------------------------------ ------------------------------ Credits : Special Thanks Go To: ------------------------------ ------------------------------ Adok [Hugi] Artists Jamon [Hyperopia] Atom [Platoon] Sky [Xography] Daredevil [Renaissance] Darkness [Imphobia] Coder Armitage Fred [Calodox] Gaffer [Xtatic] Haji Musician Dascon [TRSi] Jeu Azarru [Quasar] Rappid [Suspend] Editor Pyromaniac Rommel [Revelation] Tran ------------------------------ ------------------------------ --------------------------------------------------------------- Thanks to all the voters: --------------------------------------------------------------- aap [acme] holland aborygen [dragon] poland achilles [hobbits] india action [virtual illusions] ukraine adek [admire&supporters club] poland adok [hugi] austria a-move [amable] germany aries [black rainbow] hungary armitage [beyond] u.s.a. amorroxic [hipnotica] romania assign [black beat productions] germany baloo [blocc] sweden bat [just for fun] france behemot [byteway] poland binar [diffusion] poland blackaxe [kolor] luxembourg brainpower [dawn 3] portugal bull [flu&tank&k!z&abs] poland caramel [inferiors] norway case [revelation] poland chandra [orange juice] france civax [moon hunters] israel cousman [kryst] germany cremax [nothing] portugal d-lee [exceed] hungary dake [calodox] switzerland dark avenger [ddd] u.s.a. darkness [imphobia] belgium deaf [konzept] poland demon [saturne] poland depth [used] canada dj regal [anakata&grinders] poland dorian [absurd] italy dr. clone [beyond] u.s.a. dremdancer [role] germany e605 [suspect] germany echo [fudge] denmark echo [diffusion&black maiden] poland ed_lead [aquatic] singapore e-mage [the end] brazil exo [ancient pain] bulgaria exocet [just for fun] france filozof [konzept] poland fitzroy [ipc&tms] poland fred [calodox] switzerland freejack [beyond] u.s.a. frost [dcb] canada fructose u.s.a. fysx [xi] canada gandalf [pulse] france garfield [ipc&core] poland gigant [admire] poland goblin [xtatic] australia goofy [blocc] sweden grape [steel dawn] new zealand greco [oblivion] slovenia greenpix7 [universe] russia hager [profuse] hungary hate [prism&core&scream] poland imode [exceed] u.s.a. java [cryonics&tpolm] sweden jeu azarru [quasar] paraguay kosh [beyond] u.s.a. kracker jack [skism] u.s.a. lando [konzept] poland lemming [orange] finland magoth poland mali [malixia] slovenia melkor [grinders&scream] poland minmax [septic] slovenia motzel [cryogen&suspend] poland msav [hyperopia] yugoslavia neon [bora] poland orome [talent] norway paradox [nothing] ireland pl [imphobia] belgium programmer [universe] russia pyromaniac [beyond] u.s.a. qmar [cast&pointblue] finland raistlin [303] poland rec [melancholy] poland redhound [overflow] holland rem [exmortis&procreation] poland rommel [revelation] finland scape [mist&procreation] slovakia scyzoryk [enenzi] poland shine germany simon king [procreation&fuse] poland skal [bomb] france sky [ethos9&xography] germany sprocket [sense&image] norway starfox [the end] brazil statix [acme&pulse] england stynger [peon] slovakia suckho [eufrosyne] finland szum [dragon&cryogen] poland ts [exceed] u.s.a. viinikala [revelation&grif] czech republic x-man [sunset design] france xcene [dance&tpf] norway xhale [dcs&calamity] norway ulysses [hobbits] india zoltar x [the next generation] poland