.edus.si/~abort98/ =========! present time !====================================================== Dec 15 - Dec 17, 1998 Israel Movement '98 http://scene-central.com/partyspecial/mov98/info.html Dec 18 - Dec 20, 1998 Hungary JuMPer '98 http://scene-hu.com/~jumper Dec 18 - Dec 20, 1998 Poland Freeside'98 http://freeside.dr.pl Dec 19 - Dec 20, 1998 Romania Dracula '98 Dec 20 - Dec 20, 1998 Russia EarthQuake '99 www.crosswinds.net/russia/~earthquake/ Dec 25 - Dec 27, 1998 Argentina The Flash '98 theflashparty.home.ml.org Dec 27 - Dec 29, 1998 Denmark The Party 1998 http://www.theparty.dk Jan 15 - Jan 17, 1999 Finland Elevator '99 http://www.elevator.labra.com Jan 29 - Jan 31, 1999 Hungary Contest '99 Jan 29 - Jan 31, 1999 Sweden Midwinter '99 hack.amiga-cg.se/midwinter Feb 19 - Feb 21, 1999 France Volcanic '99 Feb 26 - Feb 28, 1998 Holland Ambience '99 http://www.ambience.nl Mar ?? - ??? ??, 1999 Italy Trip '99 www.nigma.it/trip99 Mar ?? - ??? ??, 1999 Poland Astrosyn '99 Mar 31 - Apr 04, 1999 Norway The Gathering '99 Apr 02 - Apr 05, 1999 Germany Mekka & Symp. 2k-1 http://ms.demo.org May 29 - May 30, 1999 Germany Komso/Neithernor'99 http://neithernor.demo.org Jun 04 - Jun 06, 1999 Holland Takeover '99 http://www.takeover.nl Jun 17 - Jun 20, 1999 Sweden Remedy '99 http://www.remedy.nu Jul 09 - Jul 11, 1999 Belgium Inscene '99 www.analogica.com/inscene ??? ?? - ??? ??, 1999 France Slach 2 www.mygale.org/~myke666 ??? ?? - ??? ??, 1999 Hungary Rage-Scenest'99 Sep 04 - Sep 05, 1999 Portugal DemoPorto '99 demoporto99@hotmail.com ?------------------------------------------------------------------- -- - - !====:] weekly [:============================================================== :---------------------------------------------------------------- -- - - This week! I have been mostly eating... tiny mushrooms! =====! interview !============================================================= <Psychic_S> Hello there. Please state your name, height and date-of-birth... <derPunkt> Hi! Well, my real name is Petar Ivancek (I think you can read that Eehwahncheck in english =) and I am from Croatia. I am about 175 cms, and hum, well.... I was born in the far '78 which makes me 20 years old. <Psychic_S> matches my description! ok! your clear for the interview! ;) What is it you do scene-wise? <derPunkt> Scene wise? Well, I very wise concerned hum, chess for instance =)......anywayz I am a graphician and I work for Dolphin (hopefully I'll get into TBL soon =) <Psychic_S> lol <derPunkt> hum, I forgot Well, I AM very wise <Psychic_S> btw: i still want to get my points back! you are wise? <derPunkt> dream on! <Psychic_S> like in that time it was your birthday and you entered pixel after drinking a 6-pack? <derPunkt> ( ) this wise! no I am normal. <Psychic_S> ahah... ok, tell us about scene in croatia. How is it like? <derPunkt> no comment. there is no bloody scene. <Psychic_S> no groups at all? <derPunkt> I presume I am the only (good) graphician, there are a few coders who now mostly program databases. no, no groups <Psychic_S> wow! and me thinking portugal was in low-tide! <derPunkt> There were in old Amiga days, but nothing now. well it is =) <Psychic_S> for how long do you know the scene anyways? <derPunkt> know the scene? Well, I can say I am the oldest scene outsider in the world. I folowed scene since I was about 13 or 14. But I finaly got in 8 moths ago. <Psychic_S> by joining dolphin? <derPunkt> yeah, altho I was asked to join Tesko, Quad, and some ppl I never heard of <Psychic_S> your that good? <derPunkt> I am VERY GOOD =) <Psychic_S> LOL just checking! =D <derPunkt> on a 1-10 scale I would give myself an 8 <Psychic_S> tell me what have you done in the past then... <derPunkt> Well, the 1st pain program I've seen was Lava Draw for Atari ST. There I did my 1st two pictures. And found out what a stupid thing pixeling is =) The problem was that I had a BW monitor, so I was very limited <Psychic_S> 2 color pixels are cool! :) <derPunkt> later on I got Atari TT 030 which supported 24 bit pallete. There I did my 1st "SMUDGED" picture. (I was about 15). Then I got my 1st Amiga 500, and after drawing in 24 bit mode I found out that pixling sucks once again. Dpaint was never the right choice for me =) Seriously, I find that 8bit programs are not quite the ones to express youself <Psychic_S> why? <derPunkt> Anywayz, so I was stuck with Dpaint where I brought a smudge tool to its limits <derPunkt> why? Guess. Its like playing with puzzles. putting the right square to a right box. yuck <Psychic_S> i like puzzles. puzzles are fun! :D <derPunkt> me too, but I don't call it art =) <Psychic_S> ouch! go on... :) <derPunkt> I once did a puzzles of 1000 pieces, it was a bloody forest with a tiny little castle in the middle. MAAAAAN! [editor: i have made around 5 big puzzles in my life! One 500, one 1000, two 1500 and one 2500!!! I had a go at a 4000 pieces only with yellows and browns only it didn't fitted on any table!!! I gave up after i had done the surroundings!] <derPunkt> go where, ah. OK, so after that torture with dpaint, I finally managed to raise money and buy a PC. I got in hold of PShop 2.5 and there I did my 1st real picture (which I later deleted coz it sucked like hell) Now, I have 6 years of experience with Pshop and I doubt I'll ever work in anything else. <Psychic_S> why pshop? arent there any other good painting progs around? <derPunkt> Well, as I said it came 1st. Well I've tried Painter but it has a weird interface. But I admit drawing with that pencil is GREAT! <Psychic_S> ok! and what about scene experience? you said something about joining dolphin, did it change anything for you? *** L0velY has joined #demojournal [editor: Intruder alert!!! <derPunkt> I've tried Paint Shop Pro, but it has some minor problems with selections so i rejected it too <L0velY> ooopppss...interview? ;) [editor: your so smart! :D] <derPunkt> Change? The only thing I found that my beloved, and so greatly expected Scene has died <Psychic_S> lov: yes! exit now! :) <L0velY> oki *** L0velY has left #demojournal (L0velY) <Psychic_S> that was fun! :) <derPunkt> =) Tell me, have you ever seen my work? <Psychic_S> what do you mean your scene has died? <Psychic_S> no i havent! sorry! *** superhoe has joined #demojournal <Psychic_S> another one? <derPunkt> YES CAREFREE! <superhoe> oh my oh my *** superhoe has left #demojournal (superhoe) [editor: god of fluffyness from finland, the artist previously known as carebear now known as erik lyden (or something! :P)] <Psychic_S> lol <derPunkt> No, not MY scene, but demoscene! I mean all those multigroup members, everyone doing for everyone etc... I know friendship is all there is, but there are no competetive flows around anymore <Psychic_S> what do you mean? go to the point please! :) <derPunkt> which point? As I said, thats not the Scene how it look like in Amiga days <Psychic_S> what do you mean there is no competitive flows? <derPunkt> there you go you simpleton =) <Psychic_S> i never had amiga. maybe that's why i dont follow you! :) <derPunkt> Uhm, I think there is no loyalty to one group. You see? When a person is in more than 1 group it sucks <Psychic_S> that is inet fault <derPunkt> No loyalty and dedication.... yeah, it is <Psychic_S> on the old days ppl only would to groups with close friends. now close friends can live on the other side of the world so... :) <derPunkt> yeah, thats nice, but it ruined everything. lets go back to the interview itself <Psychic_S> plans for the future <derPunkt> well, I am trying to get a job at somekinda game company, altho I am working on a game of my own (which should be released in April or something) It'll look nice <Psychic_S> game of your own? who is doing the coding? <derPunkt> Magnesium and Bionic. I think you know Magnesium [editor: magnie you 2nd rate aussie! Why hadn't i heard of this from you? grrrrr... ] <Psychic_S> yes i do! :) <derPunkt> I can send you my little 1 hour pics if you are interested <Psychic_S> well... when will the game be finished? you guys working hard on it or is it just sketch? <derPunkt> well, not very hard since Magnesium and Bionic go to school and stuff, but soon we'll have the engine ready and thats it then. [editor: magnie doesnt have school during xmas time! HINT HINT!!!] <Psychic_S> how is it like to live in croatia? <derPunkt> Living in Croatia: you mean without partys and stuff or generally? <Psychic_S> sure! send pic! :) <derPunkt> this is my little 1hour work and this is a real one <Psychic_S> getting! :) living in croatia... <derPunkt> yeah, well its quite nice now, altho they still f@$! us in the brain =) The government sucks. I can say we live poor but enough about politics. Croatia is great since its small. We don't have ppl killed on the streets during the night, robberies, etc... Can you imagine walking thru the city in 3AM without worrying of being atacked <Psychic_S> no, i cant! <derPunkt> thats the life in a town with 40 000 citizens =) <derPunkt> seen the pics/\ <Psychic_S> let me check the pics! :) WOW! you really are good! *** Psychic_S sets mode: +o derPunkt <Psychic_S> you deserve an op! =D <derPunkt> heh! As I said I am very good <Psychic_S> lol. you have some sort of homepage? [ed: free adv! :D] <derPunkt> no, I don't. I did about 1000000 of them, but I haven't done it for myself <Psychic_S> why not? :) <derPunkt> Never had a time really, to make it look as I want (by that I mean that I like it the next day). I have this, hum, problem of never liking my creation more than 2-3 days <Psychic_S> lol <derPunkt> yeah, its shitty <Psychic_S> ok, what are your favorites? (group/demo/coder/gfx/musician) <derPunkt> group:Axis (since they did that AGA demo Big Time) best fucking demo ever, I also like Matrix. demo: uhm, well, lets see, ah well lets say 303 or Machiness of Madness coder: dunno. Unreal I guess aaaaaah Graphician: Well there are many actually: but here goes. Antony/Pulse, Alex/Pulse, Mirage/?????, Orome/AI (thats 24bit) and 8bit: hum, cyclone, Cougar 8bit: uhm acryl <Psychic_S> where is made, lazur and peachy? <derPunkt> they suck =) <Psychic_S> why? <derPunkt> dunno. I like the sentence <Psychic_S> lol! that is one hell of a good argumentative point! <derPunkt> No really, I didn't say they can't pixel (hell, Made is a best technician there is, and Lazur too), but they are SOOOOOOOOO boring <Psychic_S> boring? <derPunkt> Lazur couldn't draw an original until last year (and those pics where boring) except SMOK WHICH RULEZ. boring yeah. They always draw the same stuff. <Psychic_S> yah! smok was awesome! i have to disagree with you! :) <derPunkt> Made just copies art and beauty mags <Psychic_S> well... copying can be art aswell no? <derPunkt> no, you can't diagree since I am an artist =) no, no, I didn't mean that I meant every pic Made does looks the same, you get it. Its technically great, but its boring <Psychic_S> you are completly right! i mean... your right! ;) you are so right you deserve yet another op! <derPunkt> Altho there is a pic by Made I respect *** Psychic_S sets mode: +o derPunkt <Psychic_S> which is... <derPunkt> hehehe, thanx 2nd HIGH HOPES! (btw he even accused me I copied it!) =) <Psychic_S> it does look the same on the pic you have sent me why is that? the girl face that is... <derPunkt> WHAT? Man... everyone says that <Psychic_S> get high hopes and get yours look at the girl <derPunkt> I have it [editor: of course you have it! thats not the point! :P] <Psychic_S> it resembles the same girl!!! :P <derPunkt> HOW! he has a little girl and I have an older girl <Psychic_S> maybe its the purpleness that surrounds it reminds of high hopes no? <derPunkt> and her face is a bit rotated NO [ed: ick! he's getting pissed!] <Psychic_S> im not saying you copy pasted! <derPunkt> I am a loser now [ed: now he is getting depressed!] <Psychic_S> no your not [ed: im so good at encoraging ppl! :P] <derPunkt> I am, bloody shit <Psychic_S> ppl get inspired by lots of things, the same way coincidences happen... <derPunkt> anywayz I haven't copied it. since I got it afterwards <Psychic_S> i believe you man! :) <derPunkt> thanx <Psychic_S> it doesnt look that close! they just have the purple! and a pic of a girl! :P <derPunkt> I mean, I got it after I did the face. But I must say I was inspired by the horns <derPunkt> OK musician>???? Definately Quasar! You know, When we rise????? <Psychic_S> no, i dont know... quasar quasar dont know no quasar sorry <derPunkt> try to get that one. Absolutely fantastic i think there is a coder named Quasar, but I doubt thats him. Well, I can't look or think straight any more... <Psychic_S> lol <derPunkt> HEY don't forget Skaven <Psychic_S> you believe in come back of FC at TP8? or is that just a bunch of rumours? <derPunkt> Well, I don't really care, altho their win demo was quite nice. final reality or something or 2ndreality [ed: 2nd!] <Psychic_S> 2nd reality! <derPunkt> yeah, 2ndreal..... <Psychic_S> final reality was a 3d benchmark or smtg! released a couple years after! <Psychic_S> wanna say hi to anyone? <derPunkt> yes to you <Psychic_S> hi yourself! ;) anyone else? :D <derPunkt> Everyone on #pixel, uhm my gf Alexandra, uhm, that fat ass Fear/TBL. Saffron, dunno. I know I'll cliche it. HELLO TO EVERYONE I KNOW, and THE OTHERS I DON'T KNOW ARE GREETED ANYWAYZ! <Psychic_S> thats all? :) <derPunkt> yes <Psychic_S> i gotta have my points back on chess one of these days! :) when are you around again? <derPunkt> tomorrow? <Psychic_S> tomorrow... sure! tomorrow! :) tommorow is nice day to kick your ass! :) <derPunkt> 23:00 GMT <derPunkt> you can only kick it with your tounge =) kick=lick <Psychic_S> nice try derptunk ok cya tomorrow! :) <derPunkt> hehe... OK, I'll be seeing you around! bye [editor: btw: next day i won 1st match and lost 2nd! derpunkt was with white pieces both times! SO i win overall! :D] =====! demo !================================================================== HOHOHO! Santa Claus is making trouble! He is reviewing the DEMO of the week! Paul von Dyk: For an Angel This "demo" is mostly shown on the german music television VIVA. If you want it to see, just call or email the VIVA staff and click your remote controller to this channel. :) This new commercial relaxing supertune is often show here. The music is made by Paul von Dyk - a enjoyable chartbreaker -, melodic trance like song. Not bad, but i preffer next time some female vocal samples in it. Now about the visualizing things. Nothing raytracing shit, it is made real life on an island i think, very nice atmosphere, good female objects sometimes on the screen. :) Nice sunshine effect always. Sometimes change they the palette into a red/blue transition, and into monochrome! All naturally synchronized to the music aswell! An another good looking thing: the camera is moving fast on the landscape, but the screen is mirrored vertical. I like the slowed_down_the_camera part too. Very happy childrens are present in this scene too. And guess who, Paul is presented in this videoclip too! Whoa! :) He is playing an intelligent single man, - i think the girlies like this from 14+. :) The cam zooms very fast to his head with stroboscope effect, that looks cool too. And sometimes the sreen is smoothed, and stretched. The "demo" end's with a fast moving moon over Paul's head - again this scene in monochrome. Some words about the framerate: it is fast on my TV. :) In my opinion this is a good production to the commercialities, i think it will be top on the German and other (Dutch, Belgian) Charts. So dear editor, THIS is a good review, make only betters than this one! No infofiles cut'n'paste comprende? :) (Or you will not become your PII 450 Mhz ;P) Santa Claus, who knows God as a DJ... [editor: haha! if it was not for the dear editor message i wouldn't have noticed this was a trick from you d-lee! Stop briding santa! It won't make him give you fake scener post-cards on xmas!!! Other sceners will have to mail you normally for this! BTW: I'm waiting for my birthday card!] =====! intro !================================================================= 'Funtro' by Universe Code: Programmer Pixel: Greenpix 7 Music: Manwe Disqualified from TP7 couse of <no group> ZEPO error! Didn't entered Gravity'98 because Unreal forgot to take it along with him (so says Programmer!) This is a very nice graphical funny intro! The music plays with more than just GUS (which is a plus for 64k!) and the graphics are very funny! I specially like the 2nd part, with the happy birthday message and the fucked-up cat jumping desperatly trying to get to it! Very cute and funny indeed! :) Well, this is it! I am not good avaluating intros! But programmer asked me too so, here it is! :) Psychic Symphony =====! mod !=================================================================== bstates-origami-live97.mp3 It's bstates (aka dune/orange) and origami (yolk and legend/CNCD) live at abduction97! I just finished downloading the damn thing! 41megs!!! And it's worth it! :) Go get! ftp.scene.org/pub/music/artists/dune/mp3/bstates-origami-live97.mp3 Psychic Symphony =====! quote !================================================================= 'Take the best orgasm you ever had and multiply it by a thousand and your still no where near it!' in, "Trainspotting" by Irvine Welsh ?------------------------------------------------------------------- -- - - !====:] commercial break! [:=================================================== :---------------------------------------------------------------- -- - - ммммммммммммммммм лпппппл лпппппл л ммммммммммммм л л ллл ппппл л ллл л is being done л л ллллллллл л л лллпллл лмл ллл лмммммммммммммммммммммммммммм ммммммммл л м ллллл л л ллл лллмммм ммм ммммммм ммммммм ммммммм ммм л л ммммммм л л ппппл л л ллл ллл ллл ллл ллл ллл ллл ллл ллл ллл ллл л л ллл ллл л ллллл л л л ллл ллл ллл ллл ллл ллл ллл ллл ллл ллл ллл лмл ллл ллл лпппппппп л л л ллл ллл ллл ллл ллл ммм ммммллл ллл ммм ллл ммм лллпппп л лллллпппл л л ммммммммллл ллл ллл л л лллмллл лллмллл лллмллл лллмллл л ппппп л л лмммммммммммммммммммммл лмммммммммммммммммммммммммммммммм ллллллллллллл л any support (msx, articles) send to: лмммммммммммммммл miraclmg@polbox.com or ћmѕ gardner@friko6.onet.pl snail addy: Marcin Ciecwierz Klaudyn ul.Szymanoskiego 14 o5o8o Izabelin Poland =====! homepages !============================================================= Astral..............................http://astral.scene-hu.com Astroidea........................http://astroidea.scene-hu.com Blasphemy..............................http://www.blasphemy.dk Byteway...............ftp://amber.bti.pl/scene/distro/byteway/ Byterapers....................http://www.byterapers.scene.org/ Dreams2............................http://nl.scene.org/dreams2 Echo................................http://www.kki.net.pl/echo Exceed...........................http://www.inf.bme.hu/~exceed HP..................................http://www.klte.hu/~hamzap Hugi.......................http://home.pages.de/~hugidownload/ Milk.......................................http://milk.sgic.fi Mandula.........................http://www.inf.bme.hu/~mandula Melcom....................http://www.center-nebula.com/melcom/ Melcom (mirror)......................http://www.melcom.cjb.net Mono211..............................http://www.scene.org/mono Nico....................................http://geecs.org/~nico Pain............................http://www.space.ch/scene/pain Pow.................................http://home.sol.no/~tskara Quad.....................................http://www.quad98.net Rhyme................................http://rhyme.scene-hu.com Szoke........................http://kempelen.iit.bme.hu/~szoke The Black Lotus.............................http://www.tbl.org The Immortals............................ yoe.ml.org/immortals The Immortals (mirror)........................imrt.home.ml.org Tokyo Dawn Records........................http://tdr.scene.org Total Disaster...................http://www.totaldisaster.w.pl TPOLM...............................http://www.tpolm.scene.org Trauma........................................sauna.net/trauma - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - DC-1..................<moved!>...............ftp://demo.cat.hu scene.org........................................ftp.scene.org Amber.......................................ftp://amber.bti.pl [editor: yeah! FTP's! scene.org is always down so fuckit!] ?------------------------------------------------------------------- -- - - !====:] messages [:============================================================ :---------------------------------------------------------------- -- - - to..Adok from..Psychic Symphony content..Hugi#13 rules more than pinochet back in his dictator-ship days! to..Phoenix from..Psychic Symphony content..You rule man! Thx for logo! to..D-Lee from..Psychic Symphony content..Don't you know that briding santa is bad? Shame on you! to..Altern from..Psychic Symphony content..Shame on you! lol sounds familar? Hei listen... Plans for 1st pt.demoparty are roling Don't make plans for september! I want to show you what this shit is all about! :) to..DJ Regal from..gardner content..Yo my friend! How are you today? to..Mancer/Cryogen from..Gardner content..This book was great! to..Behemot from..Psychic Symphony content..Gardner is trying to break your record! Better some more k's to demojournal! ;) BTW: Resend Wrotki votesheet, i'll attach it to demojournal! to..fred from..Psychic Symphony content..I can't believe it! Now that you have a great GUI, awesome soundtrack and around 10 articles per issue your giving up? Snap out of it!!! to..Baloo+Goofy from..Psychic Symphony content..I'm so happy you decided to have another go! I have posted votesheet on this demojournal edition! I'm here if you need me! :) to..all from..Psychic Symphony content..**IMPORTANT** I have posted shine#4 votesheet to this demojournal. Please take time to fill it out and send it to the responsible people as soon as possible! ?------------------------------------------------------------------- -- - - !====:] articles [:============================================================ :---------------------------------------------------------------- -- - - Textmode Democompo 3 It's quite hard to get some idea into people's heads after they have chosen to be against it. 'you can't do anything decent in textmode' turns into 'it's just another gfx mode' after seeing a decent demo in textmode. Thus I don't see any point (anymore) to try to change people's heads. Keep your eyes closed, see if I care.. =) My view about textmode is that it's - really - just another mode, but one that hasn't been used to its full extent. And this with the tweaking limits I've set in TMDC. TMDC has - and has always had - perhaps too good prizes compared to the level and number of demos attending. TMDC3 will probably be the last tmdc if nothing special pops up (like java or win NT console ideas). In TMDC1 you had to throw your entries by email; TMDC2 had a ftp site (that almost worked), TMDC3 has a web site and ftp site (with _much_ more bandwidth). (the web upload does not work as I write this but we're looking into it). So, in short; deadline 31.12.98 web site http://sauna.net/tmdc3/ ftp site ftp://ftp.fishpool.com/ email solar@compart.fi prizes SHITloads of scene cds, tshirts and other stuff sponsored by Imphobia, A.C.E, The Gathering and Trakked Records. webspace sponsored by Fishpool Creations. Demo limits in short (please read the rules for complete specs) - must run in textmode (80x50 max) - no tweaking over blink attribute disabling - 1.4 megs in a zip - gus & sb support required - win95/98 dos box compatibility required (without 'suggest ms-dos mode when neccessary' option checked) - must run on a Pentium 150 with 16 megs of RAM (compo machine will probably be a pII300 tho) Sol/Trauma - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Become famous! Win TotalDisaster Competition! Categories: * 10000 pixels 2d gfx - resolution: 100x100 (others'll be rejected) - format: png, tif, gif, lbm, pcx, tga, bmp - you can use any technique: pixeling, rendering or anything else, excluding scanning - one artist - up to 3 piccys * 100kB msx - max size: 100 kB (bigger'll be rejected) - any module playable using CubicPlayer/Pascal - one musician - up to 3 mods * 256 bytes intro - size: up to 256 bytes - runable under MSDOS or W95 - one coder - up to 3 intros * 4kB intro - size: up to 4096 bytes - runable under MSDOS or W95 - one coder - up to 3 intros Some basic rules: - competing works could not be presented at any other competition - authors must agree to present their works within TotalDisaster - no members of Tatanka will take part in this competition (we are the jury) How to send your work: - files up to 0.3MB can be send to Misha via e-mail st1524@orange.meil.pw.edu.pl - bigger files must go by snail (to Misha of coz) Michal Sokolski (Misha) ul. Gubinowska 51 02-956 Warszawa POLAND - disks will not be returned (sorry, no time for this) - the jury: TotalDisaster team (we'll try to be fair) Get #Black issue of TotalDisaster NOW! Available at: ftp.scene.org/pub/mags/td/ amber.bti.pl/scene/mags/ files: td_black.arj & td_black.a01 ...and remember to support us! [editor: also in DC-1 awesome ftp! location: ftp://demo.cat.hu/scene/Diskmags/TotalDisaste/td_black.zip] ?------------------------------------------------------------------- -- - - !====:] end [:================================================================= :---------------------------------------------------------------- -- - - Cleaning gutters! Getting by! Looking ahead! The day you die! Psychic Symphony hotline: <psychic@esoterica.pt> "oh baby give it to me!" Demojournal contributions: <demojournal@hotmail.com> "oh yeah! right there!" Psychic Symphony