K r a c k e r J a c k I'm looking for new contacts to help the US mailswapping scene grow! contact me at : mike bingaman / 250 hagans / elmhurst, il 60126 / USA ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- fatum main editor ۲۲ ۲߲۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ܲ ܲ ۲ ܲ ۱ ۲ ۲ ߲ ݱ ޱ ۲ ߲ ۲ ܲ ۲ ۲۰ ۰۰ ۰߰۲۰ܰܰ ۰ ۲ ݱ ۲ ܲ ܲ ۲ ۲ ܲ۱ sK! ܲ ߲ of߲ ߲ ܲ ۲۲ cORE^sCREAM^ ߲۲ fORTRESS^pRISM! ߲ for support any kind of mag, for swapp any kind of stuff, for everything write: lokolb@intertele.pl [hate.prism!^core^SCREAM!] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ,_ ,_ ,_ g@$ ,_ $$S: $$S:,._ ,_ $S:,. $$$S$$l$@g,.,. S$$" S$"*S$$$@gS$$l$@g,.,. S$$"*S$$$`$$$`i$$:"^"*Y$l$$i i$$: i$$: `l$$i$$:"^"*Y$l$$ii$$: `"$$$:$$i i$$: :$$i :$$i i$$:$$i i$$::$$i i$S$,$$S :$$ ,$S ,$$S_.,کg$$$$$,$$S :$$,$$S ,$$$$l$$$ $@$ l$$$_.,g@$Sl$$$:Y*"^^$Sl$$$ $@$l$$$_.,g@$SlSSS:`S$$$@g,.,$$$l SSS:Y*"^"'`SSS sK! $$$`SSS $$l SSS:Y*"^"' Y' `'""**S$$$$$ Y' $" "$ $" "$ Y' `^"S$ S If you like friendship and crazy letters you should write 2: S W .oOo. Lukasz Jedynak .oOo. ul. Dmowskiego 6\9 .oOo. W A .oOo. 66-400 Gorzow Wlkp. .oOo. Poland .oOo. A P P ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- .s#$#s. `?$$$$$$$$$$$$$$b. ss$$$$$$$$$ss ,d$$$$$$$$$$$$$$P [thanx to Cro!] `$$#'gggg gggg` ` gggg ',$$P'gggg` .s#$$$$$ $$$$$$#s. $$$$ $$$$ .s#$$$$$$$$$ $$$$ . $$$$ $$$$ $$$$ $$$$ $$$$ $$$$ SZuM/CRyoGeN^DraGoN `#$$$#s.`.s#$$$#' $$$$ $$$$ $$$$ $$$$ $$$$ Jerzy Szumski gggg $$$$ $$$$ gggg $$$$ $$$$ $$$$ $$$$ $$$$ Na Ostatnim Groszu 106/25 $$$$s$#'g`#$s$$$$ `#$s$$$$ $$$$ $$$$ $$$$ 54-207 Wroclaw ,ggS$$$Sgg. gggggg Poland `?$$$$$$$$$$$$$$b. ,d$$$$$$$$$$$$$$P'cro! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Black Rainbow is looking 4 quality graphician! If you're a talented dude, send us your releases. contact us at: aries@delta.bay-gyula.hu or check out our webpage at www.bay-gyula.hu/~aries ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- . $ ,s, ,s, , $ ,s, $ ,s, ,s, $ . ; $s" . $. s" . $.s" . $ s" . $.$s" . $..$ "s$ ; i $ ; $$ ' ' $S ; $$ ; $$ ; $ i ! $ ' ,$S$y,.,y$ ' ,$S$ ' ,$S$, ' $ ! $y,.,yS $y,.,yS'y,.,ySy,.,yS $ ,yS Sy,.,y$ for friendly swapping and nice letters contact pyromaniac of beyond at: paul bragiel . 301 e. chalmers #306 . champaign, il, 61820 . USA ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- eSPECIALLY sWAPP wITH fOREIGNERS sK! aDRIAN jASTRZEBSKI, uL.lUZYCKA 58g, 59-901 zGORZELEC, pOLAND wRITE fOR sWAPP, 100% aNZWER ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ܰ ܱ ۲ ۲ ۲ ޲ ޲ ޲ ޲ ޲ ܱ sK! lAND0 /k0NZEPT ܲ lUKASZ jEDYNAK dMOWSKIEGO 6/9 66-400 gORZOW wLKP pOLAND ܰ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #10 diskmag with texts in german and english get it from http://adok.home.pages.de ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ߰ ܲ ܱ߰ܲ DRAGON Magazin ܲ߰ ܱ߱ ߲ܰ ߰ ۲۰ ߲ ߭cro۱ ۲ ܲ ܲ ܲ ܲ ۲ ۲ ۱ ۱ ۱ ۱ ۱ ۱ ܰ ۰ ۰ ۰۰ ۰ ۰ ߰ Hey, what are you waiting for? Hmm, what?.. the apocalipse? Nah, it is so much time to this happening. Don't waste your time! You can be famous! Just support Dragon magazine: articles, musics (for background), graphics (for gallery), we really need that to make a really good zine on Scene. So, don't wait for the apocalipse but support us! email: szum@kki.net.pl or snail: Jerzy Szumski, Na Ostatnim Groszu 106/25, 54-207 Wroclaw, Poland. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---- --- Ŀ dj.ReGaL Piotr Sucharski Klaudyn 164 Ĵ05-080 Izabelin Ŀ Poland also Tankard support Ŀ Ĵ Ĵ Ĵ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Atom] Platoon is looking for really good musician and gfx artist. If You think that You are good enough, then send Your works and few words about Yourself on this adress: Atom/Platoon e-mail: atom1@friko2.onet.pl ul. Swistackiego 10/15 or atom1@kki.net.pl 50-430 Wroclaw Poland Don't forget to send some samples of Your work... ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ByteWay is looking for new members, especially musicians and graphicians (both 2d and 3d). If you feel you're good then send samples of your work to us at: snail: e-mail: phone: Behemot/ByteWay behemoto@kki.net.pl (0-33) 12-51-28 Wojciech Pieprzyca (Doctor_Q - Krzysztof) ul. Fredry 51 43-346 Bielsko-Biala POLAND ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- $S#s. .s#S$ .s#S$$$S#s. .s#S$$$S#s. .s#S$$$S#s. .s#S$ $$$$$ .s#S$ $$$$$ $$$$$ $$$$$ $$$$$ $$$$$ $$$$$ $$$$$ $$$$$ $$$$$$$S' $$$$$ ͻ $$$$$ . $$$$$ $$$$$ $S' $$$$$ $$$$$ `S$ $$$$$ $$$$$$$S#s. $$$$$ ͻ $$$$$ : $$$$$ $$$$$ $$$$$ $$$$$ $$$$$ $$$$$ $$$$$ $$$$$ ͼ $$$$$ $ $$$$$ $$$$$ $$$$$ $$$$$ $$$$$ $$$$$ $$$$$ $$$$$ ͼ `S$$$$$S' $$$$$ `S$$$S' $$$$$ $$$$$ $S' $S' ftz Support it! Contact main-editor Behemot/BTW : behemoto@kki.net.pl ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ Ŀ sK!/cAZ We are looking for quality and productive graphician, also good coder Just contact us via email: motzel@friko.onet.pl (Motzel - coder) szum@kki.net.pl (Szum - sysop) or via snail-mail to Szum: jerzy szumski. ul na ostatnim groszu 106/25. 54-207 wroclaw. POLAND! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ______ ______ ______ | //__ | //___ | //_^grf ________| |___| _/_| |_____________ |_ | __ _|___| ___|___| ____|_____ //_ //______| __ | (_ | (__ (_ ________| | \ ) | /_ | /__ | |_ | |_ | |_ / \ | //________\ //________\ //______\_ __\ Hey coders! Write now to : Mash/ByteWay ASM Marcin Szpak C++ ul. Wadowicka 13/47 PASCAL 43-300 Bielsko-Biala POLAND phone : +48 33 11-32-87 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ܲ ܱ ߱ fzf ݲ 98! ܰ ܰ OF KONZEPT .oOo. Lukasz Jedynak .oOo. ul. Dmowskiego 6\9 .oOo. .oOo. 66-400 Gorzow Wlkp. .oOo. Poland .oOo. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- , .l$ .l$ .d$$$ .d$$$ $$$$ $$$$ $$$$ $$$$$$ ftz .s#S$$$$$$ .s#S$S#s. .s#S$$$$$' $$$$ .s#S$S#s. .s#S$$$$$' .s#S$S#s. d$$$' $$$$ d$$$' `$$$b d$$$' $l' , $$$$ d$$$' `$$$b d$$$' $l' d$$$' `$$$b $$$$ $$$$ $$$$ $$$$ $$$$ ' .l$ $$$$ $$$$ $$$$ $$$$ ' $$$$ $$$$ $$$$ $$$$ $$$$ $$$$ $$$$ .d$$$ $$$$ $$$$ $$$$ $$$$ $$$$ $$$$ ?$$$. $$$$ ?$$$. .$$$P ?$$$. .$$$P'$$$$ ?$$$. .$$$P $$$$ ?$$$. .$$$P `$$$$$P' `$' `$' $$$P' `$' $$$P'.d$$$P' `$$$$$$ ssssss $l' ssssssssssssssssssssssss $l'sssssssssssss $l'sssssssssssssss $$$$ ' ' ' $$$$ -= Krzysztof Merker Drzymay 3/3 Bielsko-Biaa, 43300, pl =- $$$P' [doctorq@kki.net.pl] $l' on da IRC - fridays about 22:00 on #polishscene ByteWay DaRaveBrada TpBusterz ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- %97 [sK] -- remigiusz koscielny 85-790 ...iS ogrody 22/4 bydgoszcz sPREADER poland ߲ !!!! no begginers please! ascii drawn by sIMON kING thanks for warhammer! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BINAR/KRZ^VP^CS^DFS^LO2+7 Krzysztof Jagoda No lame newbies !!! No lame newbies ul. Rakowska 10/43 Foreigner prefered !!! Foreigner prefered 42-200 Czstochowa 100 % answer !!! 100 % answer p o l a n d ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4 European magazine, called Tankard, support \\ _____ ___.--(_,-)---,_ ,-)._,---( ___.--(_,--._ // ---' ) \ / | | \ ___| | _. \ / | \ `--- % | |___| /' | | \ | ' | ' __| /' | `--< % % | ` | |__/| | | | ` | -' | |__/ >--' | % ---,`---) |---) |_(-'___|_.-|---(___|---(___|---) |___(---',--- // /____|~cro \\ dJ ReGaL Piotr Sucharski Klaudyn 164 05-080 Izabelin Poland ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ...................................... : : : 4 gReAt Piece of Msx-SwAP, WRiTE 2 : .-----. : : [FZf] | | .----------._______ .------. ___________ __________.--------. | |____ \ __ / _/_ _\___ /_\ __ /_| ___ / / | /_: \/ l , | ___/ l _\____/ | \___/| ___/ | | | | | | | | | | `-----`-----'--------`----l L---------'----------l | `------' : `----' DEAf of KOnZEPt : `-----' : UkAsz BeRnaS : : UL.marcInKowSKIEgO 112/3 : : 66-400 GOrzw wlkp. : : : : 100% RePly tO eVeRyOne! : :....................................: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ŀ Raiders Of The Lost Empire Ĵ DREAMDANCER^ROLE [- looking for more Sebastian Poschmann contax! Surenburgstr.50 B [- fast swap & cool 48429 Rheine letters! Germany [- real 100% reply guaranted! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ۱ ۲ ۱ YOU CAN EXPECT FOR SURE: ۲ ۲ ۱ ۱ ۲ 100% Answer + Long Letters Votes Filling FILOZOF OF KONZEPT ^ ABS Articles Writing Kewl & Friendly Swapp Adam Rutkowski Nice Lame Azki 4 Ya ul.Berlinga 6a/21 66-400 Gorzw Wlkp. tel/fax 095 7325296 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- $$$$$$S#s. $$$$$$S#s. $$$$$$S#s. $$$$$$S#s. $$$$$$S#s. $$$$$$S#s. $i. $ $$$$$ $i. $ $$$$$ $i. $ $$$$$ $i:.$ $$$$$ $i:.$ $$$$$ $i:.$ $$$$$ $li:$ $$$$ $li:$ $S#' $li:$s$$$$ $li;$ $li:$ $$$$ $li;$ $$$$ $%li$ $$$$$ $%li$ $%li$ $$$$$ $%li$ .s#S$ $%li$ $$$$$ $%li$ $$$$$ $$$$$s$$$$$ $$$$$ [cro] $$$$$ $$$$$ `S$s$$$$$ `S$s$$$$$ $$$$$ $$$$$ .sssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss $$$$$ sssssssssssssssssssssss. DraGoN#3 is cooming soon, don't wait support us!!! Send us some articles, adverts, news, other stuffz!!! All support is welcome at Dragon stuff collector - SZuM/DraGoN E-mail: szum@kki.net.pl, szumski@polbox.com Analog-mail if really needed!!! guess the address!!! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- No comments! ĿĿĿ ij ij Ĵ Ĵ Ŀ Ĵ Ĵ Ĵ [sk] behemoto@kki.net.pl ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : :. .. . . . ; : . ________ :.. ...: : .;.. . :...: . . . . ___ \ / : _________ : ; ;.:. ______________ \\__// \\ / _______| / ; :.: / //________/ /----// _ _/ ; .:. /________\/ \_______/__________/________|______\ ; ::: . ... .//______\af 630.834.5169 m i l k %%% .. ....; milk:: chicago's premier scene board. art, music, demos. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Visit ! www.yutechno.com ! for that funny feeling in your stomach ! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #s. 4 SupEr neW CooL cTX wRiTe 2: #s. Lukasz Jedynak . Dmowskiego 6/9 66-400 Gorzow Wlkp. . POLAND ^KiP ` .s#"#s. .s#"#s. .s#" .s#"#s. #.` ## ` ` ##.` #.` b ##.` ` #.` ###.` ##.` ###.` .s#M. ##.` ####.` ###.` ####.` ###### ` ###.` #####. ####.` #####. ###### .` ####.` ######.` #####. ## M##,# ` # S `###.`' ###.`Sn O F K O N Z E P T --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4 dA sOME sTUPH zWAPPIN' ۱ ۱ ۱ ۱ eSPECIALLY 4 nAKED gIRLZ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ I aND mODULEZ, wRITE tO: ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ N ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ s aDEK/aMR^aBS^sC [n.O.T.E] ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ aDRIAN jASTRZEBSKI uL.lUZYCKA 58g 59-901 zGORZELEC pOLAND 100% aNSWEZZ tO eVERY1 eSPECIALLY sWAPP wITH fOREIGNERS tHANX fOR tHA pAL iN sECT ;) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- A co bys powiedzial na nowy kontakt?... Moze warto ܱܰ ߲ܱܲ ܱܱ߰ ߰ ۰ ۰ ۰ ۰ ۰ ۱ ۱ ۱ ۱ ۱ i۰ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ n s ߲ ܰ of Konzept ߲ Lukasz Jedynak .oOo. Dmowskiego 6\9 .oOo. 66-400 Gorzow Wlkp ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- _______ scream if your life is __) (__ snail mail only routine! |$ C R 3 A M| power! _____ _____ __|__ __|__ _____ _____ __( ____)_____( , )_____( )_____( )_____( _ )_____( )__ |_____, :|: | |: -\ |: | :|_____| :|: :| |: | :|: |_____|: __|: .|: ' :|: \_/ :| |. | .|. | :|. |--(__). |-----|. | .|. | .| | _____ |. _____ .|. _____ |. _____ |. _____ .|. __|__ .| |__( )__|__( )__|__( | )__|__( |\ )__|__( )__|__( )__| | _____ | |__) (__| aktin.jaroslaw bugno.wiatraczna 7.95035 ozorkow.poland hate.dariusz pastula.partyzantow 17.36100 kolbuszowa.poland JABBAR.marcin hrymnak.rynek 4/1.64360 zbaszyn.poland kenji.pawel kielan.wierzbiecice 8/9.61568 poznan.poland melkor.maciej kurdziel.niepodleglosci 43/19.32400 myslenice.poland ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ............... : : : : : : ...........:....:........... : : :............................: : : : : : ^grf :.............: .............................................................................. : Jakub Machaek, Sowackiego 9, 23-300 Janw Lubelski, tel. (015) 872-13-44 : : e-mail: neon@tg.onet.pl : :............................................................................: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- S#s. 4 SupEr neW CooL cTX wRiTe 2: S#s. Lukasz Jedynak . Dmowskiego 6/9 66-400 Gorzow Wlkp. . POLAND .s#S"S#s. .s#S"S#s. .s#S" .s#S"S#s. d d b .s#S" ۫۫۫۫۫۫۫۫۫ S S, S S `S,S' S,S O F K O N Z E P T ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ,gsg. . . . . . . . . fortress $P,?b. .SCREAM! , . $ $@a.b . $@a. ,ggs##sggg. $ $$$$ $ .s@S$$S@a. $$$$ dP.s@S$$S@a.`$ $ $$$$ #g. `$$$$ $$$$$@. $ $$$$ `$$$$ $ $ $$$$~$S@a. .s@$~~$$$$ $$$$ , $$$$ $$$$ $ $ $$$$ `$$$$ $$$$ $$$$ $$$$ .s@$ $$$$~~ $ $ $$$$ $$$$ $$$$ ,$$$$ $$$$ ,$$$$ $$$$ .s@$ $ $ $$$$ $$$$ $$$$ $$$$ $ ` $@' . $@' . $@' $gggg $@'d$ prism! ' . ' hate! . ' core $ 'dP' . . . . . . . . `'~cro main editor of _polish_ chartsmag - fatum stuff collector for budyn^dragon^measure^shine simon king's and fitzroy's logos distro lokolb@intertele.pl ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ۲ ߰ ܱ۲߱ ۲ ۲ ߲ ۰ ۱ ߰ ߲ܱ [sK!] ߲ ߲ REMigiusz KOsciElny oGRODY 22/4 85-790 Bydgoszcz polAND no begginers please! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- SysOp: SZuM oF DraGoN oPeN 21oo-7oo CET #numba: +48-71-515881 Demo-oriented BBS!!! ܰ ܰ ۱۲߲߲ ۰ ۲ ߲ ߲ ߲ ߰ ߲ ߲ ް ۲ ۰ ۱ ۲ ۱ ۱۲۲ ۲ ۱۱ ܱ ۲ ۲ ۲ ߲ ۰ ߲۲ݲ ܲ ۱ ܲ ۲ ۲ ߲ ۱ ܲܲܲ ۱۲۱۱۲ [ansi drawn by simon king/elysium^ipc 29.04.1997] ߰۱ ߲߲ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- hello fellow sceners, i have decided to start swapping again! no, i don't want to swap the latest on the pc-scene. what i want to do, is to swap cd-r discs! mp3:s are my main interest, but i have no objections to swapping whole audio cd:s, video-cd:s or playstation games either. if you think you could be interested in cd-r swapping, while also receiving the latest from our group, write to lemming/orange (not on envelope) janne granberg lmmittjntie 6 40820 haapaniemi finland for fast, friendly and reliable swapping 100% reply to everyone seriously interested in cd-swapping ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- U waNT ReAL FriEnDShIp... U MuSt Try tHiz AddY: LANDO/KONZEPT LuKasZ JeDynAK uL. DMoWSkIEgO 6\9 66-400 GOrzOw wlKP. TEL. (0-95) 7-297-668 [fzf] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ŀ 4 kEwl n' reaL FriENDShiP, doctor_q_of_byteway fUcking SmASHIn' lOnG LETTHaH, looking 4 new ctx lamE AZkI MaKinG, hiPHOp, AnD lOT wanna write ? No!!! other gROOVIE tHiNGz WriTE 2: so write ! ;) Psyho swap here: drzymaly FIlOZoF/KoNZEPT^Abs 3/3 43-300 bielsko adaM ruTKoWsKI biala, or here: UL. beRlingA 6A/21 doctorq@kki.net.pl 66-400 gorZW WIelKoPOlsKI AlSO 4 pIjAmA ZinE SUpportIng. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- .B..B.͸ .BB BB. .Bsssss. .sssss .ssssso. .B$$ $$ $$ $$ B. B. .B $$ss$ $$ss $$ B. .B B.B $$ $$ $$ ss $$ ss B.B B $$ $$ $ss$$ $ss$$ B B. .B ^djRGL'98 I'm not B.B guaranted B mods 100% Answer! samples ij Rec/Admire Arkadiusz Zabost ul.Katarzynw 32 99-400 owicz PL ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________ [ ] | if you're looking for firendly swapp | | write to | ._____. _________ ________ _____.________ | |_____\_____ : _/_ ____|__ | __ | .---: | _| \ \/ | , |_\ __/ | \/ | :---. `---- : / | | | | | | ----' `---------'----------'----'----'-----------'--------' [fzf] | L A N D O O F K O N Z E P T | | Lukasz Jedynak | | ul. Dmowskiego 6/9 | | 66-400 Gorzw Wlkp. | | | [______________(: gumisie rule! :)____________] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ............... : : fOR zWAPP wRITE tO: a D e K : : ________ _________________ _____ : aDEK/aMR^aBS^sC^tANKARD_tEAM | __\__ |___\ | __ /_\ | / : | | __ | __ | `' | / : aDRIAN jASTRZEBSKI | | `' | `' | |---| | \ : uL.lUZYCKA 58g | //______//_____//_____//___//---/ : 59-901 zGORZELEC --------------- --- -- -: : pOLAND | cro/grns : : :............: 100% aNSWEZZ! eSPECIALLY sWAPP wITH fOREIGNERS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Skynet Archive - ftp://skynet.stack.nl/ for all your scene files. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ͻ ۱ arasz@jan.mech.pg.gda.pl ۱ ۱߱ scz_enz@friko4.onet.pl ۱ ۱ ۱ ۱ ۱ ۱ ۱ ߱ ۱ ۱߱ ۱ ۱ ߱ ۱۱ ۱ ۱ ۱ ܱ ۱ ۱ ۱ ۱ ۱ ۱ ۱ ۱ ۱ ۱ ۱۱ ߱ ۱ ۱ ۱ ߱ ۱ ۱ ߱ ߱ ۱ ۱ [scz] of Enenzi  looking 4 friendly ctx with graphicians  adam raszkiewicz,ul.wyspianskiego5-ds9,80-434 gd-wrzeszcz,poland ͼ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- simon king/pcn (n.o.t.e.) szymon grabinski 1 armii wp 6/10 89410 wiecbork poland - 4 join nominal - 4 pcn^fse^nml^mb^ptg warez - 4 ascii^ansi stuff ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ If You want to ۱ ۱ ۱ ۲ ۱ take a new 100% ۰ ۰ ۰ ۱ ۰ ctx with friendship ۰ swapper write 2: ukasz Jedynak ul. Dmowskiego 6/9 66-400 Gorzow Wlkp. <095>7-297-668 1000% answer 4 all. 0% DisK StEalinG @fzf ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- : . : ----- / \ ---- /Ŀ Ŀ \ : / Ŀ Ĵ Ĵ \ : / Ĵ \ / \ Piotr Sucharski Klaudyn 164 \ \ 05-080 IzabelinPoland / / : 4 swapp, soccer & frienship talks : ----- \ - / ---- : " : ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- charming disk swapping measure diskmagazine support garfield/ipc^core^lo 2+7 marcin antas # ul. polna 8a # 38-200 jaslo # poland garfield@friko.onet.pl abroad contacts prefered # no beginners please ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ^cro dj.regal d.k. piotr sucharski darek kirszling klaudyn 164 ul.poraziskiej 2 o5-o8o izabelin 84-23o rumia poland poland ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- . : European demogroup ___: : ..__|____ _______ _____ / | _________ |\__. _____ / _ \ / _ \/ _ \| |/ / _ \ | |/ _ \ / : \ | | : \ _ \ : \| |_ : \ / _ \ | | _ \ |\ \ _ \ / _ \ \____|____/___|___/___|____/__| \___\_|____/___|___|____/ ===============================[(d)sIMON kING/iPC^fSE]=== If ya have been independent people, than write and send us ur products We`ve been still looking 4 new talented memba > Dj ReGaL < Piotr Sucharski Klaudyn 164 05080 IZABELIN POLAND ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ....................lokolb@intertele.pl...................... ,sss. ,sssssssssss. ,sss. ,sssssssssss. $$$$$ $$$$$ $$$$$ $$$$$ $$$$$ $$$$$$$$$b $$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$ $$$$$' d$$$ $$$$$ $ $$$$$ $ $$$$$ $ $$$$$ $ $$$$$ $$$$$$$$$ $$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$b $$$$ $+"~ $ $+"~ $ $+"~ $ $+"~ $ $+"~ $$$+"~$ $+"~ $$$+"~$$$$ $$$$ .s#S$ $ .s#S$ $ .s#S$ $ .s#S$ $ .s#S$ $'.s#S$ $ .s#S$ $'.s#S$ $$$$ ?$$$ $$l$$ $ $$l$$ $ $$l$$ $ $$l$$ $ $$l$$ $ $$l$$ $ $$l$$ $ $$l$$ $$$P $l;l$ $l;l$ $l;l$ $l;l$ $l;l$ $l;l$ $l;l$ $l;l$ :::$; ;$:::$; ;$:::$; ;$ $; ;$:::$; ;$:::$; ;$:::$; ;$:::$; ;$::: $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ `' `' `' `' `' .hate.fortress.darek.pastula.partyzantow.17.36100.kolbuszowa. ..........dragon^budyn^shine.stuff/vote.collector............ ....................greets.to.my.contacts.................... .............no.beginners.from.cd.action.please.............. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ __ _ / scream if your life is only routine! / /___________/.o. ________ ________ ________ ________ _________ /_____________ \ _// ___//_\\ __ \\_// ___//_\\___ \\_\\___ //_ / . \ . \ | `' | `'___| __//_| __ | \/ | / / \ \| | \\_ | `' | / | / //.. . . ..\\ \----|____|----)____|----|____|----|____|----/____| /________________________\ _ __ ________________________________ __ _ ftz aktin.jaroslaw bugno.wiatraczna 7.95035 ozorkow.poland hate.dariusz pastula.partyzantow 17.36100 kolbuszowa.poland JABBAR.marcin hrymnak.rynek 4/1.64360 zbaszyn.poland kenji.pawel kielan.wierzbiecice 8/9.61568 poznan.poland melkor.maciej kurdziel.niepodleglosci 43/19.32400 myslenice.poland ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- sK ۲ ۲ ۰ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۰ ۰ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۰ ۲ ۰ ۲ ۲ ۰ ۰ REMIGIUSZ KOSCIELNY [] OGRODY 22/4 [] 85-790 BYDGOSZCZ [] POLAND ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- p r o c r e a t i o n [sk] rEMIGIUSZ kOSCIELNY oGRODY 22/4 85-790 bYDGOSZCZ 4 cOOL aND fAST cTX, wRITE no begginers please ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- .s#S$$$$$$ $$$$$$S#s. .s#S$ $$$$$ .s#S$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$ $$$$$ $$$$$ $$$$$ $$$$$ $$$$$ $$$$$ `#$$$S#s. .s$$$$$$$' $$$$$ $$$$$ $$$$$ $$$$$ $$$$$ ggggg $$$$$ $$$$$ ggggg $$$$$ $$$$$ $$$$$ $$$$$ $$$$$ `#$s$#' `#$s$#' `#$s$#' `#$ `' $#'jsn Hey man! Wait for a while and listen to me!!! So, you are one of those richest people in whole world? Hmm, could you send some nice stuffz to me??? I'm sure you do, but remember, that no credit card are accepted, only pure cash, and some kind of valuality stuff, like stamps, glue, envelopes, spray, and many others, check them out calling: +48-71-515881, and waste some money for that mega abroad, continental and longest in your life on-live chat with me! btw: from 21-7 CET, under that number is running Dragon BBS, so connect to it via your mega fazd, superb 2mbits/sec. CCCProticz modem!!! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ^art^ O F D R A G O N A N D C R Y o G E N J e r z y S z u m s k i U l . N a O s t a t n i m G r o s z u 1 0 6 / 2 5 5 4 - 2 0 7 W r o c l a w P O L A N D ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- SysOp: Szum of Dragon (+48)-071-515881 open at: 21oo-7oo CET d b ܰ۲ ܲ ܲ ܱܲ r b ߲ B a s ۲ ۲ b g ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ B b o ۲ ۲ ܲ ۲ s n ߱ݲ[JsN]۲ ۲ S ۲ This is DemoScene oriented BBS. ۲ Do not hesistate this information. ۲ Call NOW! We want to became Distro-Site. ߱ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- sk's & fitz's logos distro.dragon^budyn^shine official stuff collector ________ _______ ___________ /\_____________________/\_ / |________/ \) \/ / ______ / / | \ | \ / ____/_\ // / _ \\_ _ \______/ |_____/ \/\ ::\_________| .:/_| .:\::::// .:|sK!97\ .:\::: ~~~~~~~~~~~~|_________/~~|_______\~~/__________|~~~~~~\______________\~~ hate.fortress^scream!^core nothing to lose.nothing to hide.only we on the same side.just write darek pastula.partyzantow 17.36100 kolbuszowa.poland email: lokolb@intertele.pl no beginners from cd action please! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ooooo. oo oo oooooo. oo oo oo ooo. oooo. .oOo. .oo. oo .ooo. oo.ooo. oo.ooo. .oooo. .oooo. oo oooo oooo oo oo oooo ooooo. oo oo ooo o ooo'oo oo oo' oo oo oooo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo oooo oo oo oo .oooooo oo oo oooooooo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo. oo oo oo oo oo oo. oo oo oooo oo oo `oOo' oo oo oo oooo' oo oo oo ooooo ooooo oooo oo oooo _ oooo' oooo ______/\____/\______/\_____/ \_____/\ ooo \ / \ \ ! / \ #2 oo \ / __/ __/ : \ !: / :o / \ \ \ . \ :. \/__ o / : \__ \__ \ \ \ : \ . / / / / / . \____/\______/\______/_______/_______/ . http://home.c2i.net/xcene/amag/ (soon) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ܱ ޱ۲ < dR/g0 $ $yS0p: $zuM/dr/G0 > ް < [0-48] 071 515 881 0p /t: 21oo 7oo ct > ߰ ۲۲ ۲ ۲ ߲ ۲ ޲ ߱߱ ޱ ۲ ޱ ޱ ߲ ߲ ۱ ߲ ݱ ݰ ۱ݰ ܰ ۰ܰ ݱ ߱ ۱ ܲݲ ۰ ݰ ޲ܱ ۲ ް ۲ ޱ ۲ ߲ ܲ ^grf ܰ ۰ܰ ۰ ۰ ۰ ߰۰߰ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- .ssSSS SSSss. .ssSSS SSSss. .sSSs sSSs. .sSSS SSSS SSSs. $$$$$' `$$$$$ $$$$$' `$$$$$ $$$$$ $$$$$ $$$$$ $$$$ $$$$$ $$$$$ `$$$' `$$$' $$$$$ $$$$$ $$$$$ $$$$$ $$$$ $$$$$ $$$. jsn .$$$$' $$$$$ $$$$$ $$$$$ $$$$ $$$$$ `$$$s .$$$$ $$$$$ $$$$$ $$$$$ $$$$ $$$$$ .$$$. $$$$$ .$$$$$ .$$$. $$$$$ $$$$$ $$$$$ $$$$ $$$$$ $$$$$. ,$$$$$ $$$$$. .$$$$$ $$$$$ $$$$$ $$$$$ $$$$ $$$$$ `SSS . SSS' `SSS . SSS' `SS . SS' `SS SSSS SS' Szum/DraGoN, Jerzy Szumski, Ul.Na Ostatnim Groszu 106/25, 54-207 Wroclaw e - m a i l : szumski@polbox.com o r szum@kki.net.pl P O L A N D No BEGINNERS please!!! 99% Answer to all!!! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------