۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ܰ ۲ ۲۰۲۰ ۲ ۲ܲ ۲ ۲ ۲ܱ ۲۰ ۲۲ ۲۲ ۲۰ ۲۲ ߰۲ ۲۰ ۲۰ ۲ ۲۰ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲۰ ۲ ۲۰۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۰ ۲ ۰ ۲۰۲ ۲ ۲ ۲۰۲۰ ۲۰۲ ۰۲ ۲۰۲۰ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲۲۰ ۲۲۲۰ ۲ ۲ ۲ ߱ ߱ ߱ =========================================================================[]== The German BBS - Flash Weekly?newsflash - Issue O3/Apr 96 / O6.O4.1996 ==[]========================================================================= =========================[]= Table of Contents =[]=========================== ($#) = Just use your SEARCH function and give ($#) as search topic to read your prefered text. E.g. ($13) for the Otto Chrons interview. ------------------- ----- --- ---- - - ܲ ߲ܰ۰߲ ߲ table of contets Issue#3/O6.O4.96 Finalo Releaso ܲ ܲܲ ܲ ------------------ ߰ ------ ---------- -- - 1. Introduction About this Flash..............................Cosmic ($1) Words of wisdom...............................Cosmic ($2) 2. BBS News What happens in the previous week............Various ($3) 3. Reviews&more Mekka 96 Report..........................Sinus & Cyz ($4) Assembly 96 Situation...........................Peho ($5) The March Ansi paq review table.................Nail ($6) Headache demo.................................Cosmic ($7) Traxx 0396 paq................................Cosmic ($8) Final Mekka Results............................Acryl ($9) Final Convention Results.......................Staff ($1O) Final Cache Results..............................Bat ($11) Crktelco.zip note 2...........................Cosmic ($12) 4. Interviews Otto Chrons...................................Reebok ($13) Necros (FM/LD)................................Reebok ($14) 5. Preview Issue #4 offers..............................Various ($15) 6. The Staff Publisher, Authors and Contributers..........Various ($16) 7. Contact Info How to get in touch with the BBS - Flash People..... ($17) ====[]=================================================================[]==== ==[Chapter1]===============[]= Introduction =[]=========================($1)= About this Flash.. after a muuuuuachas long period we are back again with issue3. The most important news is that we are ready to allow german articles. We have discussed about that topic and came to the conclusion that many people would write articles for the magazine but the english language stops their creativitly. Furthermore we gonna include switzerland and austria in this letter, and remember that this is a "germany only" magazine. Rather dull situation, yep you're right. Maybe we should call this magazine european so that our foreign brothers near us have something to read, too :) Strange things may happen but stay tuned what we decide to do. Anyway, i'am glad to welcome Reebok in our team, check out his 2 interviews with Otto Chrons and Necros this issue and expect hot infos about austria from him. Also a electronic handshake to Assign, the english chief :) Includeded in this zip you will find a file named "Bomb20r.int". there was just a missunderstanding concerning release version or noda release version. hope this is clear now. regards, yours Cosmic -- ----- ------------------- ---------------ܲ -------------($2)- ߲ܰ۰ ܲ ۰ ܲ ܲ ۰ ܰ ߲ ۲ ۰ ۰ ۰ ۰ ܲ ܲܲܲܲܲ -߰ ---------- ߰ ----- --------------------------------- --- Hello and welcome to the DEMO BBS advertiser Letter. This chart contains a a list of high quality boards in germany. You can be sure, by calling one of the later advertised boards that you can get the latest DEMO and ART stuff stuff around. Also you can find all the necessary information for your distribution sites list. For example, the number of your german hq changes and you cant get the right connection because of old wrong number, normally no way out but with the help of this file letter no kinda problem. Besides this, you can read interesting interviews with sysops, brothers in the scene or reviews of latest mayor releases. Short, the needfull stuff about boards, their life and their releases/uploads. Why the mothafukin dope this letter you may ask. Take it as a try to get back to the roots, to get the good old days back. Nowadays the scene is confused or maybe chaotic. A lotta bbs gonna come up and after a couple of months they close their gates. This sukks and is gonna make the people around confused and it doesnt supports the scene in a good way (imho). Besides people can get easily contact to their local boards. Can check where the nearest location to call in is, so that this provides a optimal support for the affiliated groups. Anyway, lemma know what'ya think about that, Friendly regards, yours Cosmic ====[]=================================================================[]==== ==[Chapter2]==================[]= Board News =[]========================($3)= ܲ ܱ ۰ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ܲ ۲۰ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲۲ ߰+-------------------------+ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ The weekly bbs newsflash! ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ only the freshest news... ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲߲ ۲ ۲۰ +------------------------+ ۲۲ ۲ܲ۲۰ ۲ ߱ ߱ ߱ +---+--------------------------------------------------------------------+--+ (O7.O3-O6.O4.1996) Special thanks to Reebok for bombin me with news at our Smodem chat. Rumors saying that there will be a new inet provider for germany. the provider supports inet in generell and an own service for only 10marks/month. the main sponsor behind this is RWE. A new german PPE group is under construction. we've just heard names like cyz, roy or cosmic.. stay tuned we keep yer informed. No assembly pardy this year. sad but true. Future Crew plans to come back. The comeback release is a XM competition song for mekka 97 by purple motion. Godmode and Mayor Tom of Moz[ic]art got busted for free calling. Same happens to Stoney/Razor1911^Malice. Looks like that free calling in austria is kinda dangerous. e/m/s is working on something named " Fantastic Music Komposer " (rumor). Aaargh!/moz is working on a german jokes diskmag. S!P will release 2 demos at naid96 and gathering 96. S!P Amiga has NOTHING to do with S!P PC ! Sunset Couriers is a new ART ONLY courier group from Europe/Southamerica (some former PHUN members are in sunset). As soon as the sunset team is complete it will offer courier service for famous groups. Termor/moz got busted by internet hacking. He was kicked from skool and home and has no chance to study for about 2 years. Tran is about to release a new basic system called "EasyBasicDeveloping". The Faker / S!P has a girl friend (muchas phun to him :) +---+--------------------------------------------------------------------+--+ Looks like that nothin more interesting happens... +---+--------------------------------------------------------------------+--+ Note: Send us your infos about your board or group as textfile. Upload it to Undercover BBS as private upload at conference 1. Stay tuned until i get inet back. But BBS direct upload is of course faster. ====[]=================================================================[]==== ==[Chapter3]===================[]= Reviews =[]=============================== - ----- ---- --- ------- --- - - ߲۰ ۰۲߲۰ ۰ BBS-Newsflash Issue #3 Reviews and articles ܲܲܲܲܲܲܲܲ - ---- -- ---- --- ߰ - -- --- ߰ --- - Nr Type Language Title Author +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ O1 Article English Mekka 96 Report Sinus & Cyz O2 Article English Assembly 96 Situation Peho O3 Review English The March Ansi paq review table Nail O4 Review German Headache Demo Cosmic O5 Review German TRAXX O396 release paq Cosmic O6 Review English Final Mekka Results Acryl O7 Review English Final Convention Results Staff O8 Review English Final Cache Results Bat O9 Article English Crttelco.zip comment Cosmic +---+--------------------------------------------------------------------+--+ (1)======================================================================($4) ( Article : Mekka 96 Report ) ( Author : Sinus & Cyz ) oO Report about the Mekka 1996 Oo About 250 people gathered for mekka 1996 in Hamburg Seevetal/Hittfeld. The Party was organized from amable, with some well known sponsors. The party room was big enough for all ppl and their equipment. The entrance hall had a little bistro, with MUCH too expensive prices. The Restaurant was empty all the time, no one went there i think, maybe it was too expensive, too. The Sleeping room had carpets - it was very comfotable, but 2nd night, were even the hardest party people got tired and were in need of sleep, it was overfilled. Well, the entrance fee was 30 Marks ( a bit high i think ). You received a badge, with your name on it (good idea in fact, but too less ppl used them, or they scribbled their names much too small, so that you had to stop them and stare if you batch, which was quite embarassing), acme and some other guys styled your badge if you gave it to them, they looked great after their styling! Furthermore you received a voting disk, which was too buggy! On many systems there was no way to run it. Last you got a plastic strip, which should show the organizers that you had paid your entrance fee, but these little things just went directly into the trash can, or you just didn't wear'em. Everywere in the hall there was the low glim of monitors, people rushed around saying "hello", meeting people, making contacts, spreading and showing their releases, there were many new, as well as many known faces. Some people were still coding on their releases, finishing them or just searching for bugs, others watched classical demos, or attended to music and modules - their was a real sound chaos in the hall, from all directions different types of music, techno there, metal here and demo tunes in the other corner. Loads of hifi systems were much better than the party's own one, larger boxes etc, many groups really came with their WHOLE technical equipment (hifi video computers etc). With your arrival you got a timetable and unlike tp5 you didn't have to pay for it. The Screen was sufficient although the quality could have been much better ... Through some faults in handling of hifi equipment and feedbacks the party crew wasted the hifi system so that the sound quality was lacking a bit. The Party network (old novel version) ran good in most places, though some people had problems when they weren't near a hub. But there weren't many interesting files - mostly warez and pictures were available in the net. First evening the net wasn't up, and last day they closed it before the mekka releases could be spreaded. (although they promised it via information files in the network) Finally we should say that the delay of the compos was too big, some were delayed up to an hour, it was boring when the bigscreen flashed with the information that the compo is about to start in a few moments, with all people attending - finishing their work, but nothing happend at all. Beside these crits the party was good and fun, nobody gave a damn that he came to the party, the party really lived from the crowd that came up to the convention. oO Some infos on the competitions Oo - 3 Tracks of the 4 Channel compo were really usable the rest was bad or even awful. - The Multichannel compo was taking too much time, cuz 28 entires, every single one taking 5 minutes, and boring delays betweend them made the compo taking over 2 hours. Voting was hard as cause of these masses of entries, most people were bored after an hour, but the winning entry from keith3o3 was really great! - The 4Kb Intro compo had few competitors, but all of them were okay. - There were some really neat 64K intros, with 3 entries topping all the others. The winning intro from Funk got heavy applause. After the first frames silence took place in the party hall and all ppl watched with growing enthusiasm. - The Game Compo had 7 Entries. (including one online game :) 3 of the entries were good - an shoot'em up won the compo. - The ansi competition was the one with the 2nd most entries (after the multichan.), amazingly was that an ascii got first place, wereas the ansis were really great! - The winner of the Gfx compo was no german guy (an international convention, wow..), but all pictures where overwhelming. - An additional fast-intro compo was really funny, though only two groups took part in it, but the entries were - well you wouldn't have thought of such good routines and ideas - The Chiptune compo was cool, its amazing what these guys get in these lil' chippies ... - A Magic The Gathering tournament was held beside the computer compos, first price was a revised booster and an alpha berserk. - The Prizes were a mix of Hardware, Cds, T-shirts and money. Most were Hardware, soundblasters and a 3dblaster and such things... - The big winner was Mefis of Funk, third time he was up on stage to receive a prize he didn't know what to take cuz he allready had everything. He scored with his tunes, and together with his group funk. You are wondering were the final mekka results are? Well, seems that the mate who was in care of them got into holiday...;) This time, there was no rave in the sleeping room, maybe just because it was too small. Sunday morning, the organizers even had to wake up the happily sleeping community, cuz shortly before the awarding ceremony the main hall was quite empty. Finally we would like to say that the mekka '96 was really great, and we would be happy if there were another mekka in '97. written by CyZ together with Sinus +---+--------------------------------------------------------------------+--+ (2)======================================================================($5) ( Article : Assembly 96 Situation ) ( Author : Peho ) This is the official announcement of the Assembly Situation. There has been a lot of speculation what will happen and what the situation is. I hope this news posting will clear most of it, and I hope people will spread it across the networks. 1) The money Assembly '95 still owes people prizes in money. A very annoying situation that we still work on. Romware has _finally_ made the asm '95 cd out and we are waiting for the sales data (but don't bee too optimistic, we are not. We had the rom ready at the beginning of October but its out just now...). From this money, all will be spent on prizes. We will have a website to serve people on the internet - it will come up soonish, we only need some gfx for it. From all this we will give all money to the prizes. Also, at some point, there will be a list of people whom have been paid so you can check the situation if need be. Some people have made 'threats' of sueing: it is ok. They are allowed to do that but at that point we don't see any reason to continue our work so it is solely up to people to do what they want. The situation isn't easy for us either, as we made the best party ever and now the glory has been stained with this incident. Years of nonpaying work for nothing. 2) Assembly '96 The party will not be held. Mainly the reason is that we don't want to start organizing anything with prizes still unpaid. I hope someone can organize a good summer event here in Finland and we shall see what happens at 97 :) The people whom have been promised CDs will get them as soon as we get them from Romware. We have received 10 promotional CDs, thats all. In general, people have been very supportive. I thank you all whom have called or mailed us and whom have had the patience. Those kinds of spirits are rare nowadays and I thank you for giving us some extra strength to continue the work that is still in process. Lots of things have happened, there has been lots of hopes, and now we have decided the way we take. I am sorry if I have missed some emails, I have tried to reply every one but I have had a lot of work here, so I apologize if some of you haven't received a reply. Assembly '96 would have rocked, with 2M ethernets and links abroad, lotsa new features and stuff for people to enjoy. But again, I hope people understand why we don't want to have it, and I feel we have made the right choise althou it feels quite sad. SO, why this all happened? There has been quite wild rumours about it, but in short: the damages to the fair centre were a bit too big and the insurance company did not pay one sigle penny. Also, we got few extra bills that were quite unremarkable but still justified. So, you can thank all those people who painted the walls, broke windows and demolished the toilets. We should have had the rule that all the damages would be taken from the prizes... that way, the damages would have been quite much smaller too. Be it then a success or not, we are working to get the prizes paid. And I think they will be eventually, I don't want to give up if people still have faith that they will get their shares. Well, I think this has been short. If someone else wants to know about the situation they are free to mail us at assembly@assembly.org, but please give us some time to reply, we are quite busy with other work. I can be reached by email at pehu@assembly.org Yours sincerely Pehu Assembly Organizing +---+--------------------------------------------------------------------+--+ (3)======================================================================($6) ( Article : The March Ansi paq review table ) ( Author : Nail ) THE RANKiNGS Rating ۲ 01 iCE9602A.ZiP / iCE9602B.ZiP 09 ۲ 02 APATHY08.ZiP 08 ۲ 03 01ADMENT.ZiP 07 ߲۲۲޲޲ CiAPAK32.ZiP 07 ۲ ۲ SEPT9604.ZiP 07 ۲۲ WLD9604A.ZiP 07 ۲۲޲ 07 AVPACK09.ZiP 06 ۲۲۲ OVT-0496.ZiP 06 ۲ SEPT9603.ZiP 06 ۲ TiDE0496.ZiP 06 ۲ 11 BLUR-01 .ZiP 05 ۲ BLUR9604.ZiP 05 ۲ MOP-9603.ZiP 05 14 EMiC0496.ZiP 04 this flash was scheduled for 15 ARTPCK#2.ARJ 03 release in the last week of 16 MGA-0396.ZiP 02 March, but somehow we didn't NH!-0396.ZiP 02 make it... to be at least PUNC0396.ZiP 02 somewhat up-2-date I gathered 19 EMiC03 .ZiP 01 some more packs I found on !MADOOM .ZiP 01 my HD, so it may be possible 21 WAR-0496.ZiP 00 I missed some major releases. ZTART01 .ZiP 00 sorry for that... N! +---+--------------------------------------------------------------------+--+ [!MADOOM .ZiP] SHADOWBYTE SHADOWBYTE SHADOWBYTE SHADOWBY ----[too long and too sh*tty DiZ cut]---- SHADOWBYTE SHADOWBYTE SHADOWBYTE SHADOWBY Madman and Doomsday of Shadowbyte present A striking PCX and ANS Pack! hmmm... tough race for the flop of the month, but this one made just 2nd place... don't ask me why.. perhaps it was sympathy because they did a sisters of mercy logo (suxx, but at least a vein attempt)... sh*tty VGA, even worse ANSi and ASCii... Rating  striking? hmm.. a slap in the face... +---+--------------------------------------------------------------------+--+ [01ADMENT.ZiP] t h e i n a u g u r a ۲ ܲ ۲ ۲ ߲ ۲ ۲ eq ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ from the ashes of climax adment arises... this pack (named "inaugura") features.. uuh... very FEW ANSi, a bad to the bone JPG and... nothing more. in fact, stripped of the JPG it's no longer than 185k, and half of it are .nfo files and memberlists still... anyway.. the ANSis are quite good... leaves me with hope, that adment's four (yes, there are just four) members will produce more ANSis for the next pack and spare us the bad JPGs... Rating  far toooo short +---+--------------------------------------------------------------------+--+ [APATHY08.ZiP] ۲۲ ۲ܲ ۲unsane ۲ ۲ ۲ ܲ ۲ ݰ۲ ۲ܲ۲ ߲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ܰ ܰ ۲ܰ apathy pack number seven three words... this one rocks... the crew around misfit did fine this month, and so this pack comes with lots(!) of nice ANSi (if you can stand unshaded toons, that appear in it from time to time), some cool RIPs, a REALLY outta sight JPG and three crappy MODs... nevertheless this one's one of a few worth leeching this month... Rating  get it, but beware of the MODs! +---+--------------------------------------------------------------------+--+ [ARTPCK#2.ARJ] ߲ ۲ ܲ ۲ ߲ ܲ ۲ avg! ܲ ܲ ܲ ۲ ۲ UTsHG artpack #2 - first bearable paq ;) bearable? ok, the s3ms aren't as bad as the rest, that's it... Rating  this groups dedicated to shit and fun, so beware! +---+--------------------------------------------------------------------+--+ [AVPACK09.ZiP] .super.hi-res.less.damn.ansi.av.96.pack. ۲ ۱ ۲ ۲ ۱ ߲ ߲ ߲ ߲ ۲ ۲۲ ߲ ۲ ܲ apocalyptic visions 1996 - pack #9 here we come from the longest living group in history of oz art! "we did it!" c) army of the 12 monkeys Is it a predicate to be the group alive longest in oz? If yes, of what? In case of Apocalyptic Vision it's average ANSIs and GIFs and not so good RIPs. However, if I say average, I still mean "okay", at least if you look at the crap that is flooding the boards nowadays... Rating  average, okay, whatever, this is at least worth while +---+--------------------------------------------------------------------+--+ [BLUR-01 .ZiP] ۱ premier collection ۰ lur productions 1996! ޱ ޲ ۱ ܲ۱ ۱ cs ۱ ۰ ۱ march 96 ߲۲ this one's athough to judge pack... it starts really ugly, especially if you don't like poems at all... (personally i think, some of them are quite good) but from file to file it gets better and as a premium pack it's quite ok (though the JPGs suck once again). Let's hope the blur stuff keeps mr. sandman (odium member) and the rest gets better... Rating  still good premium pack of a group with potential +---+--------------------------------------------------------------------+--+ [BLUR9604.ZiP] Blur April Collection '96 o1/o1 ms! o4/o1/96 "Shaken not stirred" ...but it shook me.. or was it "shocked me"? Naa, fair's fair... there are some quite nice ASCIIs in there and some of the ANSIs are ok, too... but the main part looks somewhat... awkward? unusual? Na, fuck, I didn't even like the last James Bond flick, why should I like this pack? Rating  quite ordinary "quality" +---+--------------------------------------------------------------------+--+ [CiAPAK32.ZiP] cia conspiracy # 32 ۰ ۲ ߲ a ߲ ߲ hmm.. judge yourself.. is it possible for an art group to get even NEAR to a 32nd pack, if it isn't good? naaah, for sure not. although i've seen better from cia and there's far to much toons in there for my personal taste, this one's a must-have... Rating  intense art - 'nuff said +---+--------------------------------------------------------------------+--+ [EMiC03 .ZiP] ߲ܲܲܲ ߲ܲ۲߲ ۲ ܲ ߲ ۰ ޲ ݲ ޲ ܲ ߲ ߲ ܲ ۲ܲܲܲܲ everday minds incooperation ܲ March Premier Pack ߲ܲ ܱ߱ܲ another premier pack - and this one sucks... hope, they won't get ANY further... or even to do a 2nd pack. Rating  Beware of leeching this crap! +---+--------------------------------------------------------------------+--+ [EMiC0496.ZiP] .s$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$s. $$$$$$$$$###$$.##$ #~.,. .#$#$$$ $$$# #s.`$ #. ~~ .# $ $x $$ #s.`$$$ $$$$ $$ $ $ $$~$$~$$ $ $# $ $$ $ $$$$$ $$$$ $$ $ $ $$ $$ $$ $..$ $$ '.$$$$$ $$$$ $$ ~.$ $$ ~~ $$ $ $$ $ $$ . $$$$$ $$$$ $$ $$$ $$ .. $$ $ $$ $ $$ $ $$$$$ $$$$ $$ ~.$ $$ $$ $$ $ $$ $ $$ $ $$$$$ $$$$,.~~~': $ .$$ $' $.sss$.`#s',$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$#..'$$$`~'$$$$$$#$sssss$$$$' `Umaro$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$' [EMiC] - CREATIONS 1996 -[EMiC] `April 96' Does anybody out there like ANS-extensioned ASCIIs because of some color drops in them? OK, just kidding, most of the ASCIIs in this pack are really good, if you like the $$-style, that is. Unfortunately the REAL ANSIs in this pack (with a few exceptions) suck like hell, so you better don't touch this, if you're not looking for ASCIIs. Rating  oha, they DID improve, let's watch out for the next +---+--------------------------------------------------------------------+--+ [iCE9602A.ZiP] [iCE9602B.ZiP] ۲ ۲tna ޲ ܲ ۲۲ iCE February Pack Disk X/2 what do you expect from an ice pack? :) anyway, you'll get it, cool VGA (mainly in pack 2, as always), state-of- the-art ANSi (in pack 1), no disturbing crap-modules... Rating  the same procedure as last.. err.. month... +---+--------------------------------------------------------------------+--+ [MGA-0396.ZiP] ,$""" $"""""$$",s@S$#@s,$$"" """$ ,',s@@s,s@#S#@s, $"$$$ $$$$$ ,s@#SS@s,` $' $"$$$ $$$ $""$$ $s,$$sssss, $$""$ $$$"$ $, $s,$ $""$ $,s$$ $$$$ $$$$ $$,$$s$$,$ `$,""' $,$$ $$$$ `""""""""' $$$$ """", `$,s@#Ss""" "$'s@#S$$$$S#@s"""'s$$$$$ ""'cD/mGA : mga!paq#2 o3/o6/96 : s0AP i i `$' T aSs `' uuuh.. paq#2? did i miss the first one? hope so, cause this one isn't worth it.. although there are two "promising" GIFs in it, you better don't leech this, the ANSis are ugly as hell... Rating  nooooooooo, DON'T! +---+--------------------------------------------------------------------+--+ [MOP-9603.ZiP] pa.mop ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ߲ ۲ mOp thing number 6 3/96 .. dropping acid in ninety-6 .. oh lucifer.. i'm soooooooooo old... there's a GIF of the MOP guys in this pack, ... kiddies.. uaargh... err.. sorry... back to buisness... this features some nice VGA, some quite cool RIP and some.. err... multi-group ANSis... (beware of the pure mop ones) Rating  if you NEED to get it, get it for the VGA and RIP +---+--------------------------------------------------------------------+--+ [NH!-0396.ZiP] - ܰ- ܲ ---- -- - - ߲ ۲߲ ߲ ߲ nocturnal۲ ݰ holocaust! ۲ ln ޲ ߰ܰ ۰۲ ۲۲ ߲۲߰ nh! march art package ۲ ---------------------------- - highlited by two oughta sight JPGs by hnr this pack features some lame ANSI and ASCII logos. It's short enough not to bother you with more shit of this self-proclaimed "artists", so get this, if you want to get two cool JPGs, else let it rott in the file-bases. Rating  holocaust? +---+--------------------------------------------------------------------+--+ [OVT-0496.ZiP] .triloxy one year anniversary pack. ߲ ܰ cd ߲ܲ ۲ ۲ ܲ ܲ ۲ ۲ ۲۲ ۲۲ ܲ ߰ ovation april pakage! ޲ This pack stars some really fine ANSI and ASCII art, destroyed by some incapable members, who's shit somehow made it into this archive, too. pleeeeeeeeaaaase, did you ever think about quality instead of quantity? Rating  the same old game, cool meets lame +---+--------------------------------------------------------------------+--+ [PUNC0396.ZiP] _____________________________ '`,\ _ \ | \ _ \ _ \`,' '`,/ | \ | / | / |___/',` '`/ \_____/ | \ | \ | \`,' '/ \ | \ | \ | \,' :\____ /____ /_| /__ /lu %%%%%\___/%%%%\___/%%\___/%%\___/%%% %S$S% punc productions march %S$S% %S$S% release %S$S% %S$S%ssssssssssssssssssssssssss%S$S% quoting taz/punc (about his included MOD): "don't take this seriously, this is just supposed to make you laugh, it only took 10 minutes anywayz." this seems applicable on the whole pack. in short, it features low-level ASCii, some ANSi (nothing out of the ordinary), a lame e-mag called "binary shift" (or was it binary shit?) and up to 4 levels zipped archives with some standard bbs enhancements (including PPEs). Rating  what a laugh... +---+--------------------------------------------------------------------+--+ [SEPT9603.ZiP] ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ --[septic.pack.9603]-------------- -- - Featuring a lot of nice outlined and colored logos and a view ANSI pics, this pack - as short as it is - is a must-have for any ANSI-fan and logo collector. Rating  just get it... +---+--------------------------------------------------------------------+--+ [SEPT9604.ZiP] ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ----[septic.pack.0496]------------------ phew... I'm glad they don't quit... the font style is somewhat, err, twisted, but this pack is nevertheless worth leeching. Take it! Rating  not enough to join iCE? Never mind! +---+--------------------------------------------------------------------+--+ [TiDE0496.ZiP] ,a'' ,a'' a$d Pack #1 a$$ $$$ a, $$$ aa$$$ $$$ .a$'$$$ ,a$`$a, $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$a$$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ a, $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ `$$,$$' `$$a$D' $' `$$,.. .' lh! tide deluge number one April 1996 fonts, fonts, fonts and quite good ones at this... together with not too bad JPGs, this is a premiere pack of my taste... hope, to see more from them in the future. Although some ANSI pics'd have been nice... Rating  nice start, now hit it! +---+--------------------------------------------------------------------+--+ [WAR-0496.ZiP] ݱ ܲ ۰ ۰ ۰ ܰ ݰ ۱ ݰ ݰ ݲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ߲۲ ۰ ܰ ۲ ۲ ۰ ݰ ۲ ް ۰ ۱ ۲۰ ۲ ۲ ۰ ݰ ް S ްޱް ް ߲ ݱ۲ޱ ۰Hްޱްޱޱ ޱ ۱ ݲ۲۲ް޲Yޱް۲ްް ް ް ݲ ޲ްްް޲޲޲޲޲ް޲ ݱ۲ޱޱ޲޲ޱްޱ߱۱ޱޱ ۲ WARRIORS - FIRST ARTPACK 04/96 Look at the diz and judge yourself... there's NOTHING of quality in there, so if you're not warned by the diz already, let the rating of this pack be your warning. Rating  spare us a second one... +---+--------------------------------------------------------------------+--+ [WLD9604A.ZiP] ...WYLd - APRIL - GAtHERiNGS - '96... ܲ ۲ ޲ ۲ ߰ ߲ ۲ ܲ .PART[1/2] - ART PACK (ANSI/GIF/EXE). It should rather read (CRAP/GIF/EXE), but at this, they are good. To say it clear: get it, if you like GIFs, but don't get the idea, you'd get good ansis, there are not many of them anyway... Rating  you want GIFs, you get them +---+--------------------------------------------------------------------+--+ [ZTART01 .ZiP] . ޳ ܲ ܱ۲ ޳ ߰ ޳ ۱ ޳ ޳ ޳ ޳ Zt/rt ޳ ޳ a n s i ޳ p a c k ޳ ޳ | Ĵ ޳ | flop of the month... 'nuff said (no, i won't tell you anything more, i know i'll be carried away if i do... ) Rating  Zt? - yes; art? - never! +---+--------------------------------------------------------------------+--+ (4)======================================================================($7) Ŀ -=[ Psychic Link ]=- Program : Headache - The Intermission -=[ presents ]=- Group : Psychic Link / Statix -= =- Rel Date : 22 March 1996 H E A D A C H E Filename : HEADACHE.ZIP -= =- Size : about 1,4meg packed A Pentium Demo by Statix Author : Cosmic Mo people, weil ich im moment absolut zu lazy bin jenes hier in english zu schreiben kommt ein deutsches review ber dieses demo. und da wir ja neuerdings ebenfalls german artikel publishen, wollte ich mal vorbildmig voranschreiten. Vorab noch ein paar worte zu meiner review-methode bei demos. Ich werde definitiv nicht mit fachwrtern oder sonstigen phongplasma4d vektoraler bomben posen, sondern das "object" so beschreiben wie es ein aussenstehender event. tun wrde. Davon abgesehen gibt es nur eine bewertung, und zwar den fun-faktor. 0% ghn - 100% total stoned! Okee, kommen wir zum demo. nach dem starten von headache.exe er- blicken wir einen typischen doom, heretic, duke, etc etc loader. Der intro part besteht aus einem plasma miges schwabbeln und einer font fade routine die telekom like verzehrt ein/aus fadet. Danach folgt ein Wrfel part mit zwischensequencen ( Am flockigsten kommt noch das ACiD-Smilie teil (ich mchte ein E kaufen) ). Irgendwie er- innert mich das alles an ein typischen trance video. Die beiden letzten phunparts sollte man sich selber mal ansehen, recht krass. Die musik klingt zwar recht nett, lt sich aber ned definieren. Irgendein demo.jungle.trance gemisch mit miger sample qualitt. Die grafik ansich gefllt mir sehr gut (vor allem die zwischen pics) und der gesamteindruck umso mehr. Ergo, downloaden, anschauen und archivieren. Fun-Faktor : 80% +---+--------------------------------------------------------------------+--+ (5)======================================================================($8) Program : TRAXX March Paq Group : TRAXX Rel Date : March Filename : TRX0396A-E.ZIP Size : about 5,4megs packed PC about 8megs unpacked Author : Cosmic -iMMORTAL FOREVER- The MAR. '96 TRaXX BEAUTY REVELATION "March middle of the month release" *MULTiViBRATIONS RULE THE WORLD!* [TRAXX]( UNDERGROUND MUSIC )[1/3] Got the groove, und das zweite review in diesem issue. some1 wants to translate my german articles ? egal, auch dieses paq kommt wieder mit massig music und bytes. Auch dieses mal ist kein player, shell oder svga menu dabei, sodas mal wieder Fasttracker2.O6 rokkt. seit den letzten chapter von traxx kommen die paqs immer ber den monat verteilt raus, wobei ich da- bei keinen tieferen sinn sehe. ob ich mir nun 5megs am stck oder erst am 1O. 2megs und dann am 28. 3megs downe, ist mir relativ ladde (tm). Nun gut, zu den songs in diesem paq. pauschal lt sich sagen, da die qualtit dieses mal definitiv besser ist, sollte Blue Adonis tat- schlich meine geforderte Qualitycontrol eingefhrt haben ? wie auch immer, die music ist teilweise sehr experimentel, teilweise recht krass und ein paar gehen in richtung (Hard)trance. die einzigen aus- nahmen sind wohl das Reagge und Compo modul. Abgefahren ist das 2ch xm file, schon irgendwie krass was man aus 2channels noch machen kann. Ergo, progressive und kranke leute werden es mit sicherheit mgen, leute die Mark'oh als Top Rapper oder DJBobo fr einen musiker halten, sollten lieber weiter BravoTV schauen und die finger von dem paq lassen. Music-Faktor : 70% +---+--------------------------------------------------------------------+--+ (6)======================================================================($9) ( Article : Mekka'96 Final Results ) ( Author : Acryl) Chiptunes: 1. "Eternal Voyage" Fastintro: 1. Code Red + Cubic&Seen 4kb Intro: 1. Sanction 2. Furball 3. Funk! Ansi: 1. Prototype/Blackknight of Phat! 2. KeenLikeFrogs 3. Desert&Mefis/Funk! 4channel: 1. Mefis/Funk! 2. Keith3O3 / RR / Anarchy 3. Screamager / Traxx! Graphic: 1. Cyborg / benj.imphobia 2. Honny's Comeback / Acryl.Legend Design 3. ERdbeben / JMS.Acme Multichannel: 1. Guitarphobia / Keith 3o3. RR.Anarchy 2. Velvet / Amable 3. African Dream / Mefis.Funk! 5. Trance-GOD-3-176-Perfection / DAC Game32kb: 1. KLF 2. bexx&matthew 3. pandemonium Intro: 1. " Essence " Funk! 2. " Inside " Resistance 3. " Paranoia " Phoenix Demo compo: 1. Blasphemy / FATAL JUSTiCE 2. F8 / Strontium 9o 3. ox9o/Hybrid +---+--------------------------------------------------------------------+--+ (7)=====================================================================($10) ( Article : Convention'96 Final results ) ( Author : Pardy staff) Fast-Ascii-Competition ---------------------- 1. Mephisto/LSD 200 Points 2. Rapid/Contra 187 Points 3. Desert/Dezign 107 Points Music-Competition ----------------- 1. Rave the Fairlight2 by Gabbarett/TAI 128 Points 2. Shall we go again by Skyphos/Matrix 107 Points 3. Little bit rock comp by TNT/Vision 92 Points Graphic-Competition ------------------- 1. Soul stolen by ... by Nazgul/Matrix 132 Points 2. They feel by Scum/Pickpoke 95 Points 3. Biket by V.O./Plush 76 Points C64-Demo-Competition -------------------- 1. Access Denied II / Reflex 310 Points 2. Torture 6 / Padua 201 Points 3. Respect / Fuse 115 Points Amiga-Demo-Competition ---------------------- 1. Gom Jabbar / Matrix 248 Points 2. Television / Bizarre Arts 198 Points 3. Spaceman / Aero 127 Points +---+--------------------------------------------------------------------+--+ (8)=====================================================================($11) ( Article : Cache'96 Final Results ) ( Author : Bat) Demo: 1. 338 Astroidea - Max 2. 316 Shock - State 808 64k Intro: 1. 321 Urinate - Cage 2. 195 Byteam - Preview 3. 188 Exhumers - Summoning 4k Intro: 1. Capanna - Taste like a fish Music: 1. 191 Reptile/Astroidea - Passage Sequel 2. 145 Minstrel/Fiction - Flowers of the Sun 3. 96 Zoolee - C2 Gfx: 1. 291 Kal/Astroidea - Trpe 2. 208 Das/Shock - Buggypic 3. 137 Edo Uno - Fantasy Lamer compo: 1. 174 Controlled Dreams - CCCP 2. 153 Agressive Giants - Just 4 Phun participiant: 378 ppl Results completed by bat/tracktor +---+--------------------------------------------------------------------+--+ (9)=====================================================================($12) ( Article : Comment to CRKTELCO.ZIP ) ( Author : Cosmic ) Ŀ Be sure to lost yer config.sys and autoexec.bat by starting the .exe file. Just grab yer hex,ascii viewer and have a look. You'll find m h $ g some config/pcb/board.exe stuff. O UND WIEDER EINE NEUE AKTION VON O Let us kick such fuckin lamas in o DER TELEKOM. WENN DAS SO WEITER o their ass. Sorry about that o GEHT STIRBT DIE SCENE. o language but this sukks. *GERMAN LANGUAGE ONLY* To make it clear : this release aint a official Crack release. sorry dudes, but maybe the main reason for my statement wasn't that clear. i just blamed the dudes behind this release (who ever). +---+--------------------------------------------------------------------+--+ ==[Chapter4]==================[]= Interviews =[]=======================($13)= ܲ ܱ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲۰ +-----------------------+ ߰ ۲۰ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ (Reebok) interviews ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ Otto Chrons (OC) ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ +-----------------------------+ ۲۰۲ ۲ ۲۰ ۲ ۲ ۲۲۲ ۲۲ ߰ ߱ ߱ +---+--------------------------------------------------------------------+--+ jou ... hi =) well, lets start it with a little introductions about you, tell us something about your person =) Eh, I'm a regular guy from Finland :) I usually talk a lot (too much) and like to have fun with friends... what do you think about the future of Finland, will it help that Finland joined the EU (European Union) ? Well, atleast I voted for joining the EU and I believe it will benefit Finland in the long term. I'm also looking forward to the money union, and time when people can move from country to country without any restrictions. do you think there will ever be a united world, without war and hate ? hehe... yes, after mankind has killed itself :) that sounds quite pessemistic, are you a pessemist ? never! But your question was so funny I just had to answer that... and it's pessimistic :) you surely heard about the nuclear tests from France, what do you think about that topic ? I think the whole matter has been blown out of proportion... Nuclear tests have been done for years, but until now they have been silently accepted. Then again, I'm against those tests, but I'm not boycotting French products or anything like that :) so you did show no sign of protest? you didn't sign any Greenpeace banner against the tests ? heh, not me... I don't really see much point doing that... IF I was interested enough, I'd do something more active... like post on Usenet or something... well, you don't think that the Greenpeace activities are of any use? Does that mean that you really don't care about the future of our planet ? I have some doubts about Greenpeace... they started out as a group of activists, but nowadays they're just trying to get attention (and money). If they really cared about the environment as they say, they would concentrate on REAL environmental problems... underground nuclear tests are hardly one. Even if nuclear tests DID cause some problems, they would be minimal compared to everyday environmental issues like car pollution, industry waste etc.. well, Finish people are know to be drunk 80 % of their life, are you also an alcohol addicted ;) ? hehehe... that's hardly true... the German drink TWICE as much alcohol annually as Finns :) As for myself, I know how to drink wisely so I'm hardly ever so drunk somebody could even notice it... =) hehe, do you believe in the existance of lifeforms in outer space ? Yeah... it would be quite impossible if we were the only ones in this universe :) comming to some scene stuff: what/how are/is your favorite: coder/graphic-artist/musician/demo/intro/diskmag;)/etc... =) uh... that's a hard one :) coder.. myself ;) gfx.. well, that's hard to say.. I haven't paid much attention to gfx people music, hmm.... I like Necros and Jak.. and also Skaven... as for a demo... I guess 2nd Reality is still the best, considering the time it was done I don't really like intros, they tend to be too boring :) and can't really say anything about diskmags.. I've only seen a few Imphobias, and the interface sucks in all of them :) what was your entry to the scene, and can you tell us your productions (also comertial ones) =) entry? What do you mean by that? Our first production? jou ;) well... we've done a couple of demos... nothing to mention about really ;) right now we're trying to finish the demo that we were working on for ASM95, to show it in TP5.. I'm also working on my sound system DSMI, and also on a totally new sound system code named Genesis, which will hopefully replace GeneralMIDI in games and such... Of course I have lotsa work to do at the university where I'm studying, but I try not to let it bother my "real" work ;-) tell us more about the sound systems, how to get them, what would they coast, etc. Can't really say anything about Genesis yet, but you can find information about DSMI in DMP400.ZIP.. the price for non-commercial use is still $70 where can intersted people and fans =) contact you ? Uhh, finger me at c142092@kaarne.cs.tut.fi to get my address etc. So please send me a postcard if you've been using DMP :) (ReeBoK: finger: connect: Connection refused ;) so you are attending to TP5 ? Surely! I've been to two previous TheParties also, and I've loved it :) We will probably organize a bustrip there again this year... This time we'll do it with the Rendezvous team... does party mean a) drinking-getting drunk-fall down b) meeting people and talking about coding or c) a mix of that ;) I've never got drunk during a demo party... after-party is different.. so mostly it's meeting people you only know via Internet/IRC hehe ok, so what tools are you using when you are coding? I use MultiEdit 7.0 Pro for editing, Watcom C/C++ and TASM as compilers what is your oppinion on software-piracy ? kinda mixed.... I don't like that people do it for money (doing CDROMs etc.) but I don't really see any problem with poor students using pirated software they wouldn't buy in the first place Karl Marx said once "God is dead" - what is your point ? Religion? I don't believe in religion... I'm not a member of any either.. What do you think about Friedrich Nietzsche's "Uebermensch" ? Nothing :) what would you change if you would be King of the World for 1 day ? change? Nothing probably... people seem to have this naive idea that changing something would automatically be GOOD.. nobody can really think of all the consequences of their actions.. do you fear death ? huh... this is getting quite deep :) No, I don't really fear death... I don't believe in life after death, and I certainly don't care what happens after I die... do you have any hobbies besides computers (and irc ;) Definetely... I do karate, swim quite a lot, party with friends a LOT etc... no girls ? =))) oops, almost forgot :) I have a girl too.. nowadays she's also on IRC quite often :) hehe, can happen ;) (huahau NOT!) what do you think about emancipated women ? (working on my dictionary... :) ) (ReeBoK: %) hmm.. freed of slavery... weird choice of words :) let's skip this one :) hehe, ok, what are the future actions of you and your group or of you in real life ;) ? For the group, our next stop is TP5 (hopefully we'll win the demo compo :) ).. I'm also working hard on my studies and on this new sound system... anything else you wanna tell the world ? Keep the spirit up, and remember: NO MORE TORUS! :) thanks for the interview, if you wanna greet someone DO IT NOW ;) Well, greets to Mira :) ok thx see you around on IRC ;) dada... (dada (c) Mikee Mouse ;) ۲ ܱ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ +---------------------------------+ ۲ ۲ ߰۲ ۲ ۲ Interview taken at irc.. ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ +---------------------------------+ ۲ ۲۰۲۰ ۲ ۲߲ ۲۲۲ ۲ܲ ߱ ߰ ߱ ߱ +---+--------------------------------------------------------------------+--+ ܲ ܱ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲۰ +-----------------($14)-+ ߰ ۲۰ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ (Reebok) interviews ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ (Necros/FM/LD) ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ +-----------------------------+ ۲۰۲ ۲ ۲۰ ۲ ۲ ۲۲۲ ۲۲ ߰ ߱ ߱ +---+--------------------------------------------------------------------+--+ :> ok, letz go ;) Well, for a stand in, please tell us something about yourself ;) :) ok my name is Andy, i'm a lame american music scene person, i'm 20 years old, i like to eat uncooked broccoli, and i love playing old cheesy Duran Duran albums at high volume :) Are you addicted to broccoli in any way? yes, i am... i keep staring at them and their green spouts and sometimes i go crazy with desire. do you also like other drugs? sometimes i eat marijuana leaves, but they aren't very tasty however i put them in soup and they are quite nice. do you think this endangers your life? is there a risk using drugs? =) there is no risk using drugs, unless you use them while you are tracking... because when you are tracking, you are in such a strange mental state that taking drugs may cause you to write a song that sounds like a bad 2-Unlimited cover, and the world would explode from the pain you caused it. hehe, well, what is your opinion on the French Nuclear Tests ? i quote drain who says, 'save the fishies!'... nuclear testing is idiotic. did you support any organization like Greenpeace or Global 2000 ? i like Greenpeace a lot, they are trying to tell us that if we keep using our world as a toilet bowl, soon we will be swimming in shit. :) do you fear death ? i fear death. death means no more days of staring at cubic player. death means no more Cmin7+9sus2/E chords. death is like watching an orange demo on a 386/16. If you would play a role-playing-game like Middle Earth, what kind of carater would you use? i would be a sorceror, only because i think fighting is silly. :) hehe I see =) do you have any other hobbies besides Computers/Music and Drugs ? ;) hmm yes, sometimes i like to think about the existential void, and drink cappucino, and use words with lots of syllables... and other times i just like to chase little rabbits and squirrels around. did you get the last part about the rabbits and squirrels? repeat it to be sure ;) :> i said 'hmm yes, sometimes i like to sit and stare and think about the existential void, and drink cappucino, and use words with lots of syllables.... and other times i just like to chase little rabbits and squirrels around'. (Ahhh I am really stoned ;) ed.) tell us your prefered music (and artists) hmm tracker music or 'real' music? real music for this one ;) hmm well let me look at my CD rack... thomas dolby, deep forest, counting crows, the orb, aphex twin, sarah mclachlan, tori amos, grant lee buffalo, genesis (the old stuff), the lemonheads, theolonius monk, and lots of others :) i believe that the more music you listen to, the better you can track different styles. ok, to the scene stuff: your favorite musician/graphix-artist/coder/demo/intro/diskmag/etc. is??????? ;) hmm well my favorite scene musicians are zodiak, basehead, cybelius, stalker, siren, and hmm some amiga guys like lizardking, vinnie/spaceballs, dizzy/cncd, and lots of others.. i thought the psychic link demo was better than stars, the effects weren't as good, but the design was a lot nicer although i still like orange a LOT, even though they are all just bitmap effects :> gfx-man? coder? ;) well all coders are the same lately, they all like their stupid phong donuts and stuff.... kinda silly what do think by Karl Marx "God is dead" ? i agree. :) =) what is on TV right now ? =))) i don't know :) i don't watch much TV lately, except for bad talk shows like Ricki Lake :) tell us all (?) your releases and works on the computer... and where can we get them... hmm the best site is ftp.axs.net, almost ALL of my stuff is there (well at least the good stuff), i think the dir is /pub/demos/songs/necros/*.* what do you expect for the future of the scene ? i think the demo scene is silly unless people start using more design..... i think the music scene will take it over :) and what do you expect in technology ? i think that soon PC's will be able to do 13905301821050285 polygons a second, so people will have to find something more interesting than a rotating object demo to win parties :> they will actually have to be creative and make the demos artistic, maybe more like music videos :) what was your feeling when you heard about the Windows 95 euphory? windows sucks, bill gates will be dictator soon. good quote ;) :> do you like Garfield ? garfield? the cat? sure =) -SILENCE- do you have any pets ? yep, i have a cat, it's named 'kitty'... original eh? :> you didnt answer the Garfield line? why ? hehe ;) :> I like the Garfield stuff, because Odie reminds me to my family hehe odie is cool :) you seem not to like Garfield... ? =))) -SILENCE- ok, where can your fans (or companies) contact you ? you can e-mail me at: necros@axs.net, that's the fastest way... me and basehead are coming to TP5 this december, so if you want to meet us in person, just take a little ride to denmark :) you will come! COOOOOOL! man! did you visit any other parties right now ? not really, i don't have much money yet... i went to NAID 95, that was really cool though.... :) so you will see all those stupied european freaks 1st time ? =))) yep, i have never been to europe, so hopefully it will be a fun experience :> although i am sure there are as much lameness over there as there is over here :) hehe sure ;) hmmm... what do you think about 24h TV? it sucks :> TV is evil... TV is Satan? =) -SILENCE- what is the time? here it is 4:00 in the night =( it's 10 PM here.... aha, =) ok, well, anything you want to say? anything I left to ask you? hmmm make sure to mention that soon we will have FM releases transmitting directly into the brains of everyone in europe... we shall complete our secret mind control plans... hehe ;) ok, coming to the end... tell us your greetings... i greet everyone who has kept the PC music scene alive and well into the 90's, i would also like to greet FM, Legend Design, and every other group that i'm good friends with... and also all diskmag editors around the globe ;) ;) hehe keep the spirit alive! and see you at TP5 ! thx for your patience =) hehe take care man, see you later :) last question: do you think ReeBoK is insane ? -SILENCE- last question: do you think ReeBoK is insane ? -SILENCE- last question: do you think ReeBoK is insane ? -SILENCE- last question: do you think ReeBoK is insane ? -SILENCE- last question: do you think ReeBoK is insane ? yes THANKS! ;) PS: Necros! Don't kill me for this! I was a bit stonned and damn sleepy ;))) ۲ ܱ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ +---------------------------------+ ۲ ۲ ߰۲ ۲ ۲ Interview taken at irc.. ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ +---------------------------------+ ۲ ۲۰۲۰ ۲ ۲߲ ۲۲۲ ۲ܲ ߱ ߰ ߱ ߱ ====[]=================================================================[]==== ==[Chapter6]==================[]= Preview =[]============================== - ------ ---- --- ------- --- - -($15) ۰ ߲۰ ۰۲߲۰ ۰ iSSUE 4 preview ܲܲܲܲܲܲܲܲ - ---- -- - -- ---- --- ߰ - -- --- ߰ --- - Stay tuned for the following project and articles.. Basehead & Ryan Cramer interview ! Special news report for austria and switzerland. and muchas more.. ==[]========================================================================= ==[Chapter7]==================[]= Da Staff =[]============================= --- ------ ---- ------- --- --($16) ߲۰߲ܰ۰ ߲ ܲ ۰ ۰ ܲ ܲܲܲܲܲܲ -------- ------ ߰ --- ---- ---------------- - +---+--------------------------------------------------------------------+--+ Cosmic (Undercover BBS) - Publisher Raytrayza (Nirvana BBS) - Publisher Sinus (X-Press BBS) - Publisher Cyz (Shogunat ][ BBS) - Author Nail (MS/Pain) - Author Reebok (Moz) - Author/Country Chief Blackknight (Prototype) - Author Mefis / Funk! - Author Assign/RR - Author/English Chief ==[]========================================================================= ==[Chapter8]==============[] Contact Information []=====================($17) ------------------- ----- -------------- -- - ܲ ߲ܰ ۲ how to contact ܲ how to contribute how to read this ܲ ܲܲ how to move around ------------------ ߰ ------ ---------------- - - (Contribute) 1. Send us your bbs apply (demo/art boards only). Be sure to have a filled application form in hold to upload. You can upload your apply in Conference 1 as private upload at the Undercover BBS. 2. You want that your latest releases always will be advertise in this publication ? No problem at all, get in touch with me and we can talk about that topic. This mainly goes for the ansi or music groups which are releasing in regular. Best way is to upload your latest stuff onto the homebase to provide a actual description in this mag. 3. You want to be part of this BBS Flash ? Great, think about what you can do (maybe reviews, interviews and and and) and send us a example or pre of your soon coming work. (Contact) To get in touch with us try to call the Undercover BBS. Remember, that there is no interest in Pirate or dull Comercial Shareware boards Or try to email us at: SINUS_FUNK@T-ONLINE.DE (iNET) Matthias Ksoll@2:2448/348.13 (Fido) Cosmic@777:4902/10 (Anarchy) Stay tuned for FTP site next issue. Anyway, we need your support.. =[]=======================================================================[]=