¦ ________\__________| ._____ ________ _ _ \ ._ \ ._ /|____| / \ / // / ./ |/ / |/ _/_| \. \/ \. |________/_______\__| \_/____|_________| _|____| | ____(_| ________ ______| _______ ______ _____ ______. _ _ ___\_ | \ / ____\ |___\_ /_____.\ /__\_ \\ | \ \\ \ \ | \/ \.\ / | _/ /. |/ \ _/ | | /________|_________|__________| \_____|___|\______/__\_____|_____| | |____| ¦ | : : . ?------------------------------------------------------------------- -- - - !====:] #48 [:=========================================:] 17 jul 1999 [:======= :---------------------------------------------------------------- -- - - editorial demonews party on! weekly interview - demo - intro - YEAH BABY!! music - quote - question - commercial break homepages articles end subscribers 257 - ?------------------------------------------------------------------- -- - - !====:] editorial [:=========================================================== :---------------------------------------------------------------- -- - - Hei all! It's saturday morning. I should be sleeping but i had this nice exam at 9am (which i flunked for sure btw) and so i do little demojournal which seems to be the only thing i still can do properly these days... In 15 days it will all be over! Hopefully!!! Talking about which, i'll be leaving for my summer breaks around the 4th august so its going to be a little harder to do demojournal and release it :P Do check out demo.cat.hu and ftp.scene.org from time to time.. ill try to release one right before i leave then 1 when im staying in hungary and then hopefully 2 more live from antiq and ltp. ps ?------------------------------------------------------------------- -- - - !====:] demonews [:============================================================ :---------------------------------------------------------------- -- - - "Better late than never: Totem issue 1, the chartsmag by JFF, has just been released...It covers the usual demo charts plus some special ones (best food, best boys band...) You can download it (200 kb) at: http://jff.planet-d.net/exocet" news: (szum/cryogen) - TeHaCe joined IPL - NOiR is making demo for Gravity! ?------------------------------------------------------------------- -- - - !====:] party on! [:=========================================================== :---------------------------------------------------------------- -- - - starts !=! ends !===! location !===! name !=========! contact !================ Jul 02 - Jul 04, 1999 Hungary Jumper 2000-1 http://jumper.scene-hu.com Jul 02 - Jul 04, 1999 France VIP '99 http://popsyteam.rtel.fr/VIP/ Jul 03 - Jul 04, 1999 Russia Chaos Const. 999 http://cc999.da.ru Jul 09 - Jul 11, 1999 Belgium Inscene '99 http://www.analogica.com/inscene Jul 09 - Jul 10, 1999 UK Dejavu '99 http://www.dejavu.org.uk Jul 09 - Jul 11, 1999 Swiss Buenzli#8 http://swiss.scene.org/buenzli Jul 16 - Jul 18, 1999 Finland Plutonium 2 http://www.sci.fi/~flo/plutonium/ =========! present time !====================================================== Jul 21 - Jul 24, 1999 Denmark Summer Enc. '99 http://summer.encounter.dk Jul 22 - Jul 24, 1999 Spain Euskal 7 http://www.euskalparty.org Aug 06 - Aug 08, 1999 Finland Assembly '99 http://www.assembly.org Aug 08 1999 Romania Reunion '99 Aug 20 - Aug 22, 1999 Hungary AntIQ'99 http://antiq.scene-hu.com Aug 20 - Aug 22, 1999 Germany Evoke '99 http://kaoz.org/evoke/99/ Aug 21 - Aug 22, 1999 Czech Rep Fiasko '99 http://vyhen.site.cz/fiasko99/ Aug 21 - Aug 24, 1999 France Slach 2 http://www.mygale.org/~myke666 Aug 27 - Aug 29, 1999 France LTP 3 http://ltp.planet-d.net Aug 27 - Aug 29, 1999 Poland Gravity#4 http://www.anadune.optimus.wroc.pl/gravity Sep 03 - Sep 05, 1999 France RTS Party 2000-1 http://RTS-PartY.imag.fr Sep 05 - Sep 07, 1999 Sweden The Demoparty '99 http://www.demoparty.com Sep 16 - Sep 18, 1999 Hungary Rage-Scenest '99 http://scenest.scene-hu.com Sep 30 - Oct 03, 1999 Norway distance '99 http://www.neutralzone.org/distance/ Sep ?? - Sep ??, 1999 France Central party '99 http://www.chez.com/centralparty/ Oct 01 - Oct 03, 1999 Germany Dialogos '99 http://www.dialogos.cc Nov 04 - Nov 07, 1999 Sweden Dreamhack '99 http://www.dreamhack.org Nov 05 - Nov 07, 1999 Hungary Conference 3000 Nov ?? - Nov ??, 1999 Germany Cologne Conf. '99 http://www.academicus.de/cc98 ??? ?? - ??? ??, 1999 YugoslaviaScene Strike 4 May 26 - May 28, 2000 Germany Radwar Party 2000 http://www.radwar.com ??? ?? - ??? ??, 2000 USA Bang! 2000 www.scene.org/bang!/ ?------------------------------------------------------------------- -- - - !====:] weekly [:============================================================== :---------------------------------------------------------------- -- - - This week! I have been mostly eating... exams =====! interview !============================================================= Session Start: Thu Jul 08 21:43:07 1999 *** rezTPOLM has joined #demojournal hello hello ! <|ps|> hello! :) <|ps|> so who are you? =) * rezTPOLM is Christophe Résigné, musician in Eclipse and TPOLM demogroups, active in scene since 1993... etc... etc... <|ps|> :) hehe :) so what is it so appealing about bubble bobble? :) ... :) because it's the best game ever made ! :) in fact all the oldschool design of all that old arcade game <|ps|> whats your favorite level? :) haha... the 13 <|ps|> why? because there is a big heart in it <|ps|> =) so you are in the scene since 93. how did you discover it? i have discover the demoscene in 1991 with the Enigma demo by Phenomena (Amiga) on a computer store <|ps|> how did you managed to get in touch with the rest of the people? :) in june 1993, i had watched a cool intro from a new crew called 'Agoa', their first intro... during the scrolltext, they mentioned their adress for joining, i have write... and join ! <|ps|> sounds easy :) what happened after that? :) i have join Agoa during june 1993, two months after i meet the whole Agoa crew during the Saturne Party 1 !! my first demo party <|ps|> how was it? good? bad? goooooooooooooooooooooooood ! <|ps|> hehe =) like all old parties only REAL sceners <|ps|> you think new parties are not so good? there is too many gamers and non-demoscene people <|ps|> what about the quality of the productions, do you think 4ch music 8bit pixels are better then the new stuff? sound quality is better, but i think musicians don't take the time to search melody except some of course :) <|ps|> what is it about chip tunes that is so appealing? yeeeeeeeeeeeeep, i'm a GREAT chiptune fan ! <|ps|> but why? :) what makes the diference between chips and normal music? samples of courses they must be... chip the music must have some arppegios effects :) in fact, the chiptune -in my opinion- must sound like old c64 or atari synthetic song i think you will see if a musician was good if he do good music without real samples <|ps|> ok, now i must ask you, what were you thinking of when you created tchernobyl flowers? :P ha... héhé :) i was thinking about doing the most apocalyptic song ever made ! :) <|ps|> :P more seriously now.. how do you find inspiration for your songs? :) mmm... i want to do a completely different thing for each music i do. i don't like doing twice the same thing i search original thing, never do again it's hard :) <|ps|> how do you do it? how much time does it take to do one song? hmmm.... per example : jimi goes to katmandu => 6 months per example : afterbirth (my last music) => two days :) <|ps|> hehe :) depending on inspiration <|ps|> so in what groups are you nowdays? what are you planning? :) i'm alway in Eclipse, my old PC group, but we aren't so active on demoscene, we do some little commercial games and i'm also in the big family of The Planet Of Leather Moomins Session Close: Thu Jul 08 22:35:53 1999 Session Start: Fri Jul 09 22:56:49 1999 <|ps|> so what are your near future plans? finish my military obligation ! =D more seriously, we planed to do a TPOLM demo for Assembly 99 <|ps|> when is that due? how is the tpolm demo going then? or is it top-secret? ahem, 18 days :) héhé, top-secret :) i have also to do some chiptunes for a chiptune-disk for a new musician group dedicated to chiptune <|ps|> damn! :) what about the rumours of a tpolm line of champoos? can you confirm? :) yes line of perfumated shampoos <|ps|> will there be one for oily hairs too? :P yes with magic mushroom inside (c) have an happy shower with TPOLM (tm) <|ps|> cool!!! tell us some more about that chiptune group who is on that musicdisk project? the chiptune group is called Digisonix <|ps|> uuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhhhhh who are the members? members are Loonie, Radix, Key-G, Gusse, Hunz and me <|ps|> when do you plan to release the 1st musicdisk then? in a near future <|ps|> :P how near? in fact i'm the last <|ps|> lazy rez? :) or busy with army rez? because of military obligation i havn't any time to do new music :) <|ps|> :( so your off in 16 days! what is the first act of freedom your going to do? swim naked on a river? buy big synthesizer ! =) <|ps|> :P what is the greatest dificulty of composing music? find samples !! samples are 80% of work, except for chiptune of course <|ps|> how did you first started tracking? with random notes ! =) i have done my first .mod on my amiga 500 with soundtracker 1.0 during 1991 year done especially for a self made demo with the famous 'demo construction set' software :)) <|ps|> what happened to that demo and the song? do you still have them around? :) lost since a century :) i have the song if you want <|ps|> give me! i want to feel less bad about my first experiments as a tracker i hope its bad :P what advices do you give to people who just started tracking? to listen lots of oldschool module to understand & learn effects and tracking technique <|ps|> seems like a good advice :) what do you plan to do on real life when you end with army? to find a job :) i don't want to have probs with $ i will try to do an album too <|ps|> what kind of music do you listen to? psychedelic goa trance (wow) jizz like music if you prefer <|ps|> what are your favorite coder,tracker, gfxian? argh hard choice damn <|ps|> :) think think think ;) coder: skal gfxman: thorsten, made, ra... tracker: hmmm... lots of ! rob hubbard, mad max, julius, laxity (the twice), moby, radix, loonie, dune, md, croaker, lluvia, kenët... and tons of others ! <|ps|> and now even more dificult question, why? hahaha :) because i love them :) <|ps|> what is the best memory you have of demoparties? hmmm... when i have won ltp2 music compo with a 10k chiptune :) Session Close: Sat Jul 10 00:17:13 1999 Session Start: Sat Jul 10 22:50:06 1999 <|ps|> are you ready for demojournal's top-quizshow-contest? yep yep :) you can start <|ps|> 1, whats your favorite color? blue <|ps|> 2. whats the capital of madagascar? antananarivo <|ps|> 3. if you could only take 3 things with you to a deserted island what would you take? 1 -> natalie portman 2 -> a cd player 3 -> my computer :) <|ps|> 4. have you ever practised cordless bungee jumping? yes, over my bed <|ps|> 5. whats the diference betweeen a quaker and a scener? only one have a brain <|ps|> which one is it? choose yourself ;) <|ps|> :P whats your favorite demo? friday at 8th by Polka Brothers (amiga ecs) <|ps|> why? the music kick ass, all effects are really original, music & effects are synchro... it rocks ! Arte by Sanity is really cool too <|ps|> do you think scene is dying? no lots of news groups and cool demos but pc scene has nothing to do with old amiga & atari scene <|ps|> why not? :) because there are lots of good groups and cool demos :) <|ps|> which scene? the amiga/atari or pc? :P pc of course, amiga and atari are dead (rest in peace) pc scene and c64 scene too :) <|ps|> what do you think about 3d worlds? :) 3d worlds with design are cool in fact, all is cool with design but, yes, i'm a little bit bored by 3d only demos:) <|ps|> what is your definition of design? héhé watch melon dezign, tpolm, purple & blasphemy for my definition of design :) demos of course <|ps|> nice answer :) well.. i dont know whatelse to ask! :) whats your homepage and email? * rezTPOLM http://reeeeez.citeweb.net +oO(^_^)Oo+ * rezTPOLM rez@tpolm.com * rezTPOLM ======> http://chiptune.planet-d.net <======+ <|ps|> =) wanna say hi to any friends before i unplug this? :) hello to all my friend from eclipse, tpolm, purple, digisonix, ex-pulse (france & poland), bomb, halcyon, blasphemy, orange juice and all i forgot... (please watch the greetings list on my homepage) <|ps|> well.. thank you for your time :) can i have bubble now? :) ² ²²² ²²²²°°°°° ²²°°°°°°° °°°°ÛÛ°Û° ²²²°°°ÛÛ ° Û ²°°°°ÛÛ ° Û °°²²ÛÛ ° Û° ²²°²²²ÛÛ ° Û² ²°° ²°ÛÛ°Û°° ±±±° Û ±±±±±°°°°°°° ±±±°°°ÛÛÛÛ ²°°°°°±±ÛÛÛÛ ²°°°°°±±±±ÛÛÛ °°°°°°±±±±ÛÛÛ±± <|ps|> ok, thx for your time :) cya around :) cyaaaaaa ! Session Close: Sat Jul 10 23:52:26 1999 =====! demo !================================================================== Changes by Fool (party-version) Found at http://popsyteam.rtel.fr/VIP 1st place at the VIP'99 System requirements: 2.6 MB HD, Vesa2, Midas-compatible soundcard. Nothing mentioned about CPU or RAM... The demo: OK, finally found the VIP-winner (thanks to the results in the previous DJ :)). And it's well worth to search for it! This one is really good. It has not much 3D, the main emphasis is on 2D effects. There are always 2 or more shown at the same time, not always just layered over each other, but sometimes one effect fills the black areas of the other. Tunnels, plasmas, rays of light... not new but never boring, due to the combinations, the fast changes and the colors. The entire demo is very colorful, really pleasing the eye. The background pictures are OK, lots of photoshopped ethnic symbols (Chinese characters, African and new-age symbols), and also lots of pictures of eyes. The foreground pictures are the traditional girls, but I've seen better ones. They have large areas filled with the same color, which makes them seem a bit flat. The 3D is limited to standalone objects, of which I like the "lots of blocks forming a tunnel" the best. The music: You can find a lot of different styles in there. Ethnic vocals, techno-beats and more peaceful, melodic parts, all nicely combined in one tune. It makes it a bit difficult to describe (lousy excuse for being lazy today). Of course everything is fully synchronized: main parts follow melodic themes, and objects and white flashes change to the beat. Worth the download? Yes, you should have it already! As the second production of a 3-men group, this is outstanding. Just one minor bad point: there seems to be a message in the demo (ethnic vocals & symbols, the slogans "change yourself", "change your destiny", "it's just another step of your evolution"), but it doesn't really come across. It gets a bit lost in the nice effects, or maybe I'm just to dumb to understand it. I'm sure YOU will get it :) Seven =====! intro !================================================================= *strike 2* :P =====! music !================================================================= August Nights Stereoman noise.org 1996 This one is the 2nd song by stereoman I did get. Ambient flutes, nice bassline, typically very good percussion and saxophone in two minute loop. The music makes you fall to sleep, and you can be sure that you'll not interrupt this one. When I did get this song I've listened to it aprox 30 minutes nonstop (while coding) and I've stopped it only because my prog has crashed. It is one of a few melodic tunes by him and you should have it. -------------------------- Swift Exposure Vivid & Assign kosmic.org 1997 Absolutely great track. It's name perfectly reflects the songs. It has some of the typical signs of Vivid, but Assign gives to the song more interesting sound. The song runs at 3/6 (132bpm) speed, it has a great bassline and high number of the main instruments makes it interesting. It's definitely one of the best releases from kosmic. Dalezy of level-d has made a remix of this tune and he did a great job. The most noticable change is in the tempo which gives a completely different feeling to the tune. Get both versions! -------------------------- Once upon the time Loonie groovy compo 4 winner 1997 This is one of my favourite songs from Groovy compo. Loonie is once again proving that he's the top tracker and makes great leads. This tune has really groovy feeling made by great bassline and drums, the leads are made of more instruments which are fading over and the melody is changing all the song. Only the main piano part remains. Get this one because it's really one of the top songs. tryhuk =====! quote !================================================================= what? your really coming to hungary? i though you were joking! [editor: im going alright! :)] =====! question !============================================================== > yeah, fast tracker 2000, impulsetracker 3.. buzz.. X3.. > and also what happened to the wonderful MOKA tracker > (moka = moby+karl) > >can anyone help us on this? :) moka is dead with nooon - gandalf I'd say it has to be because there isn't one tracker that has completely controlled things that is in development. i.e., Impulse Tracker was developed, and was the main tracker, thus no one else developed anything, because it was already being done. Now we don't really have a major, used-by-lots-of-people tracker that is still being majorly modified. So, there's an opening and a reason for people to develop a tracker. It just happens that a lot of people got the urge this time around, and that none has really captured the scene's imagination. 'course, thinking back, with KingMod, Protracker, and all those other nameless modtrackers that I have long forgotten and most that I haven't used, perhaps the question is why so few were developed a couple of years back, rather than why so many are being developed now. - Clay Busker it3: commercial => sucks buzz: sucks ... conclusion: give me a tracker which is as usable as ft2 and I might consider trying another tracker. And I think, most people who still use ft2 although IT might be better agree with me... i think one features that a kickass tracker needs is the possibility to replace the player, the loader and the sound card drivers with any self-coded libraries (e.g. for trying customized fx, etc) And as some other ppl have already pointed out, a replacable GUI would also be useful. So in the end everything has to be flexible. solution: CODE YOUR OWN TRACKER! - bam!eVolve perhaps its because of the gradual splitting of the music and demoscenes, and musician-coders arent as interested in demos? anyway, there have always been lots of music players and trackers, its just that only a few get accepted in the end. - mosh.forsaken Hmm, i always wondered, hope Moby isnt THAT Moby, or is he? - Quartz [editor: i wonder too... i guess no since moby/nooon is from france and THAT moby is from the uk. i think.] ?------------------------------------------------------------------- -- - - !====:] commercial break! [:=================================================== :---------------------------------------------------------------- -- - - =====! homepages !============================================================= Aisth.....................................http://www.aisth.com Amber diskmag.......................http://amber.bti.pl/di_mag Amnesia...............http://amnesia-dist.future.easyspace.com Anakata..............................http://www.anakata.art.pl Arf!Studios..........................http://www.arfstudios.org Astral..............................http://astral.scene-hu.com Astroidea........................http://astroidea.scene-hu.com AtomiK..............................http://www.extra.hu/atomik Bomb..................................http://bomb.planet-d.net BlaBla..............................http://blabla.planet-d.net Blacktron Music Production...........http://www.d-zign.com/bmp Blasphemy..............................http://www.blasphemy.dk Byterapers.....................http://www.byterapers.scene.org Carlos..............................http://www.nexus.hu/carlos Calodox............................http://calodox.planet-d.net Chrome..............................http://chrome.scene-hu.com #coders..................................http://coderz.cjb.net Comic Pirates.........................http://scene-central.com Dave.............................http://www.come.to/davecorner DaVinci.................................http://davinci.ice.org Digital Undergrounds.....................http://dug.iscool.net Demo fanclub........................http://jerware.org/fanclub Demojournal....................http://demojournal.planet-d.net Dreams2 CD.........................http://nl.scene.org/dreams2 Echo................................http://www.kki.net.pl/echo Exceed...........................http://www.inf.bme.hu/~exceed Exocet........................http://www.avaric.com/jff/exocet Flan.............................http://www.error-404.com/flan Fleur diskmag........................http://fleur.scene-hu.com Freax...................http://freax.scene-hu.com/mainmenu.htm Gardner................................http://www.gardner.z.pl GfxZone.................................http://www.gfxzone.org GODS...................................http://www.idf.net/gods Grabule........................http://members.xoom.com/grabule Green.....................................http://green.dyns.cx Grif........................http://arrabonet.gyor.hu/~rattgrif Haujobb.....................................http://haujobb.org Hellcore............................http://www.hellcore.art.pl Heroin...................................http://www.heroin.net HP........................................http://hp.pardey.org Hugi diskmag................http://home.pages.de/~hugidownload Hugi size-compo...............http://home.pages.de/~hugi-compo Immortals..............................http://imrt.home.ml.org Infuse...................................http://www.infuse.org Jimsendu............................http://home.sol.no/ojakobs Jupiter....................http://members.xoom.com/JupiterCode Just For Fun.........................http://www.avaric.com/jff Koma...............................http://www.hut.fi/~vrantane Label zero.........................http://labelzero.pganet.com Leviathan....................http://www.ews.uiuc.edu/~ajcarlso Los........................http://www.angelfire.com/in/miku305 Milk.......................................http://milk.sgic.fi MAZ's Sound homepage.............http://www.th-zwickau.de/~maz Mandula.........................http://www.inf.bme.hu/~mandula Melcom.....................http://www.center-nebula.com/melcom Melcom (mirror)......................http://www.melcom.cjb.net Mephisto.............................http://www.chez.com/shiva Mono211.................................http://www.mono211.com Nico....................................http://geecs.org/~nico Noise................................http://www.noisemusic.org Nogsf..............................http://www.saers.com/~nogsf Oranje Juice.........................http://ojuice.citeweb.net Pain............................http://www.space.ch/scene/pain PC-demos explained.....http://www.oldskool.org/demos/explained Pixel...................................http://pixel.scene.org Pixel (mirror)..........................http://fsk.home.ml.org Pow.................................http://home.sol.no/~tskara Quad........................................http://www.quad.nl Radical Rhythms.....http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/user/merrelli/rr Rage........................................http://www.rage.nu Replay.......................http://www.shine.scene.org/replay Rez.................................http://reeeeez.citeweb.net Rhyme................................http://rhyme.scene-hu.com Rod.................................http://www.inf.bme.hu/~rod Ruff Engine................http://members.xoom.com/ruff_engine Scenet.........................http://www.hackerland.de/scenet Scorpik............................http://scorpik.planet-d.net Shodan...............................http://shodan.skytech.org Skal..................................http://skal.planet-d.net Skytech team............................http://www.skytech.org Spell.........................http://www.ThePentagon.com/Spell Splif..............................http://splif.aegis-corp.org Suspend......................http://www.optimus.wroc.pl/rappid TakeOver................................http://www.takeover.nl Tehdas...................................http://come.to/tehdas Tesko..........................http://www.scentral.demon.co.uk The Black Lotus.............................http://www.tbl.org The Digital Artists Wired Nation.http://digitalartists.cjb.net Theralite...........................http://theralite.avalon.hr TheREW..............................http://home.wxs.nl/~therew The Lost Souls...............................http://www.tls.no Textmode Demo Archive.................http://tmda.planet-d.net Tokyo Dawn Records........................http://tdr.scene.org Total Disaster...................http://www.totaldisaster.w.pl TPOLM.....................................http://www.tpolm.com Trajic (Hungarian scene)...............http://www.scene-hu.com Trauma.................................http://sauna.net/trauma Traven..............................http://traven.planet-d.net Trebel...................................http://www.trebel.org T-Rex..................................http://www.t-rex.org.ru TS................................http://www2.hawaii.edu/~myee TUHB.......................................http://www.tuhb.org Tuo.....................................http://tuo.skytech.org U3da........................http://users.cybercity.dk/~bcc5877 UltraBeat.........................http://www.innerverse.com/ub Universe.......................http://www.ucl.ru/prog/universe Vivid.........................http://www.klangstabil.com/vivid Wain.............http://zevs.ifi.ntnu.no/~frankwer/gfx/gfx.htm Willbe...................................http://willbe.cjb.net Zen of Tracking.........................http://surf.to/the-imm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Amber.......................................ftp://amber.bti.pl Cyberbox.....................................ftp://cyberbox.de DC-1.......................ftp://demo.cat.hu Pigforce...................ftp://pigforce.ml.org Scene.org................ftp://ftp.scene.org Skynet archive.................ftp://acid2.stack.nl/pub/skynet ACiD2 Archive.............................ftp://acid2.stack.nl ?------------------------------------------------------------------- -- - - !====:] articles [:============================================================ :---------------------------------------------------------------- -- - - ?------------------------------------------------------------------- -- - - !====:] end [:================================================================= :---------------------------------------------------------------- -- - - Download site#1....ftp://demo.cat.hu/scene/DiskMag/DemoJournal Download site#2.........ftp://ftp.foxfiber.net/pub/demojournal Download site#3.ftp://amber.bti.pl/pub/scene/mags/demo_journal Download site#4.......ftp://ftp.scene.org/pub/mags/demojournal Homepage.......................http://demojournal.planet-d.net Webmaster......Receptor..................<_receptor@yahoo.com> Demo-reviewer..Seven....... Intro-reviewer.D-lee................... Music-reviewer.Tryhuk............. Subscribe......Topic: subscribe............. Unsubscribe....Topic: unsubscribe........... Editor.........Psychic Symphony.............