.ooo .ooooo . .o oo oo o .o oo oo. .ooo. oo. oo oo. o o oo. ooo. ooo. o .o oo .o oo o o o o. o . oo o. o o o o o o o o o o . .o.oo .ooo. o o o. o o oo o. o o ..o o o o o o o .o oooo o. o o. oo. .ooo. oo. ooo .o. o .o. ooo. oo oo. (Griesse) ?------------------------------------------------------------------- -- - - !====:] #23 [:=========================================:] 23 jan 1999 [:======= :---------------------------------------------------------------- -- - - editorial demonews party on! weekly interview - demo - intro - . mod - quote - commercial break homepages articles Elevator '99 results - Contest'99 invitation - end subscribers 180 - ?------------------------------------------------------------------- -- - - !====:] editorial [:=========================================================== :---------------------------------------------------------------- -- - - First. I forgot to put the url for TMDC4 on last issue... http://www.compart.fi/~solar/td3end.html AND... I also forgot to credit reptile/astroidea for his intro review in so short-notice! Now even more important. My internet provider decided i wasn't worth living and killed my login for no apparent reason, i can't login into the internet or get my mail from them for 72 hours now! Which really sucks because i hate unnanswered mail! So what i did was to get inet connection from my university and start using demojournal@planet-d.net for mail! But i have paid for 3 months of internet connection in advance and i only got 1 so far so i'll keep on sending them mails asking for my login, in the meantime it will be a bitch getting demojournal together without proper mailing system but go ahead and sue me if i won't release one next week! Life sux and then u die! U know what? I don't recall beeing able to release 3 issues straight without some sort of problem!!! ps ?------------------------------------------------------------------- -- - - !====:] demonews [:============================================================ :---------------------------------------------------------------- -- - - From Gardner Flow: Mr.Vain joined as musician Storm Riders: Focus/CP joined as txt-writer From Carlos/Mandula demogroup mandula wants coder and graphician, mail to csordas@elender.hu Psychic Symphony morphs into ps <demojournal@planet-d.net> again with the latest from Hungary... www.scene-hu.com as usual! * freax - this scenebook project started by tomcat has just got a new website (http://freax.scene-hu.com) to check! [19 jan, 1999] * exceed - the era of this succesful and effective group since 1996, ended. this crew plan a last demonstration called "berlin". not only exd members will work on this production, but their friends worldwide will present and help too. the release date isn't fixed yet, but they really want to do their best. latest bunkerravers were: baste (art), d-lee (organising), deansdale (music), imode (music), nns (code), react (code), shaman (music), ts (art), warpig (art). some of them will leave the scene, others only the group. maybe you'll hear about them in the future again, but with a totally new image and style. [19 jan, 1999] * azure/dilemma - he has left his other group (byteway), making better only dilemma from now on. [19 jan, 1999] trajic/rhyme ?------------------------------------------------------------------- -- - - !====:] party on! [:=========================================================== :---------------------------------------------------------------- -- - - starts !=! ends !===! location !===! name !=========! contact !================ Dec 12 - Dec 13, 1998 Slovenia Abort '98 http://gw2.s-gimb.lj.edus.si/~abort98/ Dec 15 - Dec 17, 1998 Israel Movement '98 http://scene-central.com/partyspecial/mov98/info.html Dec 18 - Dec 20, 1998 Hungary JuMPer '98 http://scene-hu.com/~jumper Dec <canceled> , 1998 Poland Freeside'98 http://freeside.dr.pl Dec 19 - Dec 20, 1998 Romania Dracula '98 Dec 20 - Dec 20, 1998 Russia EarthQuake '99 www.crosswinds.net/russia/~earthquake/ Dec 25 - Dec 27, 1998 Argentina The Flash '98 theflashparty.home.ml.org Dec 27 - Dec 29, 1998 Denmark The Party 1998 http://www.theparty.dk Jan 15 - Jan 17, 1999 Finland Elevator '99 http://www.elevator.labra.com =========! present time !====================================================== Jan 29 - Jan 31, 1999 Hungary Contest '99 http://scenest.scene-hu.com Jan 29 - Jan 31, 1999 Sweden Midwinter '99 hack.amiga-cg.se/midwinter Feb 19 - Feb 21, 1999 France Volcanic '99 Feb 26 - Feb 28, 1998 Holland Ambience '99 http://overflow.hro.nl/ambience Mar ?? - ??? ??, 1999 Italy Trip '99 www.nigma.it/trip99 Mar ?? - ??? ??, 1999 Poland Astrosyn '99 Mar 31 - Apr 04, 1999 Norway The Gathering '99 Apr 02 - Apr 05, 1999 Germany Mekka & Symp. 2k-1 http://ms.demo.org Apr 16 - Apr 18, 1999 France Arf!Party http://arfparty.citeweb.net May 29 - May 30, 1999 Germany Komso/Neithernor'99 http://neithernor.demo.org Jun 04 - Jun 06, 1999 Holland Takeover '99 http://www.takeover.nl Jun 17 - Jun 20, 1999 Sweden Remedy '99 http://www.remedy.nu Jul 09 - Jul 11, 1999 Belgium Inscene '99 www.analogica.com/inscene Jul 09 - Jul 10, 1999 UK Dejavu '99 http://www.dejavu.org.uk ??? ?? - ??? ??, 1999 France Slach 2 www.mygale.org/~myke666 ??? ?? - ??? ??, 1999 Hungary Rage-Scenest'99 ??? ?? - ??? ??, 1999 Portugal DemoPorto '99 demoporto99@hotmail.com ?------------------------------------------------------------------- -- - - !====:] weekly [:============================================================== :---------------------------------------------------------------- -- - - This week! I have been mostly eating... Internet providers =====! interview !============================================================= <Psychic Symphony> introduce yourself... name, date of birth, shoe size, alien origins... <TheREW> My name is Richard Winkel, born on planet earth, October 11th, 1973. My grandfather comes from planet Nathiel, in the vicinity of Alpha Centauri, and crashlanded near Roswell new mexico some 50 years ago. My great-great-great-great grandfather was a Mayan god. Shoe size 43, play basketball, work as a infrastructure consultant with CMG, desperately trying to make a CD, currently involved in the Takeover 99 Project, highly addicted to Babylon 5, and is inspired by the neo progressive rock scene. <Psychic Symphony> what is it you do scene wise? <TheREW> Music. Made lots of it. But since I have a full time job I find it hard to track music. My free time has reduced a lot, and also I have difficulties finding inspiration. However, some beer usually does the trick. Like I said I am currently involved in the Takeover 99 Project. That's going to be something pretty ruling cool you know. I am Takeover Event Manager, and I am also in the Takeover Web Team. <Psychic Symphony> nostalgia been around for quite some time now... how did it all started? <TheREW> Wow. That's a long time ago. It was really bizarre man. Yeah Bizarre 94 to be exact. Some dude who was in my class said that his group "Ground Zero" was totally awesome and out of this world. They were gonna do a demo for Bizare 94. So I arranged some guys to get a demo done to show those Ground Zero dudes that they were not that good at all. So I asked SuaVe, a coder who was also studying at our school, to code some effects. We also asked JAL to join. Now that I think of it, I cant remember why we did that actually. Oh well. We started working on some hell of a demo. Man oh man this SuaVe dude sucked. It was gonna be F[censored] difficult to end up higher than Ground Zero. Luckily, JAL happened to know some dude named "The Phantom". He was good. Man he was GOOD. He sorta coded some Quake 2 Engine you know? Well.. sort of.. it was more like a Wolfenstein prequel, but for the time being it was pretty out of the ordinary. The result was that Ground Zero never released that demo, and that Nostalgia won the first dutch PC party ever with "Echoes of the Past". Our name was set. The future looked great. Then Phantom left. Future looked pissed. But no worries, using some vague Japanese stealing techniques we managed to "arrange" a transfer: Laserdance left AcmE (Who?) and joined Nostalgia. This looked great, but this was another bad move in Nostalgia history, though at that time the best we could come up with. Practically the same time we also got Primal (grfx), Farang (Thai sex CD's) and Sparcus (code) to join. Things looked, once again, good. Once again it all failed. Ok, we did win X96 intro competition with "Speed" but that was lack of entries. Besides, JAL had a small homo sexual liason with main organiser Tim during the party, which heavily influenced the outcome of the intro compo. [ed: i wonder...] We made a demo called Faces, which was disqualified at The Party. It made us sad: both watching the demo and the fact that we were disqualified. However, it did inspire us to setup Takeover 97. Later Success joined, so we named our little feast "X-97 Takeover". The party was a success. Everybody was happy. People were cheering and singing and Vic was puking near a car with a German license plate. <Psychic Symphony> tell us something on your earlier memories of the scene... [ed: more that is... :)] <TheREW> Ehhh. I rememer we saw a giant alien wobble dude at the party once, but it later turned out to be that dude from Future Crew. For me personally, winning Somewhere in Holland multichannel music compo is one of the best moments in my scene history. Later at Wired I had great fun when we were all going out and drinking beer in Mons, where Wired was held at that time. And last but not least, X-97 Takeover was the first party and only party I organised. That was awesome. <Psychic Symphony> you recall how many parties you been to? <TheREW> Hmmm quite some I guess. Most of `m Dutch parties like X and Bizarre. Also went to a couple of Wired's, and to The Party twice. I must say that I prefer that smaller parties like X, Wired and Bizarre. I have been twice in Denmark, but I really think that was too big. Too many people. Too much noise. <Psychic Symphony> what about your experience as a musician for the best diskmag of all times imphobia? <TheRew> As a musician? I tracked two tunes for the magazine. One of `m even was the "main tune". I remember that a lot of people wanted to be my friend and have sex with me because they had listened to my Imblowbia tunes. [ed: BAHAHAH] Well.. me and mr Laserdance (remember him?) went to Wired94. Big Mistake, but that's another story. Anyway, we met Darkness. Licked his ass and there you go: Mr REW was the new music editor for Imphobia. Man that was great! I was Imphobia Music Editor for three issues I guess. It was fun. Did some nice interviews (Svolkraq, Lizardking and Moby), and wrote a whole bunch of funny articles. Then it took some time before a new Imphobia was released. I asked Darkness what had happened, but I never got a reply. Then all of a sudden a new Imphobia was released… with some bloke named Necros as the Music Section Editor. Way ta go Darkness... <Psychic Symphony> what do you think the future holds for demoscene then? is it really dying? <TheREW> No I don't think so. I think that as long there are computers, there will be a demo scene. But I do think it will change a bit. Where in the past you were cool if you could rotate some objects realtime, I think in the future most people will use their 3dfx stuff and so on. Where in the past you were cool when you had this 4 channel Module playing along with your demos, in the future it will be stuff recorded in your personal studio. <Psychic Symphony> what about you as a Takeover organiser? [editor: I don't recall asking this! :P] <TheREW> Yeah man. Two years ago I was one of the main organisers of the X-97 Takeover demo party. It was great. I had great fun organising it, however, since it took me so much of my time, I decided not to get involved with Takeover 98. Takeover 98 was great too. It inspired me to do some more organising for Takeover 99. This year we have a fully talented team, and I think Takeover 99 is going to be very sweet. [ed: sweet?] <Psychic Symphony> im uninspired for more questions... :( oh yeah, tell us about your temples in the jungle experience... <TheREW> Ah man great! Last year me and Aap / AcmE were talking about the great mysteries of the Egyptian Pyramids, and we figured out that visiting "The Valley of the Kings" was the only thing better than talking about it! However, at that time terrorists were shooting tourists, so we felt that it was not the right time to go to Egypt. So.. the conversation switched to the mysteries of the Mayas in South America. Since visiting "The Temples in the Jungle" was better than talking about `m, and terrorists havent began shooting tourists in Mexico / Guatamala / Honduras yet, we decided that this was the right time to go. A couple of months later we did a tour around the bigger Mayan cities, or what's left of `m. It was really amazing. Back in Holland I created a website (http://home.wxs.nl/~yaw) with some pictures of the old rocks we visited. <Psychic Symphony> and a little on your plans for the near future... <TheREW> Currently doing loads of work in preparing Takeover 99. Together with Aap/AcmE, Simon/Prone and Trigon/Overflow I'm working on the webpages of the event (which are going to rock). I'm also doing other stuff for Takeover, but not in this stage yet. Apart from that I am trying to switch from tracked music to MIDI, and I am trying to get some music on the way for a CD. This is however, is a long-term project, since my work takes up most of my time. <Psychic Symphony> i guess thats it... want to say hi to anyone? <TheREW> No. Everyone who wants to say hi to me check out http://home.wxs.nl/~therew. <Psychic Symphony> thats it... thx for your time :) <TheREW> You're welcome. Cheers! [editor: i'm not... i am... i am not... what the hell i am! :D This interview was done like... 5 months ago or smtg! TheREW had a little brainstorming and meditation done and finally agreed to send me the answers! :D Sorry bout that TheREW... Shouldn't have mentioned that should i?] =====! demo !================================================================== KKowboy by Purple + Blasphemy (party-version) Found at http://files.theparty.dk 3th place at TP8 PC demo compo. System requirements: (nothing mentioned in infofile. Boy, these are low requirements :)) ram: unknown, but about 600 basemem. 3.5 MB HD (Just read on the net it need 64MB :( ) Hi-color hi-res, so probably VESA2 and a serious machine. Any soundcard (Midas used). [editor: unreal is trying to beat out of slyde the 32ram patch! :D] The demo: This is a cooperation between Purple & Blasphemy, so you would expext a great demo. Well, it doesn't fulfill all expectations. It is mainly a 3D-object show. Hires, which is the future IMHO, but still an object show. The objects have little faces, but are often strange: several pyramids of glass inside each other, wire-framed metaballs with horizontal/vertical wires (instead of the usual triangles), lots of rotating bloks, forming a "K"-logo (Kkowboy),... The background (if there is one) consists mainly of lines/circles/ugly letters. No hand-draw pictures, no raytraced scenes. And hey, whats that? Don't tell me they are back! It's ... it's... it's a SINUS-SCROLLER! Oh please, is hi-res an excuse to recode "effects" of 10 years ago? (or maybe it's ment to be ironic, I wouldn't know it). The music (from mellow-d) is difficult to descibe . It's rather slow, has an "electrical" feel (lots of strange ploinks), but fits the demo quite well. Overall: It reminds me of abstract art: no feelings, no message, ... It's just what you see, and nothing else. There are some nice ideas, but they could have been worked out way better. It's quite short for its 3.5 meg, and some parts are really slow (the hi-color blurred tunnel eg). Somehow, I was expecting more (but who am I to expect more ?). Get it if you're a Purple/Blasphemy fan, or really like this kind of demos. Else, you won't miss much. Seven [editor: Now! I really don't like poking my nose in others reviews but this time i have an obligation to do so! 1) This is design! NO! NOT THE SIMPLE 3D OBJECTS!!! The K logo to end the demo is obviously put together in short time (as the rest of the demo btw) but that is just a small detail! Instead of looking at the simple 3d objects that just lame around from side to side in hi-res. Try to see the depth on the metaballs lines... How they are synced with music, the antialiased lines, the simple backgrounds instead of plain black! I don't like some scenes like the 3D logo floating around but i can still appreciate the idea and what goes beyond it. Another example of GOOD design is the hexagonal flat gourads and the lightsource with splines around it. The credits with the tunnel is one of the most impressive tunnels ever! Only compared to the one in plastik. Do not forget the blurred splines in the beggining of the demo aswell. As for the music, this style of music does not appeal to most people. Even scene people! Either you come to enjoy it and you ultimatly love it or you simply think it's a bunch of stracks and wild beeps and think it doesn't worth squat shit (pardon my language) I am not the one to talk about this style of music. I do like it but i think styles cannot be compared, it's like between rock and rap to put it in an easier matter... No connection whatsoever right? Yet some people enjoy both styles... It's not about beeing too dumb or too fucked up in the brain to understand what others see in that "noise" I advise you to get some musics from Dune, tighten those head-phones into your ears and turn the volume a little higher. Maybe you will see what people mean by "music without words", maybe you won't! At least i gave it a try! :D Anyways... Each one has it's opinion about demos. Mine diverges from Seven's on this particular case! Just wanted to underline it!] =====! intro !================================================================= *********** * * * STRIKE! * * * *********** =====! mod !=================================================================== *********** * * * STRIKE! * * * *********** [editor: sorry but i don't have time this week for some quick reviews of some old tunes or intros! i already asked too many times for help! If no one helps me i will close these 2 corners and that isn't a threat! It's a FACT!] =====! quote !================================================================= "I'm looking for real programmers. Can anyone help me?" [editor: On #coders!!!] ?------------------------------------------------------------------- -- - - !====:] commercial break! [:=================================================== :---------------------------------------------------------------- -- - - ÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜ ÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜ ÛßßßßßÛ ÛßßßßßÛ Û ÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜ Û Û ÛÛÛ ßßßßÛ Û ÛÛÛ Û Û Û ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ Û Û ÛÛÛßÛÛÛ ÛÜÛ ÛÛÛ ÛÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜ ÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÛ Û Ü ÛÛÛÛÛ Û Û ÛÛÛ ÛÛÛÜÜÜÜ ÜÜÜ ÜÜÜÜÜÜÜ ÜÜÜÜÜÜÜ ÜÜÜÜÜÜÜ ÜÜÜ Û Û ÜÜÜÜÜÜÜ Û Û ßßßßÛ Û Û ÛÛÛ ÛÛÛ ÛÛÛ ÛÛÛ ÛÛÛ ÛÛÛ ÛÛÛ ÛÛÛ ÛÛÛ ÛÛÛ ÛÛÛ Û Û ÛÛÛ ÛÛÛ Û ÛÛÛÛÛ Û Û Û ÛÛÛ ÛÛÛ ÛÛÛ ÛÛÛ ÛÛÛ ÛÛÛ ÛÛÛ ÛÛÛ ÛÛÛ ÛÛÛ ÛÛÛ ÛÜÛ ÛÛÛ ÛÛÛ Ûßßßßßßßß Û Û Û ÛÛÛ ÛÛÛ ÛÛÛ ÛÛÛ ÛÛÛ ÜÜÜ ÜÜÜÜÛÛÛ ÛÛÛ ÜÜÜ ÛÛÛ ÜÜÜ ÛÛÛßßßß Û ÛÛÛÛÛßßßÛ Û Û ÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÛÛÛ ÛÛÛ ÛÛÛ Û Û ÛÛÛÜÛÛÛ ÛÛÛÜÛÛÛ ÛÛÛÜÛÛÛ ÛÛÛÜÛÛÛ Û ßßßßß Û Û ÛÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÛ ÛÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜ ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ Û any support (msx, articles) send to: ÛÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÛ miraclmg@polbox.com or ûmõ gardner@friko6.onet.pl snail addy: Marcin Ciecwierz Klaudyn ul.Szymanoskiego 14 o5o8o Izabelin Poland - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 4 AMBER disk magazine ÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÛßßßßßßÛÜÜÜÜÛßßßßßßÛÜÜÜÜÛßßßßßßÛÜÜÜÜÛßßßßßßÛÜÜÜÜÜ regal'98 Û ÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÛ²±° ÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÛ²±° ÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÛ²±° ÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÛ²±° ÜÜÜÜ Û ftz '97 Û ÛÛÛÛ Ü ÛÛ²± ÛÛÛÛ Ü ÛÛ²± ÛÛÛÛ Ü ÛÛ²± ÛÛÛÛ Ü ÛÛ²± ÛÛÛÛ ÛÜÜÜÜÜÜÜ Û ÛÛÛÛ Û ÛÛÛ² ÛÛÛÛ ß ÛÛÛ² ÛÛÛÛ ß ßßßß ßßßß ß ÛÛÛ² ÛÛÛÛ Û ÜÜÜÜ Û ÜÜÜÛ ÛÛÛÛ Û ÛÛÛÛ ÛÛÛÛÜÜÜÛÛÛÛ ÛÛÛÛ ßßÛÛÛÛ ÛÛÛÛßßßÛÛÛÛ ÛÛÛÛ Û ÛÛÛÛ ÛÜÜÜ Û ÄÄ ²ÛÛÛ ÄÄÄÄÄÄ ²ÛÛÛ Ä ÜÜÜÜ ²ÛÛÛ Ä ÛÛÛÛ ²ÛÛÛ Ä ÛÛÛÛ ²ÛÛÛ - ÛÛÛÛ ÄÄ Û Û ²² ±²ÛÛ ²²dj²² ±²ÛÛ ² ÛÛÛÛ ±²ÛÛ ² ÛÛÛÛ ±²ÛÛ ² ÛÛÛÛ ±²ÛÛ ² ÛÛÛÛ ²² Û Û ÄÄ °±²Û ÄÄÄÄÄÄ °±²Ûßßßßßßß °±²Ûßßßßßßß °±²Ûßßßßßßß °±²Ûßßßßßßß ÄÄ Û ßßßÛÜÜÜÜÜÜÛßßßßÛÜÜÜÜÜÜÛßßßßÛÜÜÜÜÜÜÛßßßßÛÜÜÜÜÜÜÛßßßßÛÜÜÜÜÜÜÛßßßßßßßßßß write for friendly talks, drinking, fine stuff Piotr Sucharski KLAUDYN 164 05-080 IZABELIN - POLAND dj_regal <sucharp@grafit.mp.pw.edu.pl> =====! homepages !============================================================= Arf!Studios..........................http://ArfStudios.cjb.net Astral..............................http://astral.scene-hu.com Astroidea........................http://astroidea.scene-hu.com AtomiK..............................http://www.extra.hu/atomik Bomb...................................http://bomb.citeweb.net Blasphemy..............................http://www.blasphemy.dk Byterapers.....................http://www.byterapers.scene.org Carlos..............................http://www.nexus.hu/carlos Chrome..............................http://chrome.scene-hu.com #coders..................................http://coderz.cjb.net Comic Pirates.........................http://scene-central.com Demo fanclub..........http://www.radix.net/~brett/jer/fanclub/ Demojournal....................http://demojournal.planet-d.net Dreams2 CD.........................http://nl.scene.org/dreams2 Echo................................http://www.kki.net.pl/echo Exceed...........................http://www.inf.bme.hu/~exceed GFX Zone...............http://inf.ml.org/scenegfx/gfxzone.html Grabule........................http://members.xoom.com/grabule HP..................................http://www.klte.hu/~hamzap Hugi diskmag................http://home.pages.de/~hugidownload Hugi size-compo...............http://home.pages.de/~hugi-compo Koma...............................http://www.hut.fi/~vrantane Label zero.........................http://labelzero.pganet.com Milk.......................................http://milk.sgic.fi Mandula.........................http://www.inf.bme.hu/~mandula Melcom....................http://www.center-nebula.com/melcom/ Melcom (mirror)......................http://www.melcom.cjb.net Mono211................................http://www.mono211.com/ Nico....................................http://geecs.org/~nico <*> Noise................................http://www.noisemusic.org Oranje Juice........................http://citeweb.net/~ojuice Pain............................http://www.space.ch/scene/pain PC-demos explained....http://www.oldskool.org/demos/explained/ Pixel...................................http://pixel.scene.org Pixel (mirror)..........................http://fsk.home.ml.org Pow.................................http://home.sol.no/~tskara Quad.....................................http://www.quad98.net Replay..........................http://members.xoom.com/r3play Rhyme................................http://rhyme.scene-hu.com Skytech team............................http://Skytech.cjb.net Tesko..........................http://www.scentral.demon.co.uk The Black Lotus.............................http://www.tbl.org Immortals..............................http://imrt.home.ml.org Theralite..............................http://theralite.ml.org TheREW..............................http://home.wxs.nl/~therew Tokyo Dawn Records........................http://tdr.scene.org Total Disaster...................http://www.totaldisaster.w.pl TPOLM...............................http://www.tpolm.scene.org <*> Trajic (Hungarian scene)...............http://www.scene-hu.com Trauma.................................http://sauna.net/trauma TUHB.......................................http://www.tuhb.org Willbe................................http://altern.org/willbe Zen of Tracking.........................http://surf.to/the-imm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - DC-1.........................................ftp://demo.cat.hu scene.org..................................ftp://ftp.scene.org Amber.......................................ftp://amber.bti.pl skynet.stack.nl..........................ftp://skynet.stack.nl ?------------------------------------------------------------------- -- - - !====:] articles [:============================================================ :---------------------------------------------------------------- -- - - =====! Elevator '99 results !================================================== Jangler / Coil / Bad Karma jangler@nettilinja.fi Janne Hannula www.nettilinja.fi/~jangler Veitsimäentie 28 ICQ: 12170786 84100 Ylivieska GSM: +358-40-5743636 Finland, EU FAX: +358-8-425774 --------------------------------------------------------------------- e l e v a t o r ' 9 9 [ the second floor ] final results g r a p h i c s (1.) 232p. 3. GRAVITY SEARCH: her (2.) 159p. 1. CONE: back in tha' day (3.) 107p. 6. M.O.: we come in peace (4.) 104p. 7. TEMPEST / DAMAGE: i cum in peace (5.) 86p. 2. KUMMITUSMUNA / MANKELI: bongfuck mc's 86p. 4. KERB / MANKELI: jizz (7.) 56p. 5. CHAVEZ / FUNKTION: cameron m p 3 m u s i c (1.) 155p. 15. TOHTORI X & ACTION MAN: villi putkisto (2.) 107p. 9. ZAGE / COIL: ellu nousee (3.) 49p. 12. PHOKUZ: malign (4.) 47p. 3. DAWNSTAR: quickstepper's dream (5.) 40p. 14. H. KYLL™NEN: protrusion (6.) 37p. 7. K.: alphabetical [j] (7.) 36p. 2. DJ FLAVA: starting point (8.) 35p. 1. NINJAGEFILUS: avaruuspolkka (9.) 34p. 13. JUZDIE / COIL: maximum power (10.) 28p. 4. ROGER THAT: fio-smak respecto 28p. 5. DISTANCE / LACKLUSTER: gobblad 28p. 6. JUIPPI / TEMPO: informaatioyhteiskunnan voittokulku (13.) 26p. 8. JEAN NINE: acarya 26p. 16. ROGER THAT JR: texas (15.) 22p. 18. DCT2: when will i see you (16.) 21p. 17. SAPE / CHEDDAR: lenttokone (17.) 16p. 10. JOSHUA: esko's love (18.) 9p. 11. K™K™ / THE K™KS: k”k”k”kk w i l d (1.) 197p. 4. CHART ROCKERS: bustin' out by (cone & sojagga livedanceshow) (2.) 182p. 5. FRAGILE: kangura (avi) (3.) 167p. 2. MANKELI: ellun bileet (video + extra) (4.) 125p. 1. P: kuinka? (mp3) (5.) 81p. 3. ROGER THAT: adolf wild 3d (wav) m u s i c (1.) 184p. 8. SOJAGGA / COIL: kenny (2.) 105p. 10. LEACH / COIL & AALTO & MANKELI: spinnin' (3.) 85p. 12. ZAGE / COIL: ellu tulee mopolla (4.) 76p. 11. ACTION MAN: hot stuff (5.) 58p. 7. JUZDIE / COIL: regret is pain (6.) 49p. 13. DB / DAMAGE: alko 49p. 5. CHAVEZ / FUNKTION: honeynut loops (8.) 44p. 9. REED / DAMAGE: papa chassis flunked (9.) 39p. 3. DAWNSTAR: can't funk it right (10.) 38p. 1. ASCIDE5 / DIVERSE: souly moods (11.) 33p. 4. BEATHAWK / FUNKTION: gluuvi (12.) 28p. 14. JUIPPI / TEMPO: have been (13.) 22p. 15. DISTANCE / LACKLUSTER: trullcakes (14.) 21p. 2. ORGANIC / BAD KARMA: dimensioita (15.) 19p. 6. JEAN NINE: take my control d e m o (1.) 120p. 4. MFX: kromiset sienet (2.) 89p. 11. 216 / MFX: dose (3.) 85p. 7. FUNKTION: fabula (4.) 83p. 1. BAD KARMA: minus 2k (5.) 82p. 6. FUTURE DIMENSIONS: strange thing (6.) 60p. 12. ACID RAIN: 7th floor (7.) 49p. 8. ESSEX: syno (8.) 29p. 2. KEINONEN & DVB: anal piercing (9.) 27p. 5. DAZED PRODUCTIONS: get dazed 27p. 10. REPLAY: tislaaja (11.) 26p. 13. SOLARC: hallu (12.) 17p. 9. HYAD: demo of da year (13.) 8p. 3. JANS-PETER / RTP: vuoria ei voi hallita intro (1.) 188p. 3. COMA: keskin„inen vihanpito (2.) 181p. 1. TPOLM: (no name) (3.) 153p. 2. MEWLERS: impact 3 voters: 90 kpl visitors: ~130 kpl? =====! Contest '99 invitation !================================================ invitation |::| v1.02e |::| a S T R O I D E a shareware |::| plz register |::| p r e s e n t s _______________|::|______________________________________________________core_ __________________________________________________________________________ / \ /________ / __ \ ____\_______ \ \ ___/ __ \ \ \ ___/__ \ / \_______/___________/______\_____/__________/________/__________/_______/ budapest.19990129_____________________________________________________________ |::| |::| |::| The Contest '99 |::| _hot_in_cold_ |::| http://scenest.scene-hu.com |::| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::intro::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |::| |::| Unfortunately we have less and less |::| scene parties in hungary each year, |::| and this isn't really to the |::| advantage to the scene. The fact that |::| two quality parties united did not help |::| this tendency at all. Actually this was |::| the only serious event where the oldest |::| and youngest members of the scene were |::| present, the ambience was good, and the |::| quality and quantity of the competing |::| works were good. (It's true that there |::| is only one month left until the new |::| year, but noone probably expects too |::| many wonders in the rest of the year.) |::| We recieved so much -unanimous- |::| feedback regarding the SCEnest-Rage'98 |::| party held in the summer, that we |::| realized: people regard this party as |::| the most important and the best party |::| here in hungary. We would like to thank |::| all of you for your appreciation and |::| for the LOTS of mail you sent. |::| Since the summer party had such a big |::| success, we thought that the scene |::| should be reunited twice a year, for |::| two huge meetings. The new date |::| however, is not april (which was |::| SCEneST's month), but january, because |::| this falls the furthest in time, from |::| the SCEneST-Rage Megaparty held in |::| july. This way, you can look forward to |::| a great event in each half of the year. |::| But the quality of these parties |::| depends as much on you, as it does on |::| us, the organizers. |::| The name of the new party is also new |::| - which of course is still like the |::| SCEneST-Rage - since we didn't want two |::| parties in the same year having the |::| same name (which h as been done more |::| than once in the past). We hope that we |::| can organize - if not surpass - a |::| similarly high standard party, like we |::| had in july. |::| We would hereby like to invite |::| everyone, and we would like to ask you |::| to - if possible - compete in as many |::| compos as you can ! (Amiga, PC, C64 |::| sceners alike.) |::| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::whenandwhere:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |::| |::| 1999 january 29 friday afternoon from |::| 17:00 |::| 1999 january 31 sunday morning. |::| |::| Alm ssy T‚ri Szabadid“k”zpont |::| 1088 BUDAPEST Alm ssy t‚r 6. |::| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::compoz::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |::| |::| comPo::demo |::| |::|:--|-Maximum size: 8MB, |::|:--|-Maximum resolution: 640x480, |::|:--|-ESC key to exit from the demo at |::| any time. |::|:--|-100% VGA compatibility for the Pc |::| + VESA 3.0 (optional) |::|:--|-Available platforms |::| |--|-PC/DOS |::| |-PC/Linux |::| |-PC/Windows 95 |::| |-Amiga 060/50MHz (opc:PPC) |::| |::| comPo::powerDemo |::| |::|:--|-Maximum size: 12MB, |::|:--|-Maximum resolution: 640x480, |::|:--|-Available accelerators: Riva128 or |::| Voodoo1, |::|:--|-ESC key to exit from the demo at |::| any time. |::|:--|-100% VGA compatibility for the Pc |::| + VESA 3.0 (optional) |::|:--|-Available platforms |::| |--|-PC/DOS |::| |-PC/Linux |::| |-PC/Windows 95 |::| |::| comPo::64kbyteIntro |::| |::|:--|-Maximum size: 65536Byte, |::|:--|-Maximum resolution: 640x480, |::|:--|-The intro can NOT use the Gravis |::| Ultrasound patches |::|:--|-ESC key to exit from the demo at |::| any time. |::|:--|-100% VGA compatibility for the Pc |::| + VESA 3.0 (optional) |::|:--|-Available platforms |::| |--|-PC/DOS |::| |-Amiga 060/50MHz (opc:PPC) |::| |::| comPo::4kbyteIntro |::| |::|:--|-Maximum size: 4096Byte, |::|:--|-Time shown: 3 mins, |::|:--|-Maximum resolution: 640x480, |::|:--|-The intro can NOT use the Gravis |::| Ultrasound patches |::|:--|-ESC key to exit from the demo at |::| any time. |::|:--|-100% VGA compatibility for the Pc |::| + VESA 3.0 (optional) |::|:--|-One coder can compete with only |::| one 4k intro, |::|:--|-Music is recommended! |::|:--|-Available platforms |::| |--|-PC/DOS |::| |-Amiga 060/50MHz (opc:PPC) |::| |::| comPo::256byteIntro |::| |::|:--|-Maximum size: 256Byte, |::|:--|-Time shown: 2 mins, |::|:--|-Maximum resolution: 640x480, |::|:--|-ESC key to exit from the demo at |::| any time. |::|:--|-100% VGA compatibility for the Pc |::| + VESA 3.0 (optional) |::|:--|-One coder can compete with only |::| one 256B intro, |::|:--|-Available platforms |::| |--|-PC/DOS |::| |-Amiga 060/50MHz (opc:PPC) |::| |::| comPo::c64demo |::| |::|:--|-Maximum size: 2 disks, |::|:--|-Time shown: 10 mins, |::| |::| comPo::graphics |::| |::|:--|-Maximum resolution of 640x480 at |::| 24 bits per pixel, |::|:--|-Formats: GIF, IFF/LBM, PCX, TGA, |::|:--|-One graphician can compete with |::| only on picture, |::|:--|-The picture can be signed be the |::| artist, |::|:--|-Scanned/redrawn pictures will be |::| disqualified, |::|:--|-Attached phases are recommended! |::| |::| comPo::trace |::| |::|:--|-Maximum resolution of 640x480 at |::| 24 bits per pixel, |::|:--|-Formats: GIF, IFF/LBM, PCX, JPG, |::| TGA, |::|:--|-One tracer can compete with only |::| on picture, |::|:--|-The picture can be signed be the |::| artist, |::| |::| comPo::c64graphics |::| |::|:--|-Converted and scanned pictures |::| will be disqualified, |::|:--|-Any kind of executable formats are |::| allowed to compete, |::|:--|-Phases have to be attached, |::|:--|-One graphician can compete with |::| only one picture, |::| |::| comPo::multichannelMusic |::| |::|:--|-Maximum size: 2048KB, |::|:--|-Time shown: 3 mins, |::|:--|-Allowed formats: XM,IT,S3M,MOD, |::|:--|-We accept amiga disks for this |::| compo, but please write "AMIGA" |::| with capitals on the disk if you |::| are entering an amiga disk, |::|:--|-Every composition will be played |::| with its own tracker, MOD: |::| CapaMod, |::|:--|-One musician can compete with only |::| one music. |::| |::| comPo::4channelMusic |::| |::|:--|-Maximum size: 700KB, |::|:--|-Time played: 3 mins, |::|:--|-Allowed format: MOD, |::|:--|-Those using Amiga have to enter |::| their work on a PC formatted |::| 720kb disk, |::|:--|-Player: CapaMod. |::|:--|-One musician can compete with only |::| one music. |::| |::| comPo::c64music |::| |::|:--|-Time played: 3 mins, |::|:--|-Any kind of executable formats are |::| allowed to compete, |::|:--|-One musician can compete with only |::| one music. |::| |::| comPo::wild |::| |::|:--|-Time shown: 10 mins, |::|:--|-We are counting on computer |::| animation, but we accept any other |::| kind of contribution too. |::|:--|-If possible, then please supply |::| your work on a VHS casette. If |::| this is not possible, then MPEG-1, |::| AVI, MOV or VIVO. |::|:--|-If the entry needs more serious |::| hardware than the compo machine, |::| then please contact the organizers |::| at the projector, 30 mins before |::| the compo with your machine. |::| |::| comPo::lamerDemo |::| |::|:--|-There is no limit on size, but we |::| recommend something under 10-20MB, |::|:--|-Time shown: 10 mins, |::|:--|-100% VGA compatibility for the PC, |::|:--|-We will only show quality |::| productions, not depending on the |::| number of entries, |::|:--|-Available platforms: |::| |--|-C64 |::| |-PC/DOS |::| |-PC/Linux |::| |-PC/Windows 95 |::| |-Amiga 060/50MHz (opc:PPC) |::| |::| comPo::WOP(winner_of_the_party) |::| |::|:--|-The title still goes to the best |::| group of the party. But we had some |::| problems with the old scoring system, |::| because only single points separated |::| the teams. Because of this, we are |::| introducing a new scoring system, |::| which might be even simpler, and more |::| fair. This means the the teams will |::| get points for top 3 ranks, multiplied |::| by some factor (the factor depends on |::| which compo the work competed in, of |::| course the demo compo has the biggest |::| multiplying factor). The factors can |::| be read from the table below. |::| |::| A quick sample, for those who did |::| not fully understand: |::| |::| The total for the GhostBusters team |::| from the results |::| |::| Demo 2. plc. 1035 pnts 5x = 5175 p |::| Trace 1. plc. 1490 pnts 2x = 2980 p |::| 4K Intro 3. plc. 850 pnts 2x = 1700 p |::| Fun 1. plc. 222 pnts 1x = 222 p |::| =========== |::| 10077 points |::| |::|:--|-This way the chance, that two |::| teams will have exacty the same number |::| of points is very small, and it will |::| also be clearer which group was the |::| best. The multiplying factor is needed |::| because the winners of the 64k Compo |::| and the Fun Compo are not on the same |::| level. This also means, that we don't |::| have to take into account which place |::| the group finished in a compo, because |::| they will get more votes anyway so |::| their points will reflect how good the |::| entry is. We would like to take this |::| opportunity to congratulate the |::| winners of the WOP in summer! |::| |::|:--|-Everyone who competed in a compo |::| automatically entered his/her team in |::| the WOP compo (the FILE_ID.DIZ will |::| tell us which group the competitor |::| belongs to). |::| |::| Dual members will earn points for |::| the first group mentioned in the |::| FILE_ID.DIZ. |::| |::|:--|------------------------------------ |::| W.O.P. points: |::|:--|------------------------------------ |::| |-|-Demo Compo: 5x |::| |-C64 Demo Compo: 5x |::| |-64K Intro Compo: 3x |::| |-Wild Compo: 3x |::| |-Graphics Compo: 2x |::| |-Trace Compo: 2x |::| |-C64 Graphics Compo: 2x |::| |-Multichannel Music Compo: 2x |::| |-4 Channel Music Compo: 2x |::| |-C64 Music Compo: 2x |::| |-4K Intro Compo: 2x |::|:--|------------------------------------ |::| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::compomachines::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |::| |::|:--|-PC: P2 Celeron A 333 MHz, 64MB RAM, |::| VESA 3.0, GUS Classic 1MB, SB16 |::| and RIVA 128 card is optional in the |::| POWER Demo category. |::| |::|:--|-Operating Systems: |::| |-MS-DOS 7.0, HIMEM.SYS, 500K free |::| base memory |::| |-Linux |::| |-Windows 95 OSR2 / DirectX v5.0 |::| (6.0 if available) |::| |::|:--|-AMIGA: Amiga 060/50MHz+PowerPC, |::| 32MB RAM. |::| |::|:--|-C64: C64C, 1541/II, Action Replay |::| MK VII. |::| |-Old or new SID is available |::| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::bel‚p“::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |::| |::| 1200 HUF for three days, |::| Entry is free for girls of course, |::| You can only vote if you paid the |::| entry fee. |::| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::deadline:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |::| |::| We would like to hold the compos in |::| two parts, because this made the |::| otherwise long compos really |::| 'watchable' in summer. The exact time |::| schedule will be made available at the |::| party. |::| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::entry::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |::| |::|:--The entry fee to the compos is the |::| disk you supply your work on. |::|:--Entries that contain virii will be |::| disqualified, |::|:--Each competing work has to be copied |::| onto the compo machine, but you have |::| to leave your disk with us in case any |::| errors arise. |::|:--PC entries should be supplied on |::| 3.5" HD disk and Amiga competitors |::| should supply their works on 3.5" DD |::| disks |::|:--Please write all important info |::| pretaining to the entry on the disk |::| TITLE/AUTHOR/GROUP/COMPO. |::|:--Every production MUST contain a |::| FILE_ID.DIZ, which should contain |::| the following: |::| |-|-The title of the work, |::| |-The name of the competitor, |::| |-The name of the group, |::| |-Which compo the productions is |::| competing in, |::| |-Which party the productions is |::| competing on, |::| |-And if it's not a PC/DOS |::| contribution, then please state so! |::| |::|:--If there are some important facts |::| you think we should know in order to |::| launch the production successfully, |::| then write these infos in a file |::| called FONTOS.!!! |::| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::voting::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |::| |::|:--A small part of the jury will be |::| selected from the organizers, and a |::| larger part will be made up of guests |::| of the party (those who want to be a |::| part of the jury should report near |::| the compo machine well before the |::| deadline of the compo), |::|:--Only those that do not compete in |::| the compo can be a part of the jury, |::|:--The members of the jury will award 1 |::| to 10 points to the productions, and |::| the works with the most points will be |::| shown in the compos, |::|:--The productions being shown in the |::| compos will be awarded points by the |::| audience with a scaling of 5 - 3 - 1 |::| points according to which place the |::| audience rates them. |::| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::prizes::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |::| |::|:--We would like to keep our total |::| prize value of over 500000 Ft, but to |::| achieve this, we need sponsors, and |::| more than 900 visitors - this hasn't |::| been a problem before, in fact, there |::| are already some foreigners that have |::| indicated to us, that they want to |::| come (even before the invitation has |::| been released!) - it's interesting |::| that they knew about the party even |::| before we did...? =DDD |::|:--We will try to award serious prizes |::| to the winners of every compo, in |::| addition, we will keep in mind the |::| quality and quantity of the competing |::| productions. |::| |::|:--We would like to keep the following |::| ammounts for the Demo compo: |::| |--|-#1 50.000 forint |::| |-#2 30.000 forint |::| |-#3 20.000 forint |::| (Ca$h and/or Hardware) |::| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::moreinfo:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |::| |::|:--The Leisure center can be best |::| approached from Blaha Lujza square. |::|:--The four story building will be open |::| from the basement to the attic, and |::| the buffet - except for the pool - |::| (6500 mý) and will serve our needs. |::| Smoking, and alcohol consumption is |::| allowed, but glass bottles can not be |::| brought into the party place. (paper |::| and plastic cups and bottles are |::| allowed!) |::|:--!!!We ask everyone to bring their |::| own power extension cable!!! |::|:--Please keep an empty socket in your |::| extension cable, so the next person |::| can connect his/her extender to yours. |::|:--Watch out when you disconnect your |::| extender, just in case the whole |::| queue got the power through you, |::|:--Please do not come before the |::| opening - rather 1 or 2 hours after |::| the opening of the doors (if you can), |::| because the security staff will not |::| allow anyone inside before the |::| opening. |::|:--If you are coming on saturday, and |::| would like a place, then ask a friend |::| to reserve places for you on friday, |::| since the organizers can not get more |::| tables if every place has been taken. |::|:--Every competitor accepts the fact, |::| that their production will be spread |::| on any CD for free. |::|:--You can only stay in the sleeping |::| rooms without your shoes. |::|:--Alcohol consumption, and smoking is |::| allowed in the party place, but |::| extremly intoxicated people will be |::| removed by the security staff. |::|:--People doing graffity will be handed |::| over to the police immediately. |::|:--Do not leave your stuff unattended! |::| The organizers do not accept |::| responsibility for missing stuff! |::|:--Please attach a FILE_ID.DIZ to |::| every competing production. (Just in |::| case your forgot:---) |::| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::orgstaff:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |::| |::| The CONTEST'99 Organizer MegaTeam: |::| |::| mainspring |::| ward melan |::| |::| preparing |::| kunci egzo ionic byro |::| |::| compomastah |::| reptile tsc genesis mrz |::| |::| on the stage |::| narn kal rene rnc o-man |::| |::| amiga future |::| gabriel eft lord beast slo |::| |::| commodore past |::| lion edhellon dale poison |::| |::| big handz |::| myrel periwinkle dani |::| |::| main net and quake master |::| the doominator |::| |::| net builder |::| james bond netplayer |::| |::| quaker admin |::| deity tyson angel falcon sinistre |::| |::| main doomer |::| zombieman |::| |::| internet rocks |::| core cyd boldi |::| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::szponzorz::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |::| |::| HumanSoft Games Rt |::| Telnet Magyarorsz g |::| Cool Game zlet |::| Shiva Computer |::| 7D Vision |::| Woodstone Interactive |::| 576 KByte |::| Pixel Graphics |::| Grafix SHS |::| PilotComp |::| Guru |::| Joker Magazin |::| ZED Magazin |::| Chip Magazin |::| DNN Computer |::| 4M Computerbont¢ |::| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::we_invite::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |::| |::| We luv ye all guyz! Don't miss to meet |::| us at the partyplace! |::| |::| capanna exact exhumers united force |::| hooligans crew unique pc chrome |::| kangooroo animals murmidones d-eyes |::| enlightenment faculty byteam promise |::| home entertainment silicon brain |::| therapy mandula resource nicoteam |::| tafundekli design renegades immortal |::| rat axioma anarchy budhaz euthanasia |::| urinate controlled dreams dinasty |::| majic 12 contract exceed abaddon |::| agressive giants fresh black rainbow |::| dilemma procreation mist emperor |::| virtual imagines remal code & light |::| sorcerers inquisition cdi maxeline |::| mnemonic the smirnoff squad the next |::| generation team brainsucked crew |::| a.l.l. the mad team gravity hydrogen |::| fiction criminal gang annihilator |::| quad caterpillar thitanium bacteria |::| coma chromance frame 18 amiga only |::| profik avh iris rhyme firg chrysalis |::| zsir |::| |::| ..and the funky gamerz |::| |::| 0xdead aeuioa alr axis c.o.d.e. clan |::| butcher cold surgery core cuc da bear |::| sitters clan danube dead dmcj fqp firm |::| gy v k haltmoon hunter killers |::| imperial iq-clan killer bees lsd loath |::| maxeline mcload miq mos¢nok nexus-6 |::| nimf0 paranoids pig q-klux klan |::| radical squadron rc sadogen sb sect |::| swat syndicate syntaxerror tf knights |::| tommyknockers twh wind wipes zorro |::| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::contact:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |::| |::| E-MAIL: |::| scenest@telnet.hu |::| |::| |::| IRC: |::| #demoscene, #astroidea, #pixel |::| |::| |::| WWW: |::| http://scenest.scene-hu.com |::| http://qf3.deffifilm.hu |::| |::| |::| VOICE: |::| +36-28-471167 vs +36-30-9542707 |::| |::| |::| SNAIL: |::| WARD MELAN |::| Kiss Bal zs Oravecz Rich rd |::| 2143,KISTARCSA 1221,BUDAPEST |::| Zr¡nyi M. u. 2. Kapisztr n utca 23/b |::| HUNGARY HUNGARY |::| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::kign.org::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ text_melan|::|ricsi@westel909.net dezign_core|::|core@scene-hu.com ?------------------------------------------------------------------- -- - - !====:] end [:================================================================= :---------------------------------------------------------------- -- - - NEW MAIL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! http://demojournal.planet-d.net Editor..................................ps <demojournal@planet-d.net> Web-master.............................Receptor <_receptor@yahoo.com> ps