ABSURD is the new name for the Italian demo group formerly known as Fatal Rage. ANAKATA - Szatin joined as a graphic artist. The current member list consists of: Bizarre (code), Dethar (code), Dj Regal (swap/music), Felix (music), Ironman (code), Lodlun (code/3d), Nuttah (code), Szatin (pixel). ASSEMBLY ORG. - Assembly '98 has presold over 1000 tickets. BEYOND - With the release of HEROIN, it marks the end of a 2 year hiatus from releasing any complete productions to the scene. 'Caustic' which featured our old realtime raytracing engine most likely will never be released publicly to the scene. Future intros using realtime raytracing techniques are being worked on. It is rumored as well that Fructose has joined as a dancer. Dr. Clone (aka The Nose) will strike in the near future... where, we don't know. BLACK BEAT PRODUCTIONS - Look out for some new productions to be rocking clubs in south Germany soon. BYTELAND is dead. Some members joined BYTEWAY. BYTEWAY - A new group that has been created from the ashes of BYTELAND. They are working on a few releases, some of which include Wrotki #6, Borntro, Fugaz's musicdisk, and Azure's slideshow. Their current member list comprises of: Azure (pixel), Banshik (code/art), Behemot (swap/org), Cobretti (swap/web), Doctor_Q (swap), Fugaz (code/music), Mash (code), Melkor (swap), and Rastan (code/design) CALODOX - Their mekka/symposium demo 'We Don't Know You' recieved 11th place. They are working on a demo and individual releases for Wired 98. Their current member list is Dake (code/art), Fred (art/org), Krafton (3d), Lando (code), Leto (code), Radio24 (swap), Workbench (music), and Zpider (code). CATACLYSM is a California (US) based demo group. They are the organizers for the SB 97 and 98 demo parties. They are working on a few projects, on of which may include an upcoming demo. The are also looking for pixelers and coders. E-mail god@crl.com for more info. CYBERDREAM is going to make a german-language diskmag called m*a*r*s. Release-date is supposed to be spring/summer '98. DASKMIG - For a brief happy moment, some regulars at #daskmig thought they had seen the recoming of _GORE, legend of the golded ages but long gone. DCB - Frost has been employed as a graphic artists at UbiSoft. DDD - They have finished their 2d shooter by the name of Axia. It has been ported to the BeOS and will be published by Wildcard Design. DERANGED is a new group that consists of two people: Beryl (code/swap/org) and Tristan (code/music).They are still searching for graphicians and coders. DIFFUSION - Binar joined as swapper in March. They are working on a demo to be released at an upcoming party. Their current memberlist includes: Binar (swap), Caesar (text), Crt (code), Echo (music), Pigiel (music), Roller (3d), Sztahoo (code), and Xanth (web) DIGITAL BROTHERHOOD is an all-purpose-group existing since fall '97. Members include: [-qb-] (web/org), [x]argon (code), lazyone (code), Vable (music), Q-Fladen (code), Melcom (music/code), Rtom (3d), Aurora (code), Taggy (2d), Cromwell (music). They are working on a few games including Sokofun which is a Sokoban clone, Systems which is an adventure game, and Trash Rida which is a Jump'n'Run clone. Check out http://dbh.home.pages.de DRAGON - Dragon diskmag issue #3 was released in April. You can get it at ftp.crimson.umgdy.gov.pl/scene_pl/dragon Their current memberlist is: Aborygen (org/editor), Candle (code), Draken (art), Hornet (music), Kane (code), Kenji (swap/editor), Noizz (art), Szum (swap/editor), and Tuka (code). FATAL RAGE has changed its name to ABSURD. GRINDERS - Singer and Cro joined as musician and ascii respectively. They have released an ascii pack called yunx#1. Their current member list is: Cro (ascii), DK (org/swap), Dj Regal (swap/text), Fiszi (code), Forcer (gfx), Jim Goer (code), Melkor (swap/text), Shade (music), Singer (music), and Sonsee (text). GUILD is currently working on a game. They have obtained 'office' space to work on their current and future game projects. HAUJOBB in cooperation with Imphobia and other scene artists has just released the Wired '98 invitation. HUGI CREW - Issue #10 their diskmag was released in the beginning of April. Muffin left for m*a*r*s. Adok released a faq about diskmags (mags.faq) and recieved first place in the pain-size-coding-compo #2. HYPEROPIA - Arsonist (code) has changed his handle to MSAV. Loco/Juice has joined hyperopia as a double member. INFINITY SPECTRUM - Tabby is working on his MC6 tune. They are also working on a musicdisk to be released when it's done. Quasi and Particle might release an artdisk in the future. KRAC FIVE is no longer active on the demo scene. They decided to make a music label instead. KRYST is dead. Scorpe changed his handle to Dreamdancer and joined Role. LUMENTAL - Slime (gfx) left to persue a career as a novel writer. That leaves Norbert (music), and The Hornet (code/music) as the remaining members. MICROSOFT - The windows 98 kernel development team wants to join the demo scene, but still lacks proficient coders. In case you're interested, email MFX is rumored to be working on another realtime raytracing intro for ASM '98. NEXT GENERATION is looking to create a new mag for both the Amiga and PC by the name of "Empty Page", look for it to be released during summer 1998. NOLOGIC released the 11th volume of their public-domain/freeware-collection croco disk. Dead Horse and Ablogic quit. Judge Dredd and Q-Fladen joined. Mc-F changed his handle to [mc] and is going to release an ansi-artpack. http://nologic.home.pages.de OBNOXIOUS released the 4th issue of their diskmag cream and a demo called Checkpoint, which they had made in cooperation with SDI, at the mekka-and-symposium-98-party. Captain J changed his handle to Fog. Rainer Zufall changed his handle to P++. PLATOON - The current member list is: Atom (swap/org), Carp (code/design), Fustic (code), Mat (art), Pinas (3d), Swan (music). PULSE - Visualize joined as a graphic artist. They are rumored to be working on an upcoming demo for Assembly 98. REVELATION - Kala joined. RIOT has a new distro site which is called 'Mysterious Art' in Argentina. Franky recieved third place in the 4-kb-intro-competition at TP7. Check out http://www.riot.org SATURNE - Scoop joined as a musician. Aso was kicked out for supposedly being lame. Ther 'Nocnik' magazine project won't be released. Instead all the text has been translated to english by Demon and will be used in the emag Dragon. SCREAM is a new group that is comprised of swappers only. SDI made a demo called checkpoint for the mekka-and-symposium-98-party in cooperation with Obnoxious. The neithernor98-party, organized by sdi, will probably take place in northern bavaria/germany in the middle/end of august 1998. Check out http://sdi.demo.org and http://neithernor.demo.org SUPPORTERS CLUB - The first soccer club has been formed in Poland. They're looking for new members. Their current memberlist is : Dj Regal, DK, Rastan, Juve, Adek, Bzykoo, and Karatti. TANKARD - The third issue will feature an English corner. THE BLACK LOTUS is working on both PC and Amiga demos for the upcoming ASM '98. Their Amiga demo will be a co-op between a few other famous Amiga/PC groups. THREESOME - Ms. Saigon (music) is engaged to marry Howler of Fobia Design. UNIVERSE is in the process of finishing up their new web server at www.russian-scene.org. They are also working on a new demo by the name of UniVerse Group is going to produce new minidemo called Dive. Finally, their 100b water effect has been released under the file name of UNV-100b.ZIP WAY-X is still working on the strategy-game path of mankind. Fkl-virus, Keybrake and Mr. X joined in the recent months. WIRED 98 - The last installement of the Wired party will be held July 17-19th in Wasmes (Mons) Belgium. Don't miss the last one! YUCA ABSTRACT is a new demogroup from Germany. Members include: Linqs (code), Fenrir (code/web), Nitron (music), and Sepl (gfx) be sure to check out their webpage at http://programmierer.freepage.de/yuca_abstract/