        /                      DEMO NEWS #34                     \     
        /                      Mar. 05, 1994                     \
        /      ftp.uwp.edu, wasp.eng.ufl.edu, ftp.sun.ac.za      \

Filename.ext |  Location      | Description
bparty3.zip  - /alpha/b       - Bogus Party III video.  Cool 1 min of video.
compo        - /incoming/compo- Directory for the Composers music contest.
fdintro.zip  - /alpha/f       - Fulmor Designs BBS intro. No music.
gthc0194.zip - none           - ANSI -- Bad .zip so I deleted it.
meeting.zip  - /alpha/m       - Success's HOLLAND party invitation for 3/11.
ripmod.zip   - /music/?       - Allows you to save digi samples from MODS.
l2venior.zip - deleted        - Letter to Venior regarding prize C. never got.
malfunc      - deleted        - We already have this demo.  No gus support.
timeless.zip - /alpha/t       - TRAN's screen saver type demo.  Worth getting.
timefix.zip  - /alpha/t       - Video card vix for timeless demo.
tribe-06.zip - /ansi          - Tribe ANSI pack I discovered in the wrong dir.


Since ftp.uwp.edu is not allowing uploads upload all your demos to
ftp.eng.ufl.edu (wasp) in the /pub/msdos/demos/incoming directory.


If SNOWMAN (maintains /music directory) has anything to say he may say
it here.


There are now about 50+ people getting this through the mail.  Mike seems
to have fixed a problem or two so now everyone who wrote should receive 
this "demonews" file. We can also send the "TOP25DL" file every week but
there seems to be an update bug with the file reseting the ftp.syslog.
With our luck the script will crash on the 13 meg ftp.syslog.0 when it
tries to create the TOP25DL file.

The mail results are in...Thus far, after 6+ hours only 2 messages have
bounced and I was able to correct one of the addresses.  So, if you
are a "Toby Y Yue" at a location @ss1.bath.ac.uk then E-mail me with
your correct address and I will fix the problem.

This file in the /alpha directory has been recently updated.  We still
have about 50 demos yet to review but at least you now have a more updated
file.  Mike, Erik?, and I (Dan) are slowly doing the reviews with me doing
the least.


If you have anything demo related you want to say you can say it here too.
Just mail me what you want to say by Friday and I will include it in the
newsletter that weekend.

This weeks QUOTE comes from John Candy who died March 4, 1994:
  "My dogs are barking today."  Planes, Trains, & Automobiles

From Blues Brothers to SCTV to Uncle Buck John Candy was a very funny man.

Any ideas, problems, suggestions?  Then write to:
