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This should support the demo/art scene and there is of course no need for local share boards with 7 cdrom drives with the latest pegasus available. Anyway, our limitation is that your board should have at least one 14.4k node, the latest scene stuff online and a nice design. Thats enuff. Okay, back to this letter. All stuph which is advertised in the newsletter is available on these boards. Grab the stuff and maybe you have interest to write some lines about the various releases. We're lookin forward to your articles. Bye, yours Cosmic, Publisher. ==[BBSLiST]===============[BBS List - O5.O3.1996]========================[]== ܱÜÜ ± ± ßÛ²ÛÛ þÜÛ²ÛÛß Üܱþ ÜÜÛ²Ûß fLASH! ÜÜÜ °Û²ÛÛ ° Û²ÛÛÜþÛÛÛÜÜ° ±ÜÜþßÛÛ²ÛÛ ß ÛÛÛÛ ß ÜÜÜþ ÜÜÜþßÛÛ²ÛÛ Ü±ÜÜ thE ßÛÛ²ÛÛÛÜ°ÛÛÛÛ ÛÛ²ÛÛ Û²ÛÛ° ÛÛÛÛÛ ° ÛÛ²Û ÛÛ²Û° ÛÛ²Û° ßßßßß ßÛ²ÛÛ °Û²ÛÛ ° Û²ÛÛ° ÛÛ²ÛÛ Û²ÛÛÜÜÛÛÛÛÛ °ÛÛ²Û° ÛÛßß° Û²ÛÜþÛÛÛÜÜ °Û²ÛÛ °liST Û²ÛÛ Û²ÛÛ ÛÛ²ÛÛ Û²ÛÛ ÜÜÜÜÜ° ÛÛ²Û ÜÜÜÜÜþ ÜÜÜÜ ÛÛ²ÛÛ ÛÛ²ÛÛÛÜ ± ÛÛÛÛ Û²ÛÛ °ÛÛ²ÛÛ Û²ÛÛ °ÛÛ²ÛÛ ÛÛ²Û ÛÛ²ÛÛ Û²ÛÛ °ÛÛ²ÛÛ ÛÛÛÛ ± þÜܲÛÛÛ°Û²ÛÛ° °Û²ÛÛ ÛÛ²ÛÛ ÛÛÛÛ °ÛÛ²ÛÛ °° ÛÛ²Û °ÛÛ²ÛÛ°Û²ÛÛ °ÛÛ²ÛÛ °Û²ÛÛ°²ÛÛÜþ ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÜÛ²ÛÛÜÜÜÛÛÛÛ °ÛÛ²ÛÛÜÛ²ÛÛ ÛÛ²ÛÛÜÜÜÜÛÛÛÛÜÜÛÛÛÛÛÜÛÛÛÛ ÛÛ²ÛÛÜÜÛ²ÛÛÜÛÛÛÛÛ þßßßßß ± ° ßßßßß±ß ° ßßßßß±ß °° ° ßß° °ßßßßß±ß ± °ßßßßßþ +---+-------------------------------------------------------------------+---+ [Detailed Table] ================================[1/Undercover BBS - last updated 26.12.1995]= Board Name [] Undercover BBS Online since [] 1O/1993 Lines/Number [] 1/+49 2323 46OO94 Modem('s) [] 28.8K/V34 Computer [] P66, 486dx33 Network [] Yes Sysop's [] Cosmic, Judge Dredd, Sandman, Ray, Cannibal Storage [] 1gig Affiliations [] Radical Rhythms, Qtip, D-lusion, Azure Sky, Pure, [] Force10, Diamond, Keith303, Members of Mayday [] Capacala, E/M/S, SAU, Keen like frogs, N-factor, [] Daskmig, KFMF, AimHigher, Traxx, Hypernova [] No Comment, Tracktor, Insane Frequencies, Blacktron Userbase [] +-315 Available Nets [] none Systempassword [] none Newuserpassword []ÿnone Ratio [] none ====[]=================================================================[]==== ===================================[2/Nirvana BBS - last updated 26.12.1995]= Board Name [] NiRVANA Online since [] AUGUSt 1994 Lines/Number [] 2#NOdES @ 6245 3056 / 6245 4236 Modem('s) [] 28.8, 19.2 Computer [] ibM iNCOMPATibLE! Network [] dON'T? Sysop's [] RAYtRAYZA, dR.dRAPE Storage [] 1.3Gb Affiliations [] thE_X WHQ, b2b whq, iF whq, rr ghq, primus ghq, lim ghq [] polygon ghq, acme, jamm, s!p, moz, ems, k3o3, mtv, inx, [] neo classix, antares, afl ... comming up more! [] Userbase [] 235 Available Nets [] dON'T? Systempassword [] dON'T? Newuserpassword [] dON'T? Ratio [] fREE lEECh? Comment [] jOW .. CAll NOW fOR thE lAtEST StUPh .. fOR fUCkiNG [] GR8 dESiGN .. fRIENdLY (?) SYSOP .. ANSi / ASCii [] REQUESt .. ====[]=================================================================[]==== =================================[3/The Prototype - last updated 26.12.1995]= Board Name [] the prototype Online since [] end'95 Lines/Number [] #1/ +49-6o74-35292 Modem('s) [] 288oo/v34 Computer [] dx4-1oo / p9o Network [] yes Sysop's [] blackknight/dr.no Storage [] 1.7gigs + offline stuff on tapes Affiliations [] sanction/haze/phat whq [] fuel/stcm/nf/xtcplayer ehq [] antares/bpi/bdp/chaos/decibel duo/euphoria/gollum/ [] hbe/imagine/image/isch crew/megabusters/phf/realtech/ [] symptom ghq [] capacala/epical/jamm/majic 12/mystic bytes/proxima/ [] purple/tf&tdv/void distribution site Userbase [] Available Nets [] none Systempassword [] none Newuserpassword [] none Ratio [] normal user 1:3 [] improves a lot if you upload k00l soft [] ...or if you are ld caller! Comment [] none. take a look on your own. ====[]=================================================================[]==== ==============================[4/Da Mouldy Vaults - last updated O3.O3.1996]= Board Name [] Da Mouldy Vaults Online since [] '95 Lines/Number [] +49-2323-897151 & +49-2323-981351 Modem('s) [] 28k8 & iSDN Computer [] iDX4, iDX33 Network [] yep Sysop's [] CiRiON, PETE! Storage [] 750 Megs Filebase (steadily growing) Affiliations [] Memberboard PAiN!, X-Treme Dreams, Blood! [] Dist Radical Rhythms, Post Mortem, Sanction, Megasphere Available Nets [] Todes, XTD, Anarchy (NOT online!) Systempassword [] none Newuserpassword [] not yet Ratio [] depends on your work, minimum 1:3, pay-account possible Comment [] if you think you're a FAST trader, then call! [] second analogue line coming soon ... [] what else 2 say? hmm ... hemp rooleZ! ====[]=================================================================[]==== =======================================[5/X-Press - last updated 03.03.1996]= Board Name [] X-PRESS Online since [] 1995 Lines/Number [] 3/+49 30 40632377/40632378/4013654 Modem('s) [] Elsa MCL V.34, Creatix ISDN, TKR Terboline Computer [] 486 dx/2 66, 486 dx/2 66, 486 dx4 100 Network [] Yes Sysop's [] Sinus, Darkknight Storage [] 1,2 Gb Affiliations [] Funk Site, Elyssis Whq, Dac Whq, Chaos Design Ehq, [] Nuclear Ghq, Back2Basix Dist, Insane Frequencies Dist, [] Fbk Dist, Bomb20 Dist, House Experience Dist, Kage Dist [] Gilden Dist, Animal Support Site, Reflex Dist Userbase [] 200+ Available Nets [] GSN, BDN, Fido Systempassword [] nope Newuserpassword [] nope Ratio [] normal: no ratio, leecher: 1:3 Comment [] pure Demo/Art Board - we try to offer you the latest demoscene releases ! Come back to the roots and help to keep the German scene alive! ====[]=================================================================[]==== ===============================[6/The Shogunat ][ - last updated 26.12.1995]= Board Name [ The Shogunat ][ ] Online since [ 1992 ] Lines/Number [ 1: +49 (0) 30 - 721 75 74 V34+ ] [ 2: +49 (0) 30 - 721 75 26 ZyxE+ ] [ 3: +49 (0) 30 - 72A SK 4! V34+ ] [ 4: +49 (0) 30 - 723 20 161 iSDN ] [ 5: +49 (0) 30 - 723 20 162 iSDN ] Modem('s) [ Usrobotics & ZyXel] Computer [ p1oo oS2 ] Network [ N0 n0 ] Sysop's [ CyZ & Kylerean] Storage [ 3 Gb ] Affiliations [ WhQ oF LiQUiD ] [ Application Headquarter of Superior Art Creations [SAC]] [ Application Headquarter of Drinking Evil Elite Phrekers] [ [DEEP], Dist of Diamond and Bomb20] Userbase [ 250+ ] Available Nets [ Bdn - InFox - Pcb - more soon ] Systempassword [] Newuserpassword [] Ratio [ 1:3 [everything free until 31.12!] Comment [ Well, we have large support for PcB Sysops and Coders ] [ We have Germanies LARGEST JAPAN [MaNGa etc] Conference] [ You can have a lotof fun ] [ Connect until 31.12 and you have INSTANT ACCES] ====[]=================================================================[]==== ==================================[7/Shelter Base - last updated 26.12.1995]= Board Name [] shelter base Online since [] first feb '93 back jan '94 Lines/Number [] 2 +49-8141-34445 ringdown Modem('s) [] yoriko vfc usr v.evrything Computer [] 486dx33/20MB Network [] lantastic/free nfs Sysop's [] blade, walker Storage [] 1380MB Affiliations [] WHQ of HBE,Native Force, Blue Pearl,FOUNDERBOARD of Phat [] GHQ of BLACKTRON, EXTRAVAGANZA, AIM, LIGHTSPEED, ERROR [] ART, TRAX, WTB, XTC,ZiG ZaG, PENTAX,HAZE,SANCTION,UG '95 [] TiB,IMMOLATION,FLEXION,TRAX EHQ of steel dawn Userbase [] 460 Available Nets [] AquaNet,RaveNet,PHIDO,PhatNet Systempassword [] NA Newuserpassword [] NA Ratio [] depends Comment [] Mainly art evry hbe release 0 hours old, very strong [] in art-packs, musik-disks, demos [] Also a big ppe source ====[]=================================================================[]==== ====================================[8/Ecto Traxx - last updated 14.O1.1996]= Board Name [ eCTO TRAXx ] Location [ wEISMAIN GERMANy ] Online since [ cHRISTMAS 94 ] Lines/Number [ +49-95o4-678 ] Modem('s) [ ZYX E (192oo) ] Computer [ 486DX2 ] Network [ NON ] Sysop's [ e605 & m’gus ] Storage [ 42o (soon 2gb) ] Affiliations [ WHQ: SDi [ GHQ: CANDELA, E-NERGETIC, NONSENSE, SG, X-WHERE [ MB: MOM [ DS: MISTERY, BOMB SQAD, NOVASTORM, STYX, D4Z, BOMB20 [ B2B, D.S.O.M., VIDEOPOLIS, HOUSE XPERIENCE, JESTER [ OTHERS: RAT (BAV-OUTPOST), ZYKLOP (BAV-HQ) ] Userbase [ ca. 120 ] Available Nets [ NON ] Systempassword [ NON ] Newuserpassword [ NON ] Ratio [ NON ] Comment [] ====[]=================================================================[]==== ===============================[9/Artificial Dope - last updated O3.O3.1996]= Board Name [] ARTiFiCiAL DOPE Location [] DORTMUND Online since [] LATE SUMMER 96 Lines/Number [] +49-231-417584 Modem('s) [] ELSA MiCROLiNK 28.8TQV Computer [] P166 (really!) Network [] NOPE Sysop's [] LiZARD, CMOS Storage [] 850MEGZ Affiliations [] CRuSaDeRS [] VuLTuRe ( MAYBE DEAD :( ) [] GiLDeN [] nO CoMMeNt! Userbase [] ABOUT 40 Available Nets [] NONE Systempassword [] NOPE Newuserpassword [] NOPE Ratio [] 1:3 Comment [] Runnin PCB.....always new ANSiPackz... [] Big PPE Conference [] ANSi Design by NAiL/MS/PAiN (THX, DUDE!) ====[]=================================================================[]====