_ ________\ .\\ \__________ | //. | | _____________ _____ : ________ _____ | _\_____ // _/____\ _ \_ / _ \: _\ |/ /· _/ \\// /· / \_ /____________/____\_______\/________________/[ h7 ] ._______ ____ _____ _______ _________ .______ ________ | | _\_ /_./ _ \\ /______ _\__ /____| _/_\__. /_| | .\ // | / \_ /) _/ _/ / _ \ \ \| \_ |_ | |________/_________)____\_____\____\ \____|______/______/ _| | . .\______/ \_______| . : : | [ dEMOJOURNAL ] | | | _ | |________\ ________| \__) ?------------------------------------------------------------------- -- - - !====:] #77 [:=========================================:] o6 feb 2ooo [:======= :---------------------------------------------------------------- -- - - editorial demonews party on! weekly interview - demo - all i need is a little time.. intro - music - question - quote - commercial break homepages articles end subscribers 344 - ?------------------------------------------------------------------- -- - - !====:] editorial [:=========================================================== :---------------------------------------------------------------- -- - - here. have a demojournal with an interview (wow) ps ?------------------------------------------------------------------- -- - - !====:] demonews [:============================================================ :---------------------------------------------------------------- -- - - TraxinSpace TbO and Vega duo are announced as Artists of the Year darkhalo Announced as Artist of the Month New photo collection by zden/satori. You want electronic art? This is electronic art! http://message.sk/gfx/2div0 ?------------------------------------------------------------------- -- - - !====:] party on! [:=========================================================== :---------------------------------------------------------------- -- - - starts !=! ends !===! location !===! name !=========! contact !================ Jan 21 - Jan 23, 2000 Finland Elevator 3 http://www.elevator.labra.com Jan 29 - Jan 30, 2000 Sweden Midwinter 00 Feb 03 - Feb 06, 2000 Australia Coven 2000 http://www.coven2000.org =========! present time !====================================================== Feb 26 - Feb 27, 2000 Slovakia Demobit 2000 http://www.demobit.sk Feb 26 - Mar 02, 2000 Norway Trax00 http://traxparty.cjb.net Mar 10 - Mar 12, 2000 Holland Ambience 2000 http://www.ambience.nl Mar 31 - Apr 02, 2000 Finland Rendezvous 01 http://rendezvous.stc.cx Apr 14 - Apr 16, 2000 France Arf!Party00 http://arfparty.planet-d.net Apr 19 - Apr 23, 2000 Norway The Gathering 1900 http://www.gathering.org Apr 21 - Apr 24, 2000 Germany Mekka Symposium 2k http://ms.demo.org May 06 - May 07, 2000 Russia Parodox 2000 http://eltes.info-don.ru/kirr May 26 - May 28, 2000 Germany Radwar Party 2000 http://www.radwar.com May ?? - May ??, 2000 Germany Dialogos 2000 http://www.dialogos.cc Jul 07 - Jul 09, 2000 France VIP 2 http://popsyteam.rtel.fr/VIP Jul 07 - Jul 09, 2000 Belgium 2-THOUSAND http://www.multimania.com/tthousand Jul 14 - Jul 16, 2000 Belgium Inscene 2000 http://www.inscene.org Aug 31 - Sep 03, 2000 France aRTS Y2K http://www.rtsy.org Aug ?? - Aug ??, 2000 Poland Gravity 2000 neuroup@agravedict.art.pl Nov 01 - Nov 01, 2000 France Millenium Party 2K http://Party2k.citeweb.net ??? ?? - ??? ??, 2000 France LTP 4 http://ltp.planet-d.net Dec 15 - Dec 17, 2000 Holland ST News ICCC 2000 http://www.scriba.org/stnicc2000 ?------------------------------------------------------------------- -- - - !====:] weekly [:============================================================== :---------------------------------------------------------------- -- - - This week! I've been mostly eating... moby =====! interview !============================================================= Session Start: Sun Feb 06 05:54:48 2000 *** whizzter has joined #demojournal <|ps|> so who are you mister? <whizzter> the unworthy whizzter who got forced into an interview on sunday morning just before demojournal deadline.. are you as tired as me? :) <|ps|> nopes.. im fresh as a leaf... so whats your human status? name, age, shoe size.. <whizzter> jonas lund,19 in 10 days, about 41 i think <|ps|> and what does mr.lund do on this stupid little thing we call scene? <whizzter> coding mainly and very much criticised design because somehow everytime i'm about to do a demo all graphicians get something in their way and some painting and tracking under undercover names because i suck so badly at that :D <|ps|> dreamless wasnt that bad.. what are you complaining about? <whizzter> well i ran out of time so some stuff irritates me and some really picky persons :) f.ex. our beloved loonie :) <|ps|> loonie said he made the song and gave it to you :P <whizzter> and i still have a bit of my old reputation left from all that crap i did over a year and that jokeintro at dreamhack yeah, and i made a crap demo of a great tune :) <|ps|> jokeintro wasnt that bad.. it was bad but the southpark relations was ok :D <whizzter> hihi southpark rules <|ps|> oh my god! they killed kenny!!! you bastards!! <whizzter> hehe, i got the sample packed into the intro (proud ;) "channel yellow+" in sweden had a southpark "day" this summer and i got hooked at that point :) <|ps|> erm.. anyways.. so what do you do on real life? <whizzter> being at school 5 days a week(altho i have been sleeping a bit too "much" lately) boozing in the weekends but not on saturday night due to my friends mother drinking my beer that i had left at their place grr <|ps|> and thats it? thats your life story? going to school and back? =) <whizzter> well, we do try to do some fun stuff every now and then :) don't remind me <|ps|> like what? cordless bungeejumping? <whizzter> i live 16km away from town so that's why i'm stuck on irc so much, nothing else to do. uhm, going to other towns and boozing :D well i do have alot of friend but haparanda where i live doesn't have much space to do stuff 7k people in the town <|ps|> hehe lets talk about coding then.. you were that dude that made that extension thingie.. how do you plea? <whizzter> guilty even today i get questions about it eventho i stopped using it over a halfyear ago :) DO WIN32 & LINUX FOR FUCKS SAKE! <|ps|> well ok, but say some technical stuff because i dont remember much of the it myself =) <whizzter> well it was smaller than all other stuff and was quite easy to use (atleast i thought so:) <|ps|> hehe =) * whizzter just got some jimitenor mp3's, quite nice music :) <|ps|> your no fun.. ok so now you are the man on woorlic.. whats happening with woorlic? <whizzter> hmh, the founder and dictator is more like it ;) well we've expanded like hell the last half year (twice the amount of members) and still expanding a bit. and some of the newest people are kickass mongi is prolly unknown to most demosceners but he's ranked nr 5(if i remember right) on some artscene (y'know on efnet :) chart and loonie and uma ofcos :) except from that loonie said that we can do better than dreamless and i promise to try to do better :) <|ps|> oki.. now how did woorlic started? tell us how you got into computers at all.. <whizzter> i notice you really were unprepeared to do an interview this time? :) haha it's darn funny really :D tho i'll take it later or both things are anyhow when i was in 3rd grade(or 2nd,can't remember) i saw a c64 at my friends place and i also wanted one and told my parents then at xmas everybody wanted an nes and so did i but they had already bought my friends c64 because he was getting an nes i was pissed as hell when i got the presents :) but as time tells that was quite lucky after some year i wanted an amiga but my father got told that a 486 machine was better for buisness so we got an 486 instead, so i missed all amiga stuff due to that(altho i would have been quite late on the amiga) and from that i've been using pc about woorlic now, heh that's a funny story :) it was in the spring of 97 and i got to internet for the first time thru school i had seen some demos from some cd's and read the pcdemo faq so i found my way to #coders <|ps|> #coders sucks!!! :P <whizzter> and talked around there then i wanted to get into some group but all groups thought i was too crappy so nobody took me in well i had gotten onto #swedescene and other places and still not found anybody who was willing to take me in :) <|ps|> so what did poor mr.lund do? =) <whizzter> so i came in contact with ksorim (he quit the demoscene in early 98) and we founded woorlic :) <|ps|> go on.. tell us woorlic's history.. <whizzter> after that i started on a intro with luk/procreation but it never got fininshed because i was still too crappy do get anything done :) so time went on and we released ihmegubbe, our first demo at dh97 :) i can laught quite well when seeing it :) ohwell time went on we got a bit better bit by bit <|ps|> i love happy endings.. and what about your razor1911 experiments? <whizzter> hehe i joined in mid 99 and quite in mid jan 2000 because the socalled demodiv merged with the rest of the group and all "warez" codexes had to be applied this lead to that i had to quite either woorlic and deluxe or razor1911 <|ps|> so no more r1911 for you? <whizzter> and as we at that point had mongi,uma,loonie,etc and all my irl friends(fatPacifist,lenin(the 2 unfamous ones,yes :) and some other ppls) the choice wasn't hard at all esp as that naked andromeda was in r1911 too greets to crook,graffik,case and all the other nice ones :) <|ps|> whats wrong with andromeda? <whizzter> he is naked i promise <|ps|> hehe ok so lets go right into.. <whizzter> (gosh, my english has really gotten bad at this point) <|ps|> *drum roll* <whizzter> *pheeer* <|ps|> demojournal quizshow contest are you ready? =) <whizzter> could you give me a sec to open some old dj for cheating? ;) <|ps|> no 1. whats your favorite color? <whizzter> darnit! magenta, everybody hates me for that! :) <|ps|> 2. how many beers can you drink without passing out? <whizzter> geez, everybody taunts me for being a bad boozer but i'm small, i'll blame that :D about 14-15 koff kolmoset (all finns knows!) <|ps|> 3. what is the capital of madagascar? <whizzter> antaveidero or something <|ps|> you silly person!!!! i though you knew antananarivo by now!!! shame on you whizzter <whizzter> *hides* <|ps|> 4. whats the most interesting book/movie you ever read/seen? <whizzter> "crime and punishment"(that book by dostojevski)/ "blue velvet" with hopkins(it rules, go see it!) <|ps|> 5. whom do you like best? calvin or hobbes? <whizzter> calvin is my brother in a twin universe <|ps|> =) so what are your favorite demos? <whizzter> gosh i love soo many and i love you all who spend your time making them for all our pleasure anyhow most orange stuff, most pulse stuff,most tpolm stuff, mhc,etc.. :) <|ps|> do you see demos as beeing electronic art? <whizzter> demos is what they are made to be, those who makes art really makes art, blasphemy f.ex. other ppl's doesn't see demos as art and then just creates some effectjunkstuff, too bad that has been done over and over now <|ps|> what was your first seen demo? <whizzter> dunno, but the first impression i ever really got was some "ace" cracktro for international karate (not +) i loved that one :) (c64) bouncing letters,copperbars and a scroller i watched that one as much as i played that darn game =) <|ps|> what is your current best demo? like.. which one made you go wow lately? <whizzter> wonder!!!!! first time i saw it at dh99 i didn't think much but the projector was crap when i saw it at my friends machine with a tnt2 i just watched it over and over in different resolutions i think i watched it about 7 times :) fukwit daddy was cool as hell too :) <|ps|> are these 3d acc demos considered normal demos or are they really getting into a new level? <whizzter> yes and no you won't get into a new level of design but a new level of effects and code <whizzter> but they're cool (if i only had a 3dcard myself, this machine doesn't even have mmx so none of our demos uses mmx:) <|ps|> does this less and less number of active coders frighten you? i mean it takes alot more strong will to code quality demos nowdays.. less and less people are around.. <whizzter> there isn't less just more coders has escaped to do linux stuff and games and there are prolly more coders than ever but not so many really good ones in the scene now well the maths are nearly easier nowadays for the most used stuff so we won't need hardcore coders, more people from univs with solid maths background in the beginning of 98 i think i could name the good coders in sweden on the fingers of one hand, today there are many that could potentially do kickass stuff <|ps|> do you have any pets? <whizzter> no but i'd love to have an cat i love cats :) (i can't stay away from them when i'm at friends places :) i don't like dogs that much tho, one big bit me when i was in first grade and i think they just slob all over you in general :) <|ps|> whats your favorite cat name? <whizzter> hmh hard one but i think it'd be molly <|ps|> molly? :P cammon.. <whizzter> it's true :) that one is soo cosy she just jumps up on the bed and starts going around you purrin all the time :) i can't resist that little cat :) <|ps|> =) fluffy fur balls =) <whizzter> i think i'll go kidnap her tomorrow <|ps|> what is your favorite beer brand? <whizzter> koff!!!! :D we have a lapinkulta factory in tornio (a city just beside my town,hapananda) so we get to smell that fucking beer all the time can't stand lapinkulta <|ps|> bahahaha so this is it i think.. no more questions.. tell us your email and homepages.... <whizzter> and lotsa other stuff pretty pretty please? :) whizzter@enjoy.joint.net http://woorlic.hostname.nu/ <- the woorlic's homepage (gotta tell some graphician to do proper pages ) http://woorlic.hostname.nu/jonaslund/ <- personal page, not finished, i should write some more poetry and finish it <|ps|> so you think of any other questions i might ask you? =) <whizzter> we're planning to have a booze/semi-demo party in haparanda so contact me in the beginning of the summer if you live in northern sweden or finland (last time i arranged a demoparty i was too drunk to hold compos, so expect a great PARTY! :) meet me at abd2k and remedy2k (i'll really try to attend those 2) <|ps|> oh yeah.. btw, you coming to trax00? <whizzter> i have about 100sek(10 euros?) for the rest of the month to booze and stuff so i really doubt it :) maybe if i can get my friends to fix a car and stuff, but i doubt i will :/ i might do a demo tho =) <|ps|> bah! lamer! and so i close this interview and stuff... <whizzter> okay LOVE TO YOU ALL! Session Close: Sun Feb 06 06:54:24 2000 =====! demo !================================================================== Insect Jazz by Damage (party-version) Found at www.scene.org 3rd place at Elevator 2000 System requirements: 1.3 MB HD, and a Win9X dos-box, because it crashes halfway under pure DOS. The demo: Insect Jazz is a high-res demo, with minimalistic effects like moving transparent circles, flatshaded simple 3D objects with an occasional point-filter and slowly cross-fading backgrounds. A bit better (or at least more interesting) were the falling 3D-pills with spacecut, and the "trails of particles connected to a rotating sphere"-effect. Regarding design, Damage found their inspiration in the Far East: an oriental girl and ditto singer in the background, Japanese characters everywhere, and the messages "this demonstration was sponsored by Uchi-naga-Wa Ltd." and "We really #%&œ@ you too". Hmm, using ASCII to imitate oriental chars sucks. Squint your eyes till it looks like Japanese instead of a censored swear-word (Who knows, maybe it IS a Japanese curse :)) The graphics are OK, a few photoshopped photos, some black/white icons, and the Japanese messages. It's simple, but doesn't look bad. The music is not jazz, despite the title, but a rather happy tune with a slow melodic start and drums that are a bit too loud IMHO. Worth the download ? It's not really a special demo, although the oriental touch makes it a bit more original. Fans of the genre will like it, the others can try it if they are curious (after all, 1 MB zipped is nothing nowadays) but won't miss much if they don't. < Very short review due to exams and resulting lack of time and bad judgement etc :-( Ah well, only two more exams to go next week... > Seven =====! intro !================================================================= Vakio by Mewlers 64 kilobytes intro 2nd place out of 6 at Elevator 2000 Download: ftp://ftp.scene.org/pub/incoming/ELEVATOR2000/in64/mwl_vkio.zip Credits: Synteesi - music Rainmaker - programming, graphic This is a strange intro. It looks similar to some TPOLM intros (Bjoer, TP98 intro, Technology 2). I have watched it at least five times in the three days since I have downloaded it. It is not beautiful at all, but I somehow like it anyway. If I had been to the party myself, I would have voted it at the first place. As it was given the second place in the public voting, it seems that I am not the only one. The music has a fixed rhythm, and it is made up of some annoying noises. The intro uses one rather poor grayish-greenish palette from the beginning till the end. The background is made up of an ugly horizontal sinus wave with some vibrating noise. Most of the time there are also some stippled lines, and a picture in one corner of the screen. These pictures are photos taken in a housing estate, if I catched them well. In the foreground there are some minimal 3d graphics, drawn with lines. These are cubes and cones, they are moving, rolling and rotating. Every movement is kept well together with the beat of the music. These effects are quite interesting, although it would be pointless to describe them one by one, so I won't get into details. In this intro I adore the way it plays with the very basic geometric primitives, and despite all its uglyness, it is amazing how good the result is. You are still somehow stuck to the screen and wondering what the next effect will be. gekko =====! music !================================================================= *stryke* =====! question !============================================================== > question of the week: > best tracked song released on 99 is? dzaes maneuverz by krii -distance Well, certainly "Anette" from Heatbeat.......... -"philippe dussart" Hmm. (Looks through the playlist and is thinking hard what of those zillion songs has been played the most because being incapable of choosing the best one.) Ok. Uten Deg by Nogsf. -melwyn bothersome (mother mix) by lackluster or la petit prince/luv u by falcon or ... no, that's impossible -tryhuk ne vsak nyni by boop. -eggbird french connection by falcon/cloud#9^tdr -goro hm.. let's see sofa surfin' by falcon,streets of budapest and vosztok-7 by carlos, feeling tokyonese by netpoet,melting sunbeam by shamen, datarro by nogsf, remind me by magnetic, 4th squadron by archon&towerx,etc.etc. -nagz best tracked song ?? hmm.. good question, but imho: 529 - Raytrayza. yep! this is c00l song. -radman ?------------------------------------------------------------------- -- - - !====:] commercial break! [:=================================================== :---------------------------------------------------------------- -- - - =====! homepages !============================================================= Groups: 3g Design..............................http://3gdesign.cjb.net Aardbei.....................................http://aardbei.com Acid Rain..............................http://surf.to/acidrain Anakata..............................http://www.anakata.art.pl ANDESA Soft International..................http://andesa.da.ru Astral..............................http://astral.scene-hu.com Astroidea........................http://astroidea.scene-hu.com AtomiK....................................http://atomik.ini.hu Bomb..................................http://bomb.planet-d.net BlaBla..............................http://blabla.planet-d.net Blasphemy..............................http://www.blasphemy.dk Byterapers.....................http://www.byterapers.scene.org Calodox.................................http://www.calodox.org Chrome..............................http://chrome.scene-hu.com CoPro.....................................http://www.copro.org Damage...................................http://come.to/damage Dance...................................http://dance.flipp.net Defacto 2..............................http://www.defacto2.net Dolops......................... ........http://dolOps.scene.hu Exceed...........................http://www.inf.bme.hu/~exceed Fobia Design...........................http://www.fd.scene.org GODS...................................http://www.idf.net/gods Green.....................................http://green.dyns.cx Grif........................http://arrabonet.gyor.hu/~rattgrif Haujobb......................................http://haujobb.de Hellcore............................http://www.hellcore.art.pl IJSKAST.............................http://www.ijskast.cjb.net Immortals..............................http://imrt.home.ml.org Infuse...................................http://www.infuse.org Just For Fun...........................http://jff.planet-d.net Kilobite...............................http://kilobite.cjb.net Kolor................................http://www.kaoz.org/kolor Kooma.....................................http://www.kooma.com Label zero.........................http://labelzero.pganet.com Mandula.........................http://www.inf.bme.hu/~mandula Monar................ftp://amber.bti.pl/pub/scene/distro/monar Next Empire.................http://members.xoom.com/NEXTEMPIRE Ninja Gefilus.........http://www.angelfire.com/or/ninjagefilus Noice.....................................http://www.noice.org Orion..............................http://orion.arfstudios.org Quad........................................http://www.quad.nl Rage........................................http://www.rage.nu Replay.......................http://www.shine.scene.org/replay Retro A.C...........................http://www.retroac.cjb.net Rhyme................................http://rhyme.scene-hu.com Skytech team............................http://www.skytech.org Sunflower.......................http://sunflower.opengl.org.pl Suspend......................http://www.optimus.wroc.pl/rappid Tehdas...................................http://come.to/tehdas Tesko..........................http://www.scentral.demon.co.uk The Black Lotus.............................http://www.tbl.org The Digital Artists Wired Nation.http://digitalartists.cjb.net The Lost Souls...............................http://www.tls.no TPOLM.....................................http://www.tpolm.com Trauma.................................http://sauna.net/trauma T-Rex.....................................http://www.t-rex.org Universe..........................http://universe.planet-d.net Vantage..................................http://www.vantage.ch Music: Aisth.....................................http://www.aisth.com Blacktron Music Production...........http://www.d-zign.com/bmp Chill..........................http://www.bentdesign.com/chill Chippendales......................http://www.sunpoint.net/~cnd Chiptune...............................http://www.chiptune.com Da Jormas................................http://www.jormas.com Five Musicians.........................http://www.fm.scene.org Fridge...........................http://www.ssmedion.de/fridge Ignorance.............................http://www.ignorance.org Intense...........................http://intense.ignorance.org Jecoute.................................http://jecoute.cjb.net Kosmic Free Music Foundation.............http://www.kosmic.org Level-d.................................http://www.level-d.com Miasmah.............................http://www.miasmah.cjb.net Milk.......................................http://milk.sgic.fi Mah Music.............................http://come.to/mah.music Maniacs of noise...............http://home.worldonline.nl/~mon MAZ's Sound homepage.............http://www.th-zwickau.de/~maz Mo'playaz..........................http://ssmedion.de/moplayaz Mono211.................................http://www.mono211.com Morbid Minds..............http://www.raveordie.com/morbidminds Noise................................http://www.noisemusic.org One Touch Records......................http://otr.planet-d.net Radical Rhythms.....http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/user/merrelli/rr RBi Music.............................htpp://www.rbi-music.com Ruff Engine................http://members.xoom.com/ruff_engine SHR8M......................................http://1st.to/shr8m Sound Devotion................http://sugarbomb.x2o.net/soundev Soundstate.........................http://listen.to/soundstate Sunlikamelo-D...........http://www.error-404.com/sunlikamelo-d Suspect Records........................http://www.tande.com/sr Tequila........................http://www.defacto2.net/tequila Tempo................................http://tempomusic.cjb.net Theralite...........................http://theralite.avalon.hr Tokyo Dawn Records........................http://tdr.scene.org UltraBeat.........................http://www.innerverse.com/ub Vibrants................................http://www.vibrants.dk Wiremaniacs.........................http://www.wiremaniacs.com People: 3d addict...................http://users.cybercity.dk/~bcc5877 Anders Akerheden...............http://hem.passagen.se/andersak Ari..............................http://www.primenet.com/~arie Attack..............................http://attack.planet-d.net Balrog.........................http://www.mds.mdh.se/~mek98adl Carlos..............................http://www.nexus.hu/carlos !Cube......................http://www.cs.helsinki.fi/~tlonnber Cyclone..................................http://zap.to/cyclone Dave.............................http://www.come.to/davecorner DaVinci.................................http://davinci.ice.org Echo................................http://www.kki.net.pl/echo Exocet..........................http://jff.planet-d.net/exocet Flan.............................http://www.error-404.com/flan Gardner................................http://www.gardner.z.pl Grabule........................http://members.xoom.com/grabule Hunz............................http://www.globec.com.au/~hunz HP........................................http://hp.pardey.org Immortal Rat................................http://ir.scene.hu Inferno............................http://inferno.planet-d.net Jean Nine....................................http://j9.cjb.net Jimsendu............................http://home.sol.no/ojakobs Jupiter....................http://members.xoom.com/JupiterCode Lazur....................................http://lazur.punkt.pl Leviathan....................http://www.ews.uiuc.edu/~ajcarlso Los........................http://www.angelfire.com/in/miku305 Mephisto.............................http://www.chez.com/shiva Mystical................................http://www.mystical.dk Nekrite.....................................http://move.to/ap0 Nico....................................http://geecs.org/~nico Nino...................http://www.saunalahti.fi/~kuusnie/tapsa Nitro...................ftp://ftp.scene.hu/Artists/music/Nitro Nogsf..............................http://www.saers.com/~nogsf Pow.................................http://home.sol.no/~tskara Rents................................http://newdigital.tsx.org Rez.................................http://reeeeez.citeweb.net Rod.................................http://www.inf.bme.hu/~rod Scorpik............................http://scorpik.planet-d.net Shodan...............................http://shodan.skytech.org Skal..................................http://skal.planet-d.net Skaven..........................http://isis.yok.utu.fi/~skaven Smash.............................http://jecoute.cjb.net/smash Sol..................................http://www.icon.fi/~solar Spell.........................http://www.ThePentagon.com/Spell Splif..............................http://splif.aegis-corp.org Szoke......................................http://szoke.ini.hu TheREW..............................http://home.wxs.nl/~therew Traven..............................http://traven.planet-d.net TS................................http://www2.hawaii.edu/~myee Tuo.....................................http://tuo.skytech.org Unlock...........................http://www.profzone.ch/unlock Velikani.............................http://ltk.hut.fi/~akiuru Vivid..................................http://vivid.kosmic.org Wain.............http://zevs.ifi.ntnu.no/~frankwer/gfx/gfx.htm Warder...............................http://www.dlc.fi/~warder Willbe...................................http://willbe.cjb.net Xcene...................................http://xcene.flipp.net Yannis...........................http://www.zip.com.au/~yannis Zden....................................http://message.sk/zden Others: Arf!Studios..........................http://www.arfstudios.org Calodox demolinks exchange.....http://calodox.planet-d.net/cde #coders..................................http://coderz.cjb.net Comic Pirates.........................http://scene-central.com Demo fanclub........................http://jerware.org/fanclub Digital Undergrounds.....................http://dug.iscool.net Doose charts...............................http://www.doose.dk Dreams2 CD.........................http://nl.scene.org/dreams2 Freax...................http://freax.scene-hu.com/mainmenu.htm GfxZone............................http://gfxzone.planet-d.net Hugi size-compo...............http://home.pages.de/~hugi-compo Orange Juice.........................http://ojuice.citeweb.net PC-demos explained.....http://www.oldskool.org/demos/explained Pixel...................................http://pixel.scene.org Scenet....................................http://www.scenet.de Sunray..............................http://sunray.planet-d.net Swiss List.................http://www.profzone.ch/vantage/list TakeOver................................http://www.takeover.nl Textmode Demo Archive.................http://tmda.planet-d.net Hungarian scene page...................http://www.scene-hu.com Trebel...................................http://www.trebel.org Zen of Tracking.........................http://surf.to/the-imm Diskmags: Amber...............................http://amber.bti.pl/di_mag Amnesia...............http://amnesia-dist.future.easyspace.com Demojournal....................http://demojournal.planet-d.net Dragon......................http://www.wasp.w3.pl/pages/dragon Fleur................................http://fleur.scene-hu.com Heroin...................................http://www.heroin.net Hugi........................http://home.pages.de/~hugidownload Pain........................,,,,,,....http://pain.planet-d.net Static Line......................http://www.ic.l7.net/statline Total Disaster...................http://www.totaldisaster.w.pl TUHB.......................................http://www.tuhb.org WildMag...........................http://www.wildmag.notrix.de Ftps: Amber.......................................ftp://amber.bti.pl Cyberbox.....................................ftp://cyberbox.de Flerp.....................................ftp://flerp.scene.hu Scene.org..................................ftp://ftp.scene.org Skynet archive.................ftp://acid2.stack.nl/pub/skynet ACiD2 Archive.............................ftp://acid2.stack.nl ?------------------------------------------------------------------- -- - - !====:] articles [:============================================================ :---------------------------------------------------------------- -- - - ?------------------------------------------------------------------- -- - - !====:] end [:================================================================= :---------------------------------------------------------------- -- - - Download site#1.ftp://flerp.scene.hu/scene/DiskMag/DemoJournal Download site#2.........ftp://ftp.foxfiber.net/pub/demojournal Download site#3.ftp://amber.bti.pl/pub/scene/mags/demo_journal Download site#4.......ftp://ftp.scene.org/pub/mags/demojournal Homepage.......................http://demojournal.planet-d.net Mirror.............................http://demojournal.scene.hu Webmaster........Eggbird...........<egbert@teeselink.demon.nl> Demo-reviewer....Seven.....<Stefaan.VanNieuwenhuyze@rug.ac.be> Intro-reviewer...Gekko...........................<gk@scene.hu> Music-reviewer...Tryhuk...........<xtryhu00@stud.fee.vutbr.cz> Subscribe........Topic: subscribe...<demojournal@planet-d.net> Unsubscribe......Topic: unsubscribe.<demojournal@planet-d.net> Main Editor......Psychic Symphony...<psychic_symphony@clix.pt>