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     _  _  ___\_    | \      / ____\     |___\_    /_____.\    /__\_   \\     |
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           /________|_________|__________|   \_____|___|\______/__\_____|_____|
                    |                    |____|
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                    :                    :

?------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -  -
!====:] #46 [:=========================================:] 02 jul 1999 [:=======
:---------------------------------------------------------------- -- -  -

                                                                    party on!
                                                                  interview -
                                                                       demo -
        your sweet like ta tadada tadada                              intro -
                                                                      music -
                                                                      quote -
                                                                   question -
                                                             commercial break

                                                     antiq99 pre-invitation -
                                                 this guy sucks from melcom -


                                                                        245 -

?------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -  -
!====:] editorial [:===========================================================
:---------------------------------------------------------------- -- -  -

?------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -  -
!====:] demonews [:============================================================
:---------------------------------------------------------------- -- -  -

        these links do work :)
        [editor: er.. i guess i should have known the links to my own
                 stuff better hehe :D anyways, get all my code all open
                 and running (5 megs = 3 years of caffeine addiction)]

        [editor: mono211 final mod releases. they are going .mp3 only from
                 now on... atleast they finished with a bang. musicdisk :)]

?------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -  -
!====:] party on! [:===========================================================
:---------------------------------------------------------------- -- -  -

starts !=! ends !===! location !===! name !=========! contact !================

Jun 04 - Jun 06, 1999 Holland   Takeover '99        http://www.takeover.nl
Jun 05 - Jun 06, 1999 Canada    Coma '99            http://www.microtec.net/~unkelben/coma.html
Jun 11 - Jun 13, 1999 Sweden    Remedy '99          http://www.remedy.nu
Jun 24 - Jun 27, 1999 France    JEM '99             http://jem.rtel.fr/
Jun 25 - Jun 27, 1999 Germany   Underg. Conf. 3d    http://uc3d.bingen.net
Jul 02 - Jul 04, 1999 Hungary   Jumper 2000-1       http://jumper.scene-hu.com
Jul 02 - Jul 04, 1999 France    VIP '99             http://popsyteam.rtel.fr/VIP/
Jul 03 - Jul 04, 1999 Russia    Chaos Const. 999    http://cc999.da.ru

=========! present time !======================================================

Jul 09 - Jul 11, 1999 Belgium   Inscene '99         http://www.analogica.com/inscene
Jul 09 - Jul 10, 1999 UK        Dejavu '99          http://www.dejavu.org.uk
Jul 09 - Jul 11, 1999 Swiss     Buenzli#8           http://swiss.scene.org/buenzli
Jul 16 - Jul 18, 1999 Finland   Plutonium 2         http://www.sci.fi/~flo/plutonium/
Jul 21 - Jul 24, 1999 Denmark   Summer Enc. '99     http://summer.encounter.dk
Jul 22 - Jul 24, 1999 Spain     Euskal 7            http://www.euskalparty.org

Aug 06 - Aug 08, 1999 Finland   Assembly '99        http://www.assembly.org
Aug 08           1999 Romania   Reunion '99
Aug 20 - Aug 22, 1999 Hungary   AntIQ'99            http://antiq.scene-hu.com
Aug 20 - Aug 22, 1999 Germany   Evoke '99           http://kaoz.org/evoke/99/
Aug 21 - Aug 22, 1999 Czech Rep Fiasko '99          http://vyhen.site.cz/fiasko99/
Aug 21 - Aug 24, 1999 France    Slach 2             http://www.mygale.org/~myke666
Aug 27 - Aug 29, 1999 France    LTP 3               http://ltp.planet-d.net
Aug 27 - Aug 29, 1999 Poland    Gravity#4           http://www.anadune.optimus.wroc.pl/gravity

Sep 03 - Sep 05, 1999 France    RTS Party 2000-1    http://RTS-PartY.imag.fr
Sep 05 - Sep 07, 1999 Sweden    The Demoparty '99   http://www.demoparty.com
Sep 16 - Sep 18, 1999 Hungary   Rage-Scenest '99    http://scenest.scene-hu.com
Sep 30 - Oct 03, 1999 Norway    distance '99        http://www.neutralzone.org/distance/
Sep ?? - Sep ??, 1999 France    Central party '99   http://www.chez.com/centralparty/

Oct 01 - Oct 03, 1999 Germany   Dialogos '99        http://www.dialogos.cc

Nov 04 - Nov 07, 1999 Sweden    Dreamhack '99       http://www.dreamhack.org
Nov 05 - Nov 07, 1999 Hungary   Conference 3000
Nov ?? - Nov ??, 1999 Germany   Cologne Conf. '99   http://www.academicus.de/cc98

??? ?? - ??? ??, 1999 YugoslaviaScene Strike 4
??? ?? - ??? ??, 2000 Germany   Radwar Party 2000   http://www.radwar.com
??? ?? - ??? ??, 2000 USA       Bang! 2000          www.scene.org/bang!/

?------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -  -
!====:] weekly [:==============================================================
:---------------------------------------------------------------- -- -  -

        This week! I have been mostly eating... spontaneity

=====! interview !=============================================================

        Session Start: Sat Jun 19 17:38:37 1999

        *** TuO has joined #demojournal

        <TuO> yo

        <|ps|> hello! so who are you? :)

        <TuO> well... i'm a french fellow coder mainly :) now working in a
              french game-maker company, Lankhor. I'm mainly a 3D coder :)

        <|ps|> what do you do and have done on the scene?

        *** adok^hugi has joined #demojournal

        <TuO> I'm the main coder of SkyTech (www.skytech.org) a french
              demo group... I'm the author of one of the best MP3 lib
              available for demos (I think :) : SkySOUND.

        <adok^hugi> nice, now i will be mentioned in a dj live interview
                    too :) [editor: nnnnnnnnaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh! ;)]

        *** adok^hugi was kicked by |ps| (lamer!!!! =))

        <TuO> I made some demo, but the next one will be the best! :) eheh

        <|ps|> when will the new one be out? ltp? :)

        <TuO> LTP3 I hope, with some exciting brand new effects, never seen
              in a demo before (or I hope so :)
              Great design, great scenario

        <|ps|> cool! :) so when was skytech born?

        <TuO> wellllllllllllll ... in 1994 I think. :) so loooooong ago...
              I feel old now :)

        <|ps|> tell us its story, who when why

        <TuO> well I created SkyTech with some friend in high school...
              Mainly a developer group of friends, nothing more...
              We planned to make some games... we never did :)

        <|ps|> hehe tell us some names

        <TuO> at the beginning of 1996 we started to make our first demo
              ever, and then decided to make only demos since mmmmmh ...
              it's more funny :) hum
              shodan joined as musician some days after creation of the
              group, dad, ze killer as coders. madmand as graphist. That was
              all at the time.

        <|ps|> and how is skytech doing nowdays?

        <TuO> Now there's more people since 98. Floyd, WillBe, FireFox,
              Frodon, Floyd, etc hey let me finish me sentences :))

        <|ps|> floyd joined twice? :P

        <TuO> arg =) sorry =)

        <|ps|> lets talk about you then, how old are you and what are you

        <TuO> well since 96 we made some demos, and then ... since July 98
              we are just idling :) I'm now 20 years old
              I'm still coder, I just found a job in a french company as
              game coder :)

        <|ps|> is it paying good?

        <TuO> well... for my age yeah it's paying good :)

        <|ps|> how did you first started coding?

        <TuO> errrrrrrrr... 6 years ago? I think so :)

        <|ps|> how? asm? c?

        <TuO> I first started with Turbo Pascal7, then ASM...
              in 97 I re-discovered the C langage, and I used watcom C 10.6.

        <|ps|> what was your first compiled program ever? :P you remember?

        <TuO> errrrrrrr don't remember =))

        <|ps|> cammon.. everyone remembers their first program!
               dont be shy.. :)

        <TuO> probably a "hello world" programm =)

        <|ps|> :) whats your favorite demo?

        <TuO> mmmmmmh actually State Of Mind / Bomb

        <|ps|> why?

        <TuO> so much fun, so much sound, so much rythm... that's a
              wonderful demo :)

        <|ps|> what are your favorite coders/gfx/musicians then?

        <TuO> coders : Skal
              GFX : mmmmmmh hard to say... flan, made?
              musicians : Reeeeeeeeez :)

        Session Close: Sat Jun 19 18:02:30 1999

        Session Start: Sat Jun 26 17:29:28 1999

        <|ps|> tell me what do you think about 3d-only demos

        <TuO> 3D only demos are mistakes. I'm now a professionnal 3D coder
              (using D3D, glide, ...) in a french company, but I think that
              3D is not the key of a great demo
              2D is a essential part

        <|ps|> so what do you think about design? what is your definition?

        <TuO> Design is now one of the most important thing in a demo...
              the technical part is now really common to all groups...
              The design is what expresses the demo
              (express? hum bad english today)
              design is the soul of demo :)
              (sounds better :)

        <|ps|> uuuuuuuhhhhhhh :) so whats the secret combination for
               design? whats the recipe?

        <TuO> hey, I'm not a designer, that's why my demos suck :) hum
              *I think* that to achieve a good design, there must be a
              strong harmony between music and graphisms

        <|ps|> you already told us that your favorite demo nowdays is
               state of mind, what about before tp8, what was your favorite

        *** melwyn has joined #demoj

        <TuO> hum will sound a bit nostalgic, or something like that but
              I would say : Second Reality :)

        <melwyn> which one is the real demojournal channel?

        <TuO> melwyn: this one is private for an interview

        <melwyn> oops, and i am interrupting your interview?

        <|ps|> hehe, i guess youll find out about it on next demojournal :P
               melwyn: TROUBLE MAKER!!!

        <TuO> hehe

        <melwyn> gosh. perhaps i'd better leave now.. [ed: perhaps :)]

        <|ps|> :) tuo: why do you think second reality was so well accepted?

        *** melwyn has left #demoj

        <TuO> probably because it was THE demo on PC at this time. This is
              the demo which gave me the will to make my own demos :)

        <|ps|> so, are you ready for demojournals top-quiz-show-contest? :)

        <TuO> hum well let's go :)

        <|ps|> 1. whats the flying capacity of an unladden swallow?

        <TuO> about pfffff 100 kilometers? :)

        <|ps|> 2. whats your favorite color?

        <TuO> blue... hu no red (chtong!) :)
              (that's blue the correct answer)

        <|ps|> 3. whats the population density of france?

        <TuO> hum 1 brain cell for 10 people? :)

        <|ps|> 4. whats the capital of madagascar?

        <TuO> mmmmh... joker :)

        <|ps|> 5. how much wood would a wood-chopper chop if a wood-chopper
               would chop wood?

        <TuO> mhhhhhhh at least...... mmh yeah at least maybe more

        <|ps|> i see i see :P so how is france as a place to live in?

        <TuO> that's a great place I think... found a job un 3 weeks =)

        <|ps|> you told us that already :) hehe :)

        <TuO> I know but I'm happy :)

        <|ps|> hehe, and tell us about french demoscene. how is it going? :)

        <TuO> well quite sleepy actually, but the LTP3 will be a must!

        <|ps|> ltp. whats that? ;)

        <TuO> ?? you don't know ltp? you lamer! :)

        <|ps|> i am giving you an oportunity to make advertise trying to get
               more people to come... :P

        <TuO> uh, I'm not the organizer but... let's say all on
              ltp.planet-d.net :) I have to go :) once again :p

        <|ps|> ack! just dump urls and email :)
               and say hi to friends... :) quick quick :)

        <TuO> yeah I say hello to Hulud, Shodan, Cyg, Darwin, Lea (kissssss),
              Smurfie, Kwa, Oxythan, Skal and all the others (they know who
              they are!)

        <|ps|> well.. thank you for your time :)

        <TuO> why url/mail : tuo@skytech.org - http://tuo.skytech.org
              simple =)
              bye :)

        Session Close: Sat Jun 26 17:57:13 1999

=====! demo !==================================================================

        Hypodermik by Creative Impact (party-version)
        Found at www.scene.org
        1st place at the Coma'99

        System requirements:
        (Warning: there are two versions, one for Pentium and one for PII!)
        Pentium 166 (PII 233 recommended)
        8 MB RAM (16 MB recommended), 4 MB HD
        Any Midas-supported soundcard
        VESA 2.0 LFB, 320*200*16bit

        The demo:
          This is the first demo of Creative Impact, so you can view it from
        two sides. Being negative, we can say there is almost nothing new in
        it. Blurred particles, TV-snow, free direction tunnels,
        texture-mapped floor & ceiling, little copies of the screen at the
        side ... all done a million times before (yawn). But on the other
        hand, there are some things in there that you wouldn't expect in a
        debut. Sharp real-time raytracing, f.e. (No blurring at all, albeit
        with few objects: a floor, a reflecting globe and one lightsource).
          Another part that surprised me was the bumpmapped "COMA", written
        in an apparently normal font, but then little blobs start to bounce
        and when they hit a letter, it breaks in even more bouncing blobs.
        This looks really cool. Further, the colors are OK and the tempo of
        the effect is pretty good, except at the 3D-world: an empty
        Doom/Quake lookalike with no objects and few different textures is
        not something to keep you interested for more than a few seconds.
          Other effects include a water-effect (the plasma way, not with
        filters), a hi-color rotozoom, a polar plasma etc.
          Graphics are nowhere found, no photoshop, no pixelized thingies.
        Just a few fonts and textures.

        The music:
          Only one tune, that is dominated by the percussion. Quite
        electronic, not much melody, and very repetitive. Luckily, it
        doesn't become boring too fast. There is almost no syncing to
        effects, just a slower part or a sudden break at some effects, after
        which the same theme catches on again. 

        Worth the download?
          Well, if you're looking demos only to be impressed, don't bother
        downloading it. This is one for the die-hard check-it-all-out
        sceners, or if you want to keep track of promising new groups. After
        all, its only 1.1 MB zipped. The main bad points are typical for
        starting groups: old effects and not much optimizing (a PII is a bit
        too much for this, IMHO). These things will improve with practice,
        and I hope their first place encourages them to continue. (Would be
        pretty stupid if it encourages them to stop, right :))

=====! intro !=================================================================

        [editor: dlee went off to germany and left us looking at the wall..
                 shame on him :P well.. ok, i dont feel like doing a review
                 myself either... sorry...]

=====! music !=================================================================

        Space funk (Beetle Bar Remix)
        Wayfinder / Kosmic
        from his homepage at kosmic.org
        Takeover99 place 13 in music competition

          There was quite a lot of releases in music competitions on
        Takeover, but because my Internet connection doesn't work now
        (only e-mail), I'll have to review Wayfinder's entry, which is
        a bit older song.
          It's a remix of his own funky song (as you have guessed), this
        time a bit more swing, originally made for Twinsen's Unreal TC.
        The song starts very good with nice percussion which doesn't annoy,
        with organ and with trumpet as the lead. The melody is good, but
        after while the song seems to me too repetitive, because there's no
        major change in the use of instruments. I think that the original
        version was better. Also when I compare this song to his older
        "Perlen des pops" or "A trip to planet Necros", I have to say that
        Wayfinder can do a lot better. So don't waste your time downloading
        this one if you aren't a real fan of wayfinder and get some better
        placed songs from Takeover.


        Busy life

          Again mp3 format, I don't like downloading that big files. This one
        starts as lullaby with guitar and hans crying as a baby. :) The song
        is very guiet in the beginning and with nice singing. The middle part
        of the song is louder and it reminds me a bit on Alanis Morissette.
        Then the song calms down again. Overall it is a nice tune which I
        recommend to all people who like Hunz's singing. He has also done
        interesting song in cooperation with norfair and entered remedy'99
        music competition - finished 6th (I would place it higher). Great 
        for people who liked more his older releases.


        Takeover music competition 

        1. check this out by jay & bassie of rbi music productions
        Quite fast tune, a lot of instruments, nice saxophone, good
        instrumentation. Quite good, but to say the truth, it didn't
        take me. Still, lot of people will like this one.

        2. "I Come In Peace" by Raptor of Revolution
        This one starts as a piano tune, as a dreamy song. Then comes
        the drumloop and shakuhachi or what. Later comes in the song
        bass and guitar and the song becomes harder. Instrumentation
        doesn't change till the end of tune too much. Because there
        isn't any too interesting idea in the lead, I don't find it
        too interesting.

        3. The saint Lips by Traven of Syndrome
        Interesting tune, it remembers me a bit on the soundtrack to
        Fulcrum. The song has similar atmosphere but it's different.
        I like this one and i recommend it.

        4. Sign of peace by Mentz of Tokyo Dawn Records
        What makes this song good is it's great atmosphere.
        The tune is full of drumloops, there isn't too many played
        instruments at one time but that makes it better. This one
        is my favourite and all I can say is don't miss this one.

        [editor: i think tryhuk does more reviews then i do downloads! :P]

=====! quote !=================================================================
        your intimidating my spontaneity. :P

=====! question !==============================================================

        > question of the week:
        > what are the top 3 demos of 96?

        orange: megablast
        cncd: inside
        coma: paimen

        vivid experiment!(DSD)
        (great design. machines of madness was boring 8bpp 3d only)
        (no comment)
        ninja 2(SCOOP&MELON) still ony
        (still one of my favourites;)
        all demos from pulse, especially the one I forgot the name of (it
        was not their gravity demo)

        napalm by substance of course :-)
        machines of madness/dubius
        [+ many others... 1996 was a good year (control, megablast, bomb...
        just to name a few)]

        1. inside (no doubt)
        2. mom   (hmm)
        3. whatever =)

        Sumea / VD
        Shaft7 / Bomb
        Goa / TBL
        teo . exceed

        orange: megablast
        orange: supertelevision
        orange: skennery 96 invitation
        melon design: ninja2
        cncd: inside
        halcyon: from my heart
        coma: agentti 42
        complex: rebel as perceived (they went skennery)
        complex: no garden
        + many other: it was a *very good* year.

        Almost too hard question but I'll try.
        1. CNCD: Inside
        2. TBL: Tint
        3. COMA: Paimen
        But demos like Super Television by Orange, Megablast by Orange,
        Into the Dark by Halcyon etc. could be also in the list.
        melwyn :: acid rain

        Dubius (trauma) demos !! :)
        (hey! i've just happear in DemoJournal, I'm famous now !:) .. hehehe
        Attack / WIJ [editor: :P you can tell your friends you are famous :)]

        Inside by CNCD
        Contrast by Oxygene
        Megablast by Orange
        ..but Halcyon's Into The Dark, Eufrosyne's Tone and
        Complex's Rebel? are pretty nice too
        Saffron / The Black Lotus

        and maybe Control/Coma... :)

        Top 3 from 1996? Hmm, the exams have seriously damaged my memory,
        but I remember Caero/Project Plant (not sure about the group), and
        Fashion/Logic Design, and ... hmmm ... hmmm was Genocyd from '96 ?
        Seven [editor: no, genocyd won wired97 i think :)]

?------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -  -
!====:] commercial break! [:===================================================
:---------------------------------------------------------------- -- -  -

=====! homepages !=============================================================

        Amber diskmag.......................http://amber.bti.pl/di_mag
 <*>    Bomb..................................http://bomb.planet-d.net
 <*>    BlaBla..............................http://blabla.planet-d.net
        Blacktron Music Production...........http://www.d-zign.com/bmp
        Comic Pirates.........................http://scene-central.com
        Digital Undergrounds.....................http://dug.iscool.net
 <*>    Demo fanclub........................http://jerware.org/fanclub
        Dreams2 CD.........................http://nl.scene.org/dreams2
 <*>    Exocet........................http://www.avaric.com/jff/exocet
        Fleur diskmag........................http://fleur.scene-hu.com
 <*>    HP........................................http://hp.pardey.org
        Hugi diskmag................http://home.pages.de/~hugidownload
        Hugi size-compo...............http://home.pages.de/~hugi-compo
 <*>    Just For Fun.........................http://www.avaric.com/jff
        Label zero.........................http://labelzero.pganet.com
        MAZ's Sound homepage.............http://www.th-zwickau.de/~maz
        Melcom (mirror)......................http://www.melcom.cjb.net
        Oranje Juice.........................http://ojuice.citeweb.net
        PC-demos explained.....http://www.oldskool.org/demos/explained
        Pixel (mirror)..........................http://fsk.home.ml.org
        Radical Rhythms.....http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/user/merrelli/rr
        Ruff Engine................http://members.xoom.com/ruff_engine
        Skytech team............................http://www.skytech.org
        The Black Lotus.............................http://www.tbl.org
        The Digital Artists Wired Nation.http://digitalartists.cjb.net
        The Lost Souls...............................http://www.tls.no
        Textmode Demo Archive.................http://tmda.planet-d.net
        Tokyo Dawn Records........................http://tdr.scene.org
        Total Disaster...................http://www.totaldisaster.w.pl
        Trajic (Hungarian scene)...............http://www.scene-hu.com
 <*>    T-Rex..................................http://www.t-rex.org.ru
        Zen of Tracking.........................http://surf.to/the-imm

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

        DC-1.............<new files listed>..........ftp://demo.cat.hu
        Pigforce.........<closing down>..........ftp://pigforce.ml.org
        Scene.org........<new files listed>........ftp://ftp.scene.org
        Skynet archive.................ftp://acid2.stack.nl/pub/skynet
        ACiD2 Archive.............................ftp://acid2.stack.nl

?------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -  -
!====:] articles [:============================================================
:---------------------------------------------------------------- -- -  -

    :.                + This is to be kept dry and cold +                  .:
    :. .      .sëüüüès.  $$$$üüüès.   .sëüüüès.  ès.   .sëüüüès.         . .:
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                          - a   t a n u l s   g ? -

                    [ 1999. 08. 20-22. P‚cs/Magyarorsz g ]

     [ introduction ]

     Hi! Hungary's biggest party! Featuring NSync! You can play Quake all the
     weekend! You can watch pornopics! You can come by fly! You can watch the
     fireworks! You can even win a BMW!

     NOT! So.......

     You're in luck. Antiq will be held. Same place. Same Time. FOR YOU!

     [ featuring ]

       þ place for 800 bodies (others stay out)
       þ the bigscreen burns your iris (8x5 metres)
       þ the bassdrum makes your stomache hurt (3000 Watt audio)
       þ nonstop partynetwork (ping timeout)
       þ you can go to the local shop to grow your body (it's there, 
         100 metres away)
       þ but you won't, we're gonna have a cofeeshop (inside the place)
       þ smells like thousand feet (sleeping rooms)
       þ or... you like sleeping alone? (college)
       þ you'll be able to buy an antiq tshirt (so you can prove you 
         were here)
       þ fishing is good - fishing is nice (swimming pool)
       þ security dudes. (they're gonna make you fall:)

     [ not featuring ]

       þ fireworks (who cares anyways)
       þ nsync show (to keep teengirlies away......  :)
       þ exclusive party-bus (hehe... of course... what else?!?!)
       þ free entry for every tenth visitor (it's for the one with number thousand!)
       þ free food (or maybe.... you'll see)
       þ finns (we won't let'em in :) just kidding)

     [ when and where ]

     You're in luck: opening: 1999.08.20 friday, 14.00h
     We're in luck: closing: 1999.08.22 sunday 11.00h

     Where?  Hungary, P‚cs, Nevelesi K”zpont, Ap czai Csere J nos K”rt‚r 1.
     tel: (+36) 72-441-907

     If you're going to come from abroad, contact one of the organizers 
     (see below) for further informations on approaching the partyplace.
     Method of approach:
     Main Railway Station -> get on da bus [No. 6 or 7] -> travel till you reach
     the terminus [you may try the buses 1, M55, 60 as well]
     if you come by car -> use a map, dude [or ask a cop]

     [ About da place]

     level0 - da great hall, filled with tables&chairz. place yer computer here.
              this'll be the lair of da quakers and c=-freaks, too... the 
              hall'll be equipped with buffet and 2 sleeping rooms.
     level1 - da hall of compos. some computers may be placed here as well, but
              only if you don't bring your sounboomers along. there'll be a
              machine-free zone, full of ping-pong tables and ashtrays.

     NO SMOKING IS ALLOWED in the compo hall! fools who damage the place [taggin,
     krushin, killin, etc] must compensate in cash ON THE SPOT! [if not, then
     we'll have to do it -> no prizes]

     theft&robbery section: bring your valuables on your own responsibility!
     [there'll be a secured room to protect your treasure]

     [ lodging ]

     there's a dorm in the vicinity, but you have to bokk da roomz 4 yourselves.
     just contact the ANK Dormitory: (+36) 72/450-344 [at least 2 weekz before
     the party!]

     [ entrance fee ]

       þ 1000 HUF for 3 days.
       þ free for girls.
       þ cheaper tickets for friday/sunday only.
       þ voting is only allowed with a 3 day ticket.

     [ competitions and requirements ]

     þ PC demo  [DOS/Windows/Linux]

            - maximum size : 16 MB.
            - showing time: 10 minutes
            - VESA VBE modes are allowed.
            - maximum resolution: 800x600
            - you CAN use hardware rendering, but it has to run on 
              the compomachine. (considering that we'll have a RivaTNT, you 
              shouldn't use glide :)
            - Under windows, you can use the surround capabilities 
              of the sblive.
            - usage of the MMX instruction set is allowed.
            - Must be exitable anytime by pressing ESC!
     þ Amiga Demo

            - Maximum lenght: 16 MB
            - We'll show the demo on the projector for max. 10 minutes
            - Must be exitable anytime by pressing ESC!

     þ 64kb intro (Amiga + PC [DOS/Windows/Linux])

            - Maximum lenght: 64Kb
            - We'll show the intro on the projector for max. 7 minutes
            - VESA VBE modes are allowed.
            - usage of the MMX instruction set is allowed.
            - Must be exitable anytime by pressing ESC!

     þ 4kb intro (Amiga + PC [DOS/Windows/Linux])

            - Maximum lenght: 4096 byte
            - We'll show the intro on the projector for max. 5 minutes
            - VESA VBE modes are allowed.
            - if there's music it has to go on GUS, and the intro can't
              use the Gravis patches
            - usage of the MMX instruction set is allowed.
            - Must be exitable anytime by pressing ESC!

     þ C64 demo:

            - Maximum lenght: 2 side
            - We'll show the demo on the projector for max. 10 minutes

     þ C64 gfx:

            - An entirely self-made picture
            - You must give it to us in executable condition
            - Demonstration on a C64.

     þ C64 music:

            - We'll play the music for max. 4 minutes
            - full digi, and reflextracker modules are not allowed!
            - You must give it to us in executable form
            - Demonstration on a C64.

     þ Truecolor Gfx (Amiga + PC)

            - max. 640x480 24bit truecolor or paletted picture, higher
              resolutions will be reconverted!
              (ofcoz the original picture will be distributed!)
            - Only entirely self-made pictures will be accepted
            - Scanned, ripped pictures will be disqualified
            - alloed formats: GIF, PCX, TIF, TGA, JPG
            - Presentation on PC or AMIGA wether you like

     þ Handmade Gfx (Amiga + PC)

            - max. 640x480 8bit 256color or paletted picture, higher
              resolutions will be reconverted!
              (ofcoz the original picture will be distributed!)
            - Only 'drawed', entirely self-made pictures will be accepted
            - Scanned, ripped pictures will be disqualified
            - alloed formats: GIF, PCX, LBM
            - Presentation on PC or AMIGA wether you like

     þ ANSI gfx

            - max 200. lines
            - presentation on ACiDview, with 33600 bps speed

     þ Raytrace (Amiga + PC):

            - max. 640x480 truecolor or paletted picture, higher
              resolutions will be reconverted!
              (ofcoz the original picture will be distributed!)
            - ONLY self-made pictures and objects will be accepted!
            - Pictures in common formats will be accepted
            - Presentation on PC or AMIGA wether you like

     þ 4 channel muzax (Amiga + PC):

            - Max. length: 1024 Kbyte
            - We'll play the music for max. 4 minutes
            - Formats: MOD only!
            - Demonstration: under Windows, with XMplayer!
            - Midi is not allowed!

     þ Multi channel muzax:

            - Max. length: 1024 KByte
            - We'll play the music for max. 4 minutes
            - Formats: MOD, S3M, XM, IT
            - Demonstration: under Windows, with XMplayer!
            - Midi's are not allowed!

     þ Beethoven compo:

            - You'll have 10 minutes for choosing the instruments, then
              you'll have to write your music by being deaf in 30 minutes!
            - Trackers you can choose: ST3.21, FT2.07, IT2.14.

     þ Fun demo compo:

            - Enter on any type of computers (we mean C64, Amiga, PC, or on
              what you have by you!)
            - The most important things are jokes, funny ideas, almost
              everything could be done - but too unassuming demos will be
            - If it's on PC, make it for GUS please! (If it's possible)

     þ Quake compo

            - Quake1,2,3 ffa, f2f, teamplay, stb.
            - detailed info: http://quake.pganet.com/antiq

     þ Webpage design (original antiq compo)

             - it can be about anything, the design that matters!
             - the author will show the page to the audience
             - Webserver: Linux + Apache [can be reached from the local network]

     þ Animation compo (original antiq compo)

             - we expect cool render-anims and/or videoclipp-like art
             - if it's not in VHS, it should run on the compomachine
             - recommended formats: AVI, MOV, MPG, VideoCD
             - we allow VHS videocasettes

     þ PC 1k compo: (Original AntIQ compo)

             - Intro, game or a joke too, but it has to be max. 1024 byte.
             - usage of the MMX instruction set is allowed.
             - VESA VBE modes are allowed.

     þ Basketball compo (original antiq compo)

             - four members/team, indoor, streetball rules apply

     þ Fun compo

            - All the silly things they don't fit into other compos,
              included out door compos, with valuable prizes.

  [ compomachines ]

  PC: Intel Pentium Celeron 300A [overclocked to 450]
      128 MB SDRAM
      Diamond Viper V550 [RivaTNT]
      Gravis Ultrasound Classic 1MB RAM [rev 3.74]
      Creative SoundBlaster Live!
        þ MS DOS 6.22
        þ Windows 98 SE
        þ Red Hat Linux 6.0

  Amiga: A1200, Blizzard 040/40, 2+32 MB RAM, PPC card

  C-64: C64/II (new sid), 1514/II, Action Replay MK7

  [ entering the competitions ]

  We're gonna have a server, where you can upload your contributions to,
  using any ftp client. Of course, we'll allow you to bring it on disks/hdd,
  but please, prefer the network for delivering your stuff, especially if
  you have several small ones. Important: deadlines _ARE_ deadlines!!

  You can enter as much stuff as you want, to any compo, except the music compos,
  where only ONE music per musician is allowed! Music and graphics contributions
  will be preselected by a local jury, and only ten will pass. Every stuff
  has to include a FILE_ID.DIZ, containing:
	þ released at antiq'99, competition XY
	þ if it's a demo/intro: title and group
	þ anything else: title and name/group	

  If your production (especially demo/intro) needs any special environment
  (fe: UNIVBE, EMS, 3d hardware, etc), then don't forget to include a text
  file "!README" in the distribution package. (fontos means important in Hungarian)

  [ internet ]

  There will be internet connection available at the partyplace, so bring
  your network card with you. If you so much as touch the koax cables,
  we'll rip your heart out, and throw it to the dogs. Same applies if you
  try to insert your own network cable.

  [ voting ]

  You can cast your vote on our dedicated www voting-page, using either your
  own machine, or the 2-3 public terminals that we will provide. You can
  obtain further information after the competitions.

  [ prizes ]

  If you're in luck, we will have cash and hw, otherwise we won't :)

  [ contact ]

   e-mail:   antiq@scene-hu.com
      web:   http://antiq.scene-hu.com
    phone:   +36-72-444629 (Aubert G bor)
             +36-72-446709 (Gy”rk”s Bal zs)
   @-mail:   Gy”rk”s Bal zs
             H-7632 P‚cs
             Mal‚ter P l u. 76


                                             - da antiq organizing team -

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

THIS GUY SUXX                                                Sun, 27 Jun 1999

I am unhappy, very unhappy ...
I have found this page today http://omnigear.net/.
These guys used the modplug and I have heard my song
"Another World" (online). This song is from my CD
'Dark Trooper Symphony 4'. I have also released the
song in Impulse Tracker format on Mar 07 1999.

I have downloaded the song and I thought I must die.

----- comments start
Another World
by Kyle Krause
This song was created as
the main theme for the
website Omnigear.net,
and is modeled after the
music from the game,
----- comments end

All of my best friends know: "THiS song is by ME"!!!
(mysterium, rave-o-tek, akerheden, wayfinder, roncli, all
my friends of nebula/tis, etc etc etc ....)

PS: you can find my original version on:
    www.melcom.cjb.net - www.scene.de/melcom/ - www.mp3.com/melcom/
    www.traxinspace.com - www.modarchive.com/artists/melcom/

here is the fake : http://omnigear.net/files/world.itz (original site)
                   (from my site)
here is his email: firehawk@omnigear.net

Special thanks to: Maz-Sound, Trax in Space, Hugi, Coders.ger,
                   ModPlug Central, Scene-Central and DemoJournal for posting
                   an article.

I would like also to thank all my friends, they wrote him a message in his

Thanks for reading.
Regards, melcom

?------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -  -
!====:] end [:=================================================================
:---------------------------------------------------------------- -- -  -

        Download site#1....ftp://demo.cat.hu/scene/DiskMag/DemoJournal
        Download site#2.........ftp://ftp.foxfiber.net/pub/demojournal
        Download site#3.ftp://amber.bti.pl/pub/scene/mags/demo_journal
        Download site#4.......ftp://ftp.scene.org/pub/mags/demojournal


        Subscribe......Topic: subscribe.............<ec97104@fe.up.pt>
        Unsubscribe....Topic: unsubscribe...........<ec97104@fe.up.pt>

        Editor.........Psychic Symphony.............<ec97104@fe.up.pt>