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		    :                    :

?------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -  -
!====:] #68 [:=========================================:] 05 dec 1999 [:=======
:---------------------------------------------------------------- -- -  -

                                                                    party on!

                                                                  interview -
                                                                       demo -
                                                                      intro -
                                                                      music -
                                                                   question -
                                                                      quote -


                                                                        322 -

?------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -  -
!====:] editorial [:===========================================================
:---------------------------------------------------------------- -- -  -

      Howdy. This week I'm continuing with the suomiscene theme
      with an interview with Grendel. Otherwise it has been
      quite, seems like nothing is happening since everybody are
      waiting for The Party. Well, looks like Carlsberg is still
      probably the best beer in the world. Enjoy the issue!


?------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -  -
!====:] demonews [:============================================================
:---------------------------------------------------------------- -- -  -


      Replay has released shineRETRO! It includes articles,
      charts, interviews, partyreports and results from Shine
      issues 1-5.

      Deadline for Shine #6 is 15.12. You can send articles to

      Whisker had a haircut.

      Return of the Stage Nine has been released. This sequel to
      the famous musicdisk Stage9 is quite huge compilation (almost
      300 Mb's if you download the music as MP3) of well known scene
      musicians tunes. Check it out at http://www.polpo.org/rts9/

      TG organizers had a little setback:
      "Oooops. We upgraded the server during the weekend and managed
      to fry our root-disk in the process. There is however a good
      chance that we can salvage the data if we get our hands on an
      identical drive. So, if anybody has a Seagate Hawk1 ST11200N
      1.05GB SCSI harddrive, please contact us ASAP."

      But later on they arranged a design compo for the new web
      pages... If you're interested in getting two free tickets
      to TG00, take a look the compo rules at http://www.gathering.org

      gODS have released GAudio v1.01:
      The new version of the audio library manager has some new
      features and bugfixes, like improved MOD & XM class,
      wavemapper support for RAW/WAV/MP3 and NT 4.0
      compatibility. You can find GAudio at:


?------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -  -
!====:] party on! [:===========================================================
:---------------------------------------------------------------- -- -  -

starts !=! ends !===! location !===! name !=========! contact !================

Nov 13 - Nov 15, 1999 Hungary   Conference 3000     http://hp.pardey.org/c3000
Nov 19 - Nov 21, 1999 Germany   Breed '99           http://www.alienpub.com/breed/99
Nov ?? - Nov ??, 1999 Germany   Cologne Conf. '99   http://www.academicus.de/cc98

=========! present time !======================================================

Dec 11 - Dec 12, 1999 Slovenia  Abort '99           http://www.stjost.org/abort99
Dec 27 - Dec 28, 1999 Romania   Dracula '99
Dec 27 - Dec 30, 1999 Denmark   The Party 9         http://www.theparty.dk

Jan 21 - Jan 23, 2000 Finland   Elevator 3          http://www.elevator.labra.com

Mar 10 - Mar 12, 2000 Holland   Ambience 2000       http://www.ambience.nl
Mar 31 - Apr 02, 2000 Finland   Rendezvous 01       http://rendezvous.stc.cx

Apr 19 - Apr 23, 2000 Norway    The Gathering 1900  http://www.gathering.org

May 06 - May 07, 2000 Russia    Parodox 2000        http://eltes.info-don.ru/kirr
May 26 - May 28, 2000 Germany   Radwar Party 2000   http://www.radwar.com
May ?? - May ??, 2000 Germany   Dialogos 2000       http://www.dialogos.cc/

Jul 14 - Jul 16, 2000 Belgium   Inscene 2000        http://www.inscene.org

Aug ?? - Aug ??, 2000 Poland    Gravity 2000        neuroup@agravedict.art.pl
Nov ?? - Nov ??, 2000 France    Millenium Party 2K
??? ?? - ??? ??, 2000 USA       Bang! 2000          http://www.scene.org/bang!

??? ?? - ??? ??, 2000 Australia Coven 2000          http://www.coven2000.org
Dec 13 - Dec 15, 2000 Holland   ST News ICCC 2000   http://www.scriba.org/stnicc2000

?------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -  -
!====:] weekly [:==============================================================
:---------------------------------------------------------------- -- -  -

      This week! I've mostly been listening to Squarepusher
      (thanks, Distance).

=====! interview !=============================================================

      Session Start: Tue Nov 30 20:39:46 1999
      *** Now talking in #demojournal
      *** Grendel-B has joined #demojournal

      <melw> good evening, grendel.

      <Grendel-B> to you too

      <melw> let's begin this interview with 'the usual' questions.
             like who you are and what do you do?

      <Grendel-B> im one of the original founding members in byterapers,
                  still somehow hanging around and well, my activities
                  arent that big anymore. some organizing and mainly
                  keeping up the (B) web pages when i got the time.
                  generally i still make the decisions in the group,
                  though these days i tend to be soft and ask other's
                  opinions too. in real life, a computer journalist.

      <melw> it has been quite silent on the (b) front for some time.
             you haven't released anything after sexadelic...

      <Grendel-B> nope, its been little bits of this and that going on
                  but currently there is no serious ongoing plan for demo.
                  this hopefully will change after we again get our mailing
                  lists up and running. our previous mailing lists were
                  very active with ideas and i think we were gearing up
                  for a good project, but after the mailing lists got
                  dropped (one guy moved->lost access to certain machine)
                  things quieted down drastically.

                  to say the truth, well we almost released a demo last

      <melw> at the gathering?

      <Grendel-B> some crap things happened though and we didnt get it out.
                  uh, if im not wrong things screwed up twice. first demo
                  was about to be released in TP and it would have been
                  finished, then the designer's machine crashed and he
                  could not finish the demo. actually i dont think many of
                  us have even seen that particular demo, the damn guy
                  refuses to show it to us :)

                  it was again attempted for TG, no luck, and the 2nd (!)
                  TG demo (that was/is my particular pet project) was
                  dropped as the other designer got into really bad booze
                  addiction + crashed his machine, too. dung.

                  bad booze addiction=way worse than average Byteraper
                  booze consumption. that is a lot.

      <melw> haha. ok, you were one of the founding members of (b).
             this happened in 1986, right?

      <Grendel-B> so it was.

      <melw> how was scene back then? or was there any kind of scene
             at all?

      <Grendel-B> not really. the -finnish- scene started to take form
                  during 87. there were scattered small groups, teams or
                  dudes here and there, and during the middle/late 86 they
                  started to find each other then during 87 they started to
                  have more communication, swapping, even actively starting
                  to produce intros and demos.

                  i would claim, from my memory, that the "real" scene
                  started to exist in middle 87, things were very nicely
                  in late 87 and the jezebels/fig party in dec 1987 gave
                  one mighty boost

                  the first party in finland, everyone seeing each other for
                  the first time, was big fun, many friendships made that
                  last even today. you can still see some of them visiting
                  #suomiscene :)

      <melw> like you. :)

      <Grendel-B> in 88 scene existed then in the way we today see, just
                  still growing. lots of youthful anger, big words, flame
                  wars, competition and racing to be the best. funny to
                  think how it was so normal then ;-)

      <melw> sounds fun. there's no real wars anymore between groups. :)

      <Grendel-B> federations against whatever group that someone was angry
                  with lots of competition etc but always real fun to meet
                  and talk crap with them :) except the one time Conan/Stack
                  came to me threatening me "you have talked crap about Stack"
                  me "nononoo what nnonooo" and later managed to find out he
                  had slightly misunderstood something zados had said. Conan
                  was, err, just like you might imagine from the name :)

      <melw> :)

             in a way demoscene has been a lot more serious during all these
             years. like nobody releases demos anymore just for fun etc.

      <Grendel-B> aaaa quite true. big parties do that. money to be made.

                  why release demo you've worked hard for long time just
                  for "fun" when you might make few bucks or something from
                  it. i can understand that. still would be nice to see
                  things happen differently too.

      <melw> yep. but on the other hand why not to make smaller and perhaps
             funnier demos for own pleasure.. well, perhaps some people do
             so, they just wont release them to the public.

      <Grendel-B> its all up to the coders though. without one no demos.
                  i cant force anybody, not even in (B) :) got a screwy
                  idea few days ago but that would require a lot of work
                  still :)

      <melw> about byterapers, what demo of yours you like the most?

      <Grendel-B> um, its one of the c64 ones. extremes.

                  i was so bloody amazed in assembly 95 when i saw it first
                  time from the bigscreen. it was finished just before guys
                  hopped to the last possible train to get into asm95 before
                  c64 democompo.

      <melw> oh yes. i remember it, too. like i had to watch it mouth wide
             open and think how it had all the same effects as pc demos
             had back then. :)

      <Grendel-B> so nobody else had yet seen it. it had fantastic code
                  gfx and music but most of all, i was totally and
                  thoroughly amazed at the design. as i remember saying
                  there "what the fuck? a byterapers demo with design?"

      <Grendel-B> everything else i could understand but that our demo had
                  real design and good look, that was new :)

      <Grendel-B> from our amiga products in like most The Beginning, by JTP.

      <melw> when was it released?

      <Grendel-B> It had a story. I actually managed to be poetic once in
                  my life. Released 12.08.1990.

                  I think it is our best demo ever content wise, though
                  the programming wasnt the best, it was JTP's 2nd release
                  on Amiga. Largely neglected demo because people only notice
                  the engine, not the story :(

      <melw> perhaps i should see it. i must admit i don't remember any
             byterapers demo on amiga..

      <Grendel-B> on PC Hyperventilation and Sexa of course, though I hope
                  our PC demo would one day have decent music

      <melw> you don't like yolk&legend style? :)

      <Grendel-B> i am oldskool man. i like musics that have melodies :)
                  and not just some woowuupaapuu sounds that are tied
                  together with something remotely sounding like music and
                  beat :)

                  ooooo gotta correct, hyper has great music but that is
                  of course the Abba style ;-)

      *** Grendel-B has left #demojournal (Grendel-B)
      Session Close: Tue Nov 30 21:26:33 1999

      Session Start: Tue Nov 30 23:44:39 1999
      *** Now talking in #demojournal
      *** Grendel-B has joined #demojournal

      <melw> ok, back to business.

             let's forget scene for a while. this pause was held because of
             those damn tv series. what are your favourite ones?

      <Grendel-B> aha. lets peek inside grendels head session? :) babylon 5,
                  liked earlier x-files, simpsons, futurama, space: above &
                  beyond, hale & pace... monty python ! :) scifi & humour
                  preferred. and some of the rare stuff like The State &
                  Kenny Everett :)

                  oooooo and never must forget Battlestar Galactiga -
                  it ruuules, RUUUULES

      <melw> oh yeah. galactiga. i was almost ten years old when they
             showed it on the tv. :)

             what about other favourites.. like food and drinks?

      <Grendel-B> iimpossible to into details. almost everything goes down
                  on the foodside, coffee addict & olvi sandels as preferred
                  beer. i dont consumed the heavy stuffs normally, only in
                  special circumstances like different parties where guys
                  bring barrelloads of self made stuffs.

                  Der Alte Flakpanzeroil is definitely the fab thing on the
                  hard booze sector :) our aviation circle's invention.

      <melw> flakpanzeroil? sounds wicked. :)

      <Grendel-B> it has dropped people from all over the globe ;-)
                  Der alte Flakpanzer hochleistungsmotor”l (vollsyntetisch)
                  thats the official line ;-)

      <melw> i guess german readers of demojournal will get something out

      <Grendel-B> finns know the mild version as salmiakkikossu but this
                  is beefed way up and is a killer drink. the german or
                  other readers should get it is they are aviation freaks :)

      <melw> hey now i'll do a short one-word question part. answer as
             quickly you can about whatever pops into your mind from
             following words:

      <melw> salmiakki

      <Grendel-B> haha kossu

      [editor: salmiakki is sal ammoniac - in which finnish people are often
      mad about. and kossu aka koskenkorva is finnish strong booze. mixing
      these two indegrients you get a somewhat abnormal experience...]

      <melw> beautiful woman

      <Grendel-B> valtiatar ;-) [editor: galaksin valtiatar / hirmu]

      <melw> aars

      <Grendel-B> party

      <melw> a real oldskool guy

      <Grendel-B> moku

      <melw> zero tolerance

      <Grendel-B> guards guards

      <melw> hmm.. abba

      <Grendel-B> pffffffft. hyperventilation of course

      <melw> aaaand mr.sex

      <Grendel-B> madmancoder

      <melw> (damn. i was hoping that king of the puke :)

      <Grendel-B> havent seemhim puking for some time, hes coding
                  instead elsewhere :)

      <melw> you have any funny (b) stories about mr.sex or any other rapers?

      <Grendel-B> aw, theres dozens of stories but the problem is that they
                  usually surface only when we're having a meeting and
                  theres no recorder or paper around.

      <melw> hmm. i remember you're often having this little notebook with
             you at the parties, don't you use it at (b) meetings? :)

      <Grendel-B> many stories in the (B) pages, bunch of little notes here
               and there with material that i havent yet written to web or
               anywhere. usually when those stories start surfacing im not
               the condition to write them up :)

      <melw> hehe.

      <Grendel-B> i think i ONCE wrote some 5 pages of stuff in one such
                  meeting. later i had to bring those notes with me to some
                  other, more sober, meeting and ask people to decipher
                  the hieroglyfs. i have horrible handwriting. it has
                  gotten even worse from all these years of typing on
                  keyboard. and its more or less unreadable when i write
                  much text as fast as possible, trying to keep up with
                  the talking :)

      <melw> you should have a pocket computer where to write such things.
             tho' i guess it's not guaranteed to write with such toys any
             clearer text...

      <Grendel-B> videocamera on a stand might do the trick :) once when
                  i came back from bar with birra/(B) i got this fantastic
                  urge to log into net and check email and write an email
                  to one person. notice this was when i had to dial from
                  terminal program, log manually and use unix shell. i
                  managed to get as far as into the email program, then
                  could not write anything sensible.

                  it took real long to get out of the email program,
                  fingers just kept slipping. finally i was back in unix
                  prompt, tyring to type "exit". finally i even tried "one
                  finger, other hand supports the finger hand" and still
                  didnt manage it. birra proves this :) so notebook to a
                  party? HAH no way. somebody would anyway take it to sauna.

                  well maybe it is time to return to the demoscene subject
                  after this little trip into the boozeland?

      <melw> ok. we've talked quite much about byterapers but what about
             the other groups. do you have any favourites among them?

      <Grendel-B> not really. im not actively these days following the
                  scene happenings.

      <melw> what's the latest demo you've watched, then?

      <Grendel-B> i hear stuff, read stuff but not that much INTO them.
                  i more follow certain people, my friends, their actions
                  and listen to their suggestions, opinions and form some
                  kind of images from them

                  demo.... demo.... im afraid i cant even remember the
                  names... things quieted down a lot when most of the
                  scenepeople moved away from my previous hometown and
                  so the scene/demo activity went down way big. we had
                  good people there, byterapers & doomsday folks, and
                  had very good time and exchanged demo information and
                  watched demos etc but when most moved, no more that fun
                  scenestuff :(

      <melw> well, at least i can remember i was watching the demo
             competition at the last gathering with you and virne but i
             don't remember anything from that competition itself. :)

      <Grendel-B> oh yeah, i definitely saw something in TG. and assembly :)
                  oh maan, watching demos in parties some years ago way
                  much funnier than these days. We gathered in big groups
                  and yelled to the big screen if we didnt like what we saw

                  [editor: SHIIIIIT! CRAAAAAP! CUUUUUUBE!]

      <Grendel-B> and then commented in very high noice level if the demo
                  or idea or something was good, too :) interactive eh.

                  i think the assembly 92 c-64 competition and assembly 94
                  (in the ice hockey hall) compos were best, from our
                  watcher's view :)

      <melw> you mean there was a lot of to comment or..

      <Grendel-B> not that i remember anything about asm94 amiga compo.
                  was told later when watching demos "we saw that" and
                  sometimes even remotely recognizing something. lots to
                  comment and very fun otherwise too.

                  asm92 c-64 compo is very possibly the most chaotic
                  democompetition even. the auditorium room was so small
                  that we would only allow c64 scenepeople in. there was
                  no air conditioning, windows could not be opened..

                  deadbeat/sharks released the first c-64 demo ever that
                  was fully non-interactive = the demo proceeded on its own
                  pace, until that all demos has parts and you skipped to
                  the next by pressing space bar. this loaded in background
                  and showed the part as long as it went on.

                  well deadbeat had slightly miscalculated the times
                  different parts took. "this is good lenght" style when
                  everything proceeded in fact bloody slow. oh maaan what
                  riot, the yelling, the commenting... in the backrow were
                  bunch swedes who didnt understand my expnalations "you
                  cant press space" until somebody told me to tell it in
                  english. well did that.

                  they were quiet 10 seconds and then practically burst
                  shouting to the demo and then everybody, whole room
                  joined in and finally we yelled even to the parts loader
                  to skip to next part. and did this for the rest of the
                  compo. man. fun. chaos. riot. sweaty. hot. definitely
                  fantastic demo competition ;-)

                  its been our guideline since. but these days stupid people
                  actually start "shhhhhhh be quiet you must not make noises
                  during demos"

      <melw> hahaha. that must've been nice party! which reminds me i
             haven't asked your favourite party yet..

      <Grendel-B> fav party. well. bloody likely not any of those i
                  arranged. working not fun. (B) voodoo party in 1989 very
                  likely the ehm... best remembered. cant really say.
                  the party bustrips have always been very....
                  thepartylike :) ive always had good time in assemblys.

                  Juhla II, 3.14 & IVb were very fun. but i would say that
                  maybe my trip to Denmark in 1989 was the best, gotta
                  check what it was, moment. Ikari & Dominators & Zargon,
                  Slagelse Denmark, 23-25.03.1989. yeah.

                  people still remind me from that one. few people have
                  jumped up suddenly on IRC this year asking "remember me?
                  we met at slagelse" and then they start telling how
                  drunk i was. oh maaan! they sold beer in the partyplace!
                  and it was denmark. cheap beer. hell first time for me
                  in denmark, you can imagine. finally i even exchanged
                  finnish money to dks in pubs to get more booze :)

      <Grendel-B> oh yeah here:

      <Rambones> Grendel: at the Warfalcons/Bamiga Sector 1 party in 1989
                 in Denmark (when IK+ for AMIGA was released), you were
                 EXTREMELY drunk, and we all didn't like you that much :-)
                 remember ? from the GOOD old days, you're one of a few I
                 remember.  i'd say you were one of the first to have a
                 'personality' - part of the reason is you were known as
                 "booze boy" or similar, but when it comes down to it,
                 because you were yourself, at parties, when we got to see
                 you. one of the first to drop his mask, and be himself -
                 so to speak. well - I hope to see you some day again, it
                 will trigger something.

      <melw> now i'm laughing!

      <Grendel-B> krhm. he also says some less positive things from the
                  party itself about me, which i really cannot remember :)
                  but i have some 12 hours long black hole in my memory
                  too :) those poor fairlight guys had problems to decide
                  to whos car i would be stuffed :) partysmell.

                  I've changed a lot since those days :) i even go to
                  shower in the partyplace :) one thing that made me think
                  in rambones' message was that people really had masks in
                  their scenething. scenepersonality + real life person
                  were sometimes very different. on the other hand i have,
                  mostly at least, been just myself. just keeping some
                  distance between hobby & profession.

      <melw> that's the way it should be. people can't become real friends
             if their having something like 'differend scenepersonality'.

      <Grendel-B> most people i know these days are themselves,thats a good
                  thing, one detail where scene has progressed. it is a
                  good thing i cannot remember anymore everything that
                  happened back then, or the rumours or anything. damn if
                  i had kept some sort of scene diary it wouldnt all be
                  nice & clean memories of golden youth.

      <melw> that's why people should write more partyreports..

      <Grendel-B> some people had their "dark side" but luckily most were
                  great fellas and after forgetting the bad things those
                  times seem now very nice. when scandinavian news & maggy
                  magazines were in their prime time i was helluwa active
                  writer. knew the parties & scene inside out. visited every

      <melw> talking about (b)-web, isn't that your aim? i mean, gathering
             as much as partyreports and such there are, at least from
             finnish parties.

      <Grendel-B> gotta be happy i took my time once and wrote the party
                  history of finnish scene around 1992. that material is
                  totally awesome today. not that i anymore agree with my
                  previous self on everything, but it is historically
                  valuable now. and yes, i hope to collect history of
                  finnish scene there, as much as possible.

      <melw> yep. i've already read some of those maggy articles, and they
                  are something... unforgettable.

      <Grendel-B> thing is, not many help me in that. and wellmotivation
                  is lower when you should do everything yourself, so
                  there's less incentive to do even that bit. we're
                  planning to move (B)Web to own domain. right now we lack
                  a hard disk. other things should be in place. it will be
                  put to 100mb backbone, and with plenty own HD space we
                  can start putting some heavyweight stuff there. like
                  VCD/MPEG videos from old parties!

                  btw we need few maggy issues here, if anybody has 1,2,8
                  then gimme! :) with the move (B)Web will also be redesigned
                  so the material is easier to find. after maggy archive i
                  will start working on the Scandinavian News magazine.
                  Grabbin those old Finnish scene mags online to www format
                  is quite the easiest way to offer lots and lots of old
                  info in the original form :)

                  and of course i keep collecting all kind of old tidbits
                  to text file, IRC discussions, newsgroup messages,
                  anything useful so I can drop them to (B)Web some day.
                  This article will be there as well ;-)

                  maybe (B)Web will be the thing I will be remembered for :)
                  Spend my life documenting the Finnish demoscene from c-64
                  to amiga, pc, wap ja finally to the intelligent machines
                  that will code demos themselves and then comes solar
                  storm that wipes all magnetic data. my website included ;-)

      <melw> at least if it's still far from complete i haven't seen
             anything similar anywhere else.

      <Grendel-B> no way complete. i got plenty material waiting for it,
                  just need time but i dont usually have it. And lots of
                  things have not been written about at all.

      <melw> i hope you'll get those "Presentations of any and all Finnish
             groups ever, on any platform." and "Scenedude directory"
             online some day as well.

      <Grendel-B> Yup. But imagine what kind of huge work that would be?
                  That is exactly the problem. but some day, hopefully.
                  at least the feedback gives some strenght to at least
                  think about it.

      <melw> but you are also probably one of the few people who can write
             about those early groups and people..

      <Grendel-B> there are some others too luckily. if i can find time
                  myself i might be able to get some data from them as well.

                  well, maybe after getting the bdomain i can put up a
                  mailing list and start flooding those people so they will
                  finally be forced to write just to get me stop flooding :)
                  but first, (B)Web domain move & redesign. Then, who knows
                  if I might start that.

      <melw> good luck, anyways. do you have anything more to say about
             the subject? i think now it would be good time to quit this

      <Grendel-B> subject..... err what was the last official subject?

      <melw> well..

      <Grendel-B> something :)

      <melw> hey but here's your chance to advertise a bit.

      <Grendel-B> visit (B)Web, give money. vote in www.doose.dk.
                  http://www.byterapers.scene.org and for my second passion,

                  if you have any material about finnish scene or would
                  like to write something, party reports, whatever, you can
                  contact me through (B)Web. Somebody could write a good
                  article about the early Finnish PC demoscene, that would
                  be very useful.

      <melw> ok. thank you very much for the interview.

      <Grendel-B> allrite, my pleasure

      <melw> so good night, say hello to valtiatar! :)

      <Grendel-B> enjoy life, have fun. will do :)

      *** Grendel-B has left #demojournal (Grendel-B)
      Session Close: Wed Dec 01 01:59:33 1999

=====! demo !==================================================================

      Superstar DJ's by Retro AC (party-version)

      Found at www.scene.org
      ??th place at Dreamhack'99

      System requirements:
      PII 300, 128 MB RAM (but works with 64), 640*480 16bits only.
      4 MB HD, and Midas for sound

      The demo:
      At almost every medium/big party, there's at least one hires
      design-demo released, and Superstar DJ's was one of those at
      Dreamhack. It uses a 640*480 mode, a good thing as it is more
      universally supported than 512*384, but only 640*280 is actually
      used. Of course we've all standard ingredients: moving vertical
      lines in the backgrounds, wireframed and transparent 3D-objects
      of the cubical kind, small pics consisting of lines/circles only,

      Something more original are the short, weird messages that show
      up everywhere, mostly in scrollers but also hidden in the background,
      like "This is not official debut release of retro, this is just a
      lack of time and transparent LSD" or "superstar wepopa inside the
      internal flex dies. We came to Dreamhack with summertyres" :).
      [editor: just take a guess were those people at charly's car
      horrified? :)]

      The effects aren't really impressive, with the exception of the
      free-direction tunnel, but they are used well. There's for example
      a recursive cube, with the opacity of each level changing sometimes,
      or the two knots of lights and vectors that move into each other.
      The background-pictures aren't really minimal anymore, but hi-res
      photos of motherboards, bombs, Japanese temples or some people with
      a block-effect over them (not moving, maybe a photoshop filter).

      The combination with the layers of circle/stripes pictures feels a
      bit awkward, but I prefer them to the old letters&numbers backgrounds.
      MD has made the music, as special guest star, so you should all
      know the style, remember Moral Hard Candy, Kkowboy (the first part
      is quite similar to me), etc. The synchronizing (mostly objects
      suddenly changing angles) is always tied to the same drum, which
      makes too predictable IMO.

      Worth the download ?
      Some things I heard before I saw it: "It's strange it's not in the
      top-3, as we are" (hi Melwyn :)), and "it should have won from
      Mindstammer hands down." (CSIPD, don't remember who). Honestly,
      I don't think it's such a killer. Maybe I cannot judge 100% fairly,
      because my PC doesn't have 128 MB RAM, but on the other side
      there's this scroller "Midas FrameCounter causes illegal pause
      during the playbacksession", so maybe it happens everywhere, and
      anyway I think this type of demo (without videos etc) shouldn't
      need that much mem to run without freezing. And I hope that the
      non-anti-aliased lines have not started their comeback :) But of
      course it's a good design-demo, and though it doesn't reach the
      MHC-standard, for people who love these it's definitely a must-see.


=====! intro !=================================================================        

      Viagra by Mewlers
      Winner of the 64kb intro competition at Assembly 1999


      Rainmaker: programming
      216: programming
      Little Bitchard: music
      Honeybunny: grapics



      Mewlers  (and  MFX)  is  a  Finnish group which have been very
      active  in  releasing intros for many years now. They made the
      Impact  or  the  Gamma series for example. They have a certain
      style,  but  this does not mean that their intros look similar
      to each other. Viagra is their latest work.

      The intro consists of five parts. In the first part there is a
      yellow  jumping,  morphing ball. The second part is a small 3d
      scene;  a  water  surface  is  visible with an object floating
      above  it.  The water is a waving bumped surface, and even the
      object  is  being reflected in it. The third part starts as an
      ordinary  2d  bump  effect,  but  it  is soon visible that the
      surface  is moving in 3d. The surface then changes into an UFO
      head,  and it even casts shadows. Then the texture of the head
      changes,  and  light rays come out of it. The fourth part is a
      free directional tunnel effect, with a sphere inside it, which
      is  giving  out  rays  of  light. These lights are cast on the
      surface  of the tunnel. It is a bit unpleasant that this light
      looks as if it were reflected on a spherical surface, while it
      is  in  a  tunnel  in  fact;  and it also shows the ugly jerky
      pixels  in the distance. The fifth and last effect is a purple
      sphere,  which  is  rolling  and moving, while light is coming
      out of it.

      There  are a lot of pictures, shown here-and-there through the
      intro.  They  look ok, but there are no connection among them,
      and they are not really related to the intro either.

      The  music  -  is  strange...  It  is  a  loud,  raging, noisy
      soundtrack.  It  is  probably the worst feature of this intro;
      sometimes  it  really  gets on one's nerves. In spite of this,
      the  music  and  the visuals are kept well together. There are
      white  flashes,  and the effects are following the beat of the

      The  best  point  of this intro is the code. There are lots of
      great, new and fast effects. In 1999, most programmers tend to
      code the same kind of 3d scene players, and this often results
      in  very similar demos and intros. It is pleasant to see these
      unique   effects,   like  3d  water,  bump  with  shadows,  or


=====! music !=================================================================

      "Dance To The Drummer's Beat"

        Fantastic track. It's a sort of funk with perfect drumline,
      great leads like saxophone, flute and other fitting instruments,
      all recorded live (I guess). Flute is played in a bit
      experimental form which is often on real-life musicians
      and it's sound is echoed. Best release under Mono211 label.
        Must have!

      "le petit prince" and "'twixt cup and lip..."
      www.tdr.scene.org -> tokyo138.zip and tokyo140.zip

        How can it be? That many worlds in one, that unique and that
      much common. This genius from Poland mixes all styles in the
      new form that touches man's soul. Strong basslines, triphop
      sounds, soft melodies - it's the world itself in it's simple
      form - you'll be surprised, again. Amazing. If you miss it,
      you will never understand.


=====! question !==============================================================

      Question of the week:
      What's your favourite beer?

      - Virne

      - Lemming

      - Distance

      [editor: pretty repeative, uh?]

      I'd prefer the some of the finnish lagers, like koff,
      lapinkulta legenda, olvi cxx, karhu.. maybe as a single
      one it would be KOFF IVA
      - Droid

      I DON'T DRINK BEER GODDAMNIT! What are these questions,
      for some LAMERS? @£${[€}£42..
      - Los

      Hoegaarten, but if we talk about real beer, then Karhu.
      - Jate

      Zipfer (from Austria)
      - Griesse

      Augustiner Br„u Mnchen
      (If you don't know it, you have never tasted *real* beer. For
      those of you who don't know it: *real* beer == Bavarian beer.
      Ask Psychic Symphony!) The only foreign stuff that can truly
      be called "beer" is Becks, Guinnes and maybe Carlsberg.
      - beer/evolve
      Pretty much all of them
      - kombi

      cardinal lager - swiss beer rules!
      - Unlock/Vantage/PAiN

      humm... for standard drinking in large quantities, Bud and
      Superbock (portuguese beer) are good. for drinking on a
      fashionable bar, though, i like powerful belgian beers
      such as Bush 12º or irish stout (Guiness).
      - rents / digital artists

      Lappin Kulta
      - Makke

      foreign: heineken
      finnish: sandels
      - frodo

      carlsberg, tuborg, asahi superdry... (random order).
      - tmkINF^dolphin

      karhu and hansa fatøl. And polish ococim
      - jaws^kooma

      i don't like beer
      - Jean Nine / FD ^ Intense ^ Kyoto

      saaremaa ”lu or lapinkulta. it's hard to choose.
      - kokki

      belzebuth (not sure if the spelling is right,
      its some imported juicy 15% vol. hammer :))
      - cp/witchcraft

      zielony (green) lech.
      - Yarpen/Substance

      - Marius

      that's an easy one: 'De Koninck' aka 'Bolleke'
      like everybody knows this is not probably but certainly the
      best beer in the world (and of course it's Belgian)
      - DJefke

      - Ronan

      why, Grolsch Herfstbok ofcourse!
      - I. Smoltsak

      Lapin Kulta 7,5% is good for you !
      - exocet/jff

      - teo . kangooroo^exceed

      nikolai of course :)
      - chavez

      olvi sandels
      - grendel

      San Miguel
      - David Gil

      Guinness. The only beer what I can drink :)
      - Aries

=====! quote !=================================================================

      Just in case you wonder what do the people talk about at #suomiscene..

      <lemmin_G> hep
      <rzb> hip
      <Moku> hop
      <dr_Q> ponks
      <melw> boink
      <rzb> zot

=====! homepages !=============================================================

      3g Design..............................http://3gdesign.cjb.net
      Acid Rain..............................http://surf.to/acidrain
      Defacto 2..............................http://www.defacto2.net
      Dolops......................... ........http://dolOps.scene.hu
      Fobia Design...........................http://www.fd.scene.org
      Just For Fun...........................http://jff.planet-d.net
      Label zero.........................http://labelzero.pganet.com
      Skytech team............................http://www.skytech.org
      The Black Lotus.............................http://www.tbl.org
      The Digital Artists Wired Nation.http://digitalartists.cjb.net
      The Lost Souls...............................http://www.tls.no


      Blacktron Music Production...........http://www.d-zign.com/bmp
      Da Jormas................................http://www.jormas.com
      Five Musicians.........................http://www.fm.scene.org
      Kosmic Free Music Foundation.............http://www.kosmic.org
      Mah Music.............................http://come.to/mah.music
      Maniacs of noise...............http://home.worldonline.nl/~mon
      MAZ's Sound homepage.............http://www.th-zwickau.de/~maz
      Morbid Minds..............http://www.raveordie.com/morbidminds
      One Touch Records......................http://otr.planet-d.net
      Radical Rhythms.....http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/user/merrelli/rr
      RBi Music.............................htpp://www.rbi-music.com
      Ruff Engine................http://members.xoom.com/ruff_engine
      Sound Devotion................http://sugarbomb.x2o.net/soundev
      Suspect Records........................http://www.tande.com/sr
      Tokyo Dawn Records........................http://tdr.scene.org


      3d addict...................http://users.cybercity.dk/~bcc5877
      Anders Akerheden...............http://hem.passagen.se/andersak
      Jean Nine....................................http://j9.cjb.net


      Calodox demolinks exchange.....http://calodox.planet-d.net/cde
      Comic Pirates.........................http://scene-central.com
      Demo fanclub........................http://jerware.org/fanclub
      Digital Undergrounds.....................http://dug.iscool.net
      Doose charts...............................http://www.doose.dk
      Dreams2 CD.........................http://nl.scene.org/dreams2
      Hugi size-compo...............http://home.pages.de/~hugi-compo
      Orange Juice.........................http://ojuice.citeweb.net
      PC-demos explained.....http://www.oldskool.org/demos/explained
      Textmode Demo Archive.................http://tmda.planet-d.net
      Hungarian scene page...................http://www.scene-hu.com
      Zen of Tracking.........................http://surf.to/the-imm


      Static Line......................http://www.ic.l7.net/statline
      Total Disaster...................http://www.totaldisaster.w.pl


      Flerp............<new files listed>.......ftp://flerp.scene.hu
      Scene.org........<new files listed>........ftp://ftp.scene.org
      Skynet archive.................ftp://acid2.stack.nl/pub/skynet
      ACiD2 Archive.............................ftp://acid2.stack.nl

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!====:] end [:=================================================================
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      Download site#1.ftp://flerp.scene.hu/scene/DiskMag/DemoJournal
      Download site#2.........ftp://ftp.foxfiber.net/pub/demojournal
      Download site#3.ftp://amber.bti.pl/pub/scene/mags/demo_journal
      Download site#4.......ftp://ftp.scene.org/pub/mags/demojournal



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      Ex-editor......Psychic Symphony.....<psychic_symphony@clix.pt>