 ________\__________|    ._____  ________  _  _
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|________/_______\__|   \_/____|_________|
                   _|____|               |
              ____(_| ________     ______|   _______      ______  _____ ______.
     _  _  ___\_    | \      / ____\     |___\_    /_____.\    /__\_   \\     |
      \ \\ \    \   |  \/    \.\   /     |   _/   /.     |/    \  _/    |     |
           /________|_________|__________|   \_____|___|\______/__\_____|_____|
                    |                    |____|
                    ¦                    |
                    :                    :

?------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -  -
!====:] #49 [:=========================================:] 25 jul 1999 [:=======
:---------------------------------------------------------------- -- -  -

                                                                    party on!
                                                                  interview -
                                                                       demo -
                                                                      intro -
                                                                      music -
                                                                      quote -
                                                                   question -
                                                             commercial break



                                                                        261 -

?------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -  -
!====:] editorial [:===========================================================
:---------------------------------------------------------------- -- -  -

          Well! Hello there! This week it's a little shorter, Seven had no
        internet connection since university was closed for the week and
        dlee was busy with some other stuff so no demo and intro reviews
        although i have already seen some stuff from se99. but i think its
        best i let the pros handle it next week :) your lucky i got an
        interview so stop complaining :P

?------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -  -
!====:] demonews [:============================================================
:---------------------------------------------------------------- -- -  -

          Hugi #16 will definitely be released next week. Either on July 29
        or earlier. Write that in demojournal. [editor: yes sir adok sir.]
        We already have 1.9 mbyte of articles. More than ever. We have got
        two new URLs: http://hugi.rockz.org and http://hugi.untergrund.net.
        http://hugi.home.pages.de still works too.

          Summer encounter 99 and Euskal 7 have been held! Look out for
        the releases on scene.org.

?------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -  -
!====:] party on! [:===========================================================
:---------------------------------------------------------------- -- -  -

starts !=! ends !===! location !===! name !=========! contact !================

Jul 02 - Jul 04, 1999 Hungary   Jumper 2000-1       http://jumper.scene-hu.com
Jul 02 - Jul 04, 1999 France    VIP '99             http://popsyteam.rtel.fr/VIP/
Jul 03 - Jul 04, 1999 Russia    Chaos Const. 999    http://cc999.da.ru
Jul 09 - Jul 11, 1999 Belgium   Inscene '99         http://www.analogica.com/inscene
Jul 09 - Jul 10, 1999 UK        Dejavu '99          http://www.dejavu.org.uk
Jul 09 - Jul 11, 1999 Swiss     Buenzli#8           http://swiss.scene.org/buenzli
Jul 16 - Jul 18, 1999 Finland   Plutonium 2         http://www.sci.fi/~flo/plutonium/
Jul 21 - Jul 24, 1999 Denmark   Summer Enc. '99     http://summer.encounter.dk
Jul 22 - Jul 24, 1999 Spain     Euskal 7            http://www.euskalparty.org

=========! present time !======================================================

Aug 06 - Aug 08, 1999 Finland   Assembly '99        http://www.assembly.org
Aug 08           1999 Romania   Reunion '99
Aug 20 - Aug 22, 1999 Hungary   AntIQ'99            http://antiq.scene-hu.com
Aug 20 - Aug 22, 1999 Germany   Evoke '99           http://kaoz.org/evoke/99/
Aug 21 - Aug 22, 1999 Czech Rep Fiasko '99          http://vyhen.site.cz/fiasko99/
Aug 21 - Aug 24, 1999 France    Slach 2             http://www.mygale.org/~myke666
Aug 27 - Aug 29, 1999 France    LTP 3               http://ltp.planet-d.net
Aug 27 - Aug 29, 1999 Poland    Gravity#4           http://www.anadune.optimus.wroc.pl/gravity

Sep 03 - Sep 05, 1999 France    RTS Party 2000-1    http://RTS-PartY.imag.fr
Sep 05 - Sep 07, 1999 Sweden    The Demoparty '99   http://www.demoparty.com
Sep 16 - Sep 18, 1999 Hungary   Rage-Scenest '99    http://scenest.scene-hu.com
Sep 30 - Oct 03, 1999 Norway    distance '99        http://www.neutralzone.org/distance/
Sep ?? - Sep ??, 1999 France    Central party '99   http://www.chez.com/centralparty/

Oct 01 - Oct 03, 1999 Germany   Dialogos '99        http://www.dialogos.cc

Nov 04 - Nov 07, 1999 Sweden    Dreamhack '99       http://www.dreamhack.org
Nov 05 - Nov 07, 1999 Hungary   Conference 3000
Nov ?? - Nov ??, 1999 Germany   Cologne Conf. '99   http://www.academicus.de/cc98

??? ?? - ??? ??, 1999 YugoslaviaScene Strike 4

May 26 - May 28, 2000 Germany   Radwar Party 2000   http://www.radwar.com
??? ?? - ??? ??, 2000 USA       Bang! 2000          www.scene.org/bang!/

?------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -  -
!====:] weekly [:==============================================================
:---------------------------------------------------------------- -- -  -

        This week! I have been mostly eating... cartoons

=====! interview !=============================================================

        Session Start: Sat Jul 24 11:25:46 1999

        *** radix has joined #demojournal

        <|ps|> hi radix! :) who are you? :)

        <radix> Hi! I'm a 20 year old boy, living in Stockholm, Sweden..
                Well mentally I'm probably 12 years old. My greatest
                passions are composing music, watching cartoons and writing

        <|ps|> and how did you get to be a part of this thing we call
               scene? :)

        <radix> Well it started sometime in '91 when I borrowed a 1200baud
                modem from a friend. Called some local bbs's and got in
                touch with the sysops who were in various groups at that
                time. Earlier i had started playing around with soundtracker
                on amiga, so i spread around some of my work, and after a
                while i was good enough to join my first group.

        <|ps|> and what group was that?

        <radix> it was called Meka Design. We made some 40k productions with
                my chipmusic

        <|ps|> what year was this?

        <radix> ps: 92-93

        <|ps|> how were things back then compared to nowdays?

        <radix> well back then i was 12-13 years old, so everything was so
                mysterious and exciting. i had huge respect for the people
                who had been in the scene for a while. i guess the respect
                part is the biggest difference

        <|ps|> how did you went from those times to nowdays fame and glory?:)

        <radix> fame and glory? right :) well i just tracked and tracked
                music. i got better, i hope :).

        <|ps|> dont be modest now :) you have any favorite personal tracks?
               from yourself that is :)

        <radix> i dont like my own stuff, really. when i compose them i
                listen to them like thousands of times. but i guess i can
                say that i'm more pleased with some of my tracks. for
                example i'm happy with Donovan's Moonbike

        <|ps|> do you listen back to them once youve finished them like..
               lots of time after... do you feel like re-doing the tunes or
               do they sound finished properly?

        <radix> well i think i found them pretty flawless at the time i
                composed them. if i listen to a track from last year i would
                find some stuff i'd like to change

        <|ps|> which brings us to current days, what have you been doing

        <radix> I've been working on various projects. some cd projects and
                also some future demo plans. we'll see how all that turns out

        <|ps|> what about your real life, what do you do nowdays?

        <radix> well my "real" life consists of taking it easy with my
                friends. watching videos or something, the exciting things
                in life like that :)

        <|ps|> i mean what do you do for a living :)
               study/work that kind of thing :)

        <radix> I'm not doing anything like that at the moment. Later this
                fall i might be starting some studying. dont know yet if i
                will get accepted at the school.

        <|ps|> what was the first demoparty you attended?

        <radix> it was ECC or TCC, dont remember what it was called.. it was
                a party in sweden '92 i think

        <|ps|> what is your best and worst memory of it?

        <radix> my best memorey was when they played Probes track in the
                music compo. the compos were great at that time. when a
                compo started everyone would gather together to watch it,
                voting was a really serious matter at that time.
                my worst memory was when i threw up in the toilet. but i'm
                glad i dont remember it very clearly

        <|ps|> hehe, is it true about the tradition swedish demoparties have
               on boozing? :)

        <radix> nah i dont know, not much more than any other country. and
                as far as i'm concerned i think it's really silly

        <|ps|> silly? why? :)

        <radix> drunk people just act like total jerkoffs. it's just plain
                stupid. i dont have anything against drinking, not at all.
                but i have witnessed too much bad things happening when
                people get too drunk and violent

        <|ps|> :P what was the best demoparty you ever attended?

        <radix> i think it was tp3. it was awesome :)

        <|ps|> why do you say so?

        <radix> it had great atmosphere, very good releases. I still
                remember when i saw Arte from Sanity for the first time on
                that bigscreen. And the sequel to State of the Art from
                Spaceballs, 9 fingers was also released there.

        <|ps|> are you ready for demojournal's super top quizshow contest? :)

        <radix> yeah!

        <|ps|> 1. whats your favorite color?

        <radix> blue

        <|ps|> 2. whats the capital of madagascar?

        <radix> Antananarivo

        <|ps|> 3. how much wood would a woodcutter cut if a woodcutter
               would cut wood?

        <radix> Can i get back to you on that? Have to ask my grandpa

        <|ps|> 4. what is the relation to you of the son of your sisters
               grandfather? go ask this one to your grandpa too :)

        <radix> well if i had a sister, her grandfathers son would be my dad
                or my uncle? yes i better ask him
                Java once drew a picture of my sister

        <|ps|> i though you didnt have a sister :P

        <radix> As far as I know i don't have one. But Java seems to know
                her :/ She is really pretty, too!

        <|ps|> really? can i have that pic? :P anyways..
               5. what is the earth's radius measured over the equador line
               in meters?

        <radix> i think it's something like 40.000.000m 
                sure i can send it [ed: winner pic from remedy99 btw]

        <|ps|> please do :) so whats your favorite demo of all times then? :)

        <radix> I think that is Baygon or something produced by Melon Dezign
                on Amiga :) brilliant stuff :)

        <|ps|> baygon? isnt that an anti-bug spray? ;)

        <radix> i dont know? might be :)

        <|ps|> hehe :P what are your favorite coders, trackers, gfxians?

        <radix> that are active today?

        <|ps|> anything! you pick :) you know.. that pic is said to be
               pixelled from a magazine.. which means that girl actually
               exists! :) so you actually have a sister :P

        <radix> ok, my favourite coder is Raven/TPOLM,
                favourite musician is MD/TPOLM and my
                favourite graphician is Thor/TPOLM [ed: THOR RULESS!!!!]
                yes she is out there somewhere!

        <|ps|> you seem to keep it in the family. why is TPOLM so good? :)

        <radix> they are the most beautiful people i know

        <|ps|> :) so what are your plans for the future on the scene?

        <radix> i dont know. lately i have been really disappointed at
                certain people in the scene, at a degree i have lost alot of
                will to continue. but we'll see. probably i'll go on
                tracking music like i always have

        <|ps|> i hope you do, you have any particular projects going on?

        <radix> yes but they are all secret :)

        <|ps|> :P your no fun! :)
               where do you get your inspiration to track?

        <radix> from everywhere.. mostly from the one i love above
                everything else in the world

        <|ps|> aaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh... isnt that sweet :)

        <radix> :D

        <|ps|> what tracker do you use nowdays?

        <radix> fasttracker2 mostly. though madtracker2 looks really
                interesting. i hope it will be accepted by the scene soon,
                cause that what it's all about. if no one uses it there's
                not much point for me to use it, cause i want people to be
                able to listen to my tracks :)

        <|ps|> where can ppl get madtracker?

        <radix> check out www.maz-sound.com

        <|ps|> why do you prefer madtracker over the rest? over fasttracker
               mainly.. :)

        <radix> well it supports stereo samples and it has better features
                like realtime filters. and it's also a tracker for win32 so
                it can be run at the same time as let's say Soundforge.
                being able to task between different programs, to make all
                the samples.
                right now i use two computers. one for ft2 and one for
                processing all the samples, and i have them connected in a
                small network

        <|ps|> humm.. you have any synths or that sort of machinery aswell?

        <radix> i only have my Roland JV1080

        <|ps|> is that enough for your tracking needs? :)

        <radix> yeah i guess it is. i can get a hold of most things i need
                from it. and if i want some analog kind of sounds there are
                a bunch of excellent soft synths out there

        <|ps|> ok, well.. i dont know whatelse to ask. you want to say
               anything in particular? :)

        <radix> nah i dunno :)

        <|ps|> oh yeah! where do you find the names for your songs?

        <radix> where i find them? i dont know :). some of them i just come
                up with when i listen to the track.

        <|ps|> wanna say hi to friends (some more hi's hehe)

        <radix> i'd like to say hello to the TPOLM family and my friend Tove
                special Hi's to Nisse!

        <|ps|> hehe, no thanks to your dogs/cats?

        <radix> I doubt my cat will ever read this! but *hugs* to robin!

        <|ps|> hehe, you have an homepage and an email? :)
               *free advertising time!*

        <radix> www.tpolm.com/~radix radix@tpolm.com
                there are scary pictures of me on my homepage!
                ask your mom for permission!

        <|ps|> :P ok, thx a million for this interview radix! :)

        <radix> no problemo! adeus!

        <|ps|> haha! :) bye

        Session Close: Sat Jul 24 13:20:33 1999

=====! demo !==================================================================


=====! intro !=================================================================


=====! music !=================================================================

	on me (paniq rmx)
	paniq / tdr
	scene.org (tdr release #114)

	  Even when it's called remix, the structure of the song has changed 
        a lot. Paniq took the samples and assembled them into happy-hardcore
        -influenced bigbeat (this specification of style was used in info 
        file and I liked it so much that I had to use it :). This one
        isn't special in the musical form (no art:) but, as writes paniq,
        it's fun to listen to. And that's the reason for downloading.

	Camel without filter
	Co-Op (pedro & guy) / cbr
	feb 98

 	   This one was rated as 3rd best on tracked worx'98 cd (maz). 
	So I had to download it. Info file says it's funk. Well Ok, if you
	did smoke something you didn't know what it was and were riding on
	the camel. That's what they did to the funk. It's just ... great !
	Btw 2nd was 'Iron curtain' by Hunz and 1st 'Dead lock' by Elwood.
	Check Maz (www.fh-zwickau.de/~maz) for details. It's somewhere
        between old news.

	Drax / MoN
	eh, don't know (www.xs4all.nl/~mon maybe)

	  I love songs made with sine sample only. Do I have to say anything
	more? Maybe that Wave also did some - Stranglehold I, II and 1999. 
	But you have to know them. Downloading 4k won't kill you.

	"for marie"

 	  This one is better than the previous level-d releases by him. 
	Xerxes uses approved procedures in tracking, but he has updated
	his sample gallery and made nice ballad, which floats on and on
	and then, suddenly disappears. I also like it's instrumentation
	which is more advanced than in some of his previous releases.
	That's good old xerxes once again with one of his top songs.

	"Helden der Stille" (mp3)
	Vivid / KFMF

          Vivid back again. Pretty dark again. Experimental again.
	That's all what has to be said. It could be used in a film. Place 
	"Stalker" into the unknown city in the Germany and this track is
	what perfectly fits. It sounds like other vivid's tunes with it's
	darkness but it's more electronical. Damned good.

	Moisture (party edit)
        winner of VM'99 multichannel compo.

          Pretty strange track. Text file included. I don't understand to it
        but words like "Satanic Sanitation" or "Necronomicon" are enough for
        me. The tune is strange as the text file but it's really good. It's
        weird sound is done by structure and especially by the samples. To
        be exact, style of this music is similar to songs like 'Bodies and
        sorrows' by Mojo or 'Da water of Oblivion' by Manual (places 3,4 at
        gardening'97). If you have not heard any of the songs, get this one
        to know what I'm talking about, else you know what and the decision
        is on you. Thanks to Bitnik / KiloBite for the tip.

=====! quote !=================================================================
        <distance> i don't want fame, i want hash

=====! question !==============================================================

        > question of the week:
        > is hplus better then alien sex clone or not?

        i believe it is.

        H+ is not an intro, it's a living form.

        yes. but it's not as good as clone meets clone.
        -Sagacity [editor: clone meets clone rules the clone series!]


        hplus is better than alien sex clone.
        hplus is not part of a cloning factory

        ho yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees !
        alien is very-very-very good too, but i think hplus is
        so..... ass-kicking =)

        hplus is porn and alien sex clone is just a kiss! x-)
        bitnik / body hammer & kilobite

          i liked hplus very much, it's a trippy thing. Well aliensexclone
        i've seen only once. Or maybe not even once. But I think once. If it
        was the winner peezee intro from tp8.I liked hlpus more. It's looped
        haha. And i have an amiga so i have no clue about peezee things
        -teo . kangooroo^exceed

        hplus rocks.. nice design.. surprising!
        alien sex clone... nice effects... erm... its nice too
        i dunno.. i think i prefer hplus :)

          yes.  bearing in mind that alien sex clone does not work on my
        computer, grr, grr, argh.

        hplus is art, alien sex clone is just an intro. can't compare them.

        'hplus' is better, because 'alien sex clone' requires some alien
        video mode not supported by my card...  i haven't seen it yet ;)

        alien sex clone rullzz :)

          that's boring. what about "is sex better than coding or is real
        life just an illusion?"
        -bam [editor: i think you watched the matrix one too many times]

?------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -  -
!====:] commercial break! [:===================================================
:---------------------------------------------------------------- -- -  -

=====! homepages !=============================================================

 <*>    3g Design..............................http://3gdesign.cjb.net
        Amber diskmag.......................http://amber.bti.pl/di_mag
        Blacktron Music Production...........http://www.d-zign.com/bmp
 <*>    Calodox demoscene education....http://calodox.planet-d.net/cde
 <*>    Chiptune...............................http://www.chiptune.com
        Comic Pirates.........................http://scene-central.com
        Digital Undergrounds.....................http://dug.iscool.net
        Demo fanclub........................http://jerware.org/fanclub
        Dreams2 CD.........................http://nl.scene.org/dreams2
        Fleur diskmag........................http://fleur.scene-hu.com
        Hugi diskmag................http://home.pages.de/~hugidownload
        Hugi size-compo...............http://home.pages.de/~hugi-compo
        Just For Fun.........................http://www.avaric.com/jff
        Label zero.........................http://labelzero.pganet.com
        MAZ's Sound homepage.............http://www.th-zwickau.de/~maz
        Melcom (mirror)......................http://www.melcom.cjb.net
        Oranje Juice.........................http://ojuice.citeweb.net
        PC-demos explained.....http://www.oldskool.org/demos/explained
        Pixel (mirror)..........................http://fsk.home.ml.org
        Radical Rhythms.....http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/user/merrelli/rr
        Ruff Engine................http://members.xoom.com/ruff_engine
        Skytech team............................http://www.skytech.org
        The Black Lotus.............................http://www.tbl.org
        The Digital Artists Wired Nation.http://digitalartists.cjb.net
        The Lost Souls...............................http://www.tls.no
        Textmode Demo Archive.................http://tmda.planet-d.net
        Tokyo Dawn Records........................http://tdr.scene.org
        Total Disaster...................http://www.totaldisaster.w.pl
        Trajic (Hungarian scene)...............http://www.scene-hu.com
 <*>    Universe..........................http://universe.planet-d.net
        Zen of Tracking.........................http://surf.to/the-imm

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

        DC-1.............<new files listed>..........ftp://demo.cat.hu
        Pigforce.........<closing down>..........ftp://pigforce.ml.org
        Scene.org........<new files listed>........ftp://ftp.scene.org
        Skynet archive.................ftp://acid2.stack.nl/pub/skynet
        ACiD2 Archive.............................ftp://acid2.stack.nl

?------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -  -
!====:] articles [:============================================================
:---------------------------------------------------------------- -- -  -

?------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -  -
!====:] end [:=================================================================
:---------------------------------------------------------------- -- -  -

        Download site#1....ftp://demo.cat.hu/scene/DiskMag/DemoJournal
        Download site#2.........ftp://ftp.foxfiber.net/pub/demojournal
        Download site#3.ftp://amber.bti.pl/pub/scene/mags/demo_journal
        Download site#4.......ftp://ftp.scene.org/pub/mags/demojournal


        Subscribe......Topic: subscribe.............<ec97104@fe.up.pt>
        Unsubscribe....Topic: unsubscribe...........<ec97104@fe.up.pt>

        Editor.........Psychic Symphony.............<ec97104@fe.up.pt>