howdy folks! welcome to the first isue of P genetic dreams pc P - a new pc-disk-magazine by a new group caled escape in late septemper '94. wel first of al let me introduce myself a litle bit. (by the way, it's pusyrider writing) gues you aren't interested in a long story -so i'l kep it quite short: i used to edit in a magazine with the same name in the c64 scene some time ago. it was realy funy and so i deceided to kep on writing something to amuse you. we released on the c64 more than 10 isues of gd and we've benquite sucesful acording to our readership. let's se, maybe the pc- conversation wil be as god as the 'old' one. at least i hope so. ok, coming next are the credits for this isue: ideas/design .mathias alpman + holger witkowskicode . holger witkowskigraphics . holger witkowskimusic . aurora aliancemaineditor . mathias alpmanco-editor #1 . holger witkowskico-editor #2 . peter jonson as you can se, capela (holger) had ben quite active. wel, i hope that i can change this son, as i wana code a new outfit for gd - like i did on the c64. i already have some god ideas but at the moment my asm-knowledge isn't the very best. another thing concerning the credits: a big thank to peter for his spontaneous help. (ed. hey peter, i gona use the parts from your first leter in the next isue). genetic dreams isue #1, what's inside? U - the crap your're reading at the moment 偭 - news about the computer scene (freak's point of view) 󁭁 - news about the computer scene (industries point of view).... - ederation gainst azis and xtremists - adreses and so on. - member status from groups 󁭁 - board numbers and other informations󁠁 - reviews, tips and tricks, longplays, .  - demolist with some infos - to comit sucide 灠 - preview of next isue wel, it's not very much to start with, but you can be sure that there's fuckin'much more to read in the next isue of genetic dreams. for example the demo-libary wil be expaned. furthermore i gona ad intros, magazines, tols and other legal stuf to it. i hope you can use this list. i would apreciate then you would tel me something about this idea. about the groupstatus: the memberstatus of the groups in this isue were taken from .nfo files and -as a mater of fact - they might be wrong in the meantime.if some groups are geting some post from me with some questions about your group then please answer it. it helps us and it's a kind of public relation for you. if you wana publish your group's history then don't hestitate and send it to me. by the way, if you wana write articels for genetic dreams then it's of course posible! just send your article or what ever you want to publish in this mag as a .txt file. furthermore a photo of you would be fine. i gues you've already noticed that i'mthe ugly man up there. you can send it in the normal formats. we wil convert it (color-reduction to 16 colours and changing the size so that it wil fit in our box). nicee s c a p eefect?e s s c c a a p p e e s c a a p p e e s c a p e e s c a a p e e s s c c a a p e next e s c a a p e PpagePmy contribution to the first editorial of genetic dreams pc is almost finished now. i only wana send out some nice grets to my friends: alan bjork kristensen kurt pedersen andy kuiper laszlo dobo arjan van der werf martijn frickel carsten bogner martijn van bek choqueriaux sebastien martin havnor egbert drenth martin holk rasmusen emil heldin matias anderson erwin ouwejan mikael anderson frank edvardsen peder beckman honza slesinger pepe adam werderits ivan debnar peter edlund jani joeli peter jonson jani kristian vaisanen stephen visy jorgen andersen szabolcs vertes jorgen anderson vile jaskelainen krzysztof samson werner van lo tony gundersen karol szyszka gabor bola ray busick aditional gretings fly to rok/ken like frogs and jayce/bogus. ok, the editorial is shared in two parts, the first one is over now (snief).now listen to holgers words: i hope you like this type of style? as we start making this magazine we thoughtabout making a magazine difrent to the rest.i saw many magazines using the 640*480 grafixmode with 16 colors, wel, the resolution is very high and 16 colors are enough for a magazine if you use them wisely. but there are to many magazines using that resolution, so i coded this magazine using an 80*60 grafixmode with 16 colors which is available on nearly each super-vga-card with at least 512 kbytes. we testet this magazin sucesfulyon folowing adapters: -cirus -game boy -trident -super nintendo -paradise -sega megadrive -orchid -genoa -tseng et40 if you've problems with you grafix-adapter then please send us a mesage containing informations about your adapter and the bugs which apears using this magazin, so that we can remove that bugs during the next isue.wel, every begin is hard and so you'l find several things which may sting inyou eyes as knifes. if there is anything what we could do beter then don't hesitate and write usa leter.write us also if you've some nice ideas and articles or other shit you want published here. for any kind of critizism or only to contact escape write to folowing adres: 偠(hq-europe) amselweg 43154 salzkotengermanydon't send any ilegal-stuf or nazi-propaganda !only for legal contacting !this is a fast writen isue so there may be some bugs in the diferent chapter,we want to apology ourselves for that.genetic dreams won't be only an escape-magazine , no, we want to make this mag for al you crazy dudes (and girls) out if there is anybody who want to become a co-editor of this magazine thenwrite to us and we'l se. AEB FN we're in ned of a composer O FCED as you se we're using photos of the editors which have writen the actual chapter, i think that's a col idea. besides, i've never sen it before in amagazine. i know we're col ! ok, pusyrider back on the keys. wel, i have nothing more to ad for thisfirst editorial except my adres: pusyrider / escape N genetic dreams redaktionsburo Omathias alpmanzum brueneken 1d-3154 salzkotengermany/europe.wrap! hP 偠 PEA󁠁恠BCED4kbyte intro competition E 1. stoned / dust 2. optimize / epical 3. fractals / schwartz 64kbyte intro competition E 1. airframe / prime 2. the magic circle / the european technology 3. fyvush / jam 4. placebo / complex 5. psychotic flight / spirit demo competitionE 1.verses/emf2.holitsic/cascada vr3.heartquake/iguana4.warp/legend design5.images/epicalgraphics competitionE1.pain/destop of cncd2.westor dog/r.w.o. 'n' zinko3.lost hope/louie of insane4 chanel mod competitionE1.compulsion/lizard king of triton2.blueshoe blues/petro of absolutemulti chanel mod competitionE1. walkaway/stargazer of sonic pc2.journey/cube of hysteria3.cloustrophobia/lizard king of tritonE- inxs got kicked out of escape. - escape wil release a demo at asembly'95- slide (escape-holand) left coz of lack of time- malcom/electronic boys got busted by the german post coz of stamp-cheating- at 195 genetic dreams wil be released continuously each month i know, i know, don't blame me about such les scene-news, but i haven't thatgod conections to other groups (at the moment). i promise you that there wil be much more news in the further coming isues of genetic dreams.if you've any kind of news or rumours then write them down in this editor oras nomale asci-textfile and send them to folowing adres:だ󁠁zum brueneken 1 3154 salzkotengermanyE.wrap!E busines news ESnew standarts in baterys intel, architecture labs, mobil computer group and duracel invented two new kinds of bateries. it's the so caled 'smart batery data' and 'system managment bus'. E S fbi and media visionmichael humprhres, steven alan, paul jain and rusel faust from media vision got caught by the fbi for doing ilegal activities on the us finance- market.those guys got kicked out of media vision.E S at+t and videophoningat+t developed a kind of data-transfer-format which is posible to send a huge amount of colored and animated pictures over a normal, sanyo and sharp got licence to use this fromat. E S fax with 280 bpswith the new transfer-format ' clas' it's posible to send informations with 280 bps over the lines.the 'faxmodem 28' from supra makes it posible.E S new scsi-adapterthe new scsi-adapter from practical enhanced logic uses paralel prot of the pc. the scsi-adapter is uesable with the aspi-language.with the driver you're able to use cd-rom's, streamer, extern-hardrives and mo-drives. you can conect up to 7 scsi-units._E S microconect 1 the microconect 1 is anactice isdn-board with a transfer-rate of 128kbps.the isdn-board from miro is useable with the 1tr6 standart from the german telekom and the ds-1 standart from euro-isdn.E S color-scaner with 120 dpithe colour page scaner from sicos is able to scan color-picture with 24 bit and black/white pictures with 256 greyscales.and both in 120 dpi with only 1 pas.E S 128-bit graphic procesor the graphicard producer 'number nine' delivers the first graphicards with the selfdeveloped graphicprocesor imagine 128 starting at the end of august. the 128-bit graphichip was made especialy for 32-bit-operating systems and highend procesors like pentium, alpha and power-pc. E S bug in excel 5.0 there is a big bug in excel 5.0. if you wana make graphic diagram with it your numbers won't be rounded corect. e. g. you have somewhere 18,12 per cent and some other numbers excel wil show in the diagram 19 per cent. not that god inded. E S bugs in statistic programs statisticprograms (e. g. s-plus, bmdp, glim, pc-isp/dgs+, excel, statgraphics) are often calculating false. some software producers know that for years, but they don't warn the users. one reason for this are 'bad' compilers. E S graphic-acelerator for windows recently intel and microsoft anounced the availability of dci (display control-interface). it's a low-level protocol which should acelerate graphic aplications up to 50 per cent. dci is working under version 3.1 and the son coming version 4.0. microsoft hopes that softwareproducer with sped-sensible graphic - e. g. games - wil use windows. with direct aces to the videoram dci can display video-sequences with 30 pictures per second. E S colour-noteboks colour noteboks are posibly geting cheaper in 195 because next year a new works for colour-lcds wil start their production in yasu/japan. producer 'display technologies inc.' is a subsidiary of toshiba and ibm japan. ES chicago for 9 dolar (ca. 160 german marks) . promised microsoft-bos bil gates for the update. gates anounced the bigest advertising campaign for a microsoft product. E S seven years imprisonment . for software-pirates. this is planed in a bil in china. furthermore video-pirates wil be send to prison. E S combination drive teac presents a drive for 5,25" and 3,5" discs. it only uses one shaft. it wil cost about 190 german marks. E S does intel havereasons for panic? amd, nexgen, cyrix, ibm and tiu - al are going onto the pc-procesor market. al have already a 486 compatible procesor in their product-range, al are developing cpu's in pentium-clas. is intel domed? no! intel can kep calm. nowadays no other producer is in the position to met aproximately the ned of the worldmarket. the complex production-proces neds investments runing into milions. companies like nexgen or cyrix would not be in the position to finance it for their own. and on this position won't change in near future. so there's no reason to panic for intel. E S borland germany manager leo merkel resigns leo merkel, manager of borland germany, anounced his resign. his oficial reasons for this step: "i'm loking for a new chalenge" (said to a german computer-papermag). E S who's the best.the best ray-tracer : 1. 3d studio2.highlight profesional3.pov 4.polyray5.real 3dE S most powerful software firms. 1. microsoft corp.-4395 milion doler per asociates/ ask group-2454''''3.novel/ wordperfect-181'''' corp. -1805''''5.lotus corp.-981''''6. sap ag-657''''7. software ag-510''''8. dun + bradstret-476''''E S cd-rom topselers (germany) 1. pegasus 4.0 - shareware 2. romware windows 5 - shareware (windows) 3. topware games - shareware (ganes) 4. night owl's 12 - shareware 5. bertelsman universal-lexikon - electronical encyclopaedia 6. 10.0 cliparts - graphic - smal cliparts 7. rom archiv 1 - shareware 8. animazing - shareware (graphic and animation) 9. rebel asault - game 10. herbert groenemeyer: chaos - multimedia music-cd 1. strip poker - erotic 12. visual hot girls - erotic 13. teresa orlowski: foxy clips - erotic 14. win vokabeltrainer - learning 15. only morphs - morphing programs cd-rom-drives aren't no longer considered a luxury. at least next year the cd-rom wil be a part of the computer like a disc-drive. more and more companies are useing cd-rom for their products because it's already cheaper to pres a cd instead of copying 2 discs. furthermore there is another god thing: you don't have to change discs during instalation. remember: os/2 2.0 disk-version neds 21 3,5" discs! computer fairs in october '94 U dateplacename aboutoctober '94 berlin, germany com-but-netcomputer hard'n'softwareacesories,comunicationoctober '93 frankfurt, germanywindows world 03.10-08.10 moskau, rusiainformatika '94 5th int. exhibition forcomputers and informatic04.10-06.10 new york, usa unix expo unix and open systems exhi.05.10-07.10 stutgard, germanyident vision int. exhibition for systems+ aps for image procesing05.10-07.10 paris, francesolutions.csclient/server exhibition05.10-07.10 boston, usacd-rom expofair for cd-rom06.10-08.10 linz, austriacom.+oficefaircomputerexhibitionlinz1.10-13.10 berlin, germanyimc document conference for picture and imaging '94 document-managing1.10-14.10sarbruecken, ger. buefa-sar ofice-fair12.10-13.10 koeln, germany lean computing conference: data procesing15.10-15.10 kasel, germany computergenea- information about genealogie logie-workshopwith computers17.10-19.10 oslo, norway it expo fal computer fair18.10-19.10 zuerich, swis swis unix open systems-swis unix18.10-20.10 london, great brit. enterprise is computer fair*eof* 􁠁󁠁䁠 P dear readers, i (pusyrider/escape) am going to build up a federation caled "computerfreaks against nazis and extremists" for one simply reason: read the next few lines and you'l understand. martin niemoler was a protestant priest, who watched hitler raise to power as thow he was a member of the audience. in 194 as a prisoner in the nazi-deathcamp in dachau he wrote the folowing: "in germany they came first for the comunists, and i didn't speak up because i wasn't a comunist. then they came for the jews, and i didn't speak up because i wasn't a jew. then they came for the trade-unionists, and i didn't speak up because i wasn't a trade unionist. then they came for the catholics, and i didn't speak up because i was a protestant. then they came for me and by that time nobody was left to speak up." martin niemoler, protestant priest, dachau, 194 nobody should tel me that i belong to those who don't speak up. some months ago i started to print a text about this on every envelope of my outgoing mail. and i got a few positive reactions (no bad ones!). someone asked me: "is there an anti-nazi-organisation? send me info. i wana join!" this was the reason for building up this federation. by the way, it was founded in july '94 and at the moment i'm the only member. i hope that i can welcome youto the federation son. if you want to suport this idea and join the federation then don't hestitate and write to the adres shown at the end of this chapter. here are some reactions to my text on the envelope: nabuchodonozor/abandion works ps: i found your federation against nazis and extremists realy interesting. what you write is the cruel truth. but i don't have personal experience with foreigners, so it's hard for me to say, who is right. of course it's nonsense to beat someone just because he is from turkey. however, i don't like people who are purpously unemployed and who are not trying to get a job. they live from our taxes. and when an unemployed gypsy family with 10 or more children get more money (social suport) then hard working persons, i start to hate them. that's my opinion. i don't like violence, but i request proper law to eliminate situation mentioned above. by the way, i think you are doing a very god thing printing those anti-nazi texts on your envelopes, it may be a start for people to become real humans. great idea! going to do this to. wvl/slash designs jasenovac20.0 natzweler25.0 therensienstadt3.0 bergen/belsen37.0 dachau40.0 bogdanovka 42.0 stuthof50.0 buchenwald5.0 ponary58.0 flosenburg74.0 ravensbruck92.0 saschenhausen10.0 mauthausen120.0 hajdanek125.0 sobibor250.0 chelmno360.0 belzec60.0 treblinka840.0 auschwitz/birkenau4.0.0 = 6.929.0 almost seven milion fel victims for a powercrazed dictator and his sick mind. you won't be forgoten, it's our duty to kep you alive. nazism, in other term nationalsocialism. we take a closer lok what this realy mean: nationalsocialism: political extremistparty which was formed in the political and economicaly insecure germany after world war 1 and the versailepeace. year 1920, the nationalsocialistic labour party were formed, which under hitlerscomand had the governmental power from 193-1945. their ideology (nationalsocialists) were built up upon the picture of the historical development and the philosophical system developed by nietzsche, bergson and sorel. racism: extreme nationalism and a strong critical setin towards democratical government, anti-intelectualism and religious despise were important parts in the agresive presented ideology, which also expected the leaderprincipals performance, hard diciplin and military organisationplans aswel as fysical violence as a part of the atempt to achieve their aim. the nationalists aportioned the "arier" german people superious quality of race and dreamed about german world domination. fight against a said international judaism, a preserved pure arian race was the basic element in their ideology of races. for a start the program were characteristic even of socialistic elements; an important link to the great conection the party had within the workingclas and then especialy the unemployed. since 193 when the nationalsocialists got to the power with help of the army and the industrial leaders, an internal strugle had ben going on, causing the socialistic groups fal in 1934. nationalism and racism were hearby ideological sen the dominating elements within the nationalistic parties. unions and political resistances were baned by law. at the same time a total system with the leaer as a dictator were caried through. same time, the jews and political oponents fel victims for the teror from s, got arested and later on even send of to one of the many deathcamps and systematicaly executed. meanwhile an expansionpolitic were started, which lead to the incorporation of german speaking teritories outside the border of germany. in other words the establishment of a great german state, aswel as a rearmamenpolitic and agresive foreign and military politic, obviously with the aim of making germanyto a worldleading state. after world war 2, the nationalsocialists were baned by the victorious ones in the war. during the postwar period, more and more neonazi tendencies were brought out into the daylight, especialy during the sixties and the seventies. the nationalsocialists had a hierachic system. on the top, "der fuhrer" with total power folowed by a few "reichsleiter" (chancelors) whom were in charge for one sector each. the local political device, named "gau" had their own leader, "gauleiter". the nationalists also had their own military organisations, s and sa. s = schutzstafeln, sa = sturmabteilungen since sa were outmanoeuvred in 1934, s were the mightier of them. youths and scholkids got their political education in early years in hitlerjugend. being a member of hitlerjugend also gave the kids special kinds of bonuses, therefor most kids were forced to be members by parents. in most european countries, the nationalsocialistic parties were formed during 1920-1930. they only got to influence german ocupied countries during the world war 2. in sweden there were 3 political parties during the 30's and the 40's. today, there are parties/groups making propaganda and spreading hitlers words, but almost none of these parties has got any influence within politic and therefor clased as harmles by the swedish government. hm! lately, we've sen an italian politican, a fascist raise power by wining local elections and this is scary to me. same with the growing amount of skinheads and so caled babyskins, copycats both with clothes and thoughts from their elder friends. the most scaring thing is that most of those who are against refuges don't know much about nazism and what it realy meant to the world. the nazism/racism has already ben fought once, it's about time we take a firm grip and shake those neomazis and release them from their powercrazed ideas of a new ariers world and their false facts. time to strand up. peter/triad peter jonson sagmastarev. 2 s-61013 lotorp sweden +46-12-2927 i hope i'l get some reactions to this. send 'em to me, pusyrider. i gona use them in the next isue. PeofP PPEGEfor swaping write to:Floking for more contacts.Floard beavis/escapeFalek/escapeFc/oFaleksander kostuchrolf colmerF F garcz 174 ranonkelstrat 60 F83-3 chmielno9741 lv groningenFpolandholandFEHEANwe are in ned of a musicanOBCEDwrite with examples of your work to folowing adres:escape europeamselweg 43154 salzkotengermany 10 percent reply!for swaping streamer-tapes (120mb dc2120) ful of stuf write to:ray busick2307 burlisondriveurbana, ilionois 61801usaEmedicus/ken like frog (klf)- legal swap-10 percent replyp.o. box 2101515060 mainzgermanyEto catch the latest isue of genetic dreams contact your local escape-dealer!german distribution-site: 聭 - VW +49-(0)6190-930693for ordering genetic dreams at the producers write to:だ󁠁zum brueneken 13154 salzkotengermany10 percent reply!E .wrap! P P EE croaker-musicanblitz-coderfate-coderplacidity-graphican/designersigh-musicanEEtonic-coder/foundergimle-coder/pr/sysopfitchew-coderdaze-musicanprofa-coderE偠Efluz-coderrazor-coderpineaple-graphicanflame-composerchanel 5-composerstormy-sysop/prdread-internet cordinatorEၭEjery coton-founderwog-coder/graphicanastro-musican/coder/graphicanpeteboy-?vladimir z-suportrhex dexterous-bs cordinator/musican/sfxlogan-ansi-artist/graphicanEEtomcat-coderg.o.d.-coderervin-codertgfx-graphicanninja-graphicaninocent-graphicanvalentine-musicannf-swaperbande-swaper EEgalvados-coderruber square-codercriman-graphican/designermordicus-musicanEErat-main organizer/graphican/designeratx-codertrs-swaperstrezi-coderman-coderacord-midi musicanalma-main coderrian-musicancryptodancer-mail swaperEEcapela-organizer/coder/graphican/designerlord beavis-coderslide-graphicanpusyrider-genetic dreams-main editorrobin-sysopalek-graphican E偠Egore-organizerpsi-codertrug-coderwildfire-coderpurple motion-musicanskaven-musicanmarvel-graphicanpixel -graphicanabys-bs cordinatorEEstone-coder/organizer/comercial prtyrone-graphican/group related prvion-graphicanden-graphicanchuck-graphicanb-man-musican/sfxphil-musicanEdevastator-coder,bsdruid-utility saracen-coder,graphican whalebone-musican,graphicanvortex-miscsaint-coderthe grim reaper-coderdaemon-coderEE$volkraq-organizer,pr,designer,coder,musicanpixman-main-coder,designertwin kiler-coder,pr,designerblobylde-codergwatozhy-codericarus-coderlancelot-graphican,musican.wrap! P󁭁PEa.c.e. VW 3-1-4587548 / 28.8 kbps (france) black abys VW 36-76-485-719 (hungary) blue water bs VW 41-81-947-4232 / 16.8 kbps (switzerland) buster bs VW 32-53-7-2325 / 19.2 kbps (belgium) crystal world VW 352-41-243219 / 960-140 bps crystal bs VW 49-6734-1839 (germany) crack central VW 45-981-1096 / 19.2 kbps (denmark) crackpoint VW 43-25246519 (austria) concept! elite VW 718-940-754 (usa)da hauze VW 31-767191 (holand) darkside VW 358-0-294 1594 / 140 bps (finland) 358-0-294-0467 / 240 bps data conection VW 1-703-506-8598 (usa) deadzone VW 714-956-4524 (usa) deathray bs VW 49-6190-930693 (germany) dracker bs VW 34-3-385-393 / 16.8 kbps (spain) dune VW 3-1-4702597 / 24 kbps (france) dune i VW 36-62-342-793 (hungary) eclipse bs VW 385-51-242472 / 140 bps / wek: 4.0pm-8.0am cet wekend: 24h online eleutheria VW 1-606-23-1853 (usa) ftc softw. bs VW 54-1-63-4795 / 19.2 kbps (argentinia) galeria VW 358-(9)-81-315178 (finland) genesis bs VW 32-2-2453498 / 16.8 kbps (belgium) hard city VW 46-26-72310 (sweden) ilusion VW 46-18-260565 (sweden) invalid enviroment VW 358-41-6715 (finland) methadone VW 358-0-420827 / 140 bps (finland) mori bs VW 354-1-67020 (iceland) morning star VW 358-51-3634818 (finland) multimedia bsVW 65-252-126 (singapore) music chanel bsVW 203-646-3058 (usa) outer galaxy VW 47-32-268407 / 16.8 kbps (norway) pentium bs VW 1-604-53-3720 (canada) point break VW 32-1436925 /16.8 kbps (belgium) polymorph lightsVW 43-1-596-9026 (austria) programers oasisVW 1-214-328-6142 (usa) red sector VW 1-816-792-3821 /16.8 kbps (usa) 1-816-792-2029 sidewalk cafe VW 47-351-27 (norway) sound+vision VW 4-932-252323 (england) spasm-o-tron VW 1-514-74-5718 (canada) starport VW 358-0-45-4801 (finland) 358-0-45-4805 358-0-45-4807 358-0-45-4810 358-0-45-4812 358-0-45-4827 358-0-45-4829 strange visions VW 358-0-3464174 (finland) slide efects VW 39-75-572-464 (italy) silmarilion bs VW 7-(384-2)-210-72 / 19.2 kbps (rusia) supreme court VW 31-1650-51850 (holand) tequila sunriseVW 61-7-801-46 (australia) the adition VW 206-687-2085 (usa)206-687-972206-687-9724 the bureaucratic VW 972-9-918350 (israel)bs 972-9-984615 972-9-984173 the continental VW 49-71-548501 (germany) the court ofVW 32-3-48-2173 / 19.2 kbps(belgium)justice the end of time VW 1-803-85-0783 (usa) the firm VW 49-40-648-2146(germany) 49-40-647-4724the power grid VW 1-813-481-6539 / 16.8 kbps (usa) the sound barier VW 1-718-979-629 (usa) 1-718-979-9406 the twisted tower VW 1-905-84-1632 (usa) trancentral i VW 908-82-0723 (usa) warmbot bs VW 5-19426-512 (brazil) wonderland VW 41-6473046 / 16.8 kbps (switzerland).wrap! AEB AEF 󁭁 FEB F CED F F F F ufo-enemy unknown .discribtion F F F F magic of endoria .discribtion F F F F batle isle 2 .discribtion F F F F several tips'n'tricks for. F F F F .master of orion F F .die siedler F F .privater F F .sim city 20 F F .pinbal fantasies F F .dom F F .theme park F F .in extremis F F .outpost F F .pete sampras tenis F F .dimo's quest F F the games charts (germany) F CED E E name : ufo - enemy unknown label : microsoft kind of game: arcade/strategy date of test: 21.07.194 graphic : 54 music : 30 fun : 70 al in al : 51 this is a nice strategy game with some arcade-scenes included. you're the master-contoler of the earth-defence-organisation against ufo's caled 'xcom'. your job is to defend the earth against aliens whichatacks your planet. there are several ways in this game to fight against the aliens, 1st you're able to fight with your airplanes against aproaching ufo's and second your're able to fight in city's man by man against the aliens. there are many things you can buy in your base and if you won a fight against an alien-fighting-comando than you're able to examine their equipment to build their things by yourself. you can build up to 8 bases around the earth and to each base several other buildings you ned to fight against the aliens like rocket-defence,big-radar- system and several other things your scientist's find out during the game and examining the aliens equipment. the aim of the game is to atack the alien-base on the planet mars from where al the atacks start against the human race. al in al i'm very surprised that it is posible to combinate strategy parts and arcade parts together in one game without making the game to dificult to understand. the game if fuly mouse-controled (the arcade-parts to) and very easy to handle. wel, if you're loking for a nice strategy-game where you can do actions by yourself, to then this is the right game for you. i tested the original version of this game and a cracked one by trsi and the cracked version was buged in the arcade-sequence where you can fight in the alien-bases. 偠: build your bases in rich countrys, coz they give the most money for your organisation. let your scientist 1stsearch for beter amour and health-utilities. atack as much ufo's as you can then the countries give more money. sel useles utilities in you base to earn some more money. : gus-suport / protection mode-program available on disk and cd-rom E だ恠 E name : magic of endoria label : sunflowers kind of game: strategy date of test: 18.08.194 graphic : 70 music : 30 fun : 40 al in al : 46 you're a magican who controls several fantasy-creatures in a land caled endoriahere you have to search for so caled crystal-roms where the mind of a dead godis saved in. the skil of the computer-enemy can be set from 1 to 10. wel the idea to make a strategy-game playing in a fantasy-world is realy nice but sunflowers did a bad job making a game out of it. it didn't take much time to louse al fun to play this game. there are to les posibilities to use in the game. if you compare this game to games like dune 2 or ufo-enemy unknown then you se the diference. a realy nice option if to play the game with 2 person over a zero-modem-conector a network. the music isn't that nice and got be done much beter, also the grafix are to simple drawn in this times. a col fact is that the game is working in realtime so you have to check the problem and react on it very quickly. another important fact is that this game hasn't any gravis ultrasound suport. some hints: first build 2 or 3 goldmines so that you've enough gold in the begining of the game. let your scientist first search for beter wals and dors to save your mining-system against your enemy,especialy when you're playing against a strong computer-enemy. the figthing level of the urcs increase very slow, so bring them as much as posible to the game. important: the game is very easy to finish, it tok me nearly 1 day to finish a game with level 5. 2 player option useable over zero-modem and network. E 偠偠E name : batle isle 2 label : bluebyte kind of game: strategy date of test: 10.09.194 graphic : 75 music : 60 fun : 70 al in al : 68 somewhere in the dep space on a planet caled cronos the druls are figthing against their greatest enemy caled titan-net. you're one of their military experts who should bring the end of the war and peace for the druls. i think that there isn't much to say coz everybody stil knows batle isle 1. batle isle 2 is stil the same but with a beter outfit and a beter control. the handling of the several units is realy easy, the computer-enemy is realy strong and so it's not that easy to solve a mision. it takes you much time to win one of the higher misions in this great game. you're able to build new units, buildings, strets, railways, .etc. batle isle 2 is a pur strategy game without any simulation parts. the best part of this game is the 3d-vector fight-simulation which apears each time whenyou're fighting against your enemy. E 쁠󁧁󁠜E Pmaster of orionP E the easiest race to play with in this god strategy game are the psilons. if you build ships suport them with the best equipment you have at the moment. try to build only NhugeO ships. best equipment for a ship is like this: batle computer: mark 5 shield : clas 1 jamer : - (nothing) armor : neutronium propulsion : .the best you have. maneuver : .the fastest you have. weapons : as much laser-weapons as posible, no rockets special 1 : black hole generator special 2 : lightning shields special 3 : sub space teleporter/advanced damage control another important thing is to hold the planetary reserve as high as much in the begining. build ships only on rich or ultra rich planest with a tera- atmosphere. first let your scientist search in propulsion and maneuver after that you can search for beter weapons. the most important things your scientist find during the game are: advanced space scaners/star gates/sub space teleporter/powered armor/ combat transporters/personal barier shield/hyperspace comunications and lightning shields. cap/escE Pdie siedlerP E al level-codes: 1-start 12-gate 23-tribute 2-station 13-island 24-fountain 3-unity 14-legion 25-chude 4-wave 15-piece 26-trailer 5-export 16-rival 27-canyon 6-option 17-savage 28-repres 7-record 18-xaver 29-yoki 8-scale 19-blade 30-pasive 9-sign 20-beacon 10-acorn 21-pasture 1-choper 2-omnus malcom/?E PprivaterP E try to rename the file 'tabtxe.nda' into 'adnext.bat' and start it ! with the program 'p-train' from escape you're able to set your money up to 1.0.0 (should be available on every god bs). E Psim city 20P E if the lifetime of your power plant over then give him another name and it'l work for more 50 years. you can do that as often as you want. E Ppinbal fantasyP E here are the codes for pinbal fantasy : - extra bals - gabriel - earthquake - grets - tech - tsp slide/esc PdomP E some codes for dom 1: - idqd = unlimited power/lives - idspispopd = inisible (walk through wals) - idfa = ading am0 - idbehold = ading equipment slide/escE Ptheme parkP E the files with the ending 'g?' are saved games and easy to manipulate to earn more money. load one of the saved games with a hex-editor (for example escapes monicron). in the first line of the files stands the amount of your money at the bytes 10, 1and 12 (dezimal ofcoz). write 25 (0fh) at this position and you've around 16 milion dolar on your acount. E Pin extremisP E the complete level-codes for the alien-hunting-game. level level-code entry-code level level-code entry-code c20 ijekah f518 aedkgb b101 jbhgad g620 kcfgib a02 cjbaik atilahun h721 heajdf nearend1 b103 fijgad h719 kfgcjd c204 kadbei zendor56 182 gdeajf central7 d305 jdkchb stradius g623 hefdkb c207 chigak taraci12 h724 jgcdib b108 hdgjae h725 cdajke arketype a09 bgjaf cartono f526 efibag practix4 c210 afbjdh gorexz73 1827 bhajkg b1 jeaghi altea17 f528 hjkdcf antares a012 abfeki g629 fkiejg clenend b13 aidcjf c214 efghjc ramdac38 d315 ijhgba e416 eiabdc d317 jfbadg epsilon4 PoutpostP E here're some cheats for outpost, pres folowing keys. control+f9 - activate 'mas driver' if you've one f5 - calculate many rounds at once control+f10 - a menu with 6 catastophs apears control+f1 - increase your minerals control+f12 - moral suport for your colonists control+t - next turn control+f8 - nice efect but useles E Ppete sampras tenisP E 1- start 7- sinkorswim 13- cue 2- car 8- shelf 14- durham 3- vegan 9- window 15- jumping 4- star 10- pol 16- hapy 5- lcd 1- lucky 17- mega 6- wal 12- house Pdimo's questP E the level-codes for dimo's quest. candyland checkerboard- neverever blockbuster psychodelic showdown country land town area cgibvesn hklbtdo rfoaidql ilmdfhp ntdmiceq kehocepi xinseapic hvfsaold noqhbkdp pfogcdlv mbgfjcei nbexcoir mvbehxco xkrblecp ulbogcen grblidjh nxsbheaj mxbcjaom tfcrboph mcndlobs bdkgqbuh xapeibdk mbaredxo tdodienh mdeqbclr hrcneibj fajmcpdv qxbgnchp bgkcdjej sbjcoak cgrbfdh ulbgxck ixbecjmg ujmaicr ralbtkc bchsdxeq kaflgpcs dqindfgt jmahsdik hvkepcfm oicpela pidefcli veqgildr jkuagex fraietcv laiepcio dhclbnqg jfkchsbt ujpalbug ksfgamfo tdglpaef P偠P E top 10 ms-dos games top 10 cd-rom games E E 1. die siedler 1. rebel asault 2. sim city 20 2. batle isle 2 3. anstos 3. ultima 8:pagan 4. batle isle 2 4. day of the tentacle 5. t.f.x. 5. comanche 6. ultima 8:pagan 6. strike comander 7. x-wing 7. t.f.x. 8. u.f.o. 8. sam'n'max 9. sam'n'max 9. mega race 10. indy car racing 10. anstos - world cup edition .wrap! P demo - libary P U some short instructions: length: lenghth in kb rdate: releasedate (year, month) requires: 286+ N neds at least 286 procesor 386+ N neds at least 386 procesor vgaNneds vga graphic card sb N neds soundblaster/soundblaster pro gus N neds gravis ultrasound pm N runs in protected mode, remove qem, em386, . EGEGEGEGE name Fgroup FlengthFrdateFrequires EKEKEKEKE a year of agony Fhypnosis F 451F9401 Fvga, sb amnesia Frenaisance F 1317F92x F386+,vga,sb,pm asembler instinct Fgolum F 1310F9401 F386+,vga,gus bip 4 the future Fthe binary poets F 45F9305 Fvga,sb,sbpro birthday Fextreme F 230F9304 Fvga, sb black parity Fthe invisible a. F 1396F9308 F386+,vga,sb byte & kises Fjl enterprises F 284F9402 F386+,vga,sb,gus cardiac Finfinity F 3623F9404 Fvga,sb,gus,pm cardiac dentro Finfinity F 359F9302 Fvga,sb catch up! Fgrif F 1573F9407 Fvga,gus christmas demonstration Fflash production F 202F9212 Fvga,sb cronologia Fcascada F 463F912 F286+, vga,sb crystal dream Ftriton F 1463F9209 F286+,vga,sb crystal dream 2 Ftriton F 3080F9305 Fvga,sb,gus,pm cyclewar Fdistorsion F 17F9406 Fvga,sb,gus debut Fdarkzone F 968F931 Fvga,gus dejavu Fsynergy design F 1462F9305 Fvga,sb,sbpro demonic Fphantom design F 71F9404 Fvga,gus digital matrix Flegend design F 1606F9308 Fvga,sb extra Fserpent F 146F9404 Fvga eyecatcher Fsurprise product. F 741F9408 F386+,vga,gus fear Flaserdance F 61F9405 Fvga fishtro Ffuture crew F 532F Fvga,sb gr! Fepical F 105F Fvga,gus hex apeal Fcascada F 173F9308 F386+,vga,sb,gus icefever Fx-pose F 681F9404 Fvga,gus inconexia Figuana F 693F9308 Fvga,sb journey Fken like frogs F 2148F9406 F386+,vga,gus lunatic Fextreme F 285F9306 F386+,vga,sb mental surgery Ffuture crew F 30F9107 Fvga,sb no means no Fdistorsion F 1038F9405 F386+,sb,gus,pm obsesion Fblackrain F 912F9309 F386+,vga,sb panic Ffuture crew F 1674F9302 F386+,vga,sb phenomenon Falpha force F 673F9310 F386+, vag, sb piza Fpost mortem F 804F9312 F386+, vga, sb por Fmagic 12 F 547F9403 F386+, vga, gus puture faction Fskul F 704F910 Fvga, sb red Frazor 191 F 202F9403 Fvga, sb saga Fdust F 1837F9307 Fvga, sb second phobia Fnoice productions F 21F9312 Fvga, gus second reality Ffuture crew F 2437F9310 Fvga, sb, gus serious Fjeskola productionF 181F9406 F386+, vga show Fmagic 12 F 1912F9404 F386+, vga, gus sim zone Fcoders in action F 1296F9405 F386+, vga, gus stereotype Fthe emulator inst.F 397F9307 F386+, vga, sb stronken Fpost mortem F 812F9408 F386+, vga,sb,gus strumpsaft Fthe unexpected F 470F9307 Fvga, sb symbology Fadmire F 74F9312 Fvga, sb, gus techno-holic Fextreme F 198F9301 F386+, vga, sb the god, the bad, the ugly Fsurprise product. F 124F9401 Fvga, gus timeles Ftran F 159F9402 Fvga, sb, gus, pm timeout Fepical F 65F9312 Fvga, sb unknown Fmindprobe F 480F9406 Fvga, gus unreal Ffuture crew F 260F9208 Fvga, sb untitled Fdust F 1347F9402 F386+,sb,gus,pm verses Femf F 1021F9408 F386+,vga,gus,pm wish Fmagic 12 F 758F9305 F286+, vga, sb  and this already the end of the first demo-libary. if you want to se your ownproduction in this list then don't hestitate and send it to the main-editorpusyrider (adres is in the editorial).furthermore democolectorscan order singel demos in order to complete theircolection N just send a leter to pusyrider!PeofP Efre at 18 years !E it's a so caled funy text, but it also can be quite serious. the publisher of this text is not responsible for any (psygical) damages done to children, dogs or any animals required. it's caled 101 ways to. comit suicide - ok, here's an easy one, it only works if you ain't to smal or to big. try to get a ticket of a "concert" of take that. (just put a wimpy face to the man who sels the tickets.) go to the concert a litle bit early so that you are right infront of the stage. if the concert is about 15 minutes old, try to jump over the crowd (id it doesn't work the first time, then just try it again.) climb on the stage, and smash someones face. the screaming girls wil get so mad that they wil spank your wily til you die. - here's a way to build your electric chair. you ned: 2 meters of iron wire 1 woden chair 2 smal iron plates 4 pieces of rope 1 wand-plug with about 20 volts now cut the iron wire in 2 pieces, put them one before the other in the wand- plug (be careful otherwise you die to son, we don't want to spoil your fun!) put 2 pieces of iron plates under your shoes and use 2 pieces of rope to bind them. go sit on the chair, and bind your hands with the 2 pieces of rope that are left. now it's time to do your last wish, move to the iron wires that are on the ground, and step on them. - here's one that's quite easy to, you also can ask some friends to join. it seams that alot of people like to karaoke pardys. take your friends to a bar or something, start bozing. if you think that you had enough then take another one. now visit such a karaoke "pardy" as the dj to put the song "and i swear" from al for one, go on the stage, and start singing. (i don't have to tel you what wil hapen.) - a clasic way to die is to drown yourself. that's to easy and not very impresiveanymore, try this. get yourself a girl-friend, let her sew a big hot-air balon. if it's ready then check it for leaks (we don't want any acidents!) now don't fil the balon with hot-air, fil it with gas (propan prefered) step in the balon and fly to about 2 km high. i hope that you didn't forgot your cigaretes otherwise you have to go back! now smoke your cigarete and try to push it out against the balon. (this one wil give you an extra kick if you are afraid for hights.) - here is an original way, again be careful otherwise inocence people wil get hurt. you ned some gunpowder, a test-tube, a smal wire, and some maches now put the rough part of the matchbox in the test-tube. bind the wire ona mach, and put the mach to the rough side of the mach-box. now put a cork on the end of the test-tube. now swolow the test-tube, or put it in your as. now pul the wire quite hard and, kaboem - ok, just found out that i lost last 8 versions of this text, that's kiling my mentality. - ok, alot of people like to die infront of a train. that's to easy and to mesy to. try it like this. take a rope, put it over a tre near a level- crosing of a railroad. now bind one end of the rope around the barier of the rail-road, put the other end around your neck, now just wait til a train comes, the barier closes, and bye bye. - here is a nice and easy way, you only ned a whel-chair. try to find a big hil. now go to the top of the hil with your whel-chair. go sit in the whel- chair, and drive -backwards- to the botom of the hil. now when you got enough sped hit the brakes (or just put your fet betwen the whels) you wil fal with your head on the ground and. - ok, i can imagine that when you are in a drunken mod, or simply depresed that you don't want to spoil much time prepairing yourself, so here are some quik ones. - get your dady's gun, stick it in your as and pul the triger. - go sky-surfing without parachute. - try to bump a nail with your head in a wal - beavis and buthead are col, play like them at your own house. - put an iron wire around your cock, and put the ends in a wand-plug. - pis over a police car, (you won't get kiled, but you might be sober the next morning, and be hapy that you're alive!) - i would like to write more, but due the deadline of this magazine and some lost versions of this article is it not posible for me. -remember, the things writen in this chapter are only for people over 18 years! if you're under 18, first ask your parents (they might wana join you.) - -that's al for this time. ОE偠灠Ethe very sad moment has come, we've no ber anymore. eh?! wel, drop it.we hope you enjoyed the first isue of genetic dreams as much as we did producing it.we know, there are to les text in genetic dreams to claim it a magazine, but as you know from your own, every begin is have patience with us and wait for the next isue which wil become much beter than this one. gretings in country order to the folowing dudes'n'groups. AB CED fury/solar design robin/escape crewhasichlein/mge medicus/ken like frogspj-dynamix/?rok/ken like forgsinxs/ex-escape crewABCED dr. doc/ozone ABCED wvl/slash design active/hypnosisblack hel of inferno bs mi/acrosgarth/acrosloard beavis/escape crew fonzie/focusartex/acriseslide/ex-escape crewABCED alagami/ex-chromance domix/colision jtm/visual reality trus/inzane sprat/? AB CED tamer/thunderalek/escape crew ABCED jery/epicaltronic/?future crew dj elvis/?axl snow/? ABCED punk/cherubs zmart/xenogenesisABCED stephen/razor 191trash/? wap/astralszab/prideABCED mindphaser/select tranzie/triadtchad/jam big nose/?bumbo/?grimlock/?red devil/? baldric/extreme ABCED nabuchodonozer/abadion works ABCED frenchflair/? ABCEDhonza/? out of country order.mindprobechaosdgfascination darkzonezenontoxic crew digital artsjam golum imphobia-cascadasorottriangle E R偠򁠁R E 195 an important year, coz at this time we'l release genetic dreams continuously each month. also in that year we'l release our first real demo at asembly'95 or another big party. capela wil start runing a bs in geramny. we're stil searching for distributers around the globe to spread the genetic dreams worldwide. E E features of the next isue:relax-part N for relaxing a litle bit during reading the articles photo-sesionN send us photos of . wel, what ever you want to publish here seperated menu- and chapter-screnN to make the magazine beter styled (coz of the les amount of 16 colors) virus-protectionN yes, your read right the next isue and each coming releases of escape wil have a protection against viruses which try to infect the exe(cutable) file of genetic dreams.(instal-disk) N we're thinking about aninstalation version of genetic dreamsfrom diskbut that's not for sure if it wil ever come.other textdisplayer N some more nice textdisplay-routines wil be aded in the next isuetext+picturs N pictures in the articles E S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S . is what no one claims to like, but everbody enjoys! .wrap!