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?------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -  -
!====:] #29 [:=========================================:] 06 mar 1999 [:=======
:---------------------------------------------------------------- -- -  -

                                                                    party on!
        on va on va                                               interview -
                                                                       demo -
        on va a la arf on va                                          music -
                                                                      quote -
                                                             commercial break

                                                          Ambience99 report -
                                                         Ambience99 results -
                                                           Analogue results -


                                                                        182 -

?------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -  -
!====:] editorial [:===========================================================
:---------------------------------------------------------------- -- -  -

?------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -  -
!====:] demonews [:============================================================
:---------------------------------------------------------------- -- -  -

          new tpolm production. 1st of march.
        celebrating fthr's birthday, cloudcity's birthday and the new sq EP
        released 01.03.

        New musicdisk at: http://members.xoom.com/JupiterCode/

        Green has released the final version of Control at Ambience'99
        Get it at ftp://skynet.stack.nl/pub/demos/green

?------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -  -
!====:] party on! [:===========================================================
:---------------------------------------------------------------- -- -  -

starts !=! ends !===! location !===! name !=========! contact !================

Feb 19 - Feb 21, 1999 France    Volcanic '99        http://www.volcanicparty.com
Feb 26 - Feb 28, 1998 Holland   Ambience '99        http://overflow.hro.nl/ambience
Feb 26 - Feb 27, 1999 Poland    Analogue            http://www.promail.pl/~analogue
Feb 27 - Feb 28, 1999 Russia    Bytefall '99

=========! present time !======================================================

Mar 12 - Mar 14, 1999 Sweden    The Feeling '99     http://www.thefeeling.net
Mar 24 - Mar 28, 1999 Italy     Trip '99            www.nigma.it/trip99
Mar ?? - ??? ??, 1999 Poland    Astrosyn '99
Mar 31 - Apr 04, 1999 Norway    The Gathering '99

Apr 02 - Apr 05, 1999 Germany   Mekka & Symp. 2k-1  http://ms.demo.org
Apr 03 - Apr 05, 1999 France    The Meeting 1999    http://www.fil.univ-lille1.fr/EVENEMENTS/coding/
Apr 09 - Apr 11, 1999 France    Ukonx '99
Apr 16 - Apr 18, 1999 France    Arf!Party           http://arfparty.citeweb.net

May 07 - May 09, 1999 France    Keyboard '99
May 21 - May 23, 1999 Germany   Neithernor'99       http://neithernor.demo.org
May 29 - ??? ??, 1999 France    Servo '99           info@mars-eyes.org

Jun 04 - Jun 06, 1999 Holland   Takeover '99        http://www.takeover.nl
Jun 17 - Jun 20, 1999 Sweden    Remedy '99          http://www.remedy.nu

Jul 09 - Jul 11, 1999 Belgium   Inscene '99         www.analogica.com/inscene
Jul 09 - Jul 10, 1999 UK        Dejavu '99          http://www.dejavu.org.uk
Jul 19 - Jul 23, 1999 ?         Density '99         www.gathering.org/kandu/
Jul ?? - Jul ??, 1999 Denmark   Summer Encounter 99
Jul ?? - Jul ??, 1999 Hungary   Rage-Scenest '99

Aug 06 - Aug 08, 1999 Finland   Assembly '99        http://www.assembly.org
Aug 21 - Aug 24, 1999 France    Slach 2             www.mygale.org/~myke666

Sep 03 - Sep 05, 1999 France    RTS Party 2000-1    http://RTS-PartY.imag.fr
Sep ?? - Sep ??, 1999 Sweden    The Demoparty '99   http://www.demoparty.com
Sep ?? - Sep ??, 1999 Portugal  DemoPorto '99       demoporto99@hotmail.com

??? ?? - ??? ??, 1999 Germany   Evoke '99           http://kaoz.org/evoke
??? ?? - ??? ??, 1999 YugoslaviaScene Strike 4
??? ?? - ??? ??, 1999 France    Slach 2             www.mygale.org/~myke666

Oct ?? - Oct ??, 1999 Norway    distance '99

Nov ?? - Nov ??, 1999 Germany   Cologne Conf. '99   www.academicus.de/cc98

??? ?? - ??? ??, 2000 USA       Bang! 2000          www.scene.org/bang!/

?------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -  -
!====:] weekly [:==============================================================
:---------------------------------------------------------------- -- -  -
        This week! I have been mostly eating... beer-cans

=====! interview !=============================================================

        Session Start: Wed Mar 03 20:58:06 1999

        *** gfy has joined #demojournal

        *** _b has joined #demojournal        

        *** L-Boy has joined #demojournal

        *** whisker has joined #demojournal

        *** piglet has joined #demojournal

        <|ps|> who are you?

        <gfy> oh, im goofy/replay.. Roger as people tend to call me in real
              life.. yeah. i want to be a rock n roll star, but i ended up
              in replay instead..

        <_b> i am baloo of replay and blocc, my realname is jerker olofsson
             and i'm 18 years old. i live in gotheburg sweden.

        <whisker> whisker of replay,   realname - mattias rost, 16 years,
                  coder,   lives in gothenburg    booth amiga and pc

        <L-Boy> i am L-Boy/Replay, also known as Leatherboy. My real name is
                daniel laneby. 19 years, lives faaar away from the other

        <piglet> yeah, my realname is markus, i used to code pc, but have
                 converted to amiga.. as most of us i live in

        <|ps|> why is your group called replay?

        <_b> hmm.. i guess me or goofy came up with it some windy day about
             1½ year ago..

        <|ps|> whats the story? who founded it and who are the members?
               start from the beggining...

        <gfy> dunno.. I think I was the one who come up with it.. it sounds
              good.. Not to long..
              baloo, you tell..

        <|ps|> baloo: yes you tell while we all sleep...

        <piglet> hehe

        <L-Boy> tempo jerker

        <|ps|> here is smtg for you to do while baloo is telling the
               story... what is your favorite icecream flavour?

        <L-Boy> det här är inte bra för ryktet

        <_b> hehe

        <piglet> i really like polka

        <|ps|> b: go on...

        <piglet> ;D

        <|ps|> icecreams come in polka flavour?

        <piglet> yes

        <L-Boy> i like everything except chocolate

        <|ps|> why not chocolate?

        <gfy> uhm.. "himmelsk röra" thats like chocolate/vanilla + some
              marshmallows.. thats really tasty..

        <piglet> triumf glass polka flavour, that is :)

        <whisker> vanilla strewberry

        <L-Boy> strew.. yes.

        <_b> me and goofy founded it with coin. we released our first
             release.. shaaaake on compusphere 9, but it was not shown,
             due to the organizers that tried to run it on an amiga. later
             that year we did an intro for tp, called megaman0, we did it
             in some hours the day before tp7 or something.. these releases
             are quite hard to find, because we don't really like them :) we
             released samba & kosmonauts in the beginning of 1998. not on a

        <L-Boy> darn, inga demos från amb99 funkar.

        <gfy> hehe

        <|ps|> and what after samba and kosmonauts?

        <L-Boy> ps: slow dowm.. he is writing.

        <gfy> hopefully he is doing that yes..

        <_b> and after that sometimes, piglet, whisker and balrog joined.
             (ihh, this was really boring).. well, lboy joined sometime
             before asm98 and optic joined shortly after compusphere 10. a
             list of all releases (about 20 in 1998) can be found on

        <|ps|> b: oh cammon!!! list them! :D

        <gfy> thats probably it..
              ps, do you know how many there are??

        <_b> i'm probably wrong about something here, but noone knows
             really :)

        <|ps|> why is it so important for you guys to keep releasing stuff?

        <_b> ofcourse

        <|ps|> gfy: not really... i only know 3 demos i think...

        <_b> as long as it's fun to make demos

        <|ps|> b: i asked why not if! :)

        <gfy> yeah

        <gfy> we want to earn fame and money..

        <L-Boy> im only in it for the money..

        <gfy> we do it for the fun of it..

        <_b> shaaaake, megaman0, samba, kosmonauts, stereo, mono,
             baker selection, ekg, park jinsung, sputnik, pz, supernaut,
             mplus (no ripoff :) released before hplus actually) iz-us,
             tislaaja, flim, manual, viagra flim remix.. maybe some more

        <|ps|> fun? wheres the fun of being cafein addicted? (among other

        <_b> nononono.. we make all demos before the parties, so we just can
             booze and have fun at the party, meating intresting people etc..

        <gfy> yeah, we make meat of them..

        <L-Boy> booze

        <gfy> yeah booze

        <whisker> mmmm

        <gfy> boozing on demopartys is important..

        <|ps|> how do you do the demo? you gather around in a home and one of
               you codes while the others stare open mouthed?

        <L-Boy> boozing and smoking

        <_b> we've also released a compusphere 10 invite, and ofcourse
             shine #1,2,3

        <gfy> we booze alot, come up with ideas.. some of us gather (mostly
              at baloos place) and try to do it..

        <|ps|> oh yeah! i want to get to shine but first demo doing! :)
               but who codes and who pixel and who does music?

        <_b> we can't start making a demo without a tune, we gotto have a
             tune first.. most releases have been done at my place, where we
             are sometimes.. when it's not a real-party that is. so mostly
             all of us can't gather at one time..

        <|ps|> you dont really do all those pics from scratch do you? they
               are retouched photos right?

        <gfy> sometimes they dont even are retouched.. depends on..

        <_b> we don't have gfx done before the demo, not often at all, but
             when we start on a part in the demo, we select what music part
             that would match that kind of effect, make background gfx, add
             code, and sync it

        *** balrog has joined #demojournal

        <gfy> oh

        <_b> most of them are only photos, yes

        <balrog> böö

        <piglet> antepante!

        <_b> oh, balrog.. *kram*

        <gfy> here comes dagge!

        <|ps|> balrog: introduce yourself! :)
               humm ok then lets talk shine... why did you released #1 to
               start with?

        <gfy> uhm.. it was just me & baloo at that time..

        <_b> i don't really know, we where all untalented, the only thing we
             could do was to organize something :)

        <balrog> hi. I'm balrog. who're you?

        <gfy> yeah

        <piglet> :D

        <whisker> buse 0)

        <gfy> and we thought that the scene was ready for another diskmag..

        <piglet> i'm sven, where do your aunt live?

        <|ps|> ok and whats with #3? what took it so long and why did you
               say it was the final one?

        <_b> i do not really live in sweden, i'm a true cowboy from texas sir
             we don't really know if it was the final one.. there should come
             another one, but, we have zero articles :/

        <gfy> yeah zip

        <_b> we don't want to write our own articles :)

        <gfy> zero 0
              no. we're to busy doing stuffs like that
              we have to booze, chase girls, listen to music, chase girls,
              booze, smoke..

        <|ps|> that sucks!!!

        <balrog> b: copy articles from Imphobia 5. nobody would notice it

        <piglet> :D

        <|ps|> hehehe

        <_b> demos on our sparetime, and directing pornomovies as a

        <gfy> :)

        <|ps|> balrog: how many heinekens have you taken? :)

        <gfy> too few

        <balrog> ps: none.. I don't even like heineken

        <L-Boy> 'billy i ally mcbeal gillar svensk midsommar'

        <_b> yeah :)

        <balrog> heineken is like water

        <piglet> german beer sucks
                 replay drink BLÅGUL

        <_b> he was only idle for approx an half hour..

        <|ps|> here is a cool question... whats your personal record of
               number of beers while recalling what you did last night? :)

        <L-Boy> ps: 3-4

        <piglet> like 12? :D

        <gfy> like 10..

        <whisker> 1 =)

        <piglet> :D

        <_b> isn't heineken from the netherlands ? or am i totally wrong
             here ?

        <gfy> you're right

        <balrog> uhm.. well... I forgot to count that time

        <piglet> so what? german beer sucks anyway ;D

        <L-Boy> tastes like shit

        <gfy> danish beer is the best

        <|ps|> b: not sure... but its scientifically proven to be
               "probably" the best beer in the world! :D [ed: no.. thats
               not heinekein! thats carlsberg!]

        <piglet> yep

        <_b> i never drink so i remember, sorry

        <piglet> bah

        <|ps|> whisker: that much? :)

        <L-Boy> no, thats carlsberg. [ed: haha! he noticed! :)]

        <whisker> ps.. well.. maybe a half =)

        <piglet> beer isn't a toothpaste

        <_b> calrsberg, probably the best beer in the world.. and it taste

        <piglet> carlsberg, and perhaps lapin kulta

        <gfy> mmh

        <_b> lapin kulta is... ok.

        <balrog> bah.. lapin kulta is water

        <gfy> whatabout KOFF? I HATE IT!

        <whisker> enough beer talking, eh?   =) [ed: why? it was getting fun]

        <_b> nah

        <gfy> tastes like.. YUCK!

        *** piglet has quit IRC

        <whisker> ok

        <L-Boy> yes

        <whisker> =)

        <gfy> probably enough beertalk now yes..

        *** piglet has joined #demojournal

        <whisker> ps,  next question please =)

        <gfy> bring em on us

        <_b> balrog: äh, du dricker allt som kommer i din närhet :)

        <L-Boy> 'kiss på nätet' .. fyndigt.

        <|ps|> er... let me think.. what was the best party you ever
               attended and why?

        <balrog> hmm.. TCC93 I think

        <L-Boy> hmm..

        <_b> hmm.. compusphere 9 i think..

        <L-Boy> compusphere 9

        <piglet> cs9 and lCP98

        <gfy> compusphere9 because of we boozed so good there.. no hangover
              at all..

        <piglet> hehe the compusphere boozing was really awesome

        <gfy> yeah

        <whisker> well..   the best bracelet we got is from cs9...  i still
                  wear it

        <_b> not compusphere 10 because i throwed up, fell asleep, and woke
             up having it in my hair :/ [ed: thats interesting! :P]

        <balrog> HAHA =D

        <gfy> when i go to demopartys i feel like a rock n roll star..

        <_b> bah :)

        <|ps|> what did you drink on c9?
               balrog: why?

        <piglet> :D
                 ps: T-RÖD

        <balrog> ps: huh?

        <_b> i don't remember :)

        <gfy> i puked in a plastic bag during cs10, and outside the party..

        <L-Boy> when i go to demopartys i feel like painting small kids on
                their forheads.

        <piglet> (swedish spirit) it was lots of cider too :D

        <gfy> yeah.. all in balrogs car.. :)
              hehe.. i always rip Coin his booze of at demopartys.. it's

        <|ps|> balrog: why that party?
               lboy: with puke? :)

        <balrog> ps: tcc.. humm.. maybe because it was soo BIG and I was so

        <gfy> goddamn. my mom has to call.. im off. and i wont return..
              there is soccer on the telly.. The Computer Crossroad

        <piglet> the computer crossroads?

        <whisker> hehe

        <gfy> bye folks

        <L-Boy> mr gym

        <piglet> but LCP98 was really good too

        <|ps|> gfy: bye! :(

        <piglet> and LCP99 will probably be even more good..

        <gfy> remember all demojournal people . there is nothing like a
              great party with alcohol..

        *** gfy has quit IRC

        <piglet> or better ;D

        <|ps|> piglet: what does LCP stand for?

        <L-Boy> (smoke...)

        <piglet> ps: little computer people

        <|ps|> haha ok, down to more personal questions, what was your first
               computer? :)

        <piglet> texas instruments ti-99a :D

        <L-Boy> a500

        <_b> atari 520 STFM

        <whisker> C64

        <piglet> whisker: no.. PET ;D

        <whisker> YES

        <piglet> i really liked that machine :D

        <whisker> comodore PET

        <|ps|> pig: i have a TI 92-II :)

        <L-Boy> i was going to buy a c64, but the girl in the store did not
                manage to get paperboy to work, so i bought a nes8 instead ;(

        <piglet> do you still have it?

        <|ps|> lboy: bahahahaahah

        <whisker> pig, nah..  threw it away years and years ago   :/

        <piglet> ps isn't that a pocketcalculator? :D

        <L-Boy> ps: im still angry =)

        <|ps|> pig: its a little big for a pocket calculator... :P

        <balrog> 386-25Mhz 1991 (december)

        <whisker> hehe
        <|ps|> lboy: which brings us to another question... you got any
               girlfriend with all that boozing of yours?

        <piglet> hoho
        <whisker> ps, i have a ti 89,  the same as ti 92,  but decreased in
                  size and a little less functions

        <L-Boy> ps: i have a girlfriend,yes.

        <_b> not at the moment
             what about casio fx82solar ?

        <piglet> girlfriends are the result of real hardcore boozing :D

        <|ps|> b: doesnt count as a gf! :P
               lboy: say... can you give us all signed photoos of her naked
               by any chance? :D

        <balrog> ps: you have to by the whole video (you get her dog as
                 extra bonus)

        <L-Boy> ps: not naked. no.

        <whisker> what about YOU naked?

        <|ps|> balrog: :P
               whisker: me or lboy? :P
               lboy: darn...

        <balrog> its a pudel ;D

        <whisker> well.. booth would be nice =)

        <|ps|> whisker: bahah
               hows sweden as a place to live in?

        <_b> what about the both of you in one picture?
             too cold

        <piglet> too much unharmonic people

        <whisker> it's nice....  cheaper than norway, bigger than denmark...

        <_b> it actually snowed here today.. fucking weather.. most of it
             should be gone by the morning tho'

        <whisker> bah don't complain

        * |ps| never seen snow...

        <|ps|> :(

        <L-Boy> haha

        <whisker> ps, where do you live?

        <piglet> hahaha

        <_b> do NOT feel bad about it :)

        <whisker> we all hate snow

        <L-Boy> its really cool to throw winterballs at people

        <piglet> yeah

        <_b> lboy: yeah :)

        <L-Boy> Hot old sluts! 20 Old naked mothers (tack Allan, inskickat

        <_b> oh :)

        <piglet> hoho

        <whisker> hmmm

        <|ps|> whisker: baloo said it

        <L-Boy> allan

        *** _b changes topic to 'skinnhandskar.. 100% nylon'

        <|ps|> snow fight! :D

        <L-Boy> oh that was SOME penis

        <_b> lboy hehe :) did you get erection again ?

        <L-Boy> as always

        <_b> lboy: or did your father just walk into the room ? :)

        <whisker> well.. more questions?

        <ps> i see the cultural level of the interview is increasing :)

        <L-Boy> no

        <whisker> hehe..

        <ps> i dont know what to ask so ask each other some weird

        <balrog> ps: what's you'r favourite food?

        [ed: humm... pineapples!]

        <_b> ps: do you have fast shoes ?

        <ps> b: no... do holes count?

        <L-Boy> maybe i leave then

        <_b> ps: have you ever masturbated to the windows 95 startscreen ?

        <L-Boy> i could need a break

        <ps> balrog: er... pineapples... raw!

        <ps> b: er... no! :P how did you came up with that?

        <L-Boy> everyone in replay wears caterpillar shoes

        <_b> ps: have you ever bought or intended to buy sex for less than
             50$ ?
             lboy: wrong. you just do it :)

        <whisker> everyone in replay wears big beards, and really long
                  hockey frillor

        <L-Boy> hockey-hair

        <ps> hockey hair?

        <whisker> yes =)

        <_b> i actually wear these white adidas shoes

        <ps> b: er... no..

        <L-Boy> ps: like short in the front and long in the back

        <ps> lboy: ahhhhhhhhh... we dont have icehockey on portugal! :)

        <_b> our idols are Björn Borg and ABBA. We all drive Volvo, and our
             favourite food is meatballs

        <L-Boy> ps: it has nothing to do with icehockey. its just a ugly

        <ps> metaballs? where?

        <L-Boy> everyone except piglet works on IKEA, piglet works on VOLVO.

        <_b> yes

        <L-Boy> meat kött du vet

        <_b> toker we all shop at IKEA, and we drink Falcon or Pripps to our

        <L-Boy> we smoke 'kalmar nyckeltobak'

        <_b> hehe that is 3cm cigarettes with 2.0mg nicotine

        <balrog> who else whipe their ass with mölnlycke

        <ps> IKEA? you shop where you work?

        *** piglet has quit IRC

        <balrog> come see it live at my apartment

        <_b> ps: ofcourse

        <L-Boy> i also own a big diving-knife and a batong. (actually its my
                fathers stuff..)

        <ps> batong?

        <L-Boy> looks like a penis, very big one.
                you hit people with it

        <_b> and some news is that a forklift drove over piglet's newly
             bought cigarettes at volvo. (honest)

        <whisker> 100% truth

        <_b> i also work at bofors.. www.bofors.se

        <L-Boy> i leave now. my nightshift starts in about 30min. have to
                take the car to IKEA. bye

        <_b> i'm leaving now too brrrr

        *** L-Boy has quit IRC

        *** _b has quit IRC

        <whisker> ok =) i guess, no more questions then eh?  =)

        <balrog> pff :D

        <ps> guess not! :)

        <ps> unless you have better idea! :)

        <whisker> ok...   hope you got enough material =)    hehe

=====! demo !==================================================================

        Past by Orange Juice (Party-version)
        Found at ftp.scene.org
        1st place at the Volcanic 5 party

        System requirements:
        Almost nothing mentioned in the nfo file. Sigh.
        Vesa2 (512*256 mode used).
        A soundcard (SB or GUS), 5MB HD.

        The demo:
          Not less then 10 persons from 6 different groups did create this
        demo. They made it to show people can do nice things independent of
        their groups, and released it under the Orange Juice label. And it's
        nice indeed. The whole demo runs in 512*256 hicolor, doubling the
        number of pixels compared to old 320*200, but still running smooth
        (ahem, on a P2 350 ;)). It's mainly a 3D-demo, not just objects but
        entire environments. There is a good city-flight part, with
        occasionally a wire-frame break or a "doubling" of the scene, you
        see everything twice, as if you're drunk. Then there is a more
        relaxed part, flying through tunnels, till we reach a lake in a
        cave, with opening flowers.
          In the last 3D-part, we enter a Greek temple and dive in an open
        tomb. This reminds me of Eden/Bomb and Pray/Esteem, demogroups seem
        to like tombs. The endpart is our old friend the up-scroll, with
        lots of lights in the background, and a special fading effect at the
        bottom & top of the screen. Pictures, hmm... There are two very
        beautiful logos at the beginning, but I think they are at least
        partially raytraced. A good hand-drawn picture is used as a
        transition between the city and the tunnel, and during the whole
        demo, greyscale images are faded over the 3d-scenes.

        The music:
          There are two modules, the main part and the outtro. The first
        follows the different 3D-scenes with a new theme for each part:
        techno/rock-style for the city flight, something softer and more
        melodic for the flowers, etc. Effects like flashes and so are
        synchronized to the beats, of course. The endpart is very good, a
        piano playing a really mellow tune that makes you feel sorry the
        demo is almost over.

        Worth the download?
          This is a very balanced demo. There are no effects over-used,
        there are no sudden breakdowns in the overall "feel",... I think
        this is the result of lots of people correcting each other. Not to
        say this demo is mediocre, it's a very good demo where everything
        goes perfectly together, so it's difficult to take one aspect as
        "the best part of Past". The only minor exception is the
        picture at the end, which doesn't really fit with the soft music.
        But hey, it's my personal opinion, so download this and see for
        yourself. I'm looking forward for more inter-group productions with
        this quality.

=====! music !=================================================================

        "Rude awakenings" by Nogsf

        Her debut on Level-d.

          Deep track, very mellow. The sin samples and synths wave around
        while minimalistic drum n bass takes its time developing. Nice
        developments and variations to the main ambient sounds... Another
        one of those nice mellow tracks...

=====! quote !=================================================================

        <avalanch_> well...do you know poti / blackmaiden ^ kolor?

        <|ps|> er... i know his handle not him or his work

        <avalanch_> he, well, he and me managed to drink 10 litres of beer,
                    one martini bottle, and a bottle of white wine all on
                    one evening.:) and managed to piss everyone off :)
                    maybe you should put that in the demojournal news
                    section or something to spicen things up :)

        [editor: hehe :) this was about ambience99 btw...]

?------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -  -
!====:] commercial break! [:===================================================
:---------------------------------------------------------------- -- -  -

        Get HUGI #14 at: http://home.pages.de/~hugidownload/
        The world's most popular active diskmag. Freeware.


 Sylvia Krasnieski was born in San Francisco, California, as the daughter of
 a Polish father and a half-French, half-Italian mother. Right now she is 24
 years old and one of the world's top models. "Actually I wanted to study
 art", she says. "But when I won the Supermodel contest some years ago, I
 decided I had no other choice than to start a professional model career. Now
 I am mainly a model but use as much of my spare time as possible to study."
 We asked her where she got the energy to be a model and study at the same
 time. In a mysterious voice, she answered: "I got it from my leisure
 activities when I was still at highschool. This gave me the happiness and
 motivation I need for my career." Being asked for details, Sylvia says: "I
 spent as much time as possible going out with my friends. And whenever I was
 alone, I used to read my Hugi."


 Peter Rosenthal was born in New York City as the son of a Jewish father and
 a half-German, half-British mother. Right now he is 21 years old and already
 the director of the one of the world's leading software companies. "Our
 success comes from an innovative software engineering tool called NeuroCode,
 whose development I have already started when I was at highschool. It makes
 programming much easier because of its artificial intelligence. You just
 have to implement the basic concepts, and then the program will do
 everything for you based on your dialogue with it. In other words, you talk
 to the intelligent program. And it anticipates your wishes." We asked him
 where he got the inspiration for this innovation. He said, "I used to
 discuss all kinds of problems with my friends. In this way I got a lot of
 ideas. And whenever I was alone, I used to read my Hugi."

=====! homepages !=============================================================

        Amber diskmag.......................http://amber.bti.pl/di_mag
        Blacktron Music Production...........http://www.d-zign.com/bmp
        Comic Pirates.........................http://scene-central.com
        Demo fanclub...........http://www.radix.net/~brett/jer/fanclub
        Dreams2 CD.........................http://nl.scene.org/dreams2
 <*>    Freax...................http://freax.scene-hu.com/mainmenu.htm
        GFX Zone...............http://inf.ml.org/scenegfx/gfxzone.html
        Hugi diskmag................http://home.pages.de/~hugidownload
        Hugi size-compo...............http://home.pages.de/~hugi-compo
 <*>    Jupiter....................http://members.xoom.com/JupiterCode
        Label zero.........................http://labelzero.pganet.com
        MAZ's Sound homepage.............http://www.th-zwickau.de/~maz
        Melcom (mirror)......................http://www.melcom.cjb.net
        Oranje Juice.........................http://ojuice.citeweb.net
        PC-demos explained.....http://www.oldskool.org/demos/explained
        Pixel (mirror)..........................http://fsk.home.ml.org
        Radical Rhythms.....http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/user/merrelli/rr
        Ruff Engine................http://members.xoom.com/ruff_engine
        Skytech team............................http://Skytech.cjb.net
        The Black Lotus.............................http://www.tbl.org        
        Tokyo Dawn Records........................http://tdr.scene.org
        Total Disaster...................http://www.totaldisaster.w.pl
        Trajic (Hungarian scene)...............http://www.scene-hu.com
        Zen of Tracking.........................http://surf.to/the-imm

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


?------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -  -
!====:] articles [:============================================================
:---------------------------------------------------------------- -- -  -

        Ambience'99 Party Report by Seven

          Somewhere in January, I had decided to go to Ambience. I've no
        driving-license yet, but as several members from Green where going
        too, the transport from Belgium to the Netherlands would not be
        a problem. I started working on a 4K, a sequel to my previous 4K
        which I wasn't quite satisfied with (lack of time forced my to let
        out lots of effects). Three days before the party, disaster struck
        when Quasar said his parents needed the car during the weekend, so
        we didn't had enough cars to get everyone with their equipment to
        Ambience. Luckily, I managed to convince my parents to drive some
        weirdo's with their beloved machines to a meeting in some other
        country and pick them up a few days later. (Parents & demos...
        Quasar once tried to explain to his parents what a party was and
        afterwards, they thought it was some kind of scientific meeting
        where lots of experts demonstrated new techniques with computers :)).
          I skipped the night from Thursday to Friday, as my 4K was nowhere
        near completion, and went to university "not 100% awake". Somewhere
        around 18 o'clock, we picked up Quasar & his stuff at the student-
        home & drove to Venlo (the party-place). After crossing the border,
        we had to stop for some cops doing identity-controls. They asked us
        where we were going to with all those computers, and after our
        explanation of demo-parties, they decided not to waste time with
        some crazy but harmless individuals and let us go.
          When we arrived at Venlo at 20.30, there was already a long queue
        waiting at the entrance. After paying, we got a ticket with our
        voting-key and a bag with some promotion-stuff of the sponsors. The
        building was from "hogescholen Fontys", some kind of school, and
        instead of one big party-place, there where two main halls and
        several classrooms available. I thought Green had reserved places
        in room E, but there was no plan of the building, so we had to
        search for some time. My father wanted to go back to Belgium as soon
        as possible, so he helped us carrying the hardware inside. When we
        passed the main halls, he said we were lucky we had a quite small
        room instead of that noisy place. I smiled, cause at room E some
        guy decided to test his big speakers, playing some tune at 200 dB
        or so. A bit in shock, my father left. Quasar & I started setting
        up our stuff, and looking at the entrance from time to time to see
        if Baxter & Corona, other Green members, had arrived. When they did,
        they said we had reserved place in room F, not E. Oops. After
        rearranging everything to F, we noticed there was no power. I went
        to the organizers to complain, and a few minutes later they brought
        extra power-cables to fix it. Thanks for the fast reaction, guys! We
        shared the room with two other groups, Trepaan and the Clownz.
          It was midnight then, and while I continued working on my 4K,
        several violent Quake & Starcraft-fights happened between Green
        and the Clownz (at least one Ethernet-card didn't survive this.
        "I smell something burning!"). Later, the orgo's came with Hubs
        & UTP-cables to connect our local net with the party-network. At
        8 o'clock, the catering re-opened, and everyone stopped whatever
        they were doing to hunt down some food. At 10 o'clock, I had been
        awake 50 hours (a new personal record! Cheers!), and Corona & Quasar
        were giving me advice about the color-schemes I should use with
        Fractal Life II (the name of my 4K). The deadline was 15.00, and
        after that I got some sleep. As I had already skipped some
        music-compo's, I looked at the ANSI-compo at 17.30, which was short
        but nice. It's fun to see what people can make in such low-res
        low-color modes! Then the 4K-compo started. 1ste entry: Fractaal
        Life by Seven (Damn! did I make a spelling error in the
        submission-form?). But hey! It's playing way too fast! The entire
        intro, carefully timed at 1 min 45 sec, was shown in about 30
        seconds! I felt a bit upset about it, but the audience didn't seem
        to notice there was something wrong and applauded quite hard :)
          Later I found out my wait-retrace didn't worked on the
        compo-machine, although it worked on Quasars & mine,... The other
        4K's where of quite high quality, music was allowed and most entries
        had made good use of it. Back in room F, I noticed another
        Green-member had arrived, Andromeda (Actually he was there already
        for quite some time, but I hadn't seen it). We watched some recent
        demos that I had laying on my HD.
          The wild compo followed, with only 4 entries (videos weren't
        allowed), of which the best was Torso/Superstitious. At midnight, I
        slept some more but apparently, I can't sleep for more than one hour
        at a party. Really weird. The pixel-compo was again rather short (8
        pics), but there where some very high-quality pictures! The 64K
        followed, with one very funny entry: Bumpmap!, which said "this
        works only on the Ambience'99 big-screen", and showed just a moving
        white circle. An explanation for those who weren't there: the
        soundsystem was very good at Ambi'99, but they didn't have a "real"
        bigscreen. Instead, they projected everything on a large white cloth.
        Unfortunately, it reflected a bit and had a lot of wrinkles, so you
        could really see a bumpmap-effect when you projected just a white
        circle :D. After this I started to vote, as I finally found where on
        the website you could do this. The Java compo was cancelled, and the
        "normal" music (no house, hardcore or 4-channel) was delayed from
        5.00 to 7.00. Too bad, there were so many entries that the
        pre-selection took way more time than expected, and the compo started
        only at 9 o'clock. (So far the schedule was followed quite well). As
        a result, the demo-compo & the prize-ceremony where delayed too. I
        didn't listen to all music, but spend my time talking, browsing the
        net and even eating a bit. The demo-compo started at 2.00, and
        contained quite some joke-entries. There where some good things too,
        among them the Superstitious-demos. Reviewed soon in a DemoJournal
        near you! After that, people started to pack up, waiting for the
        prize-ceremony. My parents arrived just before it started (I had
        hoped they would arrive just after it), so they saw the whole event,
        and to my surprise, they even seemed to enjoy it! A few demos where
        shown that didn't work during the compo, and then the "announcing
        name - crowd applauding"-cycle started. Absolute winner at Ambience
        was Superstitious, the most active group of the entire party. They
        ranked 1ste AND 2nd in the demo-compo, 1st in the wild-compo, 1st
        in pixeled (if I remember correctly), 1ste in the 64K,... Well done!
        I was totally surprised that Fractal Life II made it to the second
        place, and Quasar teased me that my wrong wait-retrace might have
        given me more votes instead of less.
          Thereafter, we took our equipment, said goodbye to our friends and
        drove home. Ambience'99 was over. Overall, it was a good party. The
        schedule wasn't hold and some entries didn't work on the
        compo-machine, but that happens on every party. I liked it a lot,
        and I think the organizers deserve a big applause for their hard
        work. Of course, because the people where spread over several large
        & small halls, someone else might have experienced the party totally
        different, but I'll be there again next year.

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    ______________  ______________
  ___\____  /_     \/    \_   ____//__
 |     __//  |    \  /    |   \__ slc |
 :                                    :
 :  - Ambience 99 -                   :
 :                                    :
 :  Official results of Ambience'99   :
 :                                    :
 :                                    :
 :  All releases can be found at:     :
 :  ftp.scene.org/pub/parties/1999/.. :
 :  ../ambience99/                    :
 :                                    :
 :.. .     .              .     . ....:

Ambience'99 VSDB Results
Page generated at Sun 28 Feb 1999, 22:45:37 CET

VSDB is (c) 1999 Bert Boer aka Trigon <trigon@scene.org>
HTML to text conversion by Redhound <redhound@scene.org>


  *  Demo competition
  *  Intro 64k competition 
  *  Intro 4k competition 
  *  Handpixeled Graphics competition 
  *  Raytraced Graphics competition 
  *  ANSI Graphics competition 
  *  Music competition 
  *  Music (4 channels) competition 
  *  House competition 
  *  Hardcore competition 
  *  Homepage competition 
  *  Wild competition 
  *  Surprise Coding competition 
  *  Surprise Music competition 
  *  Surprise Graphics competition 

All results are in the following form:

Plc. Name of entry
     Name of artist / group
     Filename (filesize)           # of points

Demo competition

  1. Sign off
     Superstition / Superstition
     Signoff.zip (3331060 bytes)        2297 

  2. Melora
     Superstition / Superstition
     Melora.zip (3579391 bytes)         1647 

  3. opwindend?
     jonas ende snq / aardbei
     opwind.zip (1248775 bytes)         1140 

  4. Delirious #5
     Image! / Image!
     Deli_5.zip (2019992 bytes)         1054 

  5. Bassie Meets Aars
     Het Hollandse Vrienden Team / Het Hollandse Vrienden Team
     aldi.zip (4119558 bytes)            955 

  6. Face the Future
     Tommy de Roos & Tommy Krul / GiMMiC
     Demo.zip (2229287 bytes)            948 

  7. 2:43am
     Alkha / Vision / BouNCeR / Unique / iMAGE!
     IMG_243.ZIP (1692155 bytes)         655 

  8. Flying :: Falling with style
     Cypher / Bassie / iMAGE! VR Section
     IMG_FALL.ZIP (2229499 bytes)        438 

  9. Hello Baby!
     Sweex enzow... / Clownz
     cln_baby.zip (613222 bytes)         411 

 10. Stranger
     Trinity / Trinity
     stranger.zip (548313 bytes)         252 

 11. Zizo
     Siso / Siso
     Zizo.zip (1083809 bytes)            160 

 12. Another 1
     Sliver / Distance / brainlez Coders! / tpolm
     another1.zip (162484 bytes)         110 

 13. DA Preem
     Mac Systems / [NICE:98:DEZIGNS]
     DaPreem.zip (1869028 bytes)          40 

 14. First Demo II
     Yoda, Tobi, KB / Smash Designs PC
     Sds1std2.zip (1955604 bytes)          0 

Intro 64k competition

  1. E330
     deadline / superstition
     E330.zip (54277 bytes)             2383 

  2. gizaw
     ile,jape,jonas,rob,snq / aardbei
     Gizaw.zip (60683 bytes)            1848 

  3. soepkip 6
     deadline, inopia, snq / superstition, quad, aardbei
     6pikpeos.zip (61526 bytes)         1557 

  4. i n t r o '99
     seppe & ksms / h a t h a
     Hth-i99.zip (61695 bytes)          1403 

  5. space mango
     deadline + dupont / superstition
     Mango.zip (56991 bytes)            1266 

  6. bumpmap!
     bananeman / kontvlokken posse
     Bumpmap!.zip (40989 bytes)         1111 

  7. backpage
     pointman and friends / suspend
     Back131.zip (147468 bytes)          885 

  8. Addicted To Assembler
     Ren Hoek / SPiET
     Spt-ata.zip (51776 bytes)           803 

Intro 4k competition

  1. organic
     ritz [en freebase] / revolution
     Organic.zip (4231 bytes)           4132 

  2. Fractal Life II
     Fl2.zip (4499 bytes)               3156 
  3. Kutding 1
     The Awakener, Sabre2th / The Third Foundation
     t3f_kd.zip (2944 bytes)            1813 
  4. Aardbei Dreams
     The Watcher&Ile / TUHB&Aardbei
     adreams.zip (5503 bytes)           1673 

  5. Purple Dreams
     BlackStar / HaVeN
     Pdreams.zip (4639 bytes)           1073 

  6. av2
     bananenman & opacity / !sense
     Av2.zip (4474 bytes)               1056 

  7. NEUK
     Screes / RBi-Music
     Scr_neuk.zip (2969 bytes)           383 

Handpixeled Graphics competition

  1. RGB
     Mirage / Superstition
     handpixl.zip (527944 bytes)        2162 

  2. Sorrow
     Magicboy / Superstition
     Sorrow.zip (412216 bytes)          1637 

  3. Vuigpadderij
     Nomdar / Trepaan
     botch.zip (131870 bytes)           1285 

  4. Heavenly
     superogue! / -
     heavenly.zip (491653 bytes)        1087 

  5. Yaori Kawaii
     Bookie / TUHB
     Yaori Kawaii.jpg (36922 bytes)     1000 

  6. 16 colors is enuff
     Kork / Trepaan
     TRP-GIF.ZIP (9555 bytes)            722 

  7. Embassy World Darts 1999
     colloss / kibosh
     cls-emsy.zip (140987 bytes)         698 

  8. Between
     AAA / Oryx
     aaa-btwn.zip (19981 bytes)          512 

  9. The Dark-Side Stranger
     Smoke & Priest / Fusion
     stranger.zip (49857 bytes)          510 

 10. Extreme Bugz
     Crasher & Backslash / Pandamonium '97
     Pnm-bug.zip (39132 bytes)           265 

 11. Shetan
     Python / (NICE:98:DEZIGNS)
     shetan_pt.bmp (921656 bytes)        217 

Raytraced Graphics competition

  1. Napier
     wOLVERINe / Metal
     napier.zip (687767 bytes)          2700 

  2. Dive in...
     Virtual Vision / RASH
     Dive_in.tga (1140044 bytes)        2263

  3. kaars ofzo
     WosH / brainlez Coders!
     kaars.zip (504274 bytes)           1914 

  4. Havoc
     Myst / Katana
     msthavoc.zip (215655 bytes)        1619 

  5. Hevige bedoeling
     Nicoyo / Katana
     bodoeling.zip (300137 bytes)       1416 

ANSI Graphics competition

  1. Uh-huh!
     ex0cet / ecolove"99
     Ex-amb.zip (8028 bytes)            1142 

  2. McDonalds McMuffins schmecken nicht
     kyp / black maiden
     k-yawn.zip (12717 bytes)           1099 

  3. confrontation with the enemy
     president & lemmon44 / ecolove/revolution
     Ecl-conf.zip (10409 bytes)         1059 

  4. old soldiers never die!
     snowball / ecolove
     Ecl-sold.zip (12594 bytes)          620 

  5. the macaroni jingle
     commissaris plons / ecolove
     Ecl-maca.zip (5036 bytes)           588

Music competition

  1. Koolin' at amb.99
     Mentz / Tokyo Dawn Records
     Mtz_kool.zip (620244 bytes)        1007 

  2. Iso
     Ryo-Ohki / Perspective\Tuhb\Pruht\Logic\Trinity
     Ryo_iso.zip (1148902 bytes)         866 

  3. Pass It
     Twister / Total Eclipse
     te-pass.zip (869112 bytes)          647 

  4. the jazz,the vibe
     jay / rbi music productions
     jy_jazz.zip (149139 bytes)          528 

  5. Life in the Bird
     Bassie / De Brasserie
     Db-birdy.zip (315162 bytes)         408 

  6. The Lost Souls
     Cyrex / Fusion & Logic
     Fmc_tls.zip (1452427 bytes)         367 

  7. pawn
     Sound-Runner / sdi/sr?
     Sure9915.zip (124573 bytes)         327 

  8. GHJ
     Pinky "The Animaniac" / New Order
     ghj.zip (463226 bytes)              298 

  9. WaTer Is CoOl!
     BMoD / OrYX / SoLiD
     Bmod-wic.zip (472518 bytes)         278 

 10. Another Virtue
     Witsflow / Logic
     wfw-anvi.zip (522524 bytes)         268 

 11. It's been too long
     Night Watch / Excessive Force Crew
     longtime.zip (1630747 bytes)        267 

 12. The Identical Moment
     neotraxx / RBi-Music
     Neotraxx-rock.zip (615347 bytes)    258 

 13. Cruising Astroids
     Dynamix / Destiny Megashock
     dtn-cras.xm (765304 bytes)          237 

 14. UFO Religion
     No-XS / de dansende mannen
     ufo-ddm.zip (567869 bytes)          218 
     Classic Illusions
     BlackStar / HaVeN
     Cl_il.zip (89875 bytes)             218 

 16. Force of Destruction
     Cosmic Trance / Fusion Music Crew (FMC)
     FMC_FOD.zip (1528901 bytes)         197 
     Gangsta's Paradise
     The Forbidden One / Pandamonium '97
     Pnm-gp99.zip (299140 bytes)         197 

 18. Cold and Forsaken
     Dark / Kip
     Cold_for.xm (973179 bytes)          168 

     Channel G.R.O.O.V.E.
     a0a / Logic & Green
     CG.zip (395894 bytes)               138 

 20. Beautiful
     Swooph / Boom Bass Records (Guest)
     bbr-beau.zip (409823 bytes)         118 

 21. quakin 2
     Lobo / ROTA
     Bo_music.zip (609544 bytes)          98 

 22. impurity
     tharsis / pmpo . thaumaturge
     Impurity.zip (384967 bytes)          97 

 23. Water Is Cool
     BMoD / OrYX / SoLiD
     Bmod-wic.zip (472698 bytes)          88 

 24. The Goeber Theme
     Goeber / BoomBassRecords
     TheGoeberTheme.zip (578417 bytes)    68

Music (4 channels) competition

  1. Sleepy man on the sidewalk drinking vodka
     Morphine / RBi Music Productions
     Mph-smsv.zip (236192 bytes)        1562 

  2. niet nu!
     jay and bassie / JayBassie Productions
     Nietnu.zip (165549 bytes)          1327 

  3. yon chan
     ryo ohki
     Ryo_yon.zip (358979 bytes)         1316 

  4. Friet Met Bananejam?!
     Freebase, Ex0cet and Xam / Revolution
     Rvl_fmb.zip (267012 byte)          1245 

  5. Ambienced
     Screes / RBi-Music
     Scr_amb.zip (439586 bytes)         1228 

  6. Ein Bierfest Jawohl!
     neotraxx / RBi-Music
     Neotraxx - Tirol.zip (176976 bytes) 1148 

  7. Frantic
     Jape / Total Eclipse
     te-frant.zip (175878 bytes)        1101 

  8. Wild Boys
     President and Plons / Revolution & Ecolove
     Rvl_wild.zip (228038 bytes)         952 

  9. Beyond and Futher
     Lobo / ROTA clan
     Bo_4chn.zip (119713 bytes)          812 

 10. Fucking Bitch
     Goeber / BoomBassRecords
     fuckin_bitch.zip (290351 bytes)     574 

 11. Little club thing...
     Da Radical Ray / Logic
     Blob.xm (360003 bytes)              411

House competition

  1. frontal outbreak
     dynamix / destiny
     Dtn-frob.zip (727210 bytes)         942 

  2. spacey girl
     mindblizzard & soup / total eclipse
     Te-space.zip (1038553 bytes)        830 

  3. invaders
     jay / rbi music productions
     jy_inv.zip (871091 bytes)           827 

  4. Ain't it?
     Twister / Total Eclipse
     te-aint.zip (1050710 bytes)         804 

  5. The jazz, the funk, the club
     mnemonix / inside
     isd-jfc.rar (925892 bytes)          788 

  6. Excruciate
     Screes / RBi-Music
     Scr_excr.zip (738122 bytes)         762 

  7. Pulse
     Morphine / RBi Music Productions
     Morphine-Pulse.zip (1012815 bytes)  717 

  8. Mental Confusion
     Cyrex / Fusion & Logic
     Fmc_mc.zip (1026896 bytes)          678 

  9. 'G-Force One'
     Coat (Jasper A. Schelling) / GrooveStation
     Gs_gf-1.zip (518545 bytes)          600 

 10. Intergalactic
     Goeber / BoomBassRecords
     intergalactic.zip (552870 bytes)    588 

 11. You don't understand me
     Backslash / Pandamonium '97
     Pnm-ydum.zip (1116439 bytes)        570 

 12. Feelings
     neotraxx / RBi-Music
     Neotraxx-feelings[8bit].zip (842741 bytes) 551 

 13. rymdblomman
     martyn / destiny
     Dtn-rymd.zip (788544 bytes)         504 

 14. Silence is golden
     The Forbidden One / Pandamonium '97
     Pnm-sigo.zip (615336 bytes)         500 

 15. Come with me!
     Dummie / GrooveStation
     Gs_come.zip (1165733 bytes)         490 

 16. Relax... Be At Ease
     Almer Thie / The Third Foundation
     At_ease.zip (962591 bytes)          470 

 17. Freeze (for Annie)
     G-day a.k.a. ScoorAap / Quad
     freeze.zip (673188 bytes)           451 

 18. Edison
     Jope & Vendetta / Genocide
     Edison.zip (1262190 bytes)          444 

 19. Anabolique Flies
     Cosmic Trance / Fusion Music Crew (FMC)
     Fmc_af.zip (517251 bytes)           390 

 20. This Morning
     Xam / Revolution
     Rvl_tm.zip (1271290 bytes)          340 

 21. Get On up
     deca303 / RBi-Music
     getonup.zip (639172 bytes)          324 

 22. I've seen the future
     Avalanche / Trinity
     amb99-ava.zip (989595 bytes)        320 

 23. flow
     sonic / destiny
     Dtn-flow.zip (880636 bytes)         312 

 24. Glacier
     TowerX / Astral^Psyonic Labs
     ast-glac.zip (893290 bytes)         306 

 25. Digital Dreams Remix
     Crasher / Pandamonium '97
     Pnm-drm.zip (283686 bytes)          300 

 26. Spoque
     Cuckoo / Madhouse
     Cko-spoq.xm (870293 bytes)          282 

 27. Malibu
     Dark.Angel / The Third Foundation
     da-malibu.zip (180263 bytes)        260 

 28. The Science of Life
     Sound-Runner / sdi/sr?
     Sure9916.zip (1085256 bytes)        250 
     Big boys don't cry
     Night Watch & Skizmo / Excessive Force Crew
     Bigboys.zip (900647 bytes)          250 

 30. Koffie houdt je wakker
     Lemmon44 / Ecohartje
     l44-koffie.zip (426531 bytes)       248 

 31. Black Hole
     Specimen / Eclipse
     Spc_blck.it (1427492 bytes)         220 
     thadjent / sub'97
     Soulwaxz.zip (691998 bytes)         220 

 33. underground sewers
     cheezer / ignorance
     chz-unsw.zip (958831 bytes)         170 

 34. Prophet 5
     Vendetta / Genocide / Cryogenic
     Prophet.zip (1549720 bytes)         160 

 35. Bouncer
     herm finken / iMAGE!
     (BCR.BYB.zip (421549 bytes)         150 

 36. Morning
     Specimen / Eclipse
     Spc_morn.it (1438082 bytes)         140 
     wild dreams
     silence / blacktron
     Slc_wdrm.it (1136010 bytes)         140 

 38. Follow Me
     Jape & Gentech / Total Eclipse
     te-follo.zip (690560 bytes)         120 

 39. Icon
     Alvak / Logic
     Avk-icon.zip (1028189 bytes)         90 

 40. Total Repulse
     CENiX / Boom Bass Records
     Bbr-tr.zip (570648 bytes)            60 

 41. going with the hype
     TranceManian Devil / none
     tmd_gwth.zip (498988 bytes)          50 

 42. Dreaming Along
     BlackStar / HaVeN
     Dream_a.zip (276518 bytes)           40 

 43. Confusion
     Sirius / Boom Bass Records
     Bbr-srs.zip (368343 bytes)           30 

 44. Internal Gasses
     Bassie / de Brasserie
     Db-gas.zip (233668 bytes)            10 
 45. .. 9d0 ..
     pRAYEr / Cbd
     PAR-BGNG.zip (1033564 bytes)          0 
     shadowfax / NosferatU
     whisperz_shadowfax.zip (273568 bytes) 0 
     In the woods
     Joegi / Total Eclipse
     te-woods.zip (432352 bytes)           0 

Hardcore competition

  1. Oh! Carol!
     Dj Ruff Daddy / Destiny Megashock
     rd-carol.xm (1423165 bytes)         723 

  2. HyperSpace
     Ben Dover (UK) / GrooveStation
     GS_hyper.zip (932201 bytes)         717 
  3. braindeath
     mindblizzard / total eclipse
     Te-brain.zip (969283 bytes)         658 

  4. xtermination
     jay / rbi music productions     
     jy_xterm.zip (539726 bytes)         580 

  5. french friet
     gromit & cheezer / inside & ignorance
     ign-frfr.zip (1020267 bytes)        548 

  6. Necromonicon
     Backslash / BoomBassRecords
     Bbr-necr.zip (646908 bytes)         547 

  7. Right Down
     Jape / Total Eclipse
     te-rigdo.zip (1848944 bytes)        517 

  8. Big One
     Goeber / BoomBassRecords
     big one.zip (592632 bytes)          457 

  9. Kill Anouk!
     GS_kill.zip (1482825 bytes)         452 

 10. Omelet Du Fromage
     Xam / San-TX
     Stx_ome.zip (680562 bytes)          440 

 11. Diz One (ruff mix)
     The Dane / Total Eclipse
     te-dizon.zip (1119434 bytes)        436 

 12. A Nightmare At Crystal Lake
     The Forbidden One / Pandamonium '97
     Pnm-nght.zip (311644 bytes)         399 

 13. Just move...
     Shogun / The Third Foundation
     Sh-move.zip (544055 bytes)          383 

 14. HAKKUH, alsof je leven er van af hangt!
     Screes / RBi-Music
     Scr_hak2.zip (821302 bytes)         336 

 15. The Rhitm the Rbel
     Crasher / Boom Bass Records
     Bbr-trtr.zip (266135 bytes)         329 

 16. Unbelievable
     Night Watch / Sound Alliance
     unbelievable.zip (916058 bytes)     198 

 17. 4ChannelBOOM!
     neotraxx / RBi-Music
     Neotraxx-boom.zip (144415 bytes)    180 

 18. (S)ound (O)f (A)mbience
     Shogun / BiepMiep / The Third Foundation
     t3f_soa.zip (626665 bytes)           80 

 19. HaRDCoRe NeVeR DieS!
     BlackStar / HaVeN
     H_n_dies.zip (130067 bytes)          20 

 20. kebab
     rhetoric / ravende bijen imkers (RBI)
     Rbi-keba.xm (1109414 bytes)          10 

 21. together
     shadowfax / NosferatU
     together_shadowfax.zip (574204 bytes) 0 

Homepage competition

  1. Omega Red
     Berzerker / Cronix
     omega_red.zip (323135 bytes)       2227 

  2. www.fly.to/goeber
     goeber / boombassrecords
     goeber.zip (872825 bytes)          2077 

  3. Scene photogallery
     Screes / RBi-Music
     Scr_foto.zip (635128 bytes)        1968

Wild competition

  1. Torzo
     Magicboy / Superstition
     Torzo.avi (81935740 bytes)         2974 

  2. Geil of 2
     Rave Beats International
     Geil-of2.xm (11514482 bytes)       1610 

  3. Mysterons
     Diver / TUM
     Mysteron.zip (34797514 bytes)      1589 

     Berry a Clown ???? / ClownZ
     kpn.zip (555554 bytes)              967 

Surprise Coding competition

  1. vomit
     sepulcrum en douby / revolution
     Rvl-vomi.zip (66318 bytes)         2422 

  2. Stuck in a tunnel
     boolean+mnemonix+npa / inside
     stuck101.rar (96679 bytes)         1000 

  3. Idioot!
     TlighT / Impulse
     Idioot.zip (68867 bytes)            780 

  4. gaar
     aspasia / kibosh
     Kbs-gaar.zip (193967 bytes)         460 

  5. Stop de overige 131072 bytes maar in je reet!
     Ile / Aardbei
     Ile_surp.zip (1570 bytes)           420

Surprise Music competition

  1. Up and Down
     Coat & Ben Dover / GrooveStation
     Gs_supr.zip (24450 bytes)          1098 

  2. "Hey Mo!"
     Anomaly / Jello
     mo.zip (37776 bytes)                818 
  3. 80 jaar in coma
     Nicoyo / Katana
     Incoma.zip (28989 bytes)            798 

  4. Deee Funk!
     superogue! / -
     d-funk.zip (22714 bytes)            790 
  5. Stone Cold
     Jape / Total Eclipse
     te-stoco.zip (38399 bytes)          719 

  6. Freezin' In De Compohall
     Xam / Revolution
     Rvl_frz.zip (18097 bytes)           659 

  7. Kut, m'n samples zijn op!
     Screes / RBi-Music
     Scr_out.zip (5091 bytes)            639 

  8. Mama, ik mis mijn Sid
     No-XS / Verzin maar wat..
     mama-xs.zip (23932 bytes)           529 
  9. roll the bagpipes
     Neotraxx & Neophite / RBi-Music
     Neotraxx&Neophite-bagpipe.zip (8100 bytes) 410 

 10. Freezing my balls off
     Joegi / Total Eclipse
     te-freezin.zip (29331 bytes)        389 

 11. Return of the S.W.A.N.
     Dutch / Katana
     Retswan.zip (31236 bytes)           210 

 12. Death 2
     Lobo / Cyber Dreams
     Bo_SurpMus.zip (741 bytes)          199 

 13. apenheul in venlo
     avalancheee / trinitij
     suprise.zip (8332 bytes)            150 

 14. Schapen Fisten
     The Forbidden One / Pandamonium '97
     Pnm-schf.zip (24881 bytes)          130 

 15. Imperial Forces
     Backslash / Pandamonium'97
     Pnm-forc.xm (46633 bytes)           110 

 16. goeber
     goeber / Boombassrecords
     hacker.zip (16315 bytes)             70 

 17. Trek een nummertje
     CENiX / Boom Bass Records
     bbr-trek.zip (17605 bytes)           10 

Surprise Graphics competition

  1. Ambience 2000
     SeVeN / GrooveStation              
     sup-gfx.zip (357995 bytes)          846 

  2. 5minuten werk voor een dom logootje (nja vooruit dan maar)
     colloss / KiBoSh
     cls-reuh.zip (86694 bytes)          386

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Analogue 1999 - Wyniki glosowania
(System zarzadzania party by Jilt/Liberty,
 plik wygenerowany: 99-02-27 02:48:28 )

--==[ demo      ]==------------------------------------------------

       Tytul                           Grupa               Punkty

 1     Mind Control                    Procreation          81
 2     Monochrome Lemon : japanese tourists doing Europe
                                       Enenzi               37
 3     Brama                           Norferin             35
 4     Oniric Thing                    MONAR                28

--==[ gfx       ]==------------------------------------------------

       Tytul                           Grupa               Punkty

 1     Grass.               Hypnotize^Liberty^Mawi^Monar    52
 2     Fame                       Floppy^Nah Kolor          51
 3     Misha                          Tatanka               49
 4     Lucky                                                34

--==[ mod       ]==------------------------------------------------

       Tytul                           Grupa               Punkty

 1     Bethoven                       Motion                41
 2     God                          Nah Kolor               35
 3     LSD                       Hypnotize^Monar            28
 4     Cedyn                          Monar                 25
 5     Grass                Hypnotize^Mawi^Liberty^Monar    22
 6     Jimmy Blunt                    Monar                 17
 7     Zenial                    Hypnotize^Palsecam         16
 8     Kinio                           Logrus               13
 9     Fitzroy                      independent              8

--==[ ray       ]==------------------------------------------------

       Tytul                           Grupa               Punkty

 1     IO                             Fuse[R]               45
 2     Tetno                         Substance              40
 3     Nemesis                        Motion                26
 4     Failo                         Eclipse                25
 5     ID                            ????????               14
 6     Soulless               Sixty9^Suspend^Norferin       13

?------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -  -
!====:] end [:=================================================================
:---------------------------------------------------------------- -- -  -

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