,$$$ $$e ,$$ yy$$e ,$e d$L ,$ $$e G $$$$ $$$L ,$$$ $$$$$ $$$L d$$$ ,$$ $$$L r I$$' I$L I$I :$$$y $$$I ,$$' $$$L i I$: :$$ :$$$ $$ :$$ $ $$I I$$ :$$ e I$$ ;$$ $$I $$I :$$ '$$: ,$$" s $$ye y$$$' I$$ $yyy$L $$I :$$ $$ ,$$" s e ,$$y y$$e ,$$ $e ,$e y$, ,yy$ $$e ,$e ,$e ,$ $$ ,$$' $$$$ $$$$ ,$$$ $$L $$$ :$$ $$$$ $$$L $$$$ :$$ ,$$ $$L $$r9 I$$ ,$$: $$L I$$ :$$ I$r :$$ I$$$$ :$$ ,$$r $$L I$:9 :$$ I$$ :$$ I$$ :$$ I$$$ $$r I$$ $ $$$ I$: I$$ I$: $$e I$$ '$$; ;$' $$$ ;$r I$$' $$L I$$ $$$ I$$$ y$$I I$e$e '$$$ $$$' '$$ $$' '$$ $$' $$L $$I $$$ $$$ I$$ $$I $$y$' ?------------------------------------------------------------------- -- - - !====:] #33 [:=========================================:] o6 mar 1999 [:======= :---------------------------------------------------------------- -- - - editorial demonews party on! weekly interview - manka demo - intro - music - quote - question - commercial break homepages articles Mekka & Symposium 2k-1 results - The Gathering '99 results - end subscribers 184 - ?------------------------------------------------------------------- -- - - !====:] editorial [:=========================================================== :---------------------------------------------------------------- -- - - Good morning, i guess i should explain what happened last week, it's like this, i had some problems with planet-d.net mail server (couldn't send mails) for like 2 weeks now, so i went on holidays thinking i had released #32 although it was "stuck" on planet-d along with all my other outgoing mail. Anyways, i came back today and i sorted things out changing mail server once again, let's hope this time is for good. Anyways, since i was missing internet so much i started downloading TG and MS demos and results files so i ended up with the will to release another demojournal right now (it should be released 3 days ago or something...) Some quite stylish and design demos have been released at the gathering although most attenders are saying it sucked big time! A couple of good productions (from what i seen so far) also on mekka but nothing like last year! So you tell me, <TG vs MS> who won? :) ?------------------------------------------------------------------- -- - - !====:] demonews [:============================================================ :---------------------------------------------------------------- -- - - TG gone ftp://ftp.scene.org/incoming/THEGATHERING99/ MS gone ftp://ftp.scene.org/incoming/MS99/ SB gone http://skaro.scene.org/sb99 Arf! coming How yeah, Hugi#14 is also readable online now! Psychic Symphony's mail changed again. back to ec97104@crazy.fe.up.pt ?------------------------------------------------------------------- -- - - !====:] party on! [:=========================================================== :---------------------------------------------------------------- -- - - starts !=! ends !===! location !===! name !=========! contact !================ Mar 12 - Mar 14, 1999 Sweden The Feeling '99 http://www.thefeeling.net Mar 20 - Mar 21, 1999 Poland Astrosyn '99 gonzo@puma.tu.koszalin.pl Mar 24 - Mar 28, 1999 Italy Trip '99 www.nigma.it/trip99 Mar 31 - Apr 04, 1999 Norway The Gathering '99 Apr 02 - Apr 05, 1999 Germany Mekka & Symp. 2k-1 http://ms.demo.org Apr 02 - Apr 04, 1999 America Spring Break'99 http://skaro.scene.org/sb99 Apr 03 - Apr 05, 1999 France The Meeting 1999 http://www.fil.univ-lille1.fr/EVENEMENTS/coding/ =========! present time !====================================================== Apr 16 - Apr 18, 1999 France Arf!Party http://arfparty.citeweb.net May 07 - May 09, 1999 France Keyboard '99 May 16 - May 17, 1999 Sweden Icing'99 http://www.icing.net May 21 - May 23, 1999 Germany Neithernor'99 http://neithernor.demo.org May 29 - ??? ??, 1999 France Servo '99 info@mars-eyes.org Jun 04 - Jun 06, 1999 Holland Takeover '99 http://www.takeover.nl Jun 17 - Jun 20, 1999 Sweden Remedy '99 http://www.remedy.nu Jul 09 - Jul 11, 1999 Belgium Inscene '99 www.analogica.com/inscene Jul 09 - Jul 10, 1999 UK Dejavu '99 http://www.dejavu.org.uk Jul 19 - Jul 23, 1999 ? Density '99 www.gathering.org/kandu/ Jul ?? - Jul ??, 1999 Denmark Summer Encounter 99 Jul ?? - Jul ??, 1999 Hungary Rage-Scenest '99 Aug 06 - Aug 08, 1999 Finland Assembly '99 http://www.assembly.org Aug 20 - Aug 22, 1999 Hungary AntIQ'99 Aug 21 - Aug 24, 1999 France Slach 2 www.mygale.org/~myke666 Sep 03 - Sep 05, 1999 France RTS Party 2000-1 http://RTS-PartY.imag.fr Sep ?? - Sep ??, 1999 Sweden The Demoparty '99 http://www.demoparty.com ??? ?? - ??? ??, 1999 Germany Evoke '99 http://kaoz.org/evoke ??? ?? - ??? ??, 1999 YugoslaviaScene Strike 4 ??? ?? - ??? ??, 1999 France Slach 2 www.mygale.org/~myke666 Oct ?? - Oct ??, 1999 Norway distance '99 Nov ?? - Nov ??, 1999 Germany Cologne Conf. '99 www.academicus.de/cc98 ??? ?? - ??? ??, 2000 USA Bang! 2000 www.scene.org/bang!/ ?------------------------------------------------------------------- -- - - !====:] weekly [:============================================================== :---------------------------------------------------------------- -- - - This week! I have been mostly eating... dust =====! interview !============================================================= Session Start: Mon Apr 05 22:47:39 1999 *** ThoRiN_ has joined #demojournal <|ps|> hello! who are you? :) <ThoRiN_> Thorin, 20 years, still member of Melon Dezign & also Revelation. also in some others groups for bbs or warez things .. sysop of equalizer also <|ps|> for how long are you around on this demoscene stuff? :) <ThoRiN_> since 92 .. when I was 13 :) <|ps|> on amiga? <ThoRiN_> yep in the beginning on amiga.. amiga still rules but I like to be in a scene with a lot of people .. so nowadays PC HorroR 3D lame things :) <|ps|> how did that happen? you got an amiga for xmas and then what? <ThoRiN_> no I was interested by computers since a very long time .. when my brother bought a C64 really really long time ago .. but I was at this time really too young to start any scene activities :) <|ps|> so how did you got in? <ThoRiN_> I was on the french minitel (RTEL) where many guys from the scene use to chat in.. & I used to watch nice things on my amiga like Red sector, spreadpoint, anarchy, silents, scoopex,.. prods .. <|ps|> go on <ThoRiN_> & then I contact a group called Steelers... I join it as a swapper in 92 & in 94 I open my bbs equalizer.. I use to do some gfx also .. <|ps|> Tell us about your bbs then.. <ThoRiN_> demo/hpa oriented. one of the biggest in france... then i created my group silicon (btw: I have ben also in darkness & ivory) & when I join melon I left silicon because I didn't want to be in too many groups. in 97 with the inactivity of melon I created Revelation a pc demo group this time anyway I am not motivated by the scene like In the past <|ps|> well... revelation is known for swappers but where are productions? <ThoRiN_> ps: just check www.multimania.com/rvlweb (I created revelation with rommel) <|ps|> how come you arent as much motivated <ThoRiN_> well because I have known a lot of people in those years.. and nowadays only a really few part of them are in the scene or even interested by computers.. and I enjoy much more talk with oldschool dudes because we have the same demo culture.. then to guys who only know graphists like made & groups like orange .. or other really loosers that think demoscene started with future crew ahaha :) <|ps|> here we go... what do you have against made? :P <ThoRiN_> well I don't like hypocrite .. he tries to be nice with everyone but he isn't when he talks in the back.. he also created an army of newbies (channel #demofr on ircnet) that are only good to suck him up <|ps|> werent you with made on scoopex? <ThoRiN_> at a time yes.. but not for long .. I joined because of my friends bomberman, lord cyrix & others who joined at the same time. the only real contact I was having with the group was chris.. who is a nice guy .. btw: I also really don't like some party organisers that make commercial things where we can't have fun like in the past <|ps|> like what? <ThoRiN_> well ALCHOOL/DRUGS/FUN/EVERYbODY HAPPY/NO GAMERS/.. I also hate people who have a big mouth on IRC .. and when you see them at a party they are scared behind their monitors.. :) [editor: i love this guy! :)] <|ps|> bahahaha! tell us about xmen.. <ThoRiN_> humm :) xmen is a french movement with guys who like to have fun in partys.. (I mean we are behind a computer too often to do the same in a computer party) it was born at gasp party in 95.. with mainly guys from old amiga and atari groups.. <|ps|> and by having fun you mean... :) <ThoRiN_> well.. dance on the tables, watch old cracktros, do big beer logos .. try to do something with a Z80 :) see how's life outside the party <|ps|> what was the first demoparty you ever attended? <ThoRiN_> my first demo party was Saturne party 1 in 93 <|ps|> how was it like? <ThoRiN_> at this time I was young and fascinated by everything in a party :) *** ThoRiN_ has quit IRC [editor: opsie! time for bed! :( half interview it is! :)] Session Close: Mon Apr 05 23:35:26 1999 =====! demo !================================================================== Melora by Superstition (Compo-version) Found at ftp://demo.cat.hu 2nd place at Ambience'99 System requirements: Hmm, again no info-file...What should I do? Guess them? 4MB HD, Vesa2 or M13h (ugly!), works with a SB16. The demo: Superstition placed first AND second on the Ambience'99 democompo, and some people say their demos are almost identical. Although this is not true, Superstition HAS a very recognizable style, and Melora follows it indeed. So there are layers all over the place, different tunnels displayed at the same time, lines forming a raster, ... However, everything fits together smoothly, at the right speed, never boring. The zoom-effect is really nice, and I noticed the tunnels have some strange kind of anti-aliasing, not just blurring, but rather as if the edges of the pixels have 8 directions instead of 4. I wonder how they did that. The 3D-system is a bit slow at certain places, though. Magicboys pictures are good-looking as usual: faces of beautiful girls, with some wire-frame torusses in contrasting colors, heavy blurred. By the way, the picture after the 3D-tunnelflight, of the 3 girls and the parrot, has won the graphic-compo. The music: It starts soft, a bit like a film-soundtrack, but then the drums kick in, along with a lot of techno-sweeps and electronic instruments. Voice samples are used sparsely. No synching to effects, but sometimes, there is a change of theme when there is a new part, e.g. at the zoomer. It's not bad, although I liked the Sign Off-music better. But hey, I have less knowledge of music then my deaf grandmother, so ... (But I know what I like :)) Worth the download? If you've seen Sign Off or other Superstition-demos and didn't like it, skip this one. Chances are rather small you'll like this, and you won't be a social pariah if you say you didn't saw it (Unlike when you say you don't read DemoJournal :)). However, the Superstition motto "It's the inside that counts" has been replaced by "All good things come to an end", and I read on the Quad forum that Magicboy has left the group. So maybe it's their last demo... Are you sure you want to miss it ? For all others, don't hesitate. Some things have been done before in their other demos, but these were great too. Compare Melora with the Ambi'99 releases of other groups if you want... You'll see the difference. Seven =====! intro !================================================================= Backpage by Suspend ... placed 7 from 8 intros at Ambiance '99 (back131.zip) but i think it was the best. Why, you ask? Becouse there are lot of scenes, interresting thingies, not the usual "i wanna be jizz", n+1 clones. It is a typical polish intro, all with the tipical polish features: colorfull, agressive soundtrack, some not well designed parts, Eclipse Operating System, bad mood-feeling, and destroy. :) Belive me, 80% of the polish intros are about this. (tower is a good example too.) Sometimes they are a little boring, but this not! Starts with a 73MS like object with flares, and we are going here inside the object too like in Pulse's work, but in that were a lot of layers, maybe precalculated animation too, so Unreal if you read this, please tell us the secret. This is a "light" edition of the 73MS part. :) - a really fast raytrace scene is comming, (celeron 300A) not bad, interesting shades, 2 light sources, but in raytracing are Gamma1 and Sink still my favourites. Some colorfull volumetric lighting fun with credits. This part is totally same like in the 73MS. But here is not a Visualize pic behind. :) The "graffiti?" is really shit in the background. A better generated piccy would be better. - a fucking good bump is comming, got really feeling, trippy thing! - rotating object with flares and words-4-yeur-mind. Nice. - A very good compressed girlie picture, maybe with jpeg algorythm. Greetings part now, with the unique polish speciality, we-destroy-humans. =) - again raytrace but now with "snowman" object. (a la transagression1.) - this part reminds me for the winner Scenest '97 intro by Exact, called Fever. The object looks 90% the same, but in this "edition" we got some flares too. And a 2 color girlie picture is on this scene too, don't know why, it's not so interresting. The intro ends with lot of generated flying objects, flares, and a green ansi, what isn't the best one... Overall, i really like it, Pointman done a really good job, showed us an unique in 64kb! Congratulation. And a good point, a Sound Blaster version is out too. dlee =====! music !================================================================= "Ambient works ep" by Tiger(HAVOC/Istar) http://theralite.ml.org As the name suggests this is entirely about ambient sounds. Drifts into dreams and open sea, clouded sky and gentle breezes. 5 songs, about 1 meg each. The final one is a little smaller, there is also a cover pic to go along with the set, now all we need is to get a record deal isnt it tiger? :P Back to the music, there isnt much information on the samples about the songs but it isn't required either, they are all soft ambient songs, like i said invoking freedom and enjoyment, some even have some soft vocals to help with the mood, everything fits together like it should on an ambient song and it's a wonderfull collection of songs. Don't stop tracking tiger! ps =====! quote !================================================================= "Hey, what happened to question of the week? I thought it was here just a while ago... Maybe I can answer it anyway. I think it's lettuce. Am I right?" Los/Recreation Hehe, you don't like vegetables much do you my funk soul brotha? :) ps =====! question !============================================================== *STRIKE* ?------------------------------------------------------------------- -- - - !====:] commercial break! [:=================================================== :---------------------------------------------------------------- -- - - Get HUGI #14 at: http://home.pages.de/~hugidownload/ The world's most popular active diskmag. Freeware. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Sylvia Krasnieski was born in San Francisco, California, as the daughter of a Polish father and a half-French, half-Italian mother. Right now she is 24 years old and one of the world's top models. "Actually I wanted to study art", she says. "But when I won the Supermodel contest some years ago, I decided I had no other choice than to start a professional model career. Now I am mainly a model but use as much of my spare time as possible to study." We asked her where she got the energy to be a model and study at the same time. In a mysterious voice, she answered: "I got it from my leisure activities when I was still at highschool. This gave me the happiness and motivation I need for my career." Being asked for details, Sylvia says: "I spent as much time as possible going out with my friends. And whenever I was alone, I used to read my Hugi." --------------------------------------------------------------------- Peter Rosenthal was born in New York City as the son of a Jewish father and a half-German, half-British mother. Right now he is 21 years old and already the director of the one of the world's leading software companies. "Our success comes from an innovative software engineering tool called NeuroCode, whose development I have already started when I was at highschool. It makes programming much easier because of its artificial intelligence. You just have to implement the basic concepts, and then the program will do everything for you based on your dialogue with it. In other words, you talk to the intelligent program. And it anticipates your wishes." We asked him where he got the inspiration for this innovation. He said, "I used to discuss all kinds of problems with my friends. In this way I got a lot of ideas. And whenever I was alone, I used to read my Hugi." =====! homepages !============================================================= Amber diskmag.......................http://amber.bti.pl/di_mag Arf!Studios..........................http://ArfStudios.cjb.net Astral..............................http://astral.scene-hu.com Astroidea........................http://astroidea.scene-hu.com AtomiK..............................http://www.extra.hu/atomik Bomb...................................http://bomb.citeweb.net BlaBla...............................http://blabla.citeweb.net Blacktron Music Production...........http://www.d-zign.com/bmp Blasphemy..............................http://www.blasphemy.dk Byterapers.....................http://www.byterapers.scene.org Carlos..............................http://www.nexus.hu/carlos Chrome..............................http://chrome.scene-hu.com #coders..................................http://coderz.cjb.net Comic Pirates.........................http://scene-central.com Dave.............................http://www.come.to/davecorner DaVinci.................................http://davinci.ice.org Dawn3.....................................http://dawn3.cjb.net Demo fanclub...........http://www.radix.net/~brett/jer/fanclub Demojournal....................http://demojournal.planet-d.net Dreams2 CD.........................http://nl.scene.org/dreams2 Echo................................http://www.kki.net.pl/echo Exceed...........................http://www.inf.bme.hu/~exceed Flan...................http://www.error-404.com/modsfiles/flan Fleur diskmag........................http://fleur.scene-hu.com Freax...................http://freax.scene-hu.com/mainmenu.htm Gardner................................http://www.gardner.z.pl GFX Zone...............http://inf.ml.org/scenegfx/gfxzone.html Grabule........................http://members.xoom.com/grabule Grif........................http://arrabonet.gyor.hu/~rattgrif Haujobb..........................http://www.plinge.com/sixpack Hellcore............................http://www.hellcore.art.pl Heroin...................................http://www.heroin.net HP..................................http://www.klte.hu/~hamzap Hugi diskmag................http://home.pages.de/~hugidownload Hugi size-compo...............http://home.pages.de/~hugi-compo Immortals..............................http://imrt.home.ml.org Infuse...................................http://www.infuse.org Jupiter....................http://members.xoom.com/JupiterCode Koma...............................http://www.hut.fi/~vrantane Label zero.........................http://labelzero.pganet.com Leviathan....................http://www.ews.uiuc.edu/~ajcarlso <*> Los........................http://www.angelfire.com/in/miku305 Milk.......................................http://milk.sgic.fi MAZ's Sound homepage.............http://www.th-zwickau.de/~maz Mandula.........................http://www.inf.bme.hu/~mandula Melcom.....................http://www.center-nebula.com/melcom Melcom (mirror)......................http://www.melcom.cjb.net Mephisto.............................http://www.chez.com/shiva Mono211.................................http://www.mono211.com Nico....................................http://geecs.org/~nico Noise................................http://www.noisemusic.org Nogsf..............................http://www.saers.com/~nogsf Oranje Juice.........................http://ojuice.citeweb.net Pain............................http://www.space.ch/scene/pain PC-demos explained.....http://www.oldskool.org/demos/explained Pixel...................................http://pixel.scene.org Pixel (mirror)..........................http://fsk.home.ml.org Pow.................................http://home.sol.no/~tskara Quad.....................................http://www.quad98.net Radical Rhythms.....http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/user/merrelli/rr Rage........................................http://www.rage.nu Replay.......................http://www.shine.scene.org/replay Rhyme................................http://rhyme.scene-hu.com Rod.................................http://www.inf.bme.hu/~rod Ruff Engine................http://members.xoom.com/ruff_engine Skytech team............................http://Skytech.cjb.net Suspend......................http://www.optimus.wroc.pl/rappid Tesko..........................http://www.scentral.demon.co.uk The Black Lotus.............................http://www.tbl.org Theralite..............................http://theralite.ml.org TheREW..............................http://home.wxs.nl/~therew The Lost Souls...............................http://www.tls.no Tokyo Dawn Records........................http://tdr.scene.org Total Disaster...................http://www.totaldisaster.w.pl TPOLM...............................http://www.tpolm.scene.org Trajic (Hungarian scene)...............http://www.scene-hu.com Trauma.................................http://sauna.net/trauma Trebel...................................http://www.trebel.org TS................................http://www2.hawaii.edu/~myee TUHB.......................................http://www.tuhb.org UltraBeat.........................http://www.innerverse.com/ub Vivid.........................http://www.klangstabil.com/vivid Wain.............http://zevs.ifi.ntnu.no/~frankwer/gfx/gfx.htm Willbe................................http://altern.org/willbe Zen of Tracking.........................http://surf.to/the-imm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Amber.......................................ftp://amber.bti.pl Cyberbox.....................................ftp://cyberbox.de DC-1.........................................ftp://demo.cat.hu Pigforce.................................ftp://pigforce.ml.org Scene.org..................................ftp://ftp.scene.org SDC...................................ftp://sdc.wtm.tudelft.nl Skynet.stack.nl..........................ftp://skynet.stack.nl ?------------------------------------------------------------------- -- - - !====:] articles [:============================================================ :---------------------------------------------------------------- -- - - the ONE and ONLY, OFFICIAL and COMPLETE results of M E K K A & S Y M P O S I U M 2 K - 1 held in fallingbostel - germany at easter Wild 01 570 Real Reality NEVER 02 258 Daydream Digital Vortex 03 100 Timelapse Shade / Nowadays 04 97 La Turb Piroman 05 90 Born to be alive Drifters 06 57 The Whole Experience Soran + Sympathy 07 55 Popel Premiere Rayden/Cyberpunx 08 41 Tribute Coexistence 09 36 Nowadays live! Nowadays 10 32 The Dämo Nuance 11 26 Trip to Mekka Digital Overflow 12 25 Till Fried Chicken Tig/Cross!The Logic & Olaf Ross 13 22 Windoofz 2000 MaTaDor/TUSA 14 17 Wird shit in rectum 9 Cheesy & Dreyer / sUBSCURe 15 16 Widescreen Guybrush 16 15 SuperCPU64 Kicks DMAgic 17 4 Halbmond deepblur 18 4 BMX-Themes-Alpha Twelve 19 1 Phone Call KBL 20 1 8Bit Nit Wit Cupid/Padua/Hitmen RayTraced Gfx 01 268 The Cathedral (UFO vorm Fenster) D.Fox/Digital Overflow 02 170 Müll Shade/Nowadays 03 94 Alien Prayer Ultimate Warrior/nWo 04 71 Escape Syntic & THX 05 67 The lost King Knightshift/Digital Overflow 06 59 Industrial delta9^colorfast 07 52 Have a nice day! Shadow/Digital Overflow 08 42 Reveling for TP99 Flunkium 09 36 Alien '69 SFG 10 36 Tempel Spider/Lightforce 11 35 Quakers Face DC.Clark of Secretly! 12 33 Warm Ody/Cromatics 13 27 Rave the beach Cheesy/sUBSCURe & TBC 14 26 Bwaard Maytz 15 26 Genesis Platon42 16 25 XarMan (32k game) FirimaR of ECC 17 16 Alien Rvo^MxM 18 10 Happy Nature riot/NWO/Proxigy Pixel Gfx 01 272 Crazee JCS/Haujobb/Sector7 02 156 Pimmelfechten böser Männer Cyclone/Abyss 03 135 Composite IB/Depth&Fnuque 04 91 Papa kommt nach Hause Gizmo/Icebird 05 82 The Un-X-Plainable Bifrost of Loonies 06 79 Giana vs. Lara Firestarter 07 70 Real Fashion 08 62 Kalden Du Det Lort Vand? Gafkhan/Loonies+Cromatics 09 58 Juicy Filet Cp^Singularity 10 46 PAPA BALL ! Ein gutes Bild ! cori of DAL 11 43 Ente Angela/TUM 12 42 Bleeding (not finished!) Ragnarök 13 39 Real Posh Fireball/Lightforce 14 25 Aunal-Udlukning Over Icumme Svend-Baenk 15 25 Dragon Rio+Ghandy/Darkage 16 25 Splash Titus/Birdhouse Projects 17 20 Power Supply / Mekkasym'99 TomaHawk 18 18 kikker e-liza^maximum 19 18 Death Planet Syntic/TLS 20 17 Land of Magic Mr.Vain/Secretly!^Darkside 21 13 Pantana Catmoon 22 12 iDied 0.75 fasix/cromatics 23 4 Floppy Disk Jockey tAz/FDJ PC Demo 01 583 Event Horizon Smash Designs 02 386 Planet Subotnik Amable + Suburban 03 212 Alien 2 Scoopex 04 83 McA salt/anti/maxx/bine^CER 05 57 Dark Side of the Sun Ainc. 06 39 SHM2 Lopez Bros. 07 36 Porno light SDi 08 36 ohm ;o] 09 36 R0 Powa/Elitegroup 10 36 Plasmic .sPOOn. 11 29 No Quake Cromatics 12 24 Azul SquoQuo 13 19 Alpha - der vierte Kanal Copro 14 19 Megademo Bugfixers PC 64K Intro 1 561 G-Cube Matrix 2 374 Suburban Dusk 3 184 li'l djevotchka's antibiotics NUMB 4 67 Groovy Feelings Heman PC 4K Intro 1 506 Void 3 Shiva & Franky (Kdor) 2 357 4K-1 Vudu + N-Fashion 3 158 Ray of Light MAGiC + SCHaTZ 4 64 Jess Kulle 5 56 Chicken Dance II SquoQuo 6 48 Mekka-Run Mac/MMU 7 35 L!MIT Blue & Hijacker 8 23 Anatyda Gekko/Astral Multichannels 01 153 The Voice Martyn / Destiny 02 102 annuis coeptis storm 03 101 Bangkok Dusk Lois Lane / Mo'Playaz+Kolor 04 86 Spacebar.xm Virgill/ Haujobb&Scoopex 05 82 Floating Meo. 06 75 Auf nach Mekka Chromag / Haujobb 07 74 Secret Service Wayfinder / KFMF 08 72 Entangle Insanity 09 65 Kick the Baby Maxx of Kolabore 10 62 Journey To Atlantis BenJam 11 56 The Piano Player G. Hultink 12 51 Stories Jay / RBI 13 50 Panic Love, Electric Love paniq / Tokyo Dawn Records 14 38 tonik funkture mara and kritix 15 37 Rockafeller Skank Special Edition Remix trip20 & 2bears of APP 16 15 Vitamin C Stefko 17 9 FuckIt Zero TheKey / groupless 18 6 AcidBells quazz 19 6 summer tristan/deranged 20 6 Take Me Baby '99 Andy/Sympathy 21 6 Akbar's Market Loolarge / expulsion 22 5 The Hullabaloo Ballad Dreyer/.sPOOn^SUBSCURE 23 3 Ocean Of Passion Gimli of Vantage 24 3 Shuffled Fuben / Oxyro 25 3 2k-1 EHa 26 3 Mystic Sound Yoda 27 3 The Pitmaster Skyrunner / Apocalypse 28 2 Big Beat Bill Sequencer 29 2 Masootm PhrEd / Nowadays 30 2 TKKG Steinheim / Relatic 31 1 Ivorg Dreamz - Part II Mozaic Expulsion Music 32 1 Another Morning AKA 33 0 Scrollerheads Snej 34 0 McA Salt^KOLABORE 35 0 Voryon Cenix / Bbr 36 0 Accessing Data Backslash / Bbr 37 0 Going To Outer Space Sirius / Bbr 38 0 Enemy PaP of The ApocalypsE 39 0 Bassé Firestarter 40 0 Real Reality dj pi 41 0 A Lamentation asia 42 0 the tough guys trip20 of APP 43 0 SEXY BABY sounddesignz 44 0 The World And Beyond Bezurk / Bbr 45 0 Halbschlaf sr/sdi/sr? 46 0 Spacey Glittah Mark Gerards (NO-XS & GH) 47 0 QUARTER to 11 nighTM@re! of SYMPATHY. 48 0 The tent burns !! Codepapst 49 0 Multi Moog/ Agony/ Taboo 50 0 Via Aera Ikarus 51 0 Music's hypnotizing Peabrain of Faque 52 0 The Basic Idea Havoc / Delight 53 0 Wild Fly Igor / Acrise & SOS 54 0 Winning Run Bent Byte 55 0 Proforma Chuwaba 56 0 Infinity Phantom/ Xsolution 57 0 Tatort Special Offer / Relatic 58 0 ist mir alles WURST?? Drif / Relatic 59 0 Generation Love Starfox / Silicon Records '99 60 0 Zitteraale Banana / The Electronic Knights 61 0 Dizzy Sound Sonic / Smash Designs 62 0 You're getting warmer MM-3o3 63 0 Feeling Tokyonese netpoet 64 0 I DID IT! genox of vantage 65 0 Roma & Romauomo PegasuS 66 0 The Visitores Doggy Doc (D-Dyzer) 67 0 Ficken 3000 Coocane & Wayfinder 68 0 Trance Action Börny Börnz 69 0 Vera Cruz Reflect / Tulou 70 0 Mom Shot The Sheriff Der Freund Eines Preselectors 71 0 Shredds you! Vend MOD 01 164 Mermaids 2000 Tranquilizer of Secretly 02 152 infinity DC.Clark of Secretly! 03 107 Cape Town Blues Marc / Haujobb^Sector7 04 107 Mystified Virgill/Haujobb&Scoopex 05 99 Hose auf, Schwanz raus! Pink'el/Äbÿss 06 90 Schluck, du Luder! Berti of Ahpyss 07 88 Terror Inside eVRIMSSON 08 77 Slobby Cytron / Depth 09 65 Rastas in the Wind Skyrunner / Apokalypse 10 64 WE SHOT SUPERMAN Curt Cool / Depth 11 58 My Style - My Beat (Zefi-Style-RMX) EHa 12 48 Good fellas Snej 13 16 Fantasy Chris 14 4 - unnamed - Marcus Gerstmann 15 3 "Dr. Snuggles '94 Raver's Remix" Tentacle of DAL 16 3 Y2k-1 Experience Andy / Nuance 17 3 Traveller Of Light Mac Motu 18 1 electric people TLS of R.N.O. 19 1 Climaxx 001 Octane 20 1 Alpenclüben Gizmoduck/Depth 21 0 Rotz gabba/SURVIVE 22 0 Hit the Ground Sonic/Smash-DS 23 0 The Never Get Sick Sound... Scicco 24 0 In A Box Mr. Vain / Secretly!^Darkside 25 0 Anita Ward - RMX Pegasus Fast Intro 01 285 Quicky Suxx Titan Crew 02 153 Kill'em Daze Studios - Ryg - TNing 03 139 Snack! BionFX 04 96 Abstrakte Blocktrompete Eine gute Maschine (EGM) 05 64 Cybernetic Rave Sensation K.K. 06 62 Fastintro Singularity & D.A.L. 07 60 NoCredz pharao/maytz/gafkhan/flunkium 08 52 At Last Delta 9 / The Madman 09 52 Subversive Abrulzung 4Bits 10 36 Fast Intro MaTaDor/TUSA 11 26 Lyticum Hirntod 12 22 1st Fast Intro ever Atomic Front C64 Music 01 331 in cyberspace glenn rune gallefoss of shape 02 107 taboo zak shogoon of taboo 03 81 Here is the house Raze/SCS*TRC/Padua 04 79 c64 family cosowi of plush 05 71 get the heek alien of wow 06 69 schach im rohr rorschach of padua and noname 07 66 ferrero fanta 08 56 skunk jazz djb 09 55 Get Loose da Blendie/Resourze/Xymox 10 54 injection lunatic of cult 11 53 Smooth Mumu Operating Rayden/Breeze 12 44 no name longhair of elysium 13 42 sky high bzyk of samar and lepsi de 14 41 revenge! arman of xenon + role 15 32 melody rulez fantastic zool of tum and smash designs 16 28 kings and koblins g. hultink and e. de hoog 17 15 global heinmück of tum 18 14 Discotime The Bisel 19 7 rock box beater fl!p of centric 20 7 nein, ich kann euch doch nicht sehen sonic of smash designs 21 6 calling earth street tuff of rsi 22 2 fly at the nightsky peabrain of faque 23 2 pikant pegasus & peabrain 24 2 camel dance ich 25 1 Under A Blood Red Sky Floyd/Tempest 26 1 corwin top secret of wow and cult 27 0 blockbuster welli of anubis and axelerate C64 Gfx 01 266 Might and Magic Valsary/Samar/Lepsi De 02 174 Stoned AMN/Resource 03 111 Visualized Valediction Rayden/Breeze 04 80 Happy Dolphins Benson/RSI 05 49 Underwater World Katon/Lepsi De/Arise 06 48 Just a Girl Hardsequencer/DYTEC 07 43 No chance in hell! Scorpe/Spiders 08 41 Abominations DST of WOW 09 39 Iron Deskee/Faque 10 35 Blind Jobe 11 35 Old Fellow Peabrain/Faque 12 34 Conflict JB/Tempest 13 32 ultra korregt! Caprice Design / Plush 14 30 Demona by EXIN Exin/Anubis/Voodoo64 15 28 Bulltimate Stuyvesant / Ultimate 16 27 0190/966966 Seba/Plush 17 24 Dragon Diver/TUM 18 21 Shoot out Zealot / Out of Order 19 20 Skeleton Street Tuff 20 18 Acidskull Bugjam/Role 21 16 Buntes Haus AESY/SATOVIA 22 16 Sisters of Mercy Bleze/TempesT 23 14 Time AEG 24 13 Spaceman Exile 25 12 Compopic by Woy Woyager 26 11 Red Carpet Brix/Plush 27 11 Mui away Poison/Singular 28 10 Soul Cemetery Leon/Singular 29 3 Pioneers of Style Sebaloz/Lepsi De 30 0 Manga GRMF/Elysium C64 Demo 01 290 Driss - 1st Demo III Driss 02 234 Ecoute Et Voir Faque 03 110 Importance? Ninja / The Dreams 04 107 Contact TUM 05 101 Brak 2 GFB64 06 76 In Booze We Trust RamJam 64 07 69 I can't dance Woznak/DMagic 08 69 Screech Single Parts Version Lubber 09 40 10 Years Role Role 10 36 Happy Birthday Booze Design 11 27 850-Pichel-Wirbelstürme-60% The CENTRIC Crew 12 22 Logodemo! Ultimate 13 18 Black Angle Visac/Cult 14 16 Ficken im Zelt Pt. 2 Seminar 15 12 Eastereggs Brainstorm + Techno 16 3 Runaway Draken 17 0 4K Chorplasma Draken C64 4K Intro 01 123 4K Power AEG/Smash-DS 02 87 Burning Ranger Gunhed Battalion 03 85 Smash 4K GUI DCP 04 81 Commodore Forever Allitaice/SCS+TRC/Citadel 05 58 4K-3 Ninja/The Dreams 06 52 4K Intro Role 07 49 Room 2 Edhellon / Resource 08 49 Hmm, TP sucks Cupid/Padua/Hitmen 09 42 Elite - The Intro! Rum-Posse Hemdbach 10 41 Plasma + Fire Quasar/Centric 11 39 <4KB Leo!/Padua! Leonardo 12 32 SM2k-1 Faayd/Satovia 13 19 Schweinkram Dodger/Dytec 14 13 4K-Intro Misfit/WOW 15 12 Last Dayz Iceman/WOW 16 12 This rocks! Uncle Fritz / ORI 17 1 Beat bouncer Didi/Laxity 18 0 CharLuck Carlos/Cascade Amiga 4K Intro 1 266 Hyper Focus Design & Scoopex 2 227 Das EFX Scoopex 3 222 Profanity StingRay/Darkside 4 111 str8 Cytron/Depth & Ib/Depth 5 104 TUPA Zymosis Amiga Demo 01 451 Mnemonics Haujobb 02 274 When We Ride On Our Enemies Jamie/Skarla 03 195 Smoke Bomb Ozone 04 114 Vendetta Nuance 05 84 Quest Iris 06 76 AlpenClüb '52 Depth 07 55 Jatsi's big Jorma Jazz & Vesuri / Da Jormas 08 45 InUtero SkyTech 09 29 Heureka Puryx, Cupid / Unique 10 28 Sympslide Iris 11 24 The Deep Dentro After Eights Amiga 40K 1 484 Grid Nature 2 232 Kryptonite Depth 3 155 Qapmoc Black Monks 4 145 2998z Modem + Dip / Darkage 5 81 Poem Iris 6 79 40K to little? Cybbe 7 63 Ines Jack C. 8 60 Face to Face Tulou 9 35 Faith-Tro Faith in 1999/2000 32K Game 1 494 DreamCars DC.Clark of Secretly! 2 299 Command da Bonga DNA^2nd moon 3 157 Super Ball Tranquilizer / Secretly! 4 121 Workaholic DC.Clark & Mr.Vain / Secretly! 5 84 TVBALL SFG 6 67 XarMan Xar and FirimaR of ECC 7 44 PAPA BALL ! Ein Gutes Spiel ! Cori of DAL PSX Demo 1 493 Orgonakkumulator Haujobb 2 381 The Roots Hitmen PSX 3 159 Lametro Hunkpapa/Birdhouse Projects 4 153 Quick & Lame Dentro Van Helsing / Paradox - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ------------------------------------------ t h e g a t h e r i n g 1 9 9 9 p r e l i m i n a r y r e s u l t s ------------------------------------------ brought to you by the Takeover organisers with the help from Loop/Kip (check out http://www.takeover.nl) ------------------------------------------ An html version will be published on the Takeover'99 website very soon! ------------------------------------------ 4 Channel Music 1. Kamelon by Rolex/Depth+Massive #01 303 2. thinker by goose #02 274 3. Polly Was A Cracker by maktone/superstars & #10 266 class & x-pression & defacto2 4. Headless by Duckhunter / Spaceballs #05 259 5. Dagen Derpå by Tecon #04 255 6. Able to get unstable by Zixaq #09 240 7. Beat by Bit by System Halted #12 210 8. Ancient Mountains by GloomWing #06 196 9. Imploding by atom #08 187 10. komin by xhale/DCS #07 185 11. Anarchy by faction #11 185 12. ? by Deetsay #03 97 Multichannel Music 1. anticipations -tg99 by g00ber #08 423 2. Fisk er KJEMPEGODT!!! by GalMann #07 337 3. Cheese and Hammond by Bissm #01 332 4. Faith by Gloom&Trenedy #02 311 5. back stage in eden by Cosmo #11 302 6. Jau by Dj-AbN0rM #03 285 7. The Golden Leaf by Scheme #04 272 8. Carius by Woober #06 248 9. Struggle by vision #05 227 10. flyung asreonaunts by Zixaq #10 217 11. Thru Atmosphere by redrum #12 149 12. konsise by xhale #09 133 High Quality Music 1. Sudden Trip Back Home by Antastal #10 329 2. Energy! by Heywood #07 256 3. Distant Dreams by Greffin #01 232 4. fusion, impossible by bumP #05 155 5. Unknown by mrkeen #02 145 6. Houseparty by DJ Joshi #11 136 7. Trumpets by Carebear #09 124 8. Deadline by WERTOr #03 122 9. The Face by superted / deviant #06 115 10. Far more advanced by Chronicle #04 112 11. V6 by Snabben #08 102 12. FAT by PsychoFreud #12 92 Fast Music 1. Destination Kajaani by Gainx & Madhi #48 66 2. Ich bin eine pingel-bungel? by Kezoomer #50 38 3. gunnar med sleiv by 2645 #40 32 4. hymn to eightys too late porn by flash.m #03 26 5. Ritz kjekz by Mutant & Faction #49 19 6. crap by MasterMike #08 16 7. Ypper Du Dunk? by C-zar #15 14 8. My Beaver Is Funky by Oxygener of Superstars #34 14 9. DayDream by Hmmm #01 12 10. Sliten og Trøtt på en liksom psykidelisk måte #33 11 by GalMann 11. 24:th street by Chronicle #36 11 12. Audio il tempo gigante by Bissm^flock #22 10 13. weird stuff by Ecalypso #11 7 14. Snurp Igjen Schmella by ZAiKiCK #13 7 15. Ypper Du Dunk? by C-zar #17 7 16. lavalampe boogie by phobium #27 7 17. Redco by FantaProd #02 5 18. opp og ned med henda wimpy by Snax #05 5 19. timeless by shere khan #32 5 20. Piano Noise by Shagma #35 5 21. FastMusic Entry by Slicemaster #41 5 22. The Rythm by Leon #04 0 23. fastsong by jelly #06 0 24. Sleepwalkers fate by Knert #07 0 25. weird stuff by Ecalypso #09 0 26. Ypper Du Dunk? by C-zar #10 0 27. Leverpostei by onkelAFRO #12 0 28. sleepwalkers fate by Knert #14 0 29. Fort&Gæli by Error1 #16 0 30. Funk by OmS #18 0 31. Easy jazz by Greffin #19 0 32. Looking At A Dog Named Tg by Icon #20 0 33. Bedre enn ikkeno by Starfish & Dent / Nocturnal #21 0 34. Strangeberry by Scheme #23 0 35. My Beaver Is Funky by Oxygener of Superstars #24 0 36. TripWire by Snerta #25 0 37. My Beaver Is Funky by Oxygener of Superstars #26 0 38. stress by WERTOr #28 0 39. inspice by goose #29 0 40. Instant Funk by Jukebox #30 0 41. Nostalgic Dreams by redrum #31 0 42. Rush by vision #37 0 43. Astronasty by Zixaq #38 0 44. two steps ahead by g00ber #39 0 45. Return of Boredom by deSilva #42 0 46. smacks honnikorn i pose by Kezoomer / TLS #43 0 47. My Beaver Is Funky by Oxygener of Superstars #44 0 48. Kongesang by exsub #45 0 49. Ugle-Amokk 2.0 - Extended Edit by Ida #46 0 50. Kongesang by exsub #47 0 [editor: humm... same song got 35th,37th and 47th...] Pixeled Graphics 1. Blue by tmk/IMF^dolph #7 925 2. Where is my fish flavored BOCI chocolate? #3 576 by Inferno 3. Mech by Orome #9 573 4. Bikkje faen by Jan #10 374 5. Spiritus by samsam #6 295 6. Peace by Cheetah #13 284 7. Free Kevin by EvilEye&Janitor #1 252 8. Xperiment by Zack / Spaceballs ^ Endzeit #11 249 9. Indian by MuadDib #5 219 10. Babyrobot by pix and allanon #12 210 11. Lars by Charlatan #8 164 12. Fairy -the return of the evil hi-jackers #4 140 from outter space by Trotzdem Gern 13. Selvportrett by Kusma #2 132 Raytraced Graphics 1. Bountyhunter by Dr3d #4 670 2. Bounty Hunter by 3D Addict #3 535 3. Severed thumbs on white plate #14 384 by flail & ICEbeer 4. 3d landscape by Orome #16 345 5. Water by tizit #15 271 6. Bathroom Diverse by superted/deviant #5 266 7. Easter 99 by FelixnGrim #1 250 8. Alien Death by Crippler #6 193 9. Out Hunting by Maestro #13 193 10. CHEVROLETTE by Punkture #9 185 11. Exploring a new world by Grim-Beaper #2 149 12. Evening Mood by Connector 149 13. Puma by Almighty #12 124 14. Birdie by Afarensius #11 81 15. TunnelRush by Cyclone #10 80 16. Crybroom by Beldor #8 58 Oldskool slideshow 1. eg Fare by Anders Johannson #1 330 2. Kool Skool by Da Stealers #2 319 Amiga 4K intro 1. Freedom by Exploder/Extreme #03 3106 2. Blues by cHauple/Contraz #02 2035 3. Vinner by SLEM/Baseballs #01 1461 PC 4K Intro 1. Animal Planet by Digimind #01 1485 2. Decip by DecIP #02 792 Amiga 64K Intro 1. Fusion is no good for me by Slummy / Spaceballs #03 1879 2. Sundance by Da Jormas #02 1657 3. Pretty fly by Apathy #01 1271 PC 64K Intro 1. Public Demand by Purple #05 1025 2. Ro bottby Kooma #09 773 3. Absolute by Paranoids #08 558 4. Catch 22 by Replay #01 530 5. Hardboiled by Soopa doopa #07 482 6. ceREAL by S.M.B.D.Y. #04 295 Amiga Demo compo 1. Supermonster by Slummy/Spaceballs #05 1677 2. Flux by Ephidrena #04 1359 3. Ulsteri by Da Jormas #02 609 4. SBS by Apathy #03 428 5. Groovery by Strife/Apathy #01 297 PC Non-3D Demo Compo 1. Yume 2000 - (Future World Mix) by INF #11 928 2. III - live tomorrow by The Lost Souls #09 554 3. Syv-Seks by Phrenetics #06 361 4. Okiedokie by Soopa Doopa #05 329 5. encode/decode : papers on graphical outbut by #10 263 Digital Artists 6. In the mix by Replay #01 228 7. Happy Hardcore by rECTUM CAUDA #04 216 8. Colars by Ramalama #08 167 9. Crash Boom Bang by Spetsnaz #03 148 10. by Proxima #02 133 11. Horison 4k by Zien/Nocturnal #07 120 Java Demo compo 1. Lucid Dream by Digital Nerds #03 1212 2. Cayenne by Prone #02 1018 3. tyyny by Esa Type & Sir Ed. B. #01 806 Animation Compo 1. Legoland by Phobic #04 4150 2. rebel by thrID #03 1251 3. Jiverium - Casino Insanity 2 by Snillfisk, #02 1222 dryet and Flipside 4. ...en animasjon av god kvalitet by Destination #01 628 Animation Fast Intro compo 1. Cucumber Overdos by TLS ft. ELQ #06 2165 2. NN-Myter og Fakta by cHauple/Contraz #01 938 3. agurk by GP #05 787 4. Cucumber Madness by NemeZis/TAOD #04 536 5. Nightmare by Urban Fanatics #03 424 6. Fass by Slemmy/NN #02 394 PC 3D Compo was not held (no entries) C64 Democompo was not held (no entries) ?------------------------------------------------------------------- -- - - !====:] end [:================================================================= :---------------------------------------------------------------- -- - - Download here......ftp://demo.cat.hu/scene/DiskMag/DemoJournal or here.................ftp://ftp.foxfiber.net/pub/demojournal or even here....ftp://amber.bti.pl/pub/scene/mags/demo_journal read online here...............http://demojournal.planet-d.net complain about online here...............<_receptor@yahoo.com> complain about rest here..............<ec97104@crazy.fe.up.pt> Seven here too.............<Stefaan.VanNieuwenhuyze@rug.ac.be> You can get demojournal on your inbox each weekend by mailing this "subscribe" to this <ec97104@crazy.fe.up.pt>. 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