d$$$ $$L d$$ yyy$L d$L d$L d$ $$L G $$$$ $$$L d$$$ $$$$$ $$$L d$$$ d$$ $$$L r I$$r I$L I$I :$$$y $$$I d$$' $$$L i I$: :$$ :$$$ $L :$$ $ $$I I$$ :$$ e I$$ d$$ $$I $$I :$$ $$: d$$r s d$$ye yd$$' I$$ $yyy$L $$I :$$ $$ d$$r s e d$$y y$$L d$$ $L d$L d$L eyy$ $$L d$L d$L d$ $L d$L ' $$$$ $$$$ d$$$ $$L $$$ y$$ $$$$ $$$L $$$$ :$$ d$$ $$L $$r 9 I$$ d$$: $$L I$$ :$$ I$r :$$ I$$$$ :$$ d$$r $$L I$: 9 :$$ I$$ :$$ I$$ :$$ I$$y y$$' I$$$$ $$e I$: $$$ I$: :$$ I$$ :$$ I$$ :$$ I$$$ $$r I$$ $ $$$ I$: I$$ I$: d$e I$$ $$: d$r $$$ d$r I$$' $$L I$$ $$$ I$$$ y$$e I$e dL $$$y y$$' $$e d$r $$y y$r $$: $$L $$$ :$$ $$$r $$$ $$$ d$$ $$$ $$r $$ $r $e $r $$L $$I $$$ $$$ I$$ $$I $$ y$r ?------------------------------------------------------------------- -- - - !====:] #24 [:=========================================:] 30 jan 1999 [:======= :---------------------------------------------------------------- -- - - editorial demonews party on! weekly interview - yes yes demo - intro - mod - quote - commercial break homepages articles end subscribers 180 - ?------------------------------------------------------------------- -- - - !====:] editorial [:=========================================================== :---------------------------------------------------------------- -- - - Oh no... Not another editorial... I'm tired of always writing the same stuff. Or even worse! Trying desperatly not to repeat myself... HELP on o'week stuff please! The reason why my inet connection was cutted was very simple... I forgot to pay! :P Oopsie! ps ?------------------------------------------------------------------- -- - - !====:] demonews [:============================================================ :---------------------------------------------------------------- -- - - Yez reports a new party for February: party name : "analogue" party place town : cracow party place country : poland party status : invite only party web-page : http://www.promail.pl/~analogue mirror1 : http://www.komputery.com/analogue mirror2 : http://sojuz.zse.zgora.pl/analogue/ Seven says: Static Line 7 is out! Get it at www.ic.l7.net/statline For those who don't know Static Line, its a monthly newsletter with lots of info for musicians, (like the old TraxWeekly), but it is aiming to become a newsletter for the whole schene. Hey, there are even demoreviews in it! (Hope you don't mind this plug for another mag, Psychic :)). [ed: not at all! I'm happy to see static line getting bigger and more known! It's a damn good newsletter.] Rumours that Cremax/Nothing suffered a car-crash and is in a bed at the hospital... I'm hoping to confirm with the man himself! Until then please get well soon Cremax! We all miss you very much! ?------------------------------------------------------------------- -- - - !====:] party on! [:=========================================================== :---------------------------------------------------------------- -- - - starts !=! ends !===! location !===! name !=========! contact !================ Jan 15 - Jan 17, 1999 Finland Elevator '99 http://www.elevator.labra.com Jan 29 - Jan 31, 1999 Hungary Contest '99 http://scenest.scene-hu.com Jan 29 - Jan 31, 1999 Sweden Midwinter '99 hack.amiga-cg.se/midwinter =========! present time !====================================================== Feb 19 - Feb 21, 1999 France Volcanic '99 Feb 26 - Feb 28, 1998 Holland Ambience '99 http://overflow.hro.nl/ambience Feb 26 - Feb 27, 1999 Poland Analogue http://www.promail.pl/~analogue Mar ?? - ??? ??, 1999 Italy Trip '99 www.nigma.it/trip99 Mar ?? - ??? ??, 1999 Poland Astrosyn '99 Mar 31 - Apr 04, 1999 Norway The Gathering '99 Apr 02 - Apr 05, 1999 Germany Mekka & Symp. 2k-1 http://ms.demo.org Apr 16 - Apr 18, 1999 France Arf!Party http://arfparty.citeweb.net May 29 - May 30, 1999 Germany Komso/Neithernor'99 http://neithernor.demo.org Jun 04 - Jun 06, 1999 Holland Takeover '99 http://www.takeover.nl Jun 17 - Jun 20, 1999 Sweden Remedy '99 http://www.remedy.nu Jul 09 - Jul 11, 1999 Belgium Inscene '99 www.analogica.com/inscene Jul 09 - Jul 10, 1999 UK Dejavu '99 http://www.dejavu.org.uk ??? ?? - ??? ??, 1999 France Slach 2 www.mygale.org/~myke666 ??? ?? - ??? ??, 1999 Hungary Rage-Scenest'99 ??? ?? - ??? ??, 1999 Portugal DemoPorto '99 demoporto99@hotmail.com ?------------------------------------------------------------------- -- - - !====:] weekly [:============================================================== :---------------------------------------------------------------- -- - - This week! I have been mostly eating... lettuce =====! interview !============================================================= <|ps|> ok, so for starters... who the hell are you? :) <cube-TRM> !Cube / Trauma + SCS*TRC + Scallop, did that answer your question? :) <|ps|> not really... who are you on real life? :) <cube-TRM> well, my real name is Toni Lِnnberg, I'm a 22 year old dude from Vantaa, Finland, and I'm studying computer science at the university of Helsinki. <|ps|> tell us about your groups... what have you been up to lately? <cube-TRM> About the groups, Trauma is a Finnish demogroup on the PC, which was formed when DEE, Dubius and Hysteria merged. We've made a few demos which have gotten to 3rd and 1st position in the Assembly event. SCS*TRC aka Success+The Ruling Company is a C64 crackgroup which I joined in -96 as a composer, the group itself is formed of mostly Germans and Dutch guys. And Scallop is a Finnish C64 demogroup which I joined last year, it hasn't done much yet but someday :) As for myself, I've been really busy with the university but I try to get time for composing and coding the C64 whenever I can. that's about it :) if that answered your question at all :) <|ps|> hehe tell us about DEE music disk... it was very acclaimed by the scene at the time it was released, and then DEE2 aswell... <cube-TRM> The idea of the DEE music disks was realized by myself and Nitro/Trauma back in.. err.. was it '95 ? :) The reason why we started to make music disks instead of just spreading individual tunes was that at that time it seemed music disks were spread more widely in the BBS', hence came DEE musicdisks. There has been 5 DEE music disks but it seems that our music is nowadays midi-stuff so I don't know whether there'll be any more. <|ps|> do you remember how much time you spent composing for each disk? <cube-TRM> Well, the average time of the composing process would be a bit hard to calculate since most of my tunes lie on my harddrive for three months and I add some little things to them once in a while.. on the other hand, sometimes I compose a tune in one day. So as you can see, it's not that easy to say :) <|ps|> what trackers have you been using through the times? <cube-TRM> I started on the Atari ST with NoiseTracker which was a horrid piece of software, later on I moved to ProTracker and later on PC I've used FT2. On the Atari and C64 I also composed soundchip-stuff, but the editors I've used for them are too numerous to mention. <|ps|> why didnt you moved to IT then? seems most people are changing nowdays... <cube-TRM> Well I've gotten used to the ProTracker interface along the years so I like FT2 in that perspective, and it suits my needs. IT has some neat new things like the NNA but I don't feel comfortable with the ST3 interface and I can't be bothered to learn all the new commands :) <|ps|> and now you say you are doing more midi stuff... what programs do you use for that? <cube-TRM> I use Cakewalk Pro Audio 6.0 at the moment, it suits me since it can also handle samples aswell. <|ps|> you do your own samples i reckon then... <cube-TRM> with tracker stuff, I tend to rip most of my samples :) but when it comes to midi-stuff, I only use ambient sounds and drum loops as samples which I construct personally. <|ps|> how do you construct them then? <cube-TRM> well I have a small sample library where I take some ambient samples and mix them together with FT2 or SoundForge, the drum loops I compose with FT2 and then modify them with SoundForge aswell. <|ps|> and there was much rejoicing! :) what are your plans for the future? <cube-TRM> I continue studying at the university, hopefully graduating someday. I'll still be composing and coding on the PC and C64 for as long as I find it interesting, and I'm trying to get my music on the market in different ways with Teque and Nitro. <|ps|> you recall your first scene party? tell us about it... <cube-TRM> I believe it was one of those annual Atari ST -parties in Finland which were organized by Extream. I think the first one was in '89. What I recall from the party itself is kinda blurred now.. I do remember some farting Amiga-dude but that's about all :) <|ps|> so let me get this straight... your best memory of your first scene party was a guy farting? <cube-TRM> that's about the only thing I can recall since we had a bunch of laughs watching this Amiga-guy sleep, burping and farting in two second intervals :) <|ps|> bahahah <cube-TRM> I do recall coding my first GFA-basic intro aswell.. <|ps|> GFA? <cube-TRM> Don't remember where the GFA comes from but it was a pretty good basic programming language used quite much on the Atari ST. <|ps|> i have become wiser! :) <cube-TRM> now you can die happy :) <|ps|> hehe... :P ok, tell us who are your favorite scene coders/gfx/musicians.. <cube-TRM> fave coders, well, Camel/Pulse, Echo/Fudge and Vipa/Purple.. as for graphists, Lazur/Pulse and Made/Bomb.. fave musicians are too numerous to mention since there's so many of them.. <|ps|> do give it a try... i have time... :) <cube-TRM> Abaddon + Venturus / Damage, Agemixer / Scallop Ambient Move + Velvet / Amable, AMJ + TBB / Extend Andy + Ukulele / Banal Projects Audiomonster + Jesper Kyd / Silents, Awesome / Pandemia Azazel / TBL, Balrog / TPOLM Bay Tremore + Sparklite / Paragon Beast + Frazer / The Syndicate, Big Alec / Delta Force Big Jim / Valhalla, Bit Arts + Jester + Virgill / Sanity Carebear + Dune / Orange, Chorus + Sid / Majic 12 Clawz / Bomb, Dizzy + Groo + Heatbeat + Yolk / CNCD Drax + Laxity / Vibrants, Echo + Fanta / Bass, Elwood Excellence In Art, Fajser / Rage Falcon + Jogeir + Shad + Scorpik / Puls, Fatality / COC Firefox + Mantronix + Tip / Phenomena, Flotsam / Palace Futile + Kaakao + Resound / Pepper, Gatekeeper / Xtacy Gspot / Recreation, Imode + Outshined / Sound Devotion Jed / Amour, Jeff / Camelot, Jugi / Komplex Julius + Nuke / Lemon, Kraku + Prick / Mass Kristian Rostoen / Blues Muz', Lizardking + Vogue / Triton Mace + Shaft / Extream, Mad Max / The Exceptions Mefis / Tokyo Dawn Records, Mellow-D + Necros / FM Mirko + Prob. / Oxylon, Mitch + Dane / Crest Mordicus / Jamm, Mortimer Twang + Supernao / Mono Mr.Man / Andromeda, Mystical / Purple,Oxide / Sonik+Clique Pink / Abyss, Pri + Syndrom / TIA, Probe / TBL Purple Motion + Skaven / Future Crew, Radium / Effect Rage / Fobia Design, Raytrayza / Kolor,Scavenger / Synergy Slide / Polka Brothers, Statix / Psychic Link Tao / Cream, Tempest / Damage, Turtle / Accession Vic / Acme, Yaz / Digital, Zodiak / Cascada happy now ? :) <|ps|> very! :) Let me take a wild guess... You have a gtx list... <cube-TRM> a respect list more likely.. <|ps|> i dont know what to ask you now... any ideas? <cube-TRM> My favourite color is black and my shoe size is 42 :) <|ps|> oh yes... are you an alien? <cube-TRM> of course, all Trauma-guys are.. you should know that by now :) <|ps|> oh yeah... from what planet are you? <cube-TRM> Anterpe <|ps|> isnt that a city of finland? <cube-TRM> nopes <|ps|> in what galaxy is that... i dont recall passing by... <cube-TRM> it's a very small place very far from here, you wouldn't know where it is :) <|ps|> you understimate the knowledge of my people! we know everything! :) [ed: and are everywhere!] <cube-TRM> yep.. sure thing :) <|ps|> you dont believe me? ill sworn a plague on you!!!! <cube-TRM> yep yep.. <|ps|> may your feet be deeply covered in snot and rare fungus! (c) b.witched '95 <cube-TRM> wouldn't want that to happen, Fungus/F4CG in my feet would look terrible.. <|ps|> ok... so i can prove to you my deep knowledge compared to your puny existance i shall ask 5 questions... if you answer correctly i shall let you pass.. if you do not answer them right... well... ill let you pass anyway but dont tell anyone! 1) what is the capital of madagascar? <cube-TRM> hmm.. have never visited Madagascar so I can't recall.. <|ps|> 2) how many fish are there in the galapagos islands water territory? <cube-TRM> do I look like a person who would know such a thing ?! <|ps|> 3) define hipo-glutany <cube-TRM> Something to eat ? If not, it doesn't interest me. <|ps|> 4) how many coders does it take to screw a light-bulb? <cube-TRM> This one's tough.. seventeen ? <|ps|> close... last question... what is a RAM? <cube-TRM> random access memory when talking about computers, also the suffix of certain RealPlayer audio -files.. <|ps|> ahah! wait... thats right... humm... ok... ill let you live for now then! :) <cube-TRM> *phuh* <|ps|> cube: ok... any last words before i close the interview? :) <cube-TRM> I would like to say to all the sceners out there that keep the scene alive, something good can come out of it from time to time :) <|ps|> ok... want to do some free-advertise for yourself or your site? <cube-TRM> if someone wants to check out some of my tunes then http://www.cs.helsinki.fi/~tlonnber is the place for you.. also check out the Trauma pages in http://sauna.net/trauma <|ps|> well... i guess this is it! :) thx for your time! :) <cube-TRM> no problemo :) take care, I gotta go buy some gigarettes.. laters! <|ps|> oki! bye bye =====! demo !================================================================== Tislaaja by Replay ranked 9th at Elevator '99 I review now this one, becouse this is the only one '99 demo what i found on the net yet. It's a cooperation between Replay dudezm Aap/Acme and Distance/Tpolm. Well if you have seen my Fleur2 Evoke'98 review, there i said, that their production wasn't too original. Maybe they have read that, and changed gear, becouse they made well designed, feeling stuffz. In Park Jinsung (Compusphere '98) Mplus! (Jumper '98) Manual Materia (TP '98) they really showed what they can, and as Goofy told me, the demofactory will not stop, workin' hard on new projects. (We laught a lot about Exceed's and Replay's different kind of demomaking, if we make one in 6 months, they 5 or 6.) But back to Tislaaja. What's in this stuff? Lot of pic's scrollies, simple, but good lookin' and movin' 3d objects, and texts for your brain. Nothing much, you think? Well watch the unique design, the colors, the funny little things! Yes these stuffz keep me :) when i'am in a bad mood. And Poison's musics in Mplus and Jinsung really rock, i like the 303 stuff in it! Distance made a good work in this demo, but unfortunelly they cutted it, becouse it was too long. Never stop Replay! d-lee =====! intro !================================================================= keskinنinen vihanpito by COMA placed 1st. (elevator'99) Hmm. I think Virne likes birds. Remember? (Birdcage - Tiputipu - and this one.) Now again in high resolution but in still 8 bit, tunnels, particles, blur, and and .... as always. The design is again what you expected: Coma style. For some people unique, the others can't understand this. Coma: Hate or Love. I really liked the part when lot of black birdie objects moved on the screen in a white fog. Baldis made the industrial track. This won, but the others were close. This intro is better then the TP one. (MESSAGE! I really wanna check the Elevator '99 third placed intro called: Impact 3 by Mewlers. Upload it to demo.cat.hu! Thanks!) d-lee =====! mod !=================================================================== "tama's kingdom" by muffler Taken from www.mono211.com (m_tam.zip) This one is the soundtrack of winner TP7 Amiga democompo. Muffler style all the way. Sharp sound mixed with heavy drums. Perfect mindfuck combination that muffler always delivers! Some samples from "tamagotchi" by jazz. As it says in the infofile [ed: wow! i can read!!!] I am nt very good describing music but this time i must transcend myself and do it! ;) We have little more than 3 mnutes of tune. It starts by a some-how drifting ambient electro sounds. Which develops into a heavy drum and bleep. After a while we get hit by a mellow beat with some heavy electronic gear layered on top. Fast back into the normal drum and bleep line. You can notice the work spent on these lines though... 5 or 6 layers of diferent sounds carefully interlaced to deliver the right tone of each instrument/sample. I would like to pay special attention to the really sharp sounds that eco in the background (or foreground if you have sharp ears). These are really muffler style, or atleast that is what i recognixe them with. Strong beats, sharp sounds, carefully entwined together. This tune isn't that long but it is defintly a good "demo" tune since it has several breakdowns and beat changes which allow heavy syncing, which is defintly the trademark of haujobb PC (dont know much of amiga division...) ps =====! quote !================================================================= <SUN_REAL> destroying something like CNCD would sure be an achievement remembered for eons <SUN_REAL> I'm off to plan how to kill some more groups. Taken from #pixel log... Here you go... We let you know in first hand Unreal's real plans for his demogroups! KILL THEM ALL!!! First Suprise!Productions, now Pulse... Next is CNCD! Is there any stopping to this mindless destruction? staytunnedforthenextepisodescomingsoontoanewsletternearyou! ?------------------------------------------------------------------- -- - - !====:] commercial break! [:=================================================== :---------------------------------------------------------------- -- - - ـــــــــــــــــ ـــــــــــــــــ غكككككغ غكككككغ غ ـــــــــــــ غ غ غغغ ككككغ غ غغغ غ غ غ غغغغغغغغغ غ غ غغغكغغغ غـغ غغغ غــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ ــــــــغ غ ـ غغغغغ غ غ غغغ غغغــــ ـــ ـــــــ ـــــــ ـــــــ ـــ غ غ ـــــــ غ غ ككككغ غ غ غغغ غغغ غغغ غغغ غغغ غغغ غغغ غغغ غغغ غغغ غغغ غ غ غغغ غغغ غ غغغغغ غ غ غ غغغ غغغ غغغ غغغ غغغ غغغ غغغ غغغ غغغ غغغ غغغ غـغ غغغ غغغ غكككككككك غ غ غ غغغ غغغ غغغ غغغ غغغ ـــ ــــغغغ غغغ ـــ غغغ ـــ غغغكككك غ غغغغغكككغ غ غ ــــــــغغغ غغغ غغغ غ غ غغغـغغغ غغغـغغغ غغغـغغغ غغغـغغغ غ ككككك غ غ غـــــــــــــــــــــغ غــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ غغغغغغغغغغغغغ غ any support (msx, articles) send to: غـــــــــــــــغ miraclmg@polbox.com or ûmُ gardner@friko6.onet.pl snail addy: Marcin Ciecwierz Klaudyn ul.Szymanoskiego 14 o5o8o Izabelin Poland - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 4 AMBER disk magazine ـــــــغككككككغــــغككككككغــــغككككككغــــغككككككغـــــ regal'98 غ ـــــــغ²±° ـــــــغ²±° ـــــــغ²±° ـــــــغ²±° ــــ غ ftz '97 غ غغغغ ـ غغ²± غغغغ ـ غغ²± غغغغ ـ غغ²± غغغغ ـ غغ²± غغغغ غـــــــ غ غغغغ غ غغغ² غغغغ ك غغغ² غغغغ ك كككك كككك ك غغغ² غغغغ غ ــــ غ ـــغ غغغغ غ غغغغ غغغغـــغغغغ غغغغ ككغغغغ غغغغكككغغغغ غغغغ غ غغغغ غـــ غ ؤؤ ²غغغ ؤؤؤؤؤؤ ²غغغ ؤ ــــ ²غغغ ؤ غغغغ ²غغغ ؤ غغغغ ²غغغ - 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- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Amber.......................................ftp://amber.bti.pl Cyberbox.....................................ftp://cyberbox.de DC-1.........................................ftp://demo.cat.hu Pigforce.................................ftp://pigforce.ml.org Scene.org..................................ftp://ftp.scene.org SDC...................................ftp://sdc.wtm.tudelft.nl Skynet.stack.nl..........................ftp://skynet.stack.nl ?------------------------------------------------------------------- -- - - !====:] articles [:============================================================ :---------------------------------------------------------------- -- - - Nothing this week! :) Results from Contest'99 and probably Mid-Winter next week so stay tunned! :) Probably also some party invitations. ?------------------------------------------------------------------- -- - - !====:] end [:================================================================= :---------------------------------------------------------------- -- - - http://demojournal.planet-d.net Editor..................................ps <demojournal@planet-d.net> Web-master.............................Receptor <_receptor@yahoo.com> ps